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1. Reconstruction (1/2 pt each-3 pts. total)

____ Ulysses S. Grant is elected the first time. A. Compromise of 1877 ____ Financial panic followed by economic B. 1874

depression lasting remainder of decade. C. 1877 ____ Rutherford Hayes becomes president and D. 1868 agrees to pull the military out of the South. E. 1876 ____ The election between Samuel J. Tilden F. 1873 and Rutherford Hayes ended with Hayes winning because of a compromise determined by congress. ____ an informal understanding that resulted from the impasse of the presidential election of 1876. The

compromise occurred behind the scenes between Hayes lieutenants and some moderate southern Democrats.

____ Democrats won the House of Representatives, due to corruption in the Grant administration.

2.Presidents/wars between 1870 and 1920: (1/2 pt each- 8 pts. total)

____ 1872 A. Grover Cleveland becomes the first Democrat elected since before the Civil War

____ 1876 B. William McKinley elected

____ 1880 C. World War I begins

____ 1881 D. Warren G. Harding elected

____ 1884 E. Woodrow Wilson elected

____ 1888 F. Grover Cleveland elected again in a non-consecutive term

____ 1892 G. Benjamin Harrison elected

____ 1896 H. U.S. enters World War I

____ 1898 I. James Garfield elected

____ 1901 J. Ulysses S. Grant elected

____ 1908 K. William McKinley assassinated and Theodore Roosevelt became president

____ 1912 L. Garfield assassinated; Chester Arthur becomes president

____ 1914 M. Spanish-American War begins

____ 1817 N. Rutherford B. Hayes elected

____ 1920 O. William Howard Taft elected

HIS 2020 Midterm March 3, 2010 SMITH


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Short answer and multiple choice (circle the correct letter, 2 pts. each, 66 points total)

3. ________________________ is the overall driving factor in the push to the West.

Railroads Urge to conquer Economics Farming

4. Which two factors did the most to stimulate rapid western settlement?

The removal of the buffalo and Native Americans from the plains The Homestead Act and the railroad The removal of the Indians and the gold rushes The gold rushes and the rise of the great cattle kingdoms

5. For women in the late 19th century, moving to farms on the plains meant that they enjoyed a relatively leisurely life. they undertook endless, backbreaking labor. they enjoyed a cheap supply of servants. men took over women's work.

6. 19th century western boosters encouraged settlement on the Great Plains by inaccurately claiming that cattle ranching would provide a god income. cultivation of the land would bring more rainfall. crops did not need much rain to thrive. droughts were good for the soil.

7. The nature of settlement in the late 19th century West created a society notable for its

tolerance of diversity. racial homogeneity. complex racism. simple division between black and white residents.

8. Congress's 1887 Dawes Act was intended to

restore Indian lands in the East to ease population pressure in the West. encourage Indians to adopt white culture. make amends for the slaughter of the buffalo. provide reservations with more efficient service from the government.

9. Unlike the Irish, the Chinese population in western mining regions was of a more advanced age. more familiar with mining. overwhelmingly male and compliant. more likely to vote.

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10. By the late 19th century, buffalo herds, and by extension the Plains Indians, were most threatened by

various diseases. overhunting by Indians. the extension of the railroads. loss of habitat due to farming.

11. When homesteaders took the government's offer for free land in the West beginning in 1862, they needed

nothing else; everything required for farming was provided. only the cost of transit. up to a thousand dollars for other expenses. to go through speculators.

12. 1873 Comstock miners discovered a rich vein of ore that prompted the transition from small-scale industry to

individual proprietors. government run enterprise. speculators. corporate enterprise

13. What man rose from being an poverty stricken immigrant from Scotland to become one of the richest man in the world?


14. What industry did this man control?


15. What company did John D. Rockefeller run?


16. How many economic depressions were there between 1870 and 1900?

zero one in 1873 two, in 1873 and 1893 three, in 1873, 1883, and 1893

17. Which of the following labor unions were not active during the 19th century? International Workers of the World AFL CIO American Railway Union

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18. J. P. Morgan was a company owner. politician. banker. all of the above.

19. Ida Wells campaigned against

alcohol abuse. women's right to vote. lynching. corrupt government.

20. ___________________________ Party believed that money and banking systems worked to the advan-tage of the of the wealthy few and demanded economic democracy.

21. In the late 19th century, the American population underwent a massive redistribution because

agricultural workers were moving to cities. city dwellers were moving to the countryside. American workers were relocating to European industrial centers. agricultural workers were moving to small towns.

22. Jacob Riis

designed New York's Central Park. wrote the majority opinion on the Plessy v. Ferguson case. starred in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show. wrote How the Other Half Lives.

23. Common laborers, the backbone of the late-19th century American labor force, performed jobs that were

dangerous but well paid. dangerous and poorly paid. easy but poorly paid. easy and well paid.

24. What country was the Spanish-American war NOT fought in? Japan Guam Philippines Cuba Puerto Rico

25. In what country did the Boxer Rebellion occur?

Japan Philippines Mexico China

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1. What hero emerged from the Spanish American War?


2. Jane Adams, a 29-year-old college graduate, founded a settlement house in New York. a settlement house in Chicago. an organization that campaigned for women's right to vote. an organization that campaigned for prohibition.

3. What group of people were the settlement houses run by Jane Adams aimed at helping?

_______________________________________________4. Name two candidates for president in 1896?

1)_______________________________ 2)_______________________________5. Roosevelt's handling of the coal strike of 1902 was unique in that he

saw his role as that of a mediator between labor and management. supported the use of federal troops as mine workers. became the first president to support labor in a labor-management conflict. used the Sherman Antitrust Act to end the strike.

6. Name three candidates for president in 1912?

1)_________________________ 2)_________________________ 3)__________________________Hint: two of these men had been president before.

7. What event triggered World War I?


8. What kind of system in Europe helped propel the world into war from a single shot of one official?

Treaty Alliance Socialism Corporatism

9. The sinking of the Lusitania in 1915 propelled the U.S. into World War I. garnered an apology from Germany to the US. forced the U.S. to bomb Germany. forced Britain to increase their offensive.

10. Emma Goldman was a communist. an anarchist. a socialist. a labor union leader.

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Essay questions (23 pts. total)

11. Cause and effect is a big part of understanding history. During class we talked about the pendulum of power that moved between government, business, and labor from 1870-1920. Changes in the economy and government actions abroad were the largest catalysts for creating the change in power structure. The resulting shifts changed the results of elections, created new allies both in and out of government, and ultimately tilted the power in new directions. In an essay format, describe one event that triggered a shift in the political, social or economic landscape and explain what changed and why. Use specific examples.(15 pts.)

One example would be to discuss the economic crash of 1893 and how it affected politics, economics, and labor. You could explain what happened in the next election cycle, and what happened within the political parties as well as in labor and business. War is another catalyst for change that you could ex-plore.

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12. Discuss the Progressive Movement and explain why it was important. What significant initiatives came

out of it? (8 pts.)

Optional Bonus (up to 16 pts.)

38. What does the 18th Amendment address ___________________________________ (2 pts.)

39. What does the 19th Amendment address ____________________________________ (2 pts.)

40. Explain the Monroe Doctrine and give two U.S. government actions that used the doctrine as a rational. (6 pts.)

41. Explain why the U.S. did not join the league of Nations. (6 pts.)

HIS 2020 Midterm March 3, 2010 SMITH