Download - Homing In, Summer 2012

Page 1: Homing In, Summer 2012

Involved Page 6Going for Gold

Invest Page 4Renewal Programme


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on Housing

Spring • Summer • Autumn • Winter • 2012

Homing InKeeping all tenants and leaseholders involved


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Informed Page 8Welfare Reform

Inspiring Page 12My Story

)(024) 7637 6376

Your Housing Services

Following the meeting of the Full Council in May, Cllr Tony Lloyd was confirmed as the Portfolio Holder for Housing, continuing to hold responsibility for your housing services.

Cllr Lloyd said: “There are many changes facing residents over the next year including the way Housing Benefit is paid and the implications for tenants, how applications for social housing will be assessed, and the options available to the Council to help us meet our homeless duty. We will be working hard to involve and inform you throughout this time of change, and support everyone who is affected.

“By listening to you, we have made sure the improvements that we have made to your homes are both what you want and need. A new roofing programme is underway and work is continuing to renew front doors, kitchens and bathrooms.

“I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of the tenants and leaseholders who have taken the time to work with the Council, especially the Residents’ Executive Committee, and encourage more of you to get involved and help us to improve our Housing services. Your views are vital and help everyone in the Housing and Communities Team continue to provide you with excellent services.”

Cllr Tony Lloyd (left) with some members of the Housing Team (from left to right - Mat Byrne, Jane Grant, Lisa Shiers and Jane Beard)

Page 2: Homing In, Summer 2012


This document is also available in other languages on request:

Also available in �Large Print, CD Rom, �Audio Tape and Braille on request. Contact us on: 024 7637 6493 RNIB Typetalk: 18001 024 7637 6493

Find us on Facebook, search for Nuneaton and Bedworth Residents’ Executive Committee

Your editorial team is:Lynne Price; Mark Perkins Sheralyn Byrom; Paul RoperJoan Simpson; Bob HollandAndrew Moore; John Foreman

Feedback In order to ensure our services are delivered at the highest standard we occasionally contact tenants so that we can collect feedback. If you wish to opt-out of this service please contact us. Details below.

Future IssuesThe next issue will be published in August 2012. Send us your articles for the next issue by 11th June 2012.

Data ExchangePlease remember that we have to share your details, including your name, address and phone number, with our contractors. This ensures that you get an excellent service from our contractors - and from us. If you have any queries about this, please contact your Housing Officer.

Contact UsIf you need to contact us about anything included in this Homing In, please use the following details)024 7637 6493 *[email protected]

Tenant AlterationsAs a tenant you are able to make improvements to your home, but you must ask for permission from the Council before you start any work. All you need to do is put your request in writing giving details of the proposed work to your Housing Officer.

An inspector from the Council will then visit your property to discuss your application with you before making a decision on whether or not you can proceed. In some cases, it may be necessary for an asbestos survey to be carried out before permission can be granted. You may need to pay for this survey depending on the type of alteration you are planning.

It is important that you do not start any work on your property until you have received permission in writing from the Council, which includes a list of conditions which must be followed as you make your alterations and, if necessary, a copy of an asbestos report.

Some alterations or improvements may also require Planning Consent or Building

Regulation Approval, and it will be your responsibility to obtain these permissions.

If permission is granted, this will only be valid for 18 months - so you will need to complete your alterations or improvements within this time or permission could be revoked and you will have to re-apply. Once work on your property is complete, the Council must be notified so that an inspection can be carried out.

If your request to make alterations or improvements is refused, you will be informed in writing. If you disagree with the decision, you can make an appeal.

Any alterations or improvements you carry out would be at your own expense. If your rent account is in arrears, Housing Management permission may be granted subject to certain conditions.

If you are thinking about making improvements to your home, please contact your Housing Officer on )024 7637 6406 first to discuss your plans.

Page 3: Homing In, Summer 2012


Report tenancy frauds!Most people who apply for a Council property in Nuneaton and Bedworth give us the correct information and once allocated a property keep to their tenancy conditions.

