Download - Inside this issue · Aug. 5/15 Lunch, Cove Country Inn, Westport Aug. 12/15 9:00AM Breakfast Travelodge Sept. 3/15 Lunch, Marble Lake Lodge, Cloyne Sept. 8/15 To ‘ell With the Bell

Page 1: Inside this issue · Aug. 5/15 Lunch, Cove Country Inn, Westport Aug. 12/15 9:00AM Breakfast Travelodge Sept. 3/15 Lunch, Marble Lake Lodge, Cloyne Sept. 8/15 To ‘ell With the Bell

Aug. 5/15 Lunch, Cove Country Inn, Westport

Aug. 12/15 9:00AM Breakfast Travelodge

Sept. 3/15 Lunch, Marble Lake Lodge, Cloyne

Sept. 8/15 To ‘ell With the Bell Eggsquis

Sept. 9/15 9:00AM Breakfast Travelodge

Sept. 14/15 6:30PM TravelShowcase Brockville

Sept. 15/15 6:30PM TravelShowcase Kingston

Sept. 23-Oct. 2/15 Fall Colours Cruise

Sept. 30/15 Executive Meeting

Oct. 7/15 Lunch, N of 7 Restaurant, Plevna

Oct. 14 – Nov. 2/15 Morocco Tour

Nov. 5/15 Annual Meeting I.Turner Library

Nov. 16/15 Deadline for Winter Newsletter

Dec. 2/15 Lunch, The Maples, Sharbot Lake

Dec. 3/15 Lunch, Addison’s Res’t, Northbrook

Jan. 30 - Feb. 13/16 Cuba Tour

May 23 - June 9/16 Greece Cruise Tour

Sept. 7 - 19/16 Newfoundland Tour

Nov. 10 - 26/16 Antarctica Cruise

Calendar of Events is updated with executive and travel news, publications, luncheon details and more!

Follow us on Twitter @RTODistrict20 Email: [email protected]

Inside this issue:













Volume V, Issue ii, Fall 2015 RTO/ERO District 20 Frontenac, Lennox and Addington

Page 2: Inside this issue · Aug. 5/15 Lunch, Cove Country Inn, Westport Aug. 12/15 9:00AM Breakfast Travelodge Sept. 3/15 Lunch, Marble Lake Lodge, Cloyne Sept. 8/15 To ‘ell With the Bell

Page 2 Vision 20/20 Volume V, Issue ii, Fall 2015



Ted Whiteland 613-766-6399 [email protected]

David Kendall

613-335-4319 [email protected]

Dennis Quinn 613-384-6434 [email protected] 

John Kitney 613-546-6378 [email protected]

Shirley Baird

613-545-3714 [email protected]

Madeleine Wotherspoon

613-766-4887 [email protected]

Liz Carson

613-389-5419 [email protected]


613-279-2098 [email protected]

Susan Porteous 613-548-1079 [email protected]

Karen Kitney 613-546-6378 [email protected]

Les Forkes 613-389-1015 [email protected]  

**One Vacant Councillor Seat


David Kendall

613-335-4319 [email protected]


613-335-4319 [email protected]

Dennis Quinn

613-384-6434 [email protected]

Jacquie Mallory

[email protected]

Patricia Bland

613-384-1591 [email protected]

John Kitney 613-546-6378 [email protected]

Ted Carson 613-389-5419 [email protected]

PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Ted Whiteland [email protected]

Back in 1934, the young George and Ira Gershwin did not realize that their aria “Summertime” from Porgy and Bess would become the anthem for both

active and retired educators. Our summertime has been everything that we had wished for during those snowy conditions last winter. I trust that your summertime has been everything you wished it to be “and the livin’ is easy”!!

Please note the following tidbits that will demonstrate that life in RTO/ERO District 20 is certainly just as active during these dog days of summer as throughout the year.

Irwin Ruttle continues to be an amazing man! In his 101st year he has been chosen by RTO/ERO Provincial to be one of three members to receive a Distinguished Member Award for his legacy of hard work and service to his fellow RTO/ERO members for over a quarter century - all done after he formally retired from teaching!! The details for the presentation which typically takes place at the fall Senate are being arranged with Irwin’s family. June Szeman, President of RTO/ERO, will be presenting Irwin with this covetous award. The Winter Vision 20/20 will include an extended report. Please join the District 20 Executive in congratulating Irwin for this outstanding recognition!

