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Media Research Title Sequence Media Research Title Sequence

Imogen Parslow, Joe Candlin, Lauren PicotImogen Parslow, Joe Candlin, Lauren Picot

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For our main task we have decided to do a thriller.

We picked thriller because it is one of the genres that keep the viewers highly enticed and by coming up with a few ideas of shot types we would like to include in our main task the thriller genre was the best suited to this.

These shots we came up with were close up shots. We thought that close up shots were suited highly to the thriller genre because they keep the viewers intriguied as they do not know what to expect and do not know what is coming up.

We also thought that basing our task around the thriller genre would make it very enjoyable and interesting to complete.

For our main task we have decided to do a thriller.

We picked thriller because it is one of the genres that keep the viewers highly enticed and by coming up with a few ideas of shot types we would like to include in our main task the thriller genre was the best suited to this.

These shots we came up with were close up shots. We thought that close up shots were suited highly to the thriller genre because they keep the viewers intriguied as they do not know what to expect and do not know what is coming up.

We also thought that basing our task around the thriller genre would make it very enjoyable and interesting to complete.

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Target audience Target audience

As a group we thought that the age group our main task would be most suited to is young adults. Young adults are the type of people who have time to watch films and enjoy something that will keep them enticed and we believe and hope that our main task can do this. To be more specific we were thinking teenage boys and girls varying from 15-19. Films tend to be very interesting to teenagers and films that are put under the genre of thriller tend to keep people engrossed the whole way through and as a teenager this is what you want.

As a group we thought that the age group our main task would be most suited to is young adults. Young adults are the type of people who have time to watch films and enjoy something that will keep them enticed and we believe and hope that our main task can do this. To be more specific we were thinking teenage boys and girls varying from 15-19. Films tend to be very interesting to teenagers and films that are put under the genre of thriller tend to keep people engrossed the whole way through and as a teenager this is what you want.

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A typical storyline of a thriller film is the idea of building suspense the whole way through. After watching the title sequence of the thriller film SE7EN it was a prime example of building suspense. The whole way through this you were left thinking “what’s going to happen next” and this is the feel the director of a thriller film really wants you to be under.

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Typical shots used in a thriller film.Typical shots used in a thriller film.

Birds eye and high angle shots are typically used in thriller films to make the figure or object looked down upon so they then seem powerless and venerable.

Close up shots are used in thriller films to portray the emotion on the actors or actresses face and can capture important detail in a scene.

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Typical shots used in a thriller film.Typical shots used in a thriller film.

Tracking or panning shot. These shots connote movement. They are used in thriller films to make out as if a character is being followed or watched. It can also establish a scene so the audience can see the full view. By the camera moving it builds up suspense and you do not know what could be shown next.

Reverse shot. These are very effective in thriller films because it can show the consequences of actions and what would happen if you went back in time. It can also show a character undergoing realization. It can signify flashbacks.

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Typical shots used in a thriller film.Typical shots used in a thriller film.

Tilted angle. Tilted shots adds a lot of dramatic tension to shots. It can signify the pushing away of a camera. It is also a great way to get a different shot of an incident across to the audience. A tilt shot can also act as a victim on the floor as you see what they are seeing. Extreme long shot or long shot. If

the thriller film is shot in a deserted place than a extreme long shot or long shot are perfect for establishing how deserted the place is.

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Typical shots used in a thriller film.Typical shots used in a thriller film.

Low angle. A low angle shot is very powerful in the way that they can put emphasis on how scary or intimidating the villain is. This could make the audience feel scared.

Hand held camera shot. This is often used in thriller films to add a sense of reality to the film. It makes the audience feel as if they are there and want to watch on to see what happens next.