Download - More than good Ideas - KAEFER · KAEFER WANNER: The challenging renovation of a Lycée During renovation of the A. Daudet Lycée the noise and fire insulation is integrated in the

Page 1: More than good Ideas - KAEFER · KAEFER WANNER: The challenging renovation of a Lycée During renovation of the A. Daudet Lycée the noise and fire insulation is integrated in the

KAEFER GROUP Expansion into future regions INDUSTRY Major orders in Abu Dhabi –KAEFER ApS is the new scaffolding specialist in Denmark OFFSHORE Snøhvit shortly before completion – KIO breaks into Australia SHIPBUILDING ‘FREEDOM OF THE SEAS’sets sail – New KAEFER face at SMM fair CONSTRUCTION AWI order for Antarctic Station Neumayer III AEROSPACE Service portfolio expanded to include OLUTEX and KTN

Issue 2006, No. 24 | The Company Magazine of the KAEFER Group

More than good Ideas

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Spring 2006Foundation of new Aerospace Division

Spring 2006KAEFER awarded contract for insulation and anti-corrosion work at the Woodside Train V gas liquefaction plant, Australia

Spring 2006OLUTEX, manufacturer of primary insulation for the Airbus programme, joins the KAEFER Group

April 2006Snøhvit project enters crucial phase, workforce must be increased

April 2006KAEFER receives order for insulation and interiorfinishing of BMW World in Munich, Germany

April 2006KAEFER WANNER begins work on LNG terminal

in Guangdong, China

May 2006KAEFER Industry presents new exhibition

stand at the ACHEMA in Frankfurt

June 2006Scaffolding work begins for the shut-down of SAPREF refinery, South Africa

June 2006Completion of offshore platform

Buzzard in Cadiz, Spain

April 2006‘FREEDOM OF THE SEAS’ delivered to

Royal Caribbean International

July 2006New company PARKER KAEFER founded for

the offshore market in Canada









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August 2006KAEFER takes over majority interest of

KAEFER Punj Lloyd Limited in India

September 2006At the 3rd Soccer Cup in Paris a tombola wasorganised in support of the KARP Foundation

November 2006Ceremonial opening of KAEFER branch inShanghai, China

September 2006Training ship ‘HANSEATIC EXPLORER’completed in time for SMM Fair

September 2006Roll-out of the first AWACS-Boeingto be insulated by KAEFER

July 2006Camp Qatar is completed, providingaccommodation for 850 employees

July 2006KTN, producer of GRP parts, expands the serviceportfolio of KAEFER Aerospace

August 2006Fire protection work completed in the Horburg tunnel in Basel, Switzerland





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This year witnessed a welcome revival of demand for engineeringservices in the insulation sector – worldwide and in almost everyregion. Group turnover was boosted especially by a number ofmajor projects for the gas, oil and chemical industries, surpas-sing the already high levels of the past two years. The large number of offers recently submitted is further indication of acontinuing healthy order book.

Equally encouraging are the initial signs of renewed growthon the domestic market in Germany, where we expect a furtherboast for our branch in the coming years – especially in the fieldof power stations. Similarly reassuring developments are emer-ging in the European core market, and our recent market entry into China, India, Canada and Mexico will add furthermomentum to medium-term growth.

Nevertheless, this overall positive scenario for KAEFERbrings with it a set of new and heightened challenges for us all.Major industrial projects like Snøhvit in Norway or Woodside inAustralia inevitably call for a high degree of international mo bi-lity on the part of our employees – especially those with the tech-nical expertise to be found largely at our German locations. Manyof the services previously performed exclusively at Bremen HeadOffice must now be expanded internationally – whether in thefield of finance or controlling, IT or communication and adverti-sing. We cannot afford to sit on our laurels.

Altogether, calls upon our powers of flexibility and adapt -ability have been magnified. Even major projects come to anend – and it is unlikely that similarly large orders will always follow in the same country. This gives rise to issues that must bead dressed by national management.

We will utilise the sound results produced during this andthe prior year for investment to round off the product spectrumwith corrosion protection and scaffolding, as well as to expandthe new Offshore and Aerospace business segments. Simulta -

neously, it is essential that we continue to develop the skill-setsand qualifications of our employees. Focal points are global sup-port for junior engineers in proficient project management, training in business subjects and foreign languages, as well astraining and further education for our industrial workers.

Particular importance must be attached to the capability ofour junior managers to act with foresight at all levels of businesslife. Reality constantly brings change and unexpected develop-ments – scarcity of raw materials and the consequent price hikes,the recent unexpected difficulties in the delivery of insulationmaterials, delays in the production of certain aircraft types, etc.Competent medium-term business planning is therefore indis-pensable across all our business areas. In addition, we must allbe constantly prepared to react to unforeseen disruptions andswiftly adopt suitable countermeasures.

Dear KAEFER personnel, thanks to your capability and com-mitment, we managed to cope successfully, with the demandsplaced on the company over the past year. The shareholders, theAdvisory Board and the Management join in expressing theirthanks and recognition. Despite the positive outlook, the yearsahead are likely to confront us with ever-higher demands. I amsure we are capable of meeting whatever challenges arise withan ongoing readiness to accept innovation and change in the interest of our customers – and thus in the interests of ourcompany as well!

Norbert Schmelzle Jörn M. Fetköter Peter Hoedemaker

Chairman of the Board Managing Director Managing Director


Dear Employees,Dear Friends of KAEFER,

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New Business Segment – KAEFER Aerospace Interdisciplinary project team sets up strategic business development in the aerospace 05

Australia: Rope access in place of buildingscaffoldsDuring an extensive maintenance project on a large plant at the Alcan Gove aluminium works, KAEFER draws on experience gained in its offshore 19

KAEFER IKM: Top address for refurbishingoffshore accommodationIn the North Sea offshore market KAEFER IKM, with its 60 employees, is among the leading suppliers of refurbishing 33

KAEFER Shipbuilding: Late entry turns into success In spite of the tight schedule KAEFER completes the interior finishingand insulation work for the training ship “HANSEATIC EXPLORER” in time for the SMM fair in 37

KAEFER WANNER: The challenging renovation of a LycéeDuring renovation of the A. Daudet Lycée the noise and fire insulation is integrated in the building in such a way as to keep the historical architecture thoroughly 46










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KAEFER Group 2006

Turnover of the KAEFER Group in million euros

The 2006 financial year was very successful. This is reflected in the significant

increase in turnover of 25 % over the previous year. Growth in other countries was

especially noteworthy (+30 %), the reason being company acquisitions as well

as the organic growth of a number of KAEFER locations. The significant increase

(+15 %) in the turnover of KAEFER’s domestic operations is also gratifying.

The new Aerospace segment is primarily responsible for this.

Employees of the KAEFER Group

There was also a positive trend in the number of employees, some 77 % of whom

are resident outside Germany. This development is not the result of outsourcing

company activities, but due to organic growth together with acquisitions.

In Germany itself the number of employees rose by 11.8 %.

Germany International

IMM 2006

participants in

Budapest, Hungary

IMM 2006 in Budapest

83 members of KAEFER’s management teams, from 22 nations, met for two days to discuss strategies in the presentbuoyant market situation.

This time 16 new members werewelcomed – the result of national andinternational acquisition as well assupport from Group Head Office. Guestspeaker Per-Sigve Marken, Sales Manager

company who had been invited to gain apersonal impression of KAEFER.

After an intensive exchange of ideas,there was time to explore the beautifulcity of Budapest. The itinerary included avisit to the castle that was once home toEmpress ‘Sissi’. On a less cultural note,many members took the opportunity towatch the opening match of the FIFAWorld Cup – Germany v. Costa Rica.

The organisational team of BeateBemmert and Hanna Cichor, with localassistance from Zsolt Böröndy, plannedeverything perfectly.

A new development, during breaks indiscussions, was to watch a slide show ofthe KAEFER Year Revue. The theme was‘When friends and family get together,they look at photos’ – an idea thateveryone appreciated. The positiveatmosphere was round ed off by thepresentation of this year’s awards.

The German Industry Division won the award for ‘Best NationalPerforming Business’, while Construction

at IKM Testing AS Norway, talked aboutinternational possibilities for coop -eration. The participants also took theopportunity to discuss cooperation withthe Managing Director of a Hungarian

Germany International

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In view of the worldwide surge in rail and air passenger numbers,KAEFER Managing Director Jörn M. Fetköter was prompted toconsider which of KAEFER’s core competences this growth marketmight be in need of. Does the aerospace industry require heat,cold, noise and fire protection? Could there also be a demand forwall, ceiling and flooring systems, or even interior finishingservices for passenger cabins on land and in the air? How couldthe experience gained from shipbuilding and RECORE systemsalso be made attractive for aerospace customers?

An interdisciplinary project team was set up to develop astrategic business plan for the aerospace industry. They subse-quently came up with a plan to integrate OLUTEX for primary insu-lation with KTN for ventilation/air-conditioning ducts andwall/ceiling panels as strategic target activities within the KAEFERGroup’s portfolio. Backed up by KAEFER resources, engineers andproject leaders, these activities now constitute the basis of thenew Aerospace business segment.

On the following pages we present some details of the fast-growing programmes and specific activities in this area.

This article outlines their organisation, the practical mergingof new and existing services and products, the integration ofaircraft construction and the building of rail vehicles – with theadded inclusion of auxiliary products and materials like RECORE,for instance. The congruence of requirements in the developmentand construction of advanced means of passenger transport,especially in the high-speed category, was reason enough toincorporate rail activities within the Aerospace Division.

The award of orders for complete interior packages iscommonplace in both industries, with the bundling of equipmentand outfitting components into systems providing an ideal basisfor developing activities in depth as well as in breadth. Floorcoverings, curtains, kitchens, compartments: a cabin may be aconfined space, but it provides broad scope for ambitious andinspired thinking.

The aim is to complement existing skill sets, not merely inproduction, installation and after sales, but also in moreupstream stages of the value-added chain involving research,development and design. In this way, we aspire to build morebinding partnerships with the manufacturers of aircraft and railvehicles.

Meanwhile, the number of projects acquired is steadily risingand includes A400M, A380 and other Airbus programmes and thefitting out of AWACS aircraft for NATO. In this scenario the paralleltask of creating sustainable organisational structures is a chal-lenging one, with pivotal consequences for future performance.With the assistance of management teams from the newcompanies and areas of activity we have worked out a structurefor this family in the new Aerospace segment.

The areas of sales and development have been reorganisedso as to be more geared to customer orientation, with theprogramme management and administration of OLUTEX, KTNand RECORE now united in KAEFER Aerospace. At the same timewe have concentrated our engineering and installation capabi-lities in resource pools. Consequently, specific individual expertiseand specific individual resources are now at the disposal of allactivities within the new segment.

This activity is not limited to the strategic locations ofToulouse, Hamburg, Bremen, Seifhennersdorf, Saint-Nazaire,Nobitz and Timra. Organisational models are being constructedfor new markets, with all the meetings, schedules, discussionsand decision-making that entails. Within this process, our expertsare combining technical requirements and organisational stra-tegies to come up with sound solutions, helping to consolidateKAEFER’s position in this international and demanding market.

We can hardly wait for the next exciting news – from China,India or Spain perhaps?

New Business Segment – KAEFER AerospaceThe KAEFER Group is the world’s largest independent company for heat, cold, noise and fire insulation. With over9,000 employees in 38 different countries, KAEFER possesses a wealth of expertise as a General Contractor, serviceprovider, outfitter and systems supplier. This expertise is applied on land, on water, and now in the air as well!

Bremerhaven/Bremen was awarded ‘BestNational Turnaround’.

Internationally, KAEFER IKM Norwaywas declared ‘Best InternationalPerforming Business’. KAEFER Engineering

Thailand and KAEFER South Africa sharedthe accolade of ‘Best International Devel -opment’, and KAEFER Malaysia was giventhe award for ‘Best InternationalTurnaround’.

All in all, IMM 2006 was a highlysuccessful gathering and an ideal oppor-tunity for an intensive exchange betweenour international management.

KAEFER Aerospace

Business Development

Program Management

Production Installation Services

Design & Engineering

KTN Kunststoff-Technik, Nobitz(Germany)

OLUTEX, Seifhennersdorf (Germany)OLUTEX, Toulouse(France)

RECORE, Timra(Sweden)

Organisation chart

of KAEFER Aerospace

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Engagement on the East Coast of Canada

KAEFER has entered one of the fastest-growing insulation and offshore marketsin the world. In April 2006 KAEFER and theCanadian company Parker BrothersContracting Ltd. founded PARKER KAEFER.The new company’s Head Office is in thetown of Halifax in the province of Nova

Scotia on the Atlantic coast of Canada, andKAEFER holds the majority interest.

In Parker Brothers KAEFER has securedthe cooperation of the region’s marketleader in industrial insulation and one ofthe biggest local companies in the branch.More than 70 employees provide services

in the areas of insulation, corrosionprotection and scaffolding. The newcompany benefits from each partner’smany years of experience. For example,Parker Brothers possesses valuable localexpertise in industrial insulation andsurface protection. For around 50 yearsParker Brothers has been a reliable partnerof industry along the Canadian Atlanticcoast.

Canada is one of the world’s mostimportant economies. This vast countrybetween the Atlantic and the PacificOceans proffers ideal framework condi -tions: one of the highest rates of GDPgrowth, a positive business climate, lowlevels of bureaucracy and an extraordi-narily fair legal system. On top of thisCanada is among the world’s leading oil-exporting nations. After Saudi Arabia thecountry possesses the second-largest oilreserves in the world. Services for LNGimport terminals are a core activity of thenew company PARKER KAEFER. At thepresent time three such terminals arebeing planned within a 300-kilometreradius of Halifax. The total investmentinvolved in these projects is around 500 million euros in each case.

FPSO vessel


KAEFER China’s new

building at Shanghai

Chemical Industrial


Opening ceremony in ShanghaiThe promises of our new subsidiary in China, which is operating under the auspices of NECL, were ceremoniouslyopened on 22nd November: the newly formed team has already taken up their work.

KAEFER Managing Director PeterHoedemaker and Head of Division HenryKohlstruk welcomed employees of ourfirst Chinese customers in the presence ofa representative from Shanghai ChemicalIndustrial Park SCIP.

Horst Körner, Managing Director ofKAEFER Grand China and his co-worker,engineer Olivier Gazeau (costing, pro -curement, distribution), together withMichael Chen (projects) and Pamela Tsao(administration) proudly presented theirnew premises and updated guests oncurrent developments. The 300 m2 ofoffice space will serve primarily as anarena for intensive training. Under theexpert eye of Michael Chen, an initial teamof 15 workers is being trained for jobs asindustrial insulation fitters in the well-equipped metal workshop located in the

3,000 m2 hall. By fortunate design thetraining facility is located directly oppositethe offices, where a thermal conductorwith expansion bends is a perfect exampleof poor insulation. The first task of thetrainees is therefore to re-insulate thethermal conductor so that it can act as aperfect demonstration of the quality wewish to sell to industrial customers inChina. The next step in 2007 will be to setup the production of nuclear cassettes –five nuclear power plants have alreadybeen supplied by NECL and KAEFER fromour workshops in Germany. Offers havebeen submitted for a further four, with theaim of producing these in China itself. The third item on the agenda will then be the production of insulation for turbines and other forms of mattress-insulatingmaterials.

The plans we reported on extensively in K-WERT 23 have now come to fruition. Thusthe premises of our new subsidiary inChina, which is operating under theauspices of NECL, were ceremoniouslyopened on 22nd November and the newlyformed team has begun its work.

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International growth strategy bears fruitThe internationalisation of industrial markets is progressing rapidly. KAEFER is an active part of this developmentand continues with its expansion thrust into other countries. The most recent acquisitions and newly formedcompanies like PARKER KAEFER (Canada), Ippokampos (Greece), KAEFER Punj Lloyd Limited (India) and KAEFER Insulation Engineering Shanghai (China) provide ample proof of this.

About eight years ago the KAEFER Man -age ment set the new strategic course. Itwas planned to raise the share of interna-tional turnover in the medium term to50 % of Group turnover – without any cutsin domestic business. This target hassubsequently been reached and the sightshave been set even higher: internationalturn over is now to be increased to two-thirds of total KAEFER revenue and domes -tic activities are to be intensified, too.

But growth alone cannot remain oursole goal. Organic and sustainable growthof the whole KAEFER organisation and thesimultaneous acquisition of interestingpartners in important growth regionsaround the world must be accompaniedby an improved profit-turnover ratio. It isonly in this way that the financial foun-dations for future growth can be laid andthe prerequisites for lasting competi -tiveness created.

Our multi-track strategy has enabledus to reach our growth targets. On thebasis of an exhaustive study of worldmarkets, KAEFER duly identified the mostimportant markets for insulation – e.g.China, India, Canada. We then set aboutfinding strategic partners in theseregions. Selected companies which fitinto the KAEFER concept are either takenover, or we seek to secure a majorityholding. Recently, KAEFER China wasfounded. In May 2006 the KAEFER Insu-lation Engineering Shanghai Co. Ltd. wasset up in Shanghai. The official openingceremony took place in the finishedworkshops and offices in November thisyear.

Last August in India we set up acompany together with Punj LloydLimited (PLL). The new company bears thename KAEFER Punj Lloyd Limited andKAEFER is the 51 % majority shareholder.With PLL, one of India’s largest engi-neering and building enterprises, we havesecured a strong partner and we areconfident that the planned expansion ofactivities will be successful. A sound basisfor this is provided by our takeover of PLL’s insulation segment. The company’s mainactivities lie in the field of industrial

The world’s most

promising future


insulation, heat, cold and noise insulation. On top of this, KAEFER PunjLloyd possesses many years of experiencein the area of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG).

Another newcomer to the KAEFERfamily (in March 2006) was the Greekspecialist for the interior design andfitting out of mega and luxury yachts, the Athens company Ippokampos S. A.Ippokampos is a provider of high-gradeturnkey services and numbers among themost important companies of its type inthe whole Mediterranean reagion.