Nadene Strange is also on the District 20 radar as she will be the newest recipient of the Irwin Ruttle Award for her diligent commitment on behalf of members from both District 20 and 48. Nadene is well known as a proficient tour director with the District Travel team in which capacity she has guided many travelers to destinations throughout the world. She will be presented the award at the District AGM on November 5th at the Kingston Public Library, Isabel Turner Branch. I am sure that she would welcome a good turnout of her friends for this special day.

Our AGM planning is well underway and we look forward to having a full house on November 5th. Jim Grieve, the new RTO/ERO Executive Director will be our guest speaker. We hope that you have marked the gathering on your personal calendar.

2015 -16 Executive Members will be elected at the AGM thanks to Past President John Kitney who has been identifying members willing to put their names forward for a position on the District Executive. Regardless of your experience, we provide on-the-job training and plenty of satisfaction. If interested in more details, feel free to contact [email protected].

Provincial Executive Representation this past year has been provided by District Second VP David Kendall. Our Executive has counted on David to provide timely advice and support of different items for Provincial Executive consideration. David has also taken the lead with Political Advocacy and chairs the organization of Candidate Debates within the three different ridings that encompass District 20 in the Federal Election. See page 5 for details.

To ‘Ell with the Bell Breakfast is a highlight of the first day of school annually. We look forward to welcoming not only the “experienced” retirees but also the “newbies” on Tuesday, September 8 at Eggsquis. Feel free to reach out and make sure some of those colleagues who have recently retired are special invitees to this year’s festivities.

District 20 Social Gatherings continue throughout the summer months. Please refer to the listing on page 12 and plan to attend. The sessions are very informal and provide yet one more opportunity to stay connected to the RTO/ERO “family”! Have a wonderful balance of a beautiful summer. I look forward to reconnecting with all of you over the next few months.


RTO/ERO District 20 Executive Board 2014 - 2015

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MEMBERSHIP UPDATES Liz Carson, Membership Secretary [email protected]


On behalf of the

members of District 20, the Executive expresses its sincere condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of those recently deceased. We share in the mourning

of their loss and celebrate the services

they rendered.

In Memoriam

Dean R . Baker Vera D. Clatworthy

Jo-Ann Eady Sylvia MacIntyre Ruby E. Malcolm

David Mann Ruby C. O'Neill

Wim H. Overvelde









[email protected]

18 Spadina Rd Suite 300 Toronto, ON M5R 2S7

1 -800-361-9888 223

Jean Caty Judy Froud

Bev Gauthier William Geris Frank Girard Mary Golem Brian Hanson

Sandra J. Hubbard Julie Korporaal

Crawford M. MacIntyre Joan Martin

Charlotte McMaster Diane Moore Susan Perry

Beverley Gale Phillips Laverne Revell

Diane Y. Thivierge Kathi Toth-Switzer

District 20 welcomes our new members! RTO/ERO 20 is comprised

of 1318 registered members. Our new members join our formerly retired members from the educational field including 144

Associate Members. Many are from District 48 (Leeds and Grenville) and many transferred here from other districts.

Information and referral helpline to community, social,

government and health services.

Page 4: Inside this issue · Aug. 5/15 Lunch, Cove Country Inn, Westport Aug. 12/15 9:00AM Breakfast Travelodge Sept. 3/15 Lunch, Marble Lake Lodge, Cloyne Sept. 8/15 To ‘ell With the Bell

Page 4 Vision 20/20 Volume V, Issue ii, Fall 2015


PENSION and RETIREMENT CONCERNS Dave Kendall, First Vice-President [email protected]

Membership: Active Members…………………...………..182,000 Retired Members…………….…..…....….129,000 Total Number of Members……………..311,000 Financial Update: 2014 Investment Return...11.8 %………$16.3 B January 1, 2015 Surplus ……………………..$ 6.8 B Assets as of December 31, 2014….……$154.5 B Other Statistics: Average age of teachers retiring in 2014 - 59 years old Members contribute to the OTPP for an average of 26 years Members collect a pension for an average of 31 years OTPP employs approximately 1100 individuals in Offices in Toronto; London, England and Hong Kong In 2014 the number of teachers who entered/returned to teaching …………………….………7,600

