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Integrity Biofeedback Academy


“Anatomy of Emotion”

Identify your emotions…

Transform your life!

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© October 2014

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Anatomy of Emotion

Session 1

The Language of Feelings:

Everything we feel stems from ___________ and __________

Feelings carry electro-magnetic “charges”… fields of ENERGY

The Law of Cause and Effect – The Law of Attraction

➢ Emanating negative energy draws negative energy; emanating positive energy draws positive energy

Buried emotions often culminates in disease and disorder

Feelings buried alive, never die!

Examples of Repressed Emotions:

▪ Unexplained ____________________

▪ The feeling that something __________________

▪ Saying or exhibiting ___________ not like yourself

▪ Wanting to _______________

E-motions – Energy in Motion:

Energy never dies and “E-motions” can become imprinted in the energy field of the body!

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Introduction: The “Titanic” Damage of Suppressed Emotions

Key Thoughts to Ponder…

➢ Trapped emotions become the filters or eye glasses that we view everything through… our “perceptions”.

• Our perceptions are based on our emotions.

• All our decisions are made based on these filters of perception.

➢ What you believe about yourself and the world around you becomes the broadcast of your energy field.

➢ The iceberg that destroyed the Titanic was 10% visible and 90% invisible… It is often what is below the level of consciousness that carries the heaviest blow…buried emotions!


According to research, stress accounts for at least ________ of ALL illnesses!

Mental disorders are the leading cause of ____________ in the U.S. and Canada for ages 15-44.

An estimated ________ percent of Americans ages 18 and older, about one in four adults, suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder in a year…57.7 million people.

Suicide is a major, preventable public health problem! In 2007, it was the tenth leading cause of death in the U.S., accounting for 34,598 deaths; 11.3 per 100,000 people.

Prevalence of Domestic Violence…

Rape, Abuse, and Incest…

Types of Child Abuse…

“Man is made or unmade by himself; in the armory of thought he forges the weapons by which he destroys himself; he also fashions the tools with which he builds for himself heavenly mansions of joy and strength and peace.”

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“Man’s mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or allowed to run wild; but whether cultivated or neglected, it must and will, bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then an abundance of useless weed-seeds will fall therein, and will continue to produce their kind.”

“Whatever we choose to focus our attention on will automatically multiply in our lives.”

Bring Forth Your Light by Frederick W. Babbel

The Impact of our Thoughts and Feelings…

❖ “Those feelings from long ago have been and are still being registered at and in the ___________________ of our Being. They are the feelings which govern our thought patterns, our beliefs, and our attitudes.”

❖ “In fact, your ______________ mind has a record of everything that you’ve

ever experienced during your entire lifetime. Not only does it hold a record of the events themselves, it also keeps a cross referenced log of how you felt and what you believe about each one.” Spontaneous Healing of Belief by Gregg Braden

❖ It has been proven that every thought creates an __________________ field,

or “thought field”. These fields carry either positive or negative energy.

❖ The energy of thought, feelings, and emotion travels

130,200,000 miles per ___________.

❖ Studies have proven that when the energy of thought is directed ___________, it can impact someone else, regardless of whether they are nearby or all the way around the world.

❖ “The germ is nothing; the ____________ is everything!” (Louis Pasteur)

❖ “The body is the servant of the ________. It obeys the operations of the mind, whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. Disease and health, like circumstances, are rooted in thought.”


miles per second

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❖ “…virtually all illness if not psychosomatic in foundation, has a definite psychosomatic component. Recent technological innovations have allowed us to examine the molecular basis of the emotions, and to begin to understand how the molecules of our emotions share intimate connections with, and are indeed inseparable from our physiology.” Candace Pert , PH.D. Molecules of Emotions

❖ Every single word has a _____________________, making words extremely

powerful. The energy vibrations carry either a positive or a negative impact, which is recorded in the energy field of the body.

❖ Every single feeling, thought, and ____________ has been

stored somewhere in the body. Moreover it is recorded in the DNA.

❖ Each cell contains ________________ of memory, storing all physical, emotional and spiritual traumas of your life beginning with conception. Repressed emotional memories never disappear on their own; ignoring them only perpetrates them.

❖ Emotions imprisoned in the body lead to __________ and _____________.

