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Los mandatosEspanol 4.2 Commands

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Commands•Commands are used to tell someone what to do. You use them to give orders.

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Types of CommandsFormal Informal•“Ud.” and “Uds.” commands

•Can be affirmative (+) or negative

•Nosotros “Let’s”

•“tú” commands

•Can be affirmative (+) or negative

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Formal Commands•You use formal commands to talk to someone with

respect (Ud.), or to address a group (Uds.).

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Formation of Formal Commands• Formal commands are formed the exact same way we form the

subjunctive. Ar verbs Er/Ir verbs

Usted Take “-e” for the ending

Take “-a” as the ending

Ustedes Take “-en” for the ending

Take “-an” as the ending

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Ejemplos•¡Beba el café!

•¡No beba el café!

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Ejemplos• ¡Tomen apuntes!

• ¡No tomen apuntes!

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Los Irregulares•Verbs that are irregular in the subjunctive are also

irregular for formal commands.

•Boot Verbs•Special Spelling Changers•“Yo” Irregulars•Total Irregulars

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Boot Verbs

InfinitiveCerrarJugarEmpezarSeguir (to follow/continue)Volver (to return)

Usted(No) cierre

(No) juegue*(No) empiece*(No) siga(No) vuelva

Ustedes(No) cierren(No) jueguen*(No) empiecen*(No) sigan(No) vuelvan

*also spelling change to preserve the sound

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Special Spelling Changers

InfinitiveSacarPagarBuscarAbrazar (to hug)Escoger (to choose)Conducir (to drive)

Usted(No) saque(No) pague(No) busque(No) abrace(No) escoja(No) conduzca

Ustedes(No) saquen(No) paguen(No) busquen(No) abracen(No) escojan(No)conduzcan

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“Yo” Irregulars


Usted(No) diga(No) haga(No) vea(No) ponga(No) tenga(No) salga(No) venga(No) caiga


(No) digan(No) hagan(No) vean(No) pongan(No) tengan(No) salgan(No) vengan(No) caigan

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Total Irregulars


Usted(No) dé(No) esté(No) vaya(No) sepa(No) sea

Ustedes(No) den(No) estén(No) vayan(No) sepan(No) sean

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Ejemplo•¡Siga el camino!

•¡No siga el camino!

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Ejemplo•¡Conduzcan lentamente!

•¡No conduzcan lentamente!

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Ejemplo•¡Ponga su chaqueta en el armario!

•¡No ponga su chaqueta en el armario!

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Ejemplos•¡Den su tarea a la Srta. Heller!

•¡No den su tareaa la Srta. Heller!

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Nosotros Commands•Once again the subjunctive form is the key to success for

these commands

Comer Vivir Hablar

¡Comamos! ¡Vivamos! ¡Hablemos!

Beber Escribir Andar

¡Bebamos! ¡Escribamos!


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Los Irregulares•Verbs that are irregular in the subjunctive are also

irregular for formal commands.

•Boot Verbs•Special Spelling Changers•“Yo” Irregulars•Total Irregulars

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Boot Verbs

InfinitiveCerrarJugarEmpezarSeguir (to follow/continue)Volver (to return)

Nosotros Command(No) cerremos(No) juguemos*(No) empecemos*(No) sigamos(No) volvamos

*also spelling change to preserve the sound

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Special Spelling Changers

InfinitiveSacarPagarBuscarAbrazar (to hug)Escoger (to choose)Conducir (to drive)

Nosotros Command(No) saquemos(No) paguemos(No) busquemos(No) abracemos(No) escojamos(No) conduzcamos

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“Yo” Irregulars


Nosotros Command(No) digamos(No) hagamos(No) veamos(No) pongamos(No) tengamos(No) salgamos(No) vengamos(No) caigamos

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Total Irregulars


Nosotros Commands(No) demos(No) estemos(No) vayamos(No) sepamos(No) seamos

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Reflexive Verbs

Infinitive Nosotros Command

•Levantarse•Sentarse•Dormirse (to fall asleep)




With reflexive verbs the final “s” of the verb drops before adding “nos.”

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Alternative Forms of the Nosotros Command•You can always use “Vamos + a + infinitive” to create a nosotros command.

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Ejemplos•¡Invitemos a Ke$ha!

•¡Vamos a invitar a Ke$ha!

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•¡Vamos a abrazarnos!

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Affirmative “tú” Commands•If you want to give a command to a friend or someone with whom you would use “tú” just put the verb in the “él/ella/usted” form of the present tense.

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Affirmative “tú” Commands•Él lava los platos-He washes the plates (present tense)•¡Lava los platos!Wash the plates! (command)

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Affirmative “tú” Commands

Comer Vivir Hablar

¡Come! ¡Vive! ¡Habla!

Beber Escribir Andar

¡Bebe! ¡Escribe! ¡Anda!

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Los Irregulares• These eight verbs are irregular in the “affirmative tú” command

Decir DiHacer HazSaber SéVer VePoner PonTener TenSalir SalVenir Ven

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Negative “tú” Commands• To make a negative “tú” command (telling someone NOT to do

something) use the “tú” form of the subjunctive.

Ar verbs Er/Ir verbs

Take “-es” for the ending

Take “-as” as the ending

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Ejemplos•¡Come las verduras!

•¡No comas las verduras!

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Ejemplos•¡Haz ejercicios 1 a 7!

•¡No hagas ejercicios 1 a 7!

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Ejemplos•¡Habla español!

•¡No hables inglés!

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Los irregulares• Verbs that are irregular in the subjunctive are also irregular for

negative “tú” commands.

• Boot Verbs• Special Spelling Changers• “Yo” Irregulars• Total Irregulars

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Boot Verbs

InfinitiveCerrarJugarEmpezarSeguir (to follow/continue)Volver (to return)

Affirmative “tú”CierraJuegaEmpiezaSigaVuelve

Negative “tú”No cierresNo juegues*No empieces*No sigues*No vuelvas

*also spelling change to preserve the sound

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Special Spelling Changers

InfinitiveSacarPagarBuscarAbrazar (to hug)Escoger (to choose)Conducir (to drive)

Affirmative “tú”SacaPagaBuscaAbrazaEscogeConduce

Negative “tú”No saquesNo paguesNo busquesNo abracesNo escojasNo conduzcas

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“Yo” Irregulars


Affirmative “tú”DiHazVePonTenSalVenCae

Negative “tú”No digasNo hagasNo veasNo pongasNo tengasNo salgasNo vengasNo caigas

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Total Irregulars


Affirmative “tú”DaEstáVeSabeSé

Negative “tú”No desNo estésNo vayasNo sepasNo seas

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¡Cierra la puerta!¡No cierres la puerta!

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¡Abraza tu abuelo!¡No abraces tu abuelo!

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¡Ven aquí!¡No vengas aquí!

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¡Sé tu mismo!¡No seas tu mismo!