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Intercede with Us for the Muslim World!“I have kept for myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to Ba′al” (Ro 11:4, RSV).

God has faithful people scattered everywhere! In the unlikely, ungodly land of Sidon, God led his prophet Elijah to a widowat Zarephath, who fed him and proclaimed that his was the true God (1 Kings 17). Let's remember to pray for those living inMuslim lands who quietly and faithfully worship God. May they be salt and light to those around them.*

Today's Prayer Requests: From Students, Alumni, and MissionariesMALI: A church leader asks us to pray that the Lord will meet the needs of a Bible school in Mali. “Our burden hasalways been to reach Muslims. Pray that God will call more workers for this ministry.”

NIGERIA: Continue to pray for more than 200 girls kidnapped from their school on 14 April. Boko Haram hasclaimed responsibility and on Sunday kidnapped 11 more from other schools. Pray for the safe return of these girls andthat God's Spirit will work in the lives of all involved—the girls, families, and captors.

SENSITIVE COUNTRY: Please pray for some believers facing potential danger as some seek a crackdown onChristian activities here.

In the NewsThe World Health Organization released a statement Monday declaring an international health emergency as poliocases have emerged in several countries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East—areas where Islam prevails. Thiscrippling disease affects young children, but is prevented by an oral vaccine and had been almost totally eradicated.The virus is now being exported, especially from Pakistan, Cameroon, and Syria. Some leaders have declaredvaccinations “un-Islamic” and a plot to render children sterile or to spread AIDS. In Pakistan and Nigeria in particular,vaccination teams have been ousted. Always the destroyer, Satan uses every means to rob people of life and health.Pray for God's protection over innocent children who are denied the vaccine or who cannot be reached because of war.Pray that He will open people's eyes to the deception they live under, that they may seek God and find eternal life.

World Watch List: Pray for the Persecuted**Ethiopia ranks 17th among the 50 nations in which persecution of Christians is most severe. Evangelical andPentecostal believers (about 17% of the population) have known persecution for many years, mostly from theestablished Ethiopian Orthodox Church. However, even though Muslims are a minority, Islam has now become themajor source of harassment, threats, and attacks. Many believers meet secretly. Please pray for our brothers and sistersthere. Pray for the Ethiopia Assemblies of God as they reach out through various social organizations and in prisons aswell as through their churches and Bible school. For more information and prayer requests, see

For Muslim Women***Please pray that women in America would not be enticed into Islam via dating and/or marriage prospects. The highestrate of conversions to Islam in America takes place among women who convert because they marry Muslim spouses.The consequences of these unions are steep.

Prayer Resources*Praying for Muslims: A Guide for Effective Intercession offers many insights concerning Islam and a different prayer subjecteach Friday. This week we pray for those quietly living their faith among Muslims:

**Open Doors publishes an annual list ranking the 50 nations where persecution against Christians is most severe. See the full2014 World Watch List at Click on a country on the map or list to read its profile and prayer requests.

***Muslim women need your prayers! You can join a prayer network and receive regular requests at

For a list of resources for prayer groups, see

Find information and prayer requests concerning Muslims around the world at

How should we pray for those imprisoned for their faith? Read

For news updates concerning persecuted Christians, visit and

For prayer requests, visit and

To help you answer Muslims' questions about Jesus and the Bible, explore

Jumaa Prayer for the Muslims of Africa and beyond

West Africa Advanced School of Theology 9 May 2014