Download - Mosaic Encore Enc… · #300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1 Telephone (780) 448- 4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297 . Welcome. to your new home at Mosaic Encore . You will find

Page 1: Mosaic Encore Enc… · #300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1 Telephone (780) 448- 4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297 . Welcome. to your new home at Mosaic Encore . You will find

#300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1

Telephone (780) 448-4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297

Welcome to your new home at Mosaic Encore

You will find some important information and forms in this package as it pertains to your new property. This package simply highlights a few of the provisions of the Bylaws and policies of the Corporation. Please ensure that all applicable forms are submitted to the Administrative Assistant for your property.

Please also ensure you have read and understand your Corporation Bylaws.

Please keep this package handy for contact and information purposes.

Mosaic Encore

Ayre & Oxford Inc. Property Management Contact Information

Suite 300, 10707 -100 Avenue NW Edmonton AB, T5J 3M1

Phone: 780.448.4984 ~ Fax: 780.448-7297


Sandra Hoffman E-mail [email protected]



Page 2: Mosaic Encore Enc… · #300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1 Telephone (780) 448- 4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297 . Welcome. to your new home at Mosaic Encore . You will find

AYRE & OXFORD INC. Professional Real Estate Management Accredited Management Organization®(AMO®)

#300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1

Telephone (780) 448-4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297

About On-Site Maintenance Service & Personnel Please note that Management employs a maintenance personnel, ensuring that you have someone familiar with your physical property to address any site disturbances and complete a regular visual check on your property. If you notice parking, garbage or gate operation concerns that you would like addressed, please contact Sandra Hoffman at [email protected] Your maintenance personnel (Dwain La Flamme) will likely be deployed to conduct any on-site assistance you might require and you can inquire on his hours at the site at 780-448-4984. Outside of regular business hours, a rotating after-hours emergency staff is available from Management to assist you; however they are paid overtime rates and are available only using the After-hours emergency line: 780-499-8424. Please keep in mind that many concerns you would have within your suite will be a unit owner’s responsibility, as outlined in your bylaws. If personnel are called on-site solely to assist in completing an owner responsibility such as a leaking toilet, the Corporation may have to charge your unit back for their attendance. If you are unsure whether your concern is an owner issue, and cannot find it in your bylaws, please ask the management office directly. All non-urgent reports should be made via email or phone to the office for record purposes. Getting Started: FAQ’s About Your New Townhome 1. Emergencies If there is a police / fire or medical emergency, call 911.

Always request the incident number they have assigned to the call, and report this to Management.

Non emergency reports of Noise or behavior disturbances should be made to Property Management the following business day for record purposes. You may also call the non-emergency police line at 511.

2. Certificate of Title Once title has been transferred please provide a copy of the Certificate of Title to Ayre & Oxford Inc.

3. Move in’s / Outs Etiquette: Please pay close attention to balconies with moving trucks, and no driving on the grass.

Any damages incurred to common property will be the responsibility of the unit owner. 4. Condominium Bylaws

In order to familiarize yourself with the different rules and regulations governing your building, please take a little time to read over the Condominium Bylaws you would have received upon purchase. If you did not receive a copy, please request one from Ayre & Oxford Inc.

5. Keys Please note that we do not provide keys to your unit. Nor do we provide keys to the mailbox. If you lose your mailbox keys, please contact a locksmith to change the lock and make keys for you. Please be advised you will need to show the locksmith proof that you own the unit. Canada Post will require a copy.

Page 3: Mosaic Encore Enc… · #300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1 Telephone (780) 448- 4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297 . Welcome. to your new home at Mosaic Encore . You will find

AYRE & OXFORD INC. Professional Real Estate Management Accredited Management Organization®(AMO®)

#300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1

Telephone (780) 448-4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297

6. Utilities

As Owners of your unit, you are responsible for all utilities, including power, water, natural gas, garbage removal, cable and telephone. Please contact your respective utility companies in order to make connection arrangements.

7. Insurance: Please complete the attached Improvement Installation Checklist for the Corporation to properly insure these improvements, as the Developer is not responsible to provide this information. The Condominium Corporation will carry Real Property All Risk Insurance, which provides coverage to the full replacement value of all real common property and Directors and Officers Liability. Only common property and improvements installed by the Developer will be covered under your Condominium insurance coverage. Provide your insurance agent with a copy of the Corporation bylaws and the current Corporation insurance certificate for their reference in ensuring your coverage is relevant to areas of your responsibility. It is strongly suggested that all owners have proper insurance. A copy of the insurance documents should be presented to the management company for their records.

