Download - Latent Semantic Analysis of the FOSS4G 2007 Program 10-04

  • 8/7/2019 Latent Semantic Analysis of the FOSS4G 2007 Program 10-04


    Latent Semantic Analysis of

    the FOSS4G 2007 Program

    Schuyler Erle

  • 8/7/2019 Latent Semantic Analysis of the FOSS4G 2007 Program 10-04


    The Seven Dimensions of


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    3 days

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    120 presentations

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    219 proposals

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    364 reviewers

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    364 dimensions

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    latent semantic analysis

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    orthogonal axes

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    dimensional reduction

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    7 dimensions

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    but we only have time for 5

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    k-means clustering

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    12 clusters

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    Integration Examples

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    Minerva: Integrating GIS, 3D, and Virtual RealityThu 8:30-10:00

    Georeferencing Historical Maps over the InternetWed 13:00-14:30

    Open Source Geospatial Software Integration atthe United States Army Corps of Engineers(USACE) Tue 13:00-14:30

    Ship Tracking with MapServer for Fun and ProfitThu 8:30-10:00

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    Participatory GIS

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    Design and implementation of internet-based "PublicParticipation GIS" using a user-centered process and the

    open source modelTue 15:00-16:30

    Open Source GIS and Sustainable Development

    Thu 10:30-12:00

    Community Based Participatory GIS using Plone &PrimaGIS Tue 13:00-14:30

    Making Use of Open Source Geo-spatial software forsupporting community based projects

    Tue 15:00-16:30

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    GeoServer, past, present and future Wed 13:00-14:30

    Secrets of the JTS Topology Suite Wed 13:00-14:30

    Coordinate System Transformations in Geotools and uDig -Contribution of Google Summer of Code 2006 and 2007

    Thu 10:30-12:00

    GeoServer and the GeoWeb: KML, GeoRSS, TileCachingand SuperOverlays Wed 13:00-14:30

    Bringing the Web Processing Service to a new stage new52North WPS Features Wed 10:30-12:00

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    Web Mapping

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    Automatic Generation of Web-Based GIS/DatabaseApplications Thu 10:30-12:00

    Mapping with AJAX and SVG Tue 13:00-14:30

    Web based Vehicular tracking system. Wed 8:30-10:00

    Cartoweb4, a easy to use and extensible web GISapplication built on top of OpenLayers.

    Wed 15:00-16:30

    A full Web 3D GIS, using PostGIS and X3D output

    Wed 13:00-14:30

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    A year in the life of OpenStreetMap: How OSM is mappingthe world. Tue 15:00-16:30

    Free Software Business Thu 8:30-10:00

    The Gift Economy Ain't Free: Getting Help with Open

    Source SoftwareThu 8:30-10:00

    OSGeo: A community of communities Thu 10:30-12:00

    Free and Open Geospatial Content: Intellectual PropertyRights and Cost Tue 15:00-16:30

    Towards a Public Geodata Repository Tue 15:00-16:30

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    uDig / gvSIG

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    gvSIG: towards 4D GIS Thu 8:30-10:00

    SEXTANTE: a gvSIG-based platform forgeographical analysis Wed 10:30-12:00

    gvSIG Goes Mobile. gvSIG porting for mobiledevices. Wed 8:30-10:00

    uDig Case Studies Wed 10:30-12:00

    JGrass and Udig, chronicles of a lovestory

    Wed 10:30-12:00

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    Earth Observation

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    TransitioningLow Earth Orbit Satellite Archive Data fromInformix (Geodetic DataBlade) to PostgreSQL (PostGIS)

    Wed 13:00-14:30

    Processing and dissemination of satellite remote sensingdata in an heterogeneous environment.

    Tue 15:00-16:30

    High-Performance Image Processing and Cartography usingthe NASA Vision Workbench Wed 15:00-16:30

    Development of Geoprocessing Service with Realtime Data

    Using WPS and SOS Open StandardWed 10:30-12:00

    TerraLib: an open source GIS library to build customizablegeographical applications on spatio-temporal databases

    Thu 10:30-12:00

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    Putting the Pieces together: Combining different OpenSource components toward developing a powerful,Open Source WebGIS application framework.

