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Contact instructor

Dean Giustini, Adjunct faculty, and UBC reference librarianE-mail: [email protected]: 604.875.4505Twitter: The Search Principle [email protected]


Do you have questions about the course, any of the modules or assignments? Feel free to post a question to the "discussion" forum in Vista. You can also ask your question via the course e-mail system or one of the following e-mail accounts: [email protected] or [email protected] / CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

I spend time every day in digital spaces but enjoy face-to-face (F2F) interactions with students. The online world can be a felicitous, useful place

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for conversations and collaboration, but to create relationships with others, you will eventually need to meet up in person. When you are ready for conversation, drop by my library at Oak and 12th Avenue.

In the electric age, we all wear mankind as our skin...

Marshall McLuhan (1911 - 1980)

Virtual Office Hours

I use e-mail, Google Talk and Wimba for office hours. My virtual office hours are 6 to 9pm Pacific Standard Time on Mondays


Social Media for Information Professionals is an online course offered through the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies (SLAIS) and the Web-based Information Science Education program. In all likelihood, this will not be the first online course you have taken. However, it's important to consider some of the differences between face-to-face learning (in physical classrooms) and online learning, and try to be aware of these differences as you proceed through the modules of the course.

Online learning refers to courses delivered using a platform such as Blackboard, Moodle or Vista. Online courses are generally delivered using a combination of readings, discussions and activities. Courses meeting in classrooms benefit from face-to-face interaction but an online group of committed students and instructor can create a learning experience that will rival a 'bricks-and-mortar' classroom. The critical learning in classrooms comes from sharing ideas about course content including discussion and debate.

Archivists, librarians and information professionals can learn all sorts of new information skills using social media. While communicating asynchronously, this does not (and should not) prevent you from meeting your classmates outside of class. I encourage F2F meetings if you live in the same city; some great conversations take place over coffee or other informal contexts.

I use HLWIKI Canada for this class and encourage you to read the relevant general social media entries there. If you don't already do so, try Facebook and

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Twitter. If you author a blog, consider using it for your reflective journal or create a new blog using WordPress at UBC. For your group projects, use HLWIKI as a collaborative space or private spaces such as Google Documents. Navigating closed and open digital environments is part of the course.

Six modules in course

LIS courses on social media tend to focus on tools and how librarians use those tools. Although we do some of that here, I want our discussions to move towards more debate about social media and what might be considered best practices for information organizations. As information professionals, we should view social media as part of a digital ecosystem which we use to communicate with our user groups not simply as technological diversions.

Each module of LIBR559M is designed to provide exposure to this digital ecosystem. I share my experiences as a social media user and point you to information about the impact of social media. The literature deals with shifting notions of identity, society and power (agency) - and each module refers to some examples for your consideration, discussion and assessment.

It's important to speak to archivists and librarians who use social media and ask those who don't why they don't use it. If you can, ask information professionals for their opinions. I model effective use of social media and point to archivists and librarians whose work I admire. This course should help you, in a concrete way, to formulate your own social media practices. We do not have to use social media in the same way.

The best way to learn about social media is to reflect on your past experiences with it. Why did a project work because of social media? What are your goals in using social media? Evaluate your use of media in general including via mobile devices and smartphones. Does your social media usage change when you are using your iPhone or Blackberry? I encourage this self-reflection! To understand social media culture, there are few substitutes for trying things out and engaging with others in online communities. We'll have opportunities to use new tools in this course but bear in mind that the tools are not our focus.

Learning curve in LIBR559M

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There is a steep learning curve with social technologies and a growing literature regarding the affordances of social media. Many of you who use social media in your private lives and academic programs will find it easy to make the switch to using social media professionally. As a group, we bring a wealth of knowledge to class and I encourage you to share it.

One of the strengths of interdisciplinary programs (including library and information science programs) is the diverse backgrounds of students. Your peers come from all academic backgrounds and walks of life that reflect the diversity of Canadian (and American) society.

There is a learning curve in understanding web media and its impact on archives and libraries. It is similarly steep in terms of learning how information professionals use social media. The course aims to simulate the breadth of adoption (or lack thereof) in modern libraries, archives and museums. In any case, use the course as an opportunity to build a collegial network of advice and support both during and after the course.

In weeks I to III, we focus on web 2.0 and library 2.0 - especially peer-production and collaboration. Let's collectively examine and share examples of how social media is used in archives, libraries and museums from across the world.

