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Etherington, S.J. and Everett, A.W. (2008) Role for the skeletal muscle action potential in non-Hebbian long-term depression at

the amphibian (Bufo marinus) neuromuscular junction. Synapse, 62 (4). pp. 291-301.

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Page 2: MURDOCH RESEARCH REPOSITORY...potential firing, distinguish it from forms of synaptic depression described at imma-ture neuromuscular synapses, and may provide a mechanism for coregulation

Role for the Skeletal Muscle ActionPotential in Non-Hebbian Long-TermDepression at the Amphibian (BufoMarinus) Neuromuscular Junction


Physiology, School of Biomedical, Biomolecular and Chemical Sciences, M311,The University of Western Australia, Crawley 6009, Australia

KEY WORDS synaptic plasticity; retrograde signaling; polyneuronal innervation;nitric oxide

ABSTRACT Retrograde signaling from skeletal muscle cells to motor nerve ter-minals is a recognized mechanism for modulating the strength of neuromusculartransmission. We recently described a form of long-term depression of transmitterrelease at the mature neuromuscular junction that is dependent on the production ofnitric oxide, most likely by the muscle cell (Etherington and Everett [2004] J Physiol(Lond) 559:507–517). We now show that the depression is blocked by treating neuro-muscular preparations with l-conotoxin G111A, an antagonist of skeletal muscle volt-age gated sodium channels, indicating that the depression requires postsynapticaction potential firing. Experiments on dually-innervated sartorius muscles revealedthat propagation of action potentials generated by low-frequency stimulation of onenerve branch gives rise to nitric-oxide mediated depression at unstimulated nerveterminals located many millimetres away on the same muscle fiber. The non-Hebbianpattern of expression of the depression, as well as its reliance on postsynaptic actionpotential firing, distinguish it from forms of synaptic depression described at imma-ture neuromuscular synapses, and may provide a mechanism for coregulation of thestrength of motoneurons innervating the same postsynaptic cell. Synapse 00:000–000, 2008. VVC 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


Skeletal muscle fibers have the capacity to modu-late the strength of the synaptic inputs they receivein an activity-dependent manner (Connor and Smith,1994; Etherington and Everett, 2004; Fitzsimondsand Poo, 1998). This can be seen during developmentand re-innervation of muscle when individual fibersreceive transient innervation from two or more moto-neurons (Wyatt and Balice-Gordon, 2003). Differencesemerge in the strength of convergent inputs duringthe subsequent loss of the polyneuronal innervationof the muscle cell, and a role for activity-dependentretrograde modulation of synaptic strength in thisprocess has been postulated (Colman et al., 1997;Kopp et al., 2000).

At the immature neuromuscular junction, retro-grade signaling is involved in several forms of activitydependent synaptic depression that obey Hebbianlearning rules (Hebb, 1949). That is, depression isinduced by low-frequency asynchronous activity ofthe pre- and postsynaptic cells but is not seen when

the nerve and muscle are synchronously active (Cashet al., 1996; Dan and Poo, 1992; Lo et al., 1994; Loand Poo, 1991, 1994). Lo and Poo (1991), for example,induced sustained depression of transmitter releasefrom a neuron synapsing with a cultured myocyte bydelivering a train of electrical stimuli to a differentneuron coinnervating the same postsynaptic cell. Ithas been suggested that Hebbian depression at theimmature neuromuscular junction, which leads tosuppression of transmitter release from less activesynaptic inputs, may contribute to the disparity intransmitter release from competing inputs that isobserved during synaptic elimination (Colman et al.,1997; Kopp et al., 2000).

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*Correspondence to: Alan W. Everett, Physiology M311, School of Biomedical,Biomolecular and Chemical Sciences, The University of Western Australia,Crawley, 6009, Australia. E-mail: [email protected]

Received 21 June 2007; Revised 31 August 2007; Accepted 23 October 2007

DOI 10.1002/syn.20493

Published online in Wiley InterScience (


SYNAPSE 00:000–000 (2008)

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We recently reported a form of depression at synap-ses of singly innervated fibers in mature amphibianskeletal muscle induced by 20 min of low-frequencynerve stimulation (Etherington and Everett, 2004).Our results implicated postsynaptic calcium elevationin the production of nitric oxide, believed to act as aretrograde messenger to induce depression at thenerve terminal. In contrast to Hebbian forms ofdepression described at the immature neuromuscularjunction, the depression we described was seen whenboth the pre- and postsynaptic cells were synchro-nously active.

These findings suggest that the regulation of synap-tic strength at mature neuromuscular connectionsmight be quite different from the mechanism that hasbeen reported at immature connections. To furtherinvestigate the expression of synaptic depression atthe mature neuromuscular junction, we measuredsynaptic strength at synapses on dually innervatedsartorius muscles. This muscle has the uncommonproperty of maintaining a stable polyneuronal inner-vation, allowing us to monitor synaptic transmissionat low-frequency stimulated and unstimulated nerveinputs to the same muscle cell. We now show that thedepression is mechanistically distinct from forms ofsynaptic depression previously described at this syn-apse, both in terms of its dependence on firing of skel-etal muscle action potentials (APs) and its non-Hebbian pattern of expression. It is proposed thatthis novel form of depression may contribute to core-gulation of the strength of nerve terminals stablyinnervating the same muscle fiber (Costanzo et al.,1999).

In addition, this identification of a postsynapticAP-dependent form of depression suggests that thephysiological relevance of studies of neuromuscularplasticity performed under conditions where post-synaptic action potential firing is prevented shouldbe re-evaluated, particularly at mature neuromuscu-lar synapses.


Some methods have been described previously(Etherington and Everett, 2004).

