Download - Mineral laittl Meekly (tribune. · 2017. 12. 16. · Mineral laittlMeekly (tribune. VOLUME XVI. THE til! ESS!. P3IUT TRIBUNE 18 PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY, Eitgle Saloon, domer of

  • Mineral laittl Meekly (tribune.VOLUME XVI.


    Eitgle Saloon, domer of High and Vinestreets, Mineral Point, Wis, by


    Sn) —ft* i paidfor intUlr- This rale will i vwWfrw.

    fexrlv siv -ris m ;n’ allowed the privilege of chang-mg quarterly

    Mo A i T’ Is-.nent const 1-red less than a squart-ait.l S COUWECTAWI.* *4’*ItTERLT.

    j . J IfKSOX. M. D.MINERAL POINT - - - - WIS.

    ,Fnc, g II JS VT.sKKT PIRKCT" T OrPl iITK V. S H..TEL.

    TV | j ha njf had ~rr niifn V arts P.nrtlcrI in ,- lari-os In ch.'s of his profession hopes togif..- aii,)k i .a i ■ all who may favor him with a caW,a iv. eoaa. ai.xi wuisox. jas. r. scddcth.

    COB*, WILSON St ri’DW TB.,F rrr.-rly Cobh 1 Sudduth )

    XAWVf.P.'. Min r.ri I '.>i:t In County. Wisconsin.I ,pr .f sr u,.l tAISinCSS a-1.1 COST* pOO-, p r nd mbs, obtain

    e State aud Federal G wren meet, andprosecute clai ns against them up n Bb* al terms.

    i)ta.-e opposite Court House, upstairs. 4o~

    r.E ihi;e ’a , conn,

    PUflBrC” ant general Commission Merchant, I *,!• Water Lime,4c,, atone wareh mse. nr arX Depot, Mineral Point ltl-42,

    ,i. n. ci. vo r,. ■rrO’TVF.r at taw and Solicit .r in Chancery, Min-Ara Piiat Ofiicein Milton’s Block

    a-o; tT Pu’ iic. Land A :-nt, 4c,, Arena, lowa

    A* . niri> arcarari o3 MspasCh.

    DOCTOR nthIUIHNS.I>M T=l IAS a 1 5 orraa. Mineral Point. M isconsln.I * ,id r auove Pullord s Drug Store, HighA

    esx. D

    Cl 5 Alt I. I. ■? I.OEBEK,liLLOil AT L.AW -035ce .n U >s‘ Bull ling,

    yop s in .ee Odice, upstairs, aigh Street, bio-#r, ! . :A.

    .!;; i \ H. W F>TO>,

    N.f>TART Pi Conveyancer and General A^er.t,_

    Linden. lowa Was"

    BKXJ. i. SCdTT

    /a K- P.\’, He. , in Pr, Good-. Groceries. Provlai-IJ| one. liar la arc Ac , Vellow stone AMs.

    I. B >t IFFF.TT, !. !-,

    /vinrr H 'l .'e;''s B! k, in rear of Drug Str re.( ) Viiucral Com:. V. isconsin.

    KM I Els W. R ESE,i TTOUNKY at Law and No’ary PuWic, Dodgexille,r\ I >war . i’.. Wis mt iitioii paid to

    rV.!--’ Refer to Hen. C. C. Wa-hburn, and Cobb4 Su.lduth, a4 ’


    I 1 \< OPEN' 1> Al HI- OLl> ciUiH.n on High[ | Stl i!h the la.’?: H

    qasil f,tg- of ’ pu.-lio generally,

    liny al, isfii.cJd if.


    ' J’ll K s.i -ri r a ill.’ r ■ rui v pened a sli pin the1 r > 14 1J i'.iing lh P f m.e, is prepar and t.. wait'a rs it any hour day SHAMNG,

    C l tviPiMlMi, H AIR URli.-.'ING , 4 , done in t! •b a n.n i-r and ms: faahioua'ie styl--?.

    11, an-.v-t a oimtii" !.- n-.n* -- ami al dent desire :_

    . . 1,, mMi ail 1 receive a siiareof the patos fill- ■! I.” *of Mineral Point.