Time management

Time is at a premium for graduate students and interest in this course will vary considerably among enrolled students. A recurring discussion I have with librarians is that they do not have much time to use social media. Time management is a recurring theme in the course as we strive to find a balance between using social media and resisting its wholesale adoption.

Each week there are at least two required readings and one activity. I provide reading to delve into topics and issues. I encourage you to share interesting blogs, wikis or scholarly work (adding articles to the wiki) that you find. You don't have to read everything on the reading lists. If there is something you wish to share with your colleagues feel free to do so in the social cafe.

A word about your time. Your engagement with social media and the course content is demonstrated by participation in discussions and assignments. My

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commitment is to follow your discussions and guide as needed, providing feedback in a reasonable time frame.

Trust and respect

Due to the asynchronous nature of online classes, high levels of trust are needed for meaningful interaction. Trust is essential in building a learning community. In the forums, share your thoughts and ideas; the discussion boards are our "classroom" and conversation is part of learning the material. Consider what is and is not appropriate for sharing online and how best to provide feedback and encouragement to others.

I encourage you to use the forums for technical issues. To access Help!, click on the link at the top right of any page. If you have questions not appropriate for the forums, use Vista's mail tool to send messages to me (mail tool link, top right corner of course page), or use the telephone.

I look forward to working with you. I appreciate you have decided to take this course with me to learn so I am hoping we can ...

... enjoy our journey together ~Dean

Note: This schedule reflects a condensed time-frame in 2011.

Week Readings Discussions & Activities AssignmentsModule 1: Affordances


• Getting started• Introduce yourself• Create a blog• Find study buddy

• Social media glossary

Create a blog

Join Twitter

Study buddy


• Read affordance module

• Discovery exercise• Reflection: Blogs -


• Reflect on Affordance

Social media "term"


Blogpost 1

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Module 2: Participation

II Jenkins, Pearson, Casey & Savastinuk

• Scavenger hunt discovery exercise

Post to discussion forums


• Explore instructor's use of social media

• Downside of 2.0

Discuss 2.0

Blogpost 2

Module 3: Collaboration

III Russell

• View collaboration presentation

• Team up with another study buddy group for your wiki entries

Wiki entries - due July 29th


• Read wiki entries from last time course was offered in Summer 2010

Blogpost 3

Module 4: Creation

IV • Creating knowledge

• Self-directed work of your own

• Scavenger hunt

Blogpost 4

Top 100 Ways Librarians Use Social Media

Module 5: Aggregation

VSelect one reading from list

• View Wesch video• Examine


• View Rheingold video

O'Reilly & Battelle

• Explore networks

• Whither web 2.0 in the next 5 years

Blogpost 5

Module 6: Immersion

VI Luo or Hedreen • View virtual world videos

• Explore any virtual

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world such as Second Life

• Examine building blocks of immersivity

• Examine one or more immersive environments

• Will the semantic web be three-dimensional?

• Prepare presentations

Blogpost 6

• Group presentations

• Course & instructor evaluation

• Bundle, synthesize, harmonize

Final projects due by August 19th

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Being social digitally / CC BY-SA 2.0

Introducing yourself is part of your work as an information professional and friending new people on social media. We begin this course with introductions. By introducing yourself, you facilitate the online experience by getting to know others. Online discussions are more rewarding when we come together as a learning community and find ways to share our ideas with each other. An important first step is to be social and to make connections with others.

Starting conversations (and sharing personal stories) is fundamental to building trust in an online class. By getting to know each other, we become engaged in a critical part of human learning - forming social relationships. Social learning is a powerful way to learn about media for online spaces offer new and exciting ways to learn.

The first step in evaluating whether tools are useful is to go where information professionals congregate. What does it look like to be social online? How does

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it feel? To enjoy its benefits, you may need to put yourself out there in ways you never thought necessary.

Part of learning on social media is to use the tools. Don't be afraid to try things. Posting pictures make some people feel uncomfortable (I'm camera-shy) but the human being at the other end may really appreciate it. Posting photos is not a requirement but I encourage it.