Last but not least, since April 2006KAEFER has been present on the eastcoast of Canada with PARKER KAEFER.Here KAEFER has entered one of thefastest growing markets for insulationand offshore services. PARKER KAEFER isthe region’s market leader in the field ofindustrial insulation and offers serviceswhich cover the whole spectrum of insulation, corrosion protection and scaf-folding.

Strong growth markets, uniqueselling propositions, regional market

leadership and a sound companystructure – these are the conditions which must be fulfilled before KAEFERconsiders acquiring a new company. To date this strategy has proven 100 %successful – all our new subsidiaries areoperating successfully and contributingto the planned growth.

In addition KAEFER perceives animprovement in internal processes andthe elevation of synergies between individual companies in the Group. Aworldwide networking strategy facilitatesour activities, which now span regionsand continents. This intensified com -muni cation between KAEFER employeesaround the globe draws the KAEFERcommunity closer together. Internatio-nality is not only a phenomenon at theexecutive level – the InternationalManagement Board (IMB), for instance. Itis also reflected in new recruitment aswell as in training and further education,for example JEP (Junior ExecutiveProgramme) and IGETP (InternationalGraduate Engineer Trainee Programme).

Future regions of the world according to annual GDP

Countries with new KAEFER participationin 2006

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For some five years now KAEFER has beeninvesting and expanding our EasternEurope Division.

Some highly successful projects wereacquired in Poland, Sweden and Ireland,for instance. The future course also headsin the direction of expansion. “There is alot going on in Eastern Europe. We have agood order book and intend to expandactivities further to reinforce our market

position,” says Robert Skrobisz, RegionalDirector of KAEFER Eastern Europe. But inorder to dispose of sufficient resources to penetrate new markets in Kazakhstan,Russia or the Ukraine there remains somework to be done on existing structures.

Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, the CzechRepublic, Hungary, Sweden and Ireland allbelong to the KAEFER region ‘EasternEurope’, with a total of 16 KAEFER

Eastern Europe: New structures for penetrating new markets

Boiler and plant

insulation at

Elsterwerda power

station, Germany

KAEFER Managing Director Peter Hoedemaker and Vimal K. Kaushik

(MD, Punj Lloyd Group)

companies present in these countries.Poland alone is host to seven companies.Five of these belong to TERMOIZOLACJA S. A., of which two will be merged with theparent company at the end of 2006. InLithuania all three subsidiaries will bemerged with their parent in Kaunas. “This will result in less administrativeeffort and fewer legal formalities such asshareholders’ meetings etc.,” Skrobisz ex -plains. “This frees up capacity at manage -ment level so that we can concentrate onfurther expansion.”

The new branches in Kosovo are anexample of such expansion. In July 2006a new branch with five employees wasopened in Pristina. The official ceremonyfollowed at the end of September. “Wehope to benefit from the reconstructiongoing on in the region,” says Skrobisz.“Many buildings are still in ruins, butinvestment in industrial premises is nowbeginning to pick up.” KAEFER also wantsto position itself as a provider of know-how and consultancy. “A lot of new lawsand building legislation have beenpassed. Among other things we want tohave our fire protection standardsrecognised.” The Pristina location will besupported from Poland in matters ofcosting, technical backup and lookingafter key customers. The number of local

Best prospects in India

KAEFER has entered the growing Indianmarket. We recently set up a company incooperation with Punj Lloyd Limited (PLL),one of the biggest engineering andconstruction companies on the Indiansubcontinent, whose head office is in NewDelhi. The new company is called KAEFERPunj Lloyd Limited. KAEFER holds 51 % ofthe shares, PLL 49 %.

At present Punj Lloyd is involved inthe construction of liquefied natural gasterminals, the oil and gas sector, fertilizerfactories and power stations.

KAEFER Managing Director PeterHoedemaker is very optimistic about theentry into the Indian market: “The

booming Indian economy harboursenormous prospects for growth. Thecombined expertise of two companies likeKAEFER and Punj Lloyd open up newchannels for innovative solutions indifferent areas of activity.” On top of thisthe partners perceive global possibilitiesfor successful cooperation.

First orders in the field of LNG(Liquefied Natural Gas) and petro -chemicals are already coming in. The new company has a target turnover of 20 million euros in three years. Themanagement concept entails threeManaging Directors: two to be named byKAEFER and one by PLL.

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Congratulations on this promotion as of1st August 2006!

From 1999 to 2005, Tom Fitzpatrickwas vice president of the Parker Brotherssubsidiary ‘Argo Protective Coatings’(heavy industrial coatings and galva-nising, with three production locations).He went on to become project manager

for industry, shipbuilding, refineries andgas processing at Parker Brothers.

In his new position Tom Fitzpatrickwill mainly be responsible for projects andexpansion of our activities in the areas ofinsulation, protective coatings, fire pro -tection and scaffolding in the AtlanticCanada region, i.e. Nova Scotia, New -

foundland, New Brunswick and PrinceEdward Island.

Main branch activities includeonshore/offshore oil exploration and gasprocessing as well as industry and shipbuilding.



Tom Fitzpatrick

Iñigo Bujedo (left) and Christian Martín (right) take over management from

Juan Carlos Allica (centre).

Following 37 years with KAEFER Spain (30 of which were as Managing Director)Juan Carlos Allica went into retirement on28th February 2006. We very much wantto put on record our thanks to Juan CarlosAllica for these long years of close andsuccessful cooperation.

He was succeeded on 1st March2006 by a new Managing Director –Christian Martín of KAEFER Spain. Mr. Martín has been with KAEFER Spainsince June 1998 in various capacities, mostrecently as Manager of Distribution and Central Technology, and as DeputyManaging Director.

On the same day, 1st March 2006, Mr.Iñigo Bujedo was appointed DeputyManaging Director and Manager of Distribution and Central Technology atKAEFER Spain. Mr. Bujedo has been withKAEFER Spain since December 2000, andin his last position was Manager of ColdStorage and Interior Finishing.

Christian Martín and Iñigo Bujedoare already an experienced team, bothhaving made significant contributions tothe development of KAEFER AislamientosS. A. We would like to wish bothcolleagues every success in their newpositions.

Mexican company specialising in theplanning and execution of engineeringservices in the fields of construction,industry and offshore.

We are extremely pleased to havewon Luis Ortiz for our Group and wish himan enjoyable and successful start. Luis

Ortiz will be supported in the futureexpansion of KAEFER Mexico by Mr. AlvaroAtxutegi, Head of Sales (previouslyKAEFER Spain), and Mr. Javier Martinez,Project Manager (lent by KAEFER Spain).We wish the new team every success!

Luis Ortiz, a Peruvian by birth, has lived inMexico for fifteen years. He studiedmechanical engineering and later wenton to obtain an MBA. His last position wasas head of department for projectplanning, financial controlling andcontract management at an important

Luis Ortiz: Managing Director, KAEFER Mexico

Tom Fitzpatrick: General Manager, Atlantic Canada

New team at KAEFER Spain

Luis Ortiz

employees is to be increased. There willbe a shift in the focus of activities inPoland itself. “Up to now our large projectswere mainly located in other countries,”says Skrobisz. “In 2007 operations will bemore concentrated on the domesticmarket, with a lot of investment pendingin power stations and the petrochemicalindustry.” Within the next four years heexpects capacity bottlenecks to appear,but is counting on wholehearted support

from the Polish workforce. “In 2006 up to580 people were working for us abroad,”explains Skrobisz. “Here price levels aremuch lower and we are unable to matchthe very good conditions they enjoyed inGermany, Finland, Norway or Sweden.Now it is up to us to motivate people toreturn to Poland.”

There is plenty of encouragement foryounger employees. TERMOIZOLACJA S. the only company in the region with its

own school, in which metal fitters andinsulation workers receive a professionalthree-year training course. Up till nowthere has been one new class a year with 30 trainees; as of this year there will betwo. The school workshops are also nowbeing used as a training centre for KAEFERemployees from the whole region.

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KAEFER Australia: ongoing integration

K-WERT 2005 ran a report on the incorporation of KAEFER Integrated Services Pty. Ltd. into the KAEFER Group. This development has continued to progress over the past year, with considerable success.

ISO certification in the Middle East

A significant achievement was an order from Woodside Energy,Australia’s biggest producer of oil and gas, for the insulation andpainting of components for the ‘Northwest Shelf LNG Train V’ gasliquefaction plant. This was supported by the excellent coop -eration between KAEFER in Australia and Indonesia. While the pre-assembly is performed on Batam Island (Indonesia), the pre-insu-lation and final assembly takes place in Australia itself. At thebeginning of the year Justin Cooper and Francisca Gorgodianassumed their duties as Managing Directors for the areas ofoperations and administration respectively.

SAP software introducedIn the wake of restructuring it was also decided to introduce a newERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system. This complex softwaresupports the planning of resources throughout the company andis a further step towards the integration of the KAEFER Group. Overa period of nine months, and with energetic support from localas well as KAEFER Germany teams, modules for procurement,finance and accounting, and human resources were successfullyimplemented.

April 2009. Spurred on by these pioneering successes and acommitted management team, the employees in Qatar were alsoawarded all three certifications in July 2006. Now, backed up bythis additi onal formal recognition of our quality awareness,KAEFER is going on to consolidate its leading position in themarket and has commenced the certification process in Oman as well.

In the constant pursuit of quality, safety and environmentalprotection KAEFER Abu Dhabi was the first company in the UnitedArab Emirates to obtain internationally recognised classification.Not wishing to leave the job half done, they simultaneouslyapplied for threefold classification according to ISO 9001, 14001and OHSAS 18001. That was in 2002 and this certification has nowbeen prolonged for a further three years up to the end of

Eric Brouwer: Managing Director, Middle EastOn 1st May 2006 Eric Brouwer succeededIan Parrot as MD. Mr. Brouwer studiedmarine engineering, possesses an MBA,and has a wealth of experience in the areaof business development in the region. Itwould be hard to find anyone better suitedfor the job.

Eric Brouwer is a Dutch citizen, aged45, with many years of experience of livingin the United Arab Emirates and SaudiArabia, most recently as Regional Directorfor turbine control instruments.

Besides involvement in our existingactivities in UAE and Qatar, Eric Brouwer

will also reinforce our position in Iran andOman, as well as overseeing expansion ingrowth areas like Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

Eric Brouwer will be based at KAEFERLLC in Abu Dhabi. We extend a heartywelcome and wish him every success.

Eric Brouwer

ICC team in Paris

The international KAEFER organisation isgrowing rapidly. It would be impossible tosuccessfully steer the activities of theGroup in the absence of a system of cross-national controlling. This is why the Inter-national Controller Committee (ICC) wasset up in March 2004. In November 2005the working group convened in Paris for itssecond meeting. Besides the usual par -ticipants, comprising members of theInternational Controlling Team and theRegional Controller, some special guestsalso travelled to the French capital –including several Regional Direc tors and

the Managing Director of KAEFERWANNER. Topics dealt with in the course ofthe two-day meeting were projectevaluation methods, a balanced scorecardsystem and cash planning, including thehedging of exchange-rate risk. In additionto these items the further development ofthe Management Information System wasalso on the agenda. “One should neverunderestimate the importance ofmeetings like these for building up theGroup’s controlling network,” says RainerDonalies who, as Head of InternationalControlling, initiated the meetings.

Controllers meet in Paris

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got underway with fun and games in theChâteau. KAEFER was celebrating – with aconjurer, a brilliant firework display, and adisco. Upon departure the next day,everyone expressed grateful thanks to thewonderful organisational team (StéphanieLe Guen, Luna Semara, Ersan Dogu andPedro Vazquez). And there was already talkof the next tournament. Where would it bein 2008? Saarbrücken, Bremen or Paris?But one thing was abundantly clear –taking part is the best part of all!



KAEFER in South Africa set up the ‘KAEFERAids Relief Programme’, KARP for short, inJuly 2005. A few figures illustrate just howimportant it is to help people with HIV.Some 5 million people in the country areHIV positive and 600 die of the diseaseevery day. In 2005 alone, 6 KAEFER em -ployees died as a result of AIDS andprobably around 80 others are infected.

KARP was conceived as a long-termAIDS relief programme. In its first phase itencompasses prevention, advice and theprovision of tests. Moreover, in the longrun the aim is to give fundamental assis -tance to AIDS victims and their families.Since February 2006 the 41-year-oldKAEFER employee Lindiwe Lilian Jameshas been KARP coordinator, responsiblefor raising awareness of the disease andbuilding up a programme of prevention

Education and condoms against AIDS

They came by train, by plane, or tumbledout of minibuses, like the squad fromTERMOIZOLACJA who arrived after an 18-hour drive across several national frontiersto defend their 2004 title.

It all kicked off on Friday 8th Septem -ber at the Château de Grande Romaine,with burning sunshine and burningambitions.

In the first round, 22 teams competedfor goals and points, with teams fromHungary, Lithuania, Belgium and theNetherlands competing for the first time.

France Sud even brought their owncheerleader, Aurélie Vassallo, who spurredher boys on with enthusiasm andachieved her own victory by winning thetournament’s fair-play trophy! After half-time, the sweat and grime of the firstround were soon forgotten, and hostKAEFER WANNER extended an eveninginvitation for a trip on the Seine, cruisingby Notre-Dame, the Eiffel Tower andleaving lasting impressions of Paris atnightfall.

A tombola raised over 2,500 euros forthe KAEFER South Africa Aids Fund ‘KARP’,which the Puteaux host then bolstered by

The winning team

from OLUTEX under

the leadership of

Managing Director

Dieter Richter

Lindiwe Lilian James

and advice. Originally employed inHuman Resources, her first contact withthe KARP initiative came through herinvolvement in the Junior ExecutiveProgramme (JEP).

One of Lindiwe James’ tasks is to trainadditional trainers who will then spreadthe prevention message in the workforce.In addition to this, she maintains contactswith clinics and doctors.

In the meantime the project hasbecome firmly established throughoutthe South African KAEFER organisation. A steering committee and a relief fundhave been set up. Lindiwe James hasvisited all the hospitals in the regionwhere KAEFER is active and five KAEFERemployees have attended a seminar toprepare them as AIDS advisors. Besidesthis, final details are being worked out for

a set of written rules. And finally, since thebeginning of September condom vendingmachines can be found at all thecompany’s branches.

KAEFER International Soccer Cup ISCNever mind the FIFA World Cup – the KAEFER International Soccer Cup is the one to win. And that’s why over 300 employees and fans from 11 countries flocked to the Seine.

another 10,000 euros – many thanks tothose who sponsored the prizes!

Saturday saw the grand finale: TheGerman/French newcomer team fromAerospace were winners on their firstappearance and took gold – coached byOLUTEX Managing Director Dieter Richter,whose striker Maik Schirmer also won thetitle ‘Goal King’. Silver went to Hungary,bronze to Industry Hanover. Czech YiriCingel from Construction National was‘Best Goalkeeper’. And then the party really

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discmans or toys enabled by the donationare greeted with delight!

Last Christmas the tombola,sponsored by suppliers and KAEFERMunich, resulted in record proceeds of2,000 euros. The donation was handedover by the organisers Markus Listl(centre), Erwin Witterich (left) and Yesidim Yildirim (right).

Six years ago our Munich branch startedlivening up their Christmas celebrationswith a tombola – to the joy of the youngpatients on the children’s cancer ward inHarlaching.

For it is they who benefit from theproceeds – directly and with a completelack of bureaucracy. Many of the childrenare undergoing therapy that takes weeksand purchases of things like DVD players,

Dubrovnik,Croatia a total of 15 partici pantsfrom ten nations competed against eachother. Among the contestants wereapprentices from Germany, Austria, Switzer land, Denmark, Finland, Sweden,France, Great Britain, Hungary and theNetherlands. The aim of this contest is theinternational exchange of methods andprocedures and to promote high qualitystandards in the field of insulation.

This year’s contest was won by anapprentice from Switzerland for the bestquality work on heat insulation. Unfortu-nately, the two KAEFER participants didn’t

manage a place on the podium – but theycan look back on two interesting days inDubrovnik, an exciting contest and someinteresting experiences.

Two young KAEFER insulation workerstravelled to the Adriatic – but instead ofholidaying on the beach they had to showwhat they were capable of.

Kévin Verheecke from KAEFERWANNER and Frank Pempel from theLeipzig branch of KAEFER took part in theEuropean Contest of Young InsulationApprentices held at the beginning of June.The championship is organised every twoyears by the European Association ofInsulation Companies, FESI (FédérationEuropéenne des Syndicats d’Isolation). Atthis year’s two-day championship in

Walter Bremeyer

explains a variety of

topics to KAEFER


Organiser Markus Listl (middle), Erwin Witterich (left), Yesidim Yildirim

(second from right)

Frank Pempel Kévin Verheecke

Industrial Construction Munich/Ingolstadt: Donation for Harlaching children’s hospital

Two new programmes for KAEFER trainees

Young KAEFER insulation apprentices partici-pate in European Championship in Croatia

The LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) market isbooming – and KAEFER is consolidatingits position as a competent partner for project manage ment, engineering,

materials supply and installation for LNGfacilities worldwide.

To ensure that it stays that way, in2006 KAEFER developed a special traineeprogramme for graduates. The dedicatedpractice-based programme trains partic -ipants for project management in the fast-growing LNG area, a segment in which theKAEFER Group intends to expand.

Alexander Lüder, Head of CorporateHuman Resources, together with HenryKohlstruk, Head of the NECL ExportDepartment, are responsible for thetraining schedule and quality assurance.The contents of the technical foundationcourse are determined by Dr. HolgerCartsburg, Head of Corporate Technical

Services, and his team, who havedeveloped a modular training programmeto suit all KAEFER trainees. The modulesare put together according to the require -ments and technical topics to be coveredin the individ ual programme.

In June two trainees from Thailandstarted on their programme in Bremen,and two others from India began inNovember. On completion of the one-year programme the participants willgradually take on project managementresponsibility.

All trainees begin with a three-month intensive introduction to aspectsof insulation in general, and cryogenicinsulation in particular.

