Download - MBA Weekly Bulletin vol.58 issue#27




Monday, September 22nd Marin Golf and Country Club


Bags with special gift items are given to each golfer So . . . if your company has anything you would like to add to the mix

Please let us know!

Remember – It’s for the Kids!

If you have anything you can offer please contact Paula at [email protected] or 415-462-1220

WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ [email protected] July 8, 2014 Vol. 58, Issue #27

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A Benefit Event for the Marin Builders Association Scholarship Fund


Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 3


Notice inviting bids for


IMPROVEMENT PROJECTDue Tuesday, July 15, 2014 @ 2:00 PM

Sealed bids shall be delivered to the District Manager/District Engineer of the District on or before said date

and time, at the District office, 111 Morphew Street, San Rafael, CA 94901.

Project Description: This project includes the furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment for the construction of the pump station improvements, including pumps, piping (pumping and force main), concrete work and electrical work, together with all appurtenances, connections and testing, for the completed and operational project as shown on the Plans and as specified.

Plans and specifications may be viewed online by subscribers to the MBA Online Plan Service.

IN THIS ISSUE________________________


Have a special gift to share with this year’s golf tournament? .............1

Project of the Week ........................3

Register & Sponsor! Annual MBA Golf Tournament ..................6

Capitol Connection .........................10

5 Things You Need to Know ............11

Phil Vermeulen -Legislative Update .....12

SAFETY: Harnesses ..................18

Permits ..............................................24

Tax Liens & Completions ..................27

Project Bid Schedule .......................30

Classifieds ..........................................42


CONTACT MBA660 Las Gallinas Avenue

San Rafael, CA 94903 ◆

Office: 415-462-1220Fax: 415-462-1225

[email protected] ◆ [email protected]

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 4

ReadyMarin.orgTraining and education to keep you and your family safe,

warm, and fed in the event of a disaster

In the event of an emergency, our first responders will be overwhelmed. It is critical for citizens to be prepared to take care of themselves, their neighbors, and their community for at least 3 days, and preferably 5-7. is Marin County’s website for information on emergency preparedness, whether you are just learning or an experienced emergency volunteer. Our mission is to provide guidance, training and resources to keep you and your family safe during an emergency, whether it requires you to evacuate or shelter in place. You will find information and links to resources, checklists, and training opportunities. Let’s get prepared.

Plan & Prepare

Learn what supplies you should store at home, work, and in your car to take care of yourself and your family for 5-7 days. Download our checklists and get started.


Your pets depend on you to be prepared to help them in an emergency. Whether you are staying in your home or leaving, a little planning will go a long way.


Tips for preparing you and your children in a disaster. Kits, games, contact information cards. We have the resources you need.

Get Ready Training

Get Ready is a county-sponsored 2-hour training, facilitated by our local Fire Departments and community volunteers, that will provide you with an overview of how to prepare your family and home.

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

For those of you who wish to step beyond preparing your home and reach out to help your community in an emergency, train to be a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) member.


We have listed great resources and links to help you prepare to whatever level you wish.

This project is supported by US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) FY2011 Homeland Security Grant #97-067 awarded by the State of California Office of Homeland Security (Cal OES). The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of DHS. ◆ [email protected]

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 5 ◆ [email protected]


Presidentjim Schalich - Schalich Bros.


Vice PresidentTyler Doherty - Cal-West Rentals, Inc.

Chief Financial Officer Tom Barr - Ghilotti Bros., Inc.

SECRETARYJohn Busick - Bob Kunst Painting

Past PresidentJeff Mertel - Mertel Carpets

Chief Executive OfficerRick Wells

Oliver Dibble - Dibble & CompanyKeith Dotto - Dotto Glass, Inc.Aimi Dutra - The Dutra Group

Clayton Fraser - West Bay BuildersDave Garbarino - Marin Sanitary Service, Inc

Jeff Grady - California Mortgage AdvisorsDiane Henderson - DMH Land Use Planning

Dan McLennon - McLennon Law CorporationRob Scerri - Golden State LumberDave Trahan - Patriot Mechanical

Michelle Whiteside - Whiteside Construction

STAFFPaula Krause - Office Manager

Barbara Jones - Membership ManagerKellie Buono - Administrative Assistant/Reception

CONSULTANTSCasey Mazzoni - Legislative Analyst

Terrence Knoles - Publications

The weekly bulletin is owned by MBA. Archive available at

660 Las Gallinas Avenue, San Rafael, CA 94903Publisher: Marin Builders Association



Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 6


A Benefit Event for the Marin Builders Association Scholarship Fund

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2014at Marin Country Club, Novato

Check in at 11:00 AM

Shotgun Start at 1:00 PM

Dinner & Awards at 6:00 PM


☐ Check if individual player $215 player






Team Name:

Amount Enclosed:

Player #1:Company:Phone:Email:

Player #2:Company:Phone:Email:

Player #3:Company:Phone:Email:

Player #4:Company:Phone:Email:

Billing Information (Please check one) VISA__ MasterCard__

Name as it appears on card:

Card# ______________________________________________ Security#_______________ Expiration Date _____/_____/_____/

$860 per team (4 players) or $215 per individual. Player entry fee includes green fees, lunch, golf cart,

refreshments, and dinner.

(Register online at

Please send your check and registration form to:Marin Builders Association

660 Las Gallinas Ave.San Rafael, CA 94903

Attn: Paula Krause

Additional dinner guests welcome at $40 per person. Registrations are due by September 15th

SAVE!Early Bird SpecialRegister on or before

August 1, 2014 and save $20 per player



Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 7


A Benefit Event for the Marin Builders Association Scholarship Fund

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2014at Marin Country Club, Novato

Check in at 11:00 AM

Shotgun Start at 1:00 PM

Dinner & Awards at 6:00 PM


Presenting Sponsor $5,000 (1 available) Name/logo listed as Presenting Sponsor on tournament signage, printed ads, website, facebook, event program and thank you ad | Two complimentary foursomes with VIP treatment and up to eight catered dinner tickets Tee Sign | Reserved table | Full page ad in MBA weekly bulletin | Four complimentary tickets to participate

in Putting Contest

Dinner Sponsor $2,500 (1 available)Name/logo listed as Dinner Sponsor on tournament signage, printed ads, website, facebook, event program and thank you ad | One complimentary foursome with VIP treatment and four catered dinner tickets | Tee Sign

Reserved table | Half page ad in MBA weekly bulletin | Two complimentary tickets to participate in Putting Contest

Luncheon Sponsor $1,500 (1 available)Name/logo listed as Luncheon Sponsor on tournament signage, printed ads, website, facebook, event program

and thank you ad | One complimentary foursome with VIP treatment and four catered luncheon tickets Tee Sign | Quarter page ad in MBA weekly bulletin | Two complimentary tickets to participate in Putting Contest

Gold Sponsor $1,250 (ONLY 4 LEFT) Name/logo listed as Gold Sponsor on tournament signage, printed ads, website, facebook, event program and thank you ad | One complimentary foursome with VIP treatment | Two extra catered dinner tickets | Tee Sign

Quarter page ad in MBA weekly bulletin | Two complimentary tickets to participate in Putting Contest

Golf Cart Sponsor $1,000 (1 available)Name/logo listed as Golf Cart Sponsor on golf carts, tournament signage, printed ads, website, facebook,

event program and thank you ad | One complimentary twosome | Tee Sign | Two complimentary tickets to participate in Putting Contest

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 8


A Benefit Event for the Marin Builders Association Scholarship Fund

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2014at Marin Country Club, Novato

Check in at 11:00 AM

Shotgun Start at 1:00 PM

Dinner & Awards at 6:00 PM

Silver Sponsor $750 (ONLY 3 LEFT) Name/logo listed as Silver Sponsor on tournament signage, printed ads, website, facebook, event program and thank you ad | One complimentary twosome | Tee Sign | One complimentary ticket to participate in Putting


Wine Sponsor $750 (1 available)Name/logo listed as Wine Sponsor on tournament signage, printed ads, website, facebook, event program

and thank you ad | Two complimentary catered luncheon tickets | Tee Sign | One complimentary ticket to participate in Putting Contest

Happy Hour Sponsor $750 (1 available) Name/logo listed as Happy Hour Sponsor on tournament signage, printed ads, website, facebook, event

program and thank you ad | Two complimentary catered luncheon tickets | Tee Sign | One complimentary ticket to participate in Putting Contest

Putting Contest Sponsor $500 (1 available) Name/logo listed as Putting Contest Sponsor on tournament signage, printed ads, website, facebook, event

program and thank you ad | Tee Sign | One complimentary ticket to participate in Putting Contest

Tee Sign Sponsor $150 (22 available) Name/logo associated with Tee Sign sponsor signage, placed EITHER at tee or green | Name/logo listed as Tee

Sign Sponsor on tournament signage, printed ads, website, facebook, event program and thank you ad


Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 9


A Benefit Event for the Marin Builders Association Scholarship Fund

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2014at Marin Country Club, Novato

Check in at 11:00 AM

Shotgun Start at 1:00 PM

Dinner & Awards at 6:00 PM

Team Name:Golfer 1:Golfer 2:

Golfer 3:Golfer 4:

Section 2: Payment Details☐ CREDIT CARD

Card Holders Name:

Credit Card Type: ☐ Visa ☐ Master Card

Card Number: ☐☐☐☐-☐☐☐☐-☐☐☐☐-☐☐☐☐Expiration Date: ☐☐-☐☐ V-Code (3 to 4 digits on the back of the card): ☐☐☐☐Authorized Signature: Date:

☐ Check Enclosed for amount:

Please send completed form to:Marin Builders Association - 660 Las Gallinas Ave., San Rafael, CA 94903 - Fax: 415.462.1225 Email: [email protected]


Section 1: Registration / Sponsor Contact Information


Contact Person:


City: State: Postal Code:

Phone: Email:

Section 2: Sponsorship Opportunities☐ Presenting Sponsor (1) $5,000☐ Dinner Sponsor (1) $2,500☐ Luncheon Sponsor (1) $1,500☐ Gold Sponsor (4) $1,250

☐ Golf Cart Sponsor (1) $1,000☐ Silver Sponsor (3) $750☐ Wine Sponsor (1) $750

☐ Happy Hour Sponsor (1) $750☐ Putting Contest Sponsor (1) $500☐ Tee Sign Sponsor (22) $150

Section 3: Golf RegistrationPlease e-mail logo to [email protected] with sponsor logo in subject line.

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 10

The Capitol Connection Q&A for Contractors By Shauna Krause, Capitol Services, Inc.

Our first contractor is fishing for an answer to unexpected and unnoticed changes in life and law, while our second helps us in ‘opening a can of worms’ with his potential action in Nevada. Finally, our last contractor finds satisfaction in the answer we serve up…

Q: We have a “C-61”/”D-51” contractor’s license that we’ve held since 1989. My partner recently passed away and he was the Qualifier on the license. I’d like to add myself as the new Responsible Managing Officer (RMO), but I have a couple questions. I noticed that there is no longer a “D-51” classification. It says they eliminated that classification and it now says “under relevant class”. Does that mean that we will need to change the classification on our license? Secondly, will I be required to take the exams?

A: CA licensees who already hold the “C-61”/”D-51” can keep it, even if you change your Qualifying individual. The “D-51” classification is no longer available for new applicants; “under relevant class” is referring to applying for the classification in relation to what you are waterproofing, ie: roofing, painting, etc.

The “C-61” classification does not have trade exams, and since you have been listed as an Officer on the license for well over 5 years, you can request to waive the law exam. Be aware

that it’s not a guarantee, but the request will likely be granted.

Q: Your company helped us obtain a Nevada license a few years ago for a large project that we are just about finished with. Our license is up for renewal, but we only needed a license for this one job and we don’t intend to use it anymore. What are the ramifications of letting the license expire? And if our project is not completely finished, can we still finish work already in progress with an expired license?

A: By letting your license expire you can no longer do any contracting work in the State of Nevada. You cannot finish work already in progress or you would be at risk of being cited for performing contracting work without a license. This is a very serious risk.

Q: I am an RMO for three of our companies that have active licenses. I also have an Inactive Sole Owner license. It has always been my understanding that there is a rule that an individual can only be on up to three active licenses at the same time. But my buddy who is also a contractor with several different companies, is the Qualifier on two corporation licenses, just recently Qualified his new Limited Liability Company (LLC) license, AND he has an active Sole Owner license. How did he get away with four licenses?

A: The rule of three licenses applies to corporation/LLC/partnership licenses. Basically, Sole Owner licenses don’t count! As long as one of the licenses is a Sole Owner license, you are technically allowed to Qualify four. So if you aren’t busy enough with your three company licenses and you’d like to do some additional work on the side, go ahead and re-activate that Sole Owner number!

