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Learning Center

Learning Center refers to the physical learning space for student. Students can control learning by themselves both individual work and in small group. There are learning materials as multimedia forms and teacher guides.

The Origin of Learning Center

Learning Center based on the Open Educational System in 1960s – 1970s. The base classes form support self-learning, do activities by themselves and work in group.

Learning Center Forms

Learning Center is divided into two types of carrels

1. Dry Carrel consist of books or non- electric materials

2.Wet Carrel consist of electric materials such as tape, TV monitor, video player, computer, etc.

Learning Center’s Advantage


Active learning

Teacher Role

Group Process

Learning Center’s Disadvantage

Planning, organizing and the material collecting take more time and lots of money.

Instructor who organize learning center must manage good classes system.

Examples of Learning Center

Cadaveric Surgical Training Center

Planting Process Remedial Centers

Circuit Production Enrichment Center


Learning Center. [Online]. Available : /posts/197420 [14 January 2015]

Learning Center Picture. [Online]. Available : /photo blog/index.php/ [15 January 2015]

Learning Center Picture. [Online]. Available : [15 January 2015]