By providing false information when applying for a Council home, subletting your property to another person to make a profit, or living and paying rent on a property when you are not the named tenant, you are committing tenancy fraud.

Tenancy fraud is an unlawful act and a breach of your tenancy conditions. This can result in your tenancy being at risk and possible legal action being taken against you. The most common forms of tenancy fraud are:

• Unlawfulsubletting When a tenant lets out their

home without the Council’s knowledge or permission they are unlawfully subletting.

They often continue to pay the rent for the property but charge rent to the person they are subletting to. It is unlawful to sublet and to profit from a property which could be given to someone who really needs it.

• Obtaininghousingbydeception

When a person gets a Council home by giving false information on their application, for example not telling us they are renting another property, they are committing tenancy fraud.

• Wronglyclaimedsuccession

When a tenant dies, there are rules about what should happen with the tenancy. Wrongly claimed succession is when someone who is not entitled under the rules tries to take over the tenancy. For example, they might say they lived with the tenant before they died, when in fact they were living elsewhere.

• Swappinghomes When two or more Council

or Housing Association tenants swap homes without our consent.

If you suspect tenancy fraud is being committed at a property, you should report this to the Council by calling )024 7637 6406. All reports will be investigated by a Housing Officer, to make sure no one is abusing the housing system.

Happy to Help

Lydgate Court in Bedworth has recently benefited from some external improvement works which have given the flats a much needed boost.

The work has included new front doors and the removal of some roof canopies, allowing more natural light into homes.

The work programme has proved to be a real success and tenants at the flats are pleased with the results.

One of the tenants, Angelica Peacock, said: “I am thrilled with my new door and, as the balcony roof’s been taken off, it’s nice and bright in my hall. I love my Penthouse Home now. The work men were nice and polite too - a credit to the Council.”

Further works are planned across the Borough aiming to improve council homes for tenants. We will keep you updated in future issues of Homing In.

Find out how sheltered scheme tenants are celebrating this summer’s Games, turn to page 6

Happy with the improvements

Page 4: Homing In, Summer 2012

I have storage heaters in my flat but they don’t heat the rooms very well, can they be replaced?

Storage heaters can be a very effective way of heating your home, as long as the settings are correct. The heaters work by storing up energy overnight when the cost of electricity is cheaper. The heat is then slowly released throughout the day to heat your home.

There are two dials on your heaters, Input, which sets the amount of heat you want to store and Output which controls how quickly that heat is released throughout the day. The key to keeping your home warm is to have the right balance between the two (see below).

Please remember to keep your storage heaters clear and never use them to dry your clothes.

The Council has begun a programme of servicing for storage heaters to keep your heating system in good working order, however if you notice a problem with one of your heaters you should report this to the Housing Repairs team on )024 7637 6344

Suggested settings are: Input Output (Power In) (Heat Out)Summer Low / 1* Low / 1Autumn Medium / 3 Low / 1Winter High / 5.5 Low / 1Spring Medium / 3 Low / 1*or switch off if not needed


Everything andthe kitchen sink


Over 400 homes will be fitted with a new kitchen or bathroom this year, as new contractors Apollo begin the renewal programme. A number of properties have already undergone a transformation, and the tenants are delighted with the end result.

Homes that are included on the programme have been selected following an assessment by a specialist surveying company, and then prioritised based on which homes have the highest need for a new kitchen or bathroom.

If your home is included in the renewal programme you will be informed by letter. After that, you can start preparing to welcome the Apollo team into your home, and we have put together a few tips to help you get ready:• Think of things you will need

while your kitchen is being fitted

• Wash what you can as your washing machine will be out of action during the day

• Leave the work to the professionals - they are really good at their job and are always polite and friendly

• Put anything fragile away that is not in use and take down all articles from walls such as clocks, pictures, mirrors and curtains.

Apollo have produced a DVD to let you know what you can expect while work is taking place. Tenants Ann-Marie Cairns and Michael Wilkinson from Cashmore Road in Bedworth appear in the DVD.

