Download - Helden in het Veld

  • Helden In Het Veld (Heroes In The Field)

    Game Rules: Players and Duration: It's a game for 2-8 players. When playing 8, each player gets one cyclist. if there are less players, it's possible that one player gets 2 or more cyclists. A race takes 2 or 3 laps. With 6 players and a race of 2 laps, the game will take about 45 minutes. Starting The Game: Each player rolls 2 dice. The player who rolls the highest value may setup his cyclist in a square of his choice behind the starting line. After the first player, its the turn of the player with the second highest roll and so on. Order of Play: Playing is done in the order of the cyclists from the lead. When two cyclists stand side by side, the most inside goes first. Movement In General: A cyclist can move straight or diagonally, not sideways. In some turnings there is a thick, black line: a cyclist can not pass this line. In some corners the black line is interrupted, the cyclist can cross the line at that spot. A cyclist can not jump over other cyclists. In case the road is blocked by other cyclists, then the moving cyclist has to stay behind those blocking. A cyclist can pass through 2 other cyclists if the second is placed diagonally behind the first.


  • Riding On Asphalt: The grey squares are asphalt. The player rolls 3 dice and choose 2 of them to move. Re-rolling the dice (see further) is not allowed on asphalt. On asphalt there is a possibility to slipstream. A cyclist who is right behind another cyclist may follow the first cyclist without rolling the dice and stays in his wheel. A cyclist may move less squares than rolled by the dice to reach a square right behind another cyclist. Slipstreaming is possible for several cyclists if the are all right behind their predecessors. Riding On Unpaved