Download - Holophane Prismawrap Brochure 2-75

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Prismawrap Brochure 2-75






    Prismawrap.Holophanefluorescent luminaires.


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  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Prismawrap Brochure 2-75


    Designed to light betterwith fewer watts.Prismawrap fluorescents ofler youthe ability to provide uniform illu-mination with fewer Iixt ures. Thismeans lower initial costs. and lowerener S\ Li,n\umpli,'n [ur cunrinuin..dollar savings.The secret is in the unique Prisma-wrap optical system. which distributeslight in a broad. glare-free p.rttern. Asa result. Prismawrap lum inaires can bespaced further apart than conlentionalwraparound-type units. * hile stillmaintaining uniforn lighting c on-d ition s.In addition. the optics are tiesignedurth rn upliSht , "nlpLrnenl 1,, rllinimize ceiling con trast. ancl specialprisms to obscure lanp images andsocket shadows.Prismawrap luminaires are outstirnding in other respects. too.Their crisp. clean stlling and conr-pact dimensions make them suitable[or rrlmo.t an1 rpplic.rti.,n. Thrirtough, crystal-clear acrylic lcnses anduhireinje. ri,,n m,,leleJ

  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Prismawrap Brochure 2-75


    lllumination data.

    No. 61OOCoelticients of Utilization, zonal Cavity Method

    No.710O No.7400


    20%0%80% 50% 80% 50%pw 50% 30% 10% 50.,6 30% 10% pw 50% 30% 10% 50% 30% 10% pw 50% 30% 10% 50% 30% 10%






    73 7A A764 59 5657 51 4751 .45 4045 39 3541 35 3037 30 2633 27 233A 24 2a

    63 61 5955 52 495A 4A 4244 4A 3740 35 3236 3t 2a32 27 2429 24 2126 21 1824 19 16

    71 68 6663 59 5556 51 4951 45 4145 40 3541 35 3137 31 2733 27 2430 24 2027 21 .14

    63 61 6057 54 5A46 42 3A41 37 3337 33 .29.34 29 263A ?6 2227 23 19

    65 .63 6158 55 5252 48 4447 42 3a42 37 3338 33 2934 .29 2631 26 2228 23 1925 2a 17

    .59 5A 5653 51 4A48 45 4243 .39 3739 35 3235 31 28.32 2T 24.24 24 2126 21 1823 19 16


    Average Luminance in Footlamberts.45o Along 450 Alon5o













  • 7/28/2019 Holophane Prismawrap Brochure 2-75


    Dimensional, mountinq and knockout details.%" Dia KO (4)


    97k88r;'8r t;t, Da KO


    + {-1' 913 6 6 141 or" x o

    -4" f.- * tr.'

    9.-''3)i \2'KA i:".o;3,1""J"", " ,, "ln o16 l+


    Specification and ordering data.Perlormance specif ication.Fixture: The fxture shall be surface orpendant mounted. tola y-onc osed accom-modating the lollowing nu.nber ol rapdsta( amps: 6100 one 7100 two.7400three or four. as specjfied lt shall consistof a slee chass s pa nled whjte with a rn n_rnLrrn rellectance of BB:/o; a cornb natronend p ate w th non tw st socket asscrnbly.and a ight controL ing acTylic ensenc osureThe chassis shall be lormed to provideunrlorm and leveL mounting aga nst ce ingsLrrlace Lateral f anges ol the chass s shallhave spr ng oaded suppori p ns at eachcoTner and sha sLrpport the ens 1:/d' beoIi 1rs1Le ,lqlroto"/oro hor5ool. oceiling adjacent to I xiure Chassis sha lbeconcealed by the drfflrs ng enclosuTe to av ewing angle of 45o from the vert ca tog ve the enclosure a f oatrng appearanceLens: The ens shal be nlectton rnoldedol clear acryllc plastlc. meeting the ASTlvlspec iications for methacryLate moldlngcompounds D-788-63Lens s dewaLls sha have horizonta ightsp tling prisras on the nside and vert caprisrns and fluies on the outsLde 6100 Thebottom ol the lens shall be covered w thtransverse and longilLtd na pr sms7100 & 7400: The bottom oi the lens shallbe covered by three slr pes of transversepr srns separated by two strrpes oi con cashaped pr srns except at the ends where itshall be covered cor.pelev bv concapr sms.Luminous output: The um nous outPutshall be as fol ows:

    Catalog information.CATALOGNIJMBEFI NO. OF LAM PS(F4OT12lRS) LENGTH WIDTH N ET WT.DEPTH LBS. EACH6100-4-120 4, 0,.: 413.1\ 4%' 91.6100 a-l207100-4-120 4'O% 18L7100 a 120 81, a1 36r;z, I O,:/" I3,'r: 4l{ 2ali7400 8 120 8'11; 4l;7403 4 120 .1 0:,; 4\ 211i7403 I 120 a 1r; 13 a2"

    Options and accessories.CATALOG NUMBEBsuFllx,-277 DESCFiIPTIONFor277 votprem !m PbaLasi repace l20 rn calaiog n!mber wlh277BDS Fad o suprrressor, one per !n t06125 24 s .q e stem hanqcr N!mber ot slems requrred p-ar run: I ! numLDA Co.s sts of two -r4" spacers al I xlure ends U L stedns i% lon ow de.s ty cer ns wrren um na re ,s use.l


    D \iis of Johfs l\,1an\iille

    % TotalLamp Lumens

    try at i xture -6nds For 6lOO a.d 71oo ser es on yCons sls ol soacers as in LDA o !s soacer/cover U L I sted forc ose mo!.t ns l% I on low de.s ty ce ns when lumina rc ,s mountedover o!l el boi For6loOand7lOOseresonyLD Add for mou.trng on ow dens ty ce n!r Fo. 74OO ser es on y

    Thephysrcalpropertesollhellolopha.eP smawrap!mnarerepresenttvpcaaveraqeva!csobtanedn w th acceole.l test melhods and are subrect to norma man!iaclur ns varalrons Thev aresuoor ed as a rechnrca ser, Le a.d ar-. s!bre.l to cha.ce w thout not ce check vour ocal Ho opha.e.:irqenoreerto",su'e.urrenlrnlormdlrontsooDhanesadvso.oiJoh.sMa.vleSaescorporalon

    610044.2t0 71897100 7400457 48685 74113 73

    Contact 1,our local Holophane lighting sales enginccr tor application assistance. computer-aidcd design and cost studies. and sanlple unilsfor trial hstallation. Forinformation 6n r)ther J-M products and svstems. call the Product Inlbrnration Centcr at 303 770 l0(X), exl. 2745.olop,h*n e trilkH nLffi r*,; ri +l$ju*iu. ili.'*'*+: . - " " ",, " "