Download - NOTICE OF 2017 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING · 2. Confirmation of Minutes of 2016 AGM 3. Matters arising from the Minutes 4. Presentation and adoption of Chair’s Report – Charlie Price

Page 1: NOTICE OF 2017 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING · 2. Confirmation of Minutes of 2016 AGM 3. Matters arising from the Minutes 4. Presentation and adoption of Chair’s Report – Charlie Price


The 2017 AGM of the Society will be held in Christchurch:

Date : Wednesday 6th September 2017

Time : 5.30pm (Prior to Canterbury Branch Meeting)

Venue : MWH now part of Stantecs, 4th Floor 6 Hazeldean Business Park,

Hazeldean Rd, Christchurch


1. Apologies

2. Confirmation of Minutes of 2016 AGM

3. Matters arising from the Minutes

4. Presentation and adoption of Chair’s Report – Charlie Price

5. Presentation and adoption of Statement of Accounts – Tony Fairclough

6. Confirmation of 2016 Management Committee

7. Proposal of Life Memberships

8. Proposal for update to Rules

9. General Business

Should you be unable to attend please complete the attached proxy voting form and pass on to another

Society member who you believe will use the vote in your best interests.


Voting Proxy form

Minutes of 2015 AGM

Chair’s Report

Treasurer’s Report

Unconfirmed 2016 Management Committee

Life Membership Nominations

Update to NZGS Rules

Page 2: NOTICE OF 2017 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING · 2. Confirmation of Minutes of 2016 AGM 3. Matters arising from the Minutes 4. Presentation and adoption of Chair’s Report – Charlie Price



I ____________________________________________ as a financial members of the New Zealand

(your name)

Geotechnical Society give my proxy vote to ______________________________________________

(name of person to vote on your behalf

Person must be in attendance at meeting)

Signed: ______________________________________

Name: (print clearly) ___________________________

Date: ________________________________________

This form must be either sent to reach the Secretary ([email protected]) by 5th September or handed

to the Secretary at the beginning of the meeting

Management Secretary

248 Shaw Road


Auckland 0604

Email: [email protected]

Page 3: NOTICE OF 2017 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING · 2. Confirmation of Minutes of 2016 AGM 3. Matters arising from the Minutes 4. Presentation and adoption of Chair’s Report – Charlie Price



on 8th March 2016 at 6.00pm

1. PRESENT Amanda Blakey Frances Neeson Charlie Price Guy Cassidy Gavin Alexander Tony Fairclough Kevin Anderson Stuart Read Sally Hargraves

Geoff Farquhar James Corbett James Burr Charlotte Robertson Katie Rigter Julita Marshal Ain Kim James Scott Julia Watson Dominic Hollands Louise Vick Joshua Teal Nigel Fitch Kevin Hind Colin Parker Darryn Wise Andrew Dodds Martin Brook Brian Tracey Steve Semmens James Elsy Gareth Williams John Scott Eleni Gkeli Eric Torvelainen Greg Pinches Yan Chan Rodney Hutchinson Thomas McCartney Ross Roberts Luke Storie Stephen Crawford


Rolando Orense Gilles Seve Namir N. Amso Alton England Ann Williams Pierre Malan

Phil Robins Pathmanathan Brabhaharan Elles Pearse-Danker


Motion put that Minutes of 2015 meeting be adopted as a true and correct record.

Moved Sally Hargraves Seconded Kevin Anderson

Motion carried


There were no matters arising. 5. PRESENTATION AND ADOPTION OF CHAIR'S

REPORT FOR 2014-2015 Report prepared by Charlie Price and attached to Notice of Meeting. Highlights of the written and verbal report:-

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Charlie informed the meeting that Amanda Blakey had tendered her resignation as secretary last year. This was expected as she had given much warning. Her work for the society had been greatly valued and appreciated.

Charlie acknowledged the efforts of the current committee, branch coordinators and society members with particular roles and responsibilities, and the new Society Secretary, Teresa Roetman;

Charlie highlighted that the 6ICEGE, held in Christchurch in November 2015, was a great success and congratulated all organisers, participants, and sponsors. Special mention to Misko Cubrinovski, the organising committee and tour organisers.

Charlie noted that the two day short course on FHWA design methods in September was excellent, and NZGS are most grateful to Geofabrics for their sponsorship.

Progress continues on the seismic design guidelines of which there now six modules either published or in production. Work with MBIE is underway to develop a training programme to supplement the publication of the modules.

Module 5A has been issued, and Modules 1 and 3 are very close to publication.

IPENZ have undergone a major reorganisation over the last couple of years, the latest being their membership

management system. Changes to the way they invoice member societies means that NZGS now collects the IPENZ levy up front, and this has been reflected in an increase in direct NZGS membership fees. However, the overall cost of NZGS membership has not increased as IPENZ do not now collect the old Service fee.

Motion put that the Chair’s report be accepted. Moved Guy Cassidy

Seconded Geoff Farquhar Motion carried


There were no matters arising.


Report prepared and presented by the Treasurer, Tony Fairclough, at the Meeting.

Income for the 2014/15 year was $330,261.96 and expenditure $182,383.04, giving a surplus of $147,878.92. This very healthy surplus is due to the return of $131,557.43 from the ANZ2015 conference in Wellington. The Conference committee is again congratulated on this result.

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The bulk of the society’s outgoings continue to be expended annually on membership of the International Societies ($28,012), publication of Geomechanics News ($40,219), secretarial expenses ($31,583), management committee expenses ($16,702), courses and meeting costs ($20,682), conference costs ($19,148) and awards ($11,146). The budget for the 2015/16 year comprises a total income of $254,100 and total expenditure of $292,214. The budgeted deficit for this year is mainly due to the provision of a new website, and seed funds for the 2017 symposium.

Motion put that the Treasurer’s report be accepted.

Moved Ross Roberts Seconded Stuart Read Motion carried


The following Management Committee was confirmed: Teresa Roetman Secretary (appointed position) Charlie Price Chair Tony Fairclough Treasurer, Vice-Chair Guy Cassidy Committee Member Kevin Anderson Committee Member Sally Hargraves Committee Member Eleni Gkeli Committee Member

Frances Neeson Co-opted YGP Representative Ross Roberts Co-opted Co-Editor NZ Geo News Marlene Villeneuve Co-Editor NZ Geo News Ex officio Gavin Alexander Immediate Past-Chair Mark Eggers Australasian Vice-President IAEG Prof. Mark Jaksa Australasian Vice-President ISSMGE Stuart Read Australasian Vice-President ISRM

M Motion to confirm 2016 Management Committee Moved John Scott

Seconded Geoff Farquhar Motion carried


Charlie suggested that the Committee was considering a change in the timing of the NZGS AGM. He wanted the membership to know ahead of any decision that the Committee made, however it was likely that the AGM would be moved to September rather than continue to be held in March of each calendar year. This change had two notable benefits, the first being that the budget would be approved prior to the end of the financial year for the following year, and the second that the annual Committee elections would move from January/March to August/September of each year. This would avoid the complications of starting the election process over the Christmas period. The

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membership was requested to inform the Committee if any negative aspects of this change could be forseen. Charlie also mentioned that the Committee was considering addition of an extra co-opted member. Provision for any additional co-opted members beyond the three currently provided for in the Society’s rules would require a rule change, which would be agreed at an AGM. The full membership would be informed prior to any rule change requiring approval at the next AGM.