    M.& rai I’. , , Jit■ rd, l-01.-tf. *l. I’. TLRNKKI- \ s!IM\\B!.E BHi illiß

    / s KOR ■ A ■•HI- I. i.- fitted up hi* -hop in thet 1 Ui rsl Approved ? vie. - prepared p. shar e. DressHair, -is ■ ■ , etc .ad *'i >in > far r him with * call.R e a • a 5 lb ... C ; '■ and Leeching,UM v. no’.. ci ! in- c. -I man :rof th science.—The a> • . -rf ; satisfi non warranted in all caaet. 48

    NT \V t IB OrVl’ FI t.ILI.KKT.

    I’UK fr -.•! ir of the Nrw Ambrotjic G*Ury areoiiw re* ly u takeLIKENK S S E S

    in ail u**i improved yl.*, having th* alvan-:*S=f o. A :: ' and a first-v .** Cam* ra.

    11 KV W.lKh public |n.troiiA£f It rr*i. .fully Solic-

    itedE ■ >ro* .->u ' ur: H .use rOirxr.1KENDALL A BROSOctober 15, IS'S.

    JOSEPH J. DAVEYyr A? juft rec;.vel ’.he largest and best iock of

    Hock*. W* ches ar.d JewelryhT h< V.T Uon ITO i-’h: t t! ;. .tv The public arer- rINr- J T '.Mila! i \.*. me *herr *e!ve*.

    g Et'T ACLES WATi i- KEYS • IRDSSIIAKU \Nl> PDVTKD" \RKf--r Sale.

    K ■v- g In on Sh *rt V-:ce, .m-i warranted toa 'i N ' - vr’i tf-t}. *n of all kind* made

    to nit r Particular attention given VoENGRAVING.

    IT* Ah ..> •a a; the ~ld -stan i of T !>•▼**Mli.’Tim Puai, Dee IT, 1 -01.

    Win. Jacka.

    ANUFACTUEER f nd j- tier.’ risa'erin

    BOOTS AND SHOES.Go r a .v i-Ai \ Cat ;rrl Shop, Commerce

    Street Mi it 1 I'Kep*:n; -• e c ■n.irt notice

    ai. !'•! t-ly

    teas. . FAR WELL, HJBOJ


    i; . orrn water -tf. ft. chi go. ill.I ibe ;* cnh a Ivancvs on pro :ny ,r. 'torei:,f , v K , i'o ley, Fm el iCo , Grjy, Pbel;in., G G. Cook & • o. 41. m

    DRIED FRUITS.—Dried Fruit And~w CmTM WUKIXKS.



    San Francisco. March 23.—The steam-er Sierre Nevada, with $30,000 in treas-ure arrived from the Northern coast Em-igration has commenced to the mines.—Oregon, Washington Territory, and Brit-ish Columbia families have commencedmoving.

    Newspapers are publishing the usualquantity of facts and rumors concerningthe different gold fields. Boise River,Salmon River, ad Cariboo are receivingthe chief attention.

    Several steamers will ran on he UpperColumbia and tributaries this season.

    The Snake Inuians are troublesome int e Boise River region, but the constantincrease of the mining population ensuresgeneral safety.

    A schooner from Queen Charlotte Is-land arrived at Victoria with eight toesofLake Sunerior copper ore.

    Sailed, steamer Constitution, for Pana-ma—4so passengers, including a battalionof cavalry for Masacbusetts. Eight hun-dred and eighty thousand dollars in treas-ure for England. Two hundred and four-teen thousand dollars for New York.


    oLet moulded bronze and sculptured

    marble perpetu te the memories of thegreat destroyers of the human race ; theman of science, whose intellect, whaleknowledge, and whose energies have beendevoted to the mitigation of suffering and

    | the salvation of life, will be immortalizedby living monuments. For example, asthe peerless remedies of Professor Hollo-way are bequeathed from generation togeneration, soothing bodily torture, controlling *iseaes and lengthening the spanot existence, the gratitude of millions willtransmit his name and fame through thelapse of ages to the “latest syllable of re-corded time." Compare the exploits ofthe most renowned “thunderbolts of war’from Caesar to Napoleon, with the quietvictories of this soldier of humanity overpain, sickness and death. His Pills andOintment have raised up and restored tohealth a greater multitude than any con-queror ever slew. Thousand' of war'swounded victims have beer saved frommutilation by the application of the Ointment; and travel where you may, in thiscountry or any other, you will meet withnumbers of the convalescent and the cured,rescued from the very jaws of death byhis inestimable Pills. If the readerdoubts these statements, we refer him tothe same sources whence we derived them—1 multitu les who suffered from dyspepsia. liver complaint, intermittent fever,scrofula, erysipelas, and other and external disorders, hut who

    have been restored to perfect health andthe pursuits of active life by these inesti-mable specifics, and whose constitutionshave been braced up and permanentlystrengthened by their invigorating influ-ence. —N. Y. "Express."

