Download - Module 10 Expanding Beyond 100K - Amazon S3 · Module 10 Expanding Beyond 100K This Module The module presents tac;cs and informaon “beyond” the core business of 100K Ultra. They

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ThisModule Themodulepresentstac;csandinforma;on“beyond”thecorebusinessof100KUltra.Theyareconsideredop;onal…Thatbeingsaid,theywillallowyoutogrowyourbusinessandyourbrandthatmuchmorequicklyandstrongly!

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ContentForOurFacebookPage1. ChangetopostbyYourPagename

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1. ChangetopostbyYourPagename

2. Writeashortleadin.3. PastetheURL4. ClickPost


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PagePostEngagementAds1. Gointoyouradmanager

2. SelectBoostPosts

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2. Clickcon;nue

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PagePostEngagementAds1. SelectyourFBpage

2. Selecttheproperposttoboost.



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WhatisContentMarke:ng?•  ItisNOTjustaboutblogging…•  ItISaboutblogging,butwithapurposeandaplan•  Whenwri;ngcontent,thinkaboutwhowillreaditand

whattheendresultwillbe•  TheendresultshouldALWAYShavesomecalltoac;on:

•  Joinouremaillist•  Buythisproduct•  Joinourprogram•  Readthisar;clenext

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eCommerce+Content•  Adda‘blog’toyourwebsites•  Populatetheblogwithhighqualitycontent•  Expandoutthecontentover;me•  Onlyusethisstrategyonyournichespecificstore

Theobjec;veistodrivetargetedtrafficfromGoogleandothersourcestothecontent,andthenturnthattrafficintoeither:•  Buyers•  Subscribers

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ThisiswhereWordpressisBRILLIANT•  Wordpresswasoriginallybuiltasablog/content

plahorm•  Streamlined,simple,fast,flexible.•  Makesaddingcontentveryveryeasy(mucheasierand

beberthanShopify)•  CanalsobedonewithShopify,goherefordetails:


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YourWebsiteStructure•  Thestructurewerecommendyouuseisthis:

hbps://;cle-name•  Itkeepsthings;dy,andallowsforunlimitedexpansion•  Yourproductswills;llhavetheoriginalstructure:hbps://•  Youcanaddothersub-categoriesifyoucon;nueto


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SeGngUpYourStructureModifyPermalinksSeGng•  SeRngs>>>Permalinks•  CustomStructure>>>/%category%/%postname%•  hbps://

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SeGngUpYourStructureCrea:ngACategory•  Posts>>>Categories•  Name=blog•  Slug=blog•  Thenclick“AddNewCategory”

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AddingContent•  Posts>>>AddNew•  Select‘blog’category•  Addyourcontent•  Click‘Publish’

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WhatNOTtodo…•  Thrownewblogpostsonyoursite,hopingsomething

s;cks(likespagheR)•  Createnewcontentbecauseyousimplywanttokeep

yourblogfresh•  Havenoplanonwhyyouarepublishingpostsexcept


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Ø  VideoØ  Aninterac;vemapØ  Web-basedsoSwareØ  ImagesØ  Anythingonawebpage!


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PlanYourContent•  Inyouroriginalkeyword


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Ø  BestbabycarrierØ  BabywrapØ  babycarrierreviewsØ  BabyBjorncarrierØ  ErgonomicbabycarrierØ  BabywearingØ  BestbabycarrierfornewbornØ  470more

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•  Whatisthebestbabycarrierformynewborn?•  Arebabycarrierssafe?•  Isababycarrierhealthyformybaby?•  Isababycarrierorastrollerbeber?•  CanIusemybabycarrieronanairplane?•  Whatarethetypesofbabycarriers?

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Ø NewDads:“ADad’sGuidetoBabyCarriers”Ø ParentswithTwins:“BabywearingwithTwins”Ø ParentswithNewborns:“BestBabyCarrierforNewborns”

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•  WhoamIwri;ngfor,andwilltheybesa;sfiedwithmycontent?

