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New Music Sharing Social Site to Feature Online ‘Jam Sessions’


Jason Mangrum, a 35-year old entrepreneur, self-help author and musician from Clarksville,

Tennessee believes the world is too caught up with waging wars, hate and violence. And he aims to

change it by getting musicians, recording artists and music lovers alike to put aside their differences

in religion, race, color and creed, for the love of music.

According to Mangrum, "When you hear a song you love, you don't think oh, I wonder what race or

religion this person is... or what color they are... if they are gay, straight or trans-gender. If they

are Christian, Muslim or whatever. You just love the music. And when you're loving the music,

nobody cares about the trivial stuff."

Mangrum's vision includes constructing a new social networking platform where musicians and

recording artists can make friends and share their original samples using a cloud-based web studio

with the ability to drop in instrumental layers or vocal tracks, mixing and matching them with other

tracks, samples and layers uploaded from other musical users on the site.

"The end-result of having this new social media networking site mixed with a state of the art web

studio, is that recording artists and talented musicians from around the globe can come

together to create something truly beautiful. Anyone can upload a layer, track, audio sample or

soundbite. Any other member can then give feedback on those samples, or drop them into the web

studio along with their own tracks to create collaborative musical expressions we've never been able

to imagine before," explains Mangrum.

Another feature includes the ability to "live chat" with entire groups of musical collaborators at once,

participating in the cloud-based web studio sessions. Audience members and music fans can

join in on these virtual 'jam sessions' and be a fly on the wall as the musical pieces are constructed,

mixed and published for other members to download, share and enjoy.

Any songs constructed by these collaborations are copyright-free and can be freely shared over the

internet or offline. Mangrum comments, "The goal of this social site isn't for people to put out music

to make money, although that will soon be possible. The real idea is to give musicians and music-

lovers a place they can go to express themselves musically, connect with others doing the same,

and collaborate to create amazing new harmonic musical masterpieces for the whole world to enjoy."

The technical challenges and expenses associated with such a project require funding. So Mangrum

and his team set up a GoFundMe page with a projected goal of $2 million. Mangrum says, "After

talking with some pro web developers, programmers and networking specialists, we've learned this

can realistically become a reality for around $1 million. We're asking for two million because we're

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giving half of the first million ($500,000) to charity to raise awareness for music education, the arts

and self-expression. Once we hit the $2 million goal, we'll be celebrating its success by donating yet

another $500,000 to the same charity for a total of $1 million in charitable donations."

Those interested in learning more about the vision and concept behind Mangrum's new social media

site for musicians, recording artists and music-lovers can do so at