Isolation of nerve-muscle preparations

Experiments were performed on young cane toads(Bufo marinus) captured in the wild in Queensland,

Australia, and maintained in an animal holding facil-ity for up to 6 months before use. Animals were sacri-ficed prior to experimentation by double pithing ofthe central nervous system, in accordance with rec-ommendations outlined in the Australian Code ofPractice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scien-tific Purposes (7th edition, 2004). Sartorius and iliofi-bularis muscles were isolated with their nerve sup-plies intact and connective tissue was cut away fromthe surface of the muscles to facilitate electrophysio-logical recording. The preparations were maintainedin a modified aerated amphibian Ringer solution con-taining (mM) NaCl (114), KCl (2), glucose (5),NaHCO3 (1.8), Mops (10), and CaCl2 (1.5). The pH ofthe solution was adjusted to 7.4 with NaOH. All experi-ments were performed at room temperature (21–248C)on freshly dissected nerve-muscle preparations.

Induction of long-term synaptic depressionand electrophysiological recordings

Synaptic depression was induced by stimulatingthe nerve supply to an isolated muscle at 1 Hz for20 min (1 ms square pulses at optimum voltage,�4.5 V) using a platinum-iridium suction electrode.

Iliofibularis muscles

Methods for endplate potential (EPP) recordingswere the same as have been described previously(Etherington and Everett, 2004). Briefly, both iliofibu-laris-sciatic nerve preparations from an animal weremounted in organ baths and the nerve to one musclewas stimulated at 1 Hz for 20 min, while the otherpreparation was used as a control and not stimulatedduring this period. Both preparations were thenbathed in a low-concentration of d-tubocurarine chlo-ride hydrate (d-tubocurarine, 0.9–5 lM) to partiallyblock postsynaptic ACh receptors and prevent muscleAP firing during EPP recording. The exact concentra-tion of d-tubocurarine was varied throughout theyear to maintain median EPP amplitudes in controlmuscles within a workable range (1.4–4 mV) despiteseasonal variations in release probability (Bennettand Lavidis, 1991). Recording of EPPs started after30 min incubation in d-tubocurarine, and was stopped30 min later (1 h after termination of the low-frequency stimulation routine).

EPPs were evoked at a frequency of 0.2 Hz bysupramaximal stimulation of the sciatic nerve with aplatinum-iridium suction electrode. Impalementswere made with borosilicate glass microelectrodesfilled with 3 M KCl (R 5 5–20 MX). EPPs were ampli-fied with an AM-Systems preamplifier (103 gain) con-nected to a Powerlab2/20 (ADInstruments) andrecorded using Scope software (version 3.6.11, ADInstruments). Measurements of synaptic potential

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AP action potentialDHPR dihydropyridine receptorEPP endplate potentialdepression long-term depressionMEPP miniature endplate potentialNO nitric oxide


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amplitudes were made using the Peak Parametersextension for the Chart program (ADInstruments).

Sartorius muscles

Experiments were performed on sartorius musclesbecause most sartorius muscle fibers in matureamphibia receive innervation from two or more nerveaxons (Bennett et al., 1985; Katz and Kuffler, 1941).In our muscles, the nerve supply to the sartorius splitinto two or more branches 1–2 mm before it enteredthe muscle. The sartorius nerve was cleared of con-nective tissue and the two largest branches of thenerve, referred to here as the proximal (pelvic) anddistal nerve branches due to their relative positionalong the length of the sartorius muscle were teasedapart using entomological pins. Sartorius muscleswere pinned out flat in a Sylgard-lined dish contain-ing normal Ringer solution and the two nervebranches were each taken up into a platinum-iridiumsuction electrode for delivery of electrical stimulation.

We confirmed that it was possible to independentlyelectrically stimulate the two nerve branches by re-cording EPPs evoked by stimulation of the proximalnerve branch and then applying supramaximal stimu-lation to the distal nerve branch without changingthe position of the recording electrode. In a sample of20 muscle fibers, the postsynaptic response to distalnerve stimulation was smaller and of more variabletime course than EPPs evoked by stimulation of theproximal nerve itself (summarized in Fig.F1 1A and seerepresentative traces of the postsynaptic response tostimulation of each nerve in Fig. 1B). As the record-ing electrode was positioned close to proximal nerveterminals throughout these recordings, this resultsuggests that stimulation of the distal sartorius nervebranch does not evoke transmitter release from proxi-mal nerve terminals.

Recording of EPPs from sartorius muscles was per-formed as described above for iliofibularis muscles.The amplitude of EPPs evoked by distal nerve stimu-lation was measured in both sartorius muscles froman animal; one muscle was exposed to 20 min of 1 Hzproximal nerve stimulation, while the other musclewas used as a control and not stimulated. Miniatureendplate potentials (MEPPs) were recorded in thevicinity of distal nerve endplates (see below) beforeand after a period of low-frequency proximal nervestimulation.

For muscle AP recordings, sartorius muscles wereexposed to a solution of 50 lM N-benzyl-p-toluene sul-fonamide (BTS), a myosin ATPase inhibitor that pre-vents skeletal muscle contraction (Shaw et al., 2003).Preliminary experiments in our laboratory suggestedthat BTS does not have a significant effect on the fre-quency of spontaneous transmitter release at the am-phibian neuromuscular junction; in two experiments

where muscles were exposed to BTS, the MEPP fre-quencies after application of the drug were 106 6

24% (n 5 10 fibers) and 86 6 12% (n 5 10 fibers) ofbaseline, respectively. As both control and low-