Current Contribution Levels: 11.5 % below the CPP limit 13.1 % above the CPP limit In 2014, the CPP limit was $ 52,500 Active Members / Retired Members: There are 1.4 Active Members for every 1.0 Retired Members

Funding Valuations: Looks ahead more than 70 years Prepared by an independent actuary Projects members’ future contributions, benefits and their cost Filed with the Government every three years Must be balanced when filed Dealing With Funding Shortfalls: Funding shortfalls are managed by the following actions: Increase in contributions Adjustment in inflation protection Reduction in future benefits Or a combination of all three

Contributions / Benefits in 2014: Contributions received from Active Members………………….………………$ 3.2 B Benefits paid to Retired Members…....$ 5.3 B Long Term Investment Returns: Since the inception of the OTPP in 1990, the Plan has recognized an average annualized return of 10.2%.

The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (OTPP) held its Annual Meeting on Thursday, April 9th in Toronto. The following information is provided to inform you of developments in the Plan and its investments over the past year. 18 Holes of golf, 1/2 cart, supper, prizes, fun!

$25 of fee for Fun With Books. Cheque only to RTO District 48 by

Sept.10/15. See website for details!

Mary Lou Smitheram 301 Lily Bay Drive,

Elizabethtown, ON K6V7C4 [email protected] 613 342-3135

Fact Sheets in RTO/ERO Members Centre.

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POLITICAL ADVOCACY - Dave Kendall, First Vice-President [email protected]

Candidates and Meetings in the Federal Election 2015 PLEASE EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE ON OCTOBER 19

KINGSTON AND THE ISLANDS: The Kingston and District Labour Council has accepted the challenge to sponsor an All Candidates’ Meeting for this Federal Riding. As of the printing of this Newsletter a date and location for this event was unavailable. 


GREEN NATHAN TOWNEND [email protected]

LIBERAL MARK GERRETSEN [email protected]

NDP DAN BEALS [email protected]

LANARK - FRONTENAC - KINGSTON: All Candidates’ Meeting planned in conjunction with the Teacher Federations (ETFO, OECTA, OSSTF) to take place at the Granite Ridge Education Centre in Sharbot Lake on Monday, October 5th from 7:00 – 9:00 PM. CONSERVATIVE SCOTT REID [email protected]

GREEN ANITA PAYNE [email protected]


NDP JOHN FENIK c/o [email protected]

HASTINGS - LENNOX & ADDINGTON: This Federal Riding overlaps both the RTO-ERO Districts 19 and 20. District 20 has worked with the Teacher Federations (ETFO, OECTA, OSSTF) in both areas as well as the Belleville and District Labour Council and the Napanee Chamber of Commerce to sponsor an All Candidates’ Meeting at the Strathcona Paper Centre in Napanee to be held on Thursday, October 1st from 7:00 – 9:00 PM. CONSERVATIVE DARYL KRAMP [email protected]

GREEN CAM MATHER [email protected]

LIBERAL MIKE BOSSIO [email protected]

NDP BETTY BANNON [email protected]

Your District 20 Executive has been working for the past several months with the Teacher Federations and community organizations to plan All Candidates’ Meetings for the Federal Ridings within our District.

DID YOU KNOW? 88% of seniors go online at least once a day; 53% of online seniors 75+ belong to a social networking site;

One in five are using video-conferencing to connect with loved ones. Source: Media in Canada

1059 Followers of RTO/ERO Facebook ; 972 Followers of RTO/ERO Twitter;

23 Followers of RTOERO20 Twitter

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Page 6 Vision 20/20 Volume V, Issue ii, Fall 2015



PLEASE EXERCISE YOUR RIGHT TO VOTE ON OCTOBER 19, 2015! Your District 20 RTO-ERO Executive has worked with our colleagues in RTO-ERO District 19, Hastings-Prince Edward and the Teacher Federations (ETFO, OECTA, OSSTF) in both the Limestone and Hastings-Prince Edward School Boards to develop and implement a Candidate Survey for those Candidates standing for election in one of the three federal ridings situated within our boundaries:




A copy of this survey is printed for your information and the Candidate responses will be available for your review on our District 20 website in September.

