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Page 1: Joshua Matz Portfolio 2017

Josh MatzDesign Engineer

Page 2: Joshua Matz Portfolio 2017

BRIEFThe Problem: Within the fashion industry there exist various types of fasteners that bring the front panels of clothing together, such as what is used on sweaters, jackets, dresses, blazers, etc… These existing fasteners come in many forms, including but not limited to: snaps, hook and eyes, buttons, zippers, velcro, clips, etc. However none of these provide the option for the wearer to adjust the distance between the two front panels of their garment.

Opportunity/Solution: As the Co-Founder & Chief Design Officer for the JEMZ Group LLC., I designed the B.I.T. out of need for a specific product that does not exist in the market today. The B.I.T. is a new addition to the fashion industry assortment of fasteners that enables the wearer the freedom to adjust the front panels of their garment to a multitude of distances from where the front panels touch to where the panels are several inches away from each other. Similar to the mechanism of a garment or carpentry tape measure, the wearer will be able to adjust and secure the length of the B.I.T. for any number of reasons including, but not limited to: style/fashion, waist/core fit, changes in temperature, etc.

In addition to being adjustable, the B.I.T. offers three more unique features:• Magnetic clips, as not to harm delicate or impressionable fabrics such as silk, suede and leather.• Customizable decorative accessory should they wish to have a design on these front facing magnetic clips. • Detachable chain capability, so the wearer can add their own charms to enhance/adorn the B.I.T – to “bedazzle” the product, if you

will.***Currently, this product has a utility patent-pending, and is in the process of a product licensing deal.

ButtonTop Spindle

Plain magnet Bottom

Compression Spring

Coil Spring

Page 3: Joshua Matz Portfolio 2017

Mobile Application UX Case StudyBRIEFThe Problem: Making and Deciding on Plans with a Group

Opportunity: Social networks and messaging apps aren’t structured enough, and calendar apps are just too formal.

The Solution: Plan Focused MessagingThe new “PlanIt” is a messaging app focused solely on helping you make plans. It combines the casual nature of social networks, the organizational power of your favorite calendar app, Group Voting Interface, and a Time-Limit functionality. Specifically it is:More plan focused than social apps like Facebook / Twitter.More casual than email and calendar apps.More efficient than text messaging. Prototype

See complete UX Case Study for in-depth design process

Page 4: Joshua Matz Portfolio 2017



Greg Norman’s Secret

Flat Wrist ProSwinGYDESwing Jacket


Lag-Lock Pro

Opportunity Zone

This Psycho-Aesthetics map assesses the Golf Training Device’s competitive products through relative positioning based on:•Auxiliary research findings•Qualitative assessment of the user experience


This design strategy framework is based on Abraham Maslow’s “Hierarchy of Needs”, to strategically frame meaningful consumer experiences and game changing business opportunities. Our design team utilized this framework to enable the translation of peoples’ desires into visual context while providing direction for our innovation team throughout the process of the project.

Golf Training DeviceBRIEFAs a member of RKS’s engineering design team, my role was initial design concept generation and prototyping, in addition to acting as a communication medium between the client and our design team. This was to ensuring that the client’s needs/wants were met, in conjunction with their initiatives:• Disrupt the golf training-device market with a device that is as desirable and high quality as the premium equipment

golfers are accustomed to. • Existing golf-training aids -while sometimes efficacious- fail to deliver the sophisticated design that golfers expect in their


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Functional Prototype

Golf Training Device cont’dConfiguration

Definition Mechanism DesignIdeation

PrototypeComponent Sourcing

& Details

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Finalist Award Winner Silver Award Winner

BRIEFFreshRealm is a vessel delivery service that connects food makers, food packers, merchants and shoppers using a B2B2C cloud-based technology platform to make fresh food accessible everywhere and to reduce distribution time. FreshRealmService delivers food directly to the user’s home or place of work within two days after it is harvested. The cloud technology platform and food delivery system work together to reduce food waste and lower food costs. This product replaces current disposable packaging methods by utilizing drawers that maximize thermal conduction and drinkable ice packs, keeping food at optimal temperatures for 40 hours.

As a member of RKS’s engineering design team, I worked on FreshRealm’s reusable refrigerated shipping vessel design. Within the vessel I designed the food drawers(with FEA analysis), as well as conducted a cooler experiment with thermocouples to analyze maximum thermal properties of convection and conduction. I also worked on the outside corrugate box design, including various concept generations for the front locking latches and recessed handles—including ergonomic evaluation testing.

