Download - Monday, September 3, 2012

Page 1: Monday, September 3, 2012

CARACAS -- An environ-mental group said last weekVenezuela's state-owned oilcompany PDVSA delayed aresponse to an oil spill re-ported at a refinery in Cura-cao.

State-owned oil companyPetroleos de Venezuela con-firmed an oil spill at a refin-ery in Curacao. The companysaid it's been working to con-tain the incident for severaldays, reports Venezuelannewspaper El Universal.

The newspaper didn't in-dicate the severity of the in-cident, though environmentalgroups in the country said theoil company was lax in its re-sponse. The spill was disco -vered by Curacao authoritiesAug. 17.

Clean Environment onCuracao Chairman Peter vanLeeuwen said the island doesnot have an environmentaldepartment to deal with suchevents and PDVSA hasn'tprovided any guidelines interms of a spill response, thenewspaper adds.

at every level everyone isaware of the laws governingall the aspects we must dealwith and to be aware of thecorresponding procedures.One matter raised during theevaluation meeting is thatthey must improve the com-munication between the dif-ferent instances. Boekhoudtsaid that the drill was alsomeant to test the communica-tion as something very essen-tial in such a case. They feltthat there is work to be donein this area.

The Aruba Chef of Police,indicated that the ultimategoal of the drill wasachieved, but that there is al-ways room for improvementand things from which wemust learn. He concluded bysaying that... “I have totalconfidence that we will arriveat the level of readinessneeded as a country.”

Last Thursday afternoon themarine security commissionunder the presidency of Min-ister Oduber, met to evaluatethe recent bomb simulationexercise (drill) held on thepre mises of the Aruba PortsAuthority (APA).

Oduber reported that it hasbeen several years sinceAruba’s membership in theInternational Ship and PortFacility Security Code(ISPS), that we have had acommission to deal with thismatter. He explained thatthere are severe conse-quences for not complying

with the ISPS. It could evenmean putting our wharf on ablacklist and any ship enter-ing our port would be deniedentrance into a US harbor.This, of course would be de -vastating to our cruise shipand cargo business.

Regarding the recent sim-ulation which took placehere, the Minister indicatedthat it was a very necessarytraining to ensure that Arubais cognizant of any new is-sues that could take placehere. The evaluation exam-ined what went wrong andwhat could be improved. Theintention is that we be wellprepared for any eventualityon our wharf which couldhave dire consequences forour economy.

According to port director,Alfonso Boekhoudt, Aruba isprepared for any eventuality;however, we must ensure that

Evaluation of recent bomb simulationexercise at APA

KABUL (AFP) - US specialforces in Afghanistan havesuspended training for about1,000 Afghan police recruitsto vet existing members, themilitary said yesterday, aftera surge in insider attacks onNATO.

There has been a sharprise in so-called "green-on-blue" attacks in recentmonths, in which members ofthe Afghan security forcesturn their weapons on theirWestern allies, sometimestheir military trainers.

In more than 30 such inci-dents this year, 45 coalitiontroops have been killed --about 14 percent of the over-all death toll in the war for2012. Most have been Amer-ican, though the latest to diewere three Australian troops.

"Current partnered opera-tions have and will continue,even as we temporarily sus-pend training of about 1,000new ALP (Afghan Local Po-lice) recruits while re-vettingcurrent members," a spokes -man for the US forces inAfghanistan, ColonelThomas Collins, said.

Taliban insurgents claimresponsibility for many of the

attacks, saying their fightershave infiltrated the Afghanarmy and police, but NATOsays the majority of the inci-dents are due to cultural dif-ferences and personal animo -sities.

Last month was the worstfor insider attacks in morethan 10 years of war, withnearly one in three interna-tional coalition deaths causedby Afghan allies.

The ALP -- which hasaround 16,000 members ac-cording to the Afghan interiorministry -- is a US-sponsoredpolice force recruited to fightTaliban insurgents in remoteareas of the Afghan country-side, though it has been ac-cused of corruption and vio -lence towards civilians.

The Washington Post saidthe re-vetting process wouldaffect more than 27,000Afghan troops.

The suspension was tem-porary, the colonel said butgave no timeframe.

Training for the AfghanNational Police and AfghanNational Army -- carried outby NATO rather than the US-- will not be affected by thehalt.

Monday, September 3, 2012

US suspends Afghan police

recruit training


PDVSA slow

in oil spill


Page 2: Monday, September 3, 2012

ized by Chef Antonio Albertszof Sabor Aruba 2012. Three in-ternational culinary celebritieswill square off against Aruba’sown Ever de Pena, a chefknown for his food art, andsous chef at the MancheboBeach Resort. Ever and Anto-nio are both graduates ofAruba famed Culinary Insti-tute of the EPI School.

Aruba’s culinary artists willshow the world what their ta -lent and expertise against someof the acknowledged names inthe field. “We look forward toEver and Antonio showingthese famous chefs just howwell we cook here. We have nodoubt they will teach them athing or two, and invite every-one to enjoy the show,” com-mented Paseo HerenciaGeneral Manager ValeriePietersz-Camacho.

Continued on page 4

vintages provided by ArionWine Company were only $2 aglass.

Well known steelpan artistNel Schouten provided mellowbackground music. Shoppersenjoyed a thrilling taste of theacrobatics and graceful danceroutines of the “EnchantedAruba” show, which offered aspecial discounted entrance feefor the gourmet evenings.

Every Saturday until theend of the month, variousrestaurants within the mall willprovide inexpensive samplingsof their menus, accompaniedby a free show. September willend with a Celebrity ChefShowdown featuring famedcooking stars from Bravo andthe Food Network coming tocompete. The event is organ-

September began with a temp -ting display of culinary virtu-osity as the Palm Beachshopping/dining/entertainmentcenter held the first of five Sa -turdays during the month thatwill showcase their many finerestaurants.

The Plaza Padu was laid outwith lovely tables allowingvisitors to the mall to samplethe menus of Nobushi, IguanaCantina, and TGI Friday’swhile sipping FREE MOJI-TOS graciously provided bySky Lounge.

$1.00 coupons were on saleat the parking cashier, to be re-deemed for Chicken Fajitas,Fish Tacos, or a mouthwater-ing selection of sushi, or suc-culent spare ribs. Sample sizescost only $2 or $3, and fine

Paseo Herencia inaugurates the

delicious month of September

our economic and cultural co-operation was explored. Theyexplored a plan which could beformalized in the future be-tween Aruba and India. BothAruba and Curacao has a largeand growing Indian commu-nity.

Honorary Consul, Mr.Boolchand presented a gift tothe Department of ExternalRelations in the form of abook, titled, “The Ambassa-dors’ Club - The Indian Diplo-mat at Large,” which is acollection of articles written byIndian diplomats. Each diplo-mat presents their view of ex-periences and challenges facedduring their work as diplomats,and of their contributions toworld events while serving theinterests of India and Indiancitizens outside of the frontiersof India.

Director of Aruba’s Depart-ment of External Relations,Drs. Andy Lee, last week re-ceived a courtesy visit from theHonorary Consul of Aruba forAruba, Curacao, St. Maartenand the BES Islands, Mr. RamBoolchand. Consul Bool -chand’s head office is inWillemstad, Curacao.

