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  • 7/27/2019 NGC Blueprint for Climate Victory




    Wednesday, September 3, 2014

    CONTACT: NGC Press Office, 415-802-2423

    [email protected]

    Blueprint for Climate Victory

    NextGen Climate Highlights Progress To Date, Announces Strategy for Final Mid-Term Push

    SAN FRANCISCOThis spring, NextGen Climate announced its 2014 electoral strategy to bring

    climate change to the forefront of American politics. Over the past four months, NextGen Climate

    has tackled races in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Maine, New Hampshire, and

    Pennsylvaniasuccessfully making climate change a top-tier issue for voters, holding our

    opponents accountable for their connections to fossil fuel donors and forcing these candidates to

    defend their indefensible anti-science positions.

    Changing The Conversation: NextGen ClimateBy the Numbers

    This November, NextGen Climate is targeting more than 1 million climate votersin seven

    races across the country. The majority of these individuals are drop off voters who do not

    consistently vote in non-presidential years. By communicating a climate message to these

    voters, we can change the composition of the mid-term electorate.

    These one million households will also receive multiple rounds of mail, phones, emails and

    targeted pre-roll videos creating a multi-layered 360 direct voter contact program. NextGen

    Climate has opened more than 20 officesand built a team of more than 700 staff, canvassers

    and volunteers across the targeted states.

    In addition to phone contact, NextGen Climate canvassers will personally visit more than

    750,000 doorswith multiple passes prior to Election Day (125,000 doors have already been


    Engaging more than a dozennational and state partner organizations, NextGen Climate is

    working with groups like New Era Colorado, the League of Conservation Voters, Planned

    Parenthood, SEIU, Truman National Security Project, VoteVets and Mi Familia Vota toeffectively reach a wide range of voters.

    250,000Climate Action Voters who commit to voting on climate this November will be

    activated by Election Day to support NextGen Climate efforts and turn out at the polls.

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    NextGen Climate by the States


    In the Iowa Senate race, there is a stark contrast between candidates Joni Ernst and Bruce Braley

    and their positions on climate change. While Iowans have suffered from record floods coming on

    the heels of a record drought, Ernst denies the science of climate change and is philosophically

    opposed to incentives for wind, solar and biofuels. Iowas families deserve betterthey deserve a

    leader like Bruce Braley, who will champion renewable energy and continue to side with Iowa

    families over Big Oil.

    The Polling: In Iowa, the vast majority of likely midterm voters and young drop off voters agree

    that climate change is happening and strongly support action. More importantly, the majority of

    likely voters agree that taking steps to address climate change will createjobs in Iowanot killthem. These sentiments are particularly strong among the key youth voting block, with 87%

    supporting significant action to address climate change.

    The Strategy: To date, NextGen Climate has opened nine state offices in Iowa and organized 447

    staff, canvassers and volunteers to engage directly with voters in the state. Targeting a universe

    of 183,700 Iowa voters in nine key cities across the state, NGC is leveraging a combination of paid

    media, mail and in-person voter contact to turn out voters for Election Day. Beginning in June,

    NGC Iowa was on the groundalready signing up more than 10,000 Climate Action Voters face-

    to-face. A month later, NGC began its airwaves offensive, running four TV ads in the state to date.

    July 30:Joni Ernsts Pledge

    August 6:Factory

    August 19:Too Close

    August 28:Respond

    Over the coming weeks, NGC will continue to target voters using a precise combination of paid

    ads, digital outreach, person-to-person canvassing and phone programs targeting mail-in ballots.
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    Changing the Conversation in Iowa:

    NextGen Climate,a website highlighting Joni Ernsts most influential

    supporters, including Big Oil donors, special interests and Republican leaders who want to

    eliminate the Renewable Fuel Standard and the 73,000 Iowa jobs it supports. NGC was also on the

    ground in Iowa to capture Ernst reaffirming her pledge to protect tax breaks for companies that

    ship jobs overseas.
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    In the race for New Hampshires Senate seat, former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown

    consistently sides with his Big Oil donors. He took more from the oil and gas industry during his

    last campaign than all but two U.S. Senators, and now the Koch brothers are spending more than