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BRIEFThe Problem: The guitar accessories market is a conservative and saturated market where companies traditionally focus on product features while aggressively competing on price. This market hasn’t seen any disruptive innovation or groundbreaking product design for decades and musicians were forced to choose between two evils: cheap, low quality products or too expensive solutions.

Opportunity: Having a closer look at the market, the research and strategy team at RKS identified a huge opportunity to create more appealing and rugged music accessories of high quality which truly satisfy the needs of musicians at all levels.

The Solution: The design team at RKS started to ask a simple question: “Why can’t there be affordable music accessories that look great, work well and protect our instruments at the same time?” As a member of RKS’s design team, I created prototypes and a vast number of product iterations, as well as collaborated with musicians, the music community and manufacturers, in helping to create the Starfish Guitar stand product line. Important factors that were considered during the design process was leveraging unique materials that are safe for all guitar types and finishes. In addition to ensuring that the product is portable, functional yet beautiful, easy and intuitive to set up, while seamlessly transitioning from storage to use.

Starfish™ Guitar Stand

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BRIEFThe project objective was to develop, design, build, and test a new system that allows people with a wide range of physical disabilities to row on the water in sweep style motion as a part of a team.

An assistive device supporting both upper and lower body motion would best afford an aspiring rower an experience most like that of an able-bodied rower. This device aims to address the problems disabled rowers would have, namely seat motion (including the disabled rower’s synchronization with able-bodied rowers) and the motion of the oars.

Based off of our personas created from several interviews, and field observations of these paraplegic rower athletes, a level of importance of user wants was prioritized. Thus, forming a list of metrics that suit the users’ wants, needs and constraints aiding to the overall design process .

Disabled Rowing Design

Upper body disability design: created in order to compensate for a lack of upper body and arm function; and replaces the normal oar, such that feathering in no longer a concern .

Lower body disability design: a simplistic way to utilize energy from an able-bodied rower to allow for a waist-down disabled person to row on the water in a moving seat.

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Gauge Load Cell


Release Valve



Disc Backers







Rank Want/Need Percentage


1 No loss of flow/Watertight 19

2 Apply/Measure flow rate 15

3 Apply/Measure Compressive Force 14

4 Work Effectively & Efficiently 12

5 Measure differential pressure 10

6 No temperature change of liquid 9

7 Durability 6

8 Ease of Use 6

9 Relative small size 4

10 Relative small cost 4

W.L. Gore – Lateral Permeability Test DeviceAlec Ploshnick, Josh Matz, Rich Stanton, Wen Li

Advisor: Dr. Michael Keefe

Sponsors: Kevin Cresswell, Mike Hawley, Tyler Hinkle

Project Scope:To design, fabricate, and develop a test stand and procedure to characterize the

lateral-direction permeability and performance of liquid filtration media backers

with respect to flow and compression.

Design Requirements

Project Background Testing and ValidationConcept Generation


Flow Compression

Final Concept


Path Forward


We would like to thank the Engineering Faculty at the University of Delaware

for providing us with this opportunity. Also a special thanks to Dr. Keefe and

our sponsors at W. L. Gore for all the insight and help they provided us during

every step of this design project.

Following the conclusion of this project, W. L. Gore will use this device to

further characterize other backer material samples, which will determine the

best material for future filter applications.

Testing Study Topics:•Evaluating backer behavior before and after compression is applied

•Evaluating the repeatability of the testing device to generate similar results

under same conditions

•Evaluating flow rates with respect to number of samples and compression

•Evaluating flow between aluminum plates and backer samples

•Comparing different backer samples under the same conditions

SolidWorks Image Prototype Image

Problem Statement:Liquid filters produced by W.L. Gore’s industrial division combine micro-porous

ePTFE filtration membranes with macro-porous backer materials which physically

support the filtration media in the application. Up to a point, the flow rate of the

device is largely determined by the surface area of the filtration media in the device.

Higher surface areas require a larger amount of media, higher pleat counts, and

result in larger compression forces between the individual pleats. In filters with

very high pleat counts (and high compressive forces between the pleats) the working

fluid is forced to permeate through the “x” and “y” directions of the backer layer

before moving in the “z” direction through the ePTFE membrane. Understanding

the permeability / lateral flow of backer materials under various degrees of

compression is an important factor in the development of future filtration devices.