This policy does not cover the individual unit owner in these important areas: • Insurance coverage on your personal property or contents coverage • Insurance coverage for personal liability • Sewer Back up • Contingent insurance • Insurance on Betterments, or improvements • Loss assessment (coverage for the Corporations deductible should this be assessed back

to the unit responsible.) • If the unit is rented to tenants, the owner should carry a condo package that also covers

tenant liability; the tenant must carry a tenant’s policy.

To protect yourself in these important areas you should purchase a Condominium Unit Owners Policy. This a package designed specifically for this unique type of ownership. Contact your insurance agent to ensure that your needs are adequately met.

8. Garbage…Garbage:

We strongly encourage everyone to recycle, and please be reminded: Please DON’T put your garbage beside the dumpster – it won’t get picked up by the garbage folks and ends up being strewn across the property. If we have to hire someone to clean up garbage left outside the bin or in the building that cost gets passed on. Balconies, alleys and yards are not to be used for garbage storage or unsightly storage of any items

9. Speed Limits:

o The speed limit is 15 kilometers per hour. o If you see someone speeding, please record his/her license number and call it in to the

property manager. 10. Visitor Parking:

o Residents are not allowed to park in the visitors parking areas. Violators will be tagged and towed.

o Special circumstance extended stay permits can be obtained through the Management Company.

o No parking in fire lanes or obstructing individual garages. o If vehicles are too frequently seen in visitor’s parking for extended periods of time, a warning will be issued, and then that vehicle will be towed.

Page 4: Mosaic Encore Enc… · #300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1 Telephone (780) 448- 4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297 . Welcome. to your new home at Mosaic Encore . You will find

AYRE & OXFORD INC. Professional Real Estate Management Accredited Management Organization®(AMO®)

#300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1

Telephone (780) 448-4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297

Contact Management About: 11. Pets:

Pets, including visiting pets, require approval of by the Corporation. You will find a pet approval form included in this package. Please also refer to the Corporation bylaws for guidelines on size restrictions, as your bylaws permit only one pet. Pets cannot make excessive noise or befoul any area within or outside the unit. You are responsible to keep your grass alive, green, and free of feces. (Tip: Pet urine tends to kill grass. The bylaws are clear that this is unacceptable. Heavy watering of your grass might reduce the problem.)

12. Noise and disturbance: Daily living and its associated noises are expected and suggested to remain from 8am to

9pm. Outside of this timeframe should be quiet hours, keep in mind noise travels and for the comfort of other residents please keep it down.

Parties or activities beyond 9pm should be conducted with due respect to your neighbors. We want everyone to be able to enjoy the common property, so your courtesy in respect to noise levels is appreciated. If it gets noisy outside, take the party inside and close the door.

Owners with complaint regarding noise in a unit after hours are asked to call the police and report the incident number from that call to Ayre & Oxford the next business day. Please document the date, time and nature of the complaint with as much detail as possible.

13. Renovations and Repairs:

Please note that any alterations of your existing unit (including a change of light switch facing) can void the warranty on your unit if not completed by a professional. For any questions regarding your warranty, please contact Brookfield directly.

If you plan on a major alteration such as developing your basement, we advise you to contact the City of Edmonton at 311 to inquire further about your responsibilities and obligations in receiving a permit. We also recommend that you contact building management prior to commencement for guidelines and to seek Board approval for your intended alterations.

Please strongly consider the following before proceeding: a. Construction in units is to be completed between 8am to 5pm Monday through

Saturday, and not to take place on balconies or common area space. b. Please seek advice before moving plumbing or electrical fixtures from one location to

another. c. If you are upgrading / renovating, please ensure your insurance is adjusted to reflect

coverage on all items that are not remaining “builders’ grade”. d. Unapproved renovations may be subject to removal. e. Disposal of renovation materials in the City garbage area may result in a chargeback.

14. Air Conditioners:

Air Conditioners must be approved by the Board. Please submit written requests to Management with all specifications. Air conditioners cannot be mounted to hang outside of windows and must be fully inside your unit. They cannot alter the building in any way or cause excessive noise outside your unit that may disturb neighbors. Central air conditioners require written approval from the Board of Directors after they are elected at the turnover meeting.