    SSyGen. Herron succeeds Gen. Scho-field w o was in command of the ar-my of the frontier. (lens. Orme and Va-dever have been assigned to the command •of divisions under Gen. Herron. Thesemovemen.s promise prompt action and aplenty of it.

    Editor or Tbibine.—Dear Sir : With your per- jmission I wish t say to the readers of your paper that1 wi 1 send by return mail to al' who wish it, (free,) aKeceSpe, with fu 1 directions for making and using aVegetable Bairn, that wilteffectually remote in 10 and ysPimples, Blotches, Tan, Freckle*, and all Impurities ofthe skin, leaving the same soft, c ear, smooth and beautifnl

    I wil! also mail free to tiosc having Bald Heads orBare Faces, simple directions and i formations that willen oie them i„ c*art a full growth of Luxuriant Hair,Whiskers, or a ous ache, in ess than SVis. Mat 1, IS6I. fDr C. W. Rohack. Dear Sir ;—I have test

    ed the virtue of your medicines in my family,and also in the use of it myself, and many towh< m I have sold you- medicines are ready totestify of their virtue. I have recourse to noother Pills hut yours for myself and familywhen medicine is needed, and find they willdo ail you say they will, and can therfore rec-ommend them to my customers and fri ndswith a clear conscicace. Your Purifier hassoraepletly cured me af Liver Complaint andweakness in the btrtk.

    I see that the Ohio folks are straining everyserve lor the Union—-we mean to do our dutyup here, I can tell rou.

    Yours Truly, Wi. GUXDRT.Sec advertisemsut to another column.

    |leir glfcertisements.INFORMATION WANTED

    OF Pamue' Oldfield, miner, native of Great HucklowNorth Derbyshire, England. He was lead mining atM neral Point, some 14 er 15 years ago, -nd left Mine-ral Point with some other men and they went over.landto California. Any inforomation respecting him willbe thankfullyreceived by

    THO3. NALL, C< ko* Falls, Albany C*., N.T.“ WOTiCEr

    ALL persons Are hereby forbiWA CO. CIRCUIT COURTOLE N 4RVKSON, Plaintiff. )

    AGAINSTJonh Adams, Eliza 'dam?, Otis G Cor- Ibit, Wm. G Toiler, Wm. D Hart. H I The PlaintiffM. McCorkle, Oliver B, Tweedy, Elias i desires theM. Green, Dextei Tiffany, Geo. Urap- | trial of thiser, Eleaz.-r B. Eldredge, James Free- \ action to beland, Roliert Squ res. Charles H. Bow- • had iu lowaman. Pair ck 11. Baker, Win. H. Free- | Count> .land Martin R. G IJstrorlhy, John A. jDutcher. John t. Go-drich, Kellogg)Sexton, Benjamin f. Thomas, Jno. il- )t n, Chas B. Tatham, John M. Perk- Iins. Wm H. Boltnn, John M. Stewart,Sherman S. Jewett 4 Francis H. Root j

    Defendants, jTHE S’ A E OF WISCONSIN,

    To the ahore namedDefendants, and tn each and every of them :You are hereby sumrao dto answer the complaint

    of the above named plaintiff in this action, which hasbeen fi ed in the office of the lerk of the Cin uil Courtin and for the Countv of lowa, in said State, and toserve a copy of your answe on the subscribers at theLaw and Collecting office of Cobb, Wilson 4 -ttddulh,in Hie city of Mineral Point, in said County and Statewithi itwe ty days after the service of this Summons,exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail toa sw-r (he complaint as her y requi ed, the phi miffwill apply to the Court for the relief demanded in thecomplaint.

    Dated, Min rai Point, Feb. 20. l'6-3Ctißb, WILSON 4 SUDDUTH,

    Mineral Point, Wig. Attorneys for Plaintiff, 13-6 wSTB A TVX

    PLAINING MILL.r|MIE Undersigned are now prepared to do all kindsJL of work in their line on short notice.