Meeting closed 6.40pm C Price (Chair): Date:

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Welcome to this 2017 AGM of the society. I take a great deal of pleasure in being able to report on a healthy

and thriving society. The Management Committee continues to put a great deal of time and energy into the

running of the society, and for this I want to offer my thanks to each one of them. Among them our

secretary, Teresa Roetman, puts in a significant effort over and above the natural requirements of her job,

and this calls for our special thanks. Regional representatives, who co-ordinate activities in the branches, are

also due a vote of thanks for their diligence and efforts in bringing society life to their localities.

Four years ago the society was awarded the inaugural ‘Outstanding Member Society’ award by the ISSMGE.

In a couple of weeks’ time this award will pass on to another society at the ICSMGE conference in Seoul, but

we will always retain the honour of being the ‘inaugural’ recipient of the award, and for now we can look

back on another active and successful year and feel proud that it follows in the example set in winning that

award in 2013.

Uniquely, this report to the AGM covers eighteen months, as last year we decided to move the AGM from

March to September, lengthening this ‘year’ in the society’s life. The purpose of this was to bring the AGM

closer to the end of the financial year on 30th September, enabling the following year’s budget to be ratified

in a timely manner.

2016-17 Committee

Eleni Gkeli was the sole new member elected to the Management Committee in the March 2016 elections,

the other elected members continuing on the Committee being Tony Fairclough, Kevin Anderson, Guy

Cassidy, Sally Hargraves and myself. This has maintained the spread between engineers and engineering

geologists of around 50% , with two members based in Christchurch, two in Wellington, one in Auckland and

one in Nelson.

We have had three co-opted members on the Committee this year: Frances Neeson, who has continued to

represent the YGPs on the Committee, Ross Roberts handling the website, and Marlene Villeneuve as the

senior editor of Geomechanics News, supported by Don Macfarlane who has joined the group as co-editor.

The extended year has meant that the Management Committee members have all served an extra six

months, extending their normal two year period to two and a half years.

The Website

Having retired as editor of Geomechanics News early in 2016 Ross Roberts took up the role of website

manager as a co-opted Member of the Management Committee. Ross has been involved with the website

over the previous few years and was instrumental in getting it transferred onto a new platform, which was

successfully completed in 2016. This new site offers much improved facilities on our old site, such as a library

and a shared calendar, which we hope will assist members and help to avoid clashes of events. The website

has been a great success so far, and we now gather and evaluate statistics on its use.

Geomechanics News

Marlene Villeneuve has led the editorial team over the last year, with Don Macfarlane assisting in the role of

co-editor. The society has much to be grateful for with the dedication that the co-editors give to the magazine,

and the Committee offers their thanks to them for their work with the bulletin. We will once again be looking

Chair’s Report for

2016-17 August 30th 2017

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for someone to join the editorial team next year when Marlene retires and Don moves into the senior role,

and encourage anyone interested in working on the magazine to discuss it with the current editors.

Three excellent editions of the bulletin have been produced in the last eighteen months, all at the usual high

quality standard that we have now become used to receiving.


After two very successful conferences in 2015 (the 2015 ANZ conference and the 6ICEGE conference) last

year was relatively quiet with only one, the YGP conference, held in Queenstown in November.

YGP 2016 Conference

The YGP conference attracted a record number of 50 delegates selected from 80 abstracts and presented

over a period of two days. Due to the interest in the conference the society increased its grants for

attendance from $5,000 to $10,000, and EQC continued its support by contributing $5,000. This support

from EQC is much appreciated and we offer them our thanks for it. The best New Zealand paper award went

to Phillipa Mills for her paper on developing an understanding of the behaviour of volcanic soils. Phillipa and

Dave Buxton (the 2014 winner) will attend the 6th International Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Conference in

Seoul, South Korea, in a few weeks’ time. The three mentors to the conference and judges of the best paper

competition (Darrell Paul, the AGS immediate past chair, Nick Wharmby and myself) were highly impressed

by the quality of the presentations. New to this conference was sponsorship by the AGS of a delegate from

Africa to attend the conference, and it was no surprise that he, Mondli Magagula from South Africa, won the

delegates’ ‘most popular paper award’.

Our thanks to the organisers, Frances Neeson, David Buxton, Luke Storie and David Lacey, for their efforts in

producing an excellent conference.

20th NZGS Symposium, 2017

Planning of the 20th NZGS Symposium, to be held in Napier in November, has continued this year under the

leadership of Pierre Malan as convenor.

19th ICSMGE Conference, 2017

Six papers from New Zealand have been accepted by the ISSMGE for the 2017 Conference in Seoul. Since this

did not use up our space allocation of 80 pages in the conference proceedings we have enabled the AGS to

take up the surplus space, which has enabled them to submit a further 12 papers.


Sally Hargreaves has continued to act as ‘awards officer’ for the Committee.

Student prize for 2017

This has again been based on posters. Only five posters were entered for the competition this year, which is

a disappointing number, and awards were made to the top three: Gislaine Pardo, Lauren Boyd and Francesca

Spinardi respectively. Congratulations to each of these authors. The Committee would very much like to

increase interest in this award, and have discussed changing the format to make it more attractive and

accessible, but the options are limited. We will continue to consider new ways of attracting students to this


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NZGS Scholarship

Eight applications were received for the NZGS scholarship this year. Three of these were short-listed and

made presentations to the panel of judges: CY Chin, Eleni Gkeli and Stuart Read. Due to the high standard of

applications this year the Committee decided to increase funding to the scholarship and gave out two

awards. The first award went to Katherine Yates’s for work on her topic “In trying to better understand the

shear strength of Loess”, for which $15,000 was awarded. The second award was made to Thomas

Robertson for his topic “Laboratory-scale Trials on the Sensitive Material from Bramley Drive Landslide on

the Omokoroa Peninsula”, for which an award of $7,500 was made. This increased the society’s

commitment to it’s premier scholarship award, from $10,000 biennially to over $20,000, and it is currently

the intention of the Committee to maintain funding at around that level in the future.


The final report on the 6ICEGE conference was released in 2016, which included the feedback survey

showing overwhelmingly positive ratings for the conference. Congratulations to Misko and the conference

organising committee for achieving that.

After return of the $70,000 seed funding to the three partner organisations NZGS, EQC and UC the

organising committee allocated $72,531 of the surplus funds from the conference to the NZGS. These funds

are now held by the society in a Special Purposes fund named the ‘6ICEGE Fund’. $20,000 of that amount is

tied to scholarships to support four YGPs to attend the 7ICEGE in Rome in 2019, $20,000 to support YGPs to

attend NZ domestic conferences, and $10,000 will be required for the publication and distribution of 6ICEGE

invited papers in a Special Edition of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. In 2018-19 members can

expect a call for applications from YGPs to apply for one of the four $5,000 grants which will be available to

support travel and attendance at the 7ICEGE in Rome.

An award from the fund has been made to Gavin Alexander to present a paper on the foundation

performance of the former AMI Stand under earthquake shaking at the Vancouver conference on

Performance Based Design in Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, and a further award was made to myself

to cover 50% of the costs to attend the ISSMGE conference in Seoul, for which a paper has been accepted on

the development of the NZGS/MBIE Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Guidelines.

The Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Guidelines Series

I’m pleased to be able to report now that five more modules in the Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering

Guidelines Series have been published over the last eighteen month term, to add to the two modules

previous published. This brings to seven the number of modules published in the series so far (Modules 1 to

6 and 5A) and completes the original list which was targeted back in 2015. This is a significant milestone to

have reached, for which I would like to formally acknowledge the input of all the authors, editors and

reviewers of the modules, and in particular that of Mike Stannard for his unwavering support for their

development as editor-in-chief, and for MBIE’s funding. Without both the funding and the efforts of all of

these people the series would not be in the advanced position in which it now finds itself. One further

module, Earthquake Slope Stability, is currently planned.

Feedback is being gathered through a new email address [email protected] on the issued modules

with a view to revising them. Comments from practitioners will also be used to guide a workshop planned

by MBIE immediately before the 20h symposium in Napier in November.

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NZGS has also co-branded other publications with MBIE, EQC, NZTA, NZFD, Watercare, Auckland Council and

Auckland Transport, including a Ground Investigation Specification, the main author of which is Ross

Roberts, and a Passive Rockfall Protection Structures Guideline, authored by Rori Green. The society is

grateful for all the input by such organisations that are prepared to have involvement in such ventures.

Seismic Assessment Guidelines – The Red Book

The updated Seismic Assessment of Existing Buildings has now been published, with new geotechnical

sections included. There has been substantial input by NZGS members into this over the last few years, lead

by Nick Harwood and Gavin Alexander.

NZ 1170.5 Standard

Rick Wentz has been appointed to represent the NZGS, and Stuart Palmer to act as an observer, on the

committee for an Amendment to 1170.5. This will address the findings from the Statistics House

investigation and other issues that have arisen since NZS 1170.5 Amendment 1 was published in September


Rankine Lectures

The society has continued the tradition of joining with the AGS and ICE to bring Rankine lecturers out to

present their Rankine papers in New Zealand. In 2016 Suzanne Lacasse delivered her 55th Rankine lecture,

on Hazard, Risk and Reliability in Geotechnical Practice, in the three main centres. Richard Jardine then

delivered his 56th Rankine lecture in Auckland and Christchurch in March this year. It was unfortunate that

weather prevented him from landing in Wellington, and so a delivery there had to be cancelled at very short

notice. Both of these speaker’s lectures were very well received, and we intend to continue with these very

fruitful liaisons with the AGS and ICE.


We are continuing to work with MBIE and IPENZ to develop training to accompany each of the module

publications. This is lead by Sally Hargraves, with myself and Guy on the steering group. So far we have held

face to face courses on Modules 3 and 4 (the Liquefaction and Foundations modules), and webinars are

available on Modules 1, 3 and 5A (the Overview, Liquefaction and the Ground Improvement Specification

modules), which are available on the MBIE geotechnical education website at or on the IPENZ website.

If you haven’t seen the MBIE webpage I would recommend you to take a look at it as it has a lot of useful

stuff on it. Training is now being developed for Module 6 (Seismic design of retaining walls), targeting both

structural and geotechnical engineers, with a target of October this year, and Module 5 (Ground


An MOU has now been signed with MBIE to hold a one day workshop on the Series immediately prior to the

NZGS Symposium in November.

Engineering Geology course

A two day Engineering Geology course is being held in the three main centres last week and this week,

presented by Fred Baynes, Ann Williams and Stuart Read, and organised by Eleni. This has attracted

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applications far in excess of the 75 places available, particularly in Auckland, and is a pointer that we should

repeat the course in future years.

Bodies of Knowledge and Skills (BOKS) for Geotechnical Engineers and Engineering Geologists

The need to create formal definitions of the skills and knowledge required by geotechnical engineers and

engineering geologists has been recognised, stemming partly from the Canterbury Earthquakes Royal

Commission, which has made it clear that standards in the Engineering Construction industry need to be

raised. MBIE, with assistance from Greg Preston of the Quake Centre and others, initiated the process of

developing a BOKS for geotechnical engineers and this has now been taken over and finalised by the NZGS,

lead by Kevin Anderson. A complementary document for engineering geologists is also being worked on.


Doug Johnson has taken over the role of local liaison for New Zealand for IAEG matters from David Burns,

who retired in 2016. David has put a lot of effort into the society over a long period of time now, eventually

becoming Chair in 2011 to 2013, and IAEG local representative in 2014. We wish to thank David for his

service over the years.

Professional status and PEngGeol

Changes to the membership pathways at IPENZ have meant changes to the PEngGeol status. The proposal is

that the new IPENZ membership categories include a new category of ‘Chartered Member’, which will be

open to engineering geologists as well as engineers. The existing PEngGeol status will be included in this

membership category, giving engineering geologists the title CMEngNZ (PEngGeol). A proposal for the

existing PEngGeol register to be abolished is being re-examined.

The Branches

We have fresh blood in many of the regional centres, with a larger number of representatives to support

each other, including a set of four fresh faces in Wellington, two new faces in Hawkes Bay in the form of Tom

Bunny and Tom Grace, a new member in Auckland and a new branch in Northland lead by Phil Cook. Please

give them your support.


My term as Chair ends at this AGM. It has been an extended term of two and a half years and I feel

honoured to have been able to carry out this function for the society – the ‘Outstanding Member Society’ of

the ISSMGE. It has also been an extremely active two and a half years, and I look forward to being able to

continue serving the society in the office of Immediate Past Chair, but perhaps with less to do! Please

continue to support the society in whatever way is appropriate for you, and the society will then be able to

continue to support you in return. I wish to record my thanks to the Committee members who have so ably

served the society during the period of my Chairmanship, and ask you to give Tony Fairclough, the incoming

chair, your full support in the future. You can be sure he will serve you well.

Charlie Price

Chair, NZGS

[email protected]

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Dear Members,

The following paragraphs:

Summarise the NZGS final accounts for the 2015/2016 financial year (i.e. last year),

Summarise the current 2016/2017 financial year to date, and,

Provide an overview of the NZGS budget for the upcoming 2017/2018 financial year.

Summary of the 2015/2016 Financial Year

Attached Tables 1 and 2 provide details of the final Financial Position and Performance of NZGS for the 2015/2016 Financial Year (FY).

As at 30 September 2016 the New Zealand Geotechnical Society had total assets of $409,411 compared with $339,855 at the end of the 2014/2015 financial year.

Income for the 2015/2016 financial year was $296,984.26 and expenditure was $227,428.78 giving a nett surplus of $69,555.48.

Membership subscription income was $163,502 for the 2015/2016 year. This was significantly greater than the previous year ($122,386) due to:

a) changes made by IPENZ around the way that they support and charge the Technical Interest Groups and Collaborating Technical Societies, and,

b) an increase to account for inflation and exchange rate fluctuation risk.

The bulk of the societies’ outgoings comprised expenditure on Subscriptions (International Societies membership) ($29,702), publication of Geomechanics News ($39,495), secretarial expenses ($26,415), management committee expenses ($16,694), Courses/Speakers/Branch Meeting costs ($16,687), Symposium/Conference costs ($44,003), Awards/Scholarships/Prizes ($12,539), and, IPENZ Management and Accounting Fees ($12,340).