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The JEP alumni group

together with Regional

Directors and Peter


JEP Alumni Meeting

In September 2006 the first meeting ofcurrent and past participants of the JuniorExecutive Programme (JEP) was held inBremen. The gathering was organisedaround an event termed 'Business meets

Science', which took place on the campus of the International UniversityBremen (IUB).

Here, attendees were able to talk torenowned professors and debate topical

economic issues they had prepared insmall work groups. Any networking was awelcome bonus. At times the RegionalDirectors also took part in thisprogramme.

After about three months thetrainees are exposed to LNG in real-lifesituations. Thus, for the following sixmonths they spend periods at differentLNG building sites around the world,learning ‘on the job’ about what suchprojects entail – from A for accommo-dation to Z for zone-delivered pricing.Finally, they come back to Bremen forthree months where, under the super-vision of Henry Kohlstruk, they receivetraining in project calculation and projectsettlement.

Following the trainee programmethe participants will work closely withProject Managers and gradually grow intothis role.

Another new development is theEuropean Trainee Programme (ETP). It is

run jointly by KAEFER Germany and fiveother European KAEFER companies, thepurpose being to recruit trainees to coverspecific personnel requirements. Thecompany in question employs a suitablegraduate, who is provided with a twelve-month training course to suit a certainfuture position.

The training can take place in any ofthe companies participating in ETP, withtrainees spending about eight months ina company outside their own country. Inthis way they have the opportunity to learn the specific competences of individual locations and develop an international orientation. In August 2006the first trainee was taken on in theAerospace segment. In September andOctober the second and third trainees

joined KAEFER WANNER and KAEFER Aislamientos respectively. Austria, Irelandand Finland have also subscribed to theprogramme.

Here, too, Corporate HumanResources is responsible for the trainingschedule and quality assurance. Soon, upto ten trainees will be moving aroundEurope at the same time, which calls foreffective coordination to stop them allturning up at the same location! Duringthe programme the trainees will spend atleast four weeks at Corporate TechnicalServices in Bremen. A specially designedmodular training concept, similar to thatfor LNG, has been developed for thesetrainees.

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Even in Chile: If you can’t hear you must ...... consult KAEFER’s CAI (Central Acoustics Engineering) department. This is where knowledge is gathered concerningthe evaluation, calculation and measurement of air-borne and structure-borne noise, as well as the know-how forits reduction.

Quality management yesterday and today

the people in Berne turned to their longstanding businesspartner KAEFER.

And this is why, in the spring of 2006, CAE’s Jörg Simonfound himself holding a two-week seminar on acoustics in frontof 25 Chilean naval engineers and building supervisors.

Towards the end of the seminar he handed over to Ralf Wittefrom Shipbuilding, who gave some practical examples of how todeal with acoustics problems.

Both sides learned a lot, and thanks to Bremen know-how,future crews on ships built by ASMAR will have cause to celebrateaudible – or inaudible! – technological progress.

Meanwhile, Jörg Simon brought home some lastingmemories of a technological leap in time, friendly people and afascinating landscape full of southern flair.

In Talcahuano, a small town on the Pacific coast about 500 kmnorth of Santiago, you will find Chile’s biggest shipyard, foundedin 1895. Operating under the name of ASMAR for the past 40 years, the yard builds and carries out repairs to (mainly)fishing boats and naval vessels. It also maintains close relationswith the German Fassmer shipyard in Berne.

When technical support in the area of acoustics wasrequested with regard to the building of an offshore patrol vessel,

Success does not simply materialise – it is planned. In all Groupactivities KAEFER maintains constantly high levels of reliabilityand safety – due not least to the fact that the organisation ofprocesses occupies such an important position. KAEFER’scommit ment to quality, safety and environmental protection isreflected not only in numerous ISO, SCC, MED, and USCG certifi-cat ions, among others, but also in its economic success. Acomprehensive management system, therefore, is not an end initself, but a crucial factor for success in an increasingly compe-titive market.

Thinking in categories of quality is a tradition at KAEFER. Wewere working according to proven patterns and specificationslong before the wave of certifications in the 1990s. In 1984 KAEFERwas one of the first insulation companies in Germany to set upa department for ‘quality assurance’. A comprehensive qualityassurance manual existed, containing detailed formal predefi-nitions and structures. As time went by it became evident thatthis statistical method of quality management was too compli -cated and voluminous, and therefore of limited practical use.

In addition to this framework, conditions were being trans-formed. Internationalisation and the appearance of newbusiness segments called for a more overarching and integratedmanagement system dedicated to the themes of work safety,quality assurance and the environment. “We have set down theprocesses, together with brief rules in which all these themes arecontained,” says Heribert Frantzen. Visible evidence of the newapproach to QM was the new edition of the Quality ManagementManual, now simply entitled Management Manual.

‘KAEFER Prozesslandschaft’ describes all the core processes,subordinate processes and relevant quality rules for the entirearea of German activities. Compact, clearly arranged and – aboveall – flexibly adaptable to changing conditions, it represents atool that everyone can easily read and understand, providingclarification and transparency of company processes.

The next step will be to include our foreign companies and subsidiaries. Successful cooperation with the Polish TERMOIZOLACJA is paving the way for this.

Photo right:

Participants of

acoustics training


Photo top:


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The customer is king – and so are our colleaguesKAEFER’s Corporate Technical Services researches, develops and disseminates technical know-how. And it has set upa new centre of competence for Fire Protection.

The Central Technical Department hasbeen renamed ‘Corporate TechnicalServices’, and this for good reason.Obviously, technical know-how continuesto be a crucial component for the successof the KAEFER Group, but the question ofdisseminating this knowledge is becom -ing increasingly important. “We are aninternal service provider for everythingtechnical,” says Dr. Holger Cartsburg,leader of Corporate Technical Services.“We don’t just sit around and wait until aproblem crops up. Instead, we activelyaccompany the operations of our depart -ments and support the strategic devel -opment of the KAEFER Group as a whole.”

Cartsburg and his team seek toreinforce KAEFER’s reputation as theworld’s leading group of companies withregard to technical and engineeringcompetence. That means optimisingprocesses in all areas of heat, cold, noiseand fire insulation, developing manage -ment systems, and qualifying KAEFERproducts and systems for classificationapproval.

To achieve this they must go on theoffensive: “All the companies within theKAEFER Group are our customers. Now wehave to show them what we can do,” saysCartsburg. On the operations side thismeans that Corporate Technical ServicesEngineering has to deliver sensibletechnic al solutions, accompany instal-lation tasks, apply for approval ofmaterials and systems, and continuallyput forward improvements to qualitymanagement and work safety.

This strategic orientation is new andis intended to support the KAEFER Groupas it moves forward. This encompassesresearch, development and technicalsystems solutions, but also technicalmarketing and the penetration of growthmarkets. To ensure that everyone pullstogether, Cartsburg and his team alsotake care of personnel development and

training. This includes informationmeetings and seminars, such as the FireProtection Conference held on 3rd May2006, for instance, or the special trainingfor LNG projects set up for new employeesfrom Thailand and India. Such interactionamong our employees is vital. “Only byadopting a mutual approach to problemscan we make maximum use of our know-how,” says Cartsburg.

Heat and cold insulation, noise andfire protection – so-called centres ofcompetence – have been created acrossall the core activities of the KAEFER Group.The aim is to combine the knowledge andcapability of our employees. In the fieldsof thermal insulation and noise protec -tion such centres have existed for sometime – now there is a centre of compe -tence for fire protection.

“On the one hand, the safety ofpeople in buildings has assumed greatersignificance,” explains Cartsburg. “On theother hand, many buildings built in the60s and 70s are now due for renovationand refurbishment. Environmental andrisk protection are the new requirements

we need to fulfil – and we can.” The lawsand technical conditions in these areasare extremely complex – one reason whyKAEFER tries to convince customers that itmakes sense to opt for its complete fireprotection solutions.

One of the tasks of the new centre ofcompetence is to set up and carry outexperiments with fire, and the sub -sequent qualification of product solu -tions. On top of this, KAEFER prepares theground for the certification of systems,taking care of all the technical prepa-ration necessary and accompanying thepractical implementation of its ownapproved products.

Young employees are integrated atan early stage. Young industrial insulationworkers, for instance, receive training infire protection during their appren -ticeships. A fire protection seminar, heldin cooperation with Central Personnel andthe Würth company at the Bau-ABCtraining centre in Rostrup near BadZwischenahn, is now a firm component ofthe apprenticeship training programme.

ZSQ in figures (status 2005)8 members of staff, 190 different projects, of which 110 visits toconstruction sites, approx. 20 departmental audits, 6 supplieraudits, 13 training measures and much, much more ...

Nobody questions the necessity of management systemsany more. The successes are too obvious. These are not onlyreflected in the various systems of certification, but above all inthe reduction of customer complaints and accidents at work. Forinstance, the quota of work-related accidents at KAEFER is wellbelow sector averages.

Graphic demonstration

of fire protection


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Amortisation of

the additional cost

of pipe insulation

(DN250 with a

transit tempe r-

ature of 200 °C)

with economical

insulat ion

thickness for

150 w/m2



Energy costs continue to soar and in spiteof sources of alternative energy thewatchword is always the same: save,save, save. In order to achieve savings youneed both sensible insulation and aholistic insulation concept. Only in thisway is it possible to ensure that every aspect has been covered andcosts/benefits optimised.

Insulation is one of the key meansby which energy savings can be made.And no one has more expertise in thisfield than KAEFER.

But before you embark on energysaving measures you need to ask certainquestions. What is the most sensibleinsulation thickness? When does it pay toinstall thicker insulation? And at what

reduction in CO2 emissions that follow asresult of optimising insulation. KAEFERGermany is working very efficiently withthe method, but it is still relativelyunknown in other countries. This is tochange and it is now being translatedinto English to ensure that as manypeople as possible are able to use theWTB programme. The operating screenwill also be made more user-friendly.

It is planned to post a more compactand modified version of the programmeon the Internet, by means of which themost economical insulation thicknesscan then be calculated. Thicker insulationmight be more expensive, but at a certainpoint the investment becomes worth -while, depending on how much moneycan be saved by the reduction in energyconsumption. Customers will now beable to calculate this break-even pointthemselves.

KAEFER is interested in promoting adiscussion about energy costs andenergy-saving insulation. This discussionshould prompt as many customers aspossible to go onto the internet orconsult KAEFER on the cost-efficiency ofthe insulation thickness they have beenusing up to now.

By allowing customers to use WTB inorder to calculate savings themselves, wewill convince customers of our technicalcompetence. Thus they will be more likelyto contract KAEFER to carry out energy-saving insulation work. This turns theWTB programme into an innovativemarketing instrument as well as an aidfor making thermic calculations.

point can so much energy be saved as towarrant new insulation?

KAEFER has the answers – thankslargely to the know-how of ouremployees and to a programme forthermic calculations (WTB). This pro -gramme is a KAEFER development thathas undergone permanent optimisation.

KAEFER is one of only a few compani esin the world to administer its own WTBprogramme and to carry out continualupdates and development. The back -ground data is extremely complex andthe result of many years of accumulatedexperience with insulating materials andscientific involvement in mathematicalformulas for making thermic calcu-lations. It is even possible to calculate the

Thermic calculations made simple With KAEFER’s own WTB programme on the internet – a special service and an interesting marketing tool

KAEFER has the process know-howtogether with many years of experiencegained in the manual production ofLOLAMAT in Bremen.

So it made sense for the twocompanies to combine their expertise in

order to build a new, highly-automatedfactory for the production of LOLAMATpanels. “Demand is rising and we have toexpand our capacity,” says Dr. HolgerCartsburg, Managing Director of CF-SYSTEMS GmbH. “By means of automated

Semi-automated production of LOLAMATRockwool has an outstanding reputation as supplier of the mineral cotton used for LOLAMAT panels. And, as thebiggest producer of rockwool insulating materials, the company possesses considerable know-how in the area ofproduction.

production we can also reduce costs andimprove the quality of the panels.”

Working in close partnership, it tookthe two companies no more than a year todevelop the manufacturing engineering,plan the new factory, procure the machines

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When does sound become noise? Whendoes noise become a hazard to health?Kurt Tucholsky once remarked: “Noisesare the sounds of others.” So that’s it:noise depends on subjective perception, afunction of the individual’s state of mind,preferences, or mood.

From a scientific viewpoint, noiserare sounds which, according to theirloudness and characteristics can be either damaging to health or seen as a disturbance by people and the en viron -ment. In 2003 the EU issued a newdirective concerning noise protection atthe workplace, which must be imple-mented in national law within certaintime limits. “This directive determinesthat a level of noise in excess of 80 db(A)over a period of 8 hours can result indamage to health. Should this noise levelbe exceeded, the employer has to providepersonal protection and where necessaryresort to other noise protection mea -sures,” explains Hans-Joachim Rennecke,Head of Central Engineering/Acoustics(CEA).

The new directive lowers thepreviously acceptable level by 5 db(A). Thismeans that innumerable workplaces, inparticular in the manufacturing industry,fall foul of the new UVV regulations.Something therefore has to be done. “Wecan help companies to implement the

regulation and at the same time expandour service spectrum,” says Rennecke.Indeed, CEA offers complete solutionsspanning evaluation of current status upto actually carrying out noise protectionmeasures for customers in all branches ofindustry.

For instance, the Bremen acousticsexperts recently received an order from aconcrete processing works. “The packagecomprises ascertaining the current noisesituation in the form of noise cards,making up so-called individual personsexposition level and, finally, carrying outthe necessary countermeasures,” reportsthe CEA leader. Unlike engineeringconsultants, KAEFER is also able to carryout the protection measures – a signif -icant competitive advantage. “Besidesthe concrete processing works we are alsoin talks with a firm in the food sector,”Rennecke reveals. Here, too, the chancesof obtaining an order are good – and thisbodes well for the further successfulexpansion of CEA activities.

Noise protection at work – KAEFER extendsproduct spectrum

Measuring noise levels in the workplace

Production line for LOLAMAT panels

and equipment, erect a new production shed and commenceoperations.

First of all, a self-conceived pilot facility was developed andtested in Bremen before being moved to Flechtingen. This is nearMagdeburg, which is where Rockwool produces the product of thesame name. Thus the LOLAMAT panels can be made in theimmediate vicinity, avoiding unnecessary transport. The panels areproduced in standard sizes; finishing, project preparation andcoating of the surfaces are carried out in Bremen, or on-site in thecase of bigger projects.

More than 3.5 million euros have been invested in the newproduction facility, which went on-stream in October 2006. Allthings being equal, it will soon be possible to begin seriesproduction at the factory.

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Middle East: Refractory linings

industry so far was at the Sharjah plant, where in 2001 KAEFERinstalled some 3,000 t of different refractory materials.

The Qatar market was first penetrated in 2004 with the NGL-4 project at Qatar Petroleum. This was followed in 2005 bywork on boilers and thermic reformers at the first Gas-to-Liquidplant “Oryx” in Ras Laffan; in the same year Oman came into thefold with 1,000 t of material (Plibrico, Sohar Refinery).

Today, KAEFER can draw on more than 75 experienced andtechnically skilled people to carry out installation work in theMiddle East. The scope of services also includes supply of thematerials and a versatile machine park enables us to carry outmajor projects throughout the region.

In 1997 KAEFER Middle East made its first entry into the complexsegment of installing refractory linings. Our first order was forDubai’s electricity and water utility, entailing the lining of aboiler and a number of steam turbines. These first tentative stepsstarted KAEFER out on a development that would make us theregion’s specialist for refractory materials. Over the years thespectrum has spread to include the oil and gas industries, powerstations, aluminium smelting works and cement factories.

In 1998 an order for the Ras Al Khaimah cement works tookus into the United Arab Emirates. Since then we have carried outthree shutdown maintenance operations to the complete satis-faction of this customer. The biggest project in the cement

Sliding fire protection door

In Norway the owners of houses arepersonally responsible for providing fireprotection and ensuring that it isadequate. Moreover, a large number ofother buildings reveal deficits in this area.Two good reasons, then, why in November2006 KAEFER Norway began to specialisein the market for passive fire protection.

The market breaks down into fourcategories: fire protection for supportingstructures, doors, fire lobby cut-offs(walls and ceilings) including sealant forpenetrations, as well as completesolutions for entire buildings.

Steel might not burn, but whenexposed to extreme heat it expands and

loses strength. It is vital that the steelremains stable during a fire so as toenable firefighters to extinguish the fireand rescue people. Fire protection forsteel can take the form of cladding madefrom soft insulation material or claddingcomprising mineral boards, as well aspassive and active fireproof coatings.

In order for walls and ceilings tosatisfy fire regulations, the sealant usedto seal penetrations – the weakest spotsfor walls, pipes, cables and ducts – mustfulfil the specifications for fire stops. Thegreatest care must be exercised whenselecting materials and throughout allstages of installation. Fire protectionsystems make use of approved productslike cable, pipe or joint sealants.

KAEFER Norway is a supplier of noiseand fire protection solutions for doorsmade of solid wood, as well as for steeldoors and gates. The concept of supplyingthese products as turnkey solutionscomplete with installation is a convincingone. In this way KAEFER complies with themost rigorous standards of safety and fireprotection.

KAEFER offers a number of fireprotection solutions and our own expertsensure that quality is maintained at everystage. This includes meticulous andaccurate documentation of the fireprotection measures employed – of ourown work as well as of all the productsused.

Passive fire protection in Norway

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January 2006 saw the resumption ofKAEFER Australia’s strong relationshipwith Alcan Gove in the Northern Territory,Australia. This is where Alcan operates analumina refinery and mine employingapproximately 1,100 workers and where,for some time, KAEFER has been carryingout maintenance and insulation work.

Photo bottom:

The KAEFER abseiling


Photo left: Access

by rope during Alcon

Gove project

KAEFER Australia: Maintenance contract withAlcan Gove extended

In 2006 KAEFER Australia success -fully received a 3-year roll-over of their existing contract at Alcan Gove. This is attributable to a strong supportfrom the management as well as the considerable improvement in sitesafety. In September 2006 KAEFER markeda year free of accidents and notable

incidents on this site. Dave Ashworth,KAEFER Site Manager for Alcan Gove, putsthis impressive HSE record down to threefactors: training and communication,excellent leadership at all levels, andongoing assessment of performance.