Ann-Marie said:“There will be mess and a little bit of upheaval, but you get a lovely new kitchen in the end. Apollo are a lovely bunch of lads and they made sure the carpets were covered and always cleaned up after themselves.

“If I was to give a tenant who was about to have a new kitchen fitted any advice I would say make sure you have plenty of cardboard boxes, and label them with what you have packed inside, stock up on easy foods like microwave meals and sandwiches and don’t forget to keep your kettle handy - I couldn’t go without a cup of tea!”

Michael and Ann-Marie are delighted with their new kitchen

For more information about kitchen and bathroom renewals, contact us on )024 7637 6573

Page 5: Homing In, Summer 2012

Everything andthe kitchen sink



Nuneaton & BedworthResidents Executive Committee

Leaders of the REC

To contact the REC, email *[email protected]

Two members of the Residents’ Executive Committee (REC) have recently completed the ‘Skills for Community Leadership Programme’. Sheralyn Byrom and Andrew Moore both tenant members of REC, attended the course over the last eighteen months to improve their skills to make sure they can represent tenants and leaseholders to the best of their ability.

Run by Warwickshire Community and Voluntary Action (WCAVA), the course has helped Sher and Andrew develop their skills and knowledge of taking up a leadership role in their community. The pair are now confident that they can kick-start a new project, make a difference or address an issue in the community and

take the lead on issues that will help and support tenants and leaseholders.

Sher and Andrew are keen to put their new found skills to the test, and have recently embarked on a project aimed at reaching out to younger tenants and encouraging them to get involved with the work of the Council.

But that’s not the only thing keeping the REC busy this year. A work plan has now been agreed and published on the Council’s website (8www. listing their projects for 2012–13, which includes:

• A review of estate walkabouts

• Developing a tenant improvement panel

• Reviewing their Facebook site and developing a Twitter page

• Promoting the work of the REC

• Raise awareness of upcoming changes for tenants from the Localism Act and the Welfare Reform (see pages 8-9)

Page 6: Homing In, Summer 2012


Age Knows No Barriers!The Olympics may be heading to London this year but someresidents of Nuneaton and Bedworth are going for gold themselves. As well as followingthe action as it unfolds in the Capital, residents of the Council’s Sheltered Housing Schemes will be taking part in their very own version of the games!

Groups of residents from each sheltered scheme have been training hard over the past few weeks to compete against each other. Competitions include endurance, skill and ability; and on Thursday 7th June the winning teams will be heading to Alderman Smith sports hall to battle for the coveted gold, silver and bronze medals. The competitors will be cheered on by their peers as all sheltered housing scheme residents are invited to watch the games, something that Bob Adams, Supported Housing Manager, says will be an achievement in itself:“Our Olympic Games promise

to be great fun, although we are expecting to transfer around 100 residents on the day and have never moved that many residents in one go before!

“Everyone has been so keen to get involved in the project and the hard work is going to pay off with a fun finale for all our residents.”

While the London 2012 athletes will be throwing javelins and racing 400m sprints, the residents competing in the Sheltered Schemes Olympics will be taking part in a sports quiz, memory games, dominoes, Boccia, passing the baton, tossing the bean bag and stacking plastic cups.

To make sure each scheme is able to support their own team; flags are being created for the teams to parade at the opening ceremony and although the entrants’ running legs or throwing arms may not be what they once were the taking part is truly what counts at these Olympic Games.

Springdale Court residents are in training for the first Supported Scheme Games.

The Government are making changes to the way your Housing Benefit will be calculated - turn to page 8.


Affordable Homes

We have been working alongside developers and social housing providers to increase the number of affordable homes that are available in the Borough. This means properties that are available for social rent or to purchase as shared ownership with a housing association.

In 2011/12 135 new affordable homes were built, which although is less than the 150 that were built in the previous year, it is still great news, and is more than the target of 100 affordable homes per year that the Council is working to make available.

A number of new social housing properties have already been planned for 2012/13. In total 58 new homes will be available to rent or purchase on a shared ownership basis through the Waterloo Housing Association at Marshall Road in Exhall, Beechwood Road in Bedworth and Grant Road in Exhall.