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Fig. 1. Sartorius nerve branches can be independently electri-cally stimulated. A: Amplitudes and rise times of the maximumdepolarizing deflection in muscle cell membrane potential in the 25ms following proximal (filled circles) and distal nerve (open circles)stimulation, recorded in 18 muscle fibers. To obtain these data,impalements were targeted to the region of proximal nerve end-plates and the proximal and distal nerves were stimulated withoutchanging the position of the recording electrode; impalements inwhich an EPP was not observed in response to proximal nerve stim-ulation (amplitude of postsynaptic potential shift was <1.5 mV)were excluded from analysis. Stimulation of the proximal nerve gen-erated EPPs that had relatively large amplitudes and short risetimes (filled circles, average amplitude 2.3 6 0.4 mV, average risetime 2.7 6 0.3 ms). In contrast, stimulation of the distal nervebranch produced very little deviation in the postsynaptic potentialand those potential shifts that were observed had very variable risetimes (open circles, average amplitude 0.3 6 0.2 mV, average risetime 7.7 6 1.7 ms). These potential shifts may be related to trans-mitter release from distantly located distal nerve terminals, or tonormal temporal variation in resting membrane potential, howevertheir time course and amplitude would indicate that distal nervestimulation does not depolarize proximal nerve terminals to causetransmitter release. B: Representative traces of the postsynapticmembrane potential of a sartorius muscle fiber from (A) after deliv-ery of a supramaximal stimulus to the proximal nerve (black trace)and the distal nerve (gray trace), showing that simulation of the dis-tal nerve does not lead to transmitter release from proximal nerveterminals.


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frequency stimulated preparations were exposed tothe drug, any effects on baseline transmission wouldnot have contributed to the outcome of our experi-ments, therefore further investigation of the effect ofBTS on baseline synaptic transmission was notundertaken. After a 90 min incubation in BTS, sarto-rius muscle APs were recorded in response to eitherdirect stimulation of the muscle belly, with a pair ofplatinum-iridium wire electrodes, or stimulation ofsartorius nerve branches with platinum-iridium suc-tion electrodes. The postsynaptic response to 10 stim-uli delivered at a frequency of 0.2 Hz was recorded ina sample of at least 10 cells before, and 10 cells after,20 min of 1 Hz stimulation of the proximal sartoriusnerve branch to a sartorius muscle. Hardware for re-cording of muscle APs was the same as for recordingof EPPs (described above).


Stock solutions of N-benzyl-p-toluene sulfonamide(BTS, Sigma Rare Chemicals, St Louis, MO, USA) and2-(4-carboxyphynyl)-4,5-dihydro-4,4,5,5-tetramethyl-Ihimidazol-1-yloxy-3-oxide potassium salt (cPTIO,Sigma) were prepared in DMSO at concentrations of100 and 200 mM, respectively. The drugs were dilutedin normal Ringer immediately before use to the finalworking concentrations of 50 and 200 lM, respec-tively. Stock solutions of l-conotoxin G111A (0.4 mM,l-CTX, Bachem, Bubendorf, Switzerland) and d-tubocurarine chloride hydrate (1 mM, d-tubocura-rine, Sigma) were prepared in Ca21-free Ringer solu-tion and then diluted in normal Ringer solution toworking concentrations of 10 lM and 0.9–5 lM,respectively.


Results are expressed as mean 6 SEM and P val-ues less than or equal to 0.05 were considered statis-tically significant. Statistical significance for experi-ments involving synaptic potential (EPP or MEPP)recordings was determined with paired two-tailedStudent’s t-test using Prism software (v 3.02, Graph-Pad). The mean EPP amplitude was calculated for atleast 5 fibers from each muscle, and the median ofthese cell means was then used as the estimate ofamplitude for that muscle. Comparisons were alwaysmade between a control muscle and a low-frequencystimulated muscle taken from the same animal andexposed to identical concentrations of d-tubocurarineduring EPP recording. Median MEPP amplitudeswere calculated by recording from at least 5 musclefibers before, and 5 fibers after, a period of low-fre-quency nerve stimulation.

Statistical analysis of sartorius muscle AP experi-ments was performed using the mixed procedure inSAS software (version 9.1, SAS Institute, Cary, NC).

Differences between least squares means were calcu-lated for each combination of factors, and two-tailedtests of least squares mean differences were per-formed where appropriate. The dependent variablewas the level of muscle AP firing (expressed as a frac-tion of stimuli delivered), which was modeled as afunction of condition (control vs. low-frequency stimu-lated), site (proximal nerve vs. distal nerve stimula-tion), and time (pre or post 20 min time interval) asfixed factors, and muscle and its interactions withcondition and time as random factors. F-tests for fixedeffects were carried out using the muscle by conditionterm as the denominator for the condition test, themuscle by condition by time term as the denominatorfor the time and time by condition interaction tests,and the mean square error term for all other fixedeffect tests. A second block of experiments had thefixed factors site (proximal nerve vs. muscle bellystimulation) and time (pre vs. post 20 min time inter-val), with random factors muscle and muscle by time.F-tests for fixed effects were carried out for time withthe muscle by time term as the denominator and forsite and the site by time interaction using the meansquare error term as the denominator.


Prolonged low-frequency nerve stimulation at theamphibian neuromuscular junction (1 Hz for 20 min)induces lasting (>1 h) depression of transmitterrelease from motor nerve terminals, manifest as adecrease in EPP amplitudes and in the frequency, butnot the amplitude, of spontaneous synaptic potentials(Etherington and Everett, 2004). Interestingly, thedepression of transmitter (a presynaptic phenomenon)was blocked by an antagonist of postsynaptic skeletalmuscle ACh receptors (Etherington and Everett,2004). In the present study we show that, unlikeforms of depression previously identified at this syn-apse, this form of depression dependent on skeletalmuscle AP firing and can therefore spread betweenwidely spaced nerve terminals coinnervating thesame muscle fibers.