While knowledge is power, knowing where to go for the answers

is half the battle. Get expert assistance immediately when you call

866-443-0657, email [email protected], or write us at Capitol

Services, Inc., 1225 8th St. Ste. 500, Sacramento, CA 95814.

Research past columns at ◆ [email protected][email protected]

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 11 ◆ [email protected]

5 things you need to know


LEGISLATIVE [email protected]

“The ballot is stronger

than the bullet.”

― Abraham Lincoln







Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 12

Also In This Update• Reminder of Other Laws and Employer

Requirements Taking Effect Today• MBA’s Bill AB 2355 (Levine) On

Suspense In Senate Appropriations• Legislature Readies for Summer Recess• CARB Approves Changes to Truck and

Bus Regs• Draft Proposition 65 Warning

Regulations Will Increase Uncertainty, Litigation

• News From the Energy Commission

Public Works Registration For ALL Contractors Starts TodayTake heed! As I have written numerous times over the past several months, ANY contractor wishing to even bid on ANY type of public work contract in California MUST go online, pay your annual $300 fee and register starting ,July 1, 2014. While the final requirement won’t fully take effect until next March 1, 2015, registering now will ensure you are covered. Following is the official announcement from the Department of Industrial Relations which includes the address to their website.

Department of Industrial Relations Launches Public Works Contractor Online Application SystemOakland—The Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) today launched an online application for public works contractors to meet the requirements of Senate Bill 854. SB 854, which became effective June 20, establishes a new public works program to replace the

Compliance Monitoring Unit and Labor Compliance Program requirements for bond-funded and other public works projects. The new program will cover all public works in the state rather than just selected categories of projects. The Labor Commissioner’s Office will continue to monitor and enforce prevailing wage requirements.

“DIR always looks for ways we can improve our services. This new online system for public works contractors and agencies makes it easier and faster to meet their legal requirements,” said DIR Director Christine Baker. The Labor Commissioner’s Office, also known as the Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE), is a division of DIR.

Contractors must register and meet requirements using the new online application bidding on public works contracts in California. The application also provides agencies that administer public works programs with a searchable database of qualified contractors.

“The new system levels the playing field for the public works community. We want California taxpayers to know that we are committed to ensuring only responsible and qualified contractors are competing for public works contracts,” said Labor Commissioner Julie A. Su.

Contractors’ requirements include that they

maintain workers’ compensation coverage for all employees and only hire subcontractors who are registered public works contractors. They must also hold a Contractors State License Board license, if required for their trade.

In addition, contractors must not be debarred from working on public works by the state or federal government and have no delinquent wage or penalty assessments due to any enforcement agency or employee. Once registration becomes mandatory early next year, contractors will also be subject to penalties for bidding or working on public works without being registered with DIR.

Using any internet-connected computer, public works contractors can create an account, pay the fee and complete the application securely, at their convenience. Application and renewal is completed entirely online with a non-refundable fee of $300.

Agencies that administer public works projects may select from a pool of qualified contractors. They will no longer be charged fees for prevailing wage compliance monitoring and enforcement. Additional information on SB 854 and the new public works program is available on DIR’s website.

Among its wide-ranging enforcement responsibilities, the Labor Commissioner’s office inspects workplaces for wage and hour violations, adjudicates wage claims, enforces prevailing wage rates and apprenticeship standards in public works projects, investigates

Reminder: Contractor Public Works Registration Fee Program StartedJuly 1, 2014by Phil Vermeulen, MBA Legislative Advocate ◆ [email protected][email protected]

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 13 ◆ [email protected][email protected]

retaliation complaints, issues licenses and registrations for businesses and educates the public on labor laws.

The most recent information related to California labor law is available on the Labor Commissioner’s website as well as on Facebook and Twitter pages. “Wage Theft is a Crime”, a multilingual campaign initiated statewide earlier this year, provides detail on how to identify and report wage theft, retaliation and other labor law violations. Employees with work-related questions or complaints may also call the toll-free California Workers’ Information Line at (866) 924-9757 for recorded information in English and Spanish.

ConclusionYes, it is another bureaucratic pain to deal with, but be thankful that my colleagues and I were able to eliminate some of the more onerous (can you say, entrapment) provisions that were originally proposed but since removed. Again, although the final enforcement requirements don’t begin until March 1st, registering now will be one less issue to worry about next February.

REMINDER, OTHER EMPLOYER REQUIREMENTS TOOK EFFECT I am repeating what was in last week’s update to ensure you saw them and are complying.

New Poster and New Employer Requirements Effective July 1Several laws that were signed last year will take effect on July 1, including the upcoming minimum wage increase. Employers should take note of the laws below and revise existing business practices accordingly AND post a new poster of your office wall!

On July 1, 2014, California’s minimum wage increases to $9 per hour from the existing minimum wage of $8 per hour. This is the

first increase to the state minimum wage since January 1, 2008. The minimum wage will increase a second time to $10 per hour on January 1, 2016.

Employers should examine all pay practices that might be affected by the minimum wage increase. The minimum wage increase affects several employer practices, including:• Overtime rates of pay;• Exempt/nonexempt classification. The minimum salary requirement for administrative, professional and executive exemptions increases to $3,120 per month;• Meal and lodging credits;• Piece-rate pay. Employers must ensure that piece-rate employees receive the minimum wage for each hour worked;• Draws against future commissions, which must be equal to at least the minimum wage and overtime due to the employee for each pay period (unless the employee is exempt);• Tools and equipment. Only employees whose wages are at least two times the minimum wage can be required to provide and maintain hand tools and equipment customarily required by the trade or craft in which they work; and• The subminimum wage rate.Employers will need to make certain to comply with all notice requirements that are affected by the minimum wage increase.• First, employers must post California’s official Minimum Wage Order (MW-2014) in a conspicuous location frequented by employees. The Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) updated the official notice, which now includes both the July increase and the second increase for January 1, 2016.• Second, the DIR recently revised all 17 industry Wage Orders. The DIR amended sections 4(A) and 10(C) in orders No. 1 through No. 15, and sections 4(A) and 9(C) in order No. 16. Employers are required to post a copy of the industry Wage Order that applies to their business in a place where employees can read it easily. Use the correct industry Wage Order(s),

which now bear a revision date of “07/2014.”• Third, California employers must provide each employee with written, itemized wage statements at the time wages are paid. The wage statements must reflect all applicable hourly rates in effect during the pay period (Labor Code Section 226).

Effective July 1, SB 770 expands Paid Family Leave (PFL) wage-replacement benefits for employees to include benefits for time taken off to care for a seriously ill grandparent, grandchild, sibling or parent-in-law.PFL does not create the right to a leave of absence, but provides California workers with some financial compensation/wage replacement during a qualifying absence.

San Francisco EmployersAt the local level, San Francisco’s Fair Chance Ordinance takes effect August 13, 2014. This ordinance limits the use of criminal history information by San Francisco employers and also requires employers to post a new notice.

Workers’ Comp – Pre-Designation of Personal PhysicansWorkers’ compensation regulations concerning pre-designation of personal physicians also take effect July 1.

According to the DIR, the final regulations change the criteria that an employee must meet to pre-designate a personal physician or medical group for work-related injuries or illnesses to conform to SB 863 (which was passed in 2012).

DIR also revised the forms used for pre-designating a personal physician or a personal chiropractor and the time of hire pamphlet.

There are two new forms that ALL employers must provide to new hires effective July 1st (plus there are also copies in Spanish if you need them). To access

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 14 ◆ [email protected][email protected]

them go to:

Scroll down to the red Update button about half way down the page

The California Employment Development Department (EDD) uses a special work sharing program to help companies avoid mass layoffs by sharing the available work among employees. AB 1392 changes the requirements for those work sharing plans that take effect on or after July 1, 2014.

The EDD’s director still must approve plans. For more information about the work sharing program, visit EDD’s work sharing webpage.

How Can I ensure I am in Compliance?• Review your policies and practices to ensure compliance with legal updates.• Make certain that you update your posters and pamphlets.• CalChamber’s 2014 California and Federal Employment Notices poster includes the required minimum wage updates.• Updated Paid Family Leave and Workers’ Compensation pamphlets are available on the CalChamber store.• Revised industry Wage Orders are available on HRCalifornia for both CalChamber members and nonmembers.To obtain updated posters and pamphlets, go to the California Chamber’s website at

MBA’s Bill AB 2355 (Levine) On Suspense In Senate Appropriations

MBA’s bill that would require local governments to either adopt the January 1, 2017 Cal Trans recycling mandate for roadways or discuss in a public hearing why it has not, has been sent to Suspense in the Senate Appropriations Committee. All bills with costs to the state of $50,000 or greater go to Suspense. The committee then meets prior to the deadline to determine which bills are worthy of the state spending money on. While debatable, the committee consultants believe that a local government could bill the state for the costs to adopt the Cal Trans mandate and that the potential cost to the state could far exceed the $50,000 threshold. The consultants have informed our author, Assemblyman Marc Levine that they believe the bill will ultimately be approved. This is important since the Department of Finance has also previously raised this concern about costs the state which could be a reason for the governor to ultimately veto the bill. Stay tuned as this unfolds

Legislature Readies for Summer RecessGood news! The streets of Sacramento will be safe to walk again starting Thursday afternoon through August 4th. The Legislature is leaving on their month-long summer recess, so everything within the halls of the Capitol will grind to a halt! I will report in next week’s update on where we stand on the remaining bills that are still alive. Fortunately, many of the ‘bad’ ones were stopped earlier in the session, but there are still several that are moving through the process. As always, however, I have attached the weekly status report which also provides you with the latest information on every remaining bill I am tracking.

CARB Approves Changes to Truck and Bus RegsThe approved amendments to the truck and bus regulations are intended to better ensure that the air quality benefits originally envisioned by the regulation will be achieved, while

concurrently providing additional flexibility to vehicle owners.

An advisory has been made available to explain how truck and bus owners can plan for and take advantage of recently approved amendments to the Truck and Bus regulation. The advisory also describes the steps owners that previously claimed good faith efforts must now take to comply.

For more information:The advisory is available at

Other information on how to report compliance with the Truck and Bus regulation is at

If you have questions, please call our toll free diesel regulation information line at 1-866-6DIESEL (1-866-634-3735) or e-mail [email protected]

Background:The regulation requires diesel truck and bus owners to take steps to reduce their engine emissions. The regulation is a part of the State’s plan to meet federal ambient air quality standards and to protect public health, particularly near roadways and distribution centers where exposures frequently reach unhealthy levels. Nearly all trucks and buses with a manufacturer’s gross vehicle weight rating greater than 14,000 pounds that operate in California are required to be upgraded between 2012 and 2023 to reduce exhaust emissions.

Most heavier trucks and buses (with a gross vehicle weight rating greater than 26,000 pounds) will be required to have a PM filter by January 1, 2014. There are certain exceptions to these requirements for owners that have

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 15 ◆ [email protected][email protected]

reported to use flexibility options allowed under the regulation. These include, but are not limited to, certain agricultural and limited-use work trucks, low-use vehicles, and vehicles operated in certain rural areas. Additional information about the regulation is at:

Draft Proposition 65 Warning Regulations Will Increase Uncertainty, LitigationPre-regulatory draft changes proposed to the state’s Proposition 65 regulations by the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) will increase business uncertainty and increase litigation, the California Chamber of Commerce and a broad-based coalition of organizations and businesses are cautioning.Passed by way of initiative in 1986, the Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, also known as Proposition 65, requires businesses with 10 or more employees to warn consumers if a product sold in California exposes them to any detectable amount of any of the more than 850 listed chemicals.The CalChamber coalition includes nearly 140 California-based and national organizations and businesses of varying sizes. Together they represent nearly every major business sector that would be affected by OEHHA’s draft regulation—manufacturers, restaurants, food and beverages, agriculture, automotive, technology, consumer products, apartments, hotels, amusement parks, among others.

Costly and Frivolous LitigationIn the nearly 30 years that have passed since the adoption of Proposition 65, private attorneys’ enforcement lawsuits have moved away from legitimate actions to implement the initiative consistent with its intent and public policy priorities to “gotcha” campaigns designed to trap businesses for “exposures” that are detectable, but which pose no demonstrable

risk to human health or the environment.Statistics maintained by the Office of the Attorney General show that the annual rate of Proposition 65 notice letters being issued has increased significantly, from an average of less than 1,000 a year to nearly 1,100 last year. If notices continue to be issued at the rate for the first four months of this year (422 notice letters), by year’s end 1,266 notice letters will have been issued.

