Download - Leland-Suydam Newsletter Aug-Sept



August 3

Bowe Mikkelson

August 4

Jenna Baker

August 6

Justin Baker

Brian Smith

August 10

Millie Morel

August 11

Austin Rodgers

Rich Skinner

August 12

Merv Baker

August 14

Brittany Sampson

August 16

Lonny Sampson

August 17

Nick Larson

August 20

Janice Coleman

Alicia Jordal

Aurielle Jordal

August 22

Scott Passow

August 23

Laura Kay

August 27

Bert Law

Erick Cole


October 3, 2010

SUMC Harvest Lunches


Oct 6—Nov 6 (Dates are tentative)

L u m i n a r y Leland United Methodist Church Suydam United Methodist Church August 2010


Sunday School

Bible Studies


Prayer Vigils

Outreach Opportunities

Youth Group


Telling the Story Many Hawaiian songs end with one of these two phrases: ha‗ina ‗ia mai ka puana – ―the story is told‖ or ha‗ina ‗ia mai ana ka puana – ―let the refrain be told.‖ It‘s intriguing that the addition of one word (ana) changes the sense from past to a wish for something to happen. Maybe these words would fit well with prophesy. When the prophet Amos was challenged he said, ―I can‘t help it. I had no intentions of being a prophet, but God called me.‖ Other prophets carry the sense of ―this is the word of God; tell it to the world.‖ Either way, the message seems to be clear: God‘s word is to be told. Whether we have done it or are being challenged to do it, the word of God will be told throughout the earth.


R emember in prayer all those who need God‘s healing

touch, His comfort and love. All of our shut-ins The LETS Group Our church, conference and our church leaders Our Military: 2nd Lt. Ben Wacker-lin, Brandon Grover, (LUMC)

Kim Cole (SUMC)

A very heartfelt, ―Thank You‖ to everyone that re-membered me on my birthday. All your greetings mean

so much to me, and made my day very special. A very special thank you for the beautiful flowers that were given to me, by my SUMC church family. And to my friends that took me on a Birthday Outing! I so enjoyed the lunch, the fabric shop and the flower displays – everything was so special. I can‘t thank you enough……Blessings to all ~ Amber Sampson

A belated but very sincere Thank

You to Dale and Laurinda Kidd for the beautiful wood crosses they made for the confirmation class. They will be a special reminder of a very important day in the lives of our youth.

Sincerely, The Congregations of

Leland & Suydam UM Churches

Congratulations and best wishes to Ryan & Brandy Mason!

Jonah Brycen Mason arrived (very quickly!) on July 3, 2010. He weighed 7# 8oz and measured 20‖ long. Jo-nah‘s big sister is Kiley.

A couple had been married for 45 years and had raised a brood of 11 children and were blessed with 22 grandchildren. When asked the secret for staying together all that time, the wife replied, ―Many years ago we made a promise to each other: the first one to pick up and leave has to

take all the kids.‖


It‘s Sandwich Fair time once again and this year we have been given a very special opportunity! We can raise $1000 for the by helping at the United Church of Sandwich‘s Food Stand! This would require 4 people for 4 nights for approx. 4 hours each night. Your job descrip-tion includes: cleaning floors, re-stock & inventory food and sup-plies, take out trash and other clean-up work. If you‘d like to add your name ot the schedule or have ques-tions please contact Susan Larson or Beth Wackerlin.

Some of you may have noticed that the organ doesn‘t always sound just it‘s not always Roy! An organ repair man from Dixon has checked it out and there are some repairs

needed. The leathers in the pipes are still the original ones and they have begun to disintegrate so they need to be replaced. The total fee for all the repairs totals $4500. If you would like to help keep our organ in top condition all gifts will be gladly accepted. Please mark your gift ―Organ Repair‖ so it can be put into the repair fund. As always thank you for your generous gifts.

“Blessing of Backpacks” & Leland & Somonauk

School Supply Collection Drive

Sunday August 15, 2010

Basic Supplies Include:

Crayons Folders Markers Paper Pens Notebooks Pencils

Collection Boxes Will Be Available At Each Church

There are full supply lists for each school available at each church.

Please refer to them so you can purchase the correct “kind” of

supply the school requests. You may also purchase any other items

on the list. All supplies collected will be given to the

schools for distribution. Donations of cash are also



Suydam Church Lawn Mowing... We have 3 more families scheduled

to keep up with the lawn mowing. Hopefully the rain is slowing down so once a week is all that has been necessary the last couple of weeks. If anyone hasn‘t has the chance to sign up to take a turn, please let barb Tuttle know (*15-498-2515) and we will be glad to put you on the list. As you may know, each family may choose to mow themselves or Bobby Waszak will mow for you at $25/mowing. This has been working out very well. Thanks to all who have taken a turn.

This 34 week Bible Study will begin soon. The class will be led by the LETS Pastors and they would like to have

6—10 people commit to taking part in this in depth study of the Bible. Please contact pastor Karli if you are interested or have questions. Exact dates, times and locations will be an-nounced.

Are you on Facebook? We are too!

Invite your friends and neighbors to become friends on our page. Renew old ac-quaintances...make new friends...keep up with activities at LUMC...join us on Facebook!!

