Download - Ms3 Obgyn Spanish Vocab


Have you been peeing


Have you been peeing?Haz orinado?Does it burn when you pee?

Se quema al orinar?

Have you been passing gas?

Ha ido pasando de gas?

Did you have any stool yesterday / today?

Tena usted alguna heces ayer / hoy ?

Any blood in the stool?

Alguno sangre en las heces?Are you eating?

Ha comido?Any nausea or vomiting?

Cualquier nuseas o vmitos?

Are you walking around?

Ests caminandoAre you breastfeeding?

Est amamantando?

Do you have difficulty breathing?

Tiene dificultad para respirar?

Do you have heart palpitations?

Tiene palpitaciones del corazn?Do your breasts hurt?Sus pechos duele?

Does your belly hurt? Where? Here?

Tiene su vientre herido? Donde? Aqui?

Is it sharp or dull?

es agudo o sordo?

Is it constant or intermittent?

Es constante o intermitente?

How much have you been bleeding (any) from your vagina?

Cunto ha sido el (algun) sangrado de la vagina?

How many pads? Cuntas blocs?

Do you you still have pain?

Todava tiene el dolor?Do you have any leg or foot swelling?Tiene usted alguna pierna o pie hinchazn?

Any back pain?Cualquier dolor de espalda?IntakeHow many times have you been pregnant?Cuntas veces ha estado embarazada?

Have you had any abortions?

Ha tenido alguna abortos? Cuantos?

how many babies were preterm?

Cuntos bebs eran prematuros?How many c sections have you had?Cuntas secciones C a tenidoHow many babies have you delivered vaginally?Cuntos bebs que tienen un parto vaginal?

How many of your children are alive?

Cuntos de sus hijos estn vivos?

How much did they weight?

Cunto pesan?

Boy or girl?

nio o nia?

Where did you deliver your children?

Dnde entregar a sus hijos?

When was your last menstrual period?

Cundo fue su ltimo perodo menstrual?

Cuando fue el primer da de su ltimo perodo?

Are your periods regular or irregular?

Los perodos regulares o irregulares?

How many days does your period usually last?

Cuntos das tiene su perodo suelen durar?

During your periods, do you bleed a lot or little?

Durante sus perodos, lo que sangran mucho o poco?

How old were you when you started menstruating?

Qu edad tena usted cuando comenz a menstruar?

Do you use contraceptives?

Utiliza anticonceptivos?

Condoms? Pills? Tubal ligation?

Preservativos? Pastillas? ligadura de tubos?



Qu medicamentos est tomando?

What surgeries have you had?Qu cirugas se ha sometido?

What medical illnesses have you had?Qu enfermedades mdicas ha tenido?What kind of illnesses run in your family?

Qu tipo de enfermedades en su familia?

Bleeding problems? Birth defects?

Problemas de sangrado? defectos de nacimiento?

Do you bruise easily?

Presenta hematomas con facilidad?

Bleeding during pregnancy?

Alguna vez ha sangrado mucho durante el embarazo?High blood pressure? Diabetes?

presin arterial alta?


Tuberculosis? Tuberculosis?

have you ever had a sexually transmitted disease?

Alguna vez has tenido una enfermedad de transmisin sexual?

Do you smoke, drink alcohol, or use illegal drugs?Usted fuma, toma alcohol o usa drogas ilegales?

Have you ever in the past?

Alguna vez en el pasado?How many packs/cigarettes per day?Cmo paquetes/cigarrillos por da?How many glasses of beer/wine/alcohol a day?

Cuntos vasos de cerveza / vino / de alcohol al da?Which drugs did you use? Heroin / Cocaine / methamphetamines / LSDLos frmacos que se utilizan? Herona y cocana / anfetaminas / LSDwhen did you stop?cundo parar?

are you married?

Ests casado?

Is the father involved?

Es el padre involucrado?

Was this a planned pregnancy?

Ha sido un embarazo planeado?

Are you happy about your pregnancy?

Eres feliz con tu embarazo?

Do you want an abortion?

Quieres un aborto?

Do you have any to help you with the baby?

Tiene usted alguna que le ayude con el beb?