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    December 1990

    Topics: Devil, Prophecy

    Volume 12 A Book on Bible Prophecy

    by Ernest An gley

    Lucifer is fallen! Lucifer is destroyed! The news will ring

    throughout the whole Earth. Hundreds of years ago through the

    great prophet Isaiah, God declared the fall of Lucifer: How artthou fallen from heaven, O Lu cifer, son of the morning!

    how art thou cu t down to the ground, which didst

    we aken the n ations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I

    will ascend into heaven , I w ill exalt my throne abo ve the

    stars of God: I will sit also upon the mou nt of the

    congregation, in the sides of the n orth: I will ascend

    above the heights of the clouds; I w ill be like the m ost

    High. Ye t thou shalt be brou ght down to hell, to the

    sides of the pit. They that see thee shall narrow ly lookup on thee , and con sider thee, saying, Is this the man that

    made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; That made the w orld as a

    wilderness, and de stroyed the cities thereof; that opene d not the ho use o f his

    prisoners (Isaiah 14:12-17)? Lucifer is fallen.

    God also revealed Lucifer's fate to John in the twentieth chapter of Revelation:And I saw an

    angel come dow n from heave n, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain

    in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpen t, which is the Devil, and

    Satan, and b oun d him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and

    shut him u p, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more , till

    the thousan d years should be fulfilled: and after that he mu st be loosed a little season

    (Revelation 20:1-3). Although Jesus will come to Earth with the armies of heaven, He won't need

    them to put Lucifer into the bottomless pit. God has all power over the devil. When He is ready to

    put the devil into the bottomless pit, He will use only one angel from heaven with the key to that pit

    and one chain. How deflating to Lucifer's enormous ego when he is bound by only one angel with

    one chain! Lucifer has deceived himself as well as multitudes into thinking he has all power.

    When Lucifer is put into the bottomless pit for a thousand years (Revelation 20:1-3), our Perfect

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    Age on Earth begins. We would have no Perfect Age were Lucifer to remain on Earth. The Perfect

    Age is for the Children of God. They will be the happy ones. The Bible says that if people do not go

    to Jerusalem to worship during the Perfect Age, rain will not fall on their crops. The Kingdom of

    the Lord will be set up, and all who love Him will rejoice. It will be their kind of Kingdom, their

    kind of holy living, worshiping the Lord. What a delight to the Children of God!

    We little realize the power in the blood of our Redeemer Kinsman. The chain in the hand of the

    angel who binds Lucifer consists of the blood of the Lamb, a chain of blood. The power in the blood

    of Jesus that the angel will use is the same power available to you. When you use the blood of

    Jesus, you have power over the devil, power to trample devils underfoot. Jesus said: Behold, I

    give unto you pow er to tread on serpen ts and scorpions, and over all the pow er of the

    ene my: and nothing shall by any means hu rt you (Luke 10:19).

    And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my n ame shall they cast out devils

    (Mark 16:17). Through the power in the blood they are cast out. Speak His name through the

    power of the blood. We as Children of God forget how much power is in the blood of Jesus. We

    don't use it enough. We don't speak in the power of the blood as we should.

    I use the blood of Jesus. I speak through the blood; I call demons out of people and they have to

    obey because of the power in the blood. But the dead, so-called Christian world wants to brand

    everyone who casts out devils as fanatics. In the real House of God liberty reigns because the Spirit

    of God is there through the power in the blood. The devil possessed are delivered; the lost saved;

    the sick healed.

    Fear not, the Lord taught His disciples. He would give them power over all demonic spirits, power

    to trample devils underfoot, to cast out devils. It's the same power offered all believers. But few

    Christians down through the past two thousand years have realized the greatness of God for them,

    and the greatness of the power in the name of Jesus. For these last two thousand years, many of

    God's people have lived in fear of Lucifer. They haven't understood how to use the power in the

    blood of Christ, speaking in the name of Jesus to stand the devil off, to trample him underfoot, to

    bulldoze him under. The blood of Christ is available for all believers to use today. No power can

    stand before the power of the Lord.