    $3 million to elect Brown because they know they can count on him to protect huge tax breaks for

    oil companies, and to oppose the clean air and clean water protections. To put the right polices in

    place, New Hampshire needs leaders like Jeanne Shaheen, who has a strong record on climate

    change policy, and has lead the fight for energy efficiency legislation that will save consumers


    The Polling: In New Hampshire, a candidates position on the environment and climate change is

    a mobilizing issue for voters and a strong majority recognize that climate change is a problem.

    Regardless of age, an overwhelming 86% of likely New Hampshire voters indicate that they wouldfavor a candidate with a strong record of protecting the states environment.

    The Strategy: To date, NextGen Climate has opened one state office and organized 64 staff,

    canvassers and volunteers to engage directly with voters in the state. NextGen Climate is

    targeting a universe of 136,058 voters across New Hampshire, combining both drop-off and

    persuasion voter targets. Layering this voter contact, NGC New Hampshire is building a corps of

    volunteers to spread a climate-focused message at town halls and other candidate-focused

    events, as well as a robust college campus program. This student-focused piece will recruit

    15,000 Climate Action Voters and serve as a presence through the end of the election on

    campuses throughout the state.

    In addition to these on-the-ground efforts, NextGen Climate is also exposing Scott Browns Koch

    brother ties on the airwaves, running a combination of television, digital and radio ads.

    August 21:Tap

    August 21 (Digital):Dipping

    August 21 (Radio):Talking

    Changing the Conversation in New Hampshire: During a Republican Senate primary debate in

    Exeter just over a week ago, former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown denied the science of

    climate change. When asked by the moderator Do you believe the theory of man-made climate

    change has been scientifically proven? Brownreplied,No. NextGen Climate was the first to call

    out Brown for his science denial. Browns comment received significant coverage from both New

    Hampshire and national media outletsand prompted Browns spokesperson to unsuccessfully

    attempt explain away Browns clear science denial.
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    Florida Governor Rick Scott is a climate denier whose refusal to accept basic scientific fact is

    already putting Floridas communities, infrastructure and economy directly in harms way.

    Millions of Floridians are already threatened by climate-caused sea level rise, while storm and

    flood damage spur rising insurance rates. Meanwhile, Scott stands with corporate energy

    interestsat the expense of Floridas kids, health and economy. We need forward-looking

    leaders like Charlie Crist, whose strong environmental record will put Florida back on track for a

    cleaner, more sustainable future.

    The Polling: In South Florida, where residents are experiencing the effects of climate change first-

    hand, a majority of Hispanics say climate change is a serious problem and is already impacting the

    region. Key majorities of voters in Tampa and West Palm Beach, as well as a majority of Hispanic

    and young voters, believe that Governor Scott supports economic policies that favor the wealthyor corporations over the middle classmoreover, Scotts corporate cronyism has proven to be a

    potent attack on his credibility with voters, even within his own party.

    The Strategy: To date, NextGen Climate has opened 13 state offices and organized 147 staff,

    canvassers and volunteers to engage directly with voters in Florida. Targeting a universe of

    406,361 Florida votersincluding Hispanic voters and young, drop-off votersNextGen Climate

    is using a combination of paid media, mail, phones and a robust in-person voter contact program

    to turn out voters and highlight Governor Scotts record of siding with corporate benefactors over

    good policy. In the coming weeks, NextGen Climate expects to sign up more than 100,000 Climate

    Action Voters, at the doors, over the phones and online, and will leverage a strong network ofcampus organizers to stand up a volunteer phone bank program. In addition to these robust field

    efforts, NextGen Climate has flooded the Florida airwavesexposing Governor Scotts corporate

    cronyism and holding him accountable for catering to the interests of the elite few at the expense

    of Floridas families.

