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My hero in history“ NO great man lives in vain. The history of the world is but the biography of great men.”

A hero is a man of character. A hero is a person who is admired and appreciated for his courage, outstanding and exceptional achievements and noble qualities. There are many figures in history that stood head and shoulders above other men and women of their generation. They have altered the course of nation and re-written history in the light of their achievements of life in novel ways. He must possess the qualities of an inspiring leader to lead his people to their ultimate destiny. Fame is perfume of heroic deeds.

Felix alder says, “the hero is one who kindles a great light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark streets of life for men to see by.”

“A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom,” said by Bob Dylan

Great men are not born daily. Humanity has to wait for centuries. Out of the heroes of the Muslim world, I am charmed by the towering personality of Allama Iqbal. He is my national hero. He was the great poet, philosopher and an active political leader. He was born at Sialkot on 9 November 1877. He descended from a family of Kashmir Brahmans, who had embraced Islam about 300 years earlier. His father name was sheikh Nor Muhammad. Iqbal learnt Arabic and Persian from of a great scholar of his time named MIR HASSaN. Iqbal received his early education in the traditional MAdrassa. Later he joined the Sialkot mission school, from where he passed his matriculate examination. In 1897, he obtained his bachelors of Arts degree from government college Lahore.

After 2 years, he scored his master degree and was appointed in the oriental college Lahore as a lecturer history, philosophy and English. He later proceeds to Europe for higher studies. Having obtained a degree from Cambridge, he secured his doctorate at Munich and finally qualified as a lawyer. In 1908, he came back from Europe to Lahore. Besides teaching and practicing law, he continued to write poetry. He was very famous for his

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poetry. He wrote many books of poetry such as Bang-e-dara, Bal-e-jibril and Asrar-i-khudi. Tarana-i-Hind is the sole example of of a non communal national anthem. In his verses he arose the spirit of patriotism.

“They build a nation’s pillars deep and left them to the sky.”

He is called the poet of east. He aroused the Indian Muslims from deep slumber and incited them with his verses.

“No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or to get credit for doing it”.

He resigned from government service in 1911and took up the task of propagating individual thinking among Muslims through his poetry. His poetry is the essence of his observation and experience. By 1928, his reputation as a great Muslim philosopher was solidly established. He was also invited to delivers lectures at Hyderabad, Aligarh and madras. In 1930, he was invited to preside over the open session of the Muslim league at Allahabad. In his historic address he visualized an independent and sovereign state for the Muslims of north-western India in 1932; he came to England as a Muslim delegate to the 3rd round table conference. He wrote to him his personal views political problems.

On April 21, 1938, the great champion of the Muslim causes passed away. But he will always be present in reader’s heart due to his beautiful poetry.

A hero cannot be a hero unless in a heroic world .