Page 5: Mosaic Encore Enc… · #300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1 Telephone (780) 448- 4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297 . Welcome. to your new home at Mosaic Encore . You will find

AYRE & OXFORD INC. Professional Real Estate Management Accredited Management Organization®(AMO®)

#300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1

Telephone (780) 448-4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297

15. Home based business: Please note that it is against your Corporation Bylaws to have a home based business in those units designated for residential use. For those units with mixed use designation, kindly make your request in writing to Management for approval by the Board. Approval will not be given to a business which requires public attendance except in the units designated for commercial use as per the Bylaws.

16. Rental Units: If you are renting out your unit, or someone other than the titled owner will be occupying

the unit, please notify Ayre & Oxford Inc within 21 days of the Rental and provide details of the tenants. You will find a notification form attached for your reference, along with a bylaw sign off form and if applicable the deposit requirement. the Corporation requests that you fill out a Resident Information Form each time a new tenant moves into your unit advising of the name(s) and contact numbers of your tenants/occupants as well as an off site address for yourself. Please forward these items to Ayre & Oxford Inc. Thank you.

Best Practice For Common Area & Home Enjoyment 17. For sale / rent signage: Signs cannot be placed in windows, on the common property or surrounding grounds. 18. Balconies, BBQ’s & other exterior equipment: Balconies and yards are considered common areas. They must be kept clean of junk not appropriate for this area. No storage of garbage etc. allowed. Basically if it is an eyesore it’s not allowed. Satellite Dishes are not allowed on the property. Regarding BBQ’s, please keep in mind the following: 1) The City of Edmonton Fire Department advises against having a flammable item as near as

1 meter of the building exterior structure. 2) Any damages or melting caused to the structure are solely Owners’ responsibility to repair,

at their own expense. 3) Owners are not permitted at any time to store or operate my BBQ or flammable device

within an enclosed area, and owners are not permitted to store combustible, inflammable or offensive goods on the site, per my Condominium bylaws.

4) Owners may not do or permit to be done anything which might increase the risk of fire or increase the rate of fire insurance premiums.

5) Excess food, charcoal and grease should not be permitted to drip on the ground, altering the appearance and affecting the sanitation of your exclusive use area.

19. Heating: Please monitor the temperature of your unit to ensure it is reasonable, and not humid. In the winter please make sure your heat is on. Do not leave any windows or patio doors open when you are not around. If you do need to open a window, please monitor it closely as there have been problems with pipes freezing when there is a change in temperature. Damage done to your suite and other suites as a result of frozen pipes that burst, as a result of negligence on the part of the resident or owners of the suite, is the responsibility of the owner and/or resident of that suite. Our temperature can change drastically from warm to cold in a hurry.

20. Yards / Landscaping:

Owners are responsible to maintain, weed, and water your own shrub beds. Owners are also responsible for watering your own grass. a. If your unit is still covered under the first year warranty, please do not tear out shrubs,

plants or trees. b. The bylaws for Encore specify that no toys, chairs or furniture are to be kept on lawns.

Page 6: Mosaic Encore Enc… · #300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1 Telephone (780) 448- 4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297 . Welcome. to your new home at Mosaic Encore . You will find

AYRE & OXFORD INC. Professional Real Estate Management Accredited Management Organization®(AMO®)

#300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1

Telephone (780) 448-4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297

c. The grounds-keeping / Snow removal contractor will mow the grass within your fenced yard if it is clear of pets, pet feces, toys, debris, or any other objects.

d. If you have a pet, please be responsible and practice immediate clean up in your yard and other common areas.

e. Even if you have a pet, you are responsible to keep your grass alive, green, and free of feces. (Tip: Pet urine tends to kill grass. The bylaws are clear that this is unacceptable. Heavy watering and some fertilization of your grass might reduce the problem.)

21. Downspouts Downspouts should remain DOWN at all times to ensure water drainage is directed away from your foundation. Lawn companies occasionally forget to place these back down, so please monitor this, and notify management if it becomes an issue.