    Put on the whole armou r of God, that ye may be able to stand against the w iles of the

    devil. For we wre stle n ot against flesh and blood, bu t against principalities, against

    powe rs, against the ru lers of the darkne ss of this world, against spiritual wickedne ss

    in high places. Whe refore take unto you the whole armou r of God, that ye may be able

    to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand there fore, having

    your loins girt abou t with truth, and having on the b reastplate of righteousne ss; And

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    your feet shod w ith the preparation of the gospel of peace; Above all, taking the shield

    of faith, whe rew ith ye shall be ab le to quen ch all the fiery darts of the wicked. And

    take the helmet o f salvation, and the sw ord of the Sp irit, which is the word of God:

    Praying always with all prayer an d su pplication in the S pirit, and watching thereu nto

    with all perseverance and supp lication for all saints (Ephesians 6:11-18). Many do not take

    advantage of the greatness of the power in the armor of Almighty God. That armor has become

    yours through the blood of Jesus. We have no record of such armor offered in the Old Testament;

    but in the New Testament, we find available to man the whole armor of God, everything needed for

    you to be protected, for you to defeat the devil, everything you need to be an overcomer.

    Wearing the whole armor of God, you have nothing to fear, nothing to worry about. You are more

    than a conqueror. Nay, in all these things we are more than conqu erors through him

    that loved u s (Romans 8:37). What does this mean? Through Jesus Christ you can conquer all

    the devils that come against you and still have plenty of the power of God left. You need never be

    afraid, but remember: This kind goeth not ou t bu t by prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21).

    Use the truth of God; live in His Word. Jesus taught us how to use the truth of His Word. The

    truth, the power of God defeats Lucifer.

    And w hen the thou sand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed ou t of his prison, And

    shall go out to dec eive the nations w hich are in the four q uarters of the e arth, Gog,

    and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the nu mbe r of whom is as the sand of

    the sea (Revelation 20:7,8).

    Were God not to free the devil after a thousand years, he would never be able to leave thebottomless pit, never give people an opportunity to step out in their true colors, line up with him

    and so be destroyed forever. God proves what little power Lucifer really possesses when the

    greatness in the power in the blood of Jesus goes into action.

    When the devil emerges from the bottomless pit after a thousand years, the Bible tells us that he

    will gather the nations together, all who will go with him. Imagine people living in the thousand

    year Perfect Age, in the Kingdom of Jesus, being able to look on Him; and yet the moment Lucifer

    is loosed out of the bottomless pit, they desire him and not Jesus Christ. The Lord will let everyone

    who prefers Satan line up with him at this time. As they stand with Lucifer, deceived, they thinkSatan will make them stronger than ever, that during these thousand years he has learned how to

    defeat Jesus. "That's why I was able to come out of the bottomless pit," Satan will boast. "I've been

    there a thousand years, and I came out of my own accord (which will be a lie; the Lord will let him

    out or he could never leave the pit), and I want everyone to unite with me against God."

    People will have had a thousand years to recognize the value of Jesus, but many will not want Him.

    Some could be on Earth a billion years and still not want Jesus; they would turn to the devil the

    first opportunity. There are those who will never come to the Lord. Why? They simply do not

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    want Him; they have no desire for Him. Their spirits are not compatible with His. They do not

    appreciate His Kingdom or the fact that He died for their salvation. They do not want to live holy,

    but to satisfy every lust of the flesh. The moment they have a chance to manifest the true spirit of

    their hearts, they will rebel openly. Discontent during the Perfect Age, they now choose Lucifer.

    God will not use people to fight against the enemy at this time. He will cause fire to fall from

    heaven to destroy the rebellious. At that point the devil will be cast into the lake of fire and

    brimstone. And the devil that deceived them w as cast into the lake of fire and

    brimstone, w here the b east and the false prophe t are, and shall be torme nted day and

    night for ever and e ver (Revelation 20:10). In the lake of fire, the devil will meet the beast and

    the false prophet already there; in fact, they were cast in one thousand years earlier right after the

    battle of Armageddon. They will never be delivered. Every soul tainted with sin receives the same

    fate. God is coming with great power to set up His Kingdom, and not one trace of sin will be found

    in it.

