Download - INDEX OF · Sun navigation in homing pigeons - attempts to shift su n coordinates 291 Weevers, R. De G. A preparatio

Page 1: INDEX OF · Sun navigation in homing pigeons - attempts to shift su n coordinates 291 Weevers, R. De G. A preparatio



Ahsanullah, M. See NEWELL, PYE and AHSA-NULLAH


Beaumont, C. See PHILLIPS and BEAUMONTBretz, William L. and Schmidt-Nielsen,

Knut. Bird respiration: Flow patterns inthe duck lung 103

Burton, Alexander J. Directional change in aflying beetle 575

Bush, B. M. H. See ROBERTS and BUSH

Cameron, James N. See DAVIS and CAMERONCooke, Ian M. See MORIN and COOKE

Davis, John C. and Cameron, James N. Waterflow and gas exchange at the gills of rainbowtrout, Salmo gairdneri 1

Delcomyn, Fred. The locomotion of the cock-roach Periplaneta americana 443

—The effect of limb amputation on locomotionin the cockroach Periplaneta americana 453

Dreisig, Hans and Nielsen, Erik Tetens. Cir-cadian rhythm of locomotion and its tempera-ture dependence in Blatella germanica 187


Fiore, L. See WIERSMA and FIORE

Gamble, J. C. The responses of the marineamphipods Corophium arenarium and C.volutator to gradients and to choices ofdifferent oxygen concentrations 27s


Gentle, Michael J. The central nervous controlof colour change in the minnow (Phoxinusphoxinus L.)

—I. Blinding and the effects of tectal removalon normal and blind fish 83

—II. Tectal ablations in normal fish 93Greenaway, Peter. Calcium regulation in the

freshwater mollusc, Limnaea stagnalis (L.)(Gastropoda: Pulmonata)

—I. The effect of internal and external calciumconcentration 199

—II. Calcium movements between internal cal-cium compartments 609

Hartline, Peter H. Physiological basis for detec-tion of sound and vibration in snakes 349

—Mid-brain responses of the auditory andsomatic vibration systems in snakes 373

Harvey, W. R. and Zerahn, K. Active transportof sodium by the isolated midgut of Hyalo-phora cecropia 269

Heath, J. E. See MCCREA and HEATHHeinrich, Bernd. Temperature regulation of

the sphinx moth, Manduca sexta—I. Flight energetics and body temperature

during free and tethered flight 141—II. Regulation of heat loss by control of blood

circulation 153Holeton, George F. Oxygen uptake and trans-

port by the rainbow trout during exposureto carbon monoxide 239

lies, J. F. See PEARSON and ILESIto, Y., Kuriyama, H. and Tashiro, N. Effects

of catecholamines on the neuromuscularjunction of the somatic muscle of the earth-worm Pheretima communissima 167

Johnstone, J. R. and Mark, R. F. The efferencecopy neurone 403

Kafir, R. See TADMOR, APPLEBAUM and KAFIRKatayama, Yoshifumi, Recovery course of

excitability in a single neurone of Onchidiumverruculatum 471


Kuriyama, H. See ITO, KURIYAMA and TASHIRO

Land, M. F. Orientation by jumping spiders inthe absence of visual feedback 119

Lang, Fred. Intracellular studies on pacemakerand follower neurones in the cardiac ganglionof Limulus 815

Larimer, James L., Eggleston, Alan C ,Masukawa, Leona M. and Kennedy,Donald. The different connexions andmotor outputs of lateral and medial giantfibres in the crayfish 391

Lincoln, R. J. Observations of the effects ofchanges in hydrostatic pressure and illumi-nation on the behaviour of some planktoniccrustaceans 677

McCrea, M. J. and Heath, J. E. Dependence offlight in temperature regulation in the moth,Manduca sexta 415

Maddrell, S. H. P., Pilcher, D. E. M. andGardiner, B. O. C. Pharmacology of theMalpighian tubules of Rhodnius and Carau-sius: The structure—activity relationship oftryptamine analogues and the role of cyclicamp 779

Mark, R. F. See JOHNSTONE and MARKMasukawa, Leona M. See LARIMER, EGGLESTON,

MASUKAWA and KENNEDYMichener, Martin C. See WALCOTT and

MlCHENERMiller, P. L. Rhythmic activity in the insect

nervous system

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828 Index of AuthorsMiller, P. L. (cont.)—I. Ventilatory coupling of a mant id spiracle

587—II. Sensory and electrical stimulation of

ventilation in a mantid 599Miller, T. and Usherwood, P. N. R. Studies of

cardio-regulation in the cockroach, Peri-planeta americana 329


Morin, James G. and Cooke, Ian M. Be-havioural physiology of the colonial hydroidObelia