The purpose of the visit ofMr. Boolchand was a mutualfollow up to the visit of theAmbassador of India at Cara-cas, Ms. Smita Purushottam,who visited Aruba last Febru-ary 2012. They also discussedcommercial opportunities be-tween India and Aruba as wellas consular matters betweenAruba and India. Furthermore,they used the opportunity tofortify the ties of friendshipwhich exists between the twocountries. Ideas for improving

2 Monday, September 3, 2012

For info call: 5875010 Email:

[email protected]:

Time Share

for SALE

Honorary Consul of Indiameets Dir. Dept of ExternalRelations

Plaza Padu offers food and fun

Fish tacos and fajitas from Iguana cantina

Page 3: Monday, September 3, 2012

information and guidance asto how to take care of one’shealth. They will share infor-mation on how to eat healthy,exercise and in general howto take care of their health.The primary objective ofsuch a bus, according to thegovernment, is to work onprevention and the early de-tection of chronic diseases,and to offer all the ser vices ofthe new IBISA department.

health bus will providescreening, but will not do di-agnosis and should functionas an extra aid to the doctors.As soon as one of the busstaff ascertains an irregularityduring screening, the personin question will be advised toconsult their doctor immedi-ately

The health bus will bestaffed by qualified personnelfrom the Department of Pub-lic Health who will provide

ORANJESTAD -- A specialinformation session was re-cently organized by the go -vernment for all generalphysicians (called here‘House Doctors’) to intro-duce them to the new HealthBus and the services this busis designed to offer to the bar-rios around the island.

The Association of HouseDoctors (HAVA) invited alltheir members to this event.All doctors who provide thefirst line of service to thecommunity were informedabout this new service facil-ity. The Health Bus was cre-ated for the purpose ofgetting closer to the commu-nity and specifically for thepurpose of screening, and forthe early detection of chronicdiseases. It is also supposedto promote awareness aboutchronic illnesses such as dia-betes and hypertension.

According to the Ministerof Public Health, dr. richardVisser, there is a growingconcern for the increase ofchronic diseases such as dia-betes, hypertension and ele-vated cholesterol. And, this

tion of elderly is growing andever more expensive drugsare being developed to keepthem alive a bit longer. Shesupports a utilitarian cost-benefit analysis for the dilem-mas that this creates.

According the EveningStandard, the royal familywould like to bring the princehome to the Netherlands. “Ifdoctors switch off his lifesupport he would become thehighest-profile patient to dieunder the euthanasia re-forms.”

THE HAGUE -- Nearly sixmonths ago Prince Friso, theson of Queen Beatrix, of theNetherlands, was buried in anavalanche while skiing inAustria. By the time he wasrescued, he had already suf-fered severe brain damage.Ever since he has been inWellington Hospital in Lon-don, where he was living andworking before the accident.There is little chance that hewill recover.

Now a well-known Dutchethicist has claimed that if hehad been hospitalised in theNetherlands, doctors wouldhave stopped treating him.Heleen Dupuis, who is amember of the Dutch UpperHouse for the ruling LiberalParty (VVD), told RadioNetherlands, “it’s question-able whether the prince willever have a normal life again.I understand that the chancesare extremely small.”

Dr Dupuis made her re-marks in a discussion aboutthe cost of health care, anissue in the upcoming elec-tion in the Netherlands. As inother countries, the propor-

Monday, September 3, 2012 3

Dutch debate euthanasia

of their prince

Prince Johan Friso

Health Bus introduced to General


Page 4: Monday, September 3, 2012

under the stars at Paseo Heren-cia shopping mall from 7:00 to9:00 PM.

by Rosalie Klein

The final CelebrityChef Showdown willbe on Saturday, Sep-tember 29 from 7:30to 11:30 PM. It willbe an elegant affairon the rooftop of thePaseo Herencia park-ing garage, and VIPtickets are on sale.The public is invitedto come and watchthe chefs do theirmagic, for no en-trance fee.

Until then, culi-nary delights will beoffered every weekend in thePlaza Padu accompanied byentertainment. All are invitedto enjoy a tasteful evening

Paseo Herencia inaugurates

the delicious month...Continued from page 2solo show as “representing my

philosophy, inner thoughts andfeelings. “Simplicity with con -trast and harmony” is the keyto my work…my work alwayshas messages, which each per-son interprets differently…Enjoy the puzzle of life!”

Michiko became immersedin a vision walk, during whichshe was inspired by her dreamsto create the art for her latestshow. She describes it as “amost unique experience,” oftenfeeling disembodied, as if thepainting were done by some-one else, and never quite surehow they would turn out untilshe felt they were complete.

This diverse collection con-tains abstract and impression-istic works. The minute detailsrequire close study to fully ab-sorb their impact. The paint-

ings are vibrant;the colors andforms often quitedramatic, yet stillmaintain thatethereal qualityfor whichMichiko isknown.

During theopening event,Michiko ex-pressed her heart-felt thanks to herhusband Eduardo

for this deft hand in beautifullyarranging her pieces, and Jeanand Cyril of The Frame Shopfor perfectly complementing anumber of the works. She par-ticularly thanked UNOCA forsponsoring the lovely catalogthat accompanies the exhibit.

Westin Art Gallery is open24/7 for viewing the latest ex-positions. They are located justoff the main lobby of theWestin Resort in Palm Beach,and a representative is on handseveral afternoons a week. Formore information on this col-lection, contact the artists [email protected] orcall 740-2678.

by Rosalie Klein

ditional Japanese arts from anearly age. Ikebana, (JapaneseFlower Arranging), Calligra-phy, and the famed Classic Tea

Ceremony, Sadou, handeddown by her aunts and great-aunts, through the generations.

Aside from bringing toAruba the enchanting art of

tearing and cut-ting fine papersand silk tomake her ethe-real collages,Michiko alsoexplored the artof digital paint-ing, imbuingher works withher veryunique, spiri-tual touch.

She de-scribes her first

Noted island artist MichikoTakatsu unveiled her first soloexhibit on Aruba on Fridayevening, August 31, at theWestin Art Gallery in PalmBeach. The collection of 33works, titled, “Vision Quest,”is comprised of acrylic paint-ings on canvas, mixed mediaand Hari-e, the traditionalJapanese art of painting withpaper

Michko, expatriate Japa -nese, has been showing herwork to appreciative audi-ences on Aruba since 2006.She is founder and presidentof the Stichting TAG 268,which organizes and curatesannually the art exposition forthe Caribbean Sea Jazz Festi-val and other special events.

In her homeland, shetrained in a number of the tra-

4 Monday, September 3, 2012

“Vision Quest” opens at the WestinArt Gallery

Artist Michiko Takatsu and mixed media work

Paseo Herencia Management enjoy a moment withNobushi

Ribs from TGI Fridays

Nel Schouten on the Steelpan

Page 5: Monday, September 3, 2012

For the past 18 years, the family Cox has

been coming to the Hyatt on Aruba for their

summer vacation together every August. It

is always around the time of the parents,

Marge and Arthur's anniversary. This year

they are celebrating their 52nd Wedding

Anniversary, Arthur's 75th birthday, and

the arrival of a new grandchild, Jack, who

is now 8 months old. Photos show Marge

and Arthur, daughter Debra, with her hus-

band Eddie, their two daughters, Madison

and Morgan, and daughter Nicole, with her

husband Keith, daughter Brooke, and their

son, Jack. Congratulations, and it's always

nice to welcome you back to your home

away from home.