Man is buffeted by circumstances so long as he believes himself to be the creature of outside conditionsbut when he realizes that he is a

creative power, and that he may command the hidden soil and seeds of his being out of which circumstances grow, he then becomes the

rightful master of himself.” James Allen

Homework: Completion of homework is required for NTCB certification.

✓ Read Chapters 1-5 in Feelings Buried Alive Never Die ✓ Begin reading “As A Man Thinketh” by James Allen ✓ Send “Aha” insights to [email protected]

(PLEASE PUT “Anatomy of Emotions” Assignment #1 with your name on the top of your email message.)

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Anatomy of Emotion

Session 2

“I have come to the frightening conclusion that ______________ the decisive

element. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood

that makes the weather. I possess tremendous power to make a life miserable or

joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or

humor, hurt or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis

will be escalated or de-escalated and a person humanized or dehumanized. If we

treat people as they are, we make them worse.

If we treat people as they ought to be,

we help them become what they are capable of becoming.”


“…Our experiences in life are actually our

own state of mind being projected outward.”

Karol Truman

“Those feelings from long ago have been and are still being registered at and in the

______________ __________ of our Being. They are the feelings which govern our

thought patterns, our beliefs, and our attitudes.”

Using the principles and the Script from Feelings Buried Alive Never Die, you can begin

to identify what you are feeling, or projecting outwardly, changing the broadcast of your

energy field.

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Let us open the eyes of our eyes…

Learn to identify feelings, thoughts, and emotions

Beliefs Guide to My Emotions

To perceive or to be aware of through thought, bodily or

emotional reactions, instinct, etc. To produce an indicated

overall condition, impression, or reaction. An impression

produced upon a person; having sensation. Marked by or

indicating emotion.

That which the mind thinks. The act or process of using

the mind actively and deliberately. The product of thinking:

an idea, concept, judgment, etc. Inward reasoning; the

workings of conscience.

A strong surge of feeling marked by an impulse to outward

expressions, and often accompanied by complex bodily

reactions; any strong feeling as love, hate or joy. Any

agitation of mind or excitement of sensibility. A moving of

the mind or soul.

Acceptance of truth or actuality of anything

without certain proof; mental conviction.

That which is believed; something held to be

true or valid. BELIEF denotes acceptance with

or without proof or strong emotional feelings.



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Deepak Chopra…

We all come here with a perfect blue print, with a memory of ______________ at the very

core of our Be-ing. We are an expression of God or Source Energy.

______________ ___________ of any kind covers over this memory of perfection to

some degree and slowly obscures the truth of our Be-ing. Consequently, our negativity

creates a false self. It changes the vibration of our Be-ing and in turn moves us away from


Energy moves in pulses, like waves… The slower the wave frequency, the farther from the source;

the closer together the wave frequency or the more often

the wave occurs, the closer to the source, and the more

positive. These wave patterns are what generate our

‘broadcast’ as they project outwardly from the source.

“If we wish our lives to be different in the future, it is necessary to change our feelings, which then changes our thinking in the present. By so doing, we change the direction of our lives!”

“Behind every bit of good fortune lie the causes that ____ ____________

have sometime, somewhere set in motion. Behind all ill fortune we will find the energy, we ourselves have generated. Every cause must have a certain definite

effect, there is no dodging the results, we reap what we sow with exact mathematical precision.”

Venice Bloodworth, Key To Yourself

Steps of Awareness…

1. Listen to your ___________…

2. Listening and _______________…

3. Recognizing your ______________…

4. Identify initial _____________…

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Where negative feelings, thoughts, emotions and beliefs start…

➢ Communication between mother and her unborn child takes place in several ways:

physically (through hormones), in behavior (the child kicking, the mother’s job and

environment), and sympathetically or intuitively (through love, ambivalence, dreams.)

➢ Communication between the father and the fetus is the second most important

relationship. It also begins while the child is still in the womb.

➢ Oxytocin Wipes out the memory of the __________ _______________

➢ ACTH Helps to retain ________________

➢ When the sperm and ova meet, they combine prior individual genetic coding and

programming from two different people…mom and dad.

➢ “…with the first breath the baby takes, this feeling is sealed in the flesh (body); encoded

in ____________ __________ of the body!”

