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Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt ProjectLarissa Davids, RN

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AIM Statement• The exam room supply cabinets will be standardized to

increase provider satisfaction in the next 90 days.

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Project Discovery

• Purchasing budget has had an increase in the last couple of months

• Providers complained about not having certain supplies on hand

• Supplies expiring before being used, related to excess• Supply cabinets unorganized• Unable to find items in the exam rooms• The exam room cabinets were inconsistent

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Voice of Customer• I and the Associate Director spoke to the providers and found

out what they need in the exam rooms to provide efficient and quality patient care

• I spoke with the clinical staff to determine:• Supplies needed in the exam room• Number of those supplies needed to provide care for one day

• After a ‘mock’ cabinet was set up, the clinical staff was asked to evaluate for any items that may be needed, the quantity available and the access to supplies.

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Curret State Inventory• A picture of the cabinet and how it should be organized was

placed in each cabinet.• On the picture, the number of each item to be stocked is listed

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Current State Pictures

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Current State Pictures

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5S• Sort• Items needed on a regular basis were identified by the customer• Items identified as ‘excess’ by the customer were removed

• Set in order• Everything was given a place and that place was labeled• Everything is visible and easily accessible

• Shine• Cabinets were cleaned out prior to labeling and stocking

• Standardize• All exam rooms were set up identically

• Sustain• Two rooms in the office are audited once a week

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End Result

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End Result

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End Result