Photos by Diane Keijzer

Monday, September 3, 2012 5

Triple Celebration For The Cox Family

Page 6: Monday, September 3, 2012

SEOUL (AFP) - Sun MyungMoon, who founded the Uni-fication Church and turned itinto a thriving business em-pire, has died in South Koreaat the age of 92, Yonhap newsagency said citing news re-ports.

Moon, who was hospi-talised with complicationsfrom pneumonia more thantwo weeks ago, died just be-fore 2 am (1700 GMT Sun-day), Yonhap news agencysaid citing a report.

The church on Friday saidthe religious leader had criti-cal organ failure and quoteddoctors as saying he had en-tered "an irreversible stage ofhis condition".

in a statement saying that "thisis the same argument we havehad many times with nothingnew to say".

Tutu, a long-standing vocalcritic of the Iraq war, hadsnubbed Blair last week,pulling out of a South Africanconference on leadership lastweek because the ex-premierwas attending. The peace iconsaid he had boycotted the eventin protest at Blair's "morallyindefensible" support of theUS-led 2003 Iraq invasion.

The archbishop added yes-terday: "I did not deem it ap-propriate to have this dis -cussion. As the date drewnearer, I felt an increasinglyprofound sense of discomfortabout attending a summit on'leadership' with Mr Blair."

He added: "Leadership andmorality are indivisible. Goodleaders are the custodians ofmorality. The question is notwhether Saddam Hussein wasgood or bad or how many ofhis people he massacred. Thepoint is that Mr Bush and MrBlair should not have allowedthemselves to stoop to his im-moral level.

"If it is acceptable for lead-ers to take drastic action on thebasis of a lie, without an ac-knowledgement or an apologywhen they are found out, whatshould we teach our children?"

LONDON (AFP) - ArchbishopDesmond Tutu called yester-day for British ex-leader TonyBlair and former US presidentGeorge W Bush to face trial inThe Hague for their role in theIraq war.

The South African peaceicon, writing in The Observernewspaper, accused the pair oflying about weapons of massdestruction and said the inva-sion left the world more desta-bilised and divided "than anyother conflict in history".

Tutu argued that differentstandards appeared to apply forprosecuting African leadersthan western counterparts, andadded that the death toll duringand after the Iraq conflict wassufficient for Blair and Bush toface trial.

"On these grounds alone, ina consistent world, those re-sponsible for this suffering andloss of life should be treadingthe same path as some of theirAfrican and Asian peers whohave been made to answer fortheir actions in The Hague,"Tutu wrote in the weekly Sun-day newspaper.

"But even greater costshave been exacted beyond thekilling fields, in the hardenedhearts and minds of membersof the human family across theworld."

However, Blair responded

Tutu: Blair, Bush should

face trial over Iraq war

on a stage above the hugecrowd in the square.

"All his initiatives will keepgoing forward, all the transfor-mation plans will progress," hesaid.

His widow Azeb Mesfinclosed the ceremony in thesquare -- paying tribute to aman she said "never cared forhimself, but only for his coun-try -- before the funeral cortegemoved to the Holy TrinityCathedral, where Meles wasburied.

People wailed as a 21-gunsalute was fired as the coffinwas lowered into the grave.

Presidents of all Ethiopia'sneighbours -- with the excep-tion of arch-foe Eritrea -- at-tended, including Djibouti'sIsmail Omar Guelleh, Kenya'sMwai Kibaki, South Sudan'sSalva Kiir, Sudan's Omar al-Bashir, and Somalia's SheikhSharif Sheikh Ahmed.

African hero and was a keyWestern ally in a region hometo Al-Qaeda-linked groups, butalso criticised by rights groupsfor a crackdown on basic free-doms.

"The late prime ministerwas working not only for therenaissance of Ethiopia, butalso for the renaissance for allof Africa," deputy Prime Min-ister Hailemariam Desalegnsaid in a speech after prayers atMeskel Square.

Hailemariam, who will leadthe government until nationalelections in 2015, sat behindthe coffin, which was placed

ADDIS ABABA (AFP) - Tensof thousands of Ethiopians andmany African leaders mournedlate strongman Meles Zenawiyesterday at the first state fu-neral for a leader of the Horn ofAfrica nation in over 80 years.

Followed by giant crowds,Meles' flag-draped coffin wascarried on a carriage throughthe capital from the NationalPalace to the vast MeskelSquare, his family dressed inblack following behind, manyin tears.

The long-serving primeminister, who died last monthaged 57, was hailed as an

6 Monday, September 3, 2012


Kabul : an afghan labourer works at a brick factory onthe outskirts of Kabul on September 2, 2012. Over a thirdof afghans are living in abject poverty, as those in powerare more concerned about addressing their vested inter-ests rather than the basic needs of the population, a uNreport said. (aFP PHOTO)

Thousands join funeral of long-time

Ethiopia leader Meles


Church founder

Moon dies at 92

Page 7: Monday, September 3, 2012

He told the Young Journal-ists Club, a group affiliated toIranian state television, that hisunit's priority was protectingnuclear facilities.

In addition to the air de-fence systems, fighter andbomber jets will be used in theexercise, which Esmaili saidwill simulate "unexpected sce-narios" to test the forces' crisismanagement.

that Israel is weighing the op-tion of a pre-emptive militarystrike on Iran's nuclear facili-ties.

"All of the air defence sys-tems of the Guards as well asthose of the army will be usedin the drill," which is plannedto run from September 21 toOctober 21, Esmaili wasquoted as telling the officialIRNA news agency.

TEHRAN- Iran plans to start amajor military exercise laterthis month to test its air de-fence systems, a top Revolu-tionary Guards commandersaid in comments pub-lishedyesterday.

The exercise was an-nounced by Brigadier GeneralFarzad Esmaili, who heads theelite force's air defence com-mand, amid rising speculation

gust 16 killings during a wild-cat strike at the Lonmin plati -num mine, in what was theworst police violence since theend of apartheid, had triggeredoutrage.

The workers have been heldin custody since they were ar-rested on the day of the shoot-ing at Lonmin's mine inMarikana, northwest of Johan-nesburg, which left 34 deadand 78 wounded.

Courts will start releasingthem from today after policeverify their addresses. The firstbatch of more than 100 minersis due to be freed today whilethe rest should go home onThursday.

on their next court appear-ance," Jiba told reporters.

A final decision would betaken on the charges after a se-ries of investigations into theshootings, which left 34 min-ers dead, had delivered theirfindings. They include a judi-cial commission of inquiry ap-pointed by President JacobZuma, which has four monthsto complete its work.

A decision and a "pro-nouncement on final charges tobe preferred against any per-sons involved will only bemade once all investigationshave been completed," shesaid.

Thursday's decision tocharge the miners over the Au-

PRETORIA (AFP) - SouthAfrica said yesterday that con-troversial murder chargesagainst 270 miners over thedeaths of fellow workers shotby police, the worst such clashsince the apartheid era, will beprovisionally dropped.

Following a public furore,acting national director ofprosecutions Nomgcobo Jiba,said that after having sought anexplanation from the depart-ment's lead prosecutors, shehad taken the decision to re-view the charge.

"The murder charge againstthe current 270 suspects,which was provisional any-way, will be formally with-drawn provisionally in court

S.Africa to drop murder chargesagainst miners

was detained by police on Sat-urday evening.