Working groups developing the Earthquake Engineering Guidelines, Seismic Design Guidelines and Standards cost the society $6,735 during the 2015/2016 FY. This is in line with the previous year’s expenditure ($7,652) and the volume of work completed by the management committee during the year.

Summary of the Current Financial Year to 31 July 2017

Attached Table 3, provides a summary o f the initial 10-month period for the current 2016/2017 FY from 01 October 2016 to 31 July 2017. The current FY ends on 31 September 2017.

All budget amounts which are reported in this document have been adjusted to reflect the actual cheque account balance brought forward from the previous FY, and, the actual transfer date of the surplus funds from 6ICEGE.

On 31 July 2017 the society’s nett assets (including the $255,000 WestPac term deposit) was $508,663.30. This is $36,768.30 above budget for this point in time after the above adjustments have been made.

The adjusted total budgeted income for the 2016/2017 Financial Year (FY) is $304,290.

For the first 10 months of the current FY to 31 July 2017 the adjusted budgeted income was $299,910. The actual income up to this date was $316,074.81. This is $16,164.81 above budget for this point in time.

Our budgeted total expenditure for the 2016/2017 FY is $282,928.00.

Teresa Roetman
Typewritten text
Treasurers Report
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For the 10 months to 31 July 2017 the budgeted expenditure was $245,208.00. The actual expenditure was $212,474.47. This is $32,733.53 below budget.

At this stage it is expected that total expenditure will move closer to budget over the next 2 months. This is primarily due to award of the balance of the current 6ICEGE Scholarships, IAEG VP travel costs and costs associated with the upcoming mapping course.

The total NZGS funds at the end of the 2016-2017 FY is expected to be approximately $460,000. This is $21,445 higher than the adjusted budget ($438,555).

Budget for the 2017/2018 Financial Year

Attached table 4 provides a summary of the NZGS budget for the 2017-18 financial year in line with practice followed by similar technical societies such as NZSEE and SESOC, the current NZGS committee has aimed to maintain a bank balance of between 1.0 and 2.0 times the annual operating costs.

In summary, the budget for the 2017/2018 FY comprises a total income of $293,960 and a total expenditure of $272,417. The budgeted surplus of $21,543 is due to the expected return of seeding and surplus funds from the 20th NZGS Symposium which is to be held in Napier during late November 2017. These surplus funds will be used to seed and support future NZGS and YGP Symposiums.

The primary income sources for 2017/2018 are expected to be membership subscriptions ($184,560), Geomechanics News ($35,000), Courses/Workshops/Speakers ($27,100) and the return of seeding and surplus funds from the 20th NZGS Symposium ($40,000). Predictions of income from membership subscriptions are based on modified July 2017 membership numbers (1060).

Whenever possible predictions of expenditure in the 2017/2018 budget have been based on costs incurred during previous years. The largest categories of expenditure are subscriptions to international memberships ($35,928), NZGS administration (including Secretarial costs) ($34,720), Committees and Representatives ($36,100), Geomechanics News ($36,500), Awards/Grants ($19,550), Courses/Workshops/Speakers ($46,000), IPENZ Administration Fees and Charges ($16,200), and, partial redistribution of 6ICEGE Surplus ($22,500).

Anthony (Tony) Fairclough NZGS Treasurer 2015-2017 [email protected]

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NZ Geotechnical Society 21/10/2016Page 1 of 1

Statement of Financial PositionFOR THE PERIOD ENDED 30/09/2016

Branch: AllDepartment: AllBudget: Default

Last YearFull Balance





$191,976.39 9010.000 Accumulated Funds $339,855.31$147,878.92 9020.000 Retained Earnings $69,555.48

9090.000 TOTAL ACCUMULATED FUNDS$339,855.31 $409,410.79



$181,356.53 9110.000 Westpac Cheque 03 $160,121.76$155,000.00 9130.000 Short Term Deposit $255,000.00

$0.48 9170.000 IPENZ Receivable $0.48$16,061.38 9175.000 Accounts Receivable $20,136.75

- 9185.000 Interest Receivable $1,651.069190.000 Total Current Assets$352,418.39 $436,910.059460.000 TOTAL ASSETS$352,418.39 $436,910.05


$12,502.43 9502.000 Accounts Payable $23,718.06$8,473.91 9560.200 GST Output Tax $17,231.00

($8,503.26) 9560.400 GST Input Tax ($13,449.80)($90.00) 9589.000 Suspense -

9590.000 Total Current Liabilities$12,563.08 $27,499.269800.000 Net Assets over Liabilities$339,855.31 $409,410.79

Printed 21/10/2016 10:14:49 a.m.

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NZ Geotechnical Society 21/10/2016Page 1 of 1

Statement of Financial PerformanceFOR THE PERIOD ENDED 30/09/2016

Branch: AllDepartment: AllBudget: Default

Last YearFull Balance




Year To DateBudget


$122,386.46 1100 Subscriptions $163,502.42 $162,700.00 $162,700.00$8,906.97 1110 Bank Interest $6,355.71 $7,200.00 $7,200.00

$325.00 1140 Website $75.00 - -$36,352.00 1150 Geomechanics News $37,220.00 $36,000.00 $36,000.00

$90.45 1160 Publications (other than GeoNews) $20.00 $100.00 $100.00- 1170 Awards/Grants $4,347.83 $5,000.00 $5,000.00

$30,643.65 1190 Courses/Speakers/Branch Meetings $15,247.61 $23,100.00 $23,100.00$131,557.43 1200 Symposiums/Conferences $70,215.69 $20,000.00 $20,000.00

1999 Total Income$330,261.96 $296,984.26 $254,100.00 $254,100.00

Expenditure$28,012.98 2100 Subscriptions $29,701.67 $34,634.00 $34,634.00

- 2110 IPENZ Administration - $120.00 $120.00$35,249.08 2120 NZGS Administration $28,697.65 $34,990.00 $34,990.00$17,506.33 2130 Committees and Representatives $23,310.51 $28,400.00 $28,400.00

$578.40 2140 Website $14,518.00 $19,300.00 $19,300.00$40,219.77 2150 Geomechanics News $39,495.30 $42,400.00 $42,400.00

$270.61 2160 Publications (other than GeoNews) $289.80 - -$11,145.90 2170 Awards $12,539.14 $22,050.00 $22,050.00$7,652.07 2180 Working Groups/Stakeholder Consu $4,860.91 $9,500.00 $9,500.00

$20,682.22 2190 Courses/Speakers/Branch Meetings $15,536.70 $41,900.00 $41,900.00$19,147.95 2200 Symposiums/Conferences $44,003.28 $40,000.00 $40,000.00

$2.31 2210 PEngGeol Register $559.67 - -$1,824.34 2220 Sundry and Contingency $1,468.90 $2,900.00 $2,900.00

- 2300 IPENZ Administration Fees and Ch $12,340.00 $16,020.00 $16,020.00$91.08 2505 Bank Fees $107.25 - -

2999 Total Expenses$182,383.04 $227,428.78 $292,214.00 $292,214.006001 Net Result$147,878.92 $69,555.48 ($38,114.00) ($38,114.00)

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NZ Geotechnical Society9/08/2017