22. Sump Pump Maintenance: Each end unit has a sump pump installed. With this comes responsibility. Each unit owner is responsible to ensure their installed sump pump is operational at all times. Should the sump pump remain inoperable for a period of time, damages can result in repair costs, along with restoration costs in the event of flooding, which can be excessive. Should damages occur, the repair costs will be levied against the unit owner responsible. In addition, Brookfield Homes may void structural warranty terms, should resulting foundation issues be uncovered. The main benefit of having a sump pump in your home is that it alleviates the worry of accidental water damage. At this time, we take this opportunity to provide you with some tips for care of the sump pump: • Ensure discharge pipe is connected and allows water to drain away from the

foundation. • Go outside to check that the pump is actually discharging water (sometimes the pump

will run but it won’t pump any water out). • Visual Check: In general, a sump pump does not require extensive maintenance. Most

homeowners find it beneficial to do a visual check on the pump every few months. Once annually, it is important that a more thorough sump pump maintenance routine be performed. On the rare occasion of persistent rainfall, your sump pump should be monitored more often to ensure its smooth operation.

• Fill the sump pit with water to make sure the pump is working properly. • Clean the air hole in the discharge line. • Replace the battery on the back-up sump pump every second or third year. • After Heavy Rainfall: A build up of debris in your sump pump is one of the major

causes of sump pump failure. It is important that you check your inlet suction screen to make sure that there is no blockage. This sump pump maintenance routine should be performed every few months and especially after heavy or persistent rainfall.

• Check the Motor: Once annually, it is necessary to check on the effective operation of the sump pump’s motor by pouring water into the drain area of the pump. If the pump is working well, the motor will turn on just as the float rises with the water level. You should repeat this procedure for a few cycles. Keep track of when you last performed this task as it is a very important part of your sump pump maintenance program.

• Check Float: Ensure that the float of your sump pump is able to freely move. If the float is obstructed, your pump may fail to start. This task does not have to be performed regularly, but you should get in the habit of doing it every few months.

• Verify Oil Seal: If you spot an oily film on the surface of the water in your sump pump, verify the condition of the oil seal. The appearance of oil probably indicates a faulty oil seal which may cause the motor to burn out.

Page 7: Mosaic Encore Enc… · #300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1 Telephone (780) 448- 4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297 . Welcome. to your new home at Mosaic Encore . You will find

AYRE & OXFORD INC. Professional Real Estate Management Accredited Management Organization®(AMO®)

#300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1

Telephone (780) 448-4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297

What Happens Later if I Thinking of Selling? It happens – everyone’s needs change over time. When you are selling the real estate agent you work with or potential buyers are usually interested in some key documents:

o Condo Bylaws o Previous AGM minutes o Insurance Certificate for building o End of year financials o Reserve Fund Study

All these documents have been provided to owners in the past. By law you only have to make these available for VIEWING (by appointment at Ayre & Oxford) however to speed up the sales process most sellers keep a copy of the documents handy. Please remember that if you need this documentation reproduced there is a fee which can be $300-400 depending on the needs of the buyer. Documents are available at: . So be sure to have your bylaws and keep your AGM information in a handy spot!

Page 8: Mosaic Encore Enc… · #300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1 Telephone (780) 448- 4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297 . Welcome. to your new home at Mosaic Encore . You will find

AYRE & OXFORD INC. Professional Real Estate Management Accredited Management Organization®(AMO®)

#300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1

Telephone (780) 448-4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297

Mosaic Encore Contact Information

Suite No.:


Owner Name: __________________________________________________________________________


SEND MAIL TO CONDO ADDRESS? Circle YES or NO -If you circled no, please enter mailing address below


Province Postal Code

Primary Phone No.: Secondary Phone No.:


Emergency Contact/Agent:

Emergency contact daytime phone: ___________________ Evening phone: _______________________

OWNER OCCUPIED UNIT Please circle YES or NO (if you circled no please complete the section below)

RESIDENT INFORMATION, (if different from Owner):

Name(s): _____________________________________________________________________________

Daytime phone:_________________________ Evening phone:_________________________________

CARS OWNED OR USED BY OWNER/RESIDENTS which are parked at or near the condominium:

Car #1.

Parking stall location & number: _______________________

Make: ______________________________ Model: ________________________________________

Color: ______________________________ License Plate Number: ___________________________

Car #2.

Parking stall location & number: _______________________

Make: ______________________________ Model: ________________________________________

Color: ______________________________ License Plate Number: ___________________________

Signature: ___________________________ Date: _______________________________________

The information requested is for our records only. In order to ensure confidentiality to all occupants, site staff has been instructed not to provide personal information contained in our files. Once completed, please sign and return the form to the Sandra Hoffman by mail, fax or email.