In 2013 alone, the Attorney General’s Office reports there were 352 settled cases, with payments totaling more than $17.4 million. Of that total, attorney fees and costs accounted for 73%, whereas noncontingent civil penalties accounted for 15% and payments in lieu of penalties accounted for 11%.

Notably, one individual attorney entered into 60 settlements in 2013, with total payments amounting to approximately $2.4 million. Of that total, attorney costs and fees totaled approximately $2 million, which amounted to 83% of total settlement payments.In the vast majority of these settlements, the business admits no wrongdoing and the plaintiff concedes that the business has vigorously maintained its innocence. This reflects the reality that the costs of litigating a Proposition 65 case exceed the cost of settlement.

Current RegulationsThe current regulations allow businesses to prove by any means they wish that their Proposition 65 warnings are “clear and reasonable,” but also set forth criteria to establish when warnings will automatically be deemed “clear and reasonable” for purposes of Proposition 65.Specifically, the regulations lay out general warning language and methods for consumer product, occupational and environmental exposure warnings that are deemed to comply with the statute. Businesses using these

so-called “safe harbor” warnings are thus protected from the threat of litigation and can carry out their business with a sense of certainty.

It is critical to note that under the current regulations, the vast majority of threatened or actual Proposition 65 litigation relates, not to the contents of a given warning, but rather to whether a warning is provided.Rather than risk being embroiled in litigation involving a battle of the experts at trial, companies often will instead elect to provide a “safe harbor” warning voluntarily out of an abundance of caution in order to shield themselves from the inevitable threat of litigation that would otherwise exist if they sell a product or own a facility in California and do not warn.

Draft Rules UnworkableOEHHA has proposed changes it says are intended to carry out the Administration’s vision of improving the quality of Proposition 65 warnings given and providing certainty for businesses subject to the act.The new proposed requirements, however, take away a business’s ability to simply and cleanly prove the approach it has taken to give Proposition 65 warnings is sufficient to meet the requirements of the law through the “safe harbor” warning.

Instead, OEHHA proposes complicated and burdensome requirements that require warnings to be tailored to specific circumstances, including specific products and their particular contents and use characteristics. Compliance with such new requirements will be infeasible or otherwise financially impossible for many businesses.

Even if compliance is feasible, OEHHA’s draft removes the safe harbor aspect of the regulation and eliminates the right to prove that an alternative warning is clear and reasonable.

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 16 ◆ [email protected][email protected]

Therefore, OEHHA’s proposal will open a new frontier where litigation about the contents of a given warning will be equally as frequent as litigation related to whether a warning is provided.

In its comment letter, the coalition explains why it objects to the removal of “safe harbor” warnings and further provides details on why it vehemently objects to13 specific components of the OEHHA proposal.

Coalition RecommendationThe coalition members believe that the Governor’s goals for Proposition 65 reform can best be achieved by:• maintaining the current “safe harbor” warning; and• creating a website apart from the “clear and reasonable” warning requirement that allows businesses to voluntarily provide additional information about potential exposure to Proposition 65 chemicals.

Businesses are more likely to provide meaningful information for the website regarding exposure to listed chemicals if they are allowed to do so voluntarily without the threat of litigation from private enforcers. Because consumers will know that exposure information is available on the website, companies will be encouraged to explain the context of specific exposure(s) likely to result from use of their products in order to reassure the public of the safety of their products and provide greater context for exposures.A company that fails to provide such information runs the risk in the market (rather than the courtroom) that consumers (rather than plaintiffs’ attorneys) will question the safety of its products and choose not to purchase or use them.

Next StepsThe CalChamber and members of the coalition are communicating with OEHHA to determine next steps. Currently, OEHHA is poised to begin the formal rulemaking process in July; however, given the breadth and scope of the coalition’s concerns, we remain hopeful that OEHHA will delay the formal rulemaking process so that OEHHA can address the coalition’s concerns within a reasonable and realistic timeframe.

News From the Energy Commission

NEW COMPLIANCE MODELING SOFTWARE FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGSAPPROVED ON JUNE 18, 2014The Energy Commission approved Right-Energy Title 24 v1.0 software for compliance with the 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards for newly-constructed single-family buildings. Right-Energy is a component of Wrightsoft’s Right Suite Universal program.A link to Wrightsoft is posted on the Energy Commission’s web page at

The Commission’s website includes information about obtaining Right-Energy Title 24 v1.0, and all of the currently approved compliance software for Residential and Nonresidential buildings.

HELP WITH THE 2013 BUILDING ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDS For compliance assistance with the 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards, contact the Energy Standards Hotline toll-free in California at 800-772-3300 and outside California at 916-654-5106, or via email at [email protected].

Non-substantial Errata - June 2014 for 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards for Residential and Nonresidential Buildings

The CEC has announced an errata for the new 2013 building standards.For more information: link above doesn’t work, please copy entire link into your web browser’s URL)

Solar Reflectance Index Calculator (SRI)

To access the new Solar Reflectance Index Calculator, go to: link above doesn’t work, please copy entire link into your web browser’s URL)

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 17 ◆ [email protected][email protected]

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 18

Safety Harnesses

Safety harnesses may be required when working at elevated heights as part of a fall protection system. Only full body harnesses are allowed to be used as fall protection, not body belts. Also note that harnesses must be made out of synthetic material.

Follow all training regarding the use, fit, inspection, donning, and care of the harness, as your life may depend on its effectiveness.

Prior to putting on your harness:

• Inspect and test your harness and hardware carefully before use to assure that there are no defects such as fraying, holes, cuts, or other deterioration or weakness.

• Take equipment out of service whenever you suspect defects or problems. When in doubt, err on the side of caution.

For your own protection, take good care of your safety harness:

• Handle your harness with care: − Never drop it on the ground. − Keep it away from sharp tools or other objects which might scratch or cut it. − Never weaken the harness or its strap by cutting or punching extra holes.

• Protect the harness from hazardous materials: − Do not permit acids, caustics or other corrosive materials to get on the harness. − Paint and coatings may compromise the integrity of the harness by restricting

movement and potentially causing chemical damage.

• Take care when washing or drying the harness: − If needed, wipe off a soiled harness with warm water and mild soap. Rinse with

warm water. − Wipe a wet harness with a clean dry cloth and let it dry slowly at a temperature

no higher than your hand can bear. − Do not expose a wet harness to extreme cold, heat, or sunlight.

• Replace harnesses as needed: − If the harness is accidentally cut or damaged, turn it in for repair or salvage. − Any safety harness subjected to in-service loading, such as a fall, needs to be

removed from service. − Replace harnesses, following the manufacturer’s instructions and timeline.

• Store harnesses safely: Store harnesses in separate, dry compartments or hang them so that they will not be crushed, worn, or creased.

The number one cause of injury on the work place is falls where employees are not wearing the appropriate fall protection system.

SAFETY ◆ [email protected]

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 19

Safety Harnesses

This form documents that the training specified above was presented to the listed participants. By signing below, each participant acknowledges receiving this training. Organization: Trainer: Trainer’s Signature: _____ Class Participants: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date: Name: Signature: Date:

Remember to load your completed trainings into the Risk Management Center.

SAFETY ◆ [email protected]

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 20

Arneses de seguridad

Los arneses de seguridad puedan ser necesarios cuando se trabaja en alturas elevadas como parte de un sistema de protección contra caídas. Sólo los arneses de cuerpo entero se permiten a ser utilizados como protección contra caídas. Los cinturones de seguridad no están autorizados. También tenga en cuenta que los arneses deben estar hechos de material sintético.

Siga toda la capacitación en cuanto al uso, ajuste, inspección, colocación y cuidado del arnés, ya que su vida pueda depender de su eficacia.

Antes de ponerse el arnés:

• Inspeccione y pruebe su arnés y equipos cuidadosamente antes del uso para asegurarse de que no hayan defectos, como grietas, agujeros, cortes u otras formas de deterioro o debilidad.

• Retire los equipos de servicio cuando se sospecha daño u otros problemas. En caso de duda, peque de cauteloso.

Para su propia protección, cuide bien a su arnés de seguridad:

• Maneje con cuidado el arnés: − Nunca lo deje caer en el suelo. − Manténgalo alejado de herramientas afiladas u otros objetos que puedan rayarlo o

cortarlo. − Nunca debilite el arnés o la correa cortando o perforando agujeros adicionales.

• Proteja el arnés de materiales peligrosos: − No permita que los ácidos, cáusticos u otros materiales corrosivos entren en contacto

con el arnés. − La pintura y los revestimientos puedan comprometer la integridad del arnés mediante la

restricción de movimiento y causando potencialmente el daño químico.

• Tenga cuidado al lavar o secar el arnés: − Si es necesario, limpie un arnés sucio con agua tibia y jabón suave. Enjuáguelo con

agua tibia. − Limpie un arnés mojado con un paño limpio y seco y deje que se seque lentamente a

una temperatura no mayor de su mano puede soportar. − No exponga un arnés mojado al frío, el calor o la luz solar extremos.

• Reemplace los arneses según sea necesario: − Si el arnés se corta o se daña por accidente, entréguelo para reparaciones o

salvamento. − Cualquier arnés de seguridad sujeto a la carga en el servicio, como una caída, se debe

retirar de servicio. − Reemplace los arneses, siguiendo las instrucciones y el calendario del fabricante.

• Almacene los arneses de manera segura: Almacene los arneses en compartimientos separados y secos o cuélguelos para que no se puedan aplastar, desgastar o arrugar.

La causa número uno de lesiones en el lugar de trabajo es las caídas en las que los empleados no están usando el sistema apropiado de protección contra caídas.

SAFETY ◆ [email protected]

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 21

Arneses de seguridad

Este formulario documenta que los participantes mencionados recibieron la capacitación que se detalla más arriba. Al firmar a continuación, cada participante reconoce haber recibido dicha capacitación. Organización: _____ Instructor: Firma del instructor: _____ Participantes de la clase: Nombre: ______ Firma: ______ Fecha: Nombre: ______ Firma: Fecha: Nombre: ______ Firma: ______ Fecha: Nombre: ______ Firma: ______ Fecha: Nombre: ______ Firma: ______ Fecha: Nombre: ______ Firma: Fecha: Nombre: ______ Firma: ______ Fecha: Nombre: ______ Firma: ______ Fecha: Nombre: ______ Firma: ______ Fecha: Nombre: ______ Firma: Fecha: Nombre: ______ Firma: ______ Fecha: Nombre: ______ Firma: ______ Fecha: Nombre: ______ Firma: Fecha: Nombre: ______ Firma: ______ Fecha: Nombre: ______ Firma: ______ Fecha: Nombre: ______ Firma: Fecha: Nombre: ______ Firma: ______ Fecha:

Recuerde registrar las capacitaciones que ha recibido en el Centro de Gestión de Riesgos.

SAFETY ◆ [email protected]

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 22

New Workers’ Comp. & Insurance Program for the:

George Petersen Insurance Agency

George Petersen Insurance Agency175 W. College AvenueSanta Rosa, CA 95401

1.800.236.9046 | 707.525.4150Fax 1.888.579.2843 | 707.525.4175


Brought to you by:

Endorsed Broker of the







For more information, please contact:

Bruce Okrepkie: 707.360.4117 or [email protected] Walters: 707.525.4168 or [email protected] Parsons: 707.525.2715 or [email protected]

Reasons to Enroll in the New MBA Insurance Program:

MBA members receive preferred pricing and benefit from group buying power through exclusive carrier

Access to George Petersen’s exclusive online Human Resources and Safety & Loss Control portal

Work with one of three highly knowledgeable agents from George Petersen Insurance Agency who specialize in construction, and have access to their dedicated support team

Access to the George Petersen Insurance Agency Newsletter

Outstanding customer service

Continued access to MBA’s safety programs ◆ [email protected]

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 23

Changes to expect:

• • • For plan years beginning on and after January 1, 2014, employers should carefully evaluate arrangements under which they reimburse employees for premiums, or are otherwise involved in the purchase of individual health insurance policies that provide non-excepted medical coverage (i.e., coverage that is subject to health care reform’s mandates) for employees. These arrangements create significant compliance concerns under health care reform. Furthermore, these individual policies should not be paid for or reimbursed on a pre-tax basis under an employer's cafeteria plan. As described in more detail (left).

Caution for Individual Policy Reimbursement

The IRS uses a FAQ on Employer Health Care Arrangements to highlight

the potential liability for employers that, rather than establishing a group

health plan, merely reimburse employees for the cost of their individual

health plan premium.