Federal Election – Candidate Questions

The following are examples of those questions:

Jobs: By what means would your party increase the maximum EI benefit? How would your party finance the increased benefit and increased funding for training and skill development for workers on EI?

National Pharmacare: What plans, if any, does your party have in place to negotiate with the provincial and territorial governments in the establishment of a regulatory agency, similar to the Patented Medicine Price Review Board, to monitor the price of generic drugs?

National Childcare: In what ways is your party capable of establishing and guaranteeing a national, affordable, and accessible National Child-Care Plan?

CPP, OAS and GIS: Would your party be amenable to returning the eligibility age for Canada Pension Plan back to age 65? If so, what obstacles, if any, do your foresee in fulfilling this?

AGM AND NOMINATIONS - John Kitney, Past-President [email protected]

District 20 Presentation of The Irwin Ruttle Award for 2015 to NADENE STRANGE

2016 Slate of Officers

Celebration of Service to Others Awards

Travel Display

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If you have any Health Matters questions please feel free to contact Jacquie Mallory [email protected].

RTO District 20 is unable to endorse any specific treatments or products, but we do like to keep members informed with items related to good health.

HEALTH MATTERS Jacquie Mallory, Health Services Chair [email protected]

In early June I attended the Provincial workshop for Health benefits reps from all districts. There was a carousel of pertinent topics as well as a roundtable discussion. One of the most significant sessions had to do with a new initiative by the Alzheimer’s Society of Toronto. (

This group started a program for patients with Alzheimer’s which provides them with Ipods loaded with their favourite music as well as over-the-ear headphones. The list is prepared with the help of family members. Patients listen approximately one hour a day. Testing has proven to re-awaken peoples’ ability to talk and interact with others around them in a significant way. This initiative will be rolled out throughout the province and then nationally as the public requests. If you know someone who might benefit or would like to donate an Ipod shuffle or similar item, please contact the Alzheimer’s Society locally. I have included a YouTube video so that you can see the results for yourself.

Another Music and Memory: iPod project: Alzheimer Society of Toronto:

As well I have included some other health links which might be of interest:

International Osteoporosis Foundation Risk Test Osteoporosis Canada Nutrition The Canadian Continence Foundation Eldercare select

On April 11, 2015, District 20’s Health Services Chair, Jacquie Mallory, hosted a sell‐out audience with the annual

Retirement Planning Workshop. Thank you to all guests, volunteers and visitors for an excellent day of information!

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Page 8 Vision 20/20 Volume V, Issue ii, Fall 2015



Marg McLaren from Southview Public School reported on the successful opening of the Hannah-Butler Music Room in May. Close to 60 RTO members

attended the dedication in memory of our friends Peter Hannah and Carol Butler. Principal Mr. Peter Mouncey spoke to the importance of the school’s retired friends who continue to help and serve when they retire. He also referred to the Limestone Charitable Trust set up last fall for donations in memory of Peter and/or Carol which has started to grow. Carol extended her thanks to RTO/ERO District 20 for including a full page story about the music room in the Vision 20/20 newsletter. A lot of people saw the article and were able to attend the opening because of it.

JOIN us at the Annual General Meeting on November 5, 2015 for the presentation of the the Irwin Ruttle Award for 2015 to District 20 Member NADENE STRANGE!


Service to Others 2015 Grant recipient Deb Woods, forwarded a very generous report and on behalf of Mission One More Day Book Clubs: Kingston Literacy and Skills. This exceptional adult literacy program applied its STO grant to the purchase of iPads to support reading fluency and research skills required when seeking employment. Deb reflected the iPads were “learning magnets” for the students and often the most engaging and pleasurable means of expanding literacy skills in what can be very challenging personal environments. Wonderful news!

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Saving Costs in Communications: If you are receiving more than one newsletter at your address and only need one, contact us at: [email protected].

Electronic Newsletter: Save paper! Be economical! Request only the electronic colour Vision 20/20 to be sent to your email. Contact [email protected] today!