—I. Spontaneous movements and correlatedelectrical activity 689

—II. Stimulus-initiated electrical activity andbioluminescence 707

—III. Characteristics of the bioluminescentsystem 723

Nayar, J. K. and Sauerman, D. M., Jr. Theeffect of light regimes on the circadianrhythm of flight activity in the mosquitoAedes taeniorhynchus 745

Newell, R. C , Pye, V. I. and Ahsanullah, M.The effect of thermal acclimation on theheat tolerance of the intertidal prosobranchsLittorina littorea (L.) and Monodonta lineata(Da Costa) 525

Nielsen, Erik Tetens. See DREISIG and NIELSEN

Payne, Roger S. Acoustic location of prey bybarn owls (Tyto alba) 535

Pearson, K. G. and lies, J. F. Innervation ofcoxal depressor muscles in the cockroach,Periplaneta americana 215

Phillips, J. E. and Beaumont, C. Symmetry andnon-linearity of osmotic flow across rectalcuticle of the desert locust 317

Pichon, Y., Moreton, R. B. and Treherne, J. E.A quantitative study of the ionic basis ofextraneuronal potential changes in the centralnervous system of the cockroach (Periplanetaamericana L.) 757



Roberts, Alan and Bush, B. M. H. Coxal musclereceptors in the crab: The receptor currentand some properties of the receptor nervefibres SIS

Russell, I. T. The role of the lateral-line efferentsystem in Xenopus laevis 621

—The pharmacology of efferent synapses in thelateral-line system of Xenopus laevis 643

Sauerman, D. M., Jr. See NAYAR and SAUERMANSanjeeva-Reddy, P. Function of the super,

numerary sense cells and the relations)^between modality of adequate stimulus arlHinnervation pattern of the scorpion hairsensillum 233

Schmidt-Nielsen, Knut. See BRETZ and SCHMIDT-NIELSEN

Stobbart, R. H. Evidence for Na+/H+ andCl'/HCOjf exchanges during independentsodium and chloride uptake by the larvaof the mosquito Aedes aegypti (L.) 19

—The control of sodium uptake by the larva ofthe mosquito Aedes aegypti (L.) 29

— Factors affecting the control of body volumein the larvae of the mosquitoes Aedes aegypti(L.) and Aedes detritus Edw. 67

Sutcliffe, D. W. Sodium influx and loss infreshwater and brackish-water populations ofthe amphipod Gammarusduebeni Lilljeborg

255— The effect of calcium on sodium influx and

loss in Gammarus (Amphipoda) 485

Tadmor, U., Applebaum, S. W. and Kafir, R.A gas-chromatographic micromethod forrespiration studies on insects 437

Tashiro, N. See ITO, KURIYAMA and TASHIROTreherne, J. E. See PICHON, MORETON and

TREHERNETruman, James W. Physiology of insect ecdysis.

I. The eclosion behaviour of saturniid mothsand its hormonal release 805

Usherwood, P. N. R. See MILLER and USHER-WOOD

Walcott, Charles and Michener, Martin C.Sun navigation in homing pigeons - attemptsto shift sun coordinates 291

Weevers, R. De G. A preparation of Aplysiafasciata for intrasomatic recording andstimulation of single neurones during loco-motor movements 659

Wiersma, C. A. G. and Fiore, L. Factorsregulating the discharge frequency in opto-motor fibres of Carcimis mamas 497

— Unidirectional rotation neurones in the opto-motor system of the crab, Carcinus 507

Yinon, U. The visual mechanisms of Tenebriomolitor: Changes in the electroretinogramas function of the stimulus duration 737

Zerahn, K. See HARVEY and ZERAHN

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Acoustic location of prey:By barn owls (Tyto alba) (PAYNE) 535

Aedes aegypti (L.):Evidence for Na+/H+ and Cl'/HOOf ex-changes during independent sodium andchloride uptake by the larva of the mosquito(STOBBART) 19

— The control of sodium uptake by the larvaof the mosquito (STOBBART) 29

— Factors affecting the control of body volumein the larvae of the mosquitoes, and Aedesdetritus Edw. (STOBBART) 67

Aedes detritus Edw.:Factors affecting the control of body volumein the larvae of the mosquitoes Aidesaegypti (L.) and (STOBBART) 67

Aedes taeniorhynchus: 745The effect of light regimes on the circadianrhythm of flight activity in the mosquito(NAYAR and SAUERMAN) 745

