Download - Keys to Success College is as easy as A, B, C. A -- Attend Class __________________.


Keys to Success

College is as easy as

A, B, C

A -- Attend Class__________________

A -- Attend Class

90% of Life is just showing up. Decide now to be a college student. Habits developed here may last a lifetime. Look at where you sit in class. Does it indicate

your attitude toward learning?

A -- Attend Class

90% of Life is just showing up.I can’t teach you if you aren’t here.

You’re paying me; get your money’s worth. Make-up is difficult and incomplete. It will not

be accepted after one week. Some things cannot be made up.

A -- Attend Class

90% of Life is just showing up. I can’t teach you if you aren’t here.Discussion and interaction aid learning.

Few people can get everything they need and remember it from just reading the textbook.

Learn to take notes; the act of writing things down helps with memory.

I try to help with memory clues, examples, etc. The questions and comments of other students are

important and useful.

A -- Attend Class

90% of Life is just showing up.I can’t teach you if you aren’t here.Discussion and interaction aid learning.It’s your agreement with the college.

You may be dropped if you miss two weeks’ worth of class.

You may be failed with an F on your record.

A -- Attend Class

90% of Life is just showing up.I can’t teach you if you aren’t here.Discussion and interaction aid learning.It’s your agreement with the college.It’s just not the same without you.

Your comments and questions are important. Your success is our business.

A -- Attend Class

90% of Life is just showing up. I can’t teach you if you aren’t here.Discussion and interaction aid

learning.It’s your agreement with the college.It’s just not the same without you.

A -- Attend Class

B -- Be prepared for class


B -- Be prepared for class

Schedule study time: two for one rule. Look realistically at your time schedule. Schedule work, classes, meals, sleep, free time. Plan on two hours of uninterrupted study for

every hour in class. Schedule study time as soon after class as

possible. You lose 70% within 24 hours. Study often and in small doses.

B -- Be prepared for class

Schedule study time: two for one rule.

Use the syllabus. Know what is expected. If you have to miss class, we don’t wait. Know how to get help.

B -- Be prepared for class

Schedule study time: two for one rule.Use the syllabus.Practice makes perfect.

Decide to truly study. Don’t just fake it. Learn how you learn best. Read and do all assignments. Repetition for short-term to long-term memory. Use mnemonic devices. Use empty time.

B -- Be prepared for class

Schedule study time: two for one rule.Use the syllabus.Practice makes perfect. Review soon after class.

Look over notes and assignments while they are still fresh in your mind.

You forget 70% within 24 hours. Reduce that to 30% or less with review.

B -- Be prepared for class

Schedule study time: two for one rule.Use the syllabus.Practice makes perfect. Review soon after class.Bring questions, comments and thoughts.

If you don’t understand it, others don’t either. I don’t always know what you know. You’ll get tired of listening to only me. There are no dumb questions.

B -- Be prepared for class

Schedule study time: two for one rule.Use the syllabus.Practice makes perfect. Review soon after class.Bring questions, comments and thoughts.Go over notes prior to class.

Get to class a few minutes early. Refresh your memory, but don’t cram. Relax. If you’re prepared, it will show.

B -- Be prepared for class

Schedule study time: two for one rule.Use the syllabus.Practice makes perfect. Review soon after class.Bring questions, comments and thoughts.Go over notes prior to class.

A -- Attend Class B -- Be prepared for class

C -- Communicate with the instructor


C -- Communicate with the instructor

Tell me what you don’t understand. You know what you don’t know. Ask questions in class. Let me know if assignments are unclear or

unreasonable. You’re an experiment, and I need feedback. Be sure to get your money’s worth.

C -- Communicate with the instructor

Tell me what you don’t understand.Know and use my office hours.

It is my job to be available for extra help. You have no excuse if you missed class and

didn’t come in to make up work. If I am not at my desk, ask the receptionist and

leave a note. Leave voice mail or e-mail messages.

C -- Communicate with the instructor

Tell me what you don’t understand.Know and use my office hours.Come to me for additional help.

Sometimes one-on-one can clarify things. I can recommend tutors, labs, etc. Don’t expect to learn things individually if you

haven’t already done your part to learn them.

C -- Communicate with the instructorTell me what you don’t understand.Know and use my office hours.Come to me for additional help.Let me know about personal problems.

We may be able to make special adjustments. I try to be a good listener. You can trust me to keep confidences. I can refer you to professional help services.

C -- Communicate with the instructor

Tell me what you don’t understand.Know and use my office hours.Come to me for additional help.Let me know about personal


The Three Keys The Three Keys to Successto Success

A -- AttendA -- Attend

B -- Be PreparedB -- Be Prepared

C -- Communicate with the C -- Communicate with the instructor instructor