Page 9: Mosaic Encore Enc… · #300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1 Telephone (780) 448- 4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297 . Welcome. to your new home at Mosaic Encore . You will find

AYRE & OXFORD INC. Professional Real Estate Management Accredited Management Organization®(AMO®)

#300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1

Telephone (780) 448-4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297

Mosaic Encore Notice of Intention to Rent/Lease 1. We,___________________________________________________ as owner(s) of

Unit Number _____________, intend to rent/lease the unit to:

____________________________________________________________________________ (name(s) of proposed tenant/lessee) 2. A copy of the proposed rental agreement/lease showing the terms thereof, the amount of the rental to be paid and the circumstances under which it may be terminated prior to expiry is attached. 3. My/Our mailing address for service of legal process is: _____________________________________________________________________________ 4. I/We undertake to pay the Condominium Corporation and to indemnify it against any damage sustained by the Corporation or any other person as a result of the tenant's/lessee's breach of any Bylaw or any damages resulting from negligence or nuisance committed by the tenant/lessee. 5. I/We understand and agree that any unpaid charges resulting from damage sustained by the Corporation or any other person as a result of the tenant's/lessee's breach of any Bylaw or any damages resulting from negligence or nuisance committed by the tenant/lessee will be applied against Condominium fees paid; resulting in action taken as per the Corporation . The Corporation also has a charge against the estate of the defaulting owner, for any amounts that the Corporation has the right to recover under these by laws. The charge shall be deemed to be an interest in the land, and the Corporation may register a caveat in that regard against the title to the defaulting owners unit. The Corporation shall not be obliged to discharge the caveat until all arrears, including interest and enforcement costs have been paid. 6. I/We have fully explained to the prospective tenant/lessee the provisions of Sections 53, 54, 56 of the Condominium Property Act and we have provided the tenant with a copy of the Corporation's Bylaws. 7. I/ We understand that the Residential Tenancies Act may affect us and our tenant. If there is a conflict between the Residential Tenancies Act and the Condominium Property Act, the Condominium Property Act applies. DATED at Edmonton this _____ day of _____ , 20 __. SIGNATURE OF OWNER SIGNATURE OF CO-OWNER ______________________________ ____________________________________ Attachments: Rental Lease Agreement, Bylaw Receipt Form, Tenant’s Insurance Certificate.

Page 10: Mosaic Encore Enc… · #300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1 Telephone (780) 448- 4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297 . Welcome. to your new home at Mosaic Encore . You will find

AYRE & OXFORD INC. Professional Real Estate Management Accredited Management Organization®(AMO®)

#300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1

Telephone (780) 448-4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297

Mosaic Encore Tenant Receipt of Bylaws Form To Be Completed by Tenant(s) To: Mosaic Encore Condominium Corporation Unit # _____________________ Address:___________________________________________________ In consideration of the attached application to lease unit #_________ at Mosaic Encore, please be advised of the following: I / We_________________________________________________ have received a copy of the Corporation bylaws for review. I / We _________________________________________________ agree to undertake the bylaws of the Corporation. Date: ____________________________ Signature: ____________________________ Signature: ____________________________ Witness Signature: ____________________________

Page 11: Mosaic Encore Enc… · #300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1 Telephone (780) 448- 4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297 . Welcome. to your new home at Mosaic Encore . You will find

AYRE & OXFORD INC. Professional Real Estate Management Accredited Management Organization®(AMO®)

#300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1

Telephone (780) 448-4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297

Mosaic Encore Cease to Rent Form To Be Completed by Owner(s) To: Mosaic Encore Condominium Corporation Unit # _____________________ Address:_____________________________________________ I / We___________________________________________ Cease to rent the aforementioned suite effective on the date of: ________________________________ Date Submitted: ____________________________ Signature: ____________________________ Print Name: ____________________________ Witness Signature: ____________________________

Page 12: Mosaic Encore Enc… · #300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1 Telephone (780) 448- 4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297 . Welcome. to your new home at Mosaic Encore . You will find

AYRE & OXFORD INC. Professional Real Estate Management Accredited Management Organization®(AMO®)