    August 8:Shock

    August 8:Fountain

    August 22:Again

    August 25:Hiding

    August 27:Secret
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    Changing the Conversation in Florida: Over the past several months, NextGen Climate has

    continued to call out Governor Rick Scott for refusing to accept the scientific consensus on

    climate change, as well as his dismal record on the environment. When asked whether he

    believes that climate change is real, Florida Governor Rick Scott has consistently dodged the

    question with the weak excuse: Im not a scientist.

    In August, just a few days after The Miami Herald reported on NextGen Climates commitment to

    building a robust presence in Florida, Gov. Scott announced his widely panned Lets Keep Florida

    Beautiful environmental plan, in an attempt to defend his record. And then after much prodding

    and side-stepping, Gov. Scott finally agreed to meet with a group of scientists to discuss the

    danger climate change poses to Florida families and the states economy, so NextGen Climate put

    together a helpful study guide and sent our own professor to help the governor catch up on

    his middle school science.
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    Congressman Cory Gardner denies the science of climate change. He and his Tea Party colleagues

    think they know better than 97% of scientists, and voted to prevent the Pentagon from even

    considering climate change in their national security planning. Meanwhile, increasingly

    devastating and prolonged wildfires, drought and floods threaten Colorado communities. Senator

    Mark Udall understands that climate change is a severe and urgent threat we must address now.

    Udall will continue to hold corporate polluters accountable, invest in Colorados robust renewable

    energy industries and champion issues critical to Colorado families.

    The Polling: The majority of Colorado voters believe that climate change is a severe threat that

    we must start addressing now, and Hispanics and younger voters are particularly concerned

    about the effects of climate change. It is a particularly salient issue with unaffiliated or

    independent voters who are concerned about various consequences to the environment if wecontinue down this path.

    The Strategy: To date, NextGen Climate has opened 2 state offices and organized 68 staff,

    canvassers and volunteers to engage directly with voters in Colorado. NextGen Climate is

    targeting a universe of 88,000 voters living in the Boulder and Denver Metro areas through a

    robust canvassing program targeting drop-off Democratic voters and unaffiliated voters. NextGen

    Climates efforts in Colorado also include a campus organization program at major universities

    throughout the state to enlist a volunteer base of young climate voters. NextGen Climate will use

    mail, in-person and digital voter contact programs to turn out and register Hispanic voters in the

    Denver Metro area, discussing climate change and the public health impact. In addition to astrong ground operation, NextGen Climate is on the airwaves in Colorado, urging voters to keep

    Cory Gardner and his extreme positions out of the U.S. Senate.

    August 19:Keep Out
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    Changing the Conversation in Colorado:

    During the EPAs new proposed carbon pollution standard public hearing in Denver, NextGen

    Climate was on the ground with mock smoke stacks and a Cory Gardner cut-out to highlight

    Gardners record of siding to corporate polluters over the interest of Colora do taxpayers. The cut-

    out received coverage onlocal televisionand in theDenver Post.
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    Michigans lakes, rivers and streams are a source of pride throughout the state. But corporate

    polluters, coupled with the disastrous effects of climate change, are placing Michigans precious

    natural resources at risk. Still, Senate candidate Terri Lynn Land ignores basic scientific fact.

    Meanwhile, the Koch brothers have spent millions trying to get Land elected. These are the same

    oil profiteers that dumped three-story high piles of oil waste by the Detroit River, creating black

    clouds of toxic dust that blew into the air and contaminated homes. Michigan needs a leader like

    Congressman Gary Peters, who will stand up for Michigan families, and take on the special

    interests that threaten the states clean energy future.

    The Polling: In Michigan, an overwhelming majority of drop-off voters believe there is evidence

    of climate change, and believe we need to address it now. Specifically, NextGen Climate is

    focusing on three different types of drop off voters: younger independent women, urban voterswho have personally experienced environmental challenges and college students.