Q1. What are the consequences to the employer if the employer does

not establish a health insurance plan for its own employees, but

reimburses those employees for premiums they pay for health

insurance (either through a qualified health plan in the Marketplace

or outside the Marketplace)?

The IRS makes it clear that the consequence is that the employer may face a


Specifically, as explained in Notice 2013-54, employer reimbursement plans

are considered to be group health plans and therefore subject to the market

reforms, including the prohibition on annual limits for essential health

benefits and the requirement to provide certain preventive care without cost

sharing. Notice 2013-54 clarifies, however, that employer reimbursement

plans cannot be integrated with individual policies to satisfy the market


Consequently, the employer may be subject to a $100/day excise tax per

applicable employee (which is $36,500 per year, per employee) under Code

Sec. 4980 D.

Let us help design your program to avoid this penalty. By Mike Carlson, Builders Association Health Plan [email protected] or 415-755-6325

Are you covering the cost of your Employee’s Individual Medical Policy?

Marin Builders Association 6/17/2014 ◆ [email protected]

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 24

PERMITS Permit lists subject to change,please check with Association. ◆ [email protected]

Owner Contractor Address Parcel # Construction ValueBarber Vicki Tonik /Tr/ CHARLES KELLER CONSTRUCTI 242 Alameda De La Loma Novato 160-221-27 (12, 23, 50, 52, $10,000 Birks-Hay Paul ROOFING SERVICES GROUP 12 Altamira Ave Kentfield 071-132-51 (53) Tear-Off & R $12,000 Pierce Brandon /Tr/ Etal BUNNELL BUILDERS 155 Kent Ave Kentfield 074-092-07 (62) Demo House J $15,000 Havlek David A EDEN ROC CO. 680 Goodhill Rd Kentfield 074-271-08 (62) Demo For Upc $38,460 Davidson Thomas M & A-TAYLOR MADE WINDOW 132 Main Dr San Rafael 186-051-07 (58) Repl 14 Wndw $27,181 Zigant Domenic A /Tr/ & CONROY BUILDERS 927 Alturas Way Mill Valley 050-023-04 (54) Dry Rot Repa $18,500 Conrad Tony & Mary Rev PETE HUMPHREY CARPENTRY I 21 Drakes Summit Rd Inverness 114-340-11 (21, 22, 12, 13, $188,000 O Connor Deborah Revoc OVERLAND CONTRACTING 525 H Ranch Rd(Big Rock Ridge 121-110-07 (31,50) Repl 3 An $40,000 Hughes Mary A OWNER 835 La Playa Way San Rafael 180-143-07 (23) Rmdl Bdrm $9,900 Policar Michael S & BATH SIMPLE 80 Mt Tenaya Dr San Rafael 164-413-03 (23) Rmdl Ba $16,000 Livesey Nicola P BRAINTREE WOODWORKS 15 Ridge Ln Mill Valley 046-151-24 (23, 50) Master B $23,750 R M D G Llc OWNER 685 Atherton Ave Novato 143-670-04 (20--1/3) Single $459,240 R M D G Llc OWNER 685 Atherton Ave Novato 143-670-04 (11) Retaining Wa $37,600 R M D G, L L C OWNER 689 Atherton Ave. Novato 143-670-05 (20--1/5) S F Dwe $444,675 R M D G, L L C OWNER 689 Atherton Ave. Novato 143-670-05 (12) GarageHold $35,000 Vais Family Trust Etal BERTRAM POOLS INC 681 Atherton Ave Novato 143-670-03 (10) New Swimming $65,000 Griffin Kenneth A J L ELECTRIC 36 Millstone Ter San Rafael 164-174-12 (60) Rf Mtd P V S $14,200 Mathew Tarek P & PMM CONSTRUCTION 3515 Paradise Dr Tiburon 058-032-09 (23) Rmdl 2 Bas A $19,500 Storek Glenn & Lynda OWNER/BUILDER 175 Upland Rd Kentfield 075-241-05 (21) (22) (56) Ad $183,000 Ranjbin Raheleh OWNER 4 Oakhurst Rd San Rafael 018-122-07 (22,54,59) Rmdl 2 $87,500 Goldsborough Robert 207 OWNER/BUILDER 136 Reed Blvd Mill Valley 043-131-14 (53) Reroof $13,800 Stout Jason & Kristen Tru OWNER/BUILDER 24 Palomino Rd Novato 146-331-13 (22) Interior Rem $10,000 Stang Bruce W OWNER/BUILDER 410 Bloom Ln Novato 146-340-39 (56) Repl Siding $14,000 Henn Christopher & Lind SOLARCITY CORPORATION 200 S Ridgewood Rd Kentfield 075-083-03 (60) 5.3 Kw Roof $12,000 Stadtner Alexander N & Et SOLARWORKS 190 Mt Lassen Dr San Rafael 164-421-07 (60) Rf Mtd P V S $18,551 Besson Home Improvemnt OWNER/BUILDER 148 Hillside Ave Kentfield 074-062-20 (24,13, 12,93) C $47,000 Herzog Michael &Herbert DI PAULA ROOFING 51 Ridgecrest Rd Kentfield 075-214-04 (53) Tear Off & R $14,750


Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 25

COUNTY OF MARIN PERMITS RECEIVEDAddress Owner Work Value6 Laverne Ln Mill Valley Cohen Andrew & (24) Convert Storage To Liv Sp $75,60010 Leona Dr San Rafael Kurtzig Kenneth Trust (10) New Swimming Pool $100,00041 Lincoln Ave Stinson Beach Crosby Carey S 2008 Trust (23, 53, 56, 92) Interior Remo $75,0005488 Middle Rd Petaluma Jablons David M /Tr/ & (22,13) Create 2 Units Of Farm $143,00010 Washington Ave San Rafael Treacy Edmund J Jr (21) Add Studio In Back YardT $40,000 165 Stanford Ave Mill Valley Rice Paul (23) Rmdl Entry And Ma Ba; Add $53,000100 Shoreline Hwy B Mill Valley Shoreline Office Center Llc Etal (33) Tenant Improvements To Su $275,00041 Shell Rd Mill Valley Hamilton Scott & (12,55) Reloc 2nd Unit In Back $45,00041 Shell Rd Mill Valley Hamilton Scott & (20--1/4,12,13) Demo And Rebui $685,000104 Kristin Marie Ct Novato Miller Richard S /Tr/ & Christine R /Tr/ (10) New Swimming Pool $32,40050 Barbaree Way (Bldg 10) Tiburon Rp Maximus Cove Owner L L C (23, 54, 58) Remod Baths & Kit $107,91650 Barbaree Way (Bldg 11) Tiburon Rp Maximus Cove Owner L L C (23, 54, 58) Remod Baths & Kit $129,50050 Barbaree Way (Bldg 9) Tiburon Rp Maximus Cove Owner L L C (23, 54, 58) Remod Baths & Kit $86,50074 Bay Vista Dr Mill Valley Bayer Jeanne /Tr/ Etal (21,22) Addn (Encl Porch); Rmd $25,000429 Calle De La Mesa Novato Knoles Terrence C & Emily A (23, 24) Convert (E) Patio To $75,00043 Caribe Isle Novato Lewis Janet C (12,92) Deck Cover And Railing $30,000118 Circle Rd San Rafael Kroner Kenneth F /Tr/ & (21,12,13) Addn To Gar; Addn O $350,00035 Corte Sereno Greenbrae Thurman Maura L (22,23,50,56,59) Rmdl Kit & Ma $200,000292 Crest Rd Novato Cohen Barry /Tr/ (55) Voluntary Seismic Upgrade $13,80025 Woodview Ln Novato Baird Wyllys & (10,13,52) Pool & Spa; Decks, $200,000110 Waterford Ter San Rafael Waterford Assoc L L C (12,13) New Deck And Arbor $10,00033 Reed Blvd Mill Valley Van Acker Gary E Tr (33) T I For Business Office $125,000505 Pixie Trl Mill Valley Sold Adam & Danielle Joint Living Tr (22- 0/4, 13) Addition & New D $325,00085 Mt Tenaya Dr San Rafael Star Michael /Tr/ & Etal (22,23,50) Struct Rmdl Of Atri $108,000409 Montford Ave Mill Valley Kcs 409 Montford Ave Llc (29, 12, 13) Rebuild Single Fa $1,100,00036 Millstone Ter San Rafael Griffin Kenneth A (60) Rf Mtd P V Sys 5.67 K W - $14,2003515 Paradise Dr Tiburon Mathew Tarek P & (23) Rmdl 2 Bas And Mbdrm - Ex $19,500200 S Ridgewood Rd Kentfield Henn Christopher M & Linda K (60) 5.3 Kw Roof Top Photovolt $12,000190 Mt Lassen Dr San Rafael Stadtner Alexander N & Etal (60) Rf Mtd P V Sys 3.3 K W - $18,551

PERMITS Permit lists subject to change,please check with Association. ◆ [email protected]


DateOwner Contractor Site Address Type Valuation

Novato 6/23 Stein James Benjamin Franklin Plumbing

11 Nave Ct Minor Plumbing $10,500

Novato 6/23 Kinka Margaret S Novato Glass, Inc. 17 Spinosa Way Windows 9 Or More Ol $12,222 Novato 6/23 Vintage Way Carwash

IncBooth & Little Roofing 125 Vintage Way Reroof $31,485

Novato 6/23 Pacific Dental Services Donald B Webb 946 Diablo Ave 948 Tenant Improvement $84,000 Novato 6/24 Vorrises Peter D /Tr/ & Solarcity 1146 Simmons Ln Solar $13,000 Novato 6/24 Nickerson Erin L &

Beaudette BSolarcity 65 Drakewood Ln Solar $17,600

Novato 6/24 Hamilton Marin Llc Devcon Construction Inc.

5 Hamilton Landing Tenant Improvement $213,700

Novato 6/25 Evans Jarrett S Lic.Contract.Hired By Owner

47 Clay Ct Minor Construction $12,000

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 26

PERMITS Permit lists subject to change,please check with Association. ◆ [email protected]

City/Town Issue Date

Owner Contractor Site Address Type Valuation

Novato 6/25 Tumbokon Joehnel 3D Remodeling Inc 19 Joan Ave Construction $19,166 Novato 6/25 North Bay Center Llc Kaiser Foundation

Health Plan7200 Redwood Blvd

Tenant Improvement $258,000

Novato 6/26 Kane Candace S 3D Remodeling Inc 6 Sylvia Cir Minor Construction $14,282 Novato 6/26 Kathy Derenzi Solarcity 95 Samrose Dr Solar $17,500 Novato 6/26 Laura Weilt Solarcity 738 Sutro Ave Solar $24,800 Novato 6/26 Weber Robert G & Owner-Builder 52 Capilano Dr Window $30,000 Novato 6/26 Del Toro Leonardo & Vivint Solar Developers

Llc1495 Indian Valley Rd

Solar $39,200

Novato 6/26 Marin Coummunity Clinic

Brett Moody / Moody Constructi

6100 Redwood Blvd

Tenant Improvement $60,000

San Rafael 6/17 Heldt E David /Tr & 12 Alasdair Ct Alter-Sfd $10,000 San Rafael 6/17 Lituanio Louis A Tr & Marin Master Builders

Inc.6 Graceland Dr Alter-Sfd $18,000

San Rafael 6/17 Bradford David K 78 Terradillo Ave Alter-Sfd $37,000 San Rafael 6/17 Kessell Barbara J Christensen

Construction71 Briarwood Dr Alter-Sfd $60,000

San Rafael 6/18 Ross Alan D & Mary C Sonoma Roofing Serv 53 Sandalwood Ct Alter-Sfd $17,620 San Rafael 6/18 Cummings Robert L & Sonoma Roofing Servi 9 Amalfi Pl Alter-Sfd $19,280 San Rafael 6/18 Chavira Rosemary S & Chavira Rosemary S & 705 Pine Ln Alter-Sfd $40,000 San Rafael 6/18 Eberhard Laura W & Payesko Construction

Inc526 Biscayne Dr Alter-Sfd

$228,550 San Rafael 6/19 Jaskela Steven R & Agape 218 Catalina Blvd Alter-Condo $15,000 San Rafael 6/19 Aurora Loan Services Aurora Loan Services 170 Mcnear Dr Alter-Sfd $27,600 San Rafael 6/19 Karkabi Naaim /Tr/ 2200 4Th St Alter-Commercial $28,000 San Rafael 6/19 Tarlow Kenneth A & Scott Matthewa

