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Home learning Task UOI/Literacy PSA Images that we can use in the PSA to make it convincing, -Shocking Images -Images that express what we want to show Music to make it go through the flow -Clashing music -then happy music and joyful for the very end to make action -Each music background changes every time there is a different emotion in the PSA UOI Action- Find an organization that takes action. UNICEF How do they take action? -They help many major problems such as poverty, disasters that has lead to people not having any food or water, UNICEF mainly focuses on basic needs for people What is their goal? Their goal is to provide resources for people and help people that are in need. Such as sickness, cancer, and others. Also they help children that are in poverty, for example Syrian children are in danger so UNICEF helps them. Is the organization local or global? This organization is global because it helps children all over the world like Uganda, Africa, Nigeria, Syria, and many other developing countries. Who started the organization? The organization was founded by 2 people Herbert Hoover and Maurice Pate