"The imam was arrestedafter his deputy Maulvi Zubairand two others told a magis-trate he added pages from theKoran to the burnt pagesbrought to him by a witness,"police investigator Munir Hus-sain Jaffri said.

Zubair and the two others,Mohammad Shahzad andAwais Ahmed, said they hadurged Chishti not to interferewith the papers, Jaffri said.

"They protested that heshould not add something tothe evidence and he shouldgive the evidence to the policeas he got it and should not dothis," Jaffri said.

"But they said Chishti said,'You know this is the only wayto expel the Christians fromthis area.'"

Jaffri said the cleric was ar-rested at his home on Saturdayunder the blasphemy law.

Yesterday around 150 Chris-tians and rights activists held aprotest march in Rawalpindicalling for Rimsha's release.

ISLAMABAD (AFP) - A Pa -kistani cleric who accused ayoung Christian girl of blas-phemy in a case that sparkedinternational concern was re-manded in custody yesterdayon suspicion of evidence-tam-pering and desecrating theKoran.

The girl, Rimsha, has beenheld in prison since being ar-rested in the poor Islamabadsuburb of Mehrabad more thantwo weeks ago accused ofburning papers containingverses from the Koran, inbreach of Pakistan's strict blas-phemy laws.

A medical report last weeksaid she had a mental age ofless than 14 and her case hasprompted concern amongWestern governments andanger from rights groups whosay Pakistan's strict blasphemylegislation is often abused tosettle personal scores.

Hafiz Mohammed KhalidChishti, the imam of themosque in Rimsha's area, whofirst gave police the burned pa-pers as evidence against her,

Monday, September 3, 2012 7


Pakistan imam held in

'blasphemy girl' case

Iran plans major air defence exercise

Page 8: Monday, September 3, 2012

8 Monday, September 3, 2012

It has been determined thatthere are 212 women onAruba diagnosed with breastcancer since 2007. There hasbeen an increase noted inbreast cancer cases during theyears 2007 to 2010 on Aruba.Organizations working withcancer situations have indi-cated that there are 200 newcases during the periodnoted.

Enrita Werleman, co-founder of the Breast CancerInvestigation in the Commu-nity (BOB), and member ofthe Mary Joan Foundationhad much praise and satisfac-tion for the work that thefoundation has been doingduring the past years. EnritaWerleman explained that theproject was begun more thana year ago both with a semi-nar and the “Cas di Glas”project.

One of Aruba’s greatestconcerns is the increase ofcases of breast cancer. As it

stands the number now is 1out of every 8 women isbeing diagnosed with breastcancer. One of the things theyare contemplating is to havemore testing machines at theMammapoli so that they cantest more women to be ableto detect cancer at the earliest

stage. In this context theybrought a few professionalsto Aruba last year. One ofthem was the group from Cu-racao – Fundacion Preven-cion. This group is involvedin screening for breast cancer.

They also had visitorsfrom Holland from an organ-

ization that could help Arubawith training and quality con-trol of the screening ma-chines.

Enrita Werleman indicatedthat the BOB project is quitea large undertaking involvingdifferent instances and de-partments such as the Depart-ment of Public Health,Wilhelmina

Kanker Fonds, Mary JoanFoundation and the Hospital.

Eugene Maduro, repre-senting the Department ofPublic Health functioing ascoordinator, mentioned thathe was approached by MaryJoan Foundation last year todo a presentation of the sta-tistics during the seminar thatwas held last year.

The statistics we nowhave on Aruba indicates thatbreast cancer is a seriousproblem as it is constantly onthe increase. Between 2007and 2008 50 new cases wereregistered each year. Whenthe Mammapoli was insti-tuted in 2009, the casesbegan to increase, we nowhave a total of 212 women onAruba diagnosed with breastcancer. According to Maduro,when a woman is diagnosedwith breast cancer, in 35% ofcases the cancer is already inan advance stage, phase 2.Some are even already into

stage 3.The information from the

Public Laboratorium at thePatology Department, whichis the only diagnostic center,reports that women betweenthe ages 45 to 74 are the mostaffected by breast cancer onAruba. More than 50% of thecases, the women are be-tween 45 to 64 years of age.While 27% of the cases arewomen between 65 to 74years of age.

According to the Minis-ter of Public Health, breastcancer is somehow tied to theproblem of obesity, more sothan cigarette smoking is tiedto lung cancer. The amountof obesity and overweightcases on Aruba is a reason forthe risk increase in breastcancer. This is another re-search which must be con-ducted here.

The Minister reported thatthe project at the Medical In-stitute in San Nicolaas whichis a joint venture with BaptistHospital, will provide usvery soon with a CancerCenter and Radiotherapy andChemotherapy equipment ofthe most recent technologicaladvancement. This willeventually evolve into anOncological Hospital, ac-cording to the Minister ofPublic Health.

Management Plan regarding breastcancer investigation submitted

LONDON (AFP) - Thalido-mide survivors on Saturdayrebuffed an apology by theGerman company that manu-factured the drug, saying itwas an "insulting" responseto the thousands born dis-abled as a result of its use. In its first apology for thescandal in 50 years, Grunen-thal said on Friday it was"very sorry" for its silence to-wards victims of the drug,which was sold to pregnantwomen in the 1950s andearly 1960s to cure morningsickness.

But victims said the apol-ogy was too little, too late forthe estimated 10,000 childrenworldwide who were born

with defects -- includingmissing limbs -- after theirmothers took thalidomide."We feel that a sincere andgenuine apology is one whichactually admits wrongdoing.

The company has not donethat and has really insultedthe Thalidomiders," Britishvictim Nick Dobrik told BBCradio. Victims' charities esti-mate that there are between5,000 and 6,000 people stillliving who were deformed bythe drug, which was sold innearly 50 countries before itwas pulled from the marketin 1961 amid one of theworld's biggest medical scan-dals.

Thalidomide  victims  reject  'insulting'apology, 50 years on

HEALTH TIPUnder-eating can be

a mistake as well. Not  eating  regularlythrough the day causesa  disruption  in  bloodsugar and insulin levelswhich  can promote  fatstorage and lower yourmetabolism. Under-eating  deprivesyour  body  of  essentialnutrients  and  leads  tomuscle  breakdown  toprovide energy. Under-eating also placesyou  at  risk  for  binge-eating which can lead toweigh  gain.  Eat  some-thing every four or fivehours.

Page 9: Monday, September 3, 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012 9

NASA transmitted the firstsong to be broadcast fromMars recently, by Grammy-winning US, as part of effortsto inspire young people toget interested in science.

"Reach for the Stars"was then beamed back bythe Curiosity rover, whichlanded on the surface of theRed Planet earlier thismonth, to NASA's JetPropulsion Laboratory(JPL) in Pasadena, Califor-nia.

"It seems surreal," theUS rapper and actor said ex-plaining how NASA admin-istrator Charles Bolden hadcalled him to suggest beam-ing a song back from Marsas part of educational out-reach efforts by the USspace agency.

The song -- with lyricsincluding "I know that Marsmight be far, but baby itain't really that far" -- in-volved a 40-piece orchestraincluding French horns,rather than a more modernelectronically-generatedsound.