Amphipod:See Gammarus duebeni Lilljeborg

Aplysia fasciata:A preparation of, for intrasomatic recordingand stimulation of single neurones duringlocomotor movements (WEEVERS) 659

Auditory and somatic vibration systems:Mid-brain responses of the, in snakes(HARTLINE) 373

Barn owls:See Tyto alba

Behavioural physiology:Of the colonial hydroid Obelia

— I. Spontaneous movements and correlatedelectrical activity (MORIN and COOKE) 689

— II. Stimulus-initiated electrical activity andbioluminescence (MORIN and COOKE) 707

— III. Characteristics of the bioluminescentsystem (MORIN and COOKE) 723

Bird respiration:Flow patterns in the duck lung (BRETZ andSCHMIDT-NIELSEN) 103

Blatella germanica:Circadian rhythm of locomotion and itstemperature dependence in (DREISIG andNIELSEN) 187

Body volume:Factors affecting the control of, in the larvaeof the mosquitoes Aides aegypti (L.) andAides detritus Edw. (STOBBART) 67

Calcium:The effect of, on sodium influx and loss inGammarus (Amphipoda) (SUTCLIFFE) 485

Calcium regulation:In the freshwater mollusc, Limnaea stagnalis(L.) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata)

— I. The effect of internal and external calciumconcentration (GREENAWAY) 199

— II. Calcium movements between internalcalcium compartments (GREENAWAY) 609

Carausius:Pharmacology of the Malpighian tubules ofRhodnius and: The structure—activity re-lationship of tryptamine analogues and therole of cyclic amp MADDRELL, PILCHER andGARDINER) 779

Carbon monoxide:Oxygen uptake and transport by the rainbowtrout during exposure to (HOLETON) 239

Carcinus maenas:Factors regulating the discharge frequencyin optomotor fibres of (WIERSMA and FIORE)

497— Unidirectional rotation neurones in the opto-

motor system of the crab (WIERSMA andFIORE) 507

Cardiac ganglion:Intracellular studies on pacemaker andfollower neurones in the, of Limulus (LANG)


Studies of, in the cockroach, Periplanetaamericana (MILLER and USHERWOOD) 329

Catecholamines:Effects of, on the neuromuscular junctionof the somatic muscle of the earthwormPheretima communissima (ITO, KURIYAMA andTASHIRO) 167

Central nervous control:The, of colour change in the minnow(Phoxinus phoxinus L.)

— I. Blinding and the effects of tectal removalon normal and blind fish (GENTLE) 83

— II. Tectal ablations in normal fish (GENTLE) 93Central nervous system:

A quantitative study of the ionic basis ofextraneuronal potential changes in the, ofthe cockroach (Periplaneta americana L).(PICHON, MORETON and TREHERNE) 757

Circadian rhythm:Of locomotion and its temperature depen-dence in Blattella germanica (DREISIG andNIELSEN) 187

Circadian rhythm of flight activity:The effect of light regimes on the, in themosquito Aides taeniorhynchus (NAYAR andSAUERMAN) 745

Cockroach:See Periplaneta americana L.

Colonial hydroid:See Obelia

Colour change:The central nervous control of, in theminnow (Phoxinus phoxinus L.)

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83o Index of Subjects

Colour change {cant.)— I. Blinding and the effects of tectal removal

on normal and blind fish (GENTLE) 83— Tectal ablations in normal fish (GENTLE) 93Connexions:

The different, and motor outputs of lateral andmedial giant fibres in the crayfish (LARIMER,EGGLESTON, MASUKAWA and KENNEDY)

39iCorophium arenarium:

The responses of the marine amphipods, andC. volutator to gradients and to choices ofdifferent oxygen concentrations (GAMBLE)

275Corophium volutator:

The responses of the marine amphipodsCorophium arenarium and, to gradients andto choices of different oxygen concentrations(GAMBLE) 27s

Coxal depressor muscles:Innervation of, in the cockroach, Periplanetaamericana (PEARSON and ILES) 215

Coxal muscle receptors:In the crab: The receptor current and someproperties of the receptor nerve fibres(ROBERTS and BUSH) 515

Crab:Coxal muscle receptors in the: The receptorcurrent and some properties of the receptornerve fibres (ROBERTS and BUSH) 515

— See CarcinusCrayfish:

The different connexions and motor out-puts of lateral and medial giant fibres inthe (LARIMER, EGGLESTON, MASUKAWA and


Desert locust:Symmetry and non-linearity of osmotic flowacross rectal cuticle of the (Phillips andBeaumont) 317

Directional change:In a flying beetle (Burton) 575

Discharge frequency:Factors regulating the, in optomotor fibresof Carcinus maenas (WIERSMA and FIORE) 497