    Wed 13:00-14:30

    From Mapping to Metadata, From Simple to EnterprisePortals? - A one stop solution using portlet technology

    Wed 8:30-10:00

    GeoMOOSE - A client framework focusing on localgovernment collaboration. Thu 8:30-10:00

    Exploring the Synergies between Commercial and OpenSource Software Wed 8:30-10:00

    Best Business Practices for Implementing Open SourceWeb MappingTechnology

    Thu 10:30-12:00

    Trends of the Geo Web Tue 13:00-14:30

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    Analyzing Building Damages of a Major Earthquake UsingGRASS and R Wed 15:00-16:30

    RiskBox: Natural Hazards and Risks Analysis within the GISGRASS Wed 15:00-16:30

    Development and Implementation of Cut and Fill Problemin GRASS With 3D Representation Wed 10:30-12:00

    The use of QGIS and Grass to deliver GIS applications to awider audience. Wed 10:30-12:00

    Quantum GIS -- Five Years and Counting

    Tue 15:00-16:30

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    Data Access

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    Adding Analytic Muscle to Spinning Globes: Bulking UpGoogle Earth and Virtual Earth With PostGIS.

    Thu 8:30-10:00

    Developing Web 2.0 Applications Using FDO and OpenSource RDBMS Data Providers Wed 15:00-16:30

    PostGIS Spatial Database: Introduction and Case StudiesWed 10:30-12:00

    Database Shootout: PostGIS and MySQL Wed 8:30-10:00

    How robust is your spatial query? A formal taxonomy toexpress spatial intersections Wed 13:00-14:30

    GDAL/OGR Project Status Report Tue 15:00-16:30

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    Resource Management

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    DeliveringTropical Medicine Solutions with IntegratedOpen Source GIS and Statistics. Tue 13:00-14:30

    The Amazon Deforestation Monitoring System: a largeenvironmental geographic database developed onTerraLib and PostgreSQL Thu 10:30-12:00

    Using Open Source to analyze Canada'sN

    ational ForestInventory Wed 15:00-16:30

    Yukon Planning Atlas - Decision Support tools for regionalland use planning. Wed 10:30-12:00

    Species Distribution Modeling Using An Open SourceGeospatial Software Stack Wed 10:30-12:00

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    GOWS Project: Towards Web Services Dedicated toThematic Mapping Wed 8:30-10:00

    Rock and a Hard Place Wed 8:30-10:00

    How to blow away $AU3.5m ($US2.97m) with GeoFOSS ineight weeks and still make friends Thu 8:30-10:00

    ossimPlanet - a collaborative open source virtual EarthThu 10:30-12:00

    Avian influenza RSS web mapping exploringgeographic

    and temporal aspects of outbreak eventsTue 13:00-14:30

    Using the Atom Publishing Protocol for Web GISTue 15:00-16:30

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    7 dimensions

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    software versus use cases

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    A Survey of Open Source GIS

    Tue 13:00-14:30

    OpenLayers - Agile Geography in a BrowserWed 15:00-16:30

    WMS Performance: Mapserver vs. GeoserverWed 8:30-10:00

    Tips for the PostGIS Power UserWed 10:30-12:00

    GeoServer, past, present and futureWed 13:00-14:30

    GeoServer and the GeoWeb: KML, GeoRSS, TileCaching andSuperOverlays

    Wed 13:00-14:30

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    Lifemapper: Using and Creating Geospatial Data and Open SourceTools for the Biological Community Wed 10:30-12:00

    Analyzing Building Damages of a Major Earthquake Using GRASS and RWed 15:00-16:30

    How to blow away $AU3.5m ($US2.97m) with GeoFOSS in eight weeksand still make friends Thu 8:30-10:00

    DeliveringTropical Medicine Solutions with Integrated Open SourceGIS and Statistics. Tue 13:00-14:30

    Operational, Timely Fire Data on an Open Source Stack.Thu 8:30-10:00

    Yukon Planning Atlas - Decision Support tools for regional land useplanning. Wed 10:30-12:00

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    Java versus C

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    RiskBox: Natural Hazards and Risks Analysis within the GISGRASS Wed 15:00-16:30

    The use of QGIS and Grass to deliver GIS applications to awider audience. Wed 10:30-12:00

    Analyzing Building Damages of a Major Earthquake Using

    GRASS and RWed 15:00-16:30

    GRADGRID4: an advanced spatial interpolation toolcombining GRASS and R functions Wed 15:00-16:30