Australia: Rope access in place of building scaffolds

When carrying out repairs or maintenanceon large industrial plants, it is commonpractice to erect scaffolds. But thismethod can be both expensive and time-consuming. For the situat ions where timeis of the essence, KAEFER proposes analternative. This was recently the case atthe Alcan aluminium site in the NorthernTerritory.

During a comprehensive mainte -nance project on-site, KAEFER was able todraw on experience gained in its offshoreactivities in Norway. There, the abseiling

On a second job they are currentlyworking on stress, corrosion and crackingrepairs, then carried out work to combatfissuring and corrosion. They alsoundertook some of the welding and sand-blasting activities. Whilst rope access wasused to assist with the majority of thework, some support scaffolding andelevator platforms were used to provideadditional access space for the project.

technique, i.e. controlled descent by rope,was used by a team of experts to gainaccess to places which would haveotherwise been difficult to reach.

The group of seven workers usedropes to access the alumina drying facilityon the rotary kilns, where they carried outinsulation removal.

The result: the team finished theirwork two days ahead of schedule. Therope access method saved both time andmoney, so future applications are alreadyin the planning stages.

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Qatar: Another Dolphin gas project milestone

South Africa insulates gas turbines for Siemens

The first of four stages in this large project has been successfullycompleted.

KAEFER LLC Qatar is working on the Dolphin gas project assubcontractor for JGC Middle East. All in all KAEFER will installsome 300,000 m2 of insulation and the scaffolding for an ordervalue of more than USD 11 million. Part of the work involves twolarge warehouses (75 x 50 m) equipped with MABI metal fabri-cation machines. Over 350 KAEFER installation workers areengaged on the project – they live in the recently completed campin the vicinity of Al Khor near Ras Laffan. The camp can accom -modate 850 people.

Due to the growing demand for electricity, South Africa isbuilding its first new electric power stations for 15 years.

Siemens Power Generation is supplying the Eskom elec-tricity company with a total of seven gas turbines of the typeSGT5-2000E, worth some 230 million euros, for two new powerstations. The turbines have such low levels of emissions that theyeven outperform the stringent standards laid down by the WorldBank.

When they go on-stream in April 2007 the two liquidfuel-fired power stations will produce enough electricity to cope with

peak loads. They are being built in the industrial area of Atlantis,20 kilom north of Cape Town (four generating units, each capableof producing 150 MW) and in Mossel Bay, 400 km east of CapeTown on South Africa’s south coast. Here, three generating unitsof the same capacity are being built.

KAEFER South Africa has responsibility for all the insulationwork on the turbines. The project scope encompasses all workinvolved with the insulation, from supervision up to the supplyof materials.

Dolphin Energy Limited is a joint venture between UAE OffsetGroup, Total Fina Elf and Occidental Petroleum. Once finished, theplant will process the extracted gas before it is then transportedfrom the northern gas field in Qatar to other parts of Qatar, theUnited Arab Emirates, and Oman.

The JGC Corporation, Japan, is subcontractor for theupstream and compression facilities, entailing a contract value ofsome USD 1.6 billion. JGC is responsible for the detailed planningand development, supply and installation of the onshore gasprocessing plant in Ras Laffan. Ras Laffan in North Qatar is one ofthe largest natural gas fields in the world.

Dehumidification equipment

South East Asia: Alcan Gove extension almostfinished

In September 2004 Alcan Inc. announcedan important enlargement of the AlcanGove Aluminium Refinery in Australia’s

Northern Territory. The extension work isa particularly ambitious project and willalmost double production capacity.

By the end of 2006 the G3 extensionwas about 90 % complete. KAEFER SouthEast Asia made a significant contributionto the project through a total of fivecontracts in Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnamand Korea. These contracts related to indi-vidual modules for the refinery, whichwere prefabricated in neighbouringcountries before being transported toAustralia.

The scope of KAEFER’s contractsincluded the supply and installation ofinsulating materials and scaffolding, aswell as patented TIPS® and INSTALAG®

insulation systems for tanks andpipelines supplied by KAEFER Australia.

Within the context of the G3 projectin Thailand, KAEFER insulated 81,000 m2

with an order value of USD 7 million.

A second Thai contract completed in mid-November was for insulation and scaf-folding. This time the order value was USD 7 million for 38,000 m2 of insulation,52 t of fireproofed material and more than300,000 m2 of scaffold.

The work carried out in Malaysia wasworth some USD 4 million and includedthe production and installation of morethan 20,000 m2 of TIPS®.

In Vietnam KAEFER insulated morethan 10,000 m2 and was responsible forthe scaffolding.

In Korea insulation work was carriedout for an order value of USD 230,000.

KAEFER South East Asia executed allthese contracts on schedule and to thehighest standard of quality. The G3project leaders were thoroughly satisfiedand they have announced an intention tocollaborate with KAEFER in the future.

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Qatargas II: Large order in the Middle East

KAEFER has won an order to insulate five gas tanks for theQatargas II Onshore project in Ras Laffan. Each tank has aholding capacity of 140,000 m2 and this major turnkey project,worth around USD 13 million, was commissioned by Ishika-wakima-Harima Heavy Industries Co. Ltd., Japan. As many as200 KAEFER workers will be involved and work is scheduled to befinished in autumn 2008. Although you might be forgiven for

thinking that sand is no rare commodity in the desert coun-tryside of Qatar, some 11,000 t of it will be imported from SaudiArabia to provide foundations for the tanks. Other work to becarried out by KAEFER includes the laying of foam glass, instal-lation of glass-wool mats, perlite filling and the entire scaf-folding. This is the fourth contract acquired by the KAEFERLNG/LPG tank construction team in Qatar in the past three years.

Camp Qatar: New standardsIn order to transform natural gas into liquidgas it must be frozen down to –160 °C. Thisnecessitates all the pipelines being kept at–160 °C, too – which is quite a task incountries such as the United ArabEmirates, Iran and Qatar, where the outsidetemperature sometimes goes up to 50 °C.KAEFER produces the necessary in su la t ingmaterial for plants located in the region.This calls for large numbers of workers,many of whom come from other countrieslike India. For instance, a large number ofKAEFER employees are currently in Qatar,working on major projects like the DolphinGas project (cold insulation) and the IHIproject (five LNG tanks). As a rule they stayfor two to three months in Abu Dhabi orQatar. KAEFER provides accommodationfor these workers and ensures that theyenjoy the best possible living and workingconditions. A staff camp has just beencompleted with accommodation for some850 KAEFER workers. The men also spendall of their leisure time in the camp. “Weplace great importance on maintaininggood living standards for our employees,”says Eric Brouwer, KAEFER ManagingDirector for the Middle East. “We wantthem to feel good so that they enjoyworking for KAEFER and stay with us.” InSeptember the camp received an unan-nounced inspection from representativesof our partner oil companies, who includeQatargas and Rasgaz. It was given thedistinction of ‘Best Camp’ and is regardedas a model for other camps in the region ofRas Laffan. “We perceive our workers asindispensable human capital. They areneeded for both current and futureprojects and make a significant contri-bution to KAEFER’s success in the entireGolden Region,” says Brouwer. Iran: Commitment in Bandar Assaluyeh Iranian gas processing plants increasinglyrely on insulation by KAEFER. After being

purified, desulphurised and compressed,liquid gas has to be transported at atemperature of –160 °C. Other forms of gasfrom which olefin, diesel oil or variouschemicals can be obtained are alsoproduced at these plants. KAEFER nowintends to produce the insulating materialused at the plants locally, reducing theneed for transport and saving time andmoney. At the same time KAEFER wants toconsolidate its foothold in Iran. This is acountry where 30 % to 35 % of the popu-lation is unemployed, more than half ofthem aged under 20. Understandably, theIranian govern ment is keen to attractinvestment to boost job prospects foryoung Iranians. “Companies who contri -bute local content have good opportu-nities to benefit further from the gasindustry and do good business here,” saysEric Brouwer, KAEFER’s Managing Directorfor the Middle East. Bandar Assaluyeh is atthe centre of the gas and chemicalsindustry in Iran. The South Pars Field islocated in this region (the same field fromwhich Qatar draws its gas). Iran is approxi-mately five times bigger than France andlong journeys to work are inevitable. This iswhy KAEFER recently set up a camp forworkers in Bandar Assaluyeh, completewith leisure attractions and other faci-lities – even a building for prayers, forexample. About 250 workers will be accom-modated at the camp for several weeks ata time. KAEFER greatly appreciates thosewho work within its group of companies –and in Bandar Assaluyeh we intend toprovide the best possible living conditionswhile also paying attention to theparticular needs of the indigenous popu-lation.India: Calculation centred in DelhiFollowing the foundation of KAEFER PunjLloyd Limited, the KAEFER Group has nowset about expanding its activities in India.

At the beginning of October 2006 KAEFERopened an office to deal with calcula tionsand offers, employing about 20 people. Thestaff will also be engaged on projectmanagement as well as the KAEFERGroup’s shut-down activities. “Most ofthem have received professional trainingas mathematicians or engineers, but it isstill difficult for them to obtain long-termvisas for the Emirates or Qatar,” explains

Eric Brouwer, Managing Director for theMiddle East. “There is new and very strictlabour legislation which places severeconstraints on the employment of Indianand Pakistani workers.” For furthereducation and seminars the engineers andother administrative staff now have totravel from Abu Dhabi to Delhi. In fact,entire IT systems are now being transferredfrom Abu Dhabi to be integrated in Delhi.The residential manager Sanjay Suri worksfor KAEFER in Delhi, where he has the taskof setting up the office there. All theKAEFER companies in the Middle East – andsoon the whole KAEFER Group – will now beable to call on the services offered by theteam in India. The process has only justbegun and it won’t be long before offersprepared for KAEFER locations in SaudiArabia, Egypt and Kuwait come from Delhi.

Camp Qatar

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South Africa: Double success

world and among the biggest producers of plastics like polystyrene and poly-ethylene. The company is building a new

production plant in Tarragona in thenorth-east of Spain – with the help ofKAEFER Aislamientos Spain.

Between mid-2006 and completionof the work in November, some 120KAEFER personnel were working on thethermal insulation. KAEFER Aislamientosinstalled materials worth a total of 1.3 million euros during the heat and coldinsulation work. This compares with atotal order value of 4.7 million euros. “Itwas a major project for us,” says MikelMugica of KAEFER Aislamientos. “Thecustomer placed particularly highdemands on the cold insulation – achallenge we were able to deal withsuccessfully.”

Dow Chemical is an importantcustomer of KAEFER Aislamientos and the end of 2006 saw KAEFER working simultaneously on a number ofprojects for this company.

The Dow Chemical Company, whose headquarters are in Michigan, USA, is oneof the largest chemical companies in the

SAPREF, South Africa’s largest oil refinery,is situated in Prospecton, about 16 kilomfrom Durban. The refinery is a jointventure between Shell and BP, and isoperated by Shell. In 2006 it was shutdown for several months, the longestmaintenance shutdown in its history.

KAEFER South Africa carried out allthe work connected with the scaffolding,insulation work and industrial cladding.Securing such an important contract wasa great success for KAEFER and can betraced to the outstanding reputation we

have built up in this area. Between Juneand September 2006 more than 300workers were needed to erect anddismantle the scaffolding, 45 m at thehighest point. Many of the scaffoldstructures had to be put up underextremely difficult conditions, some ofthem on the inside of chimneys.

The insulation work was carried outby about 70 KAEFER employees. Theydelivered high quality throughout andfinished the job bang on time. Altogether,the 440 KAEFER personn el involved put in

almost 300,000 man-hours during theshutdown. The entire three monthspassed without a single worker needingmedical attention – making it seven yearsand more than 5 million man-hours thatKAEFER has been working at the refinerywithout an accident. This represents a realsuccess story for KAEFER and the SAPREFmanagement conveyed their personalcongratulations – because no othercontractor at the refinery has evermanaged this before.

Spain: A big customer with big challenges

Photo top:

SAPREF refinery

Photo right:

KAEFER receives

award for

5 million



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In the south of Spain one of the country’sbiggest engineering companies, Sener, is building a photovoltaic plant calledSOLAR 3. A special pilot facility was builtbefore hand for testing purposes and toensure that the plant will eventually beequipped with the very best solar tech-nology.

KAEFER Aislamientos is supportingSener not only in construction of the pilot

facility, but also in the design, and istherefore fast becoming a front runner inthis sector. As soon as the new tech -nologies have proven to be efficient it isplanned to add many more large solarplants throughout Spain. “That coulddevelop into an important new market for us,” says Mikel Mugica of KAEFER Aislamientos. “We are doing our utmostto support the customer and to ensure a

successful test outcome.” KAEFER isinstalling virtually all the insulation at thepilot facility. This is being done in such away that it can be removed relativelyeasily. “Throughout the time the facilityremains in the test phase and differentparadigms are still being tried out, it isimportant that parts of the insulation canbe removed at short notice,” Mugicaexplains.

Spain: Pilot project for new solar technologies

LNG terminal in Guangdong

three million euros. The work inGuangdong, in particular the insulating,is being carried out on-site by CNI 23under the leadership of Jean Marie Quilletand Alain Lefrançois.

The materials come from Italy, theNetherlands and the USA, where the foamglass is produced before being processedlocally by our Chinese partner companySpeedo.

KAEFER WANNER is cooperatingclosely with KAEFER Insulation Engi-neering Shanghai Co. Ltd. on theGuangdong project. For instance, KAEFERWANNER sent Olivier Gazeau to Shanghaito represent the French company on-site,where he is better able to deal withcustomers and to supervise local acti-vities in the area of industrial and nuclearheat insulation.

KAEFER WANNER goes east – and withconsiderable success.

Since April 2005 the company hasbeen working for STTS Energies (SAIPEM)on the construction of a new LNG termin al in the Chinese town ofGuangdong. This is China’s first LNGterminal (LNG= Liquefied Natural Gas).Guangdong Province is the biggest LPGimporter (LPG= Liquefied Petroleum Gas)in China and the new terminal willreinforce its position on the gas market.

All this is taking place with energeticsupport from KAEFER WANNER, which issupplying and installing the cold insu-lation material that has to ensure atemperature of –160 °C in the tanks andpipes. KAEFER’s work will end withcompletion of the third tank in September2007 and the order is worth more than

First LNG terminal in Guangdong, China

Electrabel is the biggest electricityproducer in Belgium. Among otherlocations it operates the Tihange nuclearpower station. In 2006, Electrabelentrusted KAEFER WANNER Luxemburgwith the task of providing the entire heatinsulation for all three blocks.

Work started in March 2006 on Block3 during a maintenance shutdown. In orderto facilitate coordination between the Elect rabel workers and our Frenchemployees, KAEFER WANNER put up an on-site workshop – further proof of ourlongstanding and excellent cooperation.

Recently, KAEFER WANNER wascommissioned to renew the steam gener -ators in both the Tihange and the Doëlnuclear plants. Electrabel can count on ourexperience in the nuclear area and on thecompetence of the whole KAEFER WANNERteam.

Belgium: Competence in nuclear power sectorproven once again

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KAEFER WANNER accomplished an excep-tional feat during a shutdown at the TotalLa Mède refinery in France.

From March till May 2006 employeesfrom the asbestos removal department ofthe Normandy branch and the Etang deBerre branch, supported by KAEFERsubsidiary TERMOIZOLACJA, were fullyoccupied working on the 5-million-euroorder. And in those 3 months, the KAEFERteam managed to complete a remarkablenumber of tasks.

Access ways to the refinery presenteda particular challenge, especially the foot-bridge that had to be built over the railwaylines. In cooperation with the Entreposecompany, employees of the Etang de Berrebranch assumed responsibility for all thescaffolding needed. Throughout theconstruction stage they had to ensure thesafety of the refinery’s 3,000 workers.

nuclear power stations. A PGAC contractruns for a minimum of 4 years. Thecontractor agrees on behalf of EDF to takeover the logistics involved in servicingequipment, to ensure works safety, toensure that radioactive waste is correctlydisposed of and stored, and to generally

provide support for all the work in andaround the reactor.

KAEFER WANNER has alreadyconcluded 4 contracts with EDF for workat the Gravelines, Flamanville, Blayais andGolfechis nuclear power stations. In eachcase the company is cooperating with

PGAC stands for ‘Prestation Globale d’As-sistance Chantier’ and is a new system fortenders proposed by Electricité de France.

EDF is the market leader in Franceand numbers among Europe’s top elec-tricity companies. PGAC was developed to facilitate servicing and maintenance at

The C1 chimney is 63 m high with adiameter of 7.5 m. First of all, some 300 t ofscaffolding had to be erected. After this theasbestos disposal team had to install4,000 m2 of retractable thermal blankets,before removing 1,200 m2 of thermalcladding. The whole task took just 2 weeksto complete. TERMOIZOLACJA then fittedthe new insulation to the chimney.

The work on columns C13 and C15required 4 t of stainless steel sheets and600 m2 of insulation material. It took some2,000 man-hours to complete.

Employees from Etang de Berre andTERMOIZOLACJA performed most of thework on Unit D4, an industrial tract wherefurnaces H3A and H3B are located. Thisrequired approximately 1,400 man-hoursfor the insulation of 600 m of pipes and 6heat exchangers. More than 6,000 man-hours went into insulating the twofurnaces in this unit.

Total also commissioned KAEFERWANNER to carry out insulation of thepipes and scaffolding in connection withintegrating the new furnace F2. Workersfrom Agence West had to be brought inspecially to erect 70 t of scaffolding. Mostof the insulation work was carried out byTERMOIZOLACJA and took about 17,000man-hours.

KAEFER WANNER: Work in record time at a Total refinery

KAEFER WANNER benefits from a new tendering system

Scaffolding for a 63-metre-high chimney at Total refinery

Scaffolding for


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Non-stop at Neste Oil refinery

Work at the Neste Oil refinery site inKulloo, Finland, has been going on since2000. So far this year insulation has beencarried out on about 57,000 m of pipelineand 8,000 m2 of plant and equipment.