There are a number of grants, awards and charitable donations presented each year by the provincial RTO/ERO office. Requests for provincial grants and awards must be approved by the District Executive prior to being forwarded to provincial office. Member recommendations must reach the District executive by the established timelines in order to reach the provincial office on time. Complete details for all programs may be found on the District 20 website at For further information and recommendations contact: Dennis Quinn, Awards Chair, Second Vice-President. 991 Springfield Dr., Kingston, ON K7M 8V4 613-384-6434 [email protected]

GRANTS, CHARITABLE DONATIONS, AWARDS, SCHOLARSHIPS Dennis Quinn, Awards Chair, Second Vice-President [email protected]

PROVINCIAL PROGRAMS Watch for the 2016 Grants and Awards details in the Winter edition of Vision 20/20 or on the RTOERO20 website. The 2015 awards deadlines have now passed. The Scholarship Program which must be completed on-line, but all other programs offered by the Provincial RTO/ERO must be processed through the District Executive, including the Provincial Service to Others Program, the Founding Member Award and the Distinguished Member Award. Complete sets of criteria for all programs may be found at

RTO/ERO Scholarship was awarded to Julia Reddick of South Porcupine, Ontario. Julia was nominated by District 20 Member Luanne Reddick. A Bachelor of Science graduate from Queen’s University, Julia received her B. Ed from Nipissing University in 2015. She used the scholarship grant to take the French as a Second Language AQ this summer. Congratulations Julia!


PROJECT SERVICE TO OTHERS: Applications must be submitted to the District 20 Second Vice-President by October 31, 2015. Contact Dennis Quinn, Awards Chair (see above).

IRWIN RUTTLE AWARD 2015: Nadene Strange has been chosen as the new recipient of this coveted award, to be presented at the Annual General Meeting on Thursday, November 5, 2015, from 2:00 - 4:00 PM at the Kingston Frontenac Public Library, Isabel Turner Branch. Please join us for the celebration!

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Page 10 Vision 20/20 Volume V, Issue ii, Fall 2015



As we go to print, Nadene Strange is getting ready to lead a Fall Colours Cruise along the coasts of New England and Canada while Karen and John Kitney prepare to head off to Morocco in October. Those two tours will complete our 2015 tour schedule. Meanwhile, our plans for 2016 are in full swing and we invite you to have a look at the roster: Cuba, Greece, Newfoundland and Antarctica. Please consult the website: for our most up-to-date packages and registration material.

In this two week itinerary our focus for the first half will be on the vibrant culture, the unique history and the lush tropical flora. We will begin in Havana for two nights with day tours of the city sights and an evening at the Tropicana Cabaret. Our next “home base” will be the UNESCO Heritage town of Trinidad with a number of excursions planned to include the stunning waterfalls at El Nicho, Playa Larga and The Bay of Pigs, a visit to a sugar refinery or rum distillery and the Cienfuegos Botanical Gardens. The second half of our trip will be a week on the beach at an all-inclusive resort location on the north coast. Here we can soak up the sun and enjoy the sand and sea as well as the Cuban hospitality, warm breezes and nightly entertainment. For details contact John or Karen Kitney at 613-546-6378, [email protected] or Sue Parkinson 613-549-3342 x3377, [email protected]

Bill and Lisa Leroux will host a magical 17 day tour of Greece and the Cycladic Islands. This tour will highlight Athens, Delphi, Kalambaka and Olympia for the land portion of our adventure and a 7 day cruise through the Islands. With 2 full days in Athens and surrounding area, we will be visiting some of the greatest remains of ancient Greece.

Our mainland tour will continue with a 3 night tour to Delphi, Kalambaka and Olympia. En route, we will visit the Theatres of Epidaurus and Nafplio. The group will continue to Mycenae to visit the archaeological site and the Tomb of Agamemnon. We will reach Olympia through central Peloponnesus and the cities of Tripoli and Megalopolis. On our journey to Delphi we will drive through the plains of Eliad and Achaia up to the magnificent bridge over the Bay of Corinth connecting Rion to Antirion. This magical tour will guide you through the history of one of the greatest civilizations that ever existed. Our final segment is a 7 day private charter cruise of the Cycladic Islands. We are finalizing the details of this cruise that will include a 2 night stay in Santorini and visits to the islands of Paros, Delos, Mykonos and Syros. Stay tuned for a complete itinerary. For registration details contact Bill or Lisa Leroux at 613-342-2512, [email protected] or Sue Parkinson 613-549-3342 x3377, [email protected]