Postsynaptic action potential firing isnecessary for the induction of depression in

singly innervated iliofibularis muscles

Studies of synaptic plasticity at the neuromuscularjunction have traditionally involved the continuousrecording of synaptic potentials in a single skeletalmuscle fiber before and after an induction protocol,usually under conditions where postsynaptic AChreceptors are partially antagonized to prevent muscleAP firing and therefore contraction. Such an approachwas inappropriate here because of the dependence ofdepression on postsynaptic ACh receptor activation;the induction of depression by low-frequency stimula-

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tion was blocked if neuromuscular preparations wereincubated in the postsynaptic acetylcholine receptorantagonist prior to the stimulation (Etherington andEverett, 2004). Instead, an alternative experimentaldesign, wherein EPPs were recorded from a sample offibers in a low-frequency stimulated muscle and froma sample of fibers in a control (nonstimulated) musclefrom the other leg of the same animal, was utilized.Any pharmacological manipulations were appliedsimultaneously to both control and stimulated prepa-rations, so the potential effects on baseline transmis-sion were common to both groups of muscles (see Fig.

F2 2A for schematic representation of experimentaldesign); similarly for the random variation in othermuscle and nerve properties such as muscle fiberinput resistance or the nonlinear summation of EPPs.

Under these conditions, 5 min of low-frequencynerve stimulation was not sufficient to produce signif-icant depression of EPP amplitudes (bars labeled a,Fig. 2B), however, a large change in synaptic efficacyoccurred between 5 and 10 min of low-frequency

nerve stimulation, when the EPP amplitude relativeto nonstimulated controls was reduced by 25% (barslabeled b, Fig. 2B). After 20 min of low-frequencynerve stimulation, EPP amplitudes were depressed onaverage by 46% relative to unstimulated controlmuscles (bars labeled c, Fig. 2B, and see traces ofrepresentative EPPs, Fig. 2C).

The robust depression of EPP amplitudes observedafter 20 min of low-frequency nerve stimulation wascompletely blocked if low-frequency stimulatedmuscles (and control muscles) were preincubated for120 min in 10 lM l-conotoxin G111A (l-CTX, bars la-beled d, Fig. 2B and see also traces of representativeEPPs in Fig. 2D). The l-CTX is a selective antagonistof skeletal muscle voltage-gated sodium channels thatdoes not have a presynaptic activity at amphibianneuromuscular junctions (Shon et al., 1998). Consist-ent with this view, electrophysiological recordings in45 muscles fibers from 5 iliofibularis muscles exposedto the toxin for 2 h showed an EPP in response to allof the 226 nerve stimuli delivered. At the same timethe muscle twitch amplitude was reduced by 80 6 7%(n 5 5 muscles). Thus, this result suggests that block-ing the postsynaptic acetylcholine receptor per se isnot a factor in the induction of depression, rather,depression requires firing of the postsynaptic AP.

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Fig. 2. Long-term depression of transmitter release induced bylow-frequency nerve stimulation is dependent on postsynaptic actionpotential firing. A: Experimental design schematic showing designof experiments for recording EPPs from control and low-frequencystimulated (LFS) muscles; the time scale is shown relative to thestart of the period of low-frequency nerve stimulation, representedby the vertical line pattern. The period of exposure to the ACh re-ceptor antagonist d-tubocurarine is shown by the gray bar and thetime window for EPP recording is indicated by the checkred pattern.The black horizontal bar reflects the period of exposure to the rele-vant drug or solution, with the diagonal white lines on this bar indi-cating the preincubation period, which varied between 30 and 120min depending on the drug used. B: Average amplitude of EPPsrecorded from control muscles (open bars) and muscles exposed tolow-frequency nerve stimulation of varying durations (filled bars).Five minutes of low-frequency stimulation was not sufficient toinduce lasting depression of EPP amplitudes (bars labeled a, P 5

0.576, n 5 5 pairs of muscles, Student’s two-tailed paired t-test),however 10 min of low-frequency stimulation significantly reducedEPP amplitudes relative to nonstimulated controls (bars labeled b,*, P < 0.05, n 5 6 pairs of muscles, Student’s two-tailed paired t-test). Twenty minutes of low-frequency nerve stimulation also pro-duced significant depression of EPP amplitudes when experimentswere performed in normal Ringer solution (bars labeled c; *, P <0.05, n 5 5 pairs of muscles, Student’s two-tailed paired t-test) butthere was no difference in the average amplitude of EPPs recordedfrom control and low frequency stimulated muscles after incubationwith 10 lM l-conotoxin G111A, a selective antagonist of skeletalmuscle voltage-gated sodium channels (bars labeled d, P 5 0.278,n 5 5 pairs of muscles, Student’s two-tailed paired t-test). C: Repre-sentative traces of EPPs from a control muscle (black trace) and amuscle exposed to 20 min of low-frequency nerve stimulation (graytrace) in normal Ringer solution. D: representative traces of EPPsfrom a control muscle (black trace) and a muscle exposed to 20 minof low-frequency nerve stimulation (gray trace) after incubation in10 lM l-conotoxin G111A. Data in bars labeled c, part (B), and part(C) reproduced (from Etherington and Everett., 2004, p 510). AQ1


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Depression spreads between active andinactive synaptic contacts on duallyinnervated sartorius muscle fibers

The evidence described earlier suggests that thetrigger for this low frequency stimulation-dependentform of depression is postsynaptic AP firing. As APsare propagated undiminished along the length of skel-etal muscle fibers, we tested whether propagation ofthe postsynaptic AP during low-frequency stimulationof one nerve input to a muscle fiber would inducedepression at inactive synaptic connections distantlylocated on the same muscle fibers.