Anyone who is interested in these properties should register with UChoose at

We are working hard to encourage developers to build more affordable homes in the Borough, and we have already identified 284 more homes to be available over the next two years.

Page 7: Homing In, Summer 2012


BEDWORTHJOBCENTREMonday 18th JuneMonday 9th JulyMonday 6th August10.00am -12.00pm

NUNEATONJOBCENTREMonday 25th JuneMonday 16th JulyMonday 20th August10.00am -12.00pm

SURESTARTNUNEATONMonday 11th June Monday 13th August11.00am - 1.00pm

Bromford Support has been set up to work with tenants to help them maintain a successful tenancy. They will work with you to make sure you are able to live in your own home, reduce your personal debt, maximise your income or avoid eviction.

If you are struggling with you any of these issues drop into one of the following sessions for help and advice:

Ever been to a tenant forum? Find out what they are all about on page 13.

Over £1,100 has been raised for charity by the Housing and Communities team, thanks to a group of volunteers who bravely faced the It’s A Knockout competition. Raising money for the Mary Ann Evans Hospice, the team tackled the inflatable course and got very wet in the process!

The Director of Housing and Communities, Dawn Dawson joined in too as the team’s mascot, and after a lot of clowning around walked away with the best mascot prize.

Fundraising Knockout!

Dates for your diary27thJune2012

Annual Report MeetingTown HallYou are invited to meet with the Business Improvement Team to review last year’s Annual Report (2010/11) and help to plan out this year’s report to tell you how services are performing.

Training OpportunitiesWe offer a number of free training courses. Places are limited and offered on a first come, first served basis.

19thJuly2012New Technology as an Involvement ToolDaventry & District Housing, DaventryLooks at:• the types of technology

available• barriers to maximising the

use of the technology• what technology is useful to

residents and staff

12th September 2012Developing Tenant ScrutinyOrbit Heart of England, Leamington SpaConsiders:• probing and challenging as

part of the scrutiny process• best practice• confidentiality and codes of


For more information on any of these events contact the Business Improvement Team on )024 7637 6493

Page 8: Homing In, Summer 2012

From April 2013, if you are living in a larger property and you have a spare bedroom this could affect the amount of Housing Benefit you will receive.

This change forms part of the Government’s Welfare Reform, which will introduce some major changes to the way people receive their benefits.

If you are considered to be ‘under-occupying’ your property, Housing Benefit will no longer be paid for any additional rooms and you will have to make up the shortfall in your rent from your own income – even if that income is a state benefit. These changes apply to all Housing Benefit claimants of ‘working-age’, so pensioners will not be affected by the new rules.

The new rules will not allow spare bedrooms for:• Separated parents who

share the care of their children.

• Couples who use their spare bedroom while recovering from an illness or operation.

• Foster children (who are not counted as part of the household for benefit purposes).

• Parents whose children visit but are not part of the normal ‘household’ or family unit.

• Families with disabled children.

• Disabled people including those living in properties specifically adapted or designed for their needs alone.

Welfare Reform - how it could affect you and the amount of benefit you receive

The new rules will allow:• One bedroom for each adult

or adult couple who live together as a ‘household’ or family unit. Two adults in the same property who are not a couple will be allowed a bedroom each.

• A child under the age of 16 will be expected to share with another child of the same sex, while children under the age of 10 will be expected to share with another child regardless of sex.

• A bedroom will be allowed for a non-resident carer where it is proven that they provide overnight care to a person with a disability.


Asalloftheroomsinthe property are

occupied there will no change

to her rent.

Find out about the new rules for Right to Buy on page 10.