Prayer Vigil Wednesday September 15

7:00pm at LUMC

Take time from the busyness of your days and set aside the 3rd Wednesday evening of the month to reflect, spend in quiet with God and to refresh your spirit. Pastor Karli will lead the evening service.

Wednesday Morning Bible Study…

―Bad Girls of the Bible‖ ―Bad Boys of the Bible‖

Coming this fall… ―Slightly Bad Girls of the Bible‖ Wednesday mornings at the par-sonage


During this summer, I traveled to China to serve in mission with Bishop Hee-Soo Jung and have participated in numerous training opportunities within

the Northern Illinois Conference. The one thing I have been struck with throughout all of these oppor-tunities is how God uses various people, places, and events to draw us into deeper relationship. Some of us have always attended church and have grown up in the Christian faith. Others came into the faith later in life. We all have a Faith Story. What has been particularly interesting is that everyone‘s story is different. God has moved and worked in and thru Pastors, Sunday School teachers, neighbors, Family Members, even complete strangers to help each of us grow in our faith. I asked the Confirmation class this past year to draw out their life time-line and place on there times when they felt God was working/moving in their life. It was so remarkable to hear the young people pinpoint times when they felt God the most. Those are the encounters that shape our faith. As a church, we will be devel-oping more occasions for us to draw closer to Christ. We will begin monthly prayer vigils, an informal time for all to come together as a corporate body to have a private time in communication with God. Those will begin Wednesday Sep-tember 15, 2010 at 7pm at Leland UMC and then continue every 3rd Wednesday, alternating locations.

The Dancing Angels and Children‘s Choir will also begin in September, and we will start several small group Bible Studies. Psalm 139:13-14 says ―You formed my inmost being; you knit me in my mother's womb. I praise you, so wonderfully you made me; wonderful are your works! My very self you knew;‖ What an awesome realization to know that before we were even here God knew us and formed us. We should celebrate that we are God‘s children and then seek out those opportunities to ex-perience God on a deeper level and grow closer in our relationship with God.

Love you all Pastor Karli

Some meetings on Pastor Karli‘s calendar! Aug. 28 - Stewardship Workshop at Wheatland-Salem in Naperville Sept. 10-11—NCD Training at the Church Smart Facility, St. Charles Sept. 24-25 —Training for Cluster Leaders


Coming Events… August 1-15

Collecting School Supplies for Leland & Somonauk Schools

Sunday August 15 ―Blessing of Backpacks‖

Mark Your Calendar for September…

* Labor Day

* LUMC will work at the United Church of Sandwich Food Stand at

the Sandwich Fair (see pg. 7 for details)

* Prayer Vigil at LUMC

Wednesday Sept. 15 (see pg. 6 for details)

* Sun Sept 26 ‖Blessing of the Tractors‖

SS Rally Day Joint Service at Suydam

* Youth Choir practices begin Sept.

19 at Suydam 11:30am—12:15pm

Ages 5-18 Directed by Elizabeth Kenney

(accompanist at Suydam)

* The Dancing Angels will resume rehearsals Sept. 13

Watch for Dates...

* Youth Group will organize

* LETS Disciple Bible Study * Wednesday Morning

Bible Study (see pg. 6 for more info)

Attendance at VBS was a little low this year but everyone that came had a great time! The

weather caused some location changes but even that couldn‘t stop the excitement. The kids had fun living the week in an ―Egyptian Family‖ each youth was assigned a family that included a variety of ages. There were a few grumblings about not being with their friends but for the teachers it was awe-some! Less discipline problems, to name one! Thank you to everyone that worked so hard to make our ―Journey to Egypt‖ truly an experi-

ence to remember. Only when enough adults practice and teach children love and respect at home, in schools, religious congregations, and in our political and civic life will racial, gender, and religious intolerance and hate crimes subside in America and the world.

- Marian Wright Edelman,



Another Success! What we believe was our 49th Annual Strawberry Festival was another success. Held on June 10th, we served 222 in carry-outs and 165 in the dining room. Special thanks to Millie Morel

who came and helped Gail Kitner set up the dining room on Thursday afternoon. She moved about so quietly and all of a sudden she was ―gone‖! Thanks Millie!! We are checking our records to be sure next year will be the 50th Straw-berry festival. It doesn‘t seem possi-ble!! We are truly grateful for all out young people who came out and helped and were there through clean-up. Our profit shows $2690.47. We were able to get the blacktop sealed just before the festi-val and it really looks nice. Also to all those who cleaned the flower beds and spread mulch—thanks to each one of you. The church looked

very nice and the weather was very cooperative. Thank you again to each and everyone who helped in any way. When our grandchildren were vis-iting late last summer, they went out to catch lightening bugs one night. As 3 year old Carl put one in a jar, he looked up at me and asked, ―Grandma, what size batteries do these bugs take?‖

LETS ―More on 34‖ Garage Sale Report!

Food Stand profit: $1029.62 Rummage Profit: $1306.31

A Grand Total of: $2335.93!!!!

The profits will go to the LETS account for future activities of the LETS Churches. A huge thank you to everyone that worked so hard and helped in any way to make the event so successful.

LETS Summer Fun Day

The last Fun Day of the season will be at EUMC on Thursday August 5th from 1-4pm. Children & Youth of all ages come

join in a fun afternoon! (Adults are welcome too!)