Page 1 of 1

Statement of Financial Position


Branch: All

Department: All

Budget: Default

Last Year

Full Balance








$339,855.31 9010.000 Accumulated Funds $405,062.96

$65,207.65 9020.000 Retained Earnings $103,600.34

9090.000 TOTAL ACCUMULATED FUNDS$405,062.96 $508,663.30



$160,121.76 9110.000 Westpac Cheque 03 $228,834.39

$255,000.00 9130.000 Short Term Deposit $255,000.00

$0.48 9170.000 IPENZ Receivable $0.48

$20,136.75 9175.000 Accounts Receivable $23,728.86

$1,651.06 9185.000 Interest Receivable $2,847.18

9190.000 Total Current Assets$436,910.05 $510,410.91

9460.000 TOTAL ASSETS$436,910.05 $510,410.91


$23,718.06 9502.000 Accounts Payable $67.85

$4,347.83 9521.000 Income in Advance -

- 9560.100 GST Payments/Refunds ($17,699.97)

$17,231.00 9560.200 GST Output Tax $34,980.02

($13,449.80) 9560.400 GST Input Tax ($15,600.29)

9590.000 Total Current Liabilities$31,847.09 $1,747.61

9800.000 Net Assets over Liabilities$405,062.96 $508,663.30

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NumberDescription Amount % of Total


NumberDescription Amount % of Total

1100.000 Subscriptions $184,560 62.8% 2100.000 Subscriptions $37,527 13.8%

1110.000 Bank Interest $7,200 2.4% 2110.000 Bank Administration Fees and Charges $120 0.04%

1120.000 NZGS Administration $0 0.0% 2120.000 NZGS Administration $34,720 12.7%

1130.000 National Committee and Representatives $0 0.0% 2130.000 National Committee and Representatives $36,100 13.3%

1140.000 Website $100 0.0% 2140.000 Website $1,800 0.7%

1150.000 Geomechanics News $35,000 11.9% 2150.000 Geomechanics News $36,500 13.4%

1160.000 Publications (other than GeoNews) $0 0.0% 2160.000 Publications (other than GeoNews) $0 0.0%

1170.000 Awards/Grants $0 0.0% 2170.000 Awards/Grants $19,550 7.2%

1180.000 Working Groups/Stakeholder Consultation Groups $0 0.0% 2180.000 Working Groups/Stakeholder Consultation Groups $9,000 3.3%

1190.000 Courses/Workshops/Speakers/Branch Meetings $27,100 9.2% 2190.000 Courses/Workshops/Speakers/Branch Meetings $46,000 16.9%

1200.000 Symposiums/Conferences $40,000 13.6% 2200.000 Symposiums/Conferences $3,500 1.3%

1210.000 PEngGeol Register $0 0.0% 2210.000 PEngGeol Register $0 0.0%

1220.000 Sundry $0 0.0% 2220.000 Sundry $8,900 3.3%

1300.000 IPENZ Administration Fees and Charges $0 0.0% 2300.000 IPENZ Administration Fees and Charges $16,200 5.9%

1400.000 6ICEGE Surplus $0 0.0% 2400.000 6ICEGE Surplus $22,500 8.3%

TOTAL $293,960 100.00% TOTAL $272,417 100.00%

Term Deposit Balance Carried Forward from the 2016/2017 Financial Year:

Budgeted 2017/2018 FY Income:Budgeted 2017/2018 FY Expenditure:


Final Revision 1 - 29 August 2017




Predicted Total Assets to be Carried Forward to the 2018/2019 Financial Year:

Predicted Total Assets Carried Forward from the 2016/2017 Financial Year:

Predicted 2016/2017 Balance Carried Forward from WestPac Cheque Account: $205,000$255,000$460,000



Budgeted Nett 2017/2018 FY Result:

NZGS Budget for 2017 - 2018 FY.FINAL REV 1.20170829.xls PAGE 1 OF 1

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Page 18: NOTICE OF 2017 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING · 2. Confirmation of Minutes of 2016 AGM 3. Matters arising from the Minutes 4. Presentation and adoption of Chair’s Report – Charlie Price

Unconfirmed 2017-18 Management Committee:

Ex officio

Charlie Price Immediate Past-Chair Mark Eggers Australasian Vice-President IAEG Gavin Alexander Australasian Vice-President ISSMGE Dr Stuart Read Australasian Vice-President ISRM

Teresa Roetman Secretary (appointed position) Tony Fairclough Chair Kevin Anderson Committee Member Eleni Gkeli Committee Member Sally Hargraves Committee Member Rolando Orense Committee Member Ross Roberts Committee Member Pipa Mills Co-opted YGP Representative Marlene Villeneuve Co-opted Co-Editor NZ Geomechanics News Don Macfarlane Co-Editor NZ Geomechanics News

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Life Membership Nomination for David Burns The NZGS Management Committee supports the nomination of David Burns for election to Life Membership. When his contribution to our Society over the past 20 years is put together, it really is quite humbling. We have set these out below:

Part of the team who updated the Field Description of Soil and Rock Guideline through the early 2000’s (published 2005)

Member of management committee 2008-09

Vice Chair and Treasurer 2010

Chair 2011-2013

Formulating, with Ann Williams, Warwick Prebble and Geoffrey Farquhar, the PEngGeol registration system for Engineering Geologists 2011-2013

Immediate past chair 2014-2015

Revising the society rules 2014

Reviewer on numerous occasions for NZGS symposia and ANZ conference papers

Regular participant in Auckland Branch activities. All of these activities have required considerable effort for the benefit of the Society over a prolonged period of time. On that basis we believe David meets the requirements for Life Membership as an honour for his service to the Society. Proposed by:

Tony Fairclough Vice-Chair - Management Committee New Zealand Geotechnical Society

Seconded by: Kevin Anderson Member of the Management Committee New Zealand Geotechnical Society

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Life Membership Nomination for CY Chin

The NZGS Management Committee supports the nomination of CY Chin for election to Life Membership. Chin has made a significant contribution to our Society over many years. This includes:

Chair of the Management Committee 2007-2008

Education Officer, assisting the Management Committee 2010-2012

Editor of multiple conferences and symposia o Soil Structure Interaction (Auckland) 2008 o Geologically Active (IAEG Congress, Auckland) 2010 o Hanging by a Thread (Queenstown) 2013 o What in Earth is Going On (Napier) 2017

Member of the organising committee 6ICEGE (Christchurch) 2015

Leader of the initial work, with Mick Pender and Brabha, on the Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering Module on retaining walls

Undertaking UCQC funded research into retaining wall design

Participating in NZGS Scholarship selection panels and monitoring progress of recipients on a number of occasions

Reviewer on numerous occasions for NZGS symposia, and for ANZ and wider international conference papers.

All of these activities have required considerable effort for the benefit of the Society over a prolonged period of time. That effort continues. On this basis we believe Chin meets the requirements for Life Membership as an honour for his service to the Society. Proposed by:

Gavin Alexander Immediate Past Chair - Management Committee New Zealand Geotechnical Society

Seconded by: Sally Hargraves Member of the Management Committee New Zealand Geotechnical Society

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Life Membership Nomination for Mike Stannard

The NZGS Management Committee supports the nomination of Mike Stannard for election to Life


Mike is the Government’s Chief Engineer in his capacity as Chief Engineer for the Ministry of Business

Innovation and Employment, and also in this capacity previously for the Department of Building and

Housing. During his time as Government’s Chief Engineer Mike has been a strong supporter of the

activities of the Society, and has been actively involved in a wide range of initiatives that have

benefitted the geotechnical professions. He has demonstrated a special ability to understand technical

issues and put them in a policy and regulatory context.