Contractor218 C St Alter-Sfd

$100,000 San Rafael 6/20 Sprout Kevin Re-Bath By Schicker 39 Newport Way Alter-Sfd $20,201 San Rafael 6/20 Samaniego Christophe Manchip Construction 610 Belle Ave Alter-Sfd

$120,000 San Rafael 6/23 Earthlings Llc Earthlings Llc 78 Ridge Ave Alter-Sfd $80,000 Tiburon 6/23 Marin & Joan Lasden Bm Contractors Inc 1812 Centro West

StreetRepair $16,000

Tiburon 6/23 William J & Rita M Dunlay

Lamperti Contracting & Design Inc

304 Paradise Drive Remodel $38,000

Tiburon 6/23 John Ferguson All Star General Contractor

34 Noche Vista Lane

Addition $205,000

Tiburon 6/24 Betsy & Nathan Wright Rempe Construction 139 Gilmartin Drive Remodel $95,000 Tiburon 6/26 Jessica Switzer Green Hildebrand Renovation 256 Karen Way Addition

$150,000 Tiburon 6/26 Dorota & Andrew Wisner Travis Kelleher 10 Apollo Road Addition


Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 27

TAX LIENS & COMPLETIONS ◆ [email protected]


Grantors/Grantees Grantees/Grantors Title Document Number


INC (I)(none) COMPLETION 2014-0026846

7/2 BRADLEY MAUDE (I) (none) COMPLETION 2014-00273547/2 COUNTY OF MARIN (I) (none) COMPLETION 2014-00274017/2 GCCI INC (I) (none) COMPLETION 2014-00274017/2 MARIN COUNTY (I) (none) COMPLETION 2014-00274017/2 WISE OWL CONSTRUCTION (I) (none) COMPLETION 2014-00273547/3 GSE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY

INC (I)(none) COMPLETION 2014-0027527


(none) COMPLETION 2014-0027528


(none) COMPLETION 2014-0027529


(none) COMPLETION 2014-0027530


(none) COMPLETION 2014-0027527


(none) COMPLETION 2014-0027528


(none) COMPLETION 2014-0027529


(none) COMPLETION 2014-0027530

LIENSRecording Date

Grantors/Grantees Grantees/Grantors Title Document Number


ABERI MIKE (O) LIEN 2014-0027059


ABERI SHAHRZAD (O) LIEN 2014-0027059


TRUST (O)LIEN 2014-0027535


TRUST (O)LIEN 2014-0027536



LIEN 2014-0027537


COOLEY ROBERTA (O) LIEN 2014-0027537

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 28

TAX LIENS & COMPLETIONS ◆ [email protected]

LIENS (continued)Recording Date

Grantors/Grantees Grantees/Grantors Title Document Number


LONG DOROTHY H /TR/ (O) LIEN 2014-0027537




STEVENS LINDA (O) LIEN 2014-0027537


LIEN 2014-0027537


(O)LIEN 2014-0027699


Grantors/Grantees Grantees/Grantors Title Document Number




RELEASE OF LIEN 2014-0027541


TAX LIENSRecording Date

Grantors/Grantees Grantees/Grantors Title Document Number


TAX LIEN 2014-0027004


TAX LIEN 2014-0027005


Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 29

TAX LIENS & COMPLETIONS ◆ [email protected]

TAX LIENS (continued)Recording Date

Grantors/Grantees Grantees/Grantors Title Document Number


(O)TAX LIEN 2014-0027034


Bruce Okrepkie707.360.4117

[email protected]

Daniel Walters707.525.4168

[email protected]

Sean Parsons707.525.2715

[email protected]

George Petersen Insurance Agency

NEW MBA Workers’ Compensation & Commercial Insurance Program

We are excited to announce that George Petersen Insurance Agency has developed a new workers’ compensation & commmercial insurance program for the Marin Builders Association. With a 76-year history of insuring local contractors, George Petersen Insurance Agency has the experience and expertise to protect your business.

By partnering with George Petersen Insurance Agency, you’ll receive preferred pricing on your workers’ compensation rates. In addition, you can benefit from working closely with one of George Petersen’s construction-industry professionals. With over 50 years of combined experience, George Petersen’s specialized construction agents have a deep understanding of the industry, allowing them to assess the unique characteristics of your business, its exposures and its evolving needs.

Support the MBA and protect your business by contacting one of our construction specialists today:

License #0603247

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 30 ◆ [email protected]

PROJECT BID SCHEDULE ◆ [email protected]

Bid list subject to change prior to bid date,please check with Association.

Bid Date Bid Time Project Name City BIN # Plan Issuer7/3/2014 2:00 PM Stanislaus County* 176C San Joaquin Pipeline No. 1 Replacement at Cashman Creek-


7/3/2014 2:30 PM Sloughhouse E745B/040C

Sacramento County Municipal Services Agency

Kiefer Landfill-Module 1 Phase 2 Final Cover

7/3/2014 1:00 PM San Pablo ONLINE

San Pablo, City ofRumrill Park

7/3/2014 1:00 PM Visalia ONLINE

Visalia, City OfConcrete Cleaning & Sealing (Transit Center)

7/3/2014 2:00 PM Stockton ONLINE

Stockton, City ofRalph Avenue Sewer Rehabilitation Project-Phase 1 (Airport Way to B Street)

7/3/2014 2:00 PM Healdsburg ONLINE

Healdsburg, City OfFY 14/15 Annual Asphalt Maintenance Contract

7/3/2014 4:00 PM Elk Grove ONLINE

Elk Grove, City ofWaterman Road Pavement Rehabilitation, South of Mosher to Old Waterman Road Project

7/3/2014 3:00 PM San Jose ONLINE

San Jose, City Of7085-Bucknall Road Sidewalk Improvement

7/3/2014 4:00 PM Petaluma ONLINE

Petaluma, City ofRFP-Engineering & Design Services for Copeland Pump Station

7/3/2014 3:00 PM Sacramento ONLINE

Sacramento, City OfElectrical Studies of DOU Facilities

7/3/2014 2:00 PM Concord ONLINE

USACE Sacramento District

Construct Engineering/Housing Maintenance Shop, Military Ocean Terminal

7/3/2014 4:00 PM Petaluma ONLINE

Petaluma, City ofRFP-Engineering & Design Services for Paula Lane Tank Rehabilitation

7/3/2014 2:00 PM Burlingame ONLINE

Burlingame, City ofSanitary Sewer Point Repair Project 2014-2015

7/3/2014 2:00 PM Stockton ONLINE

Stockton, City ofRoof Replacement for Multiple City Facilities

7/3/2014 5:00 PM Milpitas ONLINE

Milpitas, city ofRFP-On-Call Licensed Landscape Architects-Park Design Services

7/3/2014 2:00 PM Stockton ONLINE

Stockton, City ofCesar Chavez Library HVAC Controls

7/7/2014 9:30 AM Albany 001C/R054

MacGregor High School Building Demolition

7/7/2014 10:00 AM San Francisco ONLINE

Blaze Pizza

7/7/2014 2:00 PM Dublin ONLINE

Dublin Station Exterior Improvements

7/7/2014 10:00 AM Mill Valley ONLINE

Mill Valley, City ofRFP-School Traffic Calming Project

7/7/2014 2:00 PM French Camp ONLINE

San Joaquin, County ofSouth Jail Recreation Yard Mesh Project

7/7/2014 2:00 PM Napa ONLINE

Napa, County ofWhite Sulphur Road Retaining Wall

7/7/2014 2:30 PM San Francisco ONLINE

San Francisco, City & County of

Portsmouth Square Park Restroom Renovation-Rebid

7/7/2014 2:30 PM Citrus Heights ONLINE

San Juan Unified School District

Mesa Verde High School Audio-Visual Equipment & Installation

7/7/2014 11:00 AM Manteca ONLINE

Manteca CA- Dickey's BBQ Restaurant

7/7/2014 2:00 PM Citrus Heights ONLINE

Walgreens Store # 05774 Interior Remodel-Citrus Heights

7/7/2014 2:00 PM Sacramento ONLINE

Walgreens Store # 05374 Interior Remodel-Stockton Blvd

7/7/2014 2:00 PM Sacramento ONLINE

Walgreens Store # 01470 Interior Remodel-Arden Way

7/7/2014 2:00 PM San Jose ONLINE

Walgreens Store # 03378 Interior Remodel-San Jose

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 31

PROJECT BID SCHEDULE ◆ [email protected]

Bid list subject to change prior to bid date,please check with Association.

Bid Date Bid Time Project Name City BIN # Plan Issuer7/7/2014 2:00 PM Ukiah ONLINE

Ukiah, City OfCalvert Drive & Willow Avenue Water Main Replacement

7/8/2014 12:00 PM Watsonville 016C Kimson Meditation Center

7/8/2014 3:00 PM Napa* 019C/E780B

Montecito Boulevard Drainage Improvements

7/8/2014 2:00 PM Hayward 021C/R051

Alameda, County ofDrainage Inlet Structure Replacement at Various Locations on Foothill Road and Mines Road

7/8/2014 2:00 PM Hayward E747B/088C

Bay Area Rapid Transit District

Construction of Hayward Maintenance Complex Project

7/8/2014 3:30 PM Tiburon E761B

Marin, county ofParadise Cay 2014 Maintenance Dredging (Rebid)

7/8/2014 2:00 PM Castro Valley E765B/047C

Alameda, County ofDesilting of Twin Box Culverts Under Eden Canyon Road MM 0.46

7/8/2014 2:00 PM Novato E772B/069C

San Rafael, city ofPacific Way (Muir Beach) & Loma Verde Improvements Project

7/8/2014 2:00 PM Eden Township E773B/013C

Alameda, County ofThe Sidewalk Improvements on Hacienda Ave to Bengal Ave

7/8/2014 2:00 PM Berkeley ONLINE

Berkeley, UCHilgard Hall Storm Drainage Improvement

7/8/2014 2:00 PM Elk Grove ONLINE

Elk Grove, City ofDry Wells As Low Impact Development Improvements Project

7/8/2014 2:00 PM South San Francisco ONLINE

South San Francisco, City of

2014 Street Scrub Seal and Micro-Surfacing Project

7/8/2014 3:00 PM Cupertino ONLINE

Foothill-De Anza Community College District

1692-216 Library (Prequalified Generals Only)

7/8/2014 1:00 PM Davis ONLINE

Davis, city ofEmergency Generators-Rebid

7/8/2014 2:00 PM Vacaville ONLINE

Vacaville, City OfMagnolia Park Water Play Area

7/8/2014 2:00 PM Corte Madera ONLINE

Corte Madera, town of2014 Pavement Improvement Project-Overlay

7/8/2014 2:00 PM San Pablo ONLINE

San Pablo, City of2014 Pavement Maintenance One Bay Area Grant Local Street & Roads Preservation

7/8/2014 2:00 PM Millbrae ONLINE

Millbrae, city of2014 #1 Digester Coating Project

7/8/2014 4:00 PM Corte Madera ONLINE

Golden Gate Bridge, Highway & Transportation District

RFQ-RFP-Berth & Channel Maintenance Dredging & Pile Repair Design & Permit Support Services at Larkspur Ferry Terminal

7/8/2014 2:00 PM Rohnert Park ONLINE

Sonoma State University

Student Center Water Softener

7/8/2014 1:00 PM Richmond ONLINE

Richmond, City ofIR Site 3 Remediation, Former Naval Fuel Depot Point Molate

7/8/2014 2:00 PM San Francisco ONLINE

TG08.9:Roll-Up Doors & Grilles

7/8/2014 3:00 PM Roseville ONLINE

Roseville, City of Dry Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Dewatering Building Roof Rehabilitation

7/8/2014 2:00 PM Antioch ONLINE

Antioch, City ofMaintenance Service Center Fueling System Improvements (Rebid)

7/8/2014 2:00 PM Contra Costa County ONLINE

Contra Costa, County of

RFQ-On-Call Consulting Services-Landscape Architect Services

7/8/2014 5:00 PM Burlingame ONLINE

Burlingame, City ofRFP-Professional Engineering Design Services for Broadway Grade Separation

7/8/2014 2:00 PM Burlingame ONLINE

Burlingame, City ofEasement Clearance Project 2014-2015

7/8/2014 10:00 AM San Carlos ONLINE

San Carlos, City of2014 Miscellaneous Storm Repairs Project

7/8/2014 2:00 PM Antioch ONLINE

Antioch, City ofCountry Hills Drive Sanitary Sewer Main Rehabilitation

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 32

PROJECT BID SCHEDULE ◆ [email protected]

Bid list subject to change prior to bid date,please check with Association.