•  Willtheythentakemycalltoac;on?

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Ø JoinyourmailinglistØ DownloadyourfreeguideØ BuytheproductyouareofferingØ JoinyourmembershipserviceØ Read“thisar;clenext”Ø “Watchthisvideo”


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I clicked the color … now what?

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It took a while to realize I have to click the paint for options to appear … not very intriguing options, either …

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Behr’scolorpickerisagreatexampleofanon-textcontentfunnel.Recap:1.  Colorpickerpageisfoundinthesearchresultsfor

pain;ng-relatedqueries2.  Customerresearchesasolu;onintheformofpickinga

color3.  CustomerbuyspaintthroughaclearbubonNomaberwhatyouarewri;ngorselling,haveaCLEAR“Calltoac;on”anddes;na;oninmindforyourcustomer!

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Ifyouhaveabrandnewsite,thereisastrategytogetyourwebsiterankingfast,andwithfewbacklinksandnocost•  Whenwemean“fast”,remember,thisisorganic

SEO…“fast”meansafewmonthsJ•  Notyourhomepage(thoughitcouldbe),but


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•  Write(oroutsourcetoacapablewriter)anincrediblydetailedpieceofcontent…includelotsofimages,videoandmaybesomeinfographicsandcomparisontables

•  Foranewsite,linkouttoabout20ormoreauthoritywebsites


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•  Pagehas3,800words•  48images•  Over20linkstowithintheirwebsite(thoughthis


•  Linksgotootherveryhighqualitycontentpagesontheirwebsite

•  About3-5linkstoexternalauthoritywebsites

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•  Thinkofatop-leveltopicinyourniche.Ifyouwanttorankfor“canning”,(maybeyousellkitchengadgetsrelatedtocanning)yourar;clecanbeon“85AwesomeCanningRecipes”

•  Youdon’tneedtowritecontentforall85canningrecipes,buthaveagreatheader,image(and/orvideo),andparagraphforeachofthe55recipes

•  Thenalinktothatrecipe…youwillstartwithlinkstootherauthoritywebsites

•  Photosandvideosarefantas;cforthis!

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•  Onceyoursuperar;cleisfinished,begintoslowlyreplacethese85linksfromgoingtoanexternalsitetogoingtoanar;cleonyourwebsite…eventuallyyouwillhave85+canningrecipesonyourwebsite

•  Yournew,replacementar;clewillalsobehighquality(800+words)withimages,videos,etc

•  Don’tforgetthecontentfunnelrules…eachar;clehaveacalltoac;on(signupforourlist,viewmorecontent,buythisproductnow,etc)

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•  Forabrandnewsite,Googlewillnotseeyouasanauthority,andwillrankyourwebsitelow

•  Becauseofthehuge,superqualityofyourar;clewiththedensecontent,peoplewhodofindyouwillstayandnotbounceaway

•  Googlewillbegintono;cethesehighqualityclicks,andbegintorankyouhigher,andforbeberkeywords

•  Thingswillbeginsnowballing•  Dosomebasiclinkbuildingtogetthingsgoingfaster

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•  Inthebeginning,youwilllinkouttootherwebsitesusingthe“_blank”linktype(thelinkwillopeninanewtab)

•  Becauseyouhave84othercanningrecipes,yourvisitorwillleavethatothersiteandreturnbacktoyours

•  Googlewillseethelowbouncerateandhigh;meonsite,andrighhullythink“Visitorskeepcomingbacktothissite…itmustbequitevaluableandshouldberankedhigher.”