    In addition to their former busiaes they now mann-ufacture

    FURNITURE.of every variety called for.

    They will keep n hand •t all i nes Tahl- Legs andOther articles wanted by Cabinet Maker*.

    They also dress Flooring, Siding 4e., and ma< ufac-ture Doors, Sash, Blinds 4c ,and will furnish

    2VLOUJL.DI: a&iof different sizes and patteras, nd do all kinds cf plan-ing required by Builders, on snort notice

    SPINNING WHEELS!always on hand.

    We have a good Si* Horse Power Engine,wi th evorything belonging to it read to h.e se up. An/ personin need of one of the sixe can get a bargain

    CLOWNiY A Cl. ARK.

    Their Work Shop it on South Cheat-nut Street, andt\t e Room opposite Cornish's Tin Sh p on HighStreet.

    Order* received at either place.CLOWNET k CLARK.

    MineralPoint, MarciiSiit, IMIS. StStf



    Thi* work now in Publication will be one of the moatcomplete Histories of the Great American Relieliion,emoracing it* causes, event* and cuiim qtCueee, withL’ograpical Sketches and Portraits of the priuc pal ac-tors, together with Thrilling locidcn s of Land and Sa-ra! Heroes. It wi Ibe Illustrated with Maps, Plan* ofBattles. Portraits ic. A* a truthful history it sh


    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8. 1863.

    ED°C WBLBg* S ’ [ Emroa. A Paorai.roaa.

    The Election.The Election passed off on Tuesday with

    unueunl quietness. But very little interest*• felt in tiie result exeept by a few, as the

    ' lijylit viite would indicate. The resnlt in theCity is not unexpected. The abseuce of alarge number of Repuhlicars, and the refusa’to vote by ma: v others was a guarantee of aDemocratic majority, which was no largerthan was anticipated. The following is thevote of the City;

    naar ward.Demo* rat?. Republicans.

    Mayor—Wm. T Henry 111 James Hutchinsoa 77Trm C Otter.


    102 C. Kessler 86A s:*r**o K R. S. Vivian 109 John Bi hop, 75Sup. Set'l*—R. 8 ith 111 T. J. Campbell 77AUTn R D. I’uiford 107 John Toay 79Jiuttirr—R. L Read 107 Wm. Humbert 77CouHtrtA/—John Horn IM4 K Prideaux, 99

    —Colhreo 103 Dixon 73SECOND Ward.

    Henry 93 Hutchinsoa 84One’ 80 Kessler 97Vivian 85 Bi-hop, 91Smith 9’2 Campbell 86Al-lrrmitn —S. Jnkin 94 11. Koop 79Juntire—K. Weisen 54 4. Dunn 89Cnnst —H Connauton 73 J, Ivey, 95Judge—Cothren 99 Dixon, 77

    The vote on tin* Tax for Soldiers’ families,wo can hardly believe was understood hv thepeople genoriillv fur we cannot believe th re'si It would have been ns it was had all knownthe object of the Tax. The Tax was voteddown Vi- the following vote in the Cita : Forthe Tax 56, Against the Tax 211.

    The Charter Amendment was also voteddown, as follows: For the Amendment 39>Ag inst 221.

    Dodgeville, Dixon 79 niaj, ; Mifflin, Dixon100, Cothren 82. Linden, Dixon 115, Cuth-ien 19. Highland, Cothren 257 maj Wald-wick, Cot: ren ’*2 niaj. Pulaski, Cothren 2i•• aj. Ridgeway, • othren 2 maj. Cothren’smajority in the bounty about 300.

    Willow Spring--, l.uFayette Cos, Cothren122 D:xo - 32. L.iFayette Cos. is reported 6c>ofor Cothn n.

    The Chi ajo pirers thick Cotbern elected..Milwaukee City aid County gave him 4000maj ;ity.

    From the 34th Wis Regiment.Columbus, Kentucky, )

    March 2oth, 1-62. jI'kiend I>lis? —bavins a few leisure

    moments for a rarity, I have concluded tooccupy them in writingu few lines to youthinking it might not be amiss to let youku-ivv something of the doings and w heral out- of the bloody 34th Wis. Infantry.