Duck lung:Bird respiration: Flow patterns in the (Bretzand Schmidt-Nielsen) 103

Earthworm:See Pheretima communissima

Efference copy neurone:The (JOHNSTONE and MARK) 403

Efferent synapses:The pharmacology of, in the lateral-linesystem of Xenopus laevis (RUSSELL) 643

Electroretinogram:The visual mechanisms of Tenebrio molitor:Changes in the, as function of the stimulusduration (YINON) 737

Excitability:Recovery course of, in a single neurone ofOnchidium verruculatum (KATAYAMA) 471

Extraneural potential changes:A quantitative study of the ionic basis o*in the central nervous system of the cockroack(Periplaneta americana L.) (PICHON, MORE-TON and TREHERNE) 757

Flight:Dependence of, on temperature regulationin the moth, Manduca sexta (MCCREA andHEATH) 415

Flow patterns:Bird respiration, in the duck lung (BRETZand SCHMIDT-NIELSEN) 103

Flying beetle:Directional change in a (BURTON) 575

Freshwater and brackish-water populations:Sodium influx and loss in, of the amphipodGammarusdi(e&em'Lilljeborg (SUTCLIFFE) 255

Freshwater mollusc:See Limnaea stagnate (L.) (Gastropoda:Pulmonata)

Gammarus (Amphipoda):The effect of calcium on sodium influx andloss in (SUTCLIFFE) 485

Gammarus duebeni Lilljeborg:Sodium influx and loss in freshwater andbrackish-water populations of the amphipod(SUTCLIFFE) 255

Gas-chromatographic Micromethod:A, for respiration studies on insects (TAD-MOR, APPLEBAUM and KAFIR) 437

Gas exchange:Water flow and, at the gills of rainbow trout,Salmo gairdneri (DAVIS and CAMERON) I

Gills:Water flow and gas exchange at the, of rain-bow trout, Salmo gairdneri (DAVIS andCAMERON) I

Gradients:The responses of the marine amphipodsCorophium arenarium and C. volutator to, andto choices of different oxygen concentrations(GAMBLE) 275

Heat tolerance:The effect of thermal acclimation on the, ofthe intertidal prosobranchs littorina Littoria(L.) and Monodonta lineata (DA COSTA)(NEWELL, PYE and AHSANULLAH) 525

Homing pigeons:Sun navigation in, - attempts to shift suncoordinates (WALCOTT and MICHENER) 291

Hyalophora cecropia:Active transport of sodium by the isolatedmidgut of (HARVEY and ZERAHN) 269

Hydrostatic pressure:Observations of the effects of changes in, andillumination on the behaviour of someplanktonic crustaceans (LINCOLN) 677

Illumination:Observations of the effects of changes inhydrostatic pressure and, on the behaviourof some planktonic crustaceans (LINCOLN) 6 7 /

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Index of Subjects 831Innervation:

Of coxal depressor muscles in the cockroach,Periplaneta americana (PEARSON and I LES) 215

Tnnervation pattern:Function of the supernumerary sense cellsand the relationship between modality ofadequate stimulus and, of the scorpion hairsensillum (SANJEEVA-REDDY) 233

Insect ecdysis:Physiology of. I. The eclosion behaviour ofsaturniid moths and its hormonal release(TRUMAN) 80s

Insect nervous system:Rhythmic activity in the

— I. Ventilatory coupling of a mantid spiracle(MILLER) 587

— II. Sensory and electrical stimulation ofventilation in a mantid (MILLER) 599

Insects:A gas-chromatographic micromethod forrespiration studies on (TADMOR, APPLEBAUMand KAFIR) 437

Intertidal prosobranchs:See Littorina littorea (L.) and Monodontalineata (DA COSTA)

Intrasomatic recording and stimulation:A preparation of Aplysia fasciata for, ofsingle neurones during locomotor movements(WEEVERS) 659

Isolated midgut:Active transport of sodium by the, of Hyalo-phora cecropia (HARVEY and ZERAHN) 269

Jumping spiders:Orientation by, in the absence of visualfeedback (LAND) 119

Larva:Evidence for Na+/H+ and CI-/HCO3- ex-changes during independent sodium andchloride uptake by the, of the mosquitoAedes aegypti (L.) (STOBBART) 19

— The control of sodium uptake by the, of themosquito Aides aegypti (L.) (STOBBART) 29

— Factors affecting the control of body volumein the, of the mosquitoes Aedes aegypti (L.)and Aides detritus Edw. (STOBBART) 67

