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Investors in People “in 5 Woorden”

Willem E.A.J. Scheepers MBAIiP- practitioner

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“BEFORE YOU STARTED WITH INVESTORS IN PEOPLE, WHAT WERE YOU HOPING IT WOULD HELP YOU ACHIEVE?Our ultimate aim for our Investors in People journey was to show the links between our people initiatives, our business and the business performance. It was also a great way to ‘externally’ validate and benchmark our actions.”

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“SINCE WORKING WITH THE FRAMEWORK, WHAT TANGIBLE OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS HAS YOUR ORGANISATION SEEN?There have been many positives for us since we began our Investors in People journey; our absence rate is reduced to the 1% mark and our quarterly labour turnover is less than 2%. On top of this, we have just achieved a record year in terms of sales and profitability.”

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“IN 5 WORDS, HOW WOULD YOU SUM UP YOUR INVESTORS IN PEOPLE EXPERIENCE SO FAR?”Exciting, challenging, valuable, educational, rewarding.”

Bron: Casestudy van de Britse vestiging, en IiP-er, van het Amerikaanse American Air Filter, dat zelf weer een onderdeel is van het Japanse conglomeraat DAIKIN; met als basis ‘a philosophy of people centered management’.

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“HOW WILL YOU BE TAKING INVESTORS IN PEOPLE FORWARD IN THE FUTURE?We have achieved Gold status but we still believe that we are still just at the start of our people centred management and Investors in People journey. We want to be an organisation where all of the good things we do become part of the paradigm, and those things that are evidence requirements in the Investors in People framework become our ‘regular way of doing things’.”

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IiP-accreditatie voor:Verbetering van Bedrijfsprestaties.

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IiP’s ‘Nieuwe Aanpak’

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Deze korte presentatie hoort bij de blogentry “IiP in 5 woorden: Opwindend, Uitdagend, Waardevol, Ontwikkelend, Belonend.” van 02/09/11