Bid Date Bid Time Project Name City BIN # Plan Issuer7/8/2014 2:00 PM Danville ONLINE

Danville, Town ofRailroad Avenue Improvements

7/8/2014 3:00 PM San Jose ONLINE

San Jose State University

12-NW-2 Feeder Partial Replacement Project

7/8/2014 2:00 PM Modesto Online Onl

Stanislaus, County ofConant Place Tree Removal

7/8/2014 2:00 PM Livermore T003 Chabot-LasPositas Comm College Dist

Building 2000 Library Renovation Project, Bldgs 1300 & 1700- Las Positas College

7/9/2014 2:00 PM Pittsburg 011C Pittsburg, city of Old Town Square

7/9/2014 10:00 AM San Rafael 031C, R052

San Rafael, city ofH Street Roadway Improvements Project

7/9/2014 2:30 PM Pittsburg 049C/R031

Pittsburg, city of San Marco/Vista Del Mar Pedestrian Trail

7/9/2014 2:00 PM Mountain View 101C Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

North Coach Division BRT Improvement Project (Rebid)

7/9/2014 2:00 PM Oroville E766B/099C

California Natural Resources Agency

Well Replacement, Phase II

7/9/2014 2:00 PM Alameda Co. E782B/066C

Alameda County Water District

Vallecitos Channel Repair Project

7/9/2014 2:30 PM San Francisco ONLINE

San Francisco, City & County of

Various Locations Pavement Renovation No. 17

7/9/2014 2:00 PM Folsom ONLINE

Folsom Central Pad

7/9/2014 2:00 PM Sacramento ONLINE

Sacramento, City OfRiver Park Drainage Improvements Phase I

7/9/2014 10:00 AM Woodacre ONLINE

Marin Municipal Water District

San Geronimo Treatment Plant Electrical Service Upgrade

7/9/2014 3:00 PM San Francisco ONLINE

State of CaliforniaFurnish & Install New Carpet Tiles - Floors 1, 2 & 4

7/9/2014 2:00 PM Pittsburg ONLINE

Pittsburg MOT New Construction (No GC Opening)

7/9/2014 2:00 PM Mountain View Online Mountain View, city ofShoreline Boulevard Storm Drain Improvements

7/9/2014 4:00 PM San Pablo ONLINE

San Pablo, City ofWildcat Creek Trail Project

7/9/2014 2:00 PM Berkeley ONLINE

Berkeley, UCGiannini Hall 2nd Floor Office Renovations

7/9/2014 2:00 PM San Pablo ONLINE

San Pablo, City of2013/2014 Annual Pavement Maintenance

7/9/2014 2:30 PM San Francisco ONLINE

San Francisco, City & County of

Dolores Street Pavement Renovation, Sewer Replacement & Water Main Installation

7/9/2014 5:00 PM San Mateo ONLINE

San Mateo, City OfRFP-Public Area Video Security System

7/9/2014 2:30 PM San Francisco ONLINE

San Francisco, City & County of

As-Needed Sidewalk Repair for Accelerated Sidewalk Abatement Program

7/9/2014 2:00 PM Menlo Park ONLINE

Menlo Park, City of2014-2015 Resurfacing of Federal Aid Routes

7/9/2014 2:00 PM San Jose ONLINE

Department of Motor Vehicles

Janitorial Services for the San Jose DMV Field Office

7/9/2014 2:00 PM Watsonville ONLINE

Santa Cruz, County ofPajaro River Levee Restoration Project

7/9/2014 2:00 PM Citrus Heights ONLINE

Citrus Heights, City ofLandscape Maintenance & Watering Services

7/9/2014 3:00 PM San Jose ONLINE

San Jose, City OfRequest for Proposals for Design Build Entities for United States Patent & Trademark Office

7/9/2014 2:00 PM Sacramento ONLINE

Sacramento, City OfOak Park & Colonial Heights Water Improvements

7/9/2014 12:00 PM Palo Alto ONLINE

Nike Store

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 33

PROJECT BID SCHEDULE ◆ [email protected]

Bid list subject to change prior to bid date,please check with Association.

Bid Date Bid Time Project Name City BIN # Plan Issuer7/9/2014 3:00 PM Oroville/Los


State of CaliforniaRFP-Exhibit Design & Fabrication Services

7/10/2014 2:00 PM Marin County E768B/062C

Marin, county ofLandslide Repairs Novato Boulevard Multi Use Path Between MP 6.53 & 6.69

7/10/2014 1:30 PM Woodacre E771B/070C

Marin, county ofWoodacre Fire Station Storage Addition

7/10/2014 3:00 PM Napa* E775B/014C

McKinstry Street Rule 20B Underground Utility Project

7/10/2014 2:00 PM San Jose ONLINE

Santa Clara, County ofCoyote Creek Trail Pavement Improvements at Hellyer County Park

7/10/2014 12:00 PM South San Francisco ONLINE

South San Francisco, City of

Grand Avenue Library Renovation Project

7/10/2014 2:00 PM King City ONLINE

King City CA-AutoZone # 5510

7/10/2014 2:00 PM Sacramento ONLINE

Sacramento County Municipal Services Agency

Fair Oaks Boulevard Pedestrain Improvement Project - Day Drive to Arden Way

7/10/2014 4:00 PM Atherton ONLINE

Atherton, Town OfRFP-Civic Center Gotechnical Engineering Services

7/10/2014 3:00 PM San Jose ONLINE

San Jose, City ofRFQ_HDMI, VGA, Video Connectivity with Projector Control & Installation

7/10/2014 2:00 PM Los Altos ONLINE

Los Altos, City ofStreet Resurfacing (Rubberized Cap Seal)

7/10/2014 12:00 PM San Francisco ONLINE

Eddie Bauer

7/10/2014 12:00 PM Oakland ONLINE

Fallas Stores (Specs on Plans)

7/10/2014 2:00 PM Merced ONLINE

Merced CA-AutoZone # 4188

7/10/2014 2:00 PM Santa Rosa ONLINE

Santa Rosa, City ofLED Street Lights

7/10/2014 4:00 PM Vacaville ONLINE

Vacaville, City OfDesign-Build Request for Statement of Qualifications & Prequalification for Fire Station 75

7/10/2014 5:00 PM Belmont ONLINE

Belmont, city ofFootbridge Over Spillway at Notre Dame Dam #619

7/10/2014 2:00 PM Scotts Valley ONLINE

Santa Cruz, County ofNelson Road PM 2.0 Storm Damage Repair Project

7/10/2014 2:00 PM Santa Cruz ONLINE

Santa Cruz, County of14th and 16th Avenue Pump Station Abandonment Project

7/10/2014 2:00 PM San Francisco ONLINE

San Francisco, UCMoffitt Long Emergency Room Department Room L1213 Radiology Room Equipment Replacement

7/10/2014 2:00 PM Oakland ONLINE

Oakland, City ofTraffic Signal Modification San Pablo Ave & West St, San Pabo Ave & West Grand Ave

7/10/2014 2:00 PM Santa Rosa ONLINE

Santa Rosa, City ofStations 6, 7 and 12 Standby Generator Replacements

7/10/2014 2:00 PM Oakland ONLINE

Oakland, City ofNew Traffic Signal Bancroft Avenue & 94th Avenue

7/10/2014 2:00 PM Oakland ONLINE

Oakland, City ofTraffic Signal Modifications on Hegenberger Road (Edes Ave to 73rd Ave-International Blvd)

7/10/2014 2:00 PM Union City ONLINE

Union City, city ofDecoto Green Streets Project

7/10/2014 3:00 PM Los Altos ONLINE

Foothill-De Anza Community College District

Fire Alarm System Replacement Phase III

7/10/2014 2:00 PM Hayward ONLINE

Chabot-LasPositas Comm College Dist

Roof Replacement, Buildings 1000 & 3100, Chabot College (Informal Bid)

7/10/2014 2:30 PM San Mateo County ONLINE

San Mateo, County ofRoad Oil Application in Conjunction with the Country's 2014 Chip Seal Road Mainetance Project

7/10/2014 2:00 PM San Mateo ONLINE

San Mateo, City ofWastewater Treatment Plant On-Call Repair/Replacement & Critical Services

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 34

PROJECT BID SCHEDULE ◆ [email protected]

Bid list subject to change prior to bid date,please check with Association.

Bid Date Bid Time Project Name City BIN # Plan Issuer7/10/2014 2:30 PM Moss Beach ONLINE

San Mateo, County ofGreen Street Improvement Project On Carlos Street

7/10/2014 2:00 PM Oakland ONLINE

Oakland, City ofRFP-Special Inspection & Material Testing Services to Support Replacement of Embarcadero Bridge Over Lake Merritt Channel

7/10/2014 4:00 PM Atherton ONLINE

Atherton, Town OfRFP-Environmental Document Preparation for the Atherton Civic Center Master Plan

7/10/2014 2:00 PM Oakland ONLINE

Oakland, City ofHegenberger Road Bridge Over San Leandro Street Preventive Maintenance Repair

7/10/2014 2:00 PM Gilroy ONLINE

Santa Clara, County OfCoyote Lake Kiosk Project

7/10/2014 2:00 PM Watsonville ONLINE

Santa Cruz, County ofBuena Vista Sanitary Landfill, Module 5 Construction

7/10/2014 2:00 PM Auburn ONLINE

Placer County Water Agency

High Street Restoration

7/10/2014 2:00 PM Stockton ONLINE

Stockton, City ofWilson Way ADA Improvements

7/10/2014 2:00 PM San Mateo ONLINE

San Mateo, City ofGrit Rag Hauling & Disposal

7/11/2014 2:00 PM San Francisco ONLINE

Hunter's Point Shipyard Phase 1, Block 56-57

7/11/2014 2:00 PM Milpitas ONLINE

St Elizabeth Ministry

7/11/2014 2:00 PM Stockton ONLINE

San Joaquin, County ofStockton Metropolitan Airport Signage Marques

7/11/2014 10:00 AM Santa Clara Co. ONLINE

Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District

Pond DR05 Restoration Project

7/11/2014 2:00 PM Pittsburg ONLINE

Pittsburg Unified School Dist

RFQ-Architectural & Engineering Services for District Office

7/11/2014 5:00 PM Fairfield ONLINE

Gordon StankowskiRockville Terrace Senior Housing-Sitework

7/14/2014 2:00 PM Belmont* 003C Belburn Water Main Replacement Project

7/14/2014 3:00 PM Roseville ONLINE

Roseville, City of Water Distribution Shop T.I.

7/14/2014 3:00 PM San Jose ONLINE

Santa Clara County Housing Authority

Common Area Interior & Exterior Painting for Villa Hermosa

7/14/2014 9:00 AM San Jose ONLINE

Gap/Westgate Center

7/14/2014 5:00 PM Santa Rosa ONLINE

Sonoma, County ofRFP-Highway 101 at Airport Blvd Interchange in Sonoma County Post Mile 25.6 to Post Mile 27.0

7/14/2014 3:00 PM San Jose ONLINE

Santa Clara County Housing Authority

Removal, Replacement & Installation of all Kitchen Appliances at Villa Hermosa

7/14/2014 3:00 PM San Jose ONLINE

Santa Clara County Housing Authority

Common Area Floor Covering Replacement for Villa Hermosa

7/15/2014 2:00 PM Hayward E763B/097C

Bay Area Rapid Transit District

The Construction of Hayward Maintenance Complex Project Building for Demolition

7/15/2014 2:00 PM Newark/Fremont E784B/067C

Alameda County Water District

Niles Cone Saltwater Intrusion & Aquifier Characterization Project

7/15/2014 10:00 AM Pinole* E786B/061C

Pinole Tennis Court Overlay & Resurfacing

7/15/2014 2:00 PM Campbell ONLINE

Campbell, city ofE. Campbell Avenue Portals Project 2nd Issue

7/15/2014 2:00 PM Richmond ONLINE

West Contra Costa Unified School District

Nystrom Elementary School Main Classroom Building

7/15/2014 2:00 PM Santa Cruz ONLINE

Santa Cruz, City ofWestlake Neighborhood Pedestrian Safety Project

7/15/2014 11:00 AM Modesto ONLINE

Modesto, City ofDownstream Water System Improvements Tier 2 Pressure Regulating Valves

7/15/2014 2:00 PM El Sobrante ONLINE

Contra Costa, County of

Hillside Drive Sidewalk Gap Closure

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 35

PROJECT BID SCHEDULE ◆ [email protected]

Bid list subject to change prior to bid date,please check with Association.