Lateral-line efferent system:The role of the, in Xenopus laevis (RUSSELL)

621Lateral-line system:

The pharmacology of efferent synapses inthe, of Xenopus laevis (RUSSELL) 643

Lateral and medial giant fibres:The different connexions and motor outputsof, in the crayfish (LARIMER, ECGLESTON,MASUKAWA and KENNEDY) 391

Light regimes:The effect of, on the circadian rhythm offlight activity in the mosquito Aedes taenio-rhynchus (NAYAR and SAUERMAN) 745

Limb amputation:The effect of, on locomotion in the cockroachPeriplaneta americana (DELCOMYN) 453

Limnaea stagnalis (L.) (Gastropoda:Pulmonata):

Calcium regulation in the freshwater mollusc— I. The effect of internal and external calcium

concentration (GREENAWAY) 199— II. Calcium movements between internal

calcium compartments (GREENAWAY) 609Limulus:

Intracellular studies on pacemaker andfollower neurones in the cardiac ganglion of(LANG) 815

Littorina littorea (L.):The effect of thermal acclimation on the heattolerance of the intertidal prosobranchs, andMonodonta lineata (DA COSTA) (NEWELL, PYEand AHSANULLAH) 525

Locomotion:Circadian rhythm of, and its temperaturedependence in Blattella germanica (DREISIGand NIELSEN) 187

— The, of the cockroach Periplaneta americana(DELCOMYN) 443

— The effect of limb amputation on, in thecockroach, Periplaneta americana (DELCOMYN)

453Locomotor movements:

A preparation of Aplysia fasciata for intra-somatic recording and stimulation of singleneurones during (WEEVERS) 659

Malpighian tubules:Pharmacology of the, of Rhodnius andCarausius: The structure—activity relationshipof tryptamine analogues and the role ofcyclic amp (MADDRELL, PILCHER and GARDI-NER) 779

Manduca sexta:Temperature regulation of the sphinx moth

— I. Flight energetics and body temperatureduring free and tethered flight (HEINRICH)I4I

— II. Regulation of heat loss by control of bloodcirculation (HEINRICH) 153

— Dependence of flight on temperature regulationin the moth (MCCREA and HEATH) 415

Marine amphipods:See Corophium arenarium and C. volutator

Mid-brain responses:Of the auditory and somatic vibrationsystems in snakes (HARTLINE) 373

Minnow:See Phoxinus phoxinus L.

Modality of adequate stimulus:Function of the supernumerary sense cellsand the relationship between, and innervationpattern of the scorpion hair sensillum(SANJEEVA-REDDY) 233

Monodonta lineata (Da Costa):The effect of thermal acclimation on the heattolerance of the intertidal prosobranchsLittorina littorea (L.) and (NEWELL, PYE andAHSANULLAH) 525

Mosquito:See Aedes aegypti (L.), Aides detritus Edw.and Aedes taeniorhynchus

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832 Index of SubjectsMotor outputs:

The different connexions and, of lateral andmedial giant fibres in the crayfish (LARIMER,EGGLESTON, MASUKAWA and KENNEDY) 391

Moth:See Manduca sexta

Na+/H+ and CI-/HCO7 exchanges:Evidence for, during independent sodiumand chloride uptake by the larva of themosquito Aedes aegypti (L.) (STOBBART) 19

Neuromuscular junction:Effects of catecholamines on the, of thesomatic muscle of the earthworm Pheretimacommunissima (ITO, KURIYAMA and TASHIRO)


Recovery course of excitability in a single,of Onchidium verruculatum (KATAYAMA) 471

Neurones:A preparation of Aplysia fasciata for intra-somatic recording and stimulation of single,during locomotor movements (WEEVERS)


Obelia:Behavioural physiology of the colonialhydroid

— I. Spontaneous movements and correlatedelectrical activity (MORIN and COOKE) 689

— II. Stimulus-initiated electrical activity andbioluminescence (MORIN and COOKE) 707

— III. Characteristics of the bioluminescentsystem (MORIN and COOKE) 723

Onchidium verruculatum:Recovery course of excitability in a singleneurone of (KATAYAMA) 471

Optomotor fibres:Factors regulating the discharge frequencyin, of Carcinus maenas (WIERSMA and FIORE)

497Optomotor system:

Unidirectional rotation neurones in the, ofthe crab, Carcinus (WIERSMA and FIORE) 507

Orientation:By jumping spiders in the absence of visualfeedback (LAND) 119

Osmotic flow:Symmetry and non-linearity of, across rectalcuticle of the desert locust (PHILLIPS andBEAUMONT) 317

