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Page 1: music magazine contents

Music Magazine Research

By jasmine foster

Page 2: music magazine contents

MastheadIs bright and bold

The same colour is used throughout the cover, I think this is effective because it stands out

from other magazines

Sky line, is content information going across the top of the magazine in one long line, in this case a freebie and a club guide.

Main image

Draws the target audience to the magazine, as well as Calvin Harris fans

Pull quote

A quote that Calvin Harris said in the interview for the magazine, this will attract the target audience who like Calvin Harris

Lead article

Is Calvin Harris, a well known person who would draw the target audience in.

Main sells, cover lines

Other articles that are in the issue, competition holiday and summer raving guide are both included here.

Left third

in a ‘Z’ shape across the magazine, the area which the audience’s eye will be drawn too.

Page 3: music magazine contents

Sky line, the freebie this month is a mix C.D by ROCHA AND LEWINGERMast head,

Just like mix mag, its bright and bold. it stands out. I feel it also makes a statement because it is just two letters.

Main image Crookers are a D.J duo who would draw the right target audience to this magazine because

it is a D.J magazine

Pull quote

Crookers get loaded in the park, this quote is short and snappy,

Main sells, cover lines

These are other articles in the magazine, some will be regulars (that are in every issue) I think these look good on the cover because they have used a colour palette of just yellow, white, blue and red. I think this is neater than using every colour available

lead article is about the crookers, Mid summer mischief is a slight play on words, using M at the beginning of mid, and M at the beginning of mischief

Page 4: music magazine contents

Mast head

Although this mast head is white, it stands out well from the background, this makes it eye catching.

Skyline, this magazine includes a free C.D and club guide, these will attract the target audience because they get something to listen to and

its free! Lead article

This article is in big bold lettering it stands out, and it is colour coordinated with the mast head and the main sells/cover lines

Pull quote

“The battle for the islands soul” sounds exciting and intriguing

Free C.D

Bottom left of cover to follow the “z” that the eye looks at on magazines

Main sells/cover lines, these include Nerd, a popular band, Paul van dyke a “political party animal” as well as other smaller articles. Thses will all draw the audience in, once they have seen the cover.