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Nordic Research Infrastructure Collaboration

Nordic High-level Group on RI cooperation

Lars BörjessonChair of NordForsk’s

High-level Group on Research Infrastructures

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1. Introduction to Nordic RI cooperation – experiences

2. NordForsk initiatives on RI – calls and networks 3. RI as a major Nordforsk priority – high level

advisory group4. Input to advice on RI strategy5. First recommendations6. Example on biobank cooperation7. Next Steps

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Early Nordic experiences

• NOT: Nordic Optical Telescope

• NordSync: Nordic ESRF membership consortium

• NordFAIR: Joint SE+FI membership FAIR

• NOS-N: Collaborating body for Nordic research


• NORIA-net NRIN: The Nordic Research Infrastructure





NDGF: CERN computing Tier 1

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Early Nordic experiences

• Added values – access to new opportunities, critical mass, enlarging community

• Access model – open access, common peer review, transparent and effective

• Funding model – based on simple key: use for research , nordic key, transparent and effective

• A coordinated voice is effective, and appreciated, in international RIs

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Flagships come true!

MAX IV and ESSMaterial and life sciences

• MAXIV: SE funding 1st phase; Towards an international facility. EE,FI, DK funding. Inauguration 21 June 2016

• ESS: 17 partner countries for preconstruction phase, including EE, LT, LV, SE, DK, SE, NO, IS

Ground break after summer 2014

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EISCAT 3DA new flagship?

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1. Introduction to Nordic RI cooperation – experiences

2. NordForsk initiatives on RI – calls and networks 3. RI as a major Nordforsk priority – high level

advisory group4. Input to advice on RI strategy5. First recommendations6. Example on biobank cooperation7. Next Steps

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Nordic e-infra collaborations

Nordic High Performance Computing (HPC)

• A three year pilot project 2011-

• Aims to procure and operate a joint HPC systemCross border sharing of resources

Governance, funding and usage modelsEnergy-efficient and ‘green-IT’ aspects

Nordic e-Infrastructure Collaboration, NeIC

• Operational 2012-01-01

• Collaboration between 5 Nordic Research CouncilsTwo representatives from each country

Formally under NordForsk board

• HandlesNDGF Tier 1 operations

Nordic and European (EGI) Tasks

Projects in Biomedicine and other areas

Nordic e-Science Globalisation Initiative, NeGI

• Development of eScience methods and tools

Climate change, Health

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NordForsk facilitates a joint Nordic actions towards the international research infrastructure arena by:

Joint Nordic Actions

• Responds to upcoming opportunities at the EU or international level, including facilitating processes aimed at identification and articulation of Nordic standpoints

• Identifying Nordic added value and joint actions in relation to e.g. ESFRI

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Distributed (international) infrastructures

National priority in several (all?) Nordic countries:

• Biobanks (BBMRI) Note: National biobanks BBMRI.NO, BBMRI.SE, BBMRI.FI, BBMRI.DK

• Person data registers

• Biodiversity (LIFEWATCH)

• Bioinformatics (ELIXIR)

• Global carbon cycle and greenhouse gas emissions (ICOS)

• etc

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• Nordic Biobank Initiative;

• Nordic Lifewatch network;

• ELIXIR Nordic;

• Evaluation of Nordic memberships in international research infrastructures (e.g. ESRF synchrotron Grenoble, EMBL).

- exchange of experiences

- best practise /harmonisation

- coordinated actions

Joint Nordic Actions – supported by NordForsk

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Call for Nordic research infrastructure networks 2014

• Aims to support Nordic research infrastructure networks that strengthen Nordic cooperation on a specific, large-scale international research infrastructure project

• Facilitate more coordinated Nordic participation in international research infrastructure projects by building a Nordic platform

• Increase joint Nordic use of international research facilities; exchange of experiences; harmonisation etc

• 500 000 NOK per network to be used over 1-3 yrs

• Total budget 4 MNOK (8 networks)

• Deadline 21 February 2014 – funded networks announced late June

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1. Introduction to Nordic RI cooperation – experiences

2. NordForsk initiatives on RI – calls and networks 3. RI as a major Nordforsk priority – high level

advisory group4. Input to advice on RI strategy5. First recommendations6. Example on biobank cooperation7. Next Steps

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High-level advisory group on research infrastructures

• Advice NordForsk on research infrastructure cooperation activities and policy-related issues including the development of the new strategy

• Four year mandate• Help develop a four year implementation plan for RI activities

• Broad composition in terms of scientific and country representation

Lars Börjesson, Sverige (Chair)Peter Sloth, DanmarkPaula Eerola, FinlandIngileif Jónsdóttir, IslandSolveig Flock, NorgeVigdis Kvalheim, NorgeJuni Palmgren, SverigeHans Chang, NederlandeneSteven Krauwer, NederlandeneCherri Pancake, USA

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High level group

Vision – explore opportunities and uniqueness of the Nordic region in a global context. By utilizing these opportunities wisely, the Nordics can increase its competitiveness in research and economic prosperity. Examples of Nordic uniqueness – the Arctic and our societies.

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GoalsNordForsk’s three goals within research infrastructure (RI) cooperation:

I) to increase the use of existing research infrastructure

II) to facilitate the establishment of cross-

border infrastructures

III) to facilitate joint Nordic actions

towards the international research

infrastructure arena

NordForsk should stimulate the goals with strategic

tools and well-defined actions.

