Download - Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

Page 1: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud

Hybrid Data ManagementGain value from your data without limits

Chris ReuterNorth America Data Warehouse SalesIBM Analytics

March 2018

Page 2: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud

1Themes of data

2Data Management Strategy

IBM’s Vision

4Recap – where have we been?



Page 3: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud

1Themes of data

2Data Management Strategy

IBM’s Vision

4Recap – where have we been?



Page 4: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud

Data will see a 30% CAGR through 2025

IDC in Seagate: The Data Age

Information courtesy of IDC. Seagate: The Data Age. Available here.

Page 5: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud

Theme #1: Data is growing, and growing fast


Real-time data and cognitive/artificial intelligence systems will change the landscape

2025 Projections30% CAGR through 2025

Average connected person will interact with 4,800 devices/day

163 ZB to be created in 2025 (4 ZB created in past 20 years)

A greater share of data will be critical

Information courtesy of IDC. Seagate: The Data Age. Available here.


Page 6: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud

Investment growth in AI has grown 3x since 2013

McKinsey – Artificial Intelligence: The Next Digital Frontier?

Link to McKinsey -- Artificial Intelligence: The Next Digital Frontier?

Page 7: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud

Theme #2: Data Science and Machine Learning


How can my analytics deployments transition from the simple to the complex?

Link to McKinsey -- Artificial Intelligence: The Next Digital Frontier?

Demand for data scientists will rise by more than 28% between now and 2020 – IBM

Citizen data analyst has grown 5x that of traditional data scientists –Gartner

Investment in AI and Machine Learning has grown 3x from 2013 2016 –McKinsey

Only 12% of machine learning use cases have progressed past experimental – McKinsey

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IBM Cloud

There is value in all approaches to cloud, whether the strategy is pure cloud or not, depending on the enterprise and end goals.

Gartner – Cloud Strategy Leadership

Gartner – Cloud Strategy Leadership

Page 9: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud

Theme #3: Deployment Uncertainty


Where is the right place to deploy my data?

The deployment spectrum

100% On-prem 100% Cloud

“I love the flexibility and scalability of cloud. Plus, it eliminates my need for redundant systems!”-Every client ever

5 MINUTES LATER“The transition to cloud is risky. I don’t want to rewrite my SQL, my ETL or my apps. I don’t wantto lose control of my own security measures.”

-Also every client ever

You’re going to be somewhere in here


Page 10: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud

1Themes of data

2Data Management Strategy

IBM’s Vision

4Recap – where have we been?



Page 11: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud

Why you need a data management strategy


of organizationsfully leveragedata and analytics

— Forbes


of all data isactually analyzed

— MIT Technologyreview


increase in data accessibility will result in more than $65 M additional net income

— Baseline Magazine


of all data is stored by corporations

— Baseline Magazine


of large enterpriseswill have hybrid cloud deployments by the end of 2017

— IBM Institute forBusiness Value


Data is proliferating, it’s stored in different locations and formats.Businesses don’t do a good job of accessing all possible data!

Page 12: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud


Create and own the data management strategy


Remove restrictions and democratizeaccess to data


Ability to choose deployment and licensing models, workload types, technologies


Optimize data architecture and life cycle management to reduce cost, increase performance and protect existing investments


Address data sprawl, workloads and open source technologies that can scale withthe business


The ability to move data and insights where needed, without the requirement to re-architect applications


What our customers are trying to solve

Page 13: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud13

The elements of a good hybrid data management strategy

Gain value

from your data

without limits

Access your dataAll sources and all types

FlexibilitySupport all data types, all workloads,all consumption models

Intelligent analyticsMake better decisions,provide smarter capabilities

Democratize accessProvide data-driven decisions to everyone

Analytics for all dataEasily query all of your data

Cloud journeySupport your data regardlessof location

Page 14: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud

1Themes of data

2Data Management Strategy

IBM’s Vision

4Recap – where have we been?



Page 15: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud


IBM’s strategy is…


NOT about Cloud OR On-premises…

NOT about Traditional Relational OR Open Source…


NOT about Structured OR Unstructured Data…

It’s about Cloud AND On-premises

It’s about Traditional Relational AND Open Source

It’s about SQL AND NoSQL

It’s about Structured AND Unstructured Data

Page 16: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud

The framework for success


• Application compatibility

Write once, run anywhere

• Operational compatibility

Reuse operational and

housekeeping procedures

• Standardized analytics

Common programming model

for in-DB analytics

• Ecosystem

One ISV product certification

for all platforms

• Licensing

Flexible entitlements for business

agility and cost-optimization

• Integration

Common Fluid Query capabilities for

query federation and data movement



Cloud DBaaS


on Cloud





or in cloud







Open source

Hadoop with






IBM Integrated



IBM Hybrid Data Management solutions

Anchored by a Common SQL Engine enabling true, highly scalable

hybrid data warehousing solutions with portable analytics

Page 17: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud

Differentiated value



Hybrid Data


Go at the speed

of your business

With faster analytics

through HTAP and

BLU Acceleration

More intelligent


With embedded

machine learning

and HTAP

Write once,

run anywhere,

from any source

With a Common SQL

Engine and federation

Deploy your data

where you need it

With options for

on-premises and cloud

Page 18: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud

Access data from any source Write your applications to pull data from IBM and our solutions can provide

transparent access to other data sources.




Hybrid Data



data sources

Page 19: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud

More intelligent analyticsDrive more value from your data with the ability to run analytics

where the data lives using tools already preferred by

analytics professionals


Jupityr Notebooks


Integration with model

building tools

Spark built-in

Integration with BI and

visualization tools




Page 20: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud

Public cloud

Deploy your data where you need it

• Enables a controlled journey to the cloud

• Offers flexibility in choosing the form factor

(combinations) that best suit the business needs

• Accelerates time to value:

− Start small and move fast

− Enable course corrections without penalties

• Bridge data stores for seamless data

integration or application movement

• Write once — run anywhere application paradigm


Private cloud On-premises

Page 21: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud

1Themes of data

2Data Management Strategy

IBM’s Vision

4Recap – where have we been?



Page 22: Hybrid Data Management - CDM Media · Hybrid Data Management Go at the speed of your business With faster analytics through HTAP and BLU Acceleration More intelligent analytics With

IBM Cloud

Get started today

Learn more:

Visit the IBM marketplace

page - Hybrid Data



Trials and downloads:

Available on

Get started using IBM

Cloud services

Tryit out

DataFirst Method:

Provides the strategy,

expertise and roadmap to

ensure organizations gain

the most value from data

and achieve their goals

Start your journey

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IBM Cloud Internal and Business Partner Use Only

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