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  • 8/14/2019 News Goals Vjti


    V J T IV J T I

    June 2009 Edition





  • 8/14/2019 News Goals Vjti



    Vision and mission are the two goals every organization shouldVision and mission are the two goals every organization should

    possess to cater its services to the society focusing on its stapossess to cater its services to the society focusing on its stakeholders.keholders.

    VJTI being an educational institution is no exception.VJTI being an educational institution is no exception.

    VJTIVJTIendeavoursendeavours to take its strengths and accomplishments to the next levelto take its strengths and accomplishments to the next levelfrom a position of regional leadership to one of national importfrom a position of regional leadership to one of national importance. It isance. It is

    dependant on continued commitment and active support of all stakdependant on continued commitment and active support of all stakeholders.eholders.

    Following pages would set down the goals for VJTIFollowing pages would set down the goals for VJTI

    to march towards 2015 and strategies to be adopted to achieve thto march towards 2015 and strategies to be adopted to achieve themem

  • 8/14/2019 News Goals Vjti



    To establish global leadership in the

    field of technology and develop

    competent human resources for

    providing service to society


    To provide students with comprehensive knowledge

    of principles of engineering with a

    multi-disciplinary approach that is challenging

    To create an intellectually stimulating environment for

    research, scholarship, creativity, innovation and

    professional activity

    To foster relationship with other leading institutes of

    learning and research, alumni and industries

    in order to contribute to national and

    international development

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    Status of VJTI 2004/2009Status of VJTI 2004/2009

    VJTI received autonomy in 2004, priorVJTI received autonomy in 2004, priorto which it was working under Mumbaito which it was working under MumbaiUniversityUniversity

    Faculty position at the time ofFaculty position at the time ofautonomy was inadequate & was aautonomy was inadequate & was a

    challenge to meet the demands ofchallenge to meet the demands ofautonomy and TEQIPautonomy and TEQIP

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    Despite this, several achievements areDespite this, several achievements are

    met during autonomymet during autonomy

    Internal mechanisms are set toInternal mechanisms are set to

    improve quality of the teachingimprove quality of the teaching

    learning processlearning process

    Status of VJTI 2004/2009Status of VJTI 2004/2009

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    Status of VJTI 2004/2009Status of VJTI 2004/2009

    Introduction of positions of Emeritus fellow /adjunctIntroduction of positions of Emeritus fellow /adjunct

    professorprofessor Retired faculty have been retained onRetired faculty have been retained on

    contractual/visiting basiscontractual/visiting basis

    Number of Ph D qualified Profs / Asst Profs increasedNumber of Ph D qualified Profs / Asst Profs increased

    3 departments headed by Asst Profs as in3 departments headed by Asst Profs as in--chargecharge

    HODHOD now headed by Professorsnow headed by Professors

    Further, recruitment and removal of vacancy positionFurther, recruitment and removal of vacancy position

    helped to improve the situationhelped to improve the situation


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    85858888UG + PGUG + PG


    Status of VJTI 2004/2009Status of VJTI 2004/2009

    Faculty Vacancy Position at a glance

    In 2007 recruitment process resulted in induction of 18 new facuIn 2007 recruitment process resulted in induction of 18 new faculty memberslty members

    CAS Implemented (07 Profs, 02 AP and 01 Selection grade)CAS Implemented (07 Profs, 02 AP and 01 Selection grade)

    Process of fresh recruitment is underway

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  • 8/14/2019 News Goals Vjti


    Goals & Strategic Plan

    Goal1 Academic Excellence

    Adequacy of faculty

    Faculty development: exposure to best practices,training at IIT and other institutesof higher standards

    Restructuring of UG/PG/Diploma programmesto meet academic standards

    Additional programmes in UG/PG

    Initiate programmes in Management

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    Goals & Strategic Plan

    Goal1Academic Excellencecontd..

    In 2009 vacancy position :- 101-9*=92

    At least 18-20 faculty members to be

    recruited each year

    95% vacancy positions to be filled up by 2015(considering 5% superannuation)

    Generating new post along with introduction

    of new programmes/additional student intake

    Strategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic Plan

    Adequacy of faculty

    * Emeritus fellow/adjunct Prof./visiting

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  • 8/14/2019 News Goals Vjti


    Goals & Strategic Plan

    Goal1Academic Excellence contd..