    God in His great love obligated Himself to the human race, put Himself in great jeopardy; and man

    has been deceived. He was deceived when he left the Garden of Eden, and he is deceived today by

    thinking the devil has greater power than God. Deceit is a terrible thing. Through deceit, the devil

    will take over the world in the Tribulation Period. For almost six thousand years heaven has

    suffered; the Godhead has been through griefFather, Son and Holy Ghostbut that suffering is

    coming to a cut-off period in the all-out judgment and war by the hand of heaven. Man's day of

    grace is just about over.

    Why has the devil been able to manifest himself, making people think he has great power? Becauseman failed God. God could not find enough people to work through, and so Satan has been able to

    run his course.

    The Lord will come down to set things right; He will come as the Lion of the tribe of Judah

    (Revelation 5:5). John tells us that His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head w ere

    many crowns (Revelation 19:12). Not one but many crowns on His head will signify that Jesus

    has power over all kingdoms, all power to defeat everything unlike Himself, to trample underfoot

    whatever stands against righteousness. All kingdoms not yielding to Him will be destroyed. Jesus

    alone is Lord of lords and King of kings. Man has made himself look big in his own eyes, but inGod's sight man is disgusting with his arrogance, disgusting because he has given himself over to

    the devil. Man's judgment is coming. In maddening grief many will find one day that it is too late

    to come back to God.

    The book of Revelation is indeed a revelation of most incredible things. It is a revelation of God's

    love, God's power, faith and care for humanity, a revelation of our Redeemer Kinsman who has not

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    failed in His mission of redemption for body and soul, and will not fail in His mission of

    redemption for the Earth. But the book is also full of the revelation of God's deadly wrath and

    judgment for sin.

    Hell, originally made for the devil and his angels, has been enlarged. Therefor e hell hath

    enlarged herself, and open ed her mouth w ithout measure (Isaiah 5:14). Hell was

    enlarged to accommodate all who side with the devil, all who don't want the way of God.

    Do you wonder why the devil has inspired so many preachers to declare there is no fire in hell? He

    has done everything he can to deceive the human race about the penalty for sin, and all too often

    been successful. But since Calvary there has been no excuse for that deceit. Through the power in

    His blood, by the truth, Jesus came to destroy the deceit of Lucifer. When a person yields to Jesus,

    to the truth (Jesus said, "I am truth"), the truth destroys the deceit of Lucifer and uncovers him for

    what he really is, the archenemy of God. We know Lucifer is the one who seeks to destroy,

    disfigure humanity. Sickness, disease and death came from him, not from God.

    God cursed Lucifer. There was a time Lucifer was one of the most beautiful of angelic beings God

    had ever created, an angel of the highest order. The Bible even describes how God dressed him

    before he fell, in jewels and magnificent attire; but Lucifer rebelled. The Word of the Lord

    concerning Lucifer and his fall came to Ezekiel: Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God;

    every preciou s stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the d iamond, the beryl,

    the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the eme rald, and the carbu ncle, and gold: the

    workm anship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was pre pared in thee in the day that thou

    wast created. Thou art the anointed cheru b that covereth; and I have set thee so:thou w ast upon the holy moun tain of God; thou hast walked up and d own in the midst

    of the stones of fire. Thou w as perfect in thy ways from the day that thou w ast

    created, till iniquity was found in thee. Thine heart w as lifted up b ecau se of thy

    beau ty, thou hast corru pted thy w isdom by reason of thy brightness: I w ill cast thee to

    the groun d, I will lay thee be fore kings, that they may behold thee. Thou hast defiled

    thy sanctuaries by the mu ltitude of thine iniqu ities, by the iniquity of thy traffic;

    therefore w ill I bring forth a fire from the m idst of thee, it shall devour the e, and I will

    bring thee to ashes upon the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee. All they

    that know thee among the pe ople shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terror,and nev er shalt thou be any more (Ezekiel 28:13-15,17-19). This should tell everyone on Earth

    one great truth: God will not allow a rebellious person in His heaven, no sinner; for he that

    committeth sin is of the devil. To save people from their sins was the reason Jesus came. Those

    rejecting Jesus will be cast into the lake of fire with the devil, never to be delivered.