NASA teams upwith tobeam first song

from Mars

A Concept Onecar seen drivingdown a road inthis undatedhandout re-leased on August31, 2012. Croat-ian concept carmanufacturerRimac Automo-bili based nearZagreb preparesto unveil a pro-totype of theirConcept Oneelectric supercarat the upcomingSalon Prive carshow in Londonin early thismonth.The Con-cept One has acarbon fiberbody an electricmotor powering

each wheel, and can produce 1,088 horse powers, capable of achieving top speed ofaround 305 kmh (190 mph) with a range of 600 kilometres (373 miles), making it theworld's fastest electric car. Costing around $1 million each, only 13 of these high-endelectric cars are expected to be produced per year.

The new Concept One car

MIAMI(AFP) - US scientistsare to investigate what led 22whales to beach themselvesin Florida -- killing 17 ofthem -- one of three such in-cidents in North Americaover the weekend.

The dead whales will be"dispersed at different labsacross Florida for necropsy,"or animal autopsies, BlairMase, regional stranding co-ordinator for the NationalOceanic and AtmosphericAdministration, told AFP onSunday.

Only five of the 22 pilotwhales survived after beach-ing themselves Saturdaymorning at Avalon BeachState Park, on the east coastof Florida, despite efforts byvolunteers and experts tosave the group.

So far, it is unclear whythe whales swam ashore.Mase said experts would col-lect data to try to find outwhy the whales strandedthemselves.

The survivors, four juve-niles and one calf, are "sta-ble" and "swimming on theirown," Mase said. They arecurrently at the HarborBranch Oceanographic Insti-tute and will likely be trans-ported later to SeaWorld inOrlando.

However, two othergroups of whales swam ontobeaches in North America --one in Cape Cod on Saturdayand another in Canada onSunday -- an occurrence thatMase said merited further in-vestigation.

"It's very interesting thatwe're seeing all these massstrandings occur in NorthAmerica right now," sheadded.

Pilot whales are tightlyknit and sometimes swim onto beaches as a group whenone of them is ill.

In those cases, Mase toldlocal media, it does not helpto push the whales back intothe water, because they tendto quickly swim back toshore again.

US experts probebeaching that killed17 whales


Page 10: Monday, September 3, 2012

10 Monday, September 3, 2012


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Page 11: Monday, September 3, 2012

soon after AMR Corp. filed forbankruptcy in November.

In a letter to US Airwaysemployees Friday, CEO DougParker said he was "pleased tobe working directly withAmerican to study a potentialmerger."

For passengers, a mergerwould have no immediate im-pact. But a year or two into thecombination, changes wouldramp up: Frequent flier pro-grams would merge, farescould rise, planes would take onAmerican Airlines' colors andglitches could surface as theirreservation systems integrate.

The airlines said theywould work "in good faith"and "close collaboration" withAmerican's unsecured-credi-tors committee. They notedthere was "no assurance that atransaction will result."

American also signed asimilar agreement with Inter-national Consolidated AirlinesGroup SA, owner of BritishAirways, it was reported.

US Airways, the dominantairline in Philadelphia, has ag-gressively pursued a possiblemerger with American since

NEW YORK -- US AirwaysGroup Inc. is a step closer to apossible merger with AmericanAirlines.

The two carriers announcedthat they have signed a nondis-closure agreement on theweekend and would exchangeconfidential financial informa-tion so that they could evaluatea potential combination.

The companies said theywould not speak publiclyabout the status of discussions,until they have a deal or termi-nate talks.

are the numbers for July, arealready outdated," Sapin said.

"The question is will it riseby very much? Yes, it will rise.At some point will we be ableto reverse it? Yes," he said.

"These are economic deci-sions, European decisions," hesaid. "We need growth to cre-ate jobs."

French President FrancoisHollande's Socialist govern-ment is struggling to tackle ris-ing unemployment after hetook office in May amid thedebt crisis that is draggingdown European economies.

PARIS (AFP) - French LabourMinister Michel Sapin saidyesterday that the country's un-employment had passed thesymbolic number of three mil-lion registered jobseekers andwould keep rising.

Asked on Radio J about thenumber of jobseekers hitting2.99 million in July, Sapin saidthere was no doubt the numberhad risen beyond that.

"What will next year's un-employment rate be? Nobodyknows. We have already hitthree million. The numbersyou are talking about, which

months to come.But the news is especially

welcome for a budget thatearned 49 percent of its re -venues from oil and gas salesin 2011 and will now hope foroutput to meet PresidentVladimir Putin's big spendingpromises for his third term.

Prime Minister DmitryMedvedev said the countryhad assumed its "rightfulplace" as the world's largestcombined exporter of oil andnatural gas.

But "it is important to keepmoving ahead along the pathof innovation," Medvedev alsocautioned. "We have to adoptadvanced, science-intensivetechnology and improvelabour production."

Russia claimed the world'stop oil production rate last yearbut now closely trails SaudiArabia because it lacks the re-sources to quickly step up out-put at times of rising prices.

It is still the globe's top nat-ural gas exporter thanks toGazprom -- a state behemothnow facing headwinds becauseof its failure to tap explodingliquefied natural and shale gasmarkets in time.

MOSCOW (AFP) - Russianleaders hailed their powerfulenergy industry yesterday asthe country posted a post-So-viet record high rate of oil pro-duction that should boostcoffers in uncertain global eco-nomic times.

The energy ministry saidprivate and state companiesextracted a combined 10.38million barrels per day in Au-gust -- only a slight increaseover July but higher than anyfigure seen in the past twodecades.

Nearly a quarter of the oilwas produced by the govern-ment's expanding Rosneft unitthat last year struck Russia'sfirst Arctic exploration agree-ment with the US super-majorExxonMobil.

Analysts said production isrising as companies seek totake full advantage of strongglobal oil prices before a po-tential hit from the impact of amooted Greek withdrawalfrom the eurozone in the

Monday, September 3, 2012 ` 11


Crossword Answer



Dutch Antilles









(per 100)

















































Current as


All rates for amounts up to AWG 100.00 per item.

Russia's oil output hits

post-Soviet high

French unemployment passes

symbolic 3 mn mark

US Airways, American move toward

a possible merger

A worker shows a finished aluminum pot at a workshopin Managua. A group of Nicaraguan craftsmen are recy-cling aluminum from cans, metal parts, automobile partsor old household utensils they buy from people whoscavenge in the Chureca or other landfills, to make potsfor export as well as for the local market. Some 5000families are earning their living with this process.


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12 Monday, September 3, 2012

LOS ANGELES (AFP) -Horror flick "The Posses-sion" exorcised A-list actionromp "The Expendables 2"from the top slot at the NorthAmerican box office at theweekend, according to indus-try estimates released Sun-day.

The newly-released super-natural thriller, which starsKyra Sedgwick and JeffreyDean Morgan as divorcingparents trying to rid theirdaughter of an evil spirit,raked in $17.7 million, saidmovie tracker Exhibitor Re-lations.

Another new release, De-pression-era Western "Law-less," took second place inthe rankings but it lagged intakings -- generating $9.7million on a slow, late sum-mer weekend which will befollowed by the Labor Day

holiday on Monday."The Expendables

2" and "The BourneLegacy" fell to thirdand fourth places,with $8.8 million and$7.2 million in ticketsales, respectively.

"Paranorman," ananimated movie abouta boy who can speakto the dead, held ontoits spot just behind thetwo action block-busters, earning $6.5million in box officereceipts.

