Download - Identification Ch7

  • 8/3/2019 Identification Ch7


  • 8/3/2019 Identification Ch7


    11. Shi Huang Ti - The prince of the Qin(I will say Qin since my apostrophe key is broken. The name in

    the book is Ch(insert apostrophe)in, but it is also called Qin). He used his outstanding army that was

    superior to all other Chinese forces because of their experience and hardiness. He conquered all of

    China in 221 BC and declared himself the emperor by taking Heavens Mandate.

    12. Legalists - One of the three schools of Chinese thought. They were associated with the state of Qin.

    The will of the ruler was law. The most important thing was to create and maintain military strength.

    They were really in favor of the state.

    13. Lau-Tzu - the ruler of the Taoists, the second school of Chinese thought. The Taoists rejected all of

    the Legalists ideas. Taoism taught on the doctrine of ruling by "nonaction". A good Taoist ruler would

    do nothing, instead he would watch the grass grow. This inner peace would lead to great power, as

    shown in Kung Fu Panda 2, such as teleportation, or extension of life.

    14. Confucianism - The third school of Chinese thought. Confucianism is traced back to the sage

    Confucius, who lived from 551 to 479 BC. He was a native of the state of Lu, near the center of China.

    He is revered as the editor and compiler of the Five Classics. The Five classics are the basis of

    Confucianism. They formed a body of literature that every educated Chinese studied long and carefully.By studying these classics, Chinese students learned to write and acquire an intimate familiarity with the

    code of values and manners that defined what it meant to be a fully civilized Chinese.

    15. Five Classics - . The Five classics are the basis of Confucianism. They formed a body of literature

    that every educated Chinese studied long and carefully. By studying these classics, Chinese students

    learned to write and acquire an intimate familiarity with the code of values and manners that defined

    what it meant to be a fully civilized Chinese.

    16. Gentry - a new class of landowners that arose after the Period of the Warring states(the setting for

    Dynasty Warriors). The gentry had no claim to noble birth or descent, but they still secured a right to

    collect rents and taxes from the peasants.

    17. Han Dynasty - All out war broke out when Shih Huang Ti died. The new victor emerged as the

    emperor of all of China and he founded the Han Dynasty in 202 BC. His success was due to the openness

    and courteousness he showed to all who crossed his path. He wooed the gentry class and as a result,

    the Hand Dynasty embraced Confucianism, unlike the Qin, who burned all of Confucius books.

    18. Wu Ti - one of the most successful of the Han rulers. He decreed that anything not within the

    Confucian school of learning "should not be allowed to progress further"


    1. By what means did the Chinese people convert the Yellow River from being China's sorrow to being

    China's cradle?

    They drained and diked the waters of the river so that fields could begin to creep out on the flat

    floodplain itself, instead of completely flooding over when enough silt accumulated. The Yellow was

    also rich in loess, which led to the Yellow River being a very important factor in Chinese civilization.

    2. What crops were farmed by China's earliest farmers?

  • 8/3/2019 Identification Ch7