Oxygen concentrations:The responses of the marine amphipodsCorophium arenarium and C. volutator togradients and to choices of different (GAMBLE)

275Oxygen uptake and transport:

And transport by the rainbow trout duringexposure to carbon monoxide (HOLETON)


Pacemaker and follower neurones:Intracellular studies on, in the cardiacganglion of Limulus (LANG) 815

Periplaneta americana:Innervation of coxal depressor muscles " •the cockroach (PEARSON and ILES) 2 ^

— Studies of cardio-regulation in the cockroach"(MILLER and USHERWOOD) 329

— The locomotion of the cockroach (DELCOMYN)443

— The effect of limb amputation on locomotionin the cockroach (DELCOMYN) 453

— A quantitative study of the ionic basis ofextraneuronal potential changes in the centralnervous system of the cockroach (PICHON,MORETON and TREHERNE) 757

Pheretima communissima:Effects of catecholamines on the neuro-muscular junction of the somatic muscle ofthe earthworm (ITO, KURIYAMA and TASHIRO)

167Phaxinus phaxinus (L.):

The central nervous control of colour changein the minnow

— I. Blinding and the effects of tectal removalon normal and blind fish (GENTLE) 83

— II. Tectal ablations in normal fish (GENTLE)93

Physiological basis:For detection of sound and vibration in snakes(HARTLINB) 349

Planktonic crustaceans:Observations of the effects of changes inhydrostatic pressure and illumination on thebehaviour of some (LINCOLN) 677

Rainbow trout:Oxygen uptake and transport by the, duringexposure to carbon monoxide (HOLETON) 239

— See Salmo gairdneriRecovery course:

Of excitability in a single neurone ofOnchidium verruculatum (KATAYAMA) 471

Rectal cuticle:Symmetry and non-linearity of osmotic flowacross, of the desert locust (PHILLIPS andBEAUMONT) 317

Respiration studies:A gas-chromatographic micromethod for, oninsects (TADMOR, APPLEBAUM and KAFIR)


Pharmacology of the Malpighian tubules of,and Carausius: The structure—activity re-lationship of tryptamine analogues and therole of cyclic amp (MADDRELL, PILCHER andGARDINER) 779

Rhythmic activity:In the insect nervous system

— I. Ventilatory coupling of a mantid spiracle(MILLER) 587

— II. Sensory and electrical stimulation ofventilation in a mantid (MILLER) 599

Salmo gairdneri:Water flow and gas exchange at the gills ofrainbow trout (DAVIS and CAMERON)

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Index of Subjects 833Scorpion hair sensillum:

Function of the supernumerary sense cellsand the relationship between modality ofadequate stimulus and innervation patternof the (SANJEEVA-REDDY) 233

Snakes:Physiological basis for detection of soundand vibration in (HARTLINE) 349

— Mid-brain responses of the auditory andsomatic vibration systems in (HARTLINE) 273

Sodium and chloride uptake:Evidence for Na+/H+ and Cl"/HCOg-exchanges during independent, by the larvaof the mosquito Aides aegypti (L.) (STOBBART)

19Sodium influx and loss:

In freshwater and brackish-water populationsof the amphipod Gammarus duebeni Lilljeborg(SUTCUFFE) 255

— The effect of calcium on, in Gammarus(Amphipoda) (SUTCLIFFE) 485

Sodium uptake:The control of, by the larva of the mosquitoAides aegypti (L.) (STOBBART) 29

Somatic muscle:Effects of catecholamines on the neuro-muscular junction of the, of the earthwormPheretima communissima (ITO, KURIYAMA andTASHIRO) 167

Sound and vibration:Physiological basis for detection of, in snakes(HARTUNE) 349

Sphinx moth:See Manduca sexta

Sun navigation:In homing pigeons - attempts to shift suncoordinates (WALCOTT and MICHENER) 291

Supernumerary sense cells:Function of the, and the relationship betweenmodality of adequate stimulus and inner-vation pattern of the scorpion hair sensillum(SANJEEVA-REDDY) 233

Symmetry and non-linearity:Of osmotic flow across rectal cuticle of thedesert locust (PHILLIPS and BEAUMONT) 317

Temperature dependence:Circadian rhythm of locomotion and its, inBlatella germanica (DREISIG and NIELSEN)


Temperature regulation:Of the sphinx moth, Manduca sexta

— I. Flight energetics and body temperatureduring free and tethered flight (HEINRICH)

141— II. Regulation of heat loss by control of blood

circulation (HEINRICH) 153— Dependence of flight on, in the moth,

Manduca sexta (MCCREA and HEATH) 415Tenebrio molitor:

