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Medical Practice Efficiency GroupOperational Improvement Solutions


Who is MPEG

Medical Practice Efficiency Group (MPEG) is a corporation focused on improving the overall financial improvement of medical practices.

MPEG provides solutions to reduce the cost, improve the profit, improve after tax distribution, and enable the practitioners to fulfill their goals and business direction.

MPEG- Your Solutions Partner

Problems Medical Practitioners face

-Employee cost

-Medical malpractice cost

-EMR/EHR compliance

-Inefficient billing and collections

-Fee schedules


-Technology cost


- IT Staffing

MPEG Your Solution Partner

MPEG Solution

-SILKisi integrated software platform including billing and coding and EMR/HER solutions

_ Physicians Benefit Resources (PBR) a medical Malpractice turn key solution

-Oxford Partners-a domestic captive insurance company turn key solution

MPEG-Your Solution Partner

SILK isi

-EMR (Electronic Medical Record) EHR(Electronic Health Record) solution

- Only 30% of medical practices in the U.S. have installed an EMR/HER solution

- 100% Web based in the cloud

- Medicare/Medicaid requirements

- Stimulus money available upon attestation

- Customized work flow of the medical professionals

MPEG Your Solution Partner

Improves Billing and Collections by 20%-48%

- Professional certified coders billing for maximum profitability

- Negotiating insurance contracts

- Improving cash flow

- Reduce rejected claims

- NO servers needed, no hardware cost, no user fees, no down time


MPEG Your Solution Partner

SILK isi Target Market

- Medical Practices:

- $5 million and up in billing

- 5 practitioners and up

- Independent of hospital ownership

- Types of Practices

- Orthopedics


- Ob/Gyn

- Neurologists

- Surgeons

- Oral Surgeons

- and more

MPEG Your Solution Partner

Physicians Benefit Group Medical Malpractice Insurance

- Problem: Medical Practitioners face exorbitant cost in malpractice claims. Surgical Specialists have the most exposure and are charged the most for malpractice insurance.

- Solution: JOIN PBR RRG

MPEG Your Solution Partner

PBR RRG is a risk Retention Group owned by the Medical Practitioner.

- Sole Purpose of the RRG is to make money for the owners.

- The current Medical Professional Dilemma:

- Insurance companies settle law suits too easily

- Practitioner now has claims history and locked in to insurance company

- Rates are increased making practitioner more of a profitable client to insurance company

MPEG Your Solution Partner

The Solution

- PBR is an exclusive group accepting medical practices with few claims. Medical malpractice premium to be paid back to the doctor annually.

- PBR reviews practices no less than annually to help med malpractice improve the practice.

---Typically settled claims are due to poor EMR/HER documentation

PBR Model

Med Mal PolicyPremiumMedical PracticePBR RRGReinsuranceProfitLloyd of LondonPremium

MPEG Your Solution Partner

Target Market

- Specialists and specialist groups paying high medical malpractice premiums


- Orthopedics

- Neurologist

- Cardiologist

- and many more

MPEG Your Solution Partner

Oxford Captive Group

- Problem: Medical Practitioners, as other high income earners, look for solutions:

- To protect their assets

- To cover risks that would be unattractive to purchase policies from retail insurance companies, with some exclusive taxation benefits.

MPEG Your Solution Partner

The Transaction

- 831b Captive allows for the exclusion of up to $1.2 million in premium profit per year

- Domestic Captive

Allow for

- Asset protection

- Taxation reduction

- Efficient asset transfer

MPEG Your Solution Partner

Captive Model

Medical PracticeCICRe InsurancePoolIncome Loss InsPremiumReinsurancePremium

MPEG Your Solution Partner

Target Market

- Any practitioner or practice with annual discretionary income of over $300,000.00

- Any business with discretionary income of over $300,000.00

MPEG Your Solution Partner

Thank you for your interest, please feel free to contact:

Mary Ann Staff,

Director of Business Development

6151 Powers Ferry Rd. Ste 400

Atlanta, GA. 30339


734-834-5850 cell


[email protected]

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