    What a chance people take with their souls when they know a lake of fire awaits them! The Bible

    spells out the penalty for sin, but the decision to heed or reject its warnings is up to each

    individual. The devil has inspired many to claim that hell is just a state of mind and not a real

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    place, that there is no hellfire, no brimstone, no lake of fire. But the Bible plainly tells you that hell

    exists, a lake of fire into which the beast, the false prophet and Lucifer himself will be cast. The

    Lord said they would be tormented day and night; in hell is no rest. The soul came from the breath

    of God; it's eternal like God Himself; the soul cannot die. But if it rebels against God, it will go to

    hell forever. You are bound for either heaven or hell; there is no other choice.

    If you die without God, your soul immediately goes to hell. Jesus tells the story of the rich man

    who died, and in hell lifted up his eyes. The wicked dead will not be resurrected until after the

    thousand-year Perfect Age, the Glorious Kingdom, the reign of Christ here on Earth. Then they will

    be resurrected, reunited with their body, and stand before God at the White Throne Judgment.

    God will say to those individuals at that time: Depart from me ye workers of iniquity into

    everlasting damnation prepared for the devil and his angels. Sin will be put away for all eternity.

    And I saw a great white throne , and him that sat on it, from w hose face the earth and

    the heaven fled away; and there w as foun d no place for them. And I saw the dead,

    small and great, stand before God; and the books were open ed: and another book w as

    open ed, which is the book of life: and the dead we re judged out of those things which

    we re w ritten in the books, according to their wor ks (Revelation 20:11,12). The wicked dead

    will be judged according to the Word of God, according to the Book of Life. The Child of God faced

    His judgment for sin at the cross and was acquitted. He will never have to stand before God to give

    account of sin; that judgment was taken care of by Jesus at Calvary where all who accepted Him

    into their hearts received pardon. Jesus took your place and gave you life. There is no judgment

    for the born-again Christian at the White Throne Judgment. The White Throne Judgment is the

    judgment of the wicked dead, those who died without God.

    And the sea gave u p the dead w hich were in it; and death and he ll delivered up the

    dead w hich we re in them: and they we re judged every man according to their works.

    And de ath and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second d eath (Revelation

    20:13,14). God doesn't love death; it is not a part of Him; He hates it. Death belongs to the devil;

    life belongs to God. There is no death in God. He loves life; He is life. To prove it:And death

    and he ll were cast into the lake of fire (verse 14). And w hosever was not found w ritten

    in the b ook of life w as cast into the lake of fire (verse 15).

    God tells only the truth in His Word when He states thatthe w icked shall be turn ed into hell,

    and all the nations that forget God (Psalm 9:17). He meant exactly that. The wicked will be

    turned into hell. Multitudes are in hell right now. There is no such thing as "soul sleep." The soul

    does not sleep. If the person at death is ready to meet God, his soul immediately goes into Paradise

    with God; if not, hell is waiting.

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    Paul was instructed by the Lord to tell the people to sorrow n ot, even as others which have

    no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which

    sleep in Jesus will God b ring with him (I Thessalonians 4:13,14). The dead in Christ could not

    be in the grave if Christ is going to bring them with Him at His second coming. The body is in the

    grave, but the real person, the soul, is with Jesus. At His coming, the bodies of those who died in

    Christ will be brought out of the grave and reunited with the soul. What wonderful things the

    Children of God have in store, treasures worth battling for, worth making any sacrifice to obtain!

    The Early Church knew they must be like Jesus, must wear His shoes and live holy. But the devil

    has deceived many into thinking that going through the outward motions of baptism, confirmation,

    church attendance makes them qualified for heaven. More than form alone is required for holy

    living. It takes the blood of Jesus applied to the heart, changing the sinful nature man was born

    with into the Christ nature that is acceptable to God. How sad to see people deceived by the devil!

    How can they believe his lies? By not accepting the truth.

    At age eighteen when I found the Lord, I left sin and the world of sin behind, knowing I'd never

    return. I left, burning all bridges behind me, determined never to backslide. I left with the

    determination to please God in everything, resolved that heaven would be my home one day. From

    the hour God saved me, the call of God was upon my life.

    God started preaching through me five or six weeks from the time I gave my heart to Him. He

    covered me with His cloud of glory and the messages rolled forth. I preached hellfire and

    brimstone as well as God's love. I preached the prophecies of God; I preached pure, clean

    livingand I lived it.