Bid Date Bid Time Project Name City BIN # Plan Issuer7/15/2014 2:00 PM San Lorenzo/Hayward ONLINE

San Lorenzo Unified School Dist

RFP-Renewable Energy System Cleaning & Maintenance

7/15/2014 2:00 PM Davis ONLINE

Davis, city ofEast Eight Street Improvements

7/15/2014 2:00 PM Union City ONLINE

Union Sanitary DistrictPrimary Digester No. 5 Rehabilitation Project

7/15/2014 2:00 PM San Francisco ONLINE

San Francisco International Airport

Design Build Services for Lot D Improvements and PARCS Automation Project

7/15/2014 2:30 PM Santa Clara ONLINE

Department of Motor Vehicles

Public Restrooms Repair at the Santa Clara DMV Field Office

7/15/2014 2:00 PM Felton ONLINE

Santa Cruz, County ofFelton Empire Road Guardrail

7/15/2014 2:00 PM Sacramento ONLINE

Sacramento Regional Transit District

Station Modifications for UTDC Light Rail Vehicles

7/15/2014 2:00 PM Berkeley ONLINE

Berkeley, UCMen's Faculty Club Fire Alarm System

7/15/2014 2:00 PM Belmont ONLINE

Belmont, city ofStorm Pump Station Lids Replacement Project

7/15/2014 2:30 PM San Francisco ONLINE

San Francisco, City & County of

Golden Gate Park Lawn Bowling Green Retaining Wall Project

7/15/2014 2:00 PM Daly City ONLINE

Daly City, City OfCallan Boulevard & King Drive Resurfacing

7/15/2014 2:00 PM San Rafael R049 San Rafael Sanitation District

Cayes Main Pump Station & Catalina Force Main Improvement Project

7/16/2014 1:30 PM Berkeley/Contra Costa


East Bay Municipal Utility District

Summit Reservoir and Shasta/Woods Pumping Plant Replacement

7/16/2014 1:30 PM San Jose E774B/071C

Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

Granite Pavers at Downtown San Jose BRT Station

7/16/2014 2:00 PM Santa Rosa* E777B/015C

2014 Pavement Preservation Program-Full-Depth Reclamation

7/16/2014 4:00 PM San Mateo ONLINE

San Mateo, City ofRFP-On-Call Materials Testing Consulting Services for Local & Federally Funded Paving & Street Reconstruction Projects

7/16/2014 3:00 PM San Leandro ONLINE

San Leandro, City OfSludge Haul 2014-15

7/16/2014 3:00 PM Cupertino ONLINE

Foothill-De Anza Community College District

Environmental Studies Area-De Anza College

7/16/2014 4:00 PM Brentwood ONLINE

Brentwood, city ofRFP-Architectural Design Services

7/16/2014 2:00 PM Mountain View ONLINE

Mountain View, city ofVassar Avenue Reconstruction

7/16/2014 1:30 PM Oakland ONLINE

East Bay Municipal Utility District

RFQ-MWWTP Flare Pre-Purchase

7/16/2014 3:30 PM Petaluma ONLINE

Petaluma, City ofPetaluma Municipal Airport Runway 11-29 Pavement Improvements

7/16/2014 4:00 PM San Francisco ONLINE

Office of Community Investment & Infrastructure

Mission Bay South Block 6 East Affordable Housing & Support Services

7/16/2014 3:30 PM Petaluma ONLINE

Petaluma, City ofVarious Locations Rock Slope Protection Project

7/16/2014 11:00 AM Lodi ONLINE

Lodi, City ofTurner Road Surface Improvements

7/16/2014 11:00 AM Lodi ONLINE

Lodi, City of2014 Crack Sealing

7/16/2014 3:00 PM Cupertino ONLINE

Foothill-De Anza Community College District

Shaft Safety & Guardrail Project-Media & Learning Center De Anza College

7/16/2014 3:00 PM Sunnyvale ONLINE

Sunnyvale, City ofSunnyvale Bicycle Lanes Project

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 36

PROJECT BID SCHEDULE ◆ [email protected]

Bid list subject to change prior to bid date,please check with Association.

Bid Date Bid Time Project Name City BIN # Plan Issuer7/17/2014 2:00 PM Santa Clara Co 075C Santa Clara, County OfJob Order Contract :RAD-2014-01

7/17/2014 2:00 PM San Jose 082C Santa Clara, County Of2014 Micro-Surfacing of County Roads at Various Locations

7/17/2014 2:00 PM Livermore E788B

East Bay Regional Park District

Del Valle-Parking Lot Slurry & Striping

7/17/2014 3:00 PM Santa Cruz ONLINE

Santa Cruz, UCOriginal Ranch Buildings-Hay Barn Restoration (Prequalified Bidders Only)

7/17/2014 2:00 PM Suisun City ONLINE

Department of Fish & Wildlife

Well and Pump Maintenance & Repair

7/17/2014 2:00 PM Santa Cruz ONLINE

Santa Cruz, City ofSan Lorenzo River Trestle Bridge Connections Project

7/17/2014 12:00 PM Citrus Heights ONLINE

Men's Warehouse Store # 2266 (Specs on Plans)

7/17/2014 2:00 PM Santa Cruz ONLINE

Santa Cruz, City ofGlen Canyon Road PM 0.46 - Storm Damage Repair Project

7/17/2014 2:00 PM Hayward ONLINE

California State University East Bay

Path of Travel Improvement

7/17/2014 2:00 PM Foster City ONLINE

Foster, City OfWerder & Destination Parks

7/17/2014 2:00 PM Oakland ONLINE

Oakland Unified School District

Paving Replacement Phase II

7/17/2014 2:00 PM Rio del Mar ONLINE

Santa Cruz, County ofRio Del Mar Mini-Roundabout

7/17/2014 2:00 PM Turlock ONLINE

Turlock, City ofFulkerth Bus Stop Improvements

7/17/2014 2:00 PM Sacramento ONLINE

Sacramento, County ofDWMR Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Fueling Station

7/17/2014 3:30 PM Napa ONLINE

Napa, County ofFive Dual-Completion Monitoring Wells

7/17/2014 2:00 PM Berkeley ONLINE

Berkeley, UCStephens Hall Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation

7/17/2014 2:00 PM Merced ONLINE

Merced, City OfNorth Merced-Black Rascal & Bear Creek Sewer Main Re-Lining

7/17/2014 2:00 PM Stockton ONLINE

Stockton, City ofSafe Routes to School Pilot Program Extension

7/17/2014 2:30 PM Merced ONLINE

Merced, City OfHighway 59 & Cooper Avenue Sewer Main Re-Lining

7/17/2014 2:00 PM San Francisco ONLINE

San Francisco, City & County of

3rd/7th/8th/25th/33rd/42nd Avenues and Baker/Welsh Streets Sewer Replacement

7/17/2014 11:00 AM Oakland ONLINE

Oakland, City ofRepair of Stair Paths #91 & 92 (Locarno Way)

7/17/2014 2:00 PM San Francisco ONLINE

TG07.4-Concrete Masonry Unit

7/17/2014 2:00 PM Dublin ONLINE

Moorefield ConstructionHome Goods TI (Persimmon Place)

7/17/2014 1:00 PM San Jose ONLINE

San Jose, City ofDirectional Drilling-Repair Replacement of Electrical Conduit

7/17/2014 2:00 PM Little River ONLINE

Mead & Hunt, Inc.Rotating Beacon, AWOS-A/V, and Perimeter Security Fencing Installation

7/17/2014 3:00 PM San Jose ONLINE

San Jose, City Of6964-Story Road Easement Sanitary Sewer Replacement

7/18/2014 2:00 PM Monterey ONLINE

Monterey, City ofLibrary Public Address System

7/18/2014 5:00 PM Napa ONLINE

Napa, County ofRFQ- Architectural/Engineering Design Services for County of Napa Library Main Branch Remodel

7/18/2014 12:00 PM Fairfield ONLINE

Footlocker Store # 7244 - Solano Town Center

7/21/2014 1:30 PM Mountain View 041C/S002

Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

Light Rail Efficiency Project:Mountain View Phase 1 & Signal Work Conmtract

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 37

PROJECT BID SCHEDULE ◆ [email protected]

Bid list subject to change prior to bid date,please check with Association.

Bid Date Bid Time Project Name City BIN # Plan Issuer7/21/2014 5:00 PM Rio Vista ONLINE

M & R Berthing Units & A/C Equipment

7/21/2014 4:00 PM San Francisco ONLINE

Office of Community Investment & Infrastructure

RFQ-Transbay Block 8

7/21/2014 11:00 AM San Francisco ONLINE

Jewish Community High School Student Life Center (No GC Openings)

7/21/2014 5:00 PM Lathrop ONLINE

TerraVerde Renewable Partners

RFP-Power Purchase Agreement for Solar Photovoltaic Systems

7/21/2014 12:00 PM Foster City ONLINE

Estero Municipal Improvement District

RFQ-Water System Improvements & Valve Replacement

7/22/2014 2:00 PM Sonoma E776B017C

Sonoma County Water Agency

North Bay Regional Water Reuse Program-McGill Road Recycled Water Pipeline

7/22/2014 2:00 PM San Mateo E781B/022C

San Mateo, City of2014 Bridge Deck Treatment

7/22/2014 10:00 AM Concord E785B/073C

Contra Costa Water District

Mallard Dam I/O Improvements

7/22/2014 2:00 PM Davis ONLINE

Davis, UCHousing Administration Building Renovation & Regan Hall Seismic

7/22/2014 2:00 PM Sacramento ONLINE

Los Rios Community College District

Furniture & Related Services Districtwide

7/22/2014 2:00 PM Union City ONLINE

Union City, city of2014 Drainage Improvements

7/22/2014 2:00 PM Martinez ONLINE

Contra Costa, County of

Structural Integrated Pest Management Program

7/22/2014 5:00 PM Soledad ONLINE

Improve Pinnacles Campground Water System

7/22/2014 2:00 PM Gilroy ONLINE

Gavilan Native Garden

7/22/2014 3:00 PM Fairfield ONLINE

Fairfield, City OfWest Texas Street, North Texas Street & East Tabor Avenue Striping Project

7/22/2014 10:00 AM San Rafael ONLINE

Marin Municipal Water District

Smart Corridor Water Line Crossing Projects

7/22/2014 3:00 PM Palo Alto ONLINE

Palo Alto, City ofWater Main Replacement Project 25-Rebid

7/22/2014 2:00 PM Hayward/Richmond/Concord


Bay Area Rapid Transit District

Refurbish Train Operator Facilities at Hayward, Richmond & Concord

7/22/2014 2:00 PM Oakland ONLINE

Department of Motor Vehicles

Elevator Electrical Controls Modifications

7/22/2014 2:00 PM Fairfield ONLINE

Fairfield, City OfNorth Bay Regional Water Treatment Plant-Chemical Spill Discharge Improvement Project

7/22/2014 2:00 PM East Palo Alto ONLINE

East Palo Alto, City OfRunnymede Storm Drain Phase II & O'Connor Pump Station Outfall Project

7/22/2014 2:00 PM Alameda ONLINE

Alameda Housing Authority

Bay Friendly Landscape Installation-Parrot Village

7/22/2014 2:00 PM Marina ONLINE

Monterey Regional Water Pollution Control

CP264 Platform Modifications Project

7/22/2014 2:00 PM Foster City R024 Foster, City OfTwo Natural Gas-Powered Engines & Pumps Replacement Project

7/23/2014 2:00 PM *Sonoma E787B/078C

2014 Pavement Preservation Program-Bonded Wearing Course

7/23/2014 2:00 PM Sacramento ONLINE

Sacramento Regional Transit District

Fire Sprinkler Upgrade at 2531 Land Avenue (Rebid)

7/23/2014 3:00 PM Sunnyvale ONLINE

Sunnyvale, City ofTraffic Signal Reconstruction-Homestead Road at Hollenbeck Avenue/Stelling Road, Arques Ave at Oakmead Parkway & Hollen beck Ave at Alberta Ave

7/23/2014 2:00 PM Saratoga ONLINE

West Valley-Mission Community College

Vasona Creek Restoration Projects-West Valley College

7/23/2014 2:00 PM Newark ONLINE

Newpark 12 AMC Theater

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 38

PROJECT BID SCHEDULE ◆ [email protected]

Bid list subject to change prior to bid date,please check with Association.