And quirky fan-tasy-comedy "TheOdd Life of TimothyGreen" held steady atsixth place, bringing

in $6.1 million.In seventh was "The Dark

Knight Rises," the latest Bat-man film, which took in $5.9million. The final installmentin the trilogy directed byChristopher Nolan has so farraked in more than $431 mil-lion.

Political spoof "The Cam-paign," meanwhile, starringWill Ferrell and Zach Galifi-anakis, dropped to eighthplace, with box office re-ceipts of $5.4 million, while"2016: Obama's America," adocumentary by conservativewriter and commentator Di-nesh D'Souza, came in ninth,with $5.1 million.

And rounding out the top10 was Meryl Streep andTommy Lee Jones's romanticcomedy "Hope Springs,"with $4.7 million in ticketsales.

'The Possession' topsN. America box office LOS ANGELES (AFP) - Hal

David, an Oscar- andGrammy-winning lyricistwho produced dozens of hitsongs with composer BurtBacharach, died Saturday inLos Angeles. He was 91.

David died of complica-tions from a stroke, accord-ing to Jim Steinblatt,spokesman for the AmericanSociety of Composers, Au-thors and Publishers that thesongwriter once led.

Bacharach and David'slong series of hits duringtheir collaboration from the1950s through the 1970s in-cluded "Raindrops KeepFallin' on My Head," "WhatThe World Needs Now IsLove" and "What's NewPussycat?"

As a lyric writer, Hal wassimple, concise and poetic --conveying volumes of mean-ing in (the) fewest possiblewords and always in serviceto the music," ASCAP presi-dent and chairman PaulWilliams said in a statement.

"It is no wonder that somany of his lyrics have be-

come part of our everydayvocabulary and his songs...the backdrop of our lives."

Music legends such asThe Beatles, Frank Sinatraand Barbra Streisandrecorded the duo's music,along with their longtimepartner Dionne Warwick.

In May, President BarackObama presented David andBacharach the Library ofCongress Gershwin Prize forPopular Song during a WhiteHouse musical tribute.

David, who was presidentof the ASCAP from 1980 to1986, led the SongwritersHall of Fame as chairmanand CEO for a decade endinglast year, and was chairmanemeritus until his death.

His first major hit camesomewhat late in life -- with"Magic Moments," recordedin 1957 with Perry Como --when David was already inhis late 30s.

He also found success onBroadway, with musicals like"Promises, Promises," whichran for 1,281 performancesafter debuting in 1968.

Oscar-winning songwriterHal David dead at 91

VENICE, Italy (AFP) - Thefemale director of SaudiArabia's first feature film,showing at the Venice filmfestival, has explained howshe beat the odds to producethe heartwarming tale of agirl's quest to own a bicycle.

In Haifaa Al Mansour'slandmark film "Wadjda,"10-year-old Waad Mo-hammed plays a girl who isalso testing the boundariesof a woman's place in ahighly conservative societywhere her love for Westernmusic and fashions land herin trouble.

Mohammed's impishpersonality and resilience inthe face of adversity add tothe poignancy of the storyand left some of the film'sfirst viewers in tears.

"She had this vulnerabil-ity and she embodied whata Saudi teenager is," AlMansour said, speaking inthe lush courtyard of theExcelsior hotel.

"I wanted to show thetension between modernityand tradition," she said.

Al Mansour said she wasforced to direct what is herfirst feature film from a vanwith a walkie-talkie in someof the more conservativeneighbourhoods where shecould not be seen in publictogether with male crew andcast members.

In some areas, screaminglocal residents would blockshooting altogether.

She said finding financ-ing also posed a problem ina country where cinemasare officially banned andany film is considered acommercial risk.

"Wadjda" will only beavailable in the kingdom onDVD or on television.

"There is no film inSaudi Arabia. Showingfilms in public is illegal sowe don't have this culture offilmmaking. I was neverable to go on a film set andget training and see howthings are. It was very diffi-cult," she said.

Woman beatsthe odds tomake Saudi

Arabia's firstfilm

Page 13: Monday, September 3, 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012 13

drop-off; they even boast ashopping service to stock yourshelves before arrival.

Gold Coast accommoda-tions are elegant and spacious,

offering privacy for parents ora few couples. Beautifully ap-pointed kitchens and bathroomsgrace each abode; barbecuesand lounges are provided forfriendly cookouts and truly sa-voring the island life. Allhomes come with cable TV,high-speed fiber-optic Internet

connection, individualwasher/dryer, and are fully air-conditioned. Cribs, high chairsand hair dryers are availablefor a modest fee. Concierge

ser vices to arrange rental cars,spa appointments, activitiesand restaurant reservations areall part of the package.

Check-in for your holidayescape is conducted in thecomfort of your vacationhome, not while waiting online at check-in desk. In everyway, Gold Coast seeks to pam-per their guests while provid-ing them with the feeling ofbeing in a cozy community,not the normally bustling re-sort, particularly experiencedduring the major holidays. Ifyou wish an optimal vacationexperience with great savings,visit their website: com to get ac-quainted with the communityand the layout, details andavailability of accommoda-tions, or call 586-2200 to talkpersonally to a Gold Coastrepresentative.

Aruba’s newest and most in-novative gated communityhas enjoyed steady sales sincebreaking ground, as many arefinding the secure surround-ings and outstanding ameni-ties are just what they werelooking for before conside ringpurchasing property on the is-land. Some owners are usingthe villas or town homes asvacation retreats rather thanfull time and are taking ad-vantage of Gold Coast’s rentalservices to turn their invest-ment into ready income.

“The greater portion ofhome owners are using their“home away from home” inAruba to escape the wintermonths, or spend holidayswith the family on the is-land,” noted Gold Coast de-veloper Fito Croes. To assistin the demand for more com-plete facilities for groups andfa mi- lies, famed hotelier EdMa-lone has been placed incharge of the rental program.

Staying at Gold Coast is avery attractive proposition forthose traveling with groupsthat would require multiplehotel rooms. Two and threebedroom Villas or TownHomes accommodate largenumbers and offer extensiveamenities along with a finalcost resulting in considerablesavings. The community isminutes to the best beachesand all the casino action, andoffers a quiet and secludedgetaway with two swimmingpools and specialized serviceswith more on the way, such asa fitness room, tennis courtsand mini-mall. Ed can arrangemaid service, babysitters,caterers, airline pick-up and

Gold Coast Aruba:Great savings for large familieson holiday rentals

No foray to Oran-jestad is com-plete without astop to refreshand refuel atLecca Lecca,the stylish“ G e l a t oShoppe” lo-cated right inthe main bus ter-minal. This adorableeatery sports a menuthat reflects the passion of itsowner, Milly Lacle, for“healthy, natural foods, for ahealthy body.”

The idea of a sweet treatbeing good for you is con-trary to everything we arebeing told today, but Millydid her homework before es-tablishing her gelato and sor-betto factory on the secondfloor. Her recipes come froma respected gelato house inItaly, where they have beenproducing the refreshing, lowor no fat product since the1800’s. She continues the tra-dition of using only freshfruit juices and natural ex-

tracts to as flavoring. There are absolutely no

artificial colorants or preser-vatives in the gelato and sor-betto, which is producedfresh daily; leftovers at theend of the day are donated tochildren’s homesCasa Cuna or Imelda-hoff. They have over60 flavors on theirroster with 18 avail-able at the shop eachday, including at leastone sugar-free andone-gluten free forthose with special di-etary needs. All thegelato is made fromorganic milk flown infrom Italy, guaranteedfree of steroids andantibiotics. LeccaLecca pasteurizes themilk in their factory,to be sure there are nochemicals used in the

process. The end product iswhipped light and fluffy nat-urally, producing a satisfyingtreat drastically lower in fat,sugar and calories than tradi-tional ice cream.