Tell us something about yourself

You may want to answer the questions below (or focus on areas you feel comfortable sharing):

•• Tell us something - your background, where you live, your interests• Do you work in a library or archive? Tell us where, and what you do• What drew you to a career in archives or libraries?• What are your academic interests? Where do you want to be in 5 years?• Have you used social media before? What tools?• Share your views about using technology to provide information services• What attracted you to this course? What do you want or hope to gain

from it? new skills? insight into using social media to connect with people?

Post something creatively

• For something different, write your introduction, put it into Wordle and post the cloud

• If you have a digital picture, attach it; the image should be in a .jpg or .gif format.

• Read postings from fellow students, and get to know one another. This is the best part of working in libraries - all the great people

Interrogating social media

To understand the impact of social media, it is important to critique and assess the tools, and the networks that are created by them.

In LIBR559M, I would like you to consider some of the following questions:

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• What of value is there in social media? In creating a social network?• How should information professionals use social media? Should we be

concerned about privacy and how?• What impact (i.e. positive or negative) does social media have in our

work as information professionals/ in society?• What do information professionals need to know about social media?• What makes a social tool useful? to be connected? to stay current? to

build a social network? to engage in learning?• How is community defined by social networks? Can we deliver

information services completely online?• What do we stand to gain/or lose with social media?• Does a digital divide exist in social media? What are its implications in

our work?• How might social media be used to manage change in our communities?• How is social media linked to building your digital reputation?

This course will explore these (and other) questions through discussions, practical hands-on experience and reading. Our success in understanding concepts will depend on the depth of analysis and whether we can highlight important issues to guide us in our understanding. My view is that we can always interrogate the concepts until we determine where we sit on any given issue (ie. Facebook privacy).

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Expectations - 'two way'

What you can expect from me

As your instructor, here's what you can expect from me:

• Updates delivered regularly

A weekly update on the activities of the next week is posted on Sundays. I aim to make each week interesting and engaging. If something is unclear, send an e-mail to me or post a comment in the discussion forums. If someone has a question, it's likely others do too. Throughout term, share information with your peers (and me) frequently.

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• Feedback and facilitation

I try to limit my involvement in discussion forums so you can spend uninterrupted time with your peers. As needed, I post messages when conversation needs to be re-tracked. I often post questions or comments so that everyone can be brought into the conversation.

• Support and feedback

If you need to speak to me, send me an email. Without fail, I answer questions in twenty-four hours and give feedback within a few days of receiving assignments. My goal is to be as responsive to your learning needs as possible. By term's end, I hope the wide exposure to social media and its issues will help to make you feel comfortable discussing its principles.

What I expect from students

Here is what I expect from you as a student:

• Active engagement

Active discussions in an online course is critical and where real learning takes place. It is therefore imperative everyone completes weekly reading and posts comments in a timely manner. Participation should be substantive, thoughtful and constructive. Post one starter message each week in response to a discussion prompt from me. Reply to at least two of your peers' messages.

When you cannot meet a deadline, make arrangements with me. Send a message to your group about why you cannot make a deadline; propose an alternative for meeting your time commitments.

• Provide feedback to your study buddy

You will be paired with a "study buddy" and are expected to collaborate with and provide feedback to him/her. I have seen how well this has worked in other online courses and programs and want to try it here.

• Develop ideas about social media

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Some activities are designed to help integrate social software into your learning. You may be asked to write a blogpost or an entry on the wiki. The goal is to find activities that will be relevant and useful to you as library and information professionals.

• Provide me (course creator) with input

I hope you find this course useful and intellectually challenging. I realize its contents may need improvement and encourage you to provide feedback so that I can make improvements "on the fly". Comments shared at the end of the course will help me to revise content for the next offering.

Participation, group activities and assessment


Students are asked to be part of a dynamic learning community and take advantage of the social support of the individually and group networks that will be built in this class. The course is designed for those graduate students who are comfortable with taking charge of their own learning, and who don't require supervision or external motivation. However, some activities require a high level of (online) collaboration and social engagement, and cannot be completed in isolation.

Twenty-five per-cent (25%) of your mark is allotted for participation. Keeping up-to-date on what’s happening means checking into the online modules every day. Stay in touch with your study group and study buddy. Submissions must be on time; all activities need to be completed in order to pass the course. Marks are deducted when work is late.

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Criteria for participation

Below are some criteria used to determine participation:

1. Submit activities by the due dates2. Discuss and blog content related to the course and create posts and

group submissions.3. Group work - work with members in your class network. Collaborate on

group activities. This includes peer editing of other members' writing for class wiki. Contact members and provide collegial support as needed.