Experiments to address this issue were performedon sartorius muscles and their associated nerve sup-plies, because previous studies have shown that mostsartorius muscle fibers in adult amphibia retaininnervation from more than one motoneuron (Bennettet al., 1985; Katz and Kuffler, 1941) at synaptic siteslocated several millimetres apart along the long axisof the muscle fibers (Ypey, 1978). Electrophysiologicalrecordings from the cane toad sartorius muscles usedhere confirmed that the majority of muscle fibersreceived electrically independent synaptic contactsfrom both proximal and distal branches of the sarto-rius nerve (Fig.F3 3A). On average 61 6 7% of fiberswithin a sartorius muscle produced a postsynapticpotential (EPP or AP) in response to stimulation ofboth nerve branches (left most bar in figure), with asmall proportion of fibers responding only to stimula-tion of the proximal or distal nerve branch (black andgray bars, respectively). It is possible that the propor-tion of dually innervated fibers in the sartoriusmuscles may even be slightly higher than 61%, if sub-threshold synaptic potentials were too distant fromthe recording electrode to be detected in some fibers.Examples of APs recorded from a dually innervatedsartorius muscle fiber in response to stimulation ofthe proximal and distal sartorius nerve trunks areshown in Figure 3B (black and gray traces, respec-tively).

The difference in the latencies of APs evoked bystimulation of the two nerve branches (Fig. 3B)reflects differences in the position of the proximal anddistal nerve terminals relative to the recording elec-trode, which was positioned at the proximal end ofthe muscle during these recordings. We observed anaverage latency difference of 5.1 6 0.4 ms (n 5 11fibers from 4 sartorius muscles), which corresponds toan average distance of 8.2 mm between proximal anddistal endplates (based on an estimated muscle APconduction velocity of 1.6 6 0.3 ms21, derived fromcompound AP recordings in four sartorius muscles).

Thus most cane toad sartorius muscle fibers are in-nervated by both proximal and distal nerve branchesat synapses located several millimetres apart, provid-ing an ideal preparation for testing whether low-

frequency stimulation of one nerve input leads to thespread of depression to other synaptic connections onthe same muscle fibers. In these experiments, theproximal nerve branch was exposed to the low-frequency stimulation routine because electrophysio-logical recordings showed that out of the 76% of fibersreceiving innervation from the distal nerve branch(left most open bar and gray bar, Fig. 3), at least 85%also received innervation from the proximal nervebranch (left most open bar only, Fig. 3).

To allow concurrent monitoring of synaptic efficacyat both proximal and distal nerve synapses in individ-ual muscle fibers, the level of nerve-evoked muscle

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Fig. 3. Characterization of dual innervation of amphibian sarto-rius muscles. A: Average proportion of sartorius muscle fibers thatreceived functional innervation from both proximal and distal nervebranches (left most open bar), neither the proximal or distal nervebranch (right hand open bar), the proximal nerve only (black bar)and the distal nerve only (gray bar). Fibers were considered toreceive functional innervation from a nerve if stimulation of thenerve branch produced a postsynaptic potential (EPP or AP) in thatfiber (n 5 63 muscle fibers sampled from 6 sartorius muscles, atleast 10 fibers per muscle). B: overlay of APs recorded from a singlesartorius muscle fiber in response to stimuli delivered to the proxi-mal (PN, black traces) and distal (DN, gray traces) nerve branches.The latency between delivery of the stimulus (artifact indicated byarrow) and recording of the AP differs between the two nerves dueto differences in positions of the motoneuron terminals relative to arecording electrode positioned at the proximal end of the muscle.Vm, muscle cell membrane potential.


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AP firing was used to quantify depression. This waspossible because a period of low-frequency nerve stim-ulation causes sufficient depression of transmitterrelease to produce failure of the usually reliabletransmission at the somatic neuromuscular junction.FigureF4 4 shows an example of synaptic transmissionfailure in a representative muscle fiber during aperiod of low-frequency nerve stimulation; the level ofnerve-evoked AP firing in this fiber decreased from100% at the beginning of the stimulus train (Fig. 4A),to only 20% of nerve stimulations at the end of the 20min stimulation period, with subthreshold EPPs gen-erated in response to four of the five stimuli (Fig. 4B).

When nerve-evoked APs were recorded from a sam-ple of muscle fibers before and after the period of low-frequency proximal nerve stimulation, an overalldecrease in the average level of both proximal anddistal nerve-evoked muscle AP firing was observed(bars labeled a and b, Fig. 4C). The proportion ofproximal nerve stimulations that triggered a muscleaction potential decreased by 40 percentage points fol-lowing stimulation of the proximal nerve branch at 1Hz for 20 min (that is, from 88 to 48% of proximalnerve stimulations producing a postsynaptic AP, barslabeled a, Fig. 4C) consistent with activity-dependentdepression of transmitter release at these synapses(Fig. 2B). Stimulation of the proximal nerve branchcaused a similar decrease (38%) in the capacity of thedistal nerve branch to trigger a muscle AP (bars la-beled b, Fig. 4C). The figure shows that 88 6 5% ofproximal nerve stimulations and 69 6 8% of distalnerve stimulations evoked an AP in normal sartoriusmuscles (n 5 4 muscles, open bars labeled a and brespectively, Fig. 4C). This level of AP firing wasbelow 100% because APs in a small proportion offibers could not be evoked by stimulation of a particu-lar nerve branch, possibly because these fibers werenot innervated by that nerve branch (see Fig. 3A).