In addition, KAEFER Finland insulatedtwo storage tanks, each with a holdingcapacity of 1,000 m3, as well as the accompanying pipeline with a length of30,000 m.

partner enterprises specialising incarrying out maintenance at industrialplants. Among other things KAEFERWANNER is responsible for scaffolding,heat in -sulat ion and maintenance work.The contracts are performance-based:

EDF expects that processes are optimisedand result in productivity gains.

Each PGAC programme is organisedand supervised by employees of KAEFERand partner companies on the spot. Theyassume the tasks of coordination and

communication and are the contactpartners for EDF. They keep EDF informedabout the services rendered and areresponsible for the programme.

KAEFER in Ireland: Becoming a leading player

2003 saw KAEFER’s first activities in Ireland with an order forKAEFER’s subsidiary in Poland, TERMOIZOLACJA S. A. The ordercame from the Finnish company Foster Wheeler and business inIreland has developed steadily ever since – in a process thatcontinues to go from east to west.

In 2006 TERMOIZOLACJA won a major contract worth 10 million euros. Our customer Lurgi-Lentjes, based in Ratingennear Düsseldorf, placed an order for the insulation of a desul -phur isation plant at Moneypoint in the west of Ireland. The workwas for 58,000 m2 of insulation to three blocks of a coal-firedpower station. The order also encompassed the installation ofapproximately 20,000 m2 of industrial facade. In addition,TERMOIZOLACJA is supplying the scaffolding for all the work atthe site.

The project is scheduled to run until mid-2008 and couldwell lead to further work, boosting the total amount to 15 million.On average, about 60 workers are permanently on-site. Very highdemands are placed on the stability and quality of the material.“The region is notorious for its strong winds and we need to haveespecially sturdy foundation structures,” says Robert Skrobisz,Regional Director of KAEFER Eastern Europe. “On top of this theair is very wet and salty, accelerating corrosion.”

Skrobisz intends to expand activities further in Ireland andto establish KAEFER among the top 3 players in the market. Otherprojects are already in the final negotiation stage and Skrobiszexpects orders for 2007 to approach the 10-million euros. “Weforesee a steady development,” he says. TERMOIZOLACJA main -tains a branch office in Dublin, where two employees concentrateon the acquisition of new orders. They receive support from thevarious site supervisors and another position is planned.

Ventilation duct in Shannonbridge power station

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The feeding of the 100,000What do you do when 100,000 people have to be catered for – every single day? Well, before you set the chefs towork, first call in the engineers.

storage doors and sliding doors, fast-opening doors and diverse plumbingwork.

This means teamwork between threedepartments: Industrial Construction,Cold Storage Construction and IndustrialNoise Protection. The work, which beganin the autumn of 2005 and took a full year,placed great demands on Project ManagerHelmut Paiszler and ConstructionSupervisor Markus Stelzer. Indeed, itprobably cost them several kilos inweight – despite the stomach-fillingobjectives. But we are pleased to sayeverything is on track and CMS will onceagain be able to expand their customerbase in 2007 without any bottlenecks inthe kitchen.

The Viennese CMS – Club Menu Service –counts some 100,000 diners among theircustomers every day. When they needed anew kitchen they turned to the CzerninGroup, a firm of consulting engineers. As

could be expected, the Czernin Groupcame up with a successful concept for a‘mega cooking centre’.

And they decided to work with a veryspecial ingredient – KAEFER. In July 2005Czernin placed an order with KAEFER for apanel facade of about 10,000 m2 and theconstruction of some 5,000 m2 of coldstorage areas. This order was wortharound 1.5 million euros.

About 0.5 million euros were involvedfor the second stage, the insulation of7,000 m2 of air inlet pipes (made of 19 mmrubber) as well as the pipes for heating, airconditioning, sanitary and steam piping(mineral wool with aluminium sheet).

The third stage involves acousticinsulation, lifting platforms, ramps, cold100,000 meals can be prepared in the Mega Cooking Centre

Scaffolding for BASF, Antwerp

Special scaffolding

for Corus shutdown

The Netherlands/Belgium: Classic KAEFERscaffolding and insulation2006 in Dordrecht (the Netherlands) and Sint Niklaas (Belgium) was dominated by industrial activities – scaffoldingand insulation for heavy industry and modular constructions, for conventional and nuclear power stations, as wellas for the food industry and building construction.

BASF Antwerp, aniline projectA new customer, Alois Lauer GmbH, a steeland pipeline construction firm based inLudwigshafen, placed an impressive orderworth some 1.5 million euros. Scaffoldingwas needed for the entire second half ofthe year in connection with the cons -truction of a new aniline plant.

A parallel order for insulation of thepipelines, tanks and auxiliary equipmentwas carried out in part by our subsidiary

com pany IZOKOR Poland, involving 25install ation workers over a period of fourmonths.

Stop Central 1, Doel / AntwerpElectrabel Doel, another new customer,commissioned us to erect scaffolding formaintenance work to be done on a nuclearpower station during August and October.

Corus shutdown furnaces 6 and 7,Ijmuiden Another job for the steel constructioncompany Iemants NV, who this timeplaced an order worth 600,000 euros forscaffolding in connection with main-tenance and repairs to chargingconveyors. The work, which went on for the entire second half of the year, was remarkable due to the specifiedcarrying capacity of 1,000 kg/m2. Thisrequirement, at working heights of up to 30 m, could only be fulfilled with sturdy support constructions and the use of special elements.

Cracking furnace, DOW TerneuzenThis involved carrying out scaffolding andinsulation work for our longstandingcustomer Technip Benelux, an interna-tional industrial construction company.The work was begun in June and finishedin December. Here, too, as in the case ofBASF in Antwerp, the insulation work wascarried out in part by our Polish subsidiaryIZOKOR Plock S. A.

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Renewable energy – KAEFER insulates biodieselplant in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

In mid-May 2006 a new productionfacility in Sternberg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, became operational.This 32-million-euro plant will produce100,000 t of biodiesel per year, processedmainly from Mecklenburg rape.

Between February and August 2006KAEFER Hamburg installed 13,000 m2 ofthermal insulation. This type of pro -

tection against heat and cold consid -erably reduces the plant’s energyconsumption. Some 20,000 man-hourswent into the Sternberg project, whichoccupied up to 20 KAEFER installationworkers. This order was acquired andsuccessfully brought to completion as aresult of a joint effort by KAEFER Hamburgand KAEFER Hanover.

In recent years Denmark has transformeditself into a modern service economy andis now riding a wave of economic devel -opment. This has resulted in the lowestrate of unemployment for 30 years andenabled the funding of mammoth projectssuch as the bridges at Øresund.

KAEFER is well placed to benefit fromthis trend, having identified Denmark as amarket with significant potential someyears ago.

KAEFER ApS was founded in 1996 byKAEFER Finland, which in 2005 became partof KAEFER Isoliertechnik GmbH & Co. KG.Meanwhile, KAEFER’s Hamburg IndustryDepartment had been carrying out anumber of projects in Denmark since 2000.

In 2005, the Hamburg IndustryDepartment began to work with KAEFERApS in Denmark to maximise opportu-nities there. The management comprisesJürgen Wende and Bernd Beermann,together with the head of the IndustryDivision, Helmut Hecht.

And it was in 2005 that the first bigbreakthrough came for the Danish KAEFERteam. This entailed an order placed by BWE (Burmeister & Wain Energy), acting as main contractor. The contract, worth over 1 million euros, involved scaffolding andinsulation for a DeNOx facility at a powerstation belonging to the Danish ElsamGroup in Studstrup. The work was carriedout between March and October.

While the project was still in progress,an option was secured for the secondbuilding phase. At the same time KAEFERApS was commissioned to carry out scaff -olding and insulation work at Denmark’sbiggest refinery, Statoil in Kalundborg. Inconnection with this project a largeinvestment was made in improving know-how and in building a stock of scaffoldingmaterials and equipment so that KAEFERwill be fully prepared for future projects.

Currently, approximately 40 workers areemployed at Danish sites.

Such is KAEFER’s progress in Denmarkthat in 2006 offices and a workshop wereleased in Fredericia. A promising future ispredicted and over the next few years ourpresence is to be expanded. And thecommitment and foresight of theHamburg team has been fully justified.

KAEFER ApS: Something good in Denmark

Biodiesel plant in Sternberg,


Scaffolding for a

DeNOx plant in

Studstrup, Denmark

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Tight schedule, cramped space, multiple tasks:Overhaul at Piesteritz agrochemicals park

Workers at KAEFER Leipzig are long-term partners of the SKWPiesteritz nitrogen works, taking care of ongoing maintenanceand the annual overhaul.

This year SKW Piesteritz’ annual plant shutdown was onceagain used for major maintenance work and new investment.KAEFER was commissioned to upgrade insulation of theammonia separator – also known as the “cold drum” – and theprimary reformer of ammonia facility I.

The order for work on the cold drum, which is approx. 28 m long and 2.6 m in diameter, came directly from SKWPiesteritz. As part of the contract KAEFER also coordinated thescaffolding and anti-corrosion work. The insulation had to be laidat temperatures of up to –35 °C. It comprises aluminium foil and in-situ PUR foam with an insulation thickness of 40, 100 and120 mm.

The order for the primary reformer was placed by EHREssener Hochdruckrohrleitungsbau. This work entailed copingwith a number of complex insulation tasks and logistical challenges according to a complicated time schedule, working inconfined spaces and doing a variety of different jobs. Forexample, the insulation on the exhaust collector has towithstand ambient temperatures of more than 1,000 °C; and inorder to facilitate speed of installation and ease of maintenancethe 504 gas supply pipes, known as “pigtails,” had to be insulatedwith mattresses. Over the years KAEFER has amassed consid-

erable know-how with respect to the works insulation specifi -cations, especially for the exhaust collector and the “pigtails”.

At the same time as the shutdown at SKW Piesteritz, AMI’smelamine plant – also located on the Piesteritz agrochemicalspark – was closed down for routine maintenance. Here, too,KAEFER workers were on the scene to carry out insulation work,this time on behalf of MCE Industrieservice. During the four-week core shutdown period in July/August some 50 KAEFERpersonnel were occupied at the SKW and AMI plants.

Shell shutdown: KAEFER Hamburg in action

From January to September 2006, KAEFER Hamburg was keptbusy with insulation work at the Hamburg Shell refinery. The plant was shut down while KAEFER attended to some 65,000 m2

of surface area. As many as 60 installation workers were inaction – dismantling, renewing and installing convent ional insulation. The order was worth about 3 million euros.

Insulation of the primary reformer at the SKW nitrogen works, Piesteritz, Germany

Shell refinery in

Hamburg, Germany

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BP Lingen: Flexibility and cooperation successfully master shutdown

In summer 2006 the BP refinery at Lingenunderwent a complete overhaul, necessi-tating the complete shutdown of all plantand equipment between August andOctober. Besides the 50-million-euro over -haul, BP Lingen spent another 20 millioneuros on repairs and maintenance.

In this short time some 50 reactors, 50 columns, 20 furnaces, 100 air coolersand 650 heat exchangers had to beinspected and overhauled. The work in -volved more than 60 different contractors.

KAEFER was responsible for all aspectsof insulation and KAEFER’s BremenIndustry Department had to cope with anumber of challenges simultaneously. Onthe one hand, they only had 12 weeks tocarry out the complex work, which had atotal value of 3.5 million euros. And on theother hand, during the 3-week engineeringphase, the KAEFER team was reduced tojust 60 men.

This represented quite a challenge –even for these experienced men, for whomsuch major projects are nothing new. Thiswas due not so much to the task ofplanning and coordinating the work, whichat peak periods called for as many as 180 installation workers, but to theextremely short time available in which toreact, make decisions and implementsuitable action.

Even though preliminary planning ofthe work had begun several months beforehand, there were still a few surprisesto come. No matter. Thanks to the closecooperation between the on-site team and the personnel in the Bremen KAEFERIndustry Department, the contract wascompleted successfully. Once it is opera-tional again in October 2006, the refinerywill be fit to run for another 5 years beforethe next overhaul is due.

5 months, 50 men, 150 t of stainless steelJust some of the more basic data on a major project for the Industrial Construction Department. The contract was performed by the Pfungstadt branch of the department, for a Japanese chemicals company located at the Kalle-Albert industrial park in Wiesbaden.

The Shin-Etsu Group has its headquartersin Tokyo, Japan. It is the world’s largestproducer of methyl cellulose, an additiveused in the chemical industry, for buildingmaterials and paints, as well as for dieselexhaust catalysers.

Thanks to the construction of anadditional production facility SE Tylose, a Shin-Etsu subsidiary, was able to raise its previous annual output of 27,000 t by afull 10,000 t.

First, though, 100 million euros hadto be invested in insulating the entireplant, a task taken care of by KAEFERinstallation workers between July andNovember 2006. A remarkable 150 t ofstainless steel sheet ing was used and it allcame from our Pfungstadt workshop.During this time our workshop personnelhad to keep their machines running at full capacity for several weeks.

BP Lingen refinery, Germany

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In 2003 KAEFER Norway was awarded acontract for insulation, scaffolding andsurface treatment by the Statoil Group.

The work was for the gas liquefactionplant in Hammerfest in the Arctic Circle.With an order value of some 60 millioneuros the Snøhvit project was the biggestcontract in KAEFER’s history. Due to thesize of the project, it has been necessaryto involve KAEFER employees from Spainand several other countries as well asNorwegian KAEFER personnel.

Work commenced in 2004. The heartof the plant, the gas liquefaction facility,was built in Spain at Dragados Offshore in Cadiz, with KAEFER Aislamientoscompleting an order for extensive insu-lation work. The facility is the first of itstype to be built away from its destinedlocation and in July 2005 it was towedsome 5,000 km by barge to the Norwegianisland of Melkøya inside the Arctic Circle.

Here, the construction of the gasliquefaction facility entered its final stage.

And the nearer completion of the facilityapproaches, the more important the workconnected with its insulation becomes.Anti-corrosion protection and scaffoldingalso form part of the important servicesbeing provided by the KAEFER personnel.As a consequence of its integral role in theproject, KAEFER Norway has beenresponsible for many project milestones.

KAEFER gradually raised the numberof employees on the site during thelabour-intensive phases of the project. Forseveral months the average number ofKAEFER installation workers employedthere topped 1,800 – presenting aformidable challenge for managementand on-site logistics. Our two years ofexperience on the Snøhvit project,together with high levels of cooperationwith the other on-site contractors, hascontributed significantly to the excellentoverall progress.

In April 2006 the Management wasconfronted with some far-reaching

changes. As a result the workforce had tobe increased and the Management rein-forced. These organisational changesproved to be successful and KAEFERNorway is now working not only to plan,but is ahead of schedule in some areas.Project Leader Karsten Gudmundset is fullof praise: “The whole organisation hasperformed magnificently. Our partnersAker Kvaerner and our customer Statoil arewell pleased.”

Work remains to be carried out on fireprotection measures, the insulation ofpipes, maintenance of scaffolding andweather protection. In the coming year theplant will be filled with gas. Then theturbines, generators and compressors willbe tested for functionality, and the ‘hotphase’ for the facility will have begun. Wewill then have implemented an ordervolume of about 300 million euros.



Snøhvit: The largest contract in our history

Photo centre:


Photo top:

The care of the gas

liquefaction plant,

built in Cadiz, Spain

Photo right:

Pipeline bridge

fitted with weather


Photo bottom:

Weather protection

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KAEFER International Offshore: First Australian order

In April 2006 KAEFER and IKM Testingmerged in order to offer a wider scope ofservices to the Australian oil and gasindustry. The first fruits of this cooper -ation have now materialised in the form ofa one-year contract for maintenance workon the Four Vanguard facility in CarnarvonBasin on the northwest coast of Australia.

This FPSO vessel (floating, produc -tion, storage and offloading system)became operational in April 2003 and thedrilling facility lies at a depth of around100 m. It is operated by Australian FPSOManagement, a subsidiary of the PremudaGroup.

In October 2006 the KAEFER IKMteam began work on pressure cleaning theballast tanks. Other tasks, includingcoatings and alternative methods ofinspection, are being considered for thefuture. This contract evidences the strongpartnership between KAEFER and IKMwhich were key to securing a break -through in this demand ing sector. It is alsoan indication of the local demand forservice providers who are capable ofcarrying out different tasks in differentareas.

KAEFER Australia: Woodside project

as well as corrosion, scaffolding and fireprotection on-site in Karratha.

Altogether 57 different plant compo -nents of various sizes have to be trans-port ed on 16 ships from Batam Island toAustralia. Prefabrication is being carriedout by the J. Ray McDermott Yard on BatamIsland, 12 km southeast of Singapore,where the galvanising and cold insulationwork will also be carried out. SinceFebruary 2006 the Project Managementhave had their hands full ensuring that allthe tasks involved remain on schedule andthat the rigorous safety programme isadhered to. Even after some 75,000 man-hours, there have been no delays due to

In June 2005 Woodside Energy, Australia’sbiggest energy provider, decided to carryout major extensions to its gas lique-faction plant in Karratha, 1,400 km northof Perth. Operating under the name ofWoodside Train V, KAEFER Australia wonthe contract for the insulation, scaffoldingand anti-corrosion work. This representsthe biggest order ever to be awarded to asingle insulation contractor in Australia.

The Woodside contract will beperformed in three modules. The plantcomponents are prefabricated on BatamIsland (Indonesia). Preliminary insulationand anti-corrosion work is carried out inKwinana near Perth, and insulation work

accidents. The project on Batam Island willprobably be completed in March 2007.Then the team around Project ManagersSteve Burrows and Robert Gramstad willgo to Karratha to work on the next phaseof the Woodside project. In the meantimethe preliminary work on insulating thepipe spools will have been completed onthe Australian mainland.

The whole LNG Woodside contract isworth some 60 million Australian dollars.Work should be complete by March 2008.Above all, it was our strategy of present ingourselves as a company with global, regio -nal and local competence that played apivotal role in securing the contract.