Mike was the MBIE lead for technical work relating to the response and recovery following the

Canterbury Earthquakes. Initially he was a key member of the team assisting Christchurch City Council

with rapid building assessments following the 4 September 2010 Darfield Earthquake. Following the

22 February 2011 Christchurch (Lyttelton) earthquake, he initiated and participated in the

investigation into the Christchurch CBD building collapses, and provided various inputs into the

Canterbury Earthquakes Royal Commission of Inquiry. He was responsible for establishing the

Engineering Advisory Group within DBH, and he actively participated in the production of guidelines

on residential and commercial repairs and rebuilds, and supported their release and implementation.

He has acted as editor-in-chief of the series of geotechnical earthquake engineering modules which

are aimed at ensuring that best practice and consistent approaches are adopted by geotechnical

engineers. He has been instrumental in setting up, and has then lead the team responsible for the

development of training on a national level to accompany the release of these modules. Mike has

also supported the development of the Canterbury Geotechnical Database, and more recently

overseen its transition to the National Geotechnical Database.

The Kaikoura Earthquake of November 2016 has seen Mike deeply involved with supporting the

various technical investigations into the damage of multistorey commercial buildings in Wellington,

and the rapid dissemination of ‘lessons learnt’ via the Clearinghouse seminars. He has ensured that

the communications with Central Government, Government Departments, Local Authorities,

practicing professionals, and the technical societies is maintained. This has kept those involved well

informed, develop greater understanding and guidance to assist the recovery and increase our

knowledge base.

He has been an active and knowledgeable supporter of research to assist the regulatory system and

practitioners alike. Of particular note is the active liaison he has maintained with the engineering and

science communities in the period during and since the Canterbury Earthquakes.

Mike has actively encouraged collaboration between the Government and each of the main technical

societies, and led the preparation of memorandums of understanding to facilitate these collaborative

working relationships.

Mike’s work over the past six years has been of immeasurable benefit to the Society on many fronts.

We now have a set of earthquake geotechnical engineering design guides and an associated training

programme. Furthermore, we now have formal and stronger informal links with government and with

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the related technical societies. On this basis we believe Mike meets the requirements for Life

Membership as recognition of his efforts to benefit the Society.

Proposed by:

Charlie Price Chair - Management Committee New Zealand Geotechnical Society

Seconded by: Tony Fairclough Vice-Chair - Management Committee New Zealand Geotechnical Society

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Ratified at the NZGS Annual General Meeting on 17 March 2015 New Zealand Geotecnical Society Inc. Rules




A Collaborating Technical Society of the Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand Inc

SECTION 1 INTERPRETATION 1.1 The Society shall be named ‘The New Zealand Geotechnical Society Incorporated’, hereinafter

referred to as “the Society”. 1.2 Where the terms “the Management Committee”, “Chair”, “Management Secretary” or

“Treasurer” appear in these Rules, they shall refer to either committees or officers of the Society.

1.3 Where the term “Institution” appears in these Rules, it shall refer to the Institution of

Professional Engineers New Zealand Incorporated. 1.4 Where the term “International Societies” appears in these Rules, it shall refer collectively to the

International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, the International Society for Rock Mechanics, and the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment.

SECTION 2 OVERVIEW OF THE SOCIETY 2.1 The Society was originally formed to represent the International Society for Soil Mechanics and

Geotechnical Engineering in New Zealand. Subsequently the Society also became the official body in New Zealand for the International Society for Rock Mechanics and International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment. The Society participates in the various activities of these International Societies, which are all based on the advancement of education, understanding and application of the respective disciplines. The Society has a close working relationship with the Australian Geomechanics Society and together they form the Australasian region of the International Societies.

2.2 The Society is affiliated to the Institution as one of its Collaborating Technical Societies. This

means that it provides activities in geotechnical engineering and geoscience to the Institution’s learned societies. The Society has close links to the Institution and will endeavour to maintain those ties through its consistent participation in the Institution’s activities.

2.3 The Society seeks through its activities to promote objects as listed below. For example, it

seeks to promote the study and knowledge of geotechnical engineering and geoscience, to disseminate that knowledge and to provide a forum for those interested in the field to communicate among themselves and with others outside the field in an effort to promote education and the advancement of both geotechnical engineering and geoscience. The Society’s activities include for example, publications and holding technical meetings and conferences.

SECTION 3 PURPOSE OF THE SOCIETY 3.1 The objects of the Society are:

a) To advance the education and application of soil mechanics, rock mechanics and engineering geology among engineers and scientists.

b) To advance the practice and application of these disciplines in engineering. c) To implement the statutes of the respective International Societies in so far as they are

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Ratified at the NZGS Annual General Meeting on 17 March 2015 New Zealand Geotecnical Society Inc. Rules


applicable in New Zealand. d) To ensure that the learning achieved through the above objectives is communicated to the

public as is appropriate.

SECTION 4 QUALIFICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP 4.1 Membership of the Society shall comprise engineers and geoscientists, and others who have

suitable qualification or experience, who are interested in the practice and application of soil mechanics, rock mechanics and engineering geology in engineering. On election each full member must affiliate to at least one of the International Societies.

4.2 Membership of the Society is also open to bona-fide full-time students of any tertiary institution in New Zealand who have an interest in the practice or application of soil mechanics, rock mechanics and engineering geology in engineering. Any such student member shall be encouraged to affiliate to at least one of the International Societies.

4.3 Life Membership may be conferred on any person as an honour for service to the Society,

whether or not he or she is a current member. Nominations shall be submitted to the Management Committee for consideration and the name of any prospective Life Member circulated to members not less than fourteen days prior to the General Meeting at which such election is to take place.

A life member shall not be required to pay a subscription except where an affiliation to an

International Society is desired, but in all other respects shall have the rights and restrictions relating to members.

4.4 Long Service Membership may be conferred on any person who has been a full member of the

Society for a continuous period in excess of 40 years. Short breaks in the continuity of membership may be waived at the discretion of the Management Committee. Applications for Long Service Membership shall be made by the member to the Secretary.

A Long Service member shall not be required to pay a subscription except where an affiliation

to an International Society is desired, but in all other respects shall have the rights and restrictions relating to members.

4.5 Members of the Australian Geomechanics Society as well as New Zealand Libraries may apply

to receive all publications of the Society at a subscription rate determined by the Society.

SECTION 5 APPLICATION FOR AND ELECTION TO MEMBERSHIP 5.1 All applications for membership of the Society shall be on the appropriate form published by the

Society. Each applicant for membership shall on request supply details of their professional qualifications, address and field of interest in geotechnical engineering. Each applicant must specify the International Society or Societies to which they wish to affiliate, as required by these rules, but may change affiliation on request (refer however to Clauses 9.2 and 9.3 of these Rules regarding subscriptions).

5.2 In the case of a Student Member the application must also be countersigned by the student’s

Supervisor of Studies who thereby certifies that the applicant is indeed a bone fide full-time student of that Tertiary institution. Membership as a student will expire at the end of the financial year in which the student completes his or her studies or ceases to be a full-time student of any Tertiary institution.