JodieandJeffwill need to pay

£21.37 per week towards their rent

Stewart and Samantha will need to pay

£12.29 per week towards their rent

Case Studies

Occupants: Property Current Current FromApril2013 type: Rent: benefit: HousingBenefit:

Jodie and Jeff, Three £85.48 £85.48 Property under occupiedmarried couple, bedroom (nothing by 2 bedrooms no children house to pay) £85.48 - 25% = £64.11

Debbie, with her Three £81.64 £81.64 No change children David bedroom (nothing = £81.64(16), Daniel (11) house to pay)and 10 month old Daisy

Stewart and Four £87.79 £87.79 Property underSamantha, with bedroom (nothing occupied by their children house to pay) 1 bedroomScott (23) and £87.79 - 14% Sean (11) = £75.50

Page 9: Homing In, Summer 2012


Welfare Reform - how it could affect you and the amount of benefit you receive

What will happen?From April 2013, deductions may be made from your benefit if you live in a property that is then considered too large for your needs. How much will be deducted is yet to be finalised; however, the Government have indicated that it could be around 14% of your weekly rent for one spare bedroom and around 25% for two or more spare bedrooms.

Changes to how you will receive your benefit payments will also change under the Government’s Universal Credit scheme in October 2013. We will tell you more about how this will affect you in the next issue of Homing In.

OpenabankaccountYou will need a bank account to allow you to pay bills through the Direct Debit scheme, which is the best way to keep track of your bills and ensure they are paid on time.

UsetheDirect Debit schemeDirect Debits are an easy way to pay your bills and to budget on a month to month or week to week basis. Your rent can be paid monthly or weekly by Direct Debit, as can most household bills. It is easier than withdrawing cash, finding your rent card and going to a Post Office.

Budget carefully Make sure you know what is due and when it is due. This will help you to make sure that your bills are paid regularly and on time. If you fall behind in your rent, it is very likely that the Council will take action to end your tenancy.

Seek help and supportIf you currently have financial problems, seek advice about managing your debt problems from the Citizens’ Advice Bureau (0844 855 23 22) or other advice agencies. If you are having difficulty paying your rent, tell us as early as you can by contacting the Financial Inclusion Team on )024 7637 6720


Join an estate walkabout and help us improve your neighbourhood - turn to page 11.


Case Studies

Occupants: Property Current Current FromApril2013 type: Rent: benefit: HousingBenefit:

Jodie and Jeff, Three £85.48 £85.48 Property under occupiedmarried couple, bedroom (nothing by 2 bedrooms no children house to pay) £85.48 - 25% = £64.11

Debbie, with her Three £81.64 £81.64 No change children David bedroom (nothing = £81.64(16), Daniel (11) house to pay)and 10 month old Daisy

Stewart and Four £87.79 £87.79 Property underSamantha, with bedroom (nothing occupied by their children house to pay) 1 bedroomScott (23) and £87.79 - 14% Sean (11) = £75.50

Remember, as a tenant, it is your responsibility to pay your rent. If you are under occupying your property you will need to make up for the shortfall in your rent, and make sure this is paid on time. If you fall behind on your rent payments your tenancy will be at risk.

Page 10: Homing In, Summer 2012

Borough and I would like to thank our partners E.ON for working with us towards this goal.”

Jon Kirby, Energy Efficiency Manager at E.ON, said: “Our concept of energy fit is based on helping people to use less energy by losing less energy - insulating their homes better and moderating their energy use.

“Through our work here in Nuneaton and Bedworth we’re able to help whole communities and really start to make a difference in building energy efficiency into our everyday lives.”

Work will be completed on the properties that qualify for the improvements over the coming months. You do not need to do anything as we have a list of all the addresses that meet the criteria and will contact tenants directly.

For more information contact )024 7637 6416

What are the changes that have been made to the Right to Buy scheme?

Under the new system, which came into force on April 2nd 2012, the maximum discount available for tenants in Nuneaton and Bedworth has risen to £75,000, which will mean that more working families will now have the opportunity to get on the property ladder.

The level of discount tenants receive will depend on the length of time they have lived in the property. For houses - those who have lived in the property for at least five years will be entitled to a discount of 35 per cent of its value - plus an extra one per cent for each extra year they have lived there - up to a maximum of 60 per cent or to a maximum discount of £75,000.