    This basic message the Lord gave me: The sou l that sinn eth, it shall die (Ezekiel 18:4). He

    didn't tell me to excuse nor apologize in His name for sin; He gave me the remedy: His only

    begotten Son. That blood spilled on Calvary is holy, sacred, bringing power to defeat Lucifer for

    mankind. He taught me that man had fallen into the hands of the devil, that sin breaks man's

    relationship with his God; for when man sins, he separates himself from God. God will never

    endorse or overlook sin in any way. The Lord tells us through Peter in I Peter 1:16 tobe ye holy;

    for I am holy. Be free from sin as He is free from sin. Only through the blood of Jesus can this be


    A form of godliness is all many Christians have; they deny the truth of God; they deny His power,

    the power in the blood of Jesus, the power of the crucifixion and resurrection. They refuse to

    believe what thus saith the Lord. God was strict in His message to the people in Old Testament

    days, and He certainly is strict in His message today in this dispensation of grace.

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    For the believer, for the redeemed: Lucifer is fallen ! is the cry that will go forth throughout the

    whole world. Lucifer is fallen ! Wherever human beings are found, this message will be heard.

    Heaven and the saints will give a shout such as has never before been given: Lucifer is destroyed!

    Lucifer is in the lake of fire to be tormented forever, to never have rest. Then the hordes of people

    from countless ages who rejected salvation will have their crimes told to their faces. No excuses

    accepted, no alibis, no need to say, "God, I didn't mean to do it." No use to shift the blame. It won't

    do any good. It's too late; there's no blood for you now. "I don't want you," God will say. "I will

    never, never want you!"

    I once heard God say those terrible words in a vision of coming reality. I was going through the

    multitudes crying, "Come to Jesus! Oh come to Jesus!" so loudly my voice sounded as though it

    were going over loudspeakers to the east, west, north and south. I held my Bible shouting, "Come

    to Jesus! Come to Jesus!" I started one more time to cry those words, but suddenly they died in my

    throat. "Come" There was no more message. I couldn't say "Come to Jesus" anymore. It was all

    over. I held my Bible, but there was no message of salvation. You'll never know how devastated I

    felt. Then God began to speak to the people: "I don't want you." There was no love in those words

    at all. "I will never want you. I gave my Son for you, and you trampled His blood as though it were

    something unholy and unclean. Oh you will cry; you will pray, but I won't hear you. I will never

    hear your prayers. You will never reach me. I don't want you anymore."

    That vision has stayed with me all these years. I will never forget it; it keeps me going when I feel

    my body can't continue any longer. After that vision I scrambled to my feet to press ever onward.

    God, give me strength to reach all peoples throughout the whole Earth before it's too late, strength

    while I still have the message. Oh, please God, help me to carry your message of love and

    deliverance to every man and every woman, boy and girl on planet Earth! One day it will be too

    late. One day when the record is opened, these words will be there as a witness: You had theopportunity, but now it's too late.

    John said:And I saw a n ew heaven and a n ew earth: for the first heaven an d the first

    earth were passed away(Revelation 21:1). Lucifer, remember, who has been the prince of the

    air for so many years, will be cast down to Earth in the Tribulation Period, then thrown into the

    bottomless pit and finally into the lake of fire where he will stay forever. God will destroy the first

    heaven and Earth in purification, getting rid of the contamination of Lucifer and all who haveyielded to his spirit.

    Now comes the greatness. A new heaven replaces the old. A brand new Earth; the old one will

    have passed away, melted like molten glass. I visited a glass factory once; it resembled the way I

    picture hell. One dared not look into the furnace directly, but through a protective eye shield. The

    Earth will be melted like that molten glass in that furnace, purified by the hand of God.

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    And I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming dow n from God ou t of heaven,

    prepared as a bride adorned for her husband . And I heard a great voice out of heaven

    saying, Behold, the tabern acle of God is with men , and he will dwell with them, and

    they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and b e their God. And

    God shall wipe aw ay all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death,

    neither sorrow , nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things

    are passed away. And he that sat up on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new

    (Revelation 21:2-5). In the last two chapters of Revelation, God mentions seven new things. Seven,

    remember, is the number of divine perfection. When God said, Behold, I make all things new,

    it means absolute perfection and never anything less. God will make:

    (1) a new Earth

    (2) a new heaven

    (3) new inhabitants

    (4) a new Paradise

    (5) the new Jerusalem

    (6) a new temple

    (7) a new light

    And the city lieth foursqu are, and the length is as large as the breadth: and he

    measu red the city with the reed, twelve thousand fu rlongs. The length and the

    breadth an d the height of it are eq ual (Revelation 21:16). A new Jerusalem, 12,000 squarefurlongs (approximately 1,500 square miles and 1,500 miles high) will come down from heaven, a

    city of perfection. We will go there, worship and adore Him. There will be no more praying, for we

    can talk to Him face to face. He will walk with us the way He walked with the first Adam and the

    first Eve. It's Eden once again, Eden regained at last. They're all in, Lord, all those who w anted

    you, who wanted Jesus, all those who would use the gate, the blood-gate, Jesus.Calvary made the

    gate back into Eden. The gate into Eden is in the form of a cross. Jesus told us that He is the door.

    You cannot enter heaven any other way.

    None of us were fortunate enough to have lived in the first Eden, but you who are born again willlive in the second. Through the Word, that first Eden can become very real to you. When you leave

    all sin behind, you don't visit the tree of evil, the seventeen works of the flesh mentioned in

    Galatians 5. Those who love the Lord are satisfied with the love of their Maker, with His direction

    and guidance, walking the paths He has willed for their feet. Now in the purity of Him you will see

    in reality what John saw in the vision. You will see God as He wipes away all tears from the eyes of

    His Children; and He will say, "Child, there won't be any more tears. I didn't make you to cry. I

    gave no tears. Man made his own tears with the help of Luciferand he made mine. I have dried

    tears down through the ages."

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    Then I see God wipe away His own tears, reach over to His Son and dry all His tears, and then

    those of the Holy Spirit. There will be no more tears, no more grieving over lost humanity. God's

    Children will all be home at last.

    And he shewe d me a pur e river of w ater of life, clear as crystal, proceeding ou t of thethrone of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of

    the river, was there the tree of life, which bare tw elve mann er of fruits, and yielded

    her fruit every mon th: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations

    (Revelation 22:1,2). No more sicknessjust like in the first Edenno more death, nothing

    unpleasant, everything ideal. A perfect God will dwell with a people He has brought into perfection

    through His love and the blood of His Son Jesus.

    Jesus three different times in the twenty-second chapter of Revelation, declares that He will come

    for us. Verse 7: Behold, I come q uickly. Verse 12: And, behold, I come qu ickly; and my

    rew ard is with me, to give every m an according as his work shall be. Verse 20: Sure ly I

    come qu ickly. My dear John, Jesus is saying, tell the people that I w ill come. The One who

    walked among the golden candlesticks, the One who took John through the whole church age, laid

    it all out in a definite way, the One who told John to write all that he had seen so that we would

    know our hour, that One is saying, John, tell them I come quickly!

    Even with all of the evidence in the Word of God, people will deny the second appearance of our

    Lord as well as the third appearance. They dare say the Rapture is a myth. Preachers and teachers

    in the Christian world raise their voices against the last message from Jesus to us through John the

    Revelator. The knowledge of the Rapture is vital; people must know it, hug it to their hearts asliving, breathing reality, never to let it go. It is so important that three different times in the very

    last moments of this mighty visitation, Jesus told of His coming. John, write it; John, tell it.

    John knew Jesus; he had walked with Him in the flesh. Without any misgivings, without one

    particle of doubt, John the Revelator wrote the book of Revelation. He put down exactly what the

    Master said. John was a disciple of Jesus, and if that disciple could believe everything Jesus said,

    His disciples today should believe all, too. We should have no argument with any of it; none of it

    should be unacceptable to our minds. The Bible contains the truth of God, the plan of God, a

    mighty, wonderful plan for those who will walk in the righteousness and the holiness of God. Butfor those who die lost, it's damnation, destruction, hellfire and brimstone, the lake of fire that will

    never be quenched, endless torment. It's up to you who are living for Him and serving Him to

    spread the news. There will be joy in the morning; the morning will come for the Children of God.

