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Latest SEO Trends to Keep an Eye On

Facing a sudden drop in rankings or traffic? Courtesy these ever-changing

Google algorithms.

Change in SEO trends is a result of changing Google algorithms.

Google algorithm is a continuously evolving and sophisticated system which

gets adapted according to the needs of the user.

Thus Search Engine Optimization works differently in different niches.

If you are still using the old SEO strategies, your website may be

undiscoverable or it may be found, but by the wrong people.

Though it may seem easy, in order to implement the correct SEO techniques,

you need to have a sound understanding and an in-depth knowledge of what

is new or on the horizon for ranking factors.

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Here is a rundown of trends which really matter:

1. Mobile-first indexing

Google is prioritizing mobile versions of the website over the desktop

versions.So, the mobile version of the site has to be on par with the desktop


The desktop site will be included in the indexing even if it doesn’t have a

mobile-friendly version. But the rankings of a mobile optimized site will hike

up in the rankings for desktop users as well.

Also, the algorithms work well with responsive mobile websites as compared

to dynamic websites or separate mobile URL websites.

While optimizing the mobile site make sure that all the details on the mobile

version and the desktop site match.Secondly, the meta tags of both the

versions should be homologous.

Sitemap links should be accessible on the mobile version and the structured

data markup on both versions should be the corresponding.

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Last but not the least, the quality of the content should not be


2. Voice search

Voice search is touted as the next big thing in the search industry.

As per Google, 72% people who own a voice-activated speaker say that their

devices are often used as a part of their daily routine.

With the increasing use of AI assistants like Alexa, Cortana, Siri, the way

people search is also changing.

Henceforth, when you refine for voice search, keep this in mind: It should be

optimized on the lines of human language and not the machine language.

When people use voice search, it is no different than the way they talk.So

don’t focus on the traditional keyword phrases.Consider the questions

people may ask and proceed accordingly.

Make your website pertinent enough to be shown in results for voice search.

3. Battle of the snippets

Snippets are the first thing to be displayed on the SERP.It also includes a link

to the page from where the summarized answer is obtained.The content in

featured snippets is extracted from the websites which Google finds to be

the most appropriate answer to the search query.

The benefits of a featured snippet-You get to be above the #1 result which

means more click rate, more traffic and ultimately getting an upper hand

over all the 1st-page results.

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So how do you get featured in a snippet? The answer is simple- You have to

ensure that the content on your page is a cut above the rest.

The key is to identify, understand and then target.

4. UX continues to get SEO traction

Google focuses on providing the best possible experience for users, and you

too should do the same.A website design revolving around the user will

ensure traffic on your website and that, in turn, will continue to gain SEO


Your website content and architecture has to be on point if you want to

show up on the SERP.

Design your site such that it corresponds to what your brand has to offer.

Also, a majority of the users will stop coming back to your page if the

content and layout is unappealing and tedious.

Hence, a great UX will work wonders for your SEO rankings. Aim for a

minimalist site with easy navigation.

5. Backlinks

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Whenever a website gives a link to your page, Google reviews and analyzes

the credibility of that association.If the search engine finds your links have a

strong relevance, it is implied that your content is top notch and it in turns

up your rank.

Thus, backlinks remain at the forefront of SEO trends. And it is a good move

to pursue powerful strategies for link building.

To optimize your ranking strategy, try acquiring links from respected, high

ranking and authoritative websites.

Link building strategies include expert roundups, client case studies,

infographics, industry surveys and other content that highlight influencers.

Backlinks are still an active ranking signal.


These trends build upon each other and signal the importance of having an

integrated and systematic SEO strategy.

Apart from mastering these trends, competition analysis and making a

credible SEO process is very crucial, to get organic traffic on your page.

Here’s a list of Top SEO Companies compiled by GoodFirms which will help

your website rank better in terms of traffic and visibility.

Inculcate these trends in your business and gain accelerated search engine

rankings and incoming traffic!

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