The Importance of Our Beliefs…

Most of us go through life continually driven to prove our ___________ - without even

knowing what they are most of the time. Going unchecked, these beliefs become our

self-fulfilling prophecies.

We live our lives based on what we believe about our world, our capabilities, and our

limits. The Spontaneous Healing of Belief

“I suggest the patients think of illness not as God’s will but as our deviation from God’s

will.” Love Medicine and Miracles by Bernie Siegel, M.D.

The most important law of the universe is __________.

Love of _______ and love of others.

“When we accept ourselves the way we are, we increase our ability to change. And when

we start to change, those around us do likewise.”

The more we avoid or resist what we may consider in our mind to be an undesirable

person or an undesirable situation, the more we block the flow of energy that facilitates


That which we resist, _____________!

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You are creating your reality every moment of every day. If you don’t like what

you are experiencing…_____________ _______!

Your thoughts are seeds planted in the soil of feelings, nourished by

your continual dwelling on the thought. When germination takes

place, energy is naturally released into the ether. This becomes the

vibration of creation!

The creation or manifestation of disease takes place when a concept or belief is

transmitted (resonated or broadcast) from the mental, emotional, or other areas of our

Be-ing, into the physical energy field. Barbara Ann Brennan

Double minded:

✓ Left brain thinking – ______________ side

✓ Right brain thinking – ______________ side

✓ The conscious mind only functions in the past and its illusion of the future,

whereas the subconscious mind functions in the now! All the answers to your

challenges are contained therein.

The electro-magnetic field of the heart is 5000 times stronger than the brain! You will always draw what you are truly feeling.

Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them:

“Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a

house divided against itself will fall.” (Matthew 12:25)

Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what

was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go throw yourself in to the sea,’

and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

(Matthew 21:21-22)

Until you can see in each soul that you meet, though in error he may be, that which you

would worship in your Master, you have not begun to live aright.

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Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness.” Oliver Wendell Holmes

And what is the key that opens the gates of love? __________________.

Forgiveness of self and forgiveness of others. Forgiveness also opens the gates of peace

of mind.

Homework: Completion of homework is required for NTCB certification.

✓ Read Chapters 6-10 in Feelings Buried Alive Never Die

✓ Continue to read “As a Man Thinketh” booklet (PDF file)

✓ Send “Aha” insights to [email protected]

(PLEASE PUT “Anatomy of Emotions” Assignment #2 with your name on the top of your email message.)

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Anatomy of Emotion

Session 3

Erasing Illusions:

________________ represent unreal or incorrect perceptions

When a feeling is aroused, it is usually triggered by a ____________ or systems of

beliefs previously established within you.

_______ _____________ is the key to accomplishing the task.

The Law of the Harvest…

➢ “You cannot live right and think wrong anymore than you can plant weeds

and harvest grain.” Nathan E. Tanner, Canadian government and

religious leader

➢ Good thoughts and actions can __________ produce bad results; bad thoughts and

actions can ___________ produce good results. This is but saying that nothing can come

from corn but corn, nothing from nettles but nettles. Men understand this law in the

natural world, and work with it; but few understand it in the mental and moral world

(though its operation there is just as simple and undeviating), and they, therefore do not

co-operate with it.” As A Man Thinketh by James Allen

➢ _______________ are drawn to us to validate what our mind believes, correct or

incorrect as the belief may be.

➢ __________ is the Master power that moulds and makes, and Man is Mind, and evermore

he takes the tool of thought, and, shaping what he wills, brings forth a thousand joys, a

thousand ills: -- He thinks in secret, and it comes to pass: Environment is but his looking


➢ The minute you awaken in the morning, access your _____________ and your first

thought. That first feeling or thought of the day commonly sets the stage and the tone for

the rest of the day.

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The Script:

Data Field Analyzers have shown that a person’s vibration changes each time the script is


First Things First…

✓ Liking myself

✓ Loving myself

✓ Accepting myself

✓ Trusting myself

Don’t Forget to Replace the ____________ with the ____________!

When you are programmed to fail, it’s like you have a

brick wall standing in your way. Each brick of the wall

represents a feeling that has contributed to validating

your lack of success!