Unique flavors foundnowhere else are a revelation.For a delightful surprise andpure refreshment, sample thegrapefruit, passion fruit orcarrot sorbetto; the rich, dark,suger-free chocolate gelato isabsolutely sinful, without theguilty conscience! They alsohave a unique collection ofyogurt gelatos swirled with

fresh fruit sorbettoin delightful com-binations.

Lecca Lecca of-fers an attractivelunch menu includ-ing quiche madewith only freshvegetables, andsandwiches oncrusty bread theyprepare in theirown bakery. In-dulge in the soup ofthe day for a hearty

sampling of authentic Arubancooking.

Opened Monday throughSaturday from 9:30 AM until7:00 PM; it is a must dowhile in Oranjestad for a re-freshing treat, with the em-phasis on FRESH!

Healthy, tastytreats on the menu

at Lecca Lecca

Favorities and unique fla-

vors like grapefruit and

lemon mint

Fresh vegetable quiche

Tutti frutti a blend of

fresh exotic fruits

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14 Monday, September 3, 2012


NORTON, Massachusetts(AFP) - A contrite Luke Don-ald apologized Sunday forslamming golf course architectGil Hanse in a Twitter postingthat he thought was private.

England's Donald had bo-geyed the par-five 18th hole atthe TPC Boston on Saturday, ahole that Hanse had reconfig-ured with a smaller green fea-turing steep slopes away fromthe playing surface.

Donald said he thought hewas sending a direct messageSaturday night to Hanse viathe social networking site, butinstead the public tweet started

with Donald's cell phone num-ber and then said, "Gil Hanseis a (expletive). Haha."

Donald quickly deletedboth tweets and on Sundayapologized to Hanse and any-one else who might have beenoffended.

"I didn't mean to put it outthere, and I apologize to any-one I offended, especially GilHanse," he said.

Donald said he received nu-merous phone calls soon afterposting his own number, buthe wasn't complaining.

"That's what I deserve," hesaid.

Luke Donald apologizesfor Twitter gaffe

LONDON (AFP) - Oscar Pis-torius was on Sunday de-throned as young BrazilianAlan Oliveira stole his Para-lympic T44 200m crown witha powerful run, topping asuccessful night on the trackfor the South American na-tion.

But the 25-year-old Pisto-rius hit out after his shock sil-ver that silenced the80,000-strong crowd at theOlympic Stadium, complain-ing he was at a disadvantagebecause of the length of someof his rivals' artificial runningblades.

"The IPC (InternationalParalympic Committee) don'twant to listen," the SouthAfrican "Blade Runner" toldBritain's Channel 4 televi-sion. "The guys' legs are un-believably long. Not takingaway from Alan's perform-ance, he's a great athlete.

"But these guys are a lottaller and you can't competewith the stride length.

"You saw how far he(Oliveira) came back. Wearen't racing a fair race. Igave it my best.

"The IPC have their regu-lations. The regulations allowthat athletes can make them-selves unbelievably high.We've tried to address theissue with them in the weeksup to this and it's just beenfalling on deaf ears."

Pistorius, who had beenseeking to defend all three ofthe T44 sprint titles he won inBeijing four years ago, saidUS bronze medallist BlakeLeeper's knee height, for ex-ample, was "like four inches(10cm) higher than it shouldbe".

"The guys are just runningridiculous times and they're

able to do so. I think Alan's agreat athlete but... I run justover 10 metres per second,"he added.

"I don't know how you cancome back, watching the re-play, from eight metres be-hind on the 100 to win. It'sabsolutely ridiculous."

T w e n t y - y e a r - o l dOliveira's unexpected victorywas greeted with wild cheer-ing from his compatriots andwas the highlight of threegolds among five medals forBrazil on the night.

Earlier, Terezinha Guilher-mina retained her T11 200mtitle in a clean sweep ofmedals that saw Jerusa GeberSantos take silver and JhuliaSantos bronze.

Compatriot YohanssonNascimento then triumped inthe men's T46 equivalentover the same distance in anew world record.

China also had a success-ful day, with rower HuangCheng providing a majorupset by inflicting the firstdefeat in British favouriteTom Aggar's five-year inter-national career in the men'sarms-only (ASM1x) singlesculls.

Huang, 30, said he was"very excited" by his win andafter lowering Aggar's worldrecord in qualifying but theBritish rower, who camefourth, said he was "devas-tated" to have lost his un-beaten record and Paralympictitle.

Elsewhere, in the women'sarms-only (ASW1x) singlesculls, two-time world cham-pion Alla Lysenko of Ukrainetook gold, while Britain gavethe home crowd some cheerby taking the legs, trunks andarms (LTAMix4+) mixed

coxed four.Huang's victory was one

of two rowing golds forChina, with world championsFei Tianming and Lou Xiaox-ian winning the trunk andarms mixed double sculls(TAMix2x).

In athletics, Zhou Guohuawon the women's T12 100mfor visually impaired athletesin 12.05sec, wheelchair racerLi Huzhao won the men'sT53 400m and Gao Mingjieretained his F44 javelin title.

British wheelchair racerDavid Weir was later roaredto victory in the T54 5,000mrace and now looks to defendhis Beijing 800m and 1,500mtitles.

China also won the finalC1-5 team sprint on the lastday of track cycling to tiewith Britain on five golds butthe host nation topped thefinal table with more silverand bronze.

In the pool, stand-out per-formances included Ihar Bokiof Belarus, who picked up histhird gold of the Games witha world record in the S13100m freestyle, while Mal-lory Weggemann of theUnited States won thewomen's S8 50m freestyle.

She complained earlierthis week that she had "lostfaith" in the classificationprocess after she was movedup a category on the eve ofthe Games.

Matthew Cowdrey, mean-while, made it 10 Paralympiccareer gold medals as Aus-tralia won the men's 4x100mfreestyle 34 Points relay,leaving him just one goldshort of becoming his coun-try's most successful athleteat the Games.

Pistorius dethroned, asBrazil, China triumph

Cuba's Yunidis Castillo celebrates after winning the women's 200m T46 final race at the2012 Paralympics in London, Saturday, Sept. 1, 2012.

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Monday, September 3, 2012 15

Mark Reynolds flexed hismuscles crushing a pair ofhome runs as the BaltimoreOrioles pounced on the ailingNew York Yankees 8-3 onSunday to close the gap onthe American League Eastleaders.

The visiting Oriolestrailed early before Reynoldslaunched a three-run homerin the sixth inning, to goalong with a solo shot in thefifth, to give his team a 5-3lead and help them take two-of-three games from the Yan-kees.

Baltimore's (74-59) latesttriumph pulled them withintwo games of New York (76-57).

The Yankees suddenlylook vulnerable as theyplayed without CurtisGranderson (hamstring) andare also missing injuredpower-hitters Mark Teixeiraand Alex Rodriguez.

''You look at a lot of youngguys in here - they don't evenknow they're in the middle ofa playoff race probably,''Reynolds said. ''Everyone inhere's having fun, going outand playing hard.''