Rank Metrics Related





State Value

Future Target


1 Flow through B.C. 1, 2, 4, 8, 10 16 Unknown < 1% Flow

2 Range of Flow Rates 1, 2, 5, 10 14 Unknown Small: mL/hr

Large: gal/min

3 # of Backer Sheets 2, 3, 4 12 Unknown 4 ≤ 𝑥 ≤ 50

4 Testing Time 2, 4, 8, 10 11 Few hours > 10 Samples

per Day

5 Preparation Time 3, 4, 8, 10 10 1-2 weeks < 30 mins

6 Compressive Force 3, 5, 7, 10 10 Unknown 0 to 200 lbf

7 Life of Test Rig 3, 7, 10 7 Proprietary 7 years

8 Measure Pressure 5, 8 5 0 – 70 psi 0 – 100 psi

9 Measure Temperature 6, 8 4 20C – 40 C 20C – 40 C

10 Corrosion Resist Y/N 7, 10 3 Yes Yes

11 Scheduled Maintenance 7, 10 3 Proprietary Every 6 Months

12 Size 9 2 Proprietary < 4’ x 4’

13 Cost 10 1 Proprietary < $5,000

• The final concept consists of the Flow Rig, the Compression Stand, a Pressure

Dispensing Vessel, an Electronic Scale, and a Computer that gathers all the data

• The pressure dispensing vessel will be attached to pressurized air to create a

constant and accurate water flow rate in

• This water will travel through a tube attached to the water inlet hole on the Base

Plate of the Flow Rig

• The Compression Stand will then compress the Flow Rig (compressing the backer

samples) and water will begin flow

• After the water exits the backer samples into the Water Basin, the water will then

travel through a pipe and into a bucket on an Electronic Scale

• This scale is hooked up to the Computer and records instantaneous weights every

second; to determine flow rate out

• With this data, a graph of Flow vs. Compression can be generated and analyzed to

show the characteristics of each backers permeability





How it Works:

Testing Results• Backer behavior is not affected by multiple compressions or flow tests

• Test device can produce same results after repeated tests

• Increasing number of samples increased flow rates

• Increasing compression decreased flow rates

• Flow escapes between aluminum plates and backer samples. Silicone discs

were placed in between backer and aluminum plates, resolving this problem

• Results above show varying backer sample flow rates under specified











0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35

Backer 4 - 6 SamplesBacker 4 - 3 SamplesBacker 3 - 6 SamplesBacker 3 - 3 SamplesBacker 2 - 6 SamplesBacker 2 - 3 SamplesBacker 1 - 6 SamplesBacker 1 - 3 Samples

Stabilized Force, lbs.



e F














0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

10 Samples: Air Pressure = 15 psi10 Samples: Air Pressure = 10 psi10 Samples: Air Pressure = 8 psi5 Samples: Air Pressure = 14 psi5 Samples: Air Pressure = 10 psi5 Samples: Air Pressure = 7 psi

Stabilized Force, lbs.




w R


, m













5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Compression Control TestOver Compressed Test 2Over Compressed Test 1Test 3Test 2Test 1

Stabilized Force, lbs.




w R


, m










14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28

Tests Without SiliconTests with Silicon

Stabilized Force with Water Flowing, lbs.




w R


, m



Backer Behavior: Compression

& Repeatability Data

Flow Rates vs Compression,

Sample Size, & Air Pressure

Flow Rates between

Aluminum and Backers

Different Backer Samples:

Flow Rates vs Compression

& Sample Size

Water Flow


Backer Layer


Backer Layer


Membrane Layer

Water Flow

Water In



Low Pleat Density

•Lower Compression

•Water flows easily

through pleats

High Pleat Density

•Higher Compression

•Water forced to flow

‘laterally’ through backers

Filter Media

within it’s CageWater Flow Path

After analyzing the data from the testing device, it was concluded that the

testing device does help with characterizing the lateral permeability of

backer material with respect to flow and compression. It was noted in the

data above that increasing sample size increases flow while increasing

compression decreases flow. On top of this, the testing device provided

accurate and repeatable results. This proves the project scope was satisfied

and the device can assist with comparing varying backer materials.