Bid Date Bid Time Project Name City BIN # Plan Issuer7/23/2014 3:30 PM Petaluma ONLINE

Petaluma, City ofWestern Avenue Water Main Extension Bantam Way to

Benjamin Lane

7/23/2014 2:00 PM Modesto ONLINE

Stanislaus, County ofStanislaus County Public Safety Center-Bureau of Administrative Services Modular Relocations

7/24/2014 2:30 PM Elk Grove 009C/E783B

Sacramento, County ofElk Grove Landfill Final Cover Repairs & GCCS Improvement Plan 2014

7/24/2014 2:00 PM San Mateo 023C/E791B

San Mateo, City of2013-2014 Street Rehabilitation Phase II

7/24/2014 1:30 PM San Jose E778B/077C

Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority

Passenger Safety Improvements

7/24/2014 2:00 PM San Francisco ONLINE

San Francisco Unified School Dist

Lowell High School Computer Lab Renovation

7/24/2014 2:00 PM Alameda ONLINE

San Francisco Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority

Alameda Main Street Ferry Terminal Improvements

7/24/2014 3:00 PM Richmond ONLINE

Richmond, City ofPlunge Bay Trail Gap Closure Project - CANCELLED

7/24/2014 2:00 PM Santa Cruz ONLINE

Santa Cruz, City ofBroadway/Brommer Multi-Use Path Project Agnes Street Trail Connecto

7/24/2014 2:00 PM Palo Alto ONLINE

Palo Alto, City ofRFP-Water System Condition Assessment Master Study

7/24/2014 11:00 AM Portola Valley ONLINE

Town of Portola ValleyAlpine Road Bank Protection Project

7/24/2014 5:00 PM Fairfield ONLINE

Rockville Terrace Senior Housing-Building

7/24/2014 3:00 PM Novato ONLINE

North Marin Water District

Atherton Tank Rehabilitation Project

7/24/2014 3:00 PM San Mateo Co/Santa Clara Co


Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District

McDonald & Sherrill Remediation & Demolitions

7/25/2014 2:00 PM San Jose ONLINE

San Jose, City ofInterior & Exterior Painting Services

7/25/2014 2:00 PM San Francisco ONLINE

San Francisco International Airport

Project Management Support Services for Taxilanes H&M Relocation Project

7/25/2014 2:00 PM Sacramento ONLINE

Sacramento Regional Transit District

Provide & Install 2 HVAC Units in Server Room at 1225 R Street

7/28/2014 3:00 PM San Martin ONLINE

Santa Clara, County OfHorse Barn Building Site Preparation

7/28/2014 2:00 PM San Francisco ONLINE

Asian Neighborhood Design

Roofing Project for Donaldina Cameron House

7/29/2014 2:00 PM Forestville 025C/S909

Sonoma County Water Agency

Westside Facility (9703 Wohler Rd)

7/29/2014 2:00 PM Alameda Co. E789B/081C

Alameda, County ofZone 2 & Zone 3A Concrete Channel Repairs

7/29/2014 2:00 PM Alameda Co. E790B/079C

Alameda, County ofZone 5 & Zone 6 Concrete Channel Repairs

7/29/2014 2:00 PM Santa Cruz ONLINE

Santa Cruz, County ofEast Zayante Road PM 6.22 Storm Damage Repair Project

7/29/2014 2:00 PM San Mateo ONLINE

Department of Motor Vehicles

Janitorial Services for the DMV San Mateo Field Office

7/29/2014 2:00 PM Hayward ONLINE

Chabot-LasPositas Comm College Dist

Hesperian Landscaping, Chabot College

7/29/2014 2:00 PM Santa Cruz ONLINE

Santa Cruz, County ofHighland Way PM 3.24 & PM 3.63 Storm Damage Repair Project

7/30/2014 2:00 PM Sacramento Online Sacramento, city ofSacramento City College Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge Project - REBID

7/30/2014 1:25 PM Valley Springs ONLINE

East Bay Municipal Utility District

RFQ-Camanche South Treatment Plant Pre-Fab Building

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 39

PROJECT BID SCHEDULE ◆ [email protected]

Bid list subject to change prior to bid date,please check with Association.

Bid Date Bid Time Project Name City BIN # Plan Issuer7/30/2014 2:00 PM Pinole ONLINE

West Contra Costa Unified School District

Pinole Valley High School Hillside Stabilization Increment 1 & 2

7/30/2014 2:30 PM San Francisco ONLINE

San Francisco, City & County of

San Francisco General Hospital Building 5 Accessibility Compliance Improvements

7/30/2014 2:30 PM San Francisco ONLINE

San Francisco, City & County of

Masonic Avenue Traffic Signal Upgrade

7/30/2014 2:00 PM Santa Cruz ONLINE

Santa Cruz, County ofVienna Drive at Mesa Drive Storm Damage Repair Project

7/31/2014 2:00 PM Sacramento ONLINE

Sacramento County Municipal Services Agency

Anna Kirchgater Elementary School Safe Routes to School Project

7/31/2014 2:00 PM San Francisco ONLINE

San Francisco, UCMount Zion (MZ) "A" Building Freight Elevator No. 8 Upgrade-Rebid

7/31/2014 2:00 PM El Sobrante ONLINE

Contra Costa, County of

Driveway & Apparatus Bay Entry Improvements to Fire Station 69

7/31/2014 2:00 PM Menlo Park ONLINE

Menlo Park, City of2013-14 Water Main Replacement Project

7/31/2014 10:00 AM Vallejo Online Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control District

Valve Vault and Piping at Regatta SS Pump Station

7/31/2014 2:00 PM Santa Cruz ONLINE

Santa Cruz, County ofNorth Rodeo Gulch PM 4.75 Storm Damage Repair Project

7/31/2014 3:00 PM Merced ONLINE

Merced, County ofSecurity Controls Upgrade-John Latorraca Correctional Facility

7/31/2014 12:00 PM Napa ONLINE

Napa, County ofNapa County Airport Apron Fog Seal

7/31/2014 2:00 PM Emeryville/Hayward/Oakland


AC Transit DistrictAC Transit District-Wide Elevator Modernization Project

7/31/2014 2:00 PM Tiburon ONLINE

Department of Parks & Recreation

Angel Island State Park Project A:Sewer System repairs & Project B:Access Modifications

7/31/2014 3:00 PM Redding ONLINE

Redding, City OfClear Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Biosolids Dewatering Project

7/31/2014 2:00 PM Santa Cruz ONLINE

Santa Cruz, County ofAxford Alley Improvement Project

7/31/2014 2:00 PM San Francisco ONLINE

San Francisco International Airport

RFP-As-Needed Construction Management Support Services at San Francisco International Airport

8/4/2014 2:00 PM San Francisco ONLINE

San Francisco International Airport

RFQ/RFP- Architecture & Engineering Design Services for Fire House No.3 and South Field Checkpoint Relocation Project

8/5/2014 10:00 AM Palo Alto ONLINE

California Department of Veterans Affairs

New Patient Simulation Learning Center Project

8/5/2014 2:00 PM San Francisco ONLINE

San Francisco, City & County of

RFP-DPH Building 25 New General Hospital Unified Communcations System

8/5/2014 2:00 PM San Pablo ONLINE

Contra Costa, County of

San Pablo Dam Road Walkability

8/5/2014 2:00 PM Monterey ONLINE

Monterey, City ofSanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation Package 4- Pump Station Upgrades

8/7/2014 2:00 PM Richmond ONLINE

Department of General Services

Parking Lots Resurfacing Department Of Public Health

8/12/2014 2:00 PM Palo Alto ONLINE

Palo Alto, City ofRFP-A Local Community Solar Program for the City of Palo Alto

8/12/2014 2:00 PM Dublin/Pleasanton ONLINE

Bay Area Rapid Transit District

Station Access, Parking, Path & Wayfinding Improvements Dublin/Pleasanton

8/13/2014 11:00 AM Lodi ONLINE

Lodi, City ofWhite Slough WPCF Dewatering Polymer Trial

8/19/2014 2:00 PM San Francisco ONLINE

TG10.5 Fire Protection and Fire Suppression

8/19/2014 1:00 PM Garden Valley ONLINE

Department of Forestry and Fire Protection

Garden Valley Forest Fire Station - Replace Facility

8/19/2014 2:00 PM Hayward ONLINE

Chabot-LasPositas Comm College Dist

Building 100 Tenant Improvements/Voluntary Seismic Retrofit at Chabot College

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 40 ◆ [email protected]

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 41 ◆ [email protected][email protected]

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 42 ◆ [email protected]

CLASSIFIED ADSClassified ads are provided free to MBA members & staff.

Please advise if position is filled or commodity is [email protected]


Seeking Estimator/Project Manager for a Marin based Residential General Contractor.Requirements:• Minimum 10 years experience in Residential

Construction. Field experience desired.• Offering Benefits• Salary DOE

Please reply to the email below with your resume if you are interested.

Lee Bonilla - Fontana Construction Inc. 1945 E. Francisco Blvd. Suite N., San Rafael ,CA 94901

415-457-1290 P | 415-457-1294 F | [email protected]


Residential remodeling company, Crescent Builders, Inc. seeks bi-lingual (Span./Eng.) foreman for full time position. Health care benefits available after 90 days. Pay based on experience. Qualifications Include:

• Working knowledge of building trades• Can effectively manage personnel• Clean driving record• Fluent in both Spanish and English• Can read plans well and assemble materials lists• 10+ years in residential construction industry• Strong organizational and interpersonal skills• Willingness to interface with clients as well as staff• Strong communication skills and clean/neat appearance• Familiarity with Marin County• Report time cards

Please forward resume and salaray requirements to:[email protected]



Must be highly motivated and organized with strong human resource skills. The primary duties of the position include:

• Direct and manage all accounting functions • Produce all monthly and yearend financial reports • Responsible for all human resource functions • Responsible for all payroll related activities including state and fed-

eral tax filings and reporting • Assist with all insurance activities, including auto, liability, personal

property and workers compensation

Experience – minimum of five years experience in increasingly complex accounting positions with a similar level of managerial responsibility. Experience with computers and accounting software is required, con-

struction accounting and software experience a plus.

Qualified applicants may reply with a resume, cover letter and salary requirements to [email protected]


Concrete company seeks an experienced Estimator for residential/commercial projects. Must have experience in estimating concrete to apply.

Be able to prepare complete estimates for assigned project by doing a thorough and complete takeoff of the scope and quantities of work.Review proposal specifications, drawings, attend pre-bid meetings, etc. to determine scope of work and required contents of estimate.Prepare subcontracts, materials list once job is awarded..Prepare, RFI’s, change orders and all other construction related documentation.Interface with owners, vendors, subcontractors and lower tier employees.

Must have clean DMV and pass drug test.

Qualified applicants may reply with a resume, cover letter and salary requirements to [email protected]

Marin Builders Association ◆ WEEKLY BULLETIN ◆ Page 43 ◆ [email protected][email protected]

CLASSIFIED ADSClassified ads are provided free to MBA members & staff.

Please advise if position is filled or commodity is [email protected]


Wedge Roofing, Inc. is currently looking for an Estimator in the Commercial Roofing Market for the San Francisco Bay Area. Experienced Estimator who is capable of performing hard bid and conceptual estimates in both private and public

work markets. They must be able to manage multiple estimates at one time along with some minor project management.

This person will need to have the ability to work with plans & drawings, clients, consultants, subcontractors and municipali-

ties. This position will be expected to work in both a team atmosphere and function autonomously at various times. Local

market estimating experience is also preferred. Commercial Estimator position works from Petaluma office facility.

Desired Skills & Experience

1. Familiarity with all major roofing systems.

2. Local Bay Area experience.

3. Strong client interaction skills.

4. Strong plan & bid take off skills.


Company DescriptionSince 1976, San Francisco Bay Area’s most trusted roofing contractor, Wedge Roofing provides quality and dependable roofing solutions for residential, commercial, industrial and

public work clients throughout San Francisco, Marin County, Sonoma County, Napa County and the East Bay.

Lic # 416737 C-2, C39, C-43, & B General


Ghilotti Bros., Inc, a well established construction company based in San Rafael, family–owned and

operated for 100 years is seeking an enthusiastic detailed, MARKETING/ OFFICE MANAGER.

Someone that is accustomed to, and enjoys wearing many hats and can juggle projects and

priorities seamlessly.

The ideal person for this position has STRONG marketing/event execution experience, is computer proficient, a quicker

learner, has insane attention to detail with a happy, professional demeanor and willing to help anyone with anything with a “can do” attitude no matter the situation or task. Approxi-

mately 70% of this role executes in the marketing/PR/events area. The remaining 30% percent of the position is dedicated to

running the office from top to bottom.

This position is exempt. Minimum +5 years experience as a Marketing Manager. We offer competitive pay along with an

extensive benefits package. Salary is DOE.

If you’re interested in this position, please submit a cover letter and resume to

[email protected]

and put “Marketing/ Office Manager” in the subject line.

If you would like more information about our company, please visit

GBI is committed to being an equal opportunity employer..