KAEFER Aislamientos performed extensive insulation work on theBuzzard platform, just off the Spanish coast near Cadiz.

Working for Dragados Offshore, between August 2005 andJune 2006 the KAEFER team put in more than 73,000 man-hoursin order to fulfil the order, which was for approximately 3 million euros.

All told, a surface area of 500 m2 as well as 10,000 m of pipeshad to be insulated, for the most part requiring both thermal andnoise insulation. As many as 50 KAEFER workers were involved.

Buzzard offshore rig

KAEFER Aislamientos goes Offshore

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Statfjord changes over to gas

New products for higher standards

Prices for crude oil remain high, making it increasinglyworthwhile to tap residual reserves of oil and gas. This is whatprompted ‘Statfjord Late Life’, a project to prolong the exploi-tation of fields in the North Sea just off the Norwegian coast. Theaim is to enable the Norwegian Statfjord oilfield to continueproduction of oil and gas up to the year 2018. Platforms A, B andC are currently being prepared for this task – and KAEFER IKM hasconcluded a contract with Aker Kvaerner Offshore Partner (AKOP)that encompasses installation work and the supply of materialsand personnel.

Within the scope of this joint project, KAEFER IKM isresponsible for scaffolding, corrosion protection, passive fireprotection and insulation, and the installation of heating and air-conditioning equipment. KAIFER IKM will also supply thebuilding sites with insulation materials and take charge ofresource scheduling and logistical coordination.

The work is occupying some 100 KAEFER IKM employees onthe platforms and up to 5 KAEFER personnel onshore. They areworking in shifts, day and night. In the summer of 2006 KAEFERIKM was involved in two major shutdown operations. Amongother things this work included extensive preparations for theforthcoming installation of gas production facilities.

“More than good ideas” – this KAEFERslogan represents more than mere lipservice: it is actually put into practiceworldwide.

In the past year, for instance, KAEFERIKM implemented the raised specifi-cations laid down by NORSOK standardsin innovative product solutions. TheNORSOK standard was established by theNorwegian oil industry together withNorwegian suppliers to promote thedevelopment of innovative products andsolutions, as well as to secure the in -volvement of insulation companies in the

early stages of product development. Inthe past year Standard R-004 for pipingand equipment insulation was revised.KAEFER IKM subsequently de sign ed andtested new insulation boxes for flangesand valves. The development process wasaccompanied and supported by theTechnical Department in Bremen.

In addition, KAEFER IKM is currentlyrefining a pipe penetration system thathas already been in use on drilling plat -forms for a number of years. And itdoesn’t stop there – KAEFER personnel inNorway are planning to adapt the vacuuminsulation systems developed in Bremenfor use in the oil industry.

Fire test for insulation boxes

New insulation boxes

for flanges and valves

Statfjord A offshore platform

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KAEFER IKM: Top address for refurbishingoffshore accommodation in the North Sea

Almost all the oil platforms in theNorwegian oil fields are showing theirage. By means of new technologies andinnovative solutions, it is possible toprolong the life of the platforms andequipment. However, since the 1970s,when the first offshore accommodationfor oil platform crews was installed, therehas been a considerable change indemands placed on the work and living-area environments. For instance, therequirement for a clear demarcationbetween living and work areas is far moreprominent than in the initial years.

KAEFER IKM’s architect and out -fitting department offers a completespectrum of services for the Norwegianoffshore industry. This encompassesmaintenance and refurbishing work –including planning and design, throughall installation work up to and includingturnkey contracts. At all times the

Norwegian KAEFER specialists workaccording to the rigorous NORSOKcriteria. This comprehensive body of rulesand regulations lays down instructionsand guidelines on the work environment,health and safety, outside workingconditions and much more. With some60 employees (comprising 8 adminis -trative staff, 10 supervisors and 42 installation workers) KAEFER IKM isamong the leaders in the North Seaoffshore market for refurbishing work.

The large number of successfullycompleted orders heralds a positiveresult for the 2006 business year. Forinstance, on several platforms, includingEkofisk Kilo, KAEFER IKM converted thetwin cabins to single cabins. And outlineagreements have been negotiated onextensive interior outfitting for wholeexploration areas, each with severalplatforms. For example, KAEFER IKM is

re spons ible for all interior outfitting workon the cabins and offices, relaxation andsport areas, mess and canteen areas,communication centres and multi-function rooms on the Statfjord, Gullfaks,Snorre and Visund platforms. Over thepast year, 260 wet rooms in the cabins onthe Statfjord A and Gullfaks B platformswere completely refurbished.

The spectrum of services offered byKAEFER IKM encompasses everythingneeded to complete a project – fromproject planning, through projectmanage ment, right up to the supervisionof all the work involved in a project, e.g.CAD, engineering services, procurement,installation and product development.The department’s success is reflected inthe figures. Whereas in 2005 turnoveramounted to 6 million euros, in 2006 it isexpected to be double that.

Recreation areas

on an oil rig

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KAEFER WANNER and KIS: A solid team

Spanish supply vessels for Norwegian company

Three years ago, KAEFER WANNERpresented its credentials and capabilitiesto DCN, one of Europe’s leading ship -builders. With the support of KAEFER Inter-national Shipbuilding (KIS), DCN wasinvited to visit Germany, where it rapidlybecame convinced of the KAEFER Group’scompetence in matters surroundingwarships.

As a consequence, DCN recentlyawarded KAEFER WANNER a contract forthe development and design of the entirefire, heat and noise insulation for eightfrigates to be built for the French navy.

Each frigate is 137 m in length and isequipped for a crew of 108 men. Two typesare under construction, differing only intheir equipment. Thanks to the ideasdeveloped by the KAEFER ShipbuildingDivision, the weight of the frigates hasbeen significantly reduced.

The contract, which runs until 2010,evidences the successful cooperationbetween the partners NMI and DCN inLorient and Brest. Several new jointprojects are currently in the pipeline,including the building of an aircraft carrier.In 2008 KAEFER WANNER will start on anorder for nine further frigates to be builtby 2015.

KAEFER WANNER is firmly estab -lishing itself in the military sector and ison track to become the leading companyfor the maintenance of operationalreadiness of naval vessels.

On 1st June 2006 the Aker Group tookover the shipyard Alstom Marine Chantiersde l’Atlantique, which has been renamedAKER YARDS S. A. As a result of the takeover,KAEFER WANNER is now involved in severalimportant projects at the shipyard.

Between August 2005 and April 2006 KAEFER WANNER MARINE andTERMOIZOLACJA had already success- ful ly installed 485 turnkey cabins on ‘MSC MUSICA’, which is destined to cruisethe Mediterranean. In September 2006,work commenced on the second ship, the‘MSC ORCHESTRA’. Besides the cabins,KAEFER WANNER MARINE is also respon -sible for installation of the walls and ceil ings in the wellness and fitness areas ofthe ship. This is the first time thatLOLAMAT walls and ceilings will be used in the building of a French cruise liner.

Together with its partners, KAEFERWANNER intends to intensify activities inthis field, counting on valuable supportfrom KIS in disseminating our ship -building expertise in Germany, France andFinland. Growth in the cruise liner sectorand the cooperation of Aker Yards inFrance are positive omens for the futuredevelopment of KAEFER WANNER.

Over the past two years, and withsupport from KIS, KAEFER WANNER hasrestructured and combined competencesat the Saint Nazaire location. The companyis now well established in this importantmaritime centre and is able to offer acomplete spectrum of services – primarilyfor cabins, walls, and insulation but alsofor cold storage rooms. All our servicesalso encompass development, logistics,installation and complete project settle -ment.

In 2006 KAEFER WANNER carried outanother project on behalf of Aker YardsS. A. This involved some 60 employees,who over a period of seven monthscompleted extensive insulation work ongas tanks at Saint-Nazaire sur lesChantiers. Here, too, the high level oftechnical expertise and excellent cooper -ation between KAEFER WANNER andTERMOIZOLACJA formed a package withwhich the customer was highly satisfied.




KAEFER Aislamientos has acquired amajor order for the interior outfitting ofnine offshore supply vessels.

The ships in question are standbyvessels for the Norwegian companyViking Offshore Services. They are beingbuilt by the Spanish shipyard AstillerosZamakona in Bilbao, between 2006 and2009.

For KAEFER Spain the order is worth 1 million euros per ship. Work began inAugust 2006.

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KAEFER Finland: At home on all ships sailingthe seas

Color Line is the biggest ferry owner in Norway and one of theleading passenger ship operators in Europe.

In May 2005 the company commissioned Aker Finnyards tobuild the ‘COLOR MAGIC’ at a cost of around 325 million euros.Building commenced in winter 2005/06 and delivery is due inautumn 2007, when she will ply her trade between Kiel and Oslo.

With a length of over 223 m and a 35 m beam, ‘COLORMAGIC’, together with her sister ship ‘COLOR FANTASY’, numbersamong the biggest vehicle-carrying cruise ships. ‘COLOR MAGIC’has 1,021 cabins, 5 more than her sister.

On board, passengers will find numerous shops and a variety of entertainment offers, generously proportionedmeeting rooms, and a wellness and spa area. Altogether, the‘COLOR MAGIC’ has room for 2,750 passengers, 250 crew and 750 cars. Some of the cabins are being supplied by KAEFERFinland, who will install some 250 cabins over an area of 3,200 m2 as accommodation for the crew and passengers.

Also at Aker Finnyards, a high-speed ferry has been underconstruction for the Estonian Tallink Group since July 2006. Theferry is to begin a regular service between Helsinki and Tallinn inspring 2007, covering the route in less than two hours. KAEFERFinland is responsible for 161 cabins over an area of 2,500 m2. Thehigh-speed ferry is 185 m long, has a beam of almost 28 m androom for 1,900 passengers on board.

With assistance from KAEFER Finland, Aker Finnyards isbuilding a RoPax ferry for the French shipowners Brittany Ferries.From autumn 2007 the ferry will operate between Great Britain,

France and Spain. At 168 m in length and almost 27 m wide, shehas 120 cabins on board. There are three vehicle decks covering adistance of 2.2 kilom. Building commenced in October 2006 andhere, too, KAEFER Finland is supplying 164 cabins over an area of 2,150 m2.

KAEFER will also be involved with the third ship of theFreedom class which, together with its sister vessels, will beamong the largest cruise liners in the world. All in all, 558 cabinshave to be installed over an area of 8,800 m2. Work began insummer 2006 and the ship will be completed in April 2008. Andthe Finnish shipping company Viking has commissioned KAEFERto supply and install 255 cabins for a high-speed ferry for deliveryin November 2008.

In summer 2005 KAEFER acquired MML Shipbuilding Oy.Shortly afterwards MML was awarded a contract for the reno-vation of the spa area on the cruise liner ‘CRYSTAL SERENITY’.

In 2006 another order followed for the ‘CELEBRITY CENTURY’.MML was responsible for revamping the spa area, discotheque,restaurants and bar. More than 350 workers from elevencountries succeeded in completing this complex task within aperiod of just 28 days.

In September 2006 MML received an order to refurbish thewindjammer restaurant onboard the ‘MAJESTY OF THE SEAS’,located in the Bahamas. Work will be spread over a period of 24 days and involve 200 employees from different nations,possibly including India, who will carry out renovation work overan area of 3,000 m2.


sister ship of


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‘FREEDOM OF THE SEAS’ sets sail on schedule

‘FREEDOM OF THE SEAS’ is the world’sbiggest cruise liner. She is 340 m long, hasover 1,800 cabins and can carry up to 4,370passengers.

The first ship of the modern Freedomclass, ‘FREEDOM OF THE SEAS’ was built atAker Finnyards in Turku, Finland. She wasdelivered to the Royal Caribbean Interna-tional Line in April 2006, bang onschedule, and has since been sailing theseven seas – particularly the westernCaribbean.

KAEFER Finland contributed as aturnkey supplier in the spa and solariumarea. The area is called ‘Lagoon’, and thename says it all. There are golden palms upto 15 m in height, while a teak deck andnatural stone around the sumptuousswimming pool create the almost perfectillusion of being in a South Sea lagoon.Two large parrots at the edge of the poolenhance this feeling. In the pool itself theholidaymakers can gaze through glasswalls onto banks of coral, and underwater

loudspeakers play gentle backgroundmusic for the swimmers. The chiefattraction in this theme complex are thetwo whirlpools which appear to bemounted outside the ship’s walls. Visitorshave the impression of floating alongsidethe ship – anything is possible on the‘FREEDOM OF THE SEAS’.

The sauna and wellness area,covering 1,870 m2, encompasses saunas,steam baths, beauty salons, as well asmassage and relaxation rooms. This partof the ship was a real test of KAEFER’scompetence in ship outfitting. A circularstaircase with glass steps leads into the area populated by the more sportypassengers, with an original-size boxing ring, 100 items of fitnessapparatus, and 25 treadmills – each withits own television!

In fact, the fitness area on ‘FREEDOMOF THE SEAS’ is the biggest ever to beinstalled on a ship.

But it won’t be the only one of its typefor much longer. By February 2008 AkerFinnyards will have completed anothertwo identical ships for the Royal CaribbeanInternational Line – with KAEFER’s help, ofcourse.

The second ship ‘LIBERTY OF THESEAS’ is due to be delivered in 2007, andthe third ship in February 2008. On this,the last ship of the series, KAEFER will notonly be responsible for the bathing andwellness areas, but also for the interioroutfitting of two accommodation decksfor the crew as well as the ship’s hospital.


SEAS’ in Oslo,


The work to be carried out by KAEFER Shipbuilding involves insu-lation of the three Bilobe tanks and the deck tanks, adding up toa capacity of 17,000 m2 per ship with a total surface area of morethan 6,000 m2.

The Neptun shipyard in Warnemünde is installing the classic200-mm polystyrene insulation with lead-lined covering. As you

can imagine, dealing with the order calls for close cooperationbetween the shipbuilding locations Bremerhaven and Rostock.

The last ethylene tankers to be built by the yard, betterknown for its cruise liners, was with KAEFER participation in1998/99. Construction of the current series of ships will take place between October 2006 and April 2008.

KAEFER keeps cool over an ice-cold challenge Ethylene and liquid petroleum gas (LPG) have to be transported at –104 °C. Building the ships that can achieve thisis a challenge – but it’s one that the experts from KAEFER and Meyer Werft are accustomed to. After all, the currentnew projects 653, 654, 681 and 682 are not the first ships the two specialists have worked on together.

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Work on outfitting the hull of a training ship was to begin inFebruary 2006. But just 6 weeks beforehand a rival companyfailed to perform – and KAEFER was called to the rescue. Diversedesign tasks, several agreements and a large number of subcon-tracts were quickly accomplished by project leader Okke Müller-Röhlck. Then it was over to supervisor Torsten Dunkhase toimplement the new schedule within the strict time constraints.The project entailed the complete supply and installation ofinterior units for the crew’s cabins and guest area, which wasfitted with LOLAMAT panels. In addition the technical insulation,deck fittings, as well as cold-storage rooms and galley, then thesauna, fitness room, sanitary facilities and all the shelvingsystems were all accomplished according to schedule at the endof September. Now nothing stood in the way of the ship’splanned debut at the SMM fair in Hamburg …

In Hamburg the 48-metre ‘HANSEATIC EXPLORER’ causedquite a stir. It was conceived by the owner Peter Harren as atraining ship for his fleet of 38 vessels comprising feeders, bulkers,heavy lift carriers and tankers. As such the nautical equipmentmatches exactly that on board the chemical tankers operated byHarren & Partner. Ice class GL-E3, 50 % capacity reserve on themain engine, an additional electrical ‘bring me home’ propulsion,stabilisers and other ship’s equipment round off the unusuallycomplex equipment for a ship of this size.

The first voyage into the Antarctic is scheduled for 2007 and,in addition to 12 trainees, the ‘HANSEATIC EXPLORER’ is alsotaking up to 12 guests on its voyage halfway around the globe.

It’s a unique opportunity for passengers to find out for them-selves what working life on board ship is really like.

Late entry turns into success The Fassmer Yard in Berne is world-renowned for its expertise in building lifeboats. But thanks to KAEFER Shipbuildingthe tight schedule of this very special project could be saved.

Fast ships like patrol boats and corvettesrequire very special insulation againstnoise. Our Central Engineering/AcousticsDepartment (CEA) provides innovativeinsulation solutions for the desired effect.

Recently our acoustics experts werecalled in to assist during the building oftwo corvettes. The task was to insulatethe operations room on this high-speedvessel against vibrations and noise fromthe propeller, auxiliary equipment andengine room. “The difficulty is that anoise level of 60 db(A) must not beexceeded at any time,” says the Head of the CEA Department, Hans-JoachimRennecke.

And that’s a problem when thatnoise level will be exceeded at almost anyspeed up to and including 25 knots.

The challenge facing CEA was thatthey needed calculations for the differentcruising speeds before they couldpropose the most suitable noise insulating measures. Together with theyard, so-called ‘worst case scenarios’were simulated to cover all eventualities.One of the problems they faced is that at a certain rate of knots, particularly very high speeds, the ship’s propellercauses cavitation, the effects of which itis ex treme ly difficult to predict with any accuracy. “Even though ourinstructions were to save weight, oursolution eventually involved deadeningthe noise in the operations room bymeans of massive alterations to itsinterior construction,” Rennecke ex -plains. Thus the ceilings and walls were

insulated with heavy lead-lined mineralcotton.

The department was confronted witha similarly difficult task during theacoustic evaluation of the operationsroom on board an aircraft carrier. Theproblem is that the centre is locateddirectly underneath the area used byHarrier vertical takeoff jets and separatedfrom the landing deck by just 20 mm ofsteel plating. On top of this, several gene-rators are located in a confined areaalmost adjacent to the operations room,also causing noise. CEA has calculateddifferent models and proposed corre -sponding noise insulation measures. Atthe time of going to press no decisionshad yet been reached. The next issue of K-WERT will contain an update.