    As John was caught up into heaven and saw the great heavenly rainbow behind the One who sat on

    the throne, we will see that rainbow which declares the storm is passed, the storm of sin and

    destruction, the storm of tears, sickness and disease. The rainbow of God's promise will last for all

    eternity. Never another storm! We will thank God throughout the ages for the old rugged cross,

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    for Jesus, for the nail-riven hands as we walk in this great garden of Paradise. How wonderful that

    will be!

    This fantastic Book, the Bible, opens with a man and a woman in the Paradise of Eden, and closes

    with the man called Jesus and His Bride in eternal Paradise. The difference? Adam and Eve sold

    Paradise to the devil. The devil tried to buy Paradise from Jesus when He was on Earth, but no

    sale. That garden of eternal Paradise will never be sold. Thank God, we'll be in the arms of Jesus

    forever, for all eternity!

    You who are not ready to live in that Paradise, I want to warn you: Don't miss it or the lake of fire

    will be yours. I say again, there are but two places to go: the Paradise described in the closing

    chapter of the Bible or the lake of fire. Don't go to hell, but behold the Lamb of God who taketh

    away the sins of the world. He will deliver you; He paid the price.

    Sinner, backslider, if you want God's eternal Paradise, say this prayer with me now:Oh God, I have

    sinned against you. I confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, that He is my Redeemer. He died

    for me so that I could live for Him. I believe there is power in His blood to wash away all mysins. Come into my heart, Jesus; come into my heart!

    If you meant that prayer He has come. If you meant that prayer He is yours. Spend time with Him

    each day. Pray, fast and live in the Word of God. Go on to seek the baptism in the precious Holy


    My blessings are many, saith the Lord, and I desire to bless my Children. And I am blessing my

    Children in this their final hour. I am their love; I am their faith; I am their understanding; I am

    their wisdom, I am their knowledge. And as my people walk with me, they will be strong in the

    greatness of my love and faith and courage and understanding. They will walk unafraid, and

    will defeat the powers of the enemy. My Spirit is being rained down. Recognize my Spirit.

    Recognize the great flow of my Spirit. There is no lack of my Spirit for those who will accept my

    greatness and will be obedient to me in all things, those that will walk before me without spot or

    wrinkle. My blessings will be sufficient [so] that no power can defeat you. My right arm will do

    battle for you, and you will conquer, saith the Lord. There will be victories, victories, but there

    will be many battles. Be not discouraged. Do not let your heart be afra id, saith the Lord.

    The Lord is in the midst of His people, and His glory is here to deliver you. Look to Him, and He

    will set you free. Delight in Him, and He will do great and mighty things for you. Believe all that

    His Word has said, and He will use you in this final hour of the Gentiles. Don't look to the right or

    the left; close your ears to doubt and open your heart to the faith of God, and you will see His

    mighty hand moving in the land today; and you will know His prophecies for tomorrow.

    The Lord will make great highways to the nations so His message can be spread, and He will make

    your path plain. He goes with you who have yielded all of self to Him: He will be nigh unto you.

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    No power will be able to defeat you when you obey Him in all your ways. He hears you as you

    speak in the darkness; He hears you when you speak in the light, and He will provide you with all

    things needed. Knowing your steps at all times, He sees the way you take, and He will deliver you

    from the hand of the enemy. He gives victory at midnight.

    Do not be weary in this hour; it is the final hour. Look unto the Lord. Look at His mighty signs as

    He gathers His people back, opens up the heavens and sends His miracle power upon the Gentiles.

    He fulfills all of His promises. Know that redemption draweth nigh. The powers of Lucifer will be

    defeated as you stand tall in the presence of the Lord, proclaiming God's message to the peoples of

    the Earth, confirmed with signs and wonders. All He has prophesied in His Holy Word will be

    fulfilled. Quickly He will come.

    Multitudes are waiting to hear the message of this final hour, the prophecies foretold so many years

    ago that are coming to pass in our day. All must hear before His light goes out. The highway to the

    nations is paved with the promises of God. Rise up with His greatness as He pours out His power

    upon the Earth. The nations will behold His miracle hands in action for them, and then the end

    shall come. Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!

    LUCIFER IS FALLEN, All rights reserved. Copyright 1990 Ernest Angley.

    All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use

    only. You may freely download, print or distribute this literature without prior permission, as long as it is NOT altered and is distributed in

    its entirety.

    1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

    er Is Fallen - Ernest Angley Ministries