    As vve left < amp Washbarue withoutreceiving our mar hing < rders in writing,when we got to Cairo the commandinghliccr tin re, sent u- to Fort Ilalleck. and

    a:ter we had been here about ten daysour re We. at the presenttime are enjoying good health, with theexception of a few. There is none. I be-lieve. of t'o “ K ” that are now dangerous-


    Fall and Winter


    To be h.a,cl a/tJOS- DELL. ER SHATING rs-eslred a Ijtrg ■ and W,-II 1 or ? dollar, will! L tv everything uscessarv tocommence the business, andi he articles ca be got almost anywhere, in city or coun-ter or If “referred. 1 can furiil-h hem.

    ! Vnßa w ALYOM) T No.e tg 8t New York. 1 * "..■> v

    NOTICE.ALI. persons Indebted to me are hereby notified tocall and pay up immediately, .nd a“ person* flav-ine claims against me are notified to present them feepayment.

    X*. S. fcDKTCM.I MssrlFsta. Ikf. mk tM*



    Jk limitTO BE EXCELLED




    Vve a a vac Wcvae \\vveV,vavW cute aVV \W u vW%uAuc\\ U Wvt \o,vV>vv\ as a teuvcduoX ajeut—a v*vcv>\ tetf,uVa\ot\\\c sv\s\c\w.

    Vw\W WvVvovvs &v\Vvc\%Vac 'SVcs\ au\ Sou\\\

    W\cvc \\as, a Vcm^Vvu\e, Vecu w\uc\\ ueeAeiaw atXvcVe&\\Uts, vwVvvcVv, vj \aVetvvw \tvo\\ct vvaw\v\vt%, atvita\ Wu \\to\\ct \vwve, arc avute u\vut

    jpilio'us i^dver,'Fever and Jrg-LLe,Fiver Oomplaznt,.Qjyspepsza, xIndi&estion,Janndioc,Kzdney Complaint*,.

    iuu\ vvW Wvscascs a uwv*Wat \\a\ute.

    \Vv\\cy%ate tat*av\A\vcvVs, vv\vvc\v u\a\fct \Vvewv.


    ave\W\ioov w\a\\'*^tvtui)L.'"©v. 'RoVjatV*

    ?*c\vv c \\vc y.oov \atV%S\owme\\

    ivvc Wu v'vc\v ftvaw1* SoV-aact awti Cow\^ov\.\>v. T3Lo\jacV%

    livWwi*uWv^ora\t \\\t \>tuV, a\\^vV.eVv\v\tv\eA.,

    "Ov.v\\ac\\ l^vVteti^

    iXvvvvc wvtW\c\voV\^;t\v\A \wtx\s.e Yas,vAc.*Ov. A^oVvtvcWs.B\ow\ae\\

    avt \\\t SoVAvcif’s VvvtAA,iV>\\ vavvAitx.

    Usu\, tU.These Ifliters are put up inf&s&t

    bottles, of which the above i* eefcse~simile. The label is finefff en~g-raied, and is provided xud(h •Safe - £f 'n’.r'J from counterfeiter*-.

    per bottle, or six for $S-C. W. Boback, CProj. rietor, /do. 6

    East Fourth Street, Qmcimati, tewhom all orders should be addressed.

    FOR SALE BYJ. IT. Ylri n, M.n CU*o* l>npprr JMUBfK r> Hujd-.I Ar,-na J M M^ow,V J W HI H. ..nera|r,,T yiP Ohio Nur* rie*. Toh-do, Ohio, ho'taf***"*' Bt

    . found thtin //drc/y on// true ta rrorn*•***•*••*. tak>- pleartrr in rec ramn,l)f>f >eui vaa!l

    Ult C’uwivali nof Fruit Treaa PhhTrI ■*"r I>*-li. ered in trOoe lltl'tV

    ,rcea. Signed. ,• Hon. M. •. Celhren, Miner*I.Pohfk .-•

    John P. Tr..iuel,“


    John Milton, "■“

    Jame Toav, UrdeaS’. (Hrcstrd. Cottage SanM. V. Itnrria, lialaaoua

    > Mii: J"lin, "j lion oharle* Ounn. ••

    Mr Gacee ia no e taking order* for delircry aa th*iAth .>f April at Mineral Point. Office at 1

    | Alien'* Store.H . A laafga Prigrtlia.

    I b M.I-7 D >- ***},