High level group

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1. Introduction to Nordic RI cooperation – experiences

2. NordForsk initiatives on RI – calls and networks 3. RI as a major Nordforsk priority – high level

advisory group4. Input to advice on RI strategy5. First recommendations6. Example on biobank cooperation7. Next Steps

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Input to Nordforsk strategy on RI

• Experience from previous Nordic cooperation on RI

• Nordforsk reports and calls


• Nordic conference on RI cooperation, Stockholm 27-28 November 2013

• Nordforsk ESFRI Conference, Stockholm 7 May 2014

• Roadmaps for research infrastructure roadmaps

• Input from Research councils and Nordic Council of Ministers

• Conference ”Strengthening the Baltic-Nordic

research collaboration”, Tartu 22-23 May 2014

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Nordic conference on RI cooperation, Stockholm 27-28 November 2013

• Focus on Nordic RI Cooperation: how to facilitate and improve the modes of collaboration around RI including joint efforts

• Themes: Materials & Molecules, Climate & Environment, Health & Welfare, Education/Training, E-science/E-infrastructure

• Aimed at both research leaders and policy makers

• Conference will be a stepping stone for future RI cooperation, aims to produced joint statements on how to move forward

• More info and report on

A co-arrangement between The Nordic Council of Ministers, the Swedish Ministry of Education and Research, NordForsk and the Swedish Research Council

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During the conference, the following action points were formulated:

• Find incentives for operators of existing and planned research infrastructures in the Nordic countries to open up the facilities for cross-border sharing.

• Encourage coordination and streamlining of data management from research infrastructures in the Nordic region.

• Continue efforts to develop new technical solutions for e-Infrastructures.

• Strengthen efforts within the five areas covered by the conference, according to their respective action plans.

• In addition, it was suggested that NordForsk, in close collaboration with Nordic stakeholders, should:

- Develop a joint Nordic effort on training and education related to research infrastructures.

- Produce an overview of existing and planned research infrastructures in the Nordic region.

Action points from Nordic conference

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1. Introduction to Nordic RI cooperation – experiences

2. NordForsk initiatives on RI – calls and networks 3. RI as a major Nordforsk priority – high level

advisory group4. Input to advice on RI strategy5. First recommendations6. Example on biobank cooperation7. Next Steps

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First Recommendations

Nordic cooperation on register-based research

Unique opportunities for health and welfare research lie in the increased use of the existing data bases and registries at the Nordic level. There are associated challenges that need to be confronted; legal, ethical, technical, and organizational.

The high level group strongly support launch of Nordic pilot projects aiming to build and harmonise joint Nordic data sets, in order to test out the research environment and identify remaining obstacles. Pilots should start as soon as possible.

It is of utmost importance to secure the personal integrity of the individual when exploring possible future Nordic frameworks for data sharing. The opportunities of technological solutions enabling secure data transfer and handling without facing national boundaries, that at the same time is respecting individual privacy, should be explored. Ethical and legal frames should simultaneously be addressed.

Nordforsk allocated 30 MNOK

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First Recommendations

Nordic cooperation on of ESFRI RI projects

• Opportunities of Nordic Cooperation in the ongoing prioritisation process by ESFRI for EC support for implementation should be seriously explored.

• Common interest among several Nordic countries for a number of ESFRI-projects: ESSneutrons, BBMRI, ICOS, Lifewatch, EATRIS, ESSsurvey, EISCAT_3D,......

Page 24: Nordic Research Infrastructure Collaboration Nordic High-level Group on RI cooperation

1. Introduction to Nordic RI cooperation – experiences

2. NordForsk initiatives on RI – calls and networks 3. RI as a major Nordforsk priority – high level

advisory group4. Input to advice on RI strategy5. First recommendations6. Example on biobank cooperation7. Next Steps

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Nordic Biobank Initiative

Regional cooperation in the biobank sciences

Operational level – an example

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The Nordic Biobank Network – regional cooperation among biobank research communities.

Biobank research - priority area in all the Nordic countries. Large number of well-validated biological samples and specimens that are not used to their full potential in research.

NordForsk funding in 2010 Nordic position in the European Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure (ESFRI BBMRI).

Very rapid international development – Nordic countries to seek a common Nordic understanding, views and voice.

Estonia and the Faroe Islands have joined the Nordic Biobank Network.


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To exchange experiences and share best practices.

To harmonise and standardise processes and methodology.

To formulate a common Nordic understanding and viewpoints.

To establish cross-border research and innovation cases utilising existing biobanks: ”Joint Nordic Pilot on Colon Cancer”.


Page 28: Nordic Research Infrastructure Collaboration Nordic High-level Group on RI cooperation

1. Introduction to Nordic RI cooperation – experiences

2. NordForsk initiatives on RI – calls and networks 3. RI as a major Nordforsk priority – high level

advisory group4. Input to advice on RI strategy5. First recommendations6. Example on biobank cooperation7. Next Steps

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High level group

What’s next ?

• Advice Nordforsk on it’s new strategy for Research Infrastructures – Autumn 2014

• Recommend specific actions related to Nordic goals for co-operation on RI- Stimulate use of existing RI

- Facilitate establishment of new cross-boarder RI

- Facilitate joint Nordic actions on international RI

• Explore ’new’ opportunities, e.g. co-operation with Baltic countries

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High level group


• Effective ways for cross-boarder cooperation, including funding

• Training

• Open access to data

• Test bed research infrastructures, for example

• Energy and climate

• Hospital – e-health, logistics....

• Traffic safety – Asta Zero

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AstaZero – inaugurated 2014

ASTA – Active Safety Test Area

A unique test facility for advanced traffic safety built upon the collaboration between academia, industry and the


• Academic - ICT, social sciences, materials, built environment...

• Industry - Vehicle industry, ICT industry, building industry, city planners, insurance companies

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