Very fast but also very quiet – noise insulation on ships

Training vessel ‘HANSEATIC EXPLORER’

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SMM shipbuilding fair in HamburgFrom 26th to 29th September 2006 this leading shop window for the maritime industry once again provided anopportunity for the 1,600 exhibitors to show the industry what they can do. Approximately 50,000 trade insidersattended the fair, with up to a third of them coming from abroad.

Of course KAEFER was there with an eye-catching stand in Hall 2, adorned with the new KAEFER design. Among theproducts on show were our USPH-compliant galley panels, the patenteddetachable ceiling elements used in yachtbuilding, and the cross-section of a floor,complete with shock absorbers, sup por -ting structure and LOLAMAT/RECORE/ -combined floor covering. A ‘revolving’

video on non-stop loop feat ured theentire spectrum of services covered by theShipbuilding Division and our foreignsubsidiaries. In the foreground at alltimes, though, were the crucial talks withcustomers and old acquaintances thatpave the way for new contracts. KAEFERShipbuilding was very happy with the waythings went. Additional information wasalso available on a Siemens stand directly

in front of the entrance to Hall 2, wherevisitors could marvel at a practicaldemonstration of the KAEFER and Puren‘Pursonic-Sound-System’ – KAEFER beingPuren’s exclusive shipbuilding partner.This delivers better-than-hi-fi qualitymusic “straight from the wall,” with novisible loudspeakers. Live and veryimpressive!

The first 22 ships of this successful typewere sold to various German and interna-tional shipping companies. Now another10 are being built for Maersk, part of theAP-Møller Group.

Orders like these are bread- andbutter-jobs for our Stralsund location andthe scope of KAEFER’s activities on eachship is extensive. It incorporates insu-lation/sheathing of the decks, walls and

tanks; floating floors, noise protection,insulation of pipes and flues as well assheathing and jacketing. Then there is thesupply and installation of galleys,pantries and refrigerated rooms includingstainless steel shelving, as well as instal-lation of wall and ceiling panels. Finally,KAEFER finishes and fits all the living andworking areas including supplying thefurniture and shelves.

All projects are going like clock -work and are being accomplished increa-singly fast.

Stralsund: Always busyOur longstanding customer Volkswerft Stralsund is building ten VWS 2500.3 container ships for Maersk Shippingbetween October 2007 and February 2009. These are modified versions of the original series – and KAEFER is on boardonce again.

Exhibition stand at

the SMM in Hamburg,


Engine room

Captain’s quarters

on the ‘MAERSK


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Aerial photo of BMW premises. In the foreground BMW World begins to emerge.

KAEFER helps to shape “BMW World” in Munich

Want to shape the world – who wouldn’t? This prestigious Munich project for the world-renowned car maker offers this opportunity to two KAEFER divisions simultaneously.

The new building in the Bavarian capital,where owners can pick up their new cars,is not only intended to impress thecustomers. It must also represent thecompany – and at the same time be apublic attraction and architecturalhighlight for Munich.

First, the Industry Department inMunich was commissioned by its long-standing customer BMW to provide someof the more ‘basic’ work such as heat andcold insulation, as well as preventivestructural fire protection.

Then, in April and August, theHamburg interior finishing department,part of the Construction Division, wasentrusted with finding solutions for twofurther tasks, both of which placedemands on performance and sched -uling that reflect the building’scomplexity.

The first part of the order involves thefitting of partition walls and suspendedstraight-through acoustic ceilings – whichhave to be chilled and heated. Besides thisthe order includes all the wooden doors

and plaster boards for the walls. Thesecond part of the order is no lessambitious.

The walls for the forum and thestage, audience and equipment areas areto be lined with a complex design ofaluminium plates. Another designelement is coupled with a technicalfunction: the chilled ceilings areassembled partly from stainless steel andpartly from aluminium coffers – theirreflection on the shiny new automobileswill be absolutely stunning.

acoustic plaster and coffered ceilings. KAEFER will have its work cut out if it is to finish the 1 million euro project with its customary punctuality and quality. Sounds stressful? Head of department Marcel Segebarth and Project Manager AdrianPreissner don’t know the meaning of the word – they just get on with the job.

The contract was awarded in May 2006 and work commenced inthe same month. The planned completion date is October 2006. The project encompasses twenty outside contractors forplastering, painting of concrete, floor coverings, metalwork,paintwork etc. KAEFER is contributing interior doors and complexdry-mortarless construction work, particularly in the area of

Volkswagen-hall in BrunswickNot a tale of two cities, but a tale of KAEFER’s Berlin-Hanover Interior Finishing Department participating in generalcontracting. Work entails the finishing of a multi-purpose hall in the town of Henry the Lion for the Sport and CultureFoundation.

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In matters of polar exploration, all roads lead to Bremerhaven.There we met with Project Manager Dietrich Thöns, surroundedby walls covered with constructional drawings, specimencomponents and a 6-metre long 1:25 scale model of the station.

An appraising glance, congratulations on the new order – andthen directly to the point: What is to be built? Why build a newstation in the first place? And how did KAEFER get involved in thisexciting project? That was the prelude to two fascinating hours …

Built in 1992, Neumayer II was constructed as a tube-liketunnel in the snow. Ever since it has been gradually melting itsway deeper and deeper into the snow, while new snow has beenpiling up on top. This is no accident, but the calculated fate ofconventional stations in the permanent ice.

Neumayer III, on the other hand, will always remain at thesame height. This is due to a new stilted construction which, it ishoped, will enable Neumayer III to remain operational for morethan 25 years. By lifting the legs simultaneously in pairs and thenpacking snow under their hydraulic columns, the structure willalways remain 6 m above ground and therefore cannot besmothered by snowdrifts.

Nevertheless, this ingenious construction still cannot escapethe tempestuous Antarctic weather. And that’s where KAEFERcomes in. The initial plan was to construct a ‘cold shell’ (interiorsame as exterior temperature) to act purely as a break against thewind and snow, enclosing a 2-storey 20’-container struc ture withaccommodation and workspace, as the habitable core.

This idea was given up in favour of an insulated shell with atemperature of +5 °C, resulting in less insulation material beingneeded to maintain the airconditioned containers at 22 °C. Thishad the big advantage of requiring considerably less complicatedindividual insulation for the large number of service pipes runningbetween the outer and inner shell.

LOLAMAT turned up trumps for the inside. These sturdy walland floor panels with their finished surface and light weightexhibit superb insulating capability. The fact that they give off notoxic fumes in the event of fire makes LOLAMAT the clear choice

–40 °C, force 12 winds, snowdrifts The Neumayer III station in the Antarctic, commissioned by the Alfred Wegener Institute, is beginning to take shape.And KAEFER is (once again) on the spot, with Construction BB and Shipbuilding working in close cooperation. So what lured our men to the coldest continent?

Artist’s impression

of the Neumayer III


for all the living and working areas. In addition to this, KAEFERfinished all the communal service areas, laboratories andworkshops.

In another block, the engineering work for the aircondi-tioning and heating, as well as water supply/disposal and sanitaryfacilities also fall under KAEFER’s responsibility, as does all powergeneration, which is taken care of by five diesel generators incor-porating the very latest fuel injection technology.

This project convincingly illustrates KAEFER’s uniquecompetence when it comes to meeting the Antarctic challenge.Our parallel tradition as systems supplier was reflected insubsidiary offers of solutions for insulation, airconditioning andheat recycling, as well as fire protection and room acoustics. Manyvaluable tips were obtained via direct recourse to our CentralDepartment’s accumulated expertise.

As impressive as these technical and economic aspects mayhave been, they would never have been achieved without thecommitment of the people involved.

Cooperation between what is now ARGE partner KAEFER andJ. H. Kramer (responsible for the hydraulics, steel construction,380 V power installation and all information technology,measuring, and automatic control engineering) goes back to theconstruction of Neumayer II, for which KAEFER was the partner forthe interior finishing. Many of the men from those days findthemselves working together again today – a crew whose expe-rience and proven teamwork goes hand in hand with theirtechnical skill-sets.

It only remains to wish them a cool head and warm clothing– and we look forward to receiving exciting progress reports overthe coming two years.

More photos from the

More background

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GWP 6Project Manager Torsten Hass is pleasedto report that Lot 1, the first of three, wascompleted on schedule. The Barmeniaemployees subsequently moved in, veryhappy with their improved workingconditions. From their workplaces on theseventh floor they can enjoy a panoramicview of the Bergische Landregion.

Renovation work has also beenfinished on the floor containing thecomputing centre in Building 3 which –“good as new” and much brighter thanbefore – is likewise already back in use.The ground floor of the building is nowbeing gutted and extensive fire insulationwork is in full swing.

In November, work begins on theintermediate Building 2 which connectsthe existing building with Lot 1. This isbeing converted to function as a trainingcentre for Barmenia employees all overGermany. The reconstruction in Lot 2 isplanned to commence in April 2007.

Indeed, the skeleton structure alreadystands half a metre high.

GWP 10Quite independent from GWP 6, this workinvolves extensive asbestos removal,followed by the demolition of Building Iand the bridge connecting it to theremaining Building II.

The project is being carried out byKAEFER Entsorgungstechnik in ARGE, withUTS Hahn acting as the commercialpartner. Work has been in progress sinceNovember 2005 and will end in twelvemonths’ time on completion of a numberof supplementary tasks and demolition ofthe skeleton steel structure.

By then the team around ProjectManager Jochen Hutter will have decon -taminated and removed 75,000 m2 ofmaterial and will be able to hand oversome 3,500 m2 of ‘new’ building land forBarmenia’s expansion plans.

‘Pont du Clair’, Mainz-GonsenheimA major project – the refurbishing and interior finishing of a barracks. And a French name. Those who regularly followthe activities of the General Contracting Department could be forgiven for having a sense of déjà-vu.

That’s right – “Parc du Bois” in Potsdam!And once again, a regular client hasentrusted us with an equally extensiveproject. Only this time it lies on the RiverMain instead of the Havel, and theprevious occupiers bore a different armypostal code. The former Americanbarracks, with its 17,000 m2 of grounds, is

located in a part of town that olderresidents affectionately refer to as‘Gunsenum’. Due to its proximity todowntown Mainz, and an extensive greenbelt, ‘Gunsenum’ is much in demand as aresidential area. A motorway connectionadds to the attraction. Reason enough tobuild 213 new homes, 130 underground

parking spaces and 100 outside parkinglots. Con struction has already begununder the supervision of Holger Helmers,Project Manager, and Peter Braun, SiteManager.

Completion of this 20-million-europroject is planned for the end of 2008.

Demolishing the steel skeleton structure of Building I

Photo left: View of

Pont du Clair – the

tarpaulin in front

of it shows what

the building will

look like when


Photo right:

Show apartment

Always something new from Wuppertal

On the Barmenia Versicherung building site in Wuppertal our Pfungstadt construction departments are on schedulewith lots GWP 6 and 10.

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The Düsseldorf Interior FinishingDepartment, part of the ConstructionDivision, fitted the chilled and acousticceilings that ensure pleasant workingconditions throughout the building. Forthe foyer – a representative customer hallcomplete with a stage for special events –the architects Rhode-Kellermann-Wawrowsky designed a translucent litwall. Attractive, yes – but seen togetherwith all the other glass surfaces it presentsquite a problem for the room acoustics.

A perfect opportunity, therefore, to de mon strate the brilliance ofMICROSORBER when it comes to opti-mising optics and acoustics.

Micro-perforated plastic glass platesmade from KAEFER MICROSORBER wereused to ‘finish’ the wall. The translucent,light-scattering wall has thus become notonly an architectural eye-catcher – it alsoachieves high-quality acoustics with shortreverberation periods: form integratesfunction!

The Uniqa Tower, elliptical and slightlytapered towards the ground, is a spec-tacular idea that has been elegantlyrealised. The interior architecture is noless impressive and features an atriumthat extends through all storeys.

The inner facade is also madeentirely of glass, creating a transparencythat pervades the entire building. Visionremains unimpaired throughout – eventhe partitioning and cubicles in the open-plan offices are made of glass.

Such an ambitious design, domi -nated by glass with very few acousticbreaks, called for KAEFER expertise in theform of MICROSORBER.

With the aid of specially developedstainless steel consoles, KAEFER Austriafaced the glass interior walls on all 15 storeys with 500 m2 of micro-perforated5-mm plastic glass panels made inBremen. These MICROSORBER panelshave transformed the experience ofworking in the building by deliveringsuperb room acoustics. And, because theyare completely transparent, they havedone so without diluting the architect’soriginal vision.

The luxury of all-round transparency –made possible by MICROSORBER.

MICROSORBER: Form integrates function!Düsseldorf, Königsallee, Rheinuferpromenade – not only does the new NRW Bank building blend perfectly into theneighbourhood ambience, it also meets all expectations with regard to the interior design. This is not least due tothe contribution made by KAEFER.

New Viennese landmark on Danube CanalThe Uniqa insurance company selected an eye-catching design, based on the company’s logo, for its new headquarters.

Foyer of NRW Bank in Düsseldorf, Germany

Uniqa Tower in Vienna, Austria

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The people of Innsbruck have more thanjust skiing on their minds. To tackle thetask of providing fire insulation on thesteel structure during the building of the Tivoli Stadium, the Stahlbau Zemancompany once again commissionedKAEFER Austria.

Under KAEFER supervision, 6000 m2

of 20-mm Type H Promatect panels wereinstalled over a six-month period. The

construction workers certainly needed a head for heights, with exterior work 18 m above the ground calling for 100 %concentration.

As is customary, the order wascompleted on schedule.

And when the first match kicks off, itwon’t matter how red-hot the game is –nothing will burn, because KAEFER andPromatect will have done their job.

The special challenge presented by thisprestigious order was to fit the classicalvaults with precision-tailored GRP panels,replicating the arches and using aminimum of filling.

The visitor centre was officiallyopened in the presence of high-rankingmembers of parliament during a cele-bration on the Austrian national holiday.

The restyled centre met with all-round approval and the ceiling has beenjudged a total success.

Indeed, in a contest organised by thesuppliers Rigips, KAEFER was awarded theBPB Trophy for superior dry-mortarlessconstruction. This is the top prize inAustria and our specialists can be veryproud of receiving such an honour.

Vienna Parliament and KAEFER: Mutual benefitDuring restyling of the visitor centre at the Austrian Parliament, the dome-shaped ceilings had to be fitted with barrel-shapedscreens.

The contract for two new buildings is worth some 4.5 millioneuros. One building – ‘Villa Helene’ – will have 11 apartments and 2 shops. The other – ‘Villa Nymphe’ – will incorporate 33 apartments and an underground garage. Both buildings facedirectly on to the seafront. The architecture is in the old spa style,with bright ornamental facades and protruding balconies. The

extravagant finish of the two- to four-room flats, which offerbetween 50 and 175 m2 of living space, should meet the mostexacting requirements.

Following commencement in May 2006, Project ManagerRalf Komm predicts the work will be completed on schedule inthe autumn of 2007.

Bremerhaven/Bremen Construction Department is lured to the Baltic Sea ...... in order to erect two turnkey villas with apartments and shops in Binz on the island of Rügen. But don’t worry – the General Contractors’ BB offices remain at their usual place on the North Sea coast.

Tivoli football stadium, InnsbruckKAEFER Austria loves football as much as it loves satisfied customers. The proof: 6,000 m2 of F90 steel structure cladding.

Reception area for visitors to the Austrian Parliament

Tivoli Stadium in Innsbruck, Austria

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The Frankfurt Interior Finishing/Toxic Disposal Department, partof the national Construction Division, has a great deal of expe-rience with this type of order, especially in buildings full oftechnical telecommunications equipment. That was reasonenough to be entrusted this summer with one building inWiesbaden and another in Frankfurt am Main.

The contract involves a significant amount of fire protectioninstallation and interior finishing, including the fitting of 500 fire

doors. Then there’s plumbing, decorating, plastering and floor lay -ing, as well as structural engineering and work on electrical equip -ment for dust-proof protection, core drilling and waste logistics.

The work will be spread over a period of almost two yearsand, due to the fact that the building will remain in continual use,will be carried out mainly at night. Our objective is to ensure thatthe customer doesn’t notice a thing – apart from the successfuloutcome.

The show must go onDeTeImmobilien wants to ‘batten down the hatches’ and provide more fire protection for its buildings. But the workmust go on. The solution? KAEFER!

In December 2005 the Berlin–Hanover Interior FinishingDepartment was contracted to carry out work on the RuppinerClinics’ new Building X. This was followed in April 2006 by a moreor less parallel contract to refurbish Building C.

The conversion of Building C, a ‘heritage’ building forgeneral nursing, entailed 2,100 m2 of F90 plasterboard ceilings,1,200 m2 of walls, 1,800 m2 of F90 dry screed as well as door-frames. And it all had to done in just three months.

On the other hand, the construction of Building X – twice asbig as Building C – will take a full year. This work encompasses1,500 m2 of metal ceiling, 2,600 m2 of F30A and F90A fireproofed

walls, and 400 m2 of radiation-proof walls in the X-raydepartment. Door-frames and wall protection will complete thework to be undertaken by KAEFER.

Project Manager Dirk Stephanski has a wealth of experiencein finishing hospital buildings. He is happy with the way in whichthe work has progressed and has also enjoyed his stay in the‘town of fountains’ on Ruppiner Lake.

Ruppiner Clinics, with their rambling buildings, are integralto the town’s economy. Indeed, exhibitions on the history ofmedicine as well as other related events are a constant attractionfor visitors from way beyond the region.

Whether new build or heritage preservation ...… the interior finishing of hospital buildings always presents a challenge. Ruppiner Kliniken GmbH is a new customer,whose order encompasses the entire spectrum of this particularly complex task.

Our new client, Segeberger Kliniken GmbH, is happy, even though completion wasoriginally planned for 2005 rather than early 2007.

The order was originally placed by Kreis Segeberg, the owners at that time. Thischange of ownership and subsequent rescheduling was the ultimate cause of the delay.Project Manager Maik Riphahn-Bendig says: “The stretched schedule, resulting in a totalof ten phases of construction during ongoing hospital operation, made it difficult tofind the right workmen at short notice”.