There was no change in the capacity of either nerveto elicit muscle APs over the time course of theexperiment if neither nerve branch was stimulated atlow-frequency (bars labeled c and d, Fig. 4C). The

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Fig. 4. Low-frequency stimulation of one nerve input to duallyinnervated sartorius muscles causes failure of both stimulated andunstimulated nerve branches to trigger muscle action potential fir-ing. Overlay of five postsynaptic potentials recorded in response tofive stimuli delivered to the proximal sartorius muscle nerve duringcontinuous recording from a single muscle fiber, at the beginning(A) and end (B) of 20 min of 1 Hz nerve stimulation, showing failureof nerve-evoked AP firing. The decrease in membrane potential andAP amplitude in part (B) reflects slight displacement of the record-ing electrode during continuous recording from a single muscle fiberand is not a product of the depression itself (see part E below).Stimulus artifacts are indicated by open arrows. Vm, muscle cellmembrane potential. C: average level of sartorius muscle AP firingat the start of experiments (open bars) and after a 20 min period ofeither low-frequency proximal sartorius nerve stimulation (blackbars) or no nerve stimulation (gray bars). Stimulation of the proxi-mal sartorius nerve branch at 1 Hz for 20 min caused a significantdecrease in the capacity of both the proximal and distal nerves totrigger a muscle AP (black bars labeled a and b) relative to the pres-timulation baseline for each nerve branch (open bars labeled a andb; **, P < 0.01, n 5 6 muscles, difference of least squares means forprestimulation vs. poststimulation). There was no change in thecapacity of either nerve to evoke muscle APs if preparations wereleft for twenty minutes without stimulation (bars labeled c and d;P 5 0.472, n 5 8 muscles, difference of least squares means for preno-stimulation vs. post no-stimulation). Low-frequency proximalnerve stimulation did not affect muscle AP firing in response todirect stimulation of the muscle belly (bars labeled e; P 5 0.631,n 5 4 muscles, difference of least squares means for prestimulationvs. poststimulation). There was also no difference in the amplitudeof muscle cell APs (D) or the resting muscle cell membrane potential(E) observed when distal and proximal nerves were stimulatedbefore (open bars) and after (filled bars) the period of low-frequencyproximal nerve stimulation.


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capacity of sartorius muscle fibers to fire APs inresponse to direct muscle belly stimulation was unaf-fected by a period of low-frequency proximal nervestimulation (bars labeled e, Fig. 4C), as was the am-plitude of skeletal muscle APs (Fig. 4D) and the rest-ing muscle cell membrane potential (Fig. 4E). Theresults indicate that failure of the distal and proximalnerve-evoked muscle APs does not result from achange in the excitability of the postsynaptic mem-brane. Together, these findings suggest that propaga-tion of postsynaptic APs during low-frequency stimu-lation of a nerve input to skeletal muscle fibers is suf-ficient to induce depression at unstimulated synapticcontacts on the same muscle fiber.

Depression at unstimulated synaptic contactsonto sartorius muscle fibers, induced bylow-frequency stimulation of convergent

nerve inputs, is expressed presynapticallyand mediated by nitric oxide

The muscle AP recordings above demonstrated thata decrease in synaptic efficacy is induced at unstimu-lated synapses exposed to a period of low-frequencypostsynaptic AP firing. To determine whether trans-mission failure at these unstimulated distal nervesynapses occurs through a similar, presynaptic mech-anism to depression at low-frequency stimulated syn-apses (Etherington and Everett, 2004), the effect oflow-frequency proximal nerve stimulation on synapticpotentials at distal nerve synapses was measured.

The general position of distal and proximal nerveendplates along the length of sartorius muscles wasdetermined by making impalements at various posi-tions along the long axis of sartorius muscles and re-cording APs in response to both distal and proximalnerve stimulation. It was possible to establish whichnerve endplate was closest to the impalement site bymeasuring the relative latency of proximal and distalnerve-evoked APs; in general, impalements at moreproximal sites on the muscles were closest to termi-nals of the proximal nerve branch (black bars, Fig.

F5 5) while more distal impalements were closer to ter-minals of the distal nerve branch (gray bars, Fig. 5).The figure reveals that all impalements made atsites in the distal third of the muscles (beyond theentry point of the distal nerve branch, indicated bygray dots at bottom of figure) were closer to distalthan to proximal nerve terminals; this informationwas used to target impalements for the purpose ofselectively recording synaptic potentials at distalnerve terminals.

EPPs generated by distal nerve stimulation after20 min of low-frequency proximal nerve stimulationwere on average 29 6 12% (filled bar, Fig.F6 6A) smallerthan distal nerve EPP amplitudes in nonstimulatedmuscles from the other leg of the same animals (open

bar, Fig. 6A, n 5 5 pairs of muscles). The true magni-tude of depression may be even higher than 29%,because a small proportion of fibers innervated by thedistal nerve do not receive innervation from the proxi-mal nerve branch (and would not be exposed to low-frequency firing of postsynaptic APs). Thus, firing ofAPs during low-frequency proximal nerve stimulationis sufficient to depress transmission at inactive distalnerve terminals.

Similar to the depression observed in singly inner-vated iliofibularis muscles after low-frequency nervestimulation (Etherington and Everett, 2004), low-fre-quency stimulation of the proximal sartorius nervedid not affect the sensitivity of the postsynaptic mem-brane at distal nerve synapses. There was no differ-ence in the amplitude of MEPPs recorded in theregion of distal nerve terminals before and after a pe-riod of low-frequency proximal nerve stimulation (Fig.6B), supporting a presynaptic change in transmitterrelease as the mechanism for depression.