Orioles crush Yankees

NEW YORK (AFP) - De-fending champion NovakDjokovic stormed into theUS Open last 16 on Sundayas Andy Roddick stretchedhis long goodbye into aprime-time showdown withfellow former champion JuanMartin Del Potro.

Djokovic coasted pastFrench 30th seed Julien Ben-neteau 6-3, 6-2, 6-2 despitebeing forced to open up playon day seven at Arthur AsheStadium.

"It was an early match forme. Usually I don't like toplay the first match," saidsecond-seeded Djokovic.

"So it was important tostay strong and commit toevery point."

The Serb didn't face a sin-gle break point in his 97-minute victory, his fourth onthe trot against Benneteau,firing 13 aces and 41 win-ners.

The 25-year-old hasn'tdropped serve since the firstgame of his first-round matchand has made the last 16 fora sixth successive year bylosing just 14 games in threerounds.

He goes on to face Swiss18th seed StanislasWawrinka, a semi-finalist in2010, who eased past 14th-seeded Ukrainian AlexandrDolgopolov 6-4, 6-4, 6-2 fora spot in the quarter-finals.

American 20th seed Rod-dick delayed his retirementby advancing to the fourthround with a 7-5, 7-6 (7/1), 4-6, 6-4 victory over Italy'sFabio Fognini.

Roddick, the 2003 USOpen winner, who will retireonce this tournament is over,will play for a spot in thequarter-finals against 2009

winner Juan Martin DelPotro, the seventh seed fromArgentina.

"I am trying to keep all ofmy emotions together. All thesupport I have received overthe past few days has beentruly humbling," said 30-year-old Roddick.

Del Potro defeated 63rd-ranked compatriot Leonardo

Mayer 6-3, 7-5, 7-6 (11/9) ina three-hour 20-minutemarathon which waswrapped up on his sixthmatch point.

Del Potro's win in NewYork three years ago was theonly occasion in the last 30majors that the championwasn't Roger Federer, RafaelNadal or Djokovic.

Djokovic storms on, Roddickstretches long goodbye











W L Pct GB76 56 .576 --

73 59 .553 3.0

72 61 .541 4.5

62 72 .463 15.0

60 72 .455 16.0

72 60 .545 --

71 61 .538 1.0

59 73 .447 13.0

56 77 .421 16.5

55 78 .414 17.5

78 54 .591 --

75 57 .568 3.0

71 62 .534 7.5

64 70 .478 15.0

80 52 .606 --

74 59 .556 6.5

64 69 .481 16.5

63 70 .474 17.5

59 74 .444 21.5

81 53 .604 --

72 61 .541 8.5

70 62 .530 10.

64 68 .485 16.0

51 81 .386 29.0

41 92 .308 39.5

75 58 .564 --

71 63 .530 4.5

66 68 .493 9.5

62 72 .463 13.5

54 77 .412 20.0

american League





La aNGeLeS



National League







St. LOuiS







SaN fRaNciScO

La dOdGeRS


SaN dieGO



MLB Standings

x-Clinched Playoff Spot; y-Division Champ

W L Pct GB













Baltimore Orioles' Mark Reynolds hits a three-run homerun off New York Yankees starting pitcher Phil Hughes inthe sixth inning of a baseball game on Sunday

Page 16: Monday, September 3, 2012

16 Monday, September 3, 2012

ROME (AFP) - ChampionsJuventus underlined theirSerie A title credentials bygoing top as Inter Milan werehumbled 3-1 by a FrancescoTotti-inspired Roma at theSan Siro on Sunday.

AC Milan, who finishedrunners-up to Juventus lastseason but stuttered againstSampdoria last week, gottheir scudetto campaign backon track Saturday when Gi-ampaolo Pazzini struck a hat-trick in a 3-1 win away atBologna.

In Sunday's earlier matchJuventus produced a similarlycommanding performace in a4-1 win away to 10-man Udi-nese which included a bracefrom Sebastien Giovinco andgave them two wins fromtwo.

While Udinese chief Gi-ampaolo Pozzo was furious atthe referee's decision to sendoff his 'keeper Zelijko Brkic fora foul on Giovinco, the littlestriker known as the "AtomicAnt" was unforgiving.

"Today it was important towin and give a signal and wedid that," said Giovcinco,who produced a second halfbrace to add to Arturo Vidal'sfirst half penalty and a goalfrom Montenegrin MarkoVucinic.

While there were deservedwins for Napoli and Lazio,Roma's humbling of InterMilan at the Olympic stadiumwas the talk of the night.

After 15 minutes formerItaly marksman Totti wasgiven space on the left and de-livered a perfectly-weightedcross for Alessandro Florenzito head superbly past the out-stretched Luca Castellazzi andinto the bottom corner.

After the restart Inter, whohammered promoted Pescara

3-0 away last week, got backon level terms albeit in some-what fortuitous fashion.

Antonio Cassano, whountil last week had been ACMilan's main striker, latchedonto a a long ball from Dutch-man Wesley Sneijder, turnedwhile holding off two defend-ers and saw his deflected shotrise high and drop into thegoal.

His celebrations, less thanan hour after being left out ofCasare Prandelli's most recentItaly squad, were exuberantbut were soon overshadowed.

Roma striker Daniel Os-valdo, who was red-cardedfor a second bookable offencelate in the match, missed twogreat chances to put Romaahead while in prime positionto score.

But his vision and sense ofgood timing finally paid offwhen he beat Inter's failed at-tempt to spring the offsidetrap and ran onto a Totti longball to chip the onrushingCastellazzi.

Totti, whose Roma sidecould only eke out a late drawat home to Catania last week,told Premium Calcio: "We putin a great performance, be-cause it's not easy to come to(Inter) Milan and win in frontof a crowd like this.

While Antonio Conte's Ju-ventus sit top on six points,they are being trailed closelyby Napoli (6) and Lazio (6),while Sampdoria's 2-1 winover Siena left the Genoese inthird with five points.

Germany internationalMiroslav Klose, meanwhile,turned in a sublime perform-ance scoring a brace eitherside of a superb goal by Ital-ian midfielder Antonio Can-dreva to give Lazio in a 3-0home win over Palermo.

Juve go top asRoma stun Interat San Siro

JACKSONVILLE (AFP) -Jacksonville Jaguars runningback Maurice Jones-Drew27, ended his 38-day contractholdout on Sunday, eventhough he hadn't succeededin getting a new contract withthe NFL club.

Jones-Drew led the leaguewith 1,606 rushing yards lastseason. He has two years left

on a five-year contract worth$31 million. He is scheduledto make $4.45 million this sea-son and $4.95 million in 2013but wanted to re-negotiate.

"My stats suggest that I'vebeen elite for the past threeyears and I just wanted to becompensated for it," Jones-Drew said at a news confer-ence Sunday.

Jones-Drew, who failed toreport for pre-season trainingand exhibition games, saidthat he met with head coachMike Mularkey on Sunday.He added that there are nohard feelings between the twowith the start of the 2012 sea-son approaching this week.

Jones-Drew, 27, is enter-ing his seventh NFL season.

Jags running back Jones-Drew ends holdout

LONDON, ENGLAND- Alan Fonteles Cardoso Oliveira ofBrazil wins gold in the Men's 200m - T44 Final (see storyon pg 14)