Download - Material Master Creation

  • 7/28/2019 Material Master Creation


    2010 Winshuttle, Inc. All rights reserved. 4/10

    Material Master Creation

    SummaryThis document describes how Winshuttle TRANSACTION can be used or material master creation in theSAP Business Suite rom data in Microso Excel using SAP transaction MM01.

    Winshuttle, Inc.Bothell, WA USA+ 1 (800)

  • 7/28/2019 Material Master Creation


    2010 Winshuttle, Inc. All rights reserved. 4/10

    Process for using MS Excel with transaction code MM01 - Material Master Creation

    Launch the Winshuttle TRANSACTION Application rom the desktop shortcut or through theWindows Start Menu.

    Click New.

    Enter transaction code MM01 in the Transaction Code eld.

    Click Go.

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    2010 Winshuttle, Inc. All rights reserved. 4/10

    Choose the appropriate SAP system using the System button, i necessary. Enter appropriate User Datain the SAP Shuttle Logon window.

    Click the OK button.

    Choose a Recording Mode.

    NOTE: For most transactions, Batch Input Mode will suce, but or downloading inormation rom SAPtransactions, or or Finance or HR transactions in which there are Dynamic Actions executing or user parameter

    values being used, Non-Batch Input Mode will be necessary. The distinction o Without SAP Controls and WithSAP Controls is just a matter o what tools are on the transaction screens.

    So, in this procedure, choose Batch Input Mode.

    Enter any urther properties such as Title, Purpose o creation and Comments into the appropriate elds.

    I you would like to lock down the editing othe SHUTTLEle, select the Lock SHUTTLElecheckbox. This will password-protectthe SHUTTLEle, preventing anyone romchanging it.

    Click the Next button.

    You will now be launched into the MM01transaction.

    NOTE: The ollowing screens may varyaccording to the way your SAP system hasbeen congured.

    At this point, you are maneuvering throughthe transaction itsel and the process shouldeel very natural.

    That said, to make this process repeatableby TRANSACTION, there will be a ewmodications to the process compared tohow you would manually create a purchaseorder. These dierences will be identiedthroughout the rest o this document.

    Press the [ENTER] key.

  • 7/28/2019 Material Master Creation


    2010 Winshuttle, Inc. All rights reserved. 4/10

    Click the Basic Data 1 selection. When recording the MM01 transaction, you want to keepthe selection repeatable.

    Click the green check to continue.

    Depending on your system conguration, enter the Material Number, Industry sector and Material Type,then click the Select view(s) button.

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    2010 Winshuttle, Inc. All rights reserved. 4/10

    Enter data into the elds that will need tohave data uploaded into them. Once all othe data has been entered, click the Tab Listdrop down button.

    Select the next Tab that will be updated.

  • 7/28/2019 Material Master Creation


    2010 Winshuttle, Inc. All rights reserved. 4/10

    Enter the Plant number and click the green checkmark.

    Update the elds on this tab as well.

    Click the Save icon when all updates have been made. This will also end the recording.

  • 7/28/2019 Material Master Creation


    2010 Winshuttle, Inc. All rights reserved. 4/10

    It is now time to create the mapping or this transaction.

    Mapping a SHUTTLEle is just a matter o connecting SAP elds to a data le. TRANSACTION provides aMapper to acilitate this process.

    Auto Mapping will map the entire SHUTTLEle to an Excel spreadsheet. Because o the complexity o thistransaction, we will choose the Create Mapping option instead.

    Click the Create Mapping link on the Map panel.

    The screenshot to the right shows theExpert Tab o the Mapper.

    In each o the rows o the Mapper,you will see:

    Mapper Row Number this is just areerence numberEnable Flag only enabled Mapper rowswill be executed by TRANSACTIONScreen / Screen Number Technicalscreen inormation rom the recordedtransactionField Description The label associated

    with the SAP technical eld name.Mapping Type Fix Value, Excel to SAP,SAP to Excel [or, i mapping to Access:Access to SAP, SAP to Access]Value Values assigned to the SAP eld;either xed values, or values to or romthe assigned data sourceNotes Free-ormat notes to provideuseul inormation to users o theSHUTTLEle

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    2010 Winshuttle, Inc. All rights reserved. 4/10

    In the Data Source Preview section, you will see a preview screen o the selected data source.

    To change the Data Source, click the Change Source Type link at the top o the Expert Tab. This displays adrop-down box to switch to Microso Access. The Preview section will also change to refect the choice.

    In this case, we will use Excel.

    It is now time to begin the mappingprocess.

    The easiest way to remember how tomap is this: drag rom the source o thedata to the destination.

    Keeping that in mind, we will beuploading data rom Excel to SAP.

    Drag Column A up and drop it onto row1.

    Continue across the Excel previewby dragging Column B up and drop itonto row 3, Column C up to row 4, andColumn D up to row 5.

  • 7/28/2019 Material Master Creation


    2010 Winshuttle, Inc. All rights reserved. 4/10

    Click the Save icons to save the Excel preview and the SHUTTLEle.

    Click the Blue Back arrows to exit the Map screen.

    I necessary, you can navigate back to the Map by clicking the Update Mapping link on the Map panel.

    Click the Excel icon to the right o the Select Data File eld to open the mapped Excel spreadsheet.

    Notice the Log Result Column was automatically assigned the next available column aer the last mapped column.

  • 7/28/2019 Material Master Creation


    2010 Winshuttle, Inc. All rights reserved. 4/10

    Winshuttle, Inc. provides soware products that enable business users to work with SAP directly rom Excel, Web orms and other interaces

    without any programming. SAP users oen struggle to eectively run the complex business processes supported by SAP. Winshuttle solves this

    problem by oering amiliar interaces to SAP, which improves productivity and saves customers signicant time and money. Winshuttles suite

    o solutions work with all SAP modules, enabling both business and IT users to solve any SAP data or business process challenge by securely

    expanding SAP interactions to both employees and partners. Hundreds o global customers use Winshuttle to make their SAP lives easier. For more

    inormation, visit

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    Our data has been entered into the Excelspreadsheet in the proper ormat andcan now be run by TRANSACTION.

    Back in the TRANSACTION window, clickthe Run button.

    The run is successul and the messages returned rom SAP are entered into the log column.