Download - Let the Tiger Roar - MongoDB 3.0


Let the Tiger Roar! MongoDB 3.0

Norberto Leite Technical Evangelist [email protected] @nleite


•  MongoDB 3.0 •  Pluggable Storage Engine API •  Storage Engines

–  MMAPv1 –  WiredTiger –  WT vs MMAPv1

•  Improvements

MongoDB 3.0


A lot of good things come with 3

•  USB

•  3G

•  Tricycle

MongoDB 3.0

•  Pluggable Storage Engine API •  Storage Engines •  Large Replica Sets •  Big Polygon •  Security Enhancements – SCRAM •  Audit Trail •  Simplified Operations – Ops Manager •  Tools Rewrite

MongoDB 3.0 is a bag full of goodies!

Storage Engine

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How does MongoDB persist data?

•  <= MongoDB 2.6 –  One unique mechanism using Memory Mapped Files –  "mmapv1" Storage Engine

•  MongoDB 3.0 has a few more options –  mmapv1 – default –  wiredTiger –  (in_memory – experimental only)

Pluggable Storage Engine API


Storage Engine API

•  Allows to "plug-in" different storage engines –  Different work sets require different performance

characteristics –  mmapv1 is not ideal for all workloads –  More flexibility

•  Can mix storage engines on same replica set/sharded cluster

•  Opportunity to integrate further ( HDFS, native encrypted, hardware optimized …)





•  Improved concurrency control •  Great performance on read-heavy workloads

•  Data & Indexes memory mapped into virtual address space

•  Data access is paged into RAM

•  OS evicts using LRU

•  More frequently used pages stay in RAM


What is WiredTiger?

•  Storage engine company founded by BerkeleyDB alums •  Recently acquired by MongoDB •  Available as a storage engine option in MongoDB 3.0

Why is WiredTiger Awesome

•  Document-level concurrency •  Disk Compression •  Consistency without journaling •  Better performance on certain workloads

– write heavy

Improving Concurrency

•  2.2 – Global Lock •  2.4 – Database-level Locking •  3.0 MMAPv1 – Collection-level Locking •  3.0 WT – Document-level

– Writes no longer block all other writes – Higher level of concurrency leads to more

CPU usage


•  WT uses snappy compression by default •  Data is compressed on disk •  2 supported compression algorithms

–  snappy: default. Good compression, relatively low overhead

–  zlib: Better

•  Indexes are compressed using prefix compression –  Allows compression in memory

Consistency without Journaling

•  MMAPv1 uses write-ahead log (journal) to guarantee consistency

•  WT doesn't have this need: no in-place updates –  Write-ahead log committed at checkpoints

•  2GB or 60sec by default – configurable! –  No journal commit interval: writes are written to

journal as they come in –  Better for insert-heavy workloads

•  Replication guarantees the durability

MMAPv1 vs. WT

How to run MMAPv1

•  MMAPv1 is the default

How to run WT

•  mongod now has --storageEngine option

MMAPv1 Database Files

•  MMAPv1 persists data to files per databases –  Indexes –  Data

WT Database Files

•  Each collection & indexes stored in own file

Playing nice together

•  Can not –  Can't copy database files –  Can't just restart w/ same dbpath

•  Yes we can! –  Initial sync from replica set works perfectly! –  mongodump/restore

•  Rolling upgrade of replica set to WT: –  Shutdown secondary –  Delete dbpath –  Relaunch w/ --storageEngine=wiredTiger –  Rollover

Other WT configuration options

•  Compression: --wiredTigerCollectionBlockCompressor

•  YAML format for configuration


•  No 32-bit Support –  WT is 64bit only

•  system.indexes & system.namespaces deprecated –  Explicit commands: db.getIndexes() db.getCollectionNames()


Small Demo



Wider Range of Use Cases

How: Flexible Storage Architecture •  Fundamental rearchitecture, with new pluggable storage engine API •  Same data model, same query language, same ops •  But under the hood, many storage engines optimized for many use


Single View Content Management

Real-Time Analytics Catalog

Internet of Things (IoT) Messaging

Log Data Tick Data

Up to 95% Lower Operational Overhead

How: MongoDB Ops Manager •  The best way to run MongoDB •  Automates core management

tasks •  Single-click provisioning, scaling,

upgrades, administration •  Monitoring, with charts,

dashboards & alerts on 100+ metrics

•  Backup and restore, with point-in-time recovery

7x-10x Performance, 50%-80% Less Storage

How: WiredTiger Storage Engine •  Same data model, same query

language, same ops •  Write performance gains driven

by document-level concurrency control

•  Storage savings driven by native compression

•  100% backwards compatible •  Non-disruptive upgrade

MongoDB 3.0 MongoDB 2.6



Please go and test it!


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@nleite [email protected]