#300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1

Telephone (780) 448-4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297

Mosaic Encore

Alberta Treasury Branch Pre-Authorized Chequing Authorization for Debit Transfer Unit #: Surname: _____________________________ First Name: ________________________ Initial: ________ Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Complete if the name the account is under is different from Condominium Owner’s name Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________Province: _________________Postal Code: _____________ Telephone No :______________________________( work) _____________________________________

CIRCLE YES or NO 1. New Pre Authorized Plan for Ayre & Oxford Inc.? YES NO 2. Bank Information Change (If Applicable)? YES NO 3. Are you authorizing any outstanding balance to be withdrawn from your account along with

your monthly fees? YES NO INITIALS_____ I, ____________________________________; Hereby authorize Alberta Treasury Branch (ATB) and:

Ayre & Oxford Inc. #300, 10707 – 100 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5J 3M1 Telephone: (780) 448-4984 To transfer monies in the amount of the monthly condominium fees from my account at the following location: Financial Institution Name_______________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________Province:_________________PostalCode:_______________ Telephone No.:______________________________ I authorize Ayre & Oxford Inc. and ATB to use the services of any member or affiliate of the Canadian Payments Association (CPA) in carrying out this authorization. I agree to be bound by the standards, rules and practices of the CPA as they may exist from time to time. I agree to give written notice of cancellation of this authorization to Ayre & Oxford Inc. and to be bound by this authorization until Ayre & Oxford Inc. has had reasonable time to act on the notice. Ayre & Oxford Inc. and/or ATB may terminate this authorization by providing me with ten (ten) days notice. I undertake to inform Ayre & Oxford Inc. within ten (10) days of any changes to branch, account and institution number while this authorization is in effect. It is the Condominium Owner’s responsibility to notify Ayre & Oxford Inc. of cancellation or changes to the Pre-Authorized account on or by the 23rd of the current month. I understand there will be a service charge of $35.00 if any withdrawal is returned. (This service charge is subject to change without notice.) Commencement Date: ________________ 1, 20___ (We must receive this form by the 24th of

the month before the commencement date.)

Witness: _________________________Signature:_______________________Date:_________________


Page 13: Mosaic Encore Enc… · #300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1 Telephone (780) 448- 4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297 . Welcome. to your new home at Mosaic Encore . You will find

AYRE & OXFORD INC. Professional Real Estate Management Accredited Management Organization®(AMO®)

#300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1

Telephone (780) 448-4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297

APPLICATION FOR PET APPROVAL Mosaic Encore Pet Registration Application Form In accordance with The Owners: Condominium Plan No. 122 3683 By-law 62 (b) iii, approval for any animal is required. Please complete this application for any pets such as cats or dogs residing in your Unit and return to the Office. The number of the municipal license (City of Edmonton) and a recent photograph of the pet in the application must be attached. NOTE: Size and quantity restrictions are in effect. Owner: Unit Address: Home # Work # Mailing Address if Owner lives Off-Site: TO BE COMPLETED BY OWNER/LANDLORD IF UNIT IS RENTED:

Tenant Name(s)

Home # Work #

Pet Description: Cat (breed): Dog (breed):

Sex: Color: Height: Weight: Age: Fixed? Circle: Y/N

Municipal License # Tag # I/We, the Owner(s) of the above Unit do hereby make application for approval for the pet (cat or dog) as described above and agree to the following terms and conditions:

1. The information provided is accurate. Misrepresentation will result in the withdrawal of approval by the Condominium Corporation.

2. This application references this animal ONLY and will not apply to any other animal residing on the premises, now or in the future.

3. Approval for pets may be withdrawn by the Condominium Corporation, in accordance with By-law 62 (b) iii.

4. In the event that the animal described about is under the age of (1) year, I/We promise to provide a copy of the municipal license before the animal’s first birthday.

5. Any and all costs incurred resulting from damages and repair to the Common Property caused by the above described animal shall be the responsibility of the Unit Owner. Resulting legal costs, if any, will be borne by the Unit Owner.