1. __________________ your uncomfortable feelings.

2. Do this as many times a day as needed.

3. Do a mental sweep each night before you go to bed.

4. Process as many unresolved feelings as possible at one time.

5. Keep in mind…it will work.

6. Memorize the “Script”.

7. Say the “Script” out loud or silently, wherever you can, ideally in a quiet place alone.

Major Feelings:





Rejection / abandonment

Need for approval

Overwhelm burdened

It Just “Is”… __________ are the one that determines your happiness.

It’s only when you accept what “IS” and decide to make some improvements

in __________________ and not wait for others to improve or change, that you allow,

make room for and create an atmosphere for others to improve also.

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Improving and lifting ourselves lifts __________ others!

Becoming Accountable…

We stay in denial because we feel attacked or that our very life’s blood is threatened.

Owning that we were wrong is more than some of us can deal with because our identity is

wrapped up in our ______________ and they are what keep us going.

First of all, blaming protects our unconscious survival system. It allows us to stay in our

own comfort zone.

Always remember, when we recognize and accept with unconditional love the perfection

in everything, it allows us to shift (change) and grow effortlessly.

Becoming _________ accountable for your feelings/thoughts (emotions), attitudes/beliefs

and your words, you create your own joy and peace of mind. The choice is really yours.

Do you choose going around feeling like a victim or are you…Master and

Commander of your destiny?

Getting Along with Others…

If someone annoys or irritates you, for what appears to be no apparent reason, it’s usually

an indication that you sense or feel something in this person that you also sense or feel

(subconsciously) in your Self, that you don’t like. A reflection of you – a mirror…

When Feelings Remain Unresolved…

As deeply buried negative feelings continue to be validated throughout a person’s

life, the covering over the memory of perfection becomes thicker and thicker with

age, and further produces negative vibrations and blocks.

Discharge Your Stress…

✓ “Mind over disease : Your attitude can make you well.” (Reader’s Digest, April 1987)

✓ Phobias: An obsessive, irrational fear or anxiety which represents the ultimate panic


The __________ is the servant of the __________. It obeys the operations of the mind,

whether they be deliberately chosen or automatically expressed. At the bidding of

unlawful thoughts, the body sinks rapidly into disease and decay; at the command of glad

and beautiful thoughts it becomes clothed with youthfulness and beauty.

The best way to predict your future is to _________ it!

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____________ the layers of emotional toxins allows the true self to emerge.

____________ emotions releases the body’s “chi” or life force.

____________ and release trapped emotions and experience freedom!

When reason tells you one thing, and emotions tell you another, your emotions hold sway

in the short term. It’s not that the power of reason is weak. It’s that the power of emotion

is so strong.

“The simplest and most necessary truths are always the last believed.”

John Ruskin, 1856

Recommended Books:

✓ Sacred Choices: Thinking Outside the Tribe to Heal Your Spirit by Christel Nani

✓ Virus of the Mind: The New Science of the Meme by Richard Brodie

✓ The Emotion Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson

Homework: Completion of homework is required for NTCB certification.

✓ Read Chapters 11-15 in Feelings Buried Alive Never Die

✓ Continue to read “As a Man Thinketh” booklet (PDF file)

✓ Send “Aha” insights to [email protected]

(PLEASE PUT “Anatomy of Emotions” Assignment #3 with your name on the top of your email message.)

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Anatomy of Emotion

Session 4

It doesn’t matter how long we’ve had _____________ ______________, an illness, a rotten relationship, lack of finances, or self-hatred.

We can begin to make a change today!

The thoughts we’ve held and the words we’ve repeatedly used have created our life and experiences up to this point. Yet, that is past thinking; we’ve already done that. What we’re choosing to think and say, today, at this moment, will create tomorrow and the next day and the next week and the next month and the next year, and so on. Louise L. Hay

“…for every condition in our lives, there’s a need for it. Otherwise we wouldn’t’

have it. The __________________ is only an outer effect. We must go within to dissolve the mental cause. “

We must work on the ‘willingness to _______________ the __________’. This is the root of the issue. Once the need is gone, the outer effect must disappear!

Our mental thought patterns are like a time bomb…

✓ ________________…often leads to arthritis.

✓ ___________…turns into things that boil, burn, and infect the body.