However, together with Site Manager Andre Alt, he skilfully coped with the largenumber of often short-notice changes of plan. As such, he successfully dealt with: 7,000 m2 OWA-acoustic ceilings conforming to various hygienic requirements in themedical areas, 2,500 m2 of folding down Dipling F-30 metal cored ceilings in thecorridors, 800 m of beechwood hand rails, approximately 600 Neuform T-30 and T-90doors, some of them automatic, and 8,000 m2 of GRP partition walls/veneersconforming to varying fire and radiation protection categories.

In April 2007, the last blue overalls should be departing from the scene, to bereplaced once and for all by white medical gowns.

Bad Segeberg: All good things come to those –Work on the hospital, which encompassed interior finishing and new construction, took rather longer than expected. This caused headaches for the Interior Finishing Department of the Construction Division in Kiel. But in spite of thedifficulties, quality and safety standards, as well as compliance with due dates, were all met.

Ward in Bad Segeberg hospital, Germany

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The construction of a brand-new, fullyequipped workshop is enabling thedepartment to maximise its potential.Key to this development are two newCNC-operated machines – a HOMAGOptimat and a Holzma HPL.

Both machines permit the precisioncutting of all types of gypsum plaster -board, Promat- and mineral wool panels.

They are also able to mill to any sizeof angle, making it possible to producemachined parts with completely smoothcurves, eliminating the need forexpensive finishing with filler andspatula.

The Head of Department, RalfLeithäuser, Workshop Supervisor, ZoranBudic, and the rest of the team aredelighted with the improved capability,not least because it has helped monthlyoutput to rise to some 8,000 m2 of classA1 building material panels.

Fire protection: Made-to-measure from ButzbachThe activities of the fire protection department in the Construction Division are wide-ranging. They encompass development, production and distribution, project management and installation for buildings and tunnels, and smoke extraction systems for underground transport facilities.

Production facility for fire protection panels

The fire insulation department of the Con -struction division in Frankfurt dispatchedthe robot to help with an order from Basel.

As part of a wider reconstructionproject, it was necessary to upgrade the

The work, commissioned by BaselCity Council, commenced on 10th June andwas finished in record time by 11th August,despite the complexity of the tunnel’sirregular geometry.

A considerable part of the 6,000 m2 ofsingle-layer cladding, comprising large-format fire insulation panels, had to beseparately fixed in place by hand withanchoring nails. Project Manager SvenBurgard and his assistant Heiko Ungersaid: “The differences in height as well aslongitudinal and lateral banking in thetunnel presented us with some realheadaches.”

On top of this, some complex specialsolutions involving cantilever steelstructures with detachable fireproof clad -ding were needed for the ceiling openings.

Nevertheless, after just three weeksfor each tube, the team, led by ManfredRoitzheim, had completed the task and ourrobot was on its way back to the Weser.

walls and ceilings of a motorway tunnel inorder to meet modern day fire protectionrequirements. The tunnel runs throughthe town of Horburg and there are houseson top.

Under rivers, through mountains ...... our tunnel robot really gets around. After its groundbreaking work in Germany and the Netherlands, it visitedSwitzerland this summer.

Horburg tunnel in

Basel, Switzerland

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Nestlé, the world’s largest food company,has its headquarters in Switzerland. It hasa presence in more than 80 countries andemploys over 250,000 people worldwide.In 2006 KAEFER Aislamientos was com -mis sioned to build a 40-metre-long and 8-metre-high turnkey cold storage facilityfor Nestlé Spain S. A. It is equipped tooperate at temperatures as low as –20 °C.Between April and July almost 20 workerswere on the site for KAEFER and altogetherthey installed some 2,000 m2 of sandwichpanelling, facades, roof and four doors.Some other work, including installation ofthe fire protection system, was carried outby subcontractors. The order was worthover 400,000 euros.



KAEFER Aislamientos builds a cold storagefacility for Nestlé

The Lycée A. Daudet in the town of Nîmes in the south of Francewas originally built as a ‘Palace of the Arts’ in 1373. Since 1815 thishistorical building in the middle of the ancient city of Nîmes hasbeen a school and it is now in need of restoration. The work is tobe spread over three phases and KAEFER WANNER is involved inphases 2 and 3, carrying out the renovation and insulation of thewalls and ceilings for an order value of 770,000 euros. The project

presents a special challenge because the historical architecturemust remain intact. For this reason the noise and fire protectionhas to be provided by means of special walls and intermediateceilings. KAEFER WANNER has already carried out several projectsof this type in the south of France, including two schools and tworetirement homes.

KAEFER WANNER: The challenging renovation of a Lycée

Insulated door in

Nestlé cold storage


Restored ceiling of

the Lycée A. Daudet

in Nîmes, France

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Altitude 1,200 feet, outside temperature –10 °C, speed almost 200 knots. Thehissing of the airstream and the drone ofthe powerful 10,000 hp engines combineto create a monotonous melody. The menwait tensely at their stations. Stand by tounload! – 4 pallets of supplies must bedropped to people waiting on the ground.The floor of the aft section lowers with ahydraulic whine, the cargo hatchwayswings out – and then the wind bursts in,tearing at equipment and overalls,making voice communication im -possible. If the A400M were designed likea passenger aircraft, much of the planewould go overboard with the supplies –parts of the interior lining, for instance,together with the insulating material ...

The task of the ten designers and twomanagers that make up our A400Mproject team is to stop this happening.Actively involved in the design of theaircraft from the outset, they haverecently redeveloped the entire primaryinsulation of the main fuselage to meetperform ance specifications, including theaft area and the fastening elements. They

boast that you can now perform pull-upson the insulating pads.

Usually, design and manufacturingare pursued in accordance with prede-termined specifications. So assumingadditional responsibility for the design,whilst also participating in concurrentengineering processes in the complexproduct environment with the EDPsystems used by Airbus, is a novelty inGermany.

This obviously poses quite achallenge – but the additional scope forthe designers also opens up opportu-nities for product refinement and eventechnical breakthroughs. When wesuggest that these opportunities maylead to important advances, TorstenDehlwes – in keeping with the militarynature of the subject matter – is not veryforthcoming. He neither agrees nordisagrees – he simply smiles.

But now back to the construction ofthe aircraft. Components for the fuselageof the A400M are developed in the variouscountries participating in its manu-facture. The primary insulation is fitted in

Bremen. Therefore, since early 2006 theA400M team responsible for the primaryinsulation at KAEFER Aerospace has beenlocated at Bremen Airport (besides Seifhennersdorf and the assemblylocations Hamburg and Toulouse).Working in close cooperation with Airbusengineers, the 12 employees hatch thedevelopment and production planning ofthe new European military transportplane.

As Torsten Dehlwes points out, thereis still an awful lot to do before the officialtest flight at the beginning of 2008. Thisincludes connecting up the preassembledsegments in Sevilla, Spain – mostprobably with the support of thecompany KAEFER Aerospace Españawhich, as we write, is still in the processof being founded! But, despite hisreticence when outlining achievements inthe areas of new design, personnel re -cruit ment and production planning, onething is clear: the interview’s confidenttone is based on very firm foundations.

A400M – moving into new dimensionsEven for members of the experienced Airbus insulation team in our new Aerospace Division, this military transportplane presents some tricky challenges.

Airbus A400M

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OLUTEX became a new subsidiary of KAEFER Aerospace early in 2006. Thecompany performs the vital role ofproducing ‘primary insulation’. It is thisinsulation that separates tranquil aircraftcabins from the 900 km/h airstreams, thehowl of turbines, and freezing Arctictemperatures outside.

This insulation is thermal andacoustic, and also offers fire protection. Itsheathes the framework and covers thewalls, but not in the free-handed way youmight insulate the attic at home. Everysingle one of the 1,500 to 3,000 insulationblankets needed for each aircraft is madeto measure. Not only according todimensions, but also to fit exactly withfastening points, cable penetrations andadjacent components, every one of whichis different. In effect, each blanket is atailor-made suit made from thousands ofplans – covering the entire programme inthe Airbus range of single-aisle, wide-body and long-range aircraft, not to forgeta few Boeing machines. There are no lessthan 50,000 plans stored in the OLUTEXcomputers.

Once OLUTEX experts have compiledthe design layouts on the basis of 3-D construction plans, they have tocreate control data sets for the machinesin the production hall. These are thencapable of precision- cutting GRP mats of

different thicknesses, complete with allthe necessary holes, slits etc.

The next step involves providingmechanical protection via shrink-wrapping and individually reinforcing allthe numerous penetrations and slits. Thisis dedicated aircraft production so thatthe mats arrive just in time for assemblyin Hamburg or Toulouse.

From the first cut each of the mats –or blankets as they are known – is labelledwith a bar code. Then, by means of asimple scan, the number and exact des -

For centuries, the Oberlausitz region on the German/Czech border has been a centre for the textile industry. Indeed,the town and textiles are as synonymous as the Black Forest and cuckoo clocks, or the Sauerland and screws. Andit is here, in the town of Seifhennersdorf, that OLUTEX is based.

OLUTEX takes flight – with KAEFER Aerospace

Primary insulation in

the Airbus A 320

Assembly of the

primary insulation

in the Airbus A380

cription of each blanket, complete withdrawing plan, can be conjured onto visualdis play monitors. This enables thecontinual tracing and documentation ofevery single part as it passes through thestages of production, dispatch and instal-lation.

A further challenge lies in its featureson the inside. Due to its exceptionally fineextrusion, the glass wool used in aviationweighs just onefifth of similar productsfound in building and industry. Themarket is so small that the entire annualrequirement of the aviation industry issupplied by the American manufacturerJohns Manville in a single production runof less than four weeks. Taken togetherwith the extremely expensive certificationrequirements of the aviation industry,this ensures a nice little monopoly.

The weight factor, acoustic andthermal insulation, fireproofing andcondensation resistance are all crucialcriteria, and each of these has its ownimplications.

Weight reduction, for instance, iscrucial for the A380, as every excess kilo-gramme for the primary insulation peraircraft would result in having to pay ahigh penalty. Managing Director DieterRichter explains: “Even just a little extraweight, not more than a schoolboy couldcarry in his satchel, would completelyupset our calculations!” As if that were

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not enough, a significant tightening ofother criteria, especially fire protection, ison its way. OLUTEX is confident of beingable to cope.

A long historyThis high-precision existence is just thelatest stage in a textile tradition that goesback 200 years. And it follows the difficultyears between 1935 and 1989, whencompanies in Oberlausitz survivedthrough activities such as producingparachutes.

Shortly after the collapse of the GDR,OLUTEX won a contact to Elbe Flugzeug-werken (EFW), a subsidiary of EADS. In thewake of Airbus outsourcing some of itsproduction, someone spotted theconnection between the manufacture ofhighly specialised textile products andinsulation mats.

This idea was turned into a businessin 1997, and the company beat 15 others tosupply Airbus, even though OLUTEX’ costswere 20 % higher than those of thecheapest competi tor. Initially the company

worked solely to order, then assembly anddesign were added.

With KAEFER’s involvement, OLUTEXhas really taken off and the company hasa crucial role to play as the companieswithin KAEFER Aerospace expand theirmarket position.

It is this dynamic of complementarycapabilities that has made KAEFER Aerospace a major player in the field ofinterior outfitting in the Europeanaviation industry.

NATO’s E-3A AWACS-Boeings, a variationof the classic 707 – we are all familiar withpictures of these aircrafts with the bigfrisbee on top – are on average 25 yearsold. Within the next six years they aresuccessively coming up for a majoroverhaul, entailing additional measuresto extend their operational lives. The aimis to keep them serviceable until 2040+.No, this is not a typing mistake – just apostponement of the retirement age foraircraft, too!

In this context the primary insu-lation is not only to be exchanged formore advanced materials, but at the sametime considerably upgraded. You guessedit: the contract has been awarded toKAEFER Aerospace.

All the materials used for the newinsulation blankets are self-extin-

guishing. The core item, though, is theceramic “paper” developed by 3M, anintegral part of each mat which provides4-minute fireproofing against the effectof intense fire up to 1,200 °C. Comple-mentary to this, OLUTEX has come upwith fastening clips, made of titanium,which are of similar stability. Most impor-tantly, this structural unit has beengranted certification by the DGA, theFrench equivalent of the Luftfahrt-Bundesamt [German Aviation Authority],for use throughout NATO!

The enormous significance of thisinnovation can be properly appreciatedwhen compared with previous protectionvalues – just 280 °C. Airport fire servicescan usually reach the scene of a crashwithin two minutes – so four-minuteprotection up to 1,200 °C greatly improves

the chances of survival. The American FAA have already tightened their requi-rements – from 2007 ordinary air pas -sengers as well as airborne militarypersonnel in other areas may also benefitfrom this added protection.

At KAEFER Aerospace in Seifhen-nersdorf they have already become accus -tomed to these brand-new materials.They are now on top of the special requi-rements and issues involved in workingtogether with fibreglass/ceramic paper/foil and new fastening techniques.

On 26th September 2006 the firstaircraft to be fitted with the new fire-proofing was successfully ‘rolled out’ atEADS/DFW in Manching under the criticalgaze of the German army’s Musterzulas-sungsstelle [prototype approval office]and their quality control experts.

... and now Boeing as well! For a European supplier to the aviation industry it is essential to maintain business connections to Airbus. In viewof this, an order for insulation work on our first Boeing represents a significant step towards more independence –and for the reader, an opportunity to learn something about a truly interesting innovation.


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KTN and KAEFER Aerospace: Vertical takeoffWhen it was ‘rolled out’ in 2002 this addition to the Group took off like a rocket. KAEFER is helping to ensure thatits lucky star keeps shining.

Jörn M. Fetköter


Matthias Ostendorf


Dr Guido Bohnkamp

(MD bmt) (from left)

Photo right:

Inside view of

ventilation duct

Photo bottom:

Ventilation ducts

in the Airbus A 320

European aviation industry. Now for a lookat the HR situation in this fast-growingand enterprising production company. Theregion has an unemployment rate of 30 %.In collaboration with AWA e.V., an interna-tional training association accredited bythe chamber of commerce, it was possibleto cope with an increase in employeesfrom 10 to 200 over a period of just fouryears. Almost 80 % of these employeeswere previously unemployed, some ofthem long-term. The recruitment pro -gramme was accompanied by training

measures and further education support -ed by Airbus Laupheim, resulting in therapid and thoroughly successful inte-gration of all new employees.

The successful implementation ofholistic quality control so essential to theaviation industry, and pursued vigorouslyby the new KAEFER subsidiary and itsManaging Director Matthias Ostendorf,provides an indication of just howsuccessful the combined efforts of allthose involved have been.

However, the 20 % share of white-collar workers in the company is increasingonly slowly. The general shortage of spe -cialist engineers on the European labourmarket is making itself felt and thecompany’s ongoing expansion meansthere is still a requirement especially fordesign en gineers. Readers with suitablequalifications who would like to join awinning team should make their move bygoing to (Aerospace).

This site is also recommended toanyone wishing to know more than couldbe included in this article.

In 2002, Airbus decided to outsource themanufacture of a whole series of produc -t ion components previously produced atLaupheim.

A quick and propitious alternativesolution was found for the production ofGRP parts, including air-conditioningducts and interior mouldings. Thatsolution was KTN KunststofftechnikNobitz GmbH, established in July 2002,which has subsequently teamed up withKAEFER Aerospace to form an integratedsupplier to the aviation industry.

KTN Kunststofftechnik Nobitz GmbHwas created with the help of a regionaldevelopment programme – the Germanstate of Thuringia putting up the necess -ary capital by becoming shareholder via itsTIB investment company. Airbus guaran -teed future production capacity and anumber of Airbus managers came onboard to show the new company the ropes.The company was set up with just 10employees. Following an investment ofsome 5 million euros in a brand-newfactory (Altenburg-Nobitz) at Thuringia’sregional airport, the workforce had risen to50 by the end of 2002. The company hadalso obtained QSF-B certification as asupplier to the aviation industry and hadstarted to build up its own designdepartment. In 2003 Airbus awarded KTNthe status of partner as supplier of air-conditioning tubes in the crew restcompart ment for the Airbus A380; 2004saw the addition of wall linings for theA380 and the recruitment of more than 30

new employees; in 2005 a second hall wasbuilt for 4.8 million euros and thecompany was awarded a developmentcontract for the Airbus A400M militarytransport plane. By 2006 the payrollnumbered 200 employees and turnoverwas in excess of 10 million. Then KAEFERcame along. The acquisition teamsuccessfully convinced the banks,customers, management and the regionalgovernment that the KAEFER Aerospacedivision could provide the best home forKTN. Since July 2006 the new addition tothe Group has continued to prosper andhas enriched the KAEFER service spectrum.It is this service spectrum, encompassinggroups of complementary workforces, thathas made KAEFER Aerospace a major playerin the field of interior outfitt ing in the

Page 53: More than good Ideas - KAEFER · KAEFER WANNER: The challenging renovation of a Lycée During renovation of the A. Daudet Lycée the noise and fire insulation is integrated in the


K|WERT – the Company Magazine of theKAEFER Group

Published by: KAEFER Isoliertechnik GmbH & Co. KG Bürgermeister-Smidt-Strasse 70 28195 Bremen · Germany Phone +49 421.30 55-0 · Fax +49 421.1 82 51 [email protected] ·

Responsible for publication: Nicolas Koch, Stefan Beeg

Text: Louis Milse, Lothar Steckel, Nina Svensson

Layout & Typography: via roeper, Bremen

Print: tvdruck GmbH, Bielefeld

Photo Sources:KAEFER-Archiv, Wolfgang Geyer/Nuremberg, Michael Gielen/Bremen, Roland Schiffler/ Bremen, Photo Airbus A400M, p. 47: © Airbus Military S. L.Photo: AWACS-Boeing, p. 49: © NATO,Cover: Oil rig Asgard B

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Page 54: More than good Ideas - KAEFER · KAEFER WANNER: The challenging renovation of a Lycée During renovation of the A. Daudet Lycée the noise and fire insulation is integrated in the