Glorious Greece May 23 to

June 9, 2016

Cuba January 30 to February 13,


Page 11: Inside this issue · Aug. 5/15 Lunch, Cove Country Inn, Westport Aug. 12/15 9:00AM Breakfast Travelodge Sept. 3/15 Lunch, Marble Lake Lodge, Cloyne Sept. 8/15 To ‘ell With the Bell Volume V, Issue ii, Fall 2015 Page 11  



Discover the magic and wonder of the “White Continent” aboard the stylish and comfortable MS Fram. Jump off from Ushuaia, Argentina and explore vistas of blue white glaciers and busy penguin rookeries. See breaching whales crashing and scenes of pure ice walls.

Cruise through the Lemaire Channel, where steep, sheer cliffs rise above the narrow iceberg-filled passage. Zip by zodiac boat into small bays and harbors for personal and in-depth exploration. Make your way to Whalers Bay on Deception Island with its warm springs and black volcanic sand. Your first two and final nights will be in Buenos Aires, the “Paris of South America.”

Welcome to Newfoundland - the most easterly coast of North America where the sun rises first and where Vikings landed over 1,000 years ago. It is home to the oldest settlement and the oldest city in North America, but is the youngest province of Canada. This

is a land of rich history and natural wonders: stunning coastlines, breaching whales, icebergs, and some of the most incredible “skyscapes” you'll ever see. From vibrant cities to quaint, historical outports, mountain ranges, rivers, waterfalls and winding coastlines, there are always fascinating places to see and countless things to do. Your tour includes one night in Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, located on a group of islands 25 km off the coast of Newfoundland. Saint-Pierre et Miquelon is an unmistakably French place - the language and culture are French, the currency is the Euro, the French flag flies everywhere! 


Highlights include:

Gros Morne Park, Bonne Bay, Sir Wilfred Grenfell Mission, Twillingate, Bonavista, L’Anse Aux Meadows, St. Pierre et Miquelon, St. John’s, Cape Spear, Whale / Puffin Boat Tour, “Screech In”. For registration details contact

Nadene Strange at 613-542-5796, [email protected] or Sue Parkinson 613-549-3342 x3377, [email protected]

Newfoundland September 7 to 19,


Antarc ca November 10 to 26,


Highlights include:

Buenos Aires, Ushuaia, Tierra del Fuego National Park, 12 night cruise aboard MS Fram, The Drake Passage, Half Moon Island, Deception Island, Antarctic, Port Lockroy, Tango Dinner Show, 18 day tour, 42 meals, fully escorted, all taxes and gratuities.

For more information contact Barbara Canton 613-353-2812, [email protected] or Sue Parkinson 613-549-3342 x3377, [email protected] 

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Page 12 Vision 20/20 Volume V, Issue ii, Fall 2015




membership@rto-ero .org 18 Spadina Rd Suite 300 Toronto, ON M5R 2S7

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Postage Paid Publica ons Mail Agreement # 40038334 

   14 Davey Crescent 

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Wed., Oct.7: North of 7 Restaurant, Plevna

Wed., Dec. 2: The Maples, Sharbot Lake

Contact Kevin Long at [email protected] or by phone 613-279-2098 48 hours in advance.


Thurs., Sept 3: Marble Lake Lodge, Cloyne Thurs., Dec. 3: Addison’s Restaurant, Northbrook 

Contact Kevin Long at [email protected] or by phone 613-479-2837 48 hours in advance.


Unfortunately it was not possible for a luncheon in South Frontenac to be arranged for this issue,. We hope that luncheons in this area will be able to resume soon.


2nd Wednesday each month at the Travelodge Hotel, LaSalle Restaurant, 2360 Princess Street, Kingston. Aug. 12, Sept.9, Oct. 13, Nov. 11, Dec. 9/15 Contact John Kitney at 613 546-6378.

Upcoming Luncheons And Gatherings Please Join Us!

Vision 20/20 is published in the Spring, Fall and Winter each year by RTO/ERO District 20 volunteer members. Printed and distributed by DigiGraphics, Kingston.

Vision 20/20 costs $2.00 per mailed copy. Emailed newsletters cost less than a postage stamp. Request your colour E-Copy today! [email protected]