✓ ________________________…can lead to tumors and cancer.

✓ _______________always seeks punishment and leads to pain.

“The world we see that seems so insane, is the result of a ____________

_______________ that is not working.” Philosopher William James

“We are what we come to _________________ ourselves to be. To change our beliefs is to change our identities…That’s why it’s difficult to change our beliefs.”

Geoff Heath University of Derby England

Whatever we choose to focus our attention on will automatically _____________

in our lives.” Bring Forth Your Light by Frederick W. Babbel

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Listen to Your Words…

Be careful what you ___________! You are always calling the health condition your body is registering, YOURS…then you are faithfully claiming it!

Hear what you are saying ____________… “I never get ahead…All the good

ones are gone…My dad never had any money, and neither will I…”

Here’s the key… stop doing what you’ve always done

that continues to bring you what you always get.

_______________ is impossible! The universe is powered by the ___________ of the human mind. Whatever we can conceive of we can create. We are limited only by what we believe, perhaps I should say what we don’t believe.

From Feelings Buried Alive Never Die…

1. Become aware, mindful, conscious of your feelings, thoughts, emotions, words and actions.

2. Let go of blame and judgment. 3. Let go of force and control. 4. Sincerely forgive the past (everyone and everything, including yourself) and

let go of it. 5. Resolve all resentment, bitterness and pride. 6. Love without putting conditions on that love (again, including yourself). 7. Recognize that everyone is perfect the way they are. 8. Accept responsibility and accountability for self. 9. Quit resisting. 10. Quit denying. 11. Give thanks in ALL things…be grateful tor the challenges and the pain! 12. Be excited about getting to know the REAL you. 13. Utilize the “Script” on a consistent daily basis. 14. Pray and ask for assistance, it is there!

Chart your own course…_________________!

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The aphorism, "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he," not only embraces the whole of a man’s being, but is so comprehensive as to reach out to every condition and circumstance of his life. A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his __________________.

Tempest-tossed souls, wherever ye may be, under whatsoever conditions ye may live, know this: In the ocean of life the isles of Blessedness are smiling, and the sunny shore of your ideal awaits your coming. Keep your hand firmly upon the helm of thought. In the bark of your soul reclines the commanding Master; He does but sleep: wake Him. Self-control is strength; Right Thought is mastery; Calmness is power. Say unto your heart,

"Peace, be still!"

For CEU Credit…

If you are taking this course for CEU credit through Integrity Biofeedback Academy and the NTCB (Natural Therapies Certification Board) either as part of the Biofeedback Specialist Certification Program, or the Stress Management Certification Program, or for continuing CEUs for recertification, you need to complete a case study. After listening to the bonus recording, fill out the following Case Study pages. Email to: [email protected] As always, if you have any questions on how to complete your case study after listening to the bonus recording, don’t hesitate to contact us for clarification. Phone: (239) 221-8977

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Anatomy of Emotions Case Study Form

Student Name: ___________________________________ Date of Session with client: ____________ Session Time Started: _________ Session Time Ended: __________ Type of Biofeedback System being used: ___ iNfinity ___ LIFE System Reason(s) for Client Visit:

• Client’s emotional stress issues shared: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

• Stressful experience that may be triggering emotional responses: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____ The client has signed an informed consent form. List the most prevalent EMOTIONAL energetic imbalances shown on the biofeedback system: Describe how these EMOTIONAL imbalances may correlate with the client’s physiological stress symptoms (if any)?

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Describe what specific profiles/screens you used for EMOTIONAL stress reduction and energy balancing (include specific items within those profiles and rectification scores/percentages for each): What emotional issues above will you work on next time with client? Other stress reduction techniques / modalities used for the client (BE SURE TO STAY WITHIN YOUR SCOPE OF PRACTICE!):

Also: TYPE a BRIEF (no more than 1 page double spaced) report of what you learned from

the Anatomy of Emotions course that helped you with this client experience. Be sure to

include your name. Mail completed case study to: Integrity Biofeedback Academy, P.O. Box

508, Bonita Springs, FL 34133 or e-mail to [email protected] . Keep a copy in

your files. You will be notified by e-mail when your case studies have been received. Thank

you for your exceptional work!!!