The visual mechanisms of: Changes in theelectroretinogram as function of the stimulusduration (GINON) 737

Thermal acclimation:The effect of, on the heat tolerance of theintertidal prosobranchs Littorina littorea (L.)and Monodonta lineata (DA COSTA) (NEWELL,PYE and AHSANULLAH) 525

Transport of sodium:Active, by the isolated midgut of Hyalophoracecropia (HARVEY and ZERAHN) 269

Tyto alba:Acoustic location of prey by barn owls (PAYNE)


Unidirectional rotation neurones:In the optomotor system of the crab,carcinus (WIERSMA and FIORE) 507

Visual feedback:Orientation by jumping spiders in theabsence of (LAND) 119

Visual mechanisms:The, of Tenebrio molitor: Changes in theelectroretinogram as function of the stimulusduration (YINON) 737

Water flow:And gas exchange at the gills of rainbowtrout, Salmo gairdneri (DAVIS and CAMERON)

Xenopus laevis:The role of the lateral-line efferent systemin (RUSSELL) 621

— The pharmacology of efferent synapses in thelateral-line system of (RUSSELL) 643

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The Journal of

Experimental Biology

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The Journal of

Experimental Biology






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DAVIS, JOHN C. and CAMERON, JAMES N. Water flow and gas exchange at the gills ofrainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri i

STOBBART, R. H. Evidence for Na+/H+ ?nd C1~/HCO3~ exchanges during independentsodium and chloride uptake by the larva of the mosquito Aedes aegypti (L . ) . . 19

STOBBART, R. H. The control of sodium uptake by the larva of the mosquito Aedesaegypti (L.) 29

STOBBART, R. H. Factors affecting the control of body volume in the larvae of themosquitoes Aedes aegypti (L.) and Aedes detritus Edw 67

GENTLE, MICHAEL J. The central nervous control of colour change in the minnow(Phoxinus phoxinus L.). I. Binding and the effects of tectal removal on normaland blind fish 83

GENTLE, MICHAEL J. The central nervous control of colour change in the minnowPhoxinus phoxinus L.). I I . Tectal ablations in normal fish . . . . . 93

BRETZ, WILLIAM L. and SCHMIDT-NIELSEN, KNUT. Bird respiration: flow patterns in

the duck lung 103

LAND, M. F. Orientation by jumping spiders in the absence of visual feedback . . 119

HEINRICH, BERND. Temperature regulation of the sphinx moth, Manduca sexta.I. Flight energetics and body temperature during free and tethered flight . . 141

HEINRICH, BERND. Temperature regulation of the sphinx moth, Manduca sexta. I I .Regulation of heat loss by control of blood circulation. . . . . . 1 5 3

ITO, Y., KURIYAMA, H. and TASHIRO, N. Effects of catecholamines on the neuro-muscular junction of the somatic muscle of the earthworm Pheretima com-munissima 167

DREISIG, HANS and NIELSEN, ERIK TETENS. Circadian rhythm of locomotion and its

temperature dependence in Blattellagermanica . . . . . . . 187

GREENAWAY, PETER. Calcium regulation in the freshwater mollusc, Limnaea stagnalis(L.) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata). I. The effect of internal and external calciumconcentration 199

PEARSON, K. G. and ILES, J. F. lnnervation of coxal depressor muscles in the cock-r o a c h , Periplaneta americana . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 5

SANJEEVA-REDDY, P. Function of the supernumerary sense cells and the relationshipbetween modality of adequate stimulus and innervation pattern of the scorpionhair sensillum 233

HOLETON, GEORGE F. Oxygen uptake and transport by the rainbow trout duringexposure to carbon monoxide 239

SUTCLIFFE, D. W. Sodium influx and loss in freshwater and brackish-water popula-tions of the amphipod Gammarus duebeni Lilljeborg . . . . . . 255

HARVEY, W. R. and ZERAHN, K. Active transport of sodium by the isolated midgut ofHyalophora cecropia . 269

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vi Contents

No. 2. APRIL 1971PAGW

GAMBLE, J. C. The responses of the marine amphipods Corophium arenarium andC. volutator to gradients and to choices of different oxygen concentrations . . 275

WALCOTT, CHARLES and MICHENER, MARTIN C. Sun navigation in homing pigeons—attempts to shift sun coordinates 291

PHILLIPS, J. E. and BEAUMONT, C. Summary and non-linearity of osmotic flow acrossrectal cuticle of the desert locust 317

MILLER, T. and USHERWOOD, P. N. R. Studies of cardio-regulation in the cockroach,

