Download - It is 1948 – the three Western zones of Germany have merged together and preparations are being made for an Independent state of West.


It is 1948 the three Western zones of Germany have merged together and preparations are being made for an Independent state of West Germany. Together with this a new Western German currency is being developed this has angered Stalin. You are an Soviet Government advisor what do you suggest that Stalin does? What Caused it? CABAN Bizonia - In January 1947, Britain and the USA joined their two zones together to try to get German industry going. They called the new zone Bi-zonia (two zones). American Aid - Congress voted for Marshall Aid on 31 March Immediately, the Russians started searching all road and rail traffic into Berlin. Marshall Aid New Currency - On 1 June, America and France announced that they wanted to create the new country of West Germany; and on 23 June they introduced a new currency into Bizonia and western Berlin. The next day the Russians stopped all road and rail traffic into Berlin. His plan was to force the West to withdraw from Berlin by starving the people of West Berlin. The Berlin Blockade and air lift The Berlin Blockade