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HOW TO USE Twitter for business?

HOW TO USE Twitter for business?

How indeed? There are many tips and hints on the Internet, but usually they are either outdated or simply not complete.

Well, in the article below I tried to gather the most important things concerning usage of Twitter, so you wont have to repeat all those research hours I had to do. :) Ready? Lets start then how to use Twitter efficiently!

1. First (profile) things first

Choose the right profile and background pictures it might be a logo, personal photo or some nice view (in the background), but it has to be there. No one wants to follow anonymous people.

Utilize all your bio space using keywords and the most crucial informations about your business its here for a reason.

2. Whats the point?

Thats actually one of the most important things decide why and what for are you going to use Twitter. You must know if you want to advertise your brand, share articles from your blog or just socialize with your friends. In later stages it will help you immensely.

3. Its over 9000!

Lets be honest not everything that people tweet is important (and thats a big understatement). If you dont want to drown in all those useless information and just select those which really interest you, there is a way lists.

Grouping people you follow into lists allows you to actively follow only the information, you really care about. In the beginning you might not see the aforementioned problem, but the moment will come, when listing is going to be a real life saver. Dont forget it!

4. Whats your passion?

There are millions of people on Twitter and most of them tweet about something. There is everything in there useful tweets from professionals, various adverts, news, photos of people eating strange stuff etc. Its really easy to get lost, so my advice is focus!

If you will try to do everything, you will end up doing nothing as simple as that. Focus on your passion, on the subject you are good at. This way you will be more reliable and reaching your audience should be a lot easier.

5. But how to tweet?

Well, there are few tips you should definitely take under consideration:

Keep it short most people say, that 100 characters format is optimal

Use hashtags!

Dont use your tweets only for self-promotion!

Respond to each and every fan (unless you have millions of followers, then it might get a little tricky)

Be interesting, funny, smart whatever makes you unique.

6. Engage!

Retweet, respond, use favorite button etc. Appreciate all share and retweets, do the same for other people, connect with them, discuss and help them. Thats in fact the only way to build loyal and reliable audience! Dont be a robot.

7. Plan, plan, plan

If I had to choose one most important quality to achieve success on Twitter, it would most probably be consistency. You must be persistent and never miss on opportunity to reach out to your audience. How to do it? The easiest way is to use schedulers likeHootsuite,Bufferetc.

Lets say that there are two main strategies of using Twitter:



If you want to influence, your main target is to tweet, engage with people, advertise your work and get more and more fans.

If you want to listen, you should find people sharing content that might interest you and follow them. This option is definitely the less time-consuming one.

8. Be useful!

If you are using Twitter for business, dont you ever go full self-promotion mode. Of course you want to advertise yourself, but helping people solve their problems and simply reaching out for them may give you more followers than brute-force sharing your product!

9. Help from the outside

There are many online tools, which might help you in achieving success on Twitter. Not using them sometimes might be simply stupid. Some of the best below:

SocialOomph track keywords, schedule tweets and much more collect and curate tweets into a form of newspaper

Hootsuite publication scheduler

Buffer same a as above

TwitterFeed automatically share RSS feeds in all major social media platforms

TweetDeck used to desktop Twitter management

And many others

10. And once again

Be consistent. Dont you ever forget it! Success is achieved by hours and hours of hard work and countless failures. Beginnings are going to be tough, but the reward is always even sweeter.

Be consistent. Dont you ever forget it! Success is achieved by hours and hours of hard work and countless failures. Beginnings are going to be tough, but the reward is always even sweeter.

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