Tenants in flats will be offered a discount of 50 per cent after five years of occupancy with an extra two per cent for each extra year they have lived there up to a maximum of 70 per cent or to a maximum discount of £75,000.

To be eligible to buy your Council home you must be a tenant who holds a secure tenancy with the Council.

If you want to apply to buy your home, you can download an application form from the Council website or pick up a copy from either Nuneaton Town Hall or Bedworth Area Office.


If you live in Camp Hill you may by now have received a letter about free insulation work due to take place on your property which will help to keep the temperature up and the bills down next winter. Surveys were recently conducted in the area by energy provider E.ON to see which homes need the work and which ones don’t.

The external insulation work will see boards that are especially designed to keep the heat outside during the summer and inside during the colder months fitted to the outside walls of the properties, and some will also qualify for loft insulation and a heating upgrade.

The free improvements are being jointly funded by the Council and E.ON and will be applied only to qualifying properties in the Camp Hill area. Plans are also being made to extend the work to solid-wall Council properties that qualify in the Barpool and Wembrook areas.

Dawn Dawson, Director for Housing and Communities, said: “The free insulation will make a big difference to the tenants living in those properties and as the work is done from the outside it will be completed with minimum inconvenience.

“The boiler replacements are part of the Council’s commitment to working towards a more energy efficient

Free insulationimprovements

Keep your streets clean of litter and dog mess - find out more on page 14.

Page 11: Homing In, Summer 2012

Free insulationimprovements


Bedworth Dates Estate MeetingPoint Time06 June Exhall Ward Grant Road shops 10am13 June Charles Eaton Road 2 Charles Eaton Road 10am27 June Ash Green Highview Drive 10am

03 July Mount Pleasant Mount Pleasant shops 10am04 July Heath Estate 1 Cashmore Road 10am

08 August Bedworth Town Centre Corner of Congreve Walk 10am

12 September Hawkesbury Blackhorse Road, by shops 10am

NuneatonDates Estate MeetingPoint Time07 June Ryde Avenue, Carrisbrook Road, Carrisbrook Road Flats 10am Niton Road 20 June Stockingford Stockingford Library 10am22 June Town Centre The Cube 10am28 June Stamford Court & Meadow Court Opposite Stamford Court 10am

10 July Grove Farm Community Centre 10am18 July Trafford Drive & Bucks Hill Opposite shops on Trafford Drive 10am20 July Attleborough Leyland Road shop24 July Hilltop Donnithorne Avenue shops 10am31 July Caldwell Bradestone Road shops 10am

02 August Camp Hill NW Opposite Family Care Centre 10am16 August Cleaver Gardens Meet at the entrance 10am22 August St Mary’s Court & Abbey Green Opposite St Mary’s Depot 10am

06 September Stockingford Corner of Byford Street, Vernons Lane 10am

The scheduled walkabouts for the next three months are listed below, so hopefully you will be able to make one of them and let us know how your local area could be improved. If you are unable to attend but would like to report an issue in your area contact us on )024 7637 6406

Tell us how Estate Walkabouts can be improved )024 7637 6493 or *[email protected]

Fly tipping, graffiti, overgrown shrubs in communal areas and dog mess are the types of issues we deal with on every estate walkabout, helping you to improve your neighbourhood making it a safer, cleaner and greener place to live. But we want to know what you think.

Fancy an estatewalkabout with us?

Come rain or shine we’re always ready to

tackle any issues which are raised through

our estate walkabouts














Page 12: Homing In, Summer 2012



Do you have a story you would like to share? )024 7637 6493 or *[email protected]

But his passion for helping others hasn’t just remained in the field of cricket. Dennis is both a resident at John Haynes Court in Exhall and the chair of their Friendship Committee, helping residents apply for grants to improve the complex.

So far they have won funding to pay for a new television, a bingo machine and a number of outdoor plants. And that’s not all, applying to the Council for funding under the Local Improvement Scheme, a brand new patio area was created at the front of the complex for all of the residents to enjoy.