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•  Googlewillbegintono;cethissuperar;cleandtheposi;vetechnicalfactorslikebouncerateand;meonsite.Youwillbegintorank

•  Becauseofthelengthandhugeamountofusefulinforma;on,youwillnaturallybegintogainlinksandshares,boos;ngyourauthority

•  Ittookus9monthstorankasuperar;cle#1foratermsimilarto“babycarriers”,bea;ngoutYoutubevideosandAmazon

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•  Yoursuperar;clewillrankhighinthesearchresults,aswellassomepostslinkingtoit

•  Googlewillseeyouasanauthority,withlowbouncerateandhigh;meonsite

•  Whenyoupublishnewcontent,Googlewillimmediatelycatapultthatposthighinthesearchenginerankings

•  Aslongastechnicalfactorsremaingreat,youwillstayatornearthetop

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•  Thousandsofvisitorsamonthinfree,stabletraffic(graphbelowisorganictraffic,notpaidsources)

•  Lowbouncerateandhigh;meonsite,becausevisitorsclicklinkstootherar;cles

•  HundredsofnaturallinksfromPinterest,organicFacebook,etcduetotheusefulinforma;on

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•  Planyourcontentwithdozensofproblemsandques;onsthroughresearch

•  Listalltheseques;onsasasuperar;cle•  Growyourwebsitebyansweringallthese


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Virtual Assistants (a.k.a. “You can’t do it all yourself!”)

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BenefitstoHiringaVA•  Mundaneworkyoudon’twanttodo.•  Turnoversimple;meconsumingtasks.•  Skillsoutsideofyourscopeofknowledge.•  Ifyouareasoleproprietor,itsnicetohavesomeoneelse

involved.•  TaskscanoSenbedoneatalowerrateperhouroffshore



•  Freeupyour;metofocusonvaluablemoney-makingac;vi;es.LeavetheresttoyourVA!

Page 67: Module 10 Expanding Beyond 100K - Amazon S3 · Module 10 Expanding Beyond 100K This Module The module presents tac;cs and informaon “beyond” the core business of 100K Ultra. They

WhenDoYouNeedOne?•  Whenyouareatthepointinyourbusinesswhere


•  Yourworkdayislessefficientthanitcanbe(iedoingmore“administra;ve”workandlessworkthatgeneratesincome)

•  Youareatapointwhereyoucanscaleupyourbusiness

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ThingstodoBEFOREhiring•  Youneedtoknowthe“process”ofthetasksyou


•  Fortasksyoudon’tknowhowtodo,haveageneralideaofwhattheendgoalshouldbe

•  Knowhowtoorganizeyourac;vi;essoyoucanbestmakeuseofyourVA’s;me

•  Knowwhattaskstooutsource,andwhattasksyouwillbeworkingon

Page 69: Module 10 Expanding Beyond 100K - Amazon S3 · Module 10 Expanding Beyond 100K This Module The module presents tac;cs and informaon “beyond” the core business of 100K Ultra. They

WhatCanYouOutsource?Youcanoutsourceanything!ThinkoftasksthatcanbedonebyyourVAwhichwillfreeupyour;mesoyoucangrowyourbusiness.Examples:•  HaveyourVAwriteyourcontentwhileyouworkon

gainingtraffictothatcontent•  Onceyoulearnhowtodo“TheRou;ne”,haveyour

VAhelpyouwiththetasks•  Hiresomebodytoovercometechnicalroadblocksso

youcanmoveonwithyourbusiness•  HaveyourVAdomundanetaskslikeaccoun;ng,


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Pros&ConsofVACompaniesPros:•  Built-inaccountabilityandtracking•  SwaponeVAforanotherbasedonspecializedtasks•  MostcompaniesoffereasybudgetplansCons:•  Moreexpensivebecauseofextraoverhead•  Lesspersonalbecauseyouaredealingwitha


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Pros&ConsofFindingaVAYourselfPros:•  Formalas;ngbusinessrela;onshipwithyourVA…


•  MoneyisputintoEscrow,sotheyonlygetpaidwhentheprojectormilestoneisfinished

Cons:•  LiblerecoursetoabadVAotherthanfiringthemand

havingtotrainsomebodynewalloveragain•  Iffriend/familymemberdoesn’tdowell,itcouldmean


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•  WeoSenpostjobsonplaceslikeUpworkforliblejobs.Iftheyworkwell,wewillhirethemformorejobs

•  Wewillalsohirecollegekidsforsummerinternships–thishasworkedwellforus

•  Formore“permanent”VA’s,wewillhirethemoutright,andpayviaPaypalorbanktransfer(thisisaSerwe’vetestedthemandthereisahighleveloftrustandconfidence.)