    First revision in 2004

    Second revision in 2008 based on recommendations of

    National Knowledge Commission and

    the patterns followed by reputed institutions

    Being implemented during 2009-10

    Upgradation of the courses

    as per industry demands and as recommended by the

    Departmental Advisory Committees

    Strategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic Plan

    Restructuringof UG/PG/Diplomaprogrammes to meetacademic standards

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    Goals & Strategic Plan

    Goal1Academic Excellencecontd.. Strategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic Plan

    Additional programmesin UG/PG and management

    UG Programmes

    Current status - 8 programmes for UG

    By 2012 Programmes in Manufacturing Engineering &

    Electornics & telecommunication Engineering

    By 2013-15 5 Yr Dual Degree Prog

    5 Yr integrated M.Tech Prog &

    ONE open source prog from 2011

    per department every year.

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    Goals & Strategic Plan

    Goal1Academic Excellencecontd.. Strategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic Plan

    Additional programmesin UG/PG

    PG Programmes

    Current status -13 programmes for PG

    By 2010 ONE Programme in Mech Engg

    (Thermal Engg)By 2011 TWO programmes in Computer Engg.

    By 2012 TWO programmes in Civil& StructuralEng

    By 2013 TWO programmes in Production Engg

    By 2014 ONE programme in Textile Engg

    By 2015 ONE programme in Electrical &

    ONE in Electronics Engg

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    Goals & Strategic Plan

    Goal1Academic Excellencecontd..

    Programmes in

    PGDBM/MMS(during 2011-12)

    Strategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic Plan

    Initiate programmes

    in Management

  • 8/14/2019 News Goals Vjti


    Goals & Strategic Plan

    Goal2 Research

    60 faculty members with Doctoral degree by 2015

    200 research scholars on the campus

    Minimum 1 Sponsored projects per Ph. D qualified faculty

    (~outlay Rs. 20 Crore)

    Consultancy assignments from industry and government

    upto Rs. 3.00 Crore

    Research with Industry (~outlay Rs. 1.00 Crore)

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    Goals & Strategic Plan

    Goal2 Researchcontd.. Strategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic PlanFaculty members deputed for higher studies in phased manner

    At least TEN new PG programmes

    Strengthening activities under Innovation & Creativity cell

    Incubation & entrepreneurship cellConferences & Symposia organised at least TWO each year

    At least FIVE publications per department

    and their citations in referred journals

    Effective utilisation of MoUs with other

    Institutions viz. IIT, BARC etc.

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    Goals & Strategic Plan

    Goal3 Revenue generation

    Sponsored projectsMoUs with industry


    Centres of excellence

    Online educationONE web based programme

    per department

    Current - Rs. 77 lakhs p.a.

    Targeted - Rs. 3.00 crores


    Strategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic Plan

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    Goals & Strategic Plan

    Goal3 Revenue generationcontd.. Strategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic Plan

    At least 2 sponsored projects in each department

    At least 50 industrial projects for M Tech students

    Consultancy & Testing to the tune of Rs. 1.5 Crore

    Establishment of incubation centre for industry

    At least ONE Centre of Excellence per departmentRevenue generated from online courses to the

    tune of Rs. 50 Lakhs per yearCurrent-








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    Goals & Strategic Plan

    Goal4Continuing education

    Training programmes for

    industry and academiciansOnline learning

    Certificate courses

    At least 1 programmes

    per department/per yearto begin with

    Targeted to 5 programmes

    per department per year

    Strategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic Plan

  • 8/14/2019 News Goals Vjti


    Goals & Strategic Plan

    Goal5Services to Community

    Mentoring engineering colleges

    and schools in Maharashtra state

    Need based certificate courses forthe under-privileged students

    Guidance for competitive exams

    At least ONE engineering college,

    ONE polytechnic and TWO ITIs

    TWO schools in Maharashtra state

    TWO service oriented courses

    per department per year

    Strategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic Plan

  • 8/14/2019 News Goals Vjti


    Goals & Strategic Plan

    Goal6Quality Assurance

    Academic audit

    Ensure quality of research papers for

    International Conferences

    Assessment of academic

    Programmes by external experts

    Students feedback

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    Goals & Strategic Plan

    Goal6Quality Assurancecontd..

    Institution of research paperawards (already in place)

    Institution of Best teacher awards

    (5thSept 2009 onwards)

    NABL accreditation for all

    Centres of Excellence

    Strategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic PlanStrategic Plan

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  • 8/14/2019 News Goals Vjti


    Thank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank YouThank You