We then tested whether depression at unstimulateddistal nerve terminals occurs through a similar nitric

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Fig. 5. Characterization of dual innervation of amphibian sarto-rius muscles. The upper part of the figure shows the number ofmuscle fiber impalements that were closer to proximal (black bars)or distal (gray bars) nerve terminals respectively, at various sitesalong the long axis of the muscles. All impalements were from sarto-rius muscle fibers that fired APs in response to electrical stimula-tion of both proximal and distal nerve branches; the relative latencyof APs evoked by stimulation of the two nerve branches was used todetermine whether each impalement was closer to a distal or proxi-mal nerve terminal (n 5 61 impalements from 8 sartorius muscles).Note that impalement sites were not systematically varied to sam-ple all positions along the length of the muscles, but instead repre-sent a sample of the impalement positions normally used duringelectrophysiological recordings from sartorius muscles. The blackand gray dots on the lines at the bottom of the figure represent thesites of insertion of the proximal and distal nerve branches respec-tively, on the eight sartorius muscles sampled.


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oxide (NO)-mediated mechanism to depression at syn-apses directly exposed to a period of low-frequencynerve stimulation (Etherington and Everett, 2004).Exposure to the membrane impermeant NO scav-enger cPTIO completely blocked the induction ofdepression at unstimulated distal nerve synapses af-ter a period of low-frequency proximal nerve stimula-tion (Fig. 6C). Although NO synthase is expressedboth pre- and postsynaptically at amphibian neuro-muscular junctions (Descarries et al., 1998), the aver-age distance of 8 mm between distal and proximalnerve endplates on the sartorius muscles used here(see Methods) is far beyond the diffusion distance ofNO in biological tissues (�500 lm, Blottner andLuck, 2001), making it unlikely that NO producedlocally at stimulated proximal nerve terminals coulddiffuse to, and depress transmitter release at, unsti-mulated distal nerve endplates. Thus, it seems moreprobable that the postsynaptic process which leads toNO production at low-frequency stimulated synapses(Etherington and Everett, 2004) also leads to localizedproduction of NO at unstimulated synaptic contactson the same muscle fibers, by propagation of the post-synaptic AP.


The present study investigated the role of postsy-naptic skeletal muscle fibers in long-term depressionof transmitter release at the mature amphibian neu-romuscular junction. The experiments showed thatdepression induced by low-frequency nerve stimula-tion is triggered by firing of the postsynaptic AP. Fur-thermore, we have shown here that the depression isexpressed at both low-frequency stimulated and non-stimulated nerve terminals coinnervating the samepostsynaptic cells. On the basis of these findings, incombination with our earlier observations about the

mechanism for depression (Etherington and Everett,2004), it is proposed that muscle AP firing inducesNO-dependent depression of transmitter release fromwidely separated nerve terminals, irrespective ofwhether these terminals are active or not. This de-pendence of the depression on muscle AP firing andits novel, non-Hebbian pattern of expression distin-guish it from forms of activity-dependent depressionpreviously identified at this synapse.

The expression of depression at the matureamphibian neuromuscular junction

is non-Hebbian

A period of low-frequency nerve stimulation at themature amphibian neuromuscular junction producessubstantial (�55%) and lasting (>1 h) depression oftransmitter release from motor nerve terminals,which is dependent on activation of nitric oxide (NO)synthase and sustained production of NO (Ether-ington and Everett, 2004). The basis for the prolongedNO signal was proposed to be dephosphorylation ofNO synthase by the calcium-calmodulin dependentprotein phosphatase calcineurin. An activity-depend-ent calcium signal was therefore implicated in thedepression, and our observation that depression wasblocked by an antagonist of skeletal muscle acetylcho-line receptors (AChRs) suggested that this calciumsignal was postsynaptic.

A major finding of the present study is that depres-sion is prevented by an antagonist of skeletal musclevoltage-gated sodium channels, and is therefore de-pendent on firing of the postsynaptic AP rather thanAChR activation per se. This observation eliminateda local, AChR-mediated calcium signal, involved indepression at immature neuromuscular synapses(Cash et al., 1996), as the trigger for depression. TheAP-dependence of depression also suggested that the

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Fig. 6. Low-frequency stimulation of the proximal nerve branchinduces nitric oxide-mediated long term depression of transmitterrelease from unstimulated distal nerve terminals on dually inner-vated sartorius muscles. A: low-frequency stimulation of the proxi-mal sartorius nerve branch caused significant depression of EPPsevoked by distal nerve stimulation (the distal nerve itself was notexposed to a period of low-frequency stimulation; *, P < 0.05, n 5 5pairs of muscles, Student’s two-tailed paired t-test). B: MEPP ampli-

tudes recorded in the region of distal nerve endplates after a periodof low-frequency proximal nerve stimulation (filled bar) were thesame as amplitudes recorded in the same muscle before the stimula-tion period (open bar; P 5 0.922, n 5 5 pairs of muscles, Student’stwo-tailed paired t-test). C: exposure to the NO scavenger cPTIOprevented depression of distal nerve EPP amplitudes in response toa period of low-frequency proximal nerve stimulation (P 5 0.929;n 5 4 pairs of muscles, Student’s two-tailed paired t-test).


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spread of the depression may differ from forms ofdepression previously identified at this junction, apossibility that was investigated using the amphibiansartorius muscle preparation, which maintains a sta-ble polyneuronal innervation throughout maturity.

We showed that repetitive low-frequency stimula-tion of only the proximal branch of the sartoriusnerve induces a significant decrease in the capacity ofboth the proximal and distal sartorius nerves to gen-erate a muscle AP. Thus, the form of depression atthe mature neuromuscular junction is non-Hebbian,that is, expressed at both synapses that are depolar-ized in synchrony with the postsynaptic cell (proximalnerve synapses) and at synaptic connections that areinactive while the postsynaptic cell is depolarized(distal nerve synapses).