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•  Thetrustfactoris#1–youbothhavetobeonthesamepageandknowwhattoexpectfromeachother

•  Makesureexpecta;onsareclear–ifyoupromisedyourVAlong-termandstablework,makesureyouhavesome,astheywillbebudge;ngbasedontheworktheydoforyou(Thiswillalsogiveyoumo;va;ontokeepongrowing,soyouhavemoreworkforthem!)

•  TakecareofyourVA,andtheywilltakecareofyou–thinkofitasabusinesspartnership,andoffertheopportunityforthemtogrowasyougrow(ietakingonnewjobs,learningbeberEnglish,etc,iftheyarewilling)

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1.  Scopeyourtasks2.  Reviewtheirwork3.  Createasystem

StepstoSuccess•  Startsmall,focusononetypeofwork•  Createasystemtodothefollowing:

–  Capturetheir;me–  Createatasklist–  Buildarepositoryofinforma;on

•  Assumeyouwillfailthefirstfew;mes–  Documenttherela;onshipandtheexpecta;ons.–  Thiswayifyouhavetostartagainyouwon’thaveto


•  Buildtherela;onship–  Expandyourtrust–  Showapprecia;onandrecogni;on–  Findwaystoconnect

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Messaging,Voice&Video Collabora;onPlahorm


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•  WeoSencommunicateviaSkypeonadailyorweeklybasis,dependingontheproject.

•  We’llalsohaveamonthlycalltodiscusswhatwehaveaccomplished,andwhatprojectstodothismonth

•  WealsooSenuseSkypetointerviewpoten;alnewVA’sandgetafeelofwhattheyarelike

Page 87: Module 10 Expanding Beyond 100K - Amazon S3 · Module 10 Expanding Beyond 100K This Module The module presents tac;cs and informaon “beyond” the core business of 100K Ultra. They

BeingProduc;ve:Evernote•  Evernoteisafantas;ccollabora;onplahormfor


•  Othergreattools:ü  GoogleDocsü  Trello


Page 88: Module 10 Expanding Beyond 100K - Amazon S3 · Module 10 Expanding Beyond 100K This Module The module presents tac;cs and informaon “beyond” the core business of 100K Ultra. They


•  UseanoutsourcingplahormsuchasUpworkorFreelancerwhenfirst“tes;ng”VA’s,soyouhaveprotec;onwithpaymentsandanego;a;onchannel.

•  Onceyouestablishtrust,youcanmoveyourVAtoPaypal,banktransfersorXoom(ifPaypalisn’tavailable)fordirectpayments

•  WeusuallypayourVAoncepermonth

Page 89: Module 10 Expanding Beyond 100K - Amazon S3 · Module 10 Expanding Beyond 100K This Module The module presents tac;cs and informaon “beyond” the core business of 100K Ultra. They


•  Coordinatecommunica;onwithyoursuppliers•  Inventorymanagement•  Wri;ngyourcontent•  Ecomwebsitedesignandmaintenance•  Salesandfinancialtracking•  Doingthewholerou;ne!

Page 90: Module 10 Expanding Beyond 100K - Amazon S3 · Module 10 Expanding Beyond 100K This Module The module presents tac;cs and informaon “beyond” the core business of 100K Ultra. They

Ac:onItems•  AddcontentregularlytoyourFacebookpage•  Createablogsec;ononyourEcomsiteandimplementtheSEOstrategies

•  PostajobonUpworkoryourdesiredoutsourcingwebsiteandbeginworkingwithaVAforsimpletasks