    The Strategy: In just under a month, NGC Michigan has assembled a senior staff, opened an

    office, conducted extensive research and polling, lined up established partners including MI

    League of Conservation Voters, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Michigan, and grassroots

    activists from the metro Detroit area to deploy a strategic ground campaign aimed at turning out

    drop off voters in communities and on college campuses across Michigan. The seven-week

    program will launch in early September and will reach a universe of 111,874 targeted voters

    in Southwest Detroit, Saginaw, Muskegon, Kalamazoo, and Monroe with a focus on mobilizing

    Latino and African-American voters with a localized climate message. The program will also focuson turn-out at eight college campuses.

    In addition to these on-the-ground efforts, NextGen Climate is also exposing Terri Lynn Lands

    corporate polluter ties on the airwaves, running a combination of television, digital and radio ads.

    September 3:Consequences

    September 3 (Digital):Dumped

    September 3 (Radio):Dirty Deals
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    Changing the Conversation in Michigan:

    Terri Lynn Lands spokesperson toldThe Washington Postthat Terri believes that there should be

    a healthy and educated debate on the impact of human activity on our environment. But the fact

    is that the debate is over. Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate change is

    real and worsened by human activity. And yet, Terri Lynn Land refuses to debate her opponent on

    important issues facing Michigan. NextGen Climate ran two full-page ads in the Detroit News and

    Detroit Free Press asking Terri Lynn Land to tell voters where she stands once and for all: with the

    people of Michigan or with climate deniers like the Koch brothers and their special interest money.
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    Maine is a clean energy powerhouse with a strong record of clean energy policies and practices.

    But while Tea Party Governor Paul LePages outrageous behaviorcombined with his refusal to

    face the scientific factsis placing Maines communities at risk, independent candidate Eliot

    Cutler is threatening Maines chances of getting the leadership it deserves . Maine needs a

    forward-looking, proven leader like Congressman Mike Michaud to protect its industries and its

    shorelines, and to keep the state on-track for a clean energy future.

    The Polling: In Maine, the overall electorate is very green, with the overwhelming majority of

    voters recognizing that climate change is a serious problem. Moreover, 73% of voters favor a

    candidate who has a strong record of protecting the environment and a majority believe that

    Maine should take action on climate changea belief that runs in direct opposition with

    Governor LePages well-documented position of climate denial.

    The Strategy: In Maine, climate change is a pocketbook issuethreatening both the states more

    than 5,000 lobstering jobs and the industry that added more than $338 million to Maines

    economy in 2012. NextGen Climate has identified a highly targeted universe of approximately

    90,000 likely voters who respond to climate change as an issue.

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    Changing the Conversation in Maine:

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    In Pennsylvania, Governor Tom Corbetts priorities are badly out of step with Pennsylvanians. He

    is beholden to the special interests of the fossil fuel industry, raking in campaign contributions and

    looking out for their interests over Pennsylvania families. He cut funding for Pennsylvania schools,

    while refusing to make oil and gas companies pay a severance tax that could fund the states

    education needs. Pennsylvania needs forward-looking leaders like Tom Wolf to correct course and

    give our kids the clean energy future they deserve.

    The Polling: In Pennsylvania, a strong majority of voters recognize that climate change is a

    problem, and half of voters believe the state government isnt doing enough to address this issue.

    Even more promising, a majority of voters believe that if Pennsylvania does more to address

    climate change, it would createjobs by boosting renewable energy industries in the state.

    The Strategy:Pennsylvania has a strong candidate in Democrat Tom Wolf. Following an initial hit

    on the airwaves calling on Governor Corbett to come clean about his links to oil and gas

    companies, NextGen Climate continues to monitor this race closely as Corbetts misplaced

    priorities currently see him lagging far behind his challenger.

    July 10:Listen

    Changing the Conversation in Pennsylvania:

    NextGen Climate was on the ground outside PNC Park in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania talking to

    Pirates fans about Governor Tom Corbetts #frackedup energy policies and cozy relationship with

    the oil and gas industry.