6. No animal shall be tied to any part of the Common Property, including posts, trees, shrubs, fences or signs.

7. No animal shall be allowed to create noise or disturb other residents in any way. 8. No animal shall be left unattended while on Common Property or exclusive use areas. 9. All pets must be properly controlled (leashed or caged) at all times while on Common

Property. 10. Owners are responsible for the proper disposal of PET WASTE. All waste is to be

removed immediately from Common Property and exclusive use areas. 11. No more than 1 pet per household will be approved by the Condo Corporation. 12. I/We agree to comply with the Condominium By-laws and any rules and regulations set

forth by the Condominium Corporation. SIGNED THIS DAY OF , 20______ Signature:

Number Month

Page 14: Mosaic Encore Enc… · #300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1 Telephone (780) 448- 4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297 . Welcome. to your new home at Mosaic Encore . You will find

AYRE & OXFORD INC. Professional Real Estate Management Accredited Management Organization®(AMO®)

#300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1

Telephone (780) 448-4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297

Mosaic Encore Suite Renovation/Alteration Form Date of Application: __________________ Unit #: __________________ NAME:_______________________________________ ADDRESS:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE:______________________ Interior Enhancement: Y / N DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT(S) – (Basement, Deck, Fence, Sunroof, Other) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Permit Required: YES______ NO______ (If yes, enclose copy for file) Material(s) to be used in construction: NOTE: low, minimal or maintenance free materials must be used in construction, and must meet with municipal and provincial codes & requirements ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Color(s): NOTE: If exterior, alteration must coordinate to existing exteriors ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Dimensions, Specifications: (Attach a detailed sketch or drawing of the project showing dimensions, including proximity to adjoining properties. If interior enhancements involve structural changes, an engineer’s report may be required.) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contractor(s) or persons responsible for construction and contact numbers:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Estimated completion date of project(s): NOTE: Owner accepts responsibility for timely completion of project ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unit(s) that may be affected and/or impacted by construction: ______________

Page 15: Mosaic Encore Enc… · #300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1 Telephone (780) 448- 4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297 . Welcome. to your new home at Mosaic Encore . You will find

AYRE & OXFORD INC. Professional Real Estate Management Accredited Management Organization®(AMO®)

#300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1

Telephone (780) 448-4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297

Owner(s) to complete the following section: I/we, ___________________________, as homeowner(s) of Unit _______, accept all responsibility for construction and associated costs including permits as well as any/all related maintenance of these projects. I/We also accept full liability for any and all damages caused as a result of the failure of any electrical, plumbing and/or structural components changed during the course of the renovation. When these enhancements are complete, these projects will be discussed with my/our insurance agent. If applicable my/our insurance coverage will be increased to cover replacement costs associated with these items. I/We are aware and accept full responsibility for any additional insurance premiums incurred as a result of these improvements to my/our property and unit. Dated this ________ day of _________________________________________, 20_____ ________________________________ ______________________________ Owner’s Signature Owner’s Signature Office to complete the following section Board members concerns and/or any related conditions of approval OR denial and reason for denial: ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Approved / Denied (Please circle and initial one) Dated this ________ day of _______________, 20_____, _____________________ (Property Manager)

Page 16: Mosaic Encore Enc… · #300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1 Telephone (780) 448- 4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297 . Welcome. to your new home at Mosaic Encore . You will find

AYRE & OXFORD INC. Professional Real Estate Management Accredited Management Organization®(AMO®)

#300, 10707 - 100 Avenue • Edmonton AB T5J 3M1

Telephone (780) 448-4984 • Fax (780) 448-7297

Mosaic Encore


Due to some recent changes to Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation, Ayre & Oxford Inc. now requires

written consent from Owners in order to be able to communicate via email, effective July 1, 2014.

Please be reminded that Ayre & Oxford Inc. is governed by PIPA (Personal Information Privacy Act) and

therefore would never provide your personal information to any third parties, other than what is required

by law.

For more information on the changes please visit


I/we ,

Owners of Unit # at Mosaic Encore

hereby give my/our permission to Ayre & Oxford Inc. to use my/our below noted email address(es) for

communication purposes related to Condominium matters.


I/we ,

Owners of Unit # at Mosaic Encore

hereby REMOVE my/our permission to Ayre & Oxford Inc. to use my/our below noted email address(es)

for communication purposes related to Condominium matters

Email Address Email Address

Signature Signature

Please note: All formal legal notices will remain distributed by letter mail via Canada Post or other

mail carrier services.

Please return this form to Ayre & Oxford Inc. via one of the following methods:

Mail/In Person: #300, 10707 – 100 Ave; Edmonton AB T5J 3M1

Email: [email protected]

Fax: 780-448-7297