Dennis has also recently joined the Supported Housing Residents Forum, working with the Council to improve the supported housing service. He is looking forward to the new challenges that lie ahead and said:

“I was honoured to be part of the Coventry and District Cricket League, but as I will be 85 this year I felt it was time to call it a day. I am looking forward to enjoying life, and working with my fellow residents making improvements to our complex that we can all benefit from.”

At the age of 85, Dennis Docking decided to retire as Secretary of the Coventry and District Cricket League, but that doesn’t mean an end to his fundraising activities just yet.

In the 63 years of loyal service, Dennis helped to raise thousands of pounds for local charities through playing, adjudicating and organising knock-out competitions. In his final year they raised a record breaking £5,400 which was shared amongst 18 charities, including a number of organisations based in the borough such as, Mary Ann Evans Hospice, the Nuneaton and North Warwickshire Equestrian Centre, BASICS (Bermuda and Stockingford Intensive Care Support), Bedworth Fellowship of the Handicapped and Zoë’s Place (which is the chosen charity for this year’s Mayor’s Appeal).

Dennis Docking (front row, centre) is joined by (Back row l-r) Helen Wickins, PCSO Steve Galloway, Stephen Malinowski, Scheme Manager Gwen Brannan. (Front row) Betty Hall, Dennis and Colin Wickens

Page 13: Homing In, Summer 2012

13Would you like to be kept up to date with future events? Contact us on )024 7637 6493

Get Involved!

Tenant forums are a great way to have your say about the services the Council provides as well as picking up some useful tips along the way. Tenants also met in March to discuss where money should be spent to improve Council homes, with central heating upgrades and kitchen and bathroom renewals coming top of the list for 2012.

More forums are planned for later in the year, but there are a number of other activities that you can take part in. Check the ‘Dates for your Diary’ on page 7 or contact Rachel or Lorraine on )024 7637 6493 or *[email protected] for more information.

Tenant Forum FeedbackTenant Forum Feedback

Mr and Mrs Fairfield and Mrs Machin were delighted with their prizes after winning the quiz at the Damp and Condensation Forum

The forum was very informative

to help tackle condensation.

How many pints of moisture doesa family create by cooking?

Problems with damp and mould have been solved for tenants who attended the Damp and Condensation Forum in March. Many took home prizes that will help them win the battle against unsightly black mould in their homes.

Tenants were shocked to find out just how much moisture they create each day, and it is this moisture that is the key ingredient in the recipe for black mould growth. In just one day a family of four can create up to 27 pints of moisture in their home, the main culprits being drying clothes - 10 pints, cooking - 7 pints and sleeping 4 pints.

It’s not possible to stop doing all of these activities, but there are a few simple steps you can take to prevent condensation and black mould:

Ventilate - keep your window vents open and open windows after you have been cooking or after a bath or shower

Produce less moisture - make sure you keep the lids on pans when cooking, and if possible dry washing outside. Tumble driers should be vented outside (unless you have a condenser dryer).

Heatmoreefficiently - Try to avoid cold areas in your home (it is better to heat your whole home to a lower temperature rather than heat one room to a high temperature).

Page 14: Homing In, Summer 2012


‘Doo-doo’ your bit - help keep communities clean

As tenants you have a responsibility to keep your property clean and tidy. The same thing applies when you are out walking the streets or taking the dog for a stroll in the park. You wouldn’t litter your own home or not clean up after your dog has been to the toilet, so why should other people put up with such behaviour when out and about?

If you are caught failing to clean up after your dog by the Council’s dog wardens you could face an on-the-spot fine of £50 which could increase to as much as £1,000 if you choose not to pay and end up before a judge.

In the last 12 months, more than 40 people – including several tenants – have been fined for failing to scoop their dog’s poop. If you are aware of an individual who continually allows their dog to foul, or have details on the place where fouling regularly occurs, please

get in touch with environmental health on )024 7637 6405 or *[email protected]

But it’s not just dog mess that is spoiling our parks and open spaces, litter is also an unsightly and unnecessary feature. The number of community litter picks organised within the community are increasing, and groups of residents have been using their own spare time to get together and tidy their neighbourhoods.