4. Assess your own participation. Send comments to instructor about how well you meet expectations for participation.

5. Comment about the participation of members in your group; give a mark out of 10.

Group activities

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In LIBR559M, you have the opportunity to work with others. I assign each student to a study buddy to help you work through concepts and overcome feelings of isolation. By discussing ideas with other students, the learning becomes more grounded in real life experience.

Why study groups?

Study groups help you to get through course content. Building networks is a skill needed in most workplaces. Help each other and provide support. Ask for assistance; I am not offline for long. Some activities are group-based; others involve your buddy - this is explained in the assignment instructions.

Study groups are a mix of four or five students. It's best to work with students who attend classes at UBC as well as remote students (some still reside in the Lower Mainland). Diversity is a way to see other perspectives! During the first week, select a name for your group and post it in the discussion forum. Once you have a name, let me know so I can update it in the discussion area and assign you to a chat room.

Each group has a private discussion area in the discussion forum. This is the best place to contact your group members. Check for messages daily (I recommend logging in every day). Keep your members informed if you are away for any time. Your group should assign a 'Group Leader' (every one should take turns) who will be responsible for posting results of activities and getting the ball rolling. It's a good learning experience - and mirrors what is expected in most professional information organizations.

Why study buddies?

In addition to groups, I pair you with other students for support. You are expected to chat with your study buddy and provide feedback about their work as we complete all six modules. Let me know if you want to find your own study buddy. I have seen how the buddy system works in other courses and recommend it.


I assess participation in a variety of ways, including engagement in group activities and individual assignments.

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Online journal or blog assignment

Blogs are the quintessential social medium. For the blog assignment (runs the duration of the course) each student is expected to:

• Establish a UBC blog account• Observe the effective use of blogging by other library and information

professionals• Make thoughtful comments about other blogs in class• Make one blog post per week related to readings or activities, such as:

o ideas about web 2.0 or library 2.0o concepts and experiences related to themes in the courseo your thoughts while contributing and sharing with your peerso posts should be succinct and concise; most people prefer brief

entries but should move beyond surface-level observationso demonstrate critical thinking, evaluation, and commentary; pack

meaning into a few paragraphs

Ideas for blogposts

• Respond to theories and concepts in course readings• React to posts by someone (adding a new dimension or angle)• Cite examples of effective use of social media (and why)• List suggestions for improvement of existing library services• Link to emerging technologies (what’s new and has potential?)• Ruminate on social, cultural, political and economic impact of social

media• Try ideas how you can (or are) implementing L2 in your work• Individual philosophy or definition of L2• Reflect on web 2.0 or library 2.0• First experiences with social media or immersive environments; virtual

communities• Remember to link to other sites, add images and embed video

Tips on blogging

Write one substantial blogpost per module (six in total). Leave one thoughtful comment a week on a blog of two people in class. Bloggers should use the medium to entertain, incite, dispute, inform or critique ...depending on voice and stance required. Strive to be critical, informative, performative - show me

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(as a fellow blogger) that you are thinking about some of the issues I raise and share your own. Entertain us if you want but remember a critical, academic voice is desirable.

Many blogs are commentaries on current events but can be creative, unique even. More often than not, librarian bloggers share their opinions of what is happening in the library world. A quintessential post for me is short (Twitter influence?) filled with links. While some posts don't contain links, many do because they are important for follow up.

Seek to find your own voice. Strive to be critical, informative, performative - and show that you are thinking about issues. Share your learning with peers. Entertainment value is a great but remember a critical scholarly voice is always desirable.


Final group project:

• Study groups will design an archive, museum, library 2.0 service targeting specific users or type of library

• Use open source software to create a working model to be implemented in an actual information organization.

• Small groups of students develop plan to implement social software applications in an information or library organization

• Each project will include a presentation in the final week of class. Groups should use social media to collaborate on project development and document how social software contributed to (or hindered) project success. Students receive two grades, an individual grade and a group grade. Further details will be forthcoming.

OR Final group paper:

• As an alternative, write a well-researched paper about one of the social media principles, issues or trends discussed in the course

• The paper should be analytical and present ideas for the future of libraries in a 2.0 world, and include a literature review

• The paper should be from between 12 and 15 pages with a list of sources consulted.

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