Download - Lesson 8

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Subject Complements.notebook


September 10, 2013


8th Grade Language Arts


1. Independent Reading

2. Grammar

3. The Rule of "So What"


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-comments on 2 students' responses (F)

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-Grammar Test (M)

Page 2: Lesson 8

Subject Complements.notebook


September 10, 2013

Action Verbs Non-action Verbs


sitting was










Some verbs show action, while others are "state-of-being" or non-action verbs.Sort this list into these two groups.

Page 3: Lesson 8

Subject Complements.notebook


September 10, 2013

Many non-action verbs are "to be" verbs and often act as linking verbs.The words that follow a linking verb rename the subject or describe it.Click the checkmark to see all of the "to be" verbs.

was, were, be

To "be" verbs

am, is, are

been, being

Legolas is an elf.

Legolas is swift.

Renames the subject:

Describes the subject:

predicate noun

predicate adjective

Page 4: Lesson 8

Subject Complements.notebook


September 10, 2013

Chapter 1: Lessons 8­ Subject Complements

Subject Complements: A word or group of words that follows a linking verb ; renames or describes the subject

• Predicate Nouns (nominatives) PN­ defines or renames a subjecto Philadelphia is the largest city in Pennsylvania.o Philadelphia equals the largest city…o The largest city in Pennsylvania is Philadelphia.

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Subject Complements.notebook


September 10, 2013

• Predicate Adjectives PA­ describes a quality of the subject

o Philadelphia taste .


The is .historic


Liberty Bell

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Subject Complements.notebook


September 10, 2013

1. New Orleans is a city in Louisiana.

2. It was the birthplace of Jazz.

3. Preservation Hall is famous for its jazz concerts.

4. The restaurants of New Orleans are another attraction.

5. The Cajun dishes taste spicy.

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Subject Complements.notebook


September 10, 2013

Drag these words into place to make sentences.

subject + linking verb + predicate noun

subject + linking verb + predicate adjective

Our refrigerator is very noisy

For the past five years Mr. Wallace hasbeen our family's accountant


Page 8: Lesson 8

Subject Complements.notebook


September 10, 2013

Write some sentences that have predicate nouns. Subject + linking verb + predicate noun

Example: My dog, Oreo, is an affectionate Dalmatian.

A predicate noun renames the


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Subject Complements.notebook


September 10, 2013

Example: My dog, Oreo, is affectionate and playful.

Write some sentences that have predicate adjectives. Subject + linking verb + predicate adjective

A predicate adjective describes the


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Subject Complements.notebook


September 10, 2013

1. In the late afternoon, Sarah is walking our neighbor's dog.2. The twins, Joe and Sam, are quite amusing.3. This towering mountain range is the Himalayas.

4. He has been a champion for many years.

6. I am an enthusiastic fan of our city's football team.

5. For this school term I am running for school president.

Put a star by the sentences that have alinking verb followed by a predicate noun or a predicate adjective. Otherwise, put an "x".

Page 11: Lesson 8

Subject Complements.notebook


September 10, 2013

SO WHAT?I remember that when I was in fifth grade I got really sick. My throat

was raw, and all my joints ached. The family doctor said I had rheumatic fever.

I had to stay in bed for six months. I couldn't walk up and down stairs or even go to the bathroom by myself.

When my dad came home from work at night, he'd carry me downstairs so I could watch television and be with the rest of the family, then carry me back upstairs at bedtime. Otherwise it was a lonely, boring time. All I could do was read. During the six months I had rheumatic fever I practically ate books. I made my poor mother go to the library almost every day for new ones.

Finally the doctor said I could go back to school. It was one of the happiest days of my life, even though I couldn't run or play sports for a long time.

­Nancie A.

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September 10, 2013

The Rule of So What?• Good writing in every genre answers the question SO WHAT?

Good writing has purpose, a point, a reason it was written.

• The good writer looks for and finds the meanings, the significances, the implications in the subject he or she has chosen.

• Sometimes the SO WHAT? is subtle and implicit. Sometimes it's explicitly stated.

• Robert Frost wrote "No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader." If you don't find the deep meaning in your life or your characters' lives, your readers won't find meaning in their own.

• A good writer often discovers the SO WHAT? through the thinking of the writing process. But even with hard thinking, some topics may not have a SO WHAT? These pieces can be abandoned or put on hold.

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Subject Complements.notebook


September 10, 2013

Every time you write...

• an itch you're trying to scratch

• something the topic that intrigues you

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Subject Complements.notebook


September 10, 2013

Page 15: Lesson 8

Subject Complements.notebook


September 10, 2013

Observations and impressions of My Secret Garden

Page 16: Lesson 8

Subject Complements.notebook


September 10, 2013

"Is there a SO WHAT? Can you tell yet, as a reader, why I'm writing about this?"