If you would like to organise a Community Litter Pick in your area, the Council is able to help you by loaning you litter-picking equipment and offering advice. Your efforts will help to keep your community clean and tidy, and make your neighbourhood a more pleasant place to live. For more information call the Enviro Action Line on )024 7637 6170.

Pay DirectWhen it comes to paying your housing rent why not make things simple for yourself and let us do the work by setting up a Direct Debit?

There are currently several different ways to pay your rent but Direct Debit is by far the easiest. It is also the most cost effective and efficient way for people with bank (and most building society) accounts to pay. If you would like any further information on Direct Debits then call Support Services on)024 7637 6586 or visit search for ‘Direct Debit’.

Don’t stall on your chance to join the marketsTrying to find a job in the current climate is difficult, and because of this more and more people are considering setting up their own business.

To help support the Borough’s budding entrepreneurs, the Council will be offering a free market start-up clinic in June for people who want to set up as a market trader.

The clinic will offer advice on how to get started as a market trader and there will even be an opportunity to have a market stall free of charge for two weeks during June (providing you have the correct insurance in place).

If you are interested in finding out more then call the Town Centres Management on)024 7637 6597

Having trouble paying your rent? Contact the Financial Inclusion Team on )024 7637 6720 for advice.

Page 15: Homing In, Summer 2012

15Don’t forget to take part in our quiz, and you could win £25 - turn to page 16.

Congratulations to MsAverall who won £25 in the Gas Servicing Prize Draw. Pictured with Senior Contracts Officer, Louise Castledine.

Congratulations to Miss Brown, who won a £25 voucher in the Customer Satisfaction prize draw. Pictured receiving her voucher from Karen Ford, Financial Inclusion Officer.

Miss Ryan won £25 after completing the New Tenants questionnaire. Pictured receiving her voucher from Hazel Wilson, Housing Options Officer


Show Some Heart & Join the CampaignNuneaton and Bedworth is now officially a ‘Heart Town’ - but what does this actually mean?

It means that the Council along with a number of health and leisure organisations are working together to promote healthy hearts with support from national charity, the British Heart Foundation.

Statistics show that Nuneaton and Bedworth, on average, sees 138 men and women die every year from heart disease, which is far higher than in most other parts of the country.

One of the most effective ways to prevent heart problems is by getting fit and healthy and the Heart Town campaign is helping to highlight the many ways in which you can make changes to your lifestyle for the better.

Free outdoor gyms are available for you to use on Queen Elizabeth Road in Camp Hill, and Pool Bank Street in Nuneaton town centre, with a third gym to open soon at Stockingford recreation ground. Not stopping there, free health checks are also being made available to residents at events across the Borough.

More information is available on the Council’s website.

Residents join in the first fun run to highlight the issue of heart disease

Page 16: Homing In, Summer 2012

Win the Word Search - Get £25**in a voucher

Congratulations to Mr Wright from Nuneaton who won the wordsearch competition from the last edition. For your chance to win a £25 voucher please complete the wordsearch. Try to find all ten words listed below that all relate to the welfare reform article on pages 8 and 9. Don’t forget - the words can appear forwards, backwards and diagonally.


Mrs Mills was the winner of a £25 voucher after completing the New Tenants questionnaire. Pictured with Scheme Manager, Gwen Brannan.

Well done to Miss Leedham, winner of the customer services prize draw, pictured receiving her £25 voucher from Involvement and Communications Officer, Rachel Fletcher.

New tenant Ms Yeatman was delighted to receive her £25 prize voucher. Pictured with Housing Options Lettings Officer, Tracy Smith-McEnery.















welfare reformhousing benefitunder-occupyingworkingagehouseholdbank accountdirect debitbudgethelpsupport

Name:...............................................................................Address:...................................................................................................................................................................... Once completed send this to: Homing In Competition, Housing Services, Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council, Coton Road, Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV11 5AA by Friday, 6th July 2012.