    Grass goes Web once more... Wed 13:00-14:30

  • 8/7/2019 Latent Semantic Analysis of the FOSS4G 2007 Program 10-04


    GeoServer, past, present and future

    Wed 13:00-14:30

    GeoServer and the GeoWeb: KML, GeoRSS,TileCaching and SuperOverlays

    Wed 13:00-14:30

    Secrets of the JTS Topology Suite

    Wed 13:00-14:30

    Feature caching in GeoTools and uDig

    Thu 10:30-12:00

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    neogeography versus GIS

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    Best Business Practices for Implementing Open SourceWeb MappingTechnology Thu 10:30-12:00

    FeatureServer: A REST-based Server for Simple FeaturesTue 15:00-16:30

    Trends of the Geo Web Tue 13:00-14:30

    A Broker Platform for User Location Tue 13:00-14:30 IntegratingMashups and Open Source Web-

    GIS Tue 13:00-14:30

    Painless feature markup in KML Thu 8:30-10:00

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    gvSIG Goes Mobile. gvSIG porting for mobile devices.Wed 8:30-10:00

    Grass goes Web once more... Wed 13:00-14:30

    gvSIG: towards 4D GIS Thu 8:30-10:00

    SEXTANTE: a gvSIG-based platform for geographicalanalysis Wed 10:30-12:00

    Development of Geoprocessing Service with Realtime DataUsing WPS and SOS Open Standard Wed 10:30-12:00

    Bringing the Web Processing Service to a new stage - new52North WPS Features Wed 10:30-12:00

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    platforms versus tools

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    World Digital Library: Designing a Multi-lingual Geographic SearchInterface Wed 13:00-14:30

    Heavy Traffic: How The BC Integrated Land Management Bureau UsedOpen Source to Deploy Government-Strength GeoWeb ServicesThu 8:30-10:00

    Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)-In-A-Box, a Footprint to DeliverGeospatial Data through Open Source Applications.

    Thu 8:30-10:00

    From Mapping to Metadata, From Simple to Enterprise Portals? - A onestop solution using portlet technology Wed 8:30-10:00

    Using Open Source to analyze Canada's National Forest Inventory

    Wed 15:00-16:30

    Best Business Practices for Implementing Open Source Web MappingTechnology Thu 10:30-12:00

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    Shortest path search in real road networks with pgRoutingWed 10:30-12:00

    JGrass and Udig, chronicles of a lovestoryWed 10:30-12:00

    The use of QGIS and Grass to deliver GIS applications to a

    wider audience.Wed 10:30-12:00

    gvSIG Goes Mobile. gvSIG porting for mobile devices.Wed 8:30-10:00

    Tips for the PostGIS Power User Wed 10:30-12:00

    Quantum GIS -- Five Years and CountingTue 15:00-16:30

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    analysis versus practice

  • 8/7/2019 Latent Semantic Analysis of the FOSS4G 2007 Program 10-04


    Adding Analytic Muscle to Spinning Globes: Bulking UpGoogle Earth and Virtual Earth With PostGIS.

    Thu 8:30-10:00

    Database Shootout: PostGIS and MySQL Wed 8:30-10:00

    Raster Input for MapServer Wed 15:00-16:30

    Tips for the PostGIS Power User Wed 10:30-12:00

    High-Performance Image Processing and Cartography usingthe NASA Vision Workbench Wed 15:00-16:30

    What's Going On Out There?: Using GeoServer for Analysisof Spatio-Temporal Environmental Data

    Thu 10:30-12:00

  • 8/7/2019 Latent Semantic Analysis of the FOSS4G 2007 Program 10-04


    Free Software Business Thu 8:30-10:00

    FOSS4G software in university geomatics education: acase study integrating teaching and research

    Tue 15:00-16:30

    Community Based Participatory GIS using Plone &PrimaGIS Tue 13:00-14:30

    Towards a Public Geodata Repository Tue 15:00-16:30

    A Web GIS Module for Drupal and Joomla! ContentManagement Systems - Historical GIS for Hanoi City,Vietnam Tue 13:00-14:30

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    (insert your favorite 6th & 7th

    dimensions here)

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    thank you!

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  • 8/7/2019 Latent Semantic Analysis of the FOSS4G 2007 Program 10-04


    Latent Semantic Analysis of

    the FOSS4G 2007 ProgramSchuyler Erle