Download - Jeopardy The Gilded Age (industrial Age) Urbanization The Progressives $100 $200 $300 $400 $500500 $100 $200 $300 $300 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final.


JeopardyThe Gilded Age (industrial Age)

Urbanization The Progressives






$100 $100 $100 $100

$200 $200 $200 $200

$300 $300 $300 $300

$400 $400 $400 $400

$500 $500 $500 $500

Final Jeopardy

Immigration The Progressive Era

$100 Gilded Age

Q:Dissolving monopolies was know as what?

$100 Gilded Age

R: Trust Busting

$200 Gilded Age

Q: Critics of the industrial leaders called them?

$200 Gilded Age

R: Robber Barons

$300 Gilded Age

Q: What change in production made it easier to produce a larger quantity of goods?

$300 Gilded Age

R: Assembly lines

$400 Gilded Age

Q: Prevailing theory that suggests “Survival of the Fittest?”

$400 Gilded Age

R: Social Darwinism

$500 Gilded Age

• Q: What innovation led to steel being used for bridges, skyscrapers, etc.?

$500 Gilded Age

R: Bessemer Process

$100 Urbanization

Q: Urbanization is used to describe the growth of?

$100 Urbanization

R: cities

$200 Urbanization !

Q: Name of the apartment buildings that were indented on either side to allow for an air shaft?

$200 Urbanization

R: Dumbbell Tenements

$300 urbanization

Q: Single family dwellings that have shared side walls were called?

$300 Urbanization

R: Row Houses

$400 urbanization

Q: Why did so many immigrants and others (farmers) move to the cities?

$400 urbanization


That’s where the jobs were, to escape discrimination,

racial violence ,and religious persection

$500 Urbanization

R: What conditions were faced by nativists’ and immigrants, and new immigrants ( after 1850) while living in northern areas?

$500 Urbanization

• R: overcrowded , unsanitary water and streets, spread of diseases, racial persecution?

$100 Immigration

Q: What were the immigrants called who came to America after 1890?

$100 Immigration

R: New Immigrants

$200 Immigration

Q: Where did the immigrants who came to the East Coast after the 1880s mainly come from?

$200 Immigration

R: Southern & Eastern Europe

$300 Immigration

Q: Bosses gave (provided) social services, jobs, and sometimes housing in return for?

$300 Immigration

R: Their vote

$400 Immigration

Q: What was the name of the movement designed to help immigrants assimilate to American culture which included teaching English, American history, citizenship, and cooking?

$400 Immigration

R: Americanization

$500 Immigration

• Q: What was the name of the 1st law that banned a group from emigrating to America

$500 Immigration

• R: Chinese Exclusion Act

Final Jeopardy Question

Prevailing feeling that those born in America should control society?

Final Jeopardy


How much?

Main failure of the Progressive Era is considered to be?

Daily Double ResponseCivil Rights (African American)

Racial Issues

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