5.3 Admission to membership of the Society shall be subject to the approval of the Management


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Ratified at the NZGS Annual General Meeting on 17 March 2015 New Zealand Geotecnical Society Inc. Rules


SECTION 6 RESIGNATION AND RE-ADMISSION 6.1 Each member, by notice in writing to the Society may resign their membership after payment of

all sums due and owing in respect of subscriptions or otherwise. 6.2 Each person who has ceased to be a member may apply at any time for re-admission and the

Management Committee may approve re-admission under such conditions as it may see fit to impose.

SECTION 7 MANAGEMENT OF THE SOCIETY 7.1 The affairs of the Society shall be managed by the Management Committee. 7.2 The Management Committee shall comprise no fewer than seven and not more than ten

members of the Society. The minimum of seven members shall comprise the Management Secretary and six persons elected by the members of the Society. In addition, the Management Committee may co-opt up to 4 additional members to carry out specific tasks and/or give the Committee a better balance in field of interest, occupational or regional classification.

At the time of calling for nominations for election to the Management Committee it shall be

brought to the attention of the Society membership that the representation on the Committee should be maintained as broad as possible both geographically and between engineers and geoscientists.

7.3 No fewer than three members of the Management Committee shall be full members of the

Institution. 7.4 In addition to the elected and co-opted members, the Management Committee shall include the

following ex-officio members: a) The Vice-President for the time being of the Australasian region of the International

Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering b) The Vice-President for the time being of the Australasian region of the International

Society for Rock Mechanics. c) The Vice-President for the time being of the Australasian region of the International

Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment. d) The immediate past Chair of the Management Committee for the two years following

his/her period as Chair. 7.5 The Chair of the Management Committee shall be elected by and from the members of the

Management Committee for a two year term. No person shall hold the office of Chair for more than two consecutive terms.

If the Chair is elected:

a) after having served 1 year of the 2 year term as an elected member, that person shall automatically be re-elected as a member of the Committee for a further 2 year term after serving 1 year as Chair. After finishing the role of Chair the member shall serve the remaining year on the committee as an elected member concurrently with the position of Immediate past Chair.

b) and is commencing the 2 year term as an elected member, the member shall on finishing

the role of Chair serve as an ex-officio member of the committee in the position of immediate past Chair.

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Ratified at the NZGS Annual General Meeting on 17 March 2015 New Zealand Geotecnical Society Inc. Rules


7.6 A Vice-Chair of the Management Committee shall be elected by and from the members of the Management Committee for a one or two year term. No person shall hold the office of “Vice-Chair” for more than two consecutive two year terms (i.e four consecutive years).

7.7 A Treasurer shall be elected by and from the Management Committee for a one or two year

term. No person shall hold the office of Treasurer for more than two consecutive terms. The roles of Vice-chair and Treasurer may be held concurrently by a committee member. The role of Treasurer shall not be held concurrently by the Chair.

7.8 The Management Secretary shall be appointed by the Management Committee for a two year

term and may be re-appointed for any number of consecutive years. The Management Secretary may be remunerated for services subject to an employment contract or an agreement for services.

7.9 Each elected member of the Management Committee shall be elected to serve for two years.

Three of the 6 elected members shall preferably be elected each year. 7.10 Each co-opted member of the Management Committee shall be appointed to serve for one

year. 7.11 Elected and co-opted members may only serve for 6 consecutive years but are eligible for re-

election or re-cooption after at least a one-year stand down period. Only a member in the role of Chair may serve up to two years beyond this limit, and Immediate Past Chair may serve up to four years beyond this limit in order to complete the terms of office as Chair and Immediate Past Chair respectively.

7.12 The Management Committee may fill a casual vacancy including a vacancy not filled at an

election. Each member appointed to fill such vacancy shall hold office for the remainder of the term of the member of the Committee whom he or she replaces or for the term of the vacancy.

7.13 All members of the Management Committee shall have equal voting rights irrespective of

whether the members are elected, co-opted, appointed or ex-offico. 7.14 Nominations in writing for elected members of the Management Committee shall be on a form

supplied by the Society and must be signed by the member nominated and two other financial members. A ballot will be held where the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies. The ballot shall be held prior to the Annual General Meeting by electronic voting. Postal voting shall be by arrangement with the Management Secretary.

7.15 All decisions made in regard to membership of the Management Committee shall be

determined on a majority basis with the Management Secretary holding a casting vote if a tie should ensue.

SECTION 8 POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 8.1 The term of the Management Committee shall be from one Annual General Meeting to the next

Annual General Meeting. The Management Committee shall meet as often as the business of the Society may require, but no fewer than three times annually.

8.2 The Management Committee shall be responsible to the members of the Society for the policy

and administration of the Society. The Management Committee’s powers shall include: a) Arranging conferences, seminars and symposia. b) Publishing bulletins and newsletters.

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Ratified at the NZGS Annual General Meeting on 17 March 2015 New Zealand Geotecnical Society Inc. Rules


c) Forming geographical branches or specialist groups. d) Establishing and maintaining liaison with other organisations with similar objects. e) Appointing the Management Secretary and any other necessary staff, and deciding upon

their remuneration. f) Instituting and managing merit awards. g) Purchasing, leasing, renting or otherwise holding any buildings, premises or equipment for

the use of the Society and disposing of some or all of it. h) Borrowing or otherwise raising money in such a manner as it thinks fit and securing

repayment by the issue of debentures, mortgages or charges upon the whole or part of the assets of the Society and to purchasing, redeeming or paying off such securities, all of these being subject to a majority vote of members voting at either an Annual General Meeting, Special General Meeting or by ballot.

i) Managing the financial affairs of the Society, including fixing annual subscriptions, controlling and investing Society funds, and opening and operating and closing such bank accounts deemed necessary for the purposes of the Society.

8.3 The decisions of the Management Committee on the Interpretation of the Rules of the Society,

on all matters dealt with in accordance with such Rules and on matters not provided for in such Rules shall be final and binding on all members of the Society.

8.4 The responsibilities and powers of the Management Secretary shall be specified by the

Management Committee. 8.5 All members of the Management Committee shall be held to be Officers under the Charities

Act. These members shall abide by all of the applicable rules under New Zealand law and qualify for appointment in terms of the Charities Act or have a waiver from the Charities Commission.

SECTION 9 FINANCE 9.1 The financial and subscription years shall be the same, commencing on 1 October and ending

on 30 September in the following year. 9.2 Each full member of the Society shall pay an annual subscription, the amount of which shall be

determined by the Management Committee. The amount shall be such that the income from subscriptions will cover: a) The annual contribution to each International Society. b) Other normal expenses of the Society. c) And for each member, the capitation fee(s) for the particular International Society (or

Societies) to which the member wishes to affiliate. The annual subscription shall be due on 1 October for the financial year. Subscriptions are on a yearly basis only. Each full member joining the Society for the first time shall be given a 50% reduction in membership fee for the first year of membership. This is not to apply to student membership, or the cost of bulletins. No reduction will be given for membership for part of a year, or because of changes in the nominated affiliation during a year.

Life Members and Long Service Members are exempt from the annual subscription, except should such members wish to affiliate to an International Society, in which case they shall pay the annual subscription for their chosen affiliation.