We observed here and in our previous work(Etherington and Everett, 2004) that MEPP ampli-tudes were normal in the presence of profound (45%)depression of EPP amplitudes, thus it seems reason-able to conclude that depression at both stimulatedand unstimulated (distal) terminals occurs through amechanism that is predominantly presynaptic.Although desirable, a full quantal analysis was notfeasible due to the difficulty in adequately voltageclamping skeletal muscle fibers and holding thesame impalement throughout the prolonged stimula-tion routine. Evidence for a common mechanism ofdepression at both stimulated and unstimulated ter-minals comes from the finding that they are bothdependent on the passage of NO through the extrac-ellular space.

In contrast, the forms of depression hitherto identi-fied at the developing neuromuscular junction haveobeyed Hebbian learning rules; the depression isinduced by asynchronous activity of the pre- and post-synaptic cells, but is not seen when the nerve andmuscle are synchronously active. For example, Loand Poo (1991) showed that depolarisation of a myo-cyte by stimulating one of two convergent nerveinputs led to selective suppression of release from thenonstimulated input. Release from the stimulatedinput was unchanged or even potentiated. These Heb-bian forms of plasticity are tightly dependent on bothspatial and temporal specificity (Cash et al., 1996);application of ACh to receptors on the muscle cell sur-face only induced depression if it was applied within20 lm of the presynaptic terminal (Dan and Poo,1992) and depression was not seen if the acetylcholinepulse was accompanied by synchronous stimulationof the nerve terminal. Significant depression wasobserved if presynaptic stimulation and application ofthe acetylcholine pulse were temporally separated bymore than 10 ms (Cash et al., 1996).

The depression in our work was observed underconditions of both synchronous and asynchronous pre-and postsynaptic depolarization, and at terminals

that were on average 8 mm away from the site oflow-frequency stimulation, thus it lacks the temporaland spatial specificity of forms of depression previ-ously described at this synapse. A form of neuromus-cular depression with these novel properties has sig-nificantly different implications for synaptic functionthan the Hebbian forms of depression previouslydescribed at this synapse, particularly in situations ofpolyneuronal innervation.

Possible implications of long-term depressionfor competition between multiple

presynaptic inputs

Experimental investigations of polyneuronal inner-vation have generally focused on the transient occur-rence of this phenomenon during development, orduring reinnervation of the mature neuromuscularjunction after injury (Bennett et al., 1985; Katz andKuffler, 1941). However, stable polyneuronal innerva-tion of mature neuromuscular junctions is well-sup-ported in amphibia, where two (or sometimes more)axons form synaptic connections that are distributedalong the long axis of a single muscle fiber (Latevaet al., 2002). More recently, multiple endplates, sub-served by different motoneurons (Duxson and Sheard,1995; Happak et al., 1997; Zenker et al., 1990) andseparated by up to 46 mm, have been identified onmature muscles in a variety of species (Wyatt andBalice-Gordon, 2003).

It has been proposed that the expression of Heb-bian forms of depression during development mayassist in the organization of neuromuscular contactsby generating disparity in the strength of competingnerve inputs and contributing to the loss of poly-neuronal innervation (Costanzo et al., 1999; Werleand Herrera, 1987). However, the strengths of conver-gent inputs onto muscle fibers receiving stable dualinnervation are not disparate, rather, multiple synap-tic inputs onto a particular muscle fiber are generallywell matched in terms of both quantal content andEPP amplitude. Costanzo et al. (1999) showed thatthe strength of coinnervating synaptic terminals wasequivalent in different muscle fibers with widelyvarying total synaptic strengths, leading the authorsto suggest that the strengths of converging inputsonto a given muscle fiber are coregulated (that is,multiple inputs are strengthened, or weakened, to-gether). These observations seem to imply the exis-tence of non-Hebbian processes for modulating thestrength of synaptic connections at multiply inner-vated neuromuscular junctions. On the basis of theexpression pattern of, and cellular mechanism for, thenon-Hebbian depression described here, we proposethat it may represent one such mechanism for thecoregulation of the strength of convergent synapticinputs.

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Methodological implications of actionpotential-dependent plasticity forinvestigations of neuromuscular

synaptic function

The somatic neuromuscular junction is distinctfrom many synaptic connections in the central nerv-ous system because a single spike in a presynapticneuron is often sufficient to trigger AP firing in post-synaptic muscle fibers. We have now identified a formof long-term synaptic plasticity that is dependent on,and apparently propagated by, postsynaptic AP firing.This observation has implications for the execution offuture studies on synaptic function at this synapse.

Investigations of synaptic plasticity at the somaticneuromuscular junction have traditionally followedan experimental paradigm used widely in the centralnervous system, where electrophysiological monitor-ing of synaptic function is carried out continuously ina single muscle, or even a single cell, before, duringand after a manipulation. However, because firing ofskeletal muscle APs can obscure recordings of synap-tic potentials, at the neuromuscular junction theseexperiments are often performed under conditionswhere postsynaptic AP firing is prevented electricallyor pharmacologically (see, for example, Newmanet al., 2007; Redman and Silinsky, 1994; Thomas andRobitaille, 2001). The present study illustrates thatfiring of the skeletal muscle AP is not only a conse-quence of synaptic function, but can also have a sig-nificant and lasting impact on synaptic efficacy. Thusgreater consideration needs to be given to preventingpostsynaptic AP firing during experimental monitor-ing of synaptic transmission at the mature neuromus-cular junction, if the results of such studies are tohave relevance to the normal physiological function-ing of this synapse.


The authors thank Mr. Kevin Murray from the Uni-versity of Western Australia Statistical ConsultingService for his assistance with statistical modeling ofdata. SJE was supported by a Jean Rogerson Post-graduate Supplementary Scholarship and a PhDCompletion Scholarship from The University of West-ern Australia, and an Australian Postgraduate Awardfrom the Australian Commonwealth Government.


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