Periplaneta americana 329

HARTLINE, PETER H. Physiological basis for detection of sound and vibration in snakes 349

HARTLINE, PETER H. Mid-brain responses of the auditory and somatic vibration systemsin snakes 373


DONALD. The different connections and motor outputs of lateral and medial giantfibres in the crayfish 391

JOHNSTONE, J. R. and MARK, R. F. The efference copy neurone 403

MCCREA, M. J. and HEATH, J. E. Dependence of flight on temperature regulation inthe moth, Manduca sexta 415

TADMOR, U., APPLEBAUM, S. W. and KAFIR, R. A gas-chromatographic micromethod

for respiration studies on insects 437

DELCOMYN, FRED. The locomotion of the cockroach Periplaneta americana. . . 443

DELCOMYN, FRED. The effect of limb amputation on locomotion in the cockroachPeriplaneta americana 453

KATAYAMA, YOSHIFUMI. Recovery course of excitability in a single neurone of Onchi-dium verruculatum 471

SUTCLIFFE, D. W. The effect of calcium on sodium influx and loss in Gammarus(Amphipoda) 485

WIERSMA, C. A. G. and FIORE, L. Factors regulating the discharge frequency ino p t o m o t o r f i b r e s o f C a r c i n u s m a e n a s . . . . . . . . . 4 9 7

WIERSMA, C. A. G. and FIORE, L. Unidirectional rotation neurones in the optomotorsystem of the crab, Carcinus 507

ROBERTS, ALAN and BUSH, M. B. H. Coxal muscle receptors in the crab: the receptorcurrent and some properties of the receptor nerve fibres 515

NEWELL, R. C , PYE, V. I. and AHSANULLAH, M. The effect of thermal acclimation onthe heat tolerance of the intertidal prosobranchs Littorina litt.orea (L.) andMonodonta lineata (Da Costa) 525

No. 3. J U N E 1971

PAYNE, ROGER S. Acoustic location of prey by barn owls (Tyto alba). . . 535

BURTON, ALEXANDER J. Directional change in a flying beetle

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Contents vii


•iLLiiR, P. L. Rhythmic activity in the insect nervous system. I. Ventilatory couplingof a mantid spiracle 587

MILLER, P. L. Rhythmic activity in the insect nervous system. II . Sensory and electri-cal stimulation of ventilation in a mantid . . . . . . . . 599

GREENAWAY, PETER. Calcium regulation in the freshwater mollusc Limnaea stagnalis(L.) (Gastropoda: Pulmonata). I I . Calcium movements between internal calciumcompartments 609

RUSSELL, I. J. The role of the lateral-line efferent system in Xenopus laevis . . . 6 2 1

RUSSELL, I. J. The pharmacology of efferent synapses in the lateral-line system ofXenopus laevis . 643

WEEVERS, R. DE G. A preparation of Aplysia fasciata for intrasomatic recording andstimulation of single neurones during locomotor movements 659

LINCOLN, R. J. Observations of the effects of changes in hydrostatic pressure andillumination on the behaviour of some planktonic crustaceans . . . . 677

MORIN, JAMES G. and COOKE, IAN M. Behavioural physiology of the colonial hydroidObelia. I. Spontaneous movements and correlated eletrical activity . . . 689

MORIN, JAMES G. and COOKE, IAN M. Behavioural physiology of the colonial hydroidObelia. II. Stimulus-initiated electrical activity and bioluminescence . . . 707

MORIN, JAMES G. and COOKE, IAN M. Behavioural physiology of the colonial hydroidObelia. III . Characteristics of the bioluminescent system 723

YINON, U. The visual mechanisms of Tenebrio violitor: changes in the electro-retinogram as function of the stimulus duration 737

NAYAR, J. K. and SAUERMAN, D. M. JR. The effect of light regimes on the circadianrhythm of flight activity in the mosquito Aedes taeniorhynchus . . . 745

PICHON, Y., MORETON, R. B. and TREHERNE, J. E. A quantitative study of the ionicbasis of extraneuronal potential changes in the central nervous system of thecockroach (Periplaneta americana L.) 757

MADDRELL, S. H. P., PILCHER, D. E. M. and GARDINER, B. O. C. Pharmacology ofthe Malphighian tubules of Rhodnius and Carausius: The structure-activityrelationship of tryptamine analogues and the role of cyclic AMP . . . 779

TRUMAN, JAMES W. Physiology of insect ecdysis. I. The eclosion behaviour ofsaturniid moths and its hormonal release 805

LANG, FRED. Intracellular studies on pacemaker and follower neurones in the cardiacganglion of Limulus 815

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