9.3 In the case of Student Members the annual subscription shall be one half of the basic rate set

for full Society members. International affiliation fees (excluding the cost of bulletins) or charges shall be payable at one half of the normal rate for full members.

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Ratified at the NZGS Annual General Meeting on 17 March 2015 New Zealand Geotecnical Society Inc. Rules


9.4 Any member, whose annual subscription has not been paid by 1 April, shall be regarded as “in arrears of subscription” and the right of membership may be suspended until the arrears have been paid. If a member is still in arrears at the end of that financial year he or she shall be automatically removed from the list of members.

9.5 The Treasurer shall manage all financial dealings of the Society, including monitoring the

collection of subscriptions and shall keep a separate record of the accounts of the Society. At the discretion of the Management Committee, the Treasurer may utilise the services of the Institution or other suitable body to assist in managing the financial affairs of the Society and the Society shall pay any charges so arising.

9.6 The Management Committee shall maintain a record for each member of the Society noting in

particular name, address, International Society affiliation, the date when each member joined, and resigned from the Society and a record of dates and amounts of subscriptions and when these are paid.

9.7 a) At the end of each financial year the Management Committee shall prepare an Annual

Statement of Accounts which shall be circulated to each member of the Society not less than 14 days before the Annual General Meeting and shall be laid before such meeting.

b) The Management Committee shall prepare an Annual Report for the financial year, which shall be circulated to each member of the Society not less than 14 days before the Annual General Meeting and shall be laid before such meeting. The Annual Statement of Accounts shall be reviewed or audited periodically at the discretion of the Management Committee.

9.8 The Society shall not intend to make a profit. In the event that a surplus is made on a Society

activity the surplus shall be passed on to members through future Society activities. 9.9 The business activities of the Society shall be limited to within New Zealand. 9.10 Any income, benefit or advantage that does result must be used to advance the charitable

purpose of the organisation. 9.11 No member of the Society, or anyone associated with the member, is allowed to take part in or

influence any decision made by the organisation in respect of payments to, or on behalf of, the member or associated person of any income, benefit or advantage.

9.12 Any payments made to a member of the Society, or persons associated with the member, must

be for goods or services that advance the charitable purpose and must be reasonable and relative to payments that would be made between unrelated parties.

SECTION 10 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 10.1 An Annual General Meeting of the Society shall be held once in each calendar year preferably

close to the end of the financial year at such time and place as may be decided by the Management Committee.

10.2 Notice of each Annual General Meeting shall be circulated to each member not less than 14

days before such meeting. 10.3 There shall be no quorum for the Annual General Meeting. 10.4 The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be to receive and consider the Annual

Report and the Annual Statement of Accounts and to receive and confirm the incoming Management Committee.

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Ratified at the NZGS Annual General Meeting on 17 March 2015 New Zealand Geotecnical Society Inc. Rules


10.5 The meeting shall be chaired by Chair for the previous year or the Chair’s appointee. SECTION 11 SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING 11.1 A Special General Meeting of the Society may be called by the Management Committee at any

time and shall be called by the Management Committee if requisitioned by no fewer than ten full financial members.

11.2 Notice of each Special General Meeting and of the nature of the business to be transacted

thereat shall be circulated to each member not less than 14 days before such meeting. 11.3 The quorum for each Special General Meeting shall be ten full financial members. 11.4 The meeting shall be chaired by the Chair or the Chair’s appointee. SECTION 12 VOTING AT MEETINGS 12.1 Votes at the Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting shall be by Society members

only and may be given in person, by proxy, or (subject to confirmation by the Management Committee) given by post. Written notice of an appointed proxy shall be prepared and signed by the appointee. Proxies maybe assigned only to financial members who are qualified to vote. The proxy shall be exercised only for business or matters of which due notice has been given and shall be received by the Management Secretary prior to the commencement of the meeting. Postal votes shall only be valid if received by the Management Secretary by the date advised when calling the vote.

12.2 Each member shall have the right to exercise one vote only on each motion before such

meeting except that in the case of equality of voting the Chair may exercise a casting vote in addition to his or her deliberative vote.

12.3 Voting on any motion before such meeting shall be by voice, except that any such member

present at such meeting may require a show of hands and any ten-percent of such members present at such meetings may require a secret ballot.

12.4 A majority of the members voting shall decide any questions unless the Rules otherwise

provide. SECTION 13 COMPLIANCE WITH THE RULES OF THE SOCIETY 13.1 Members of the Society shall be bound by the Rules of the Society and the form of application

for membership shall contain a declaration in the following terms to be signed by each applicant:

“I believe I am a fit and proper person to be a member of the NZ Geotechnical Society

Incorporated and promise that, in the event of my admission, I will abide by the Rules of the Society that are in force or as they may hereafter be amended and that I will promote the purposes of the Society to the best of my power and ability.”

13.2 Failure of a member to abide by either the declaration or the Rules of the Society may result in

the member being censured by the Management Committee. Should the Management Committee consider a failure to abide by the Declaration or Rules to be serious the member may be either suspended for a period determined by the Management Committee or removed from the membership.

Page 30: NOTICE OF 2017 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING · 2. Confirmation of Minutes of 2016 AGM 3. Matters arising from the Minutes 4. Presentation and adoption of Chair’s Report – Charlie Price

Ratified at the NZGS Annual General Meeting on 17 March 2015 New Zealand Geotecnical Society Inc. Rules


SECTION 14 COMPLIANCE WITH THE CODE OF ETHICS OF THE INSTITUTION 14.1 The Society and its members shall comply with the Code of Ethics of the Institution as they

exist at any time, except that where there is a conflict the Society’s Rules shall take precedence.

SECTION 15 ALTERATION OF RULES 15.1 Alteration to the Rules of the Society may be recommended by a majority vote of an Annual

General Meeting or a Special General Meeting. The notice of motion for alteration of the Rules shall be given to the Management Secretary not less than one calendar month prior to the meeting. The Management Committee may, at its discretion, require a ballot of Members to ratify any particular Rule alteration recommended at an Annual General Meeting or Special General Meeting.

15.2 No alteration, addition, decision or substitution which would alter the charitable nature of the

Society shall be permitted. SECTION 16 DISSOLUTION 16.1 The dissolution or liquidation of the Society can be accomplished only by a resolution passed

by at least two-thirds majority of all members of the Society. 16.2 If, for any reason whatsoever, the Society shall be liquidated, wound up, or otherwise cease,

the Society’s funds or any part thereof remaining shall, after payment of costs of liquidation, winding up and dissolution and payment of any debts of the Society, be given or transferred to Management Committee for carrying out charitable purposes within New Zealand similar to those set out in these rules, or be applied to any such charitable purposes within New Zealand as the Management Committee may by resolution determine at or before the winding up, failure or dissolution (as the case may be). In default of this provision, then as may be determined by a Judge of the High Court of New Zealand on application by any Member of the Management Committee.

SECTION 17 COMMON SEAL 17.1 The Society shall have a common seal, which shall be kept in the custody and control of the

Management Secretary. The Society shall execute any document so required by the Incorporated Societies Act 1908 or pursuant to a resolution of the Society passed for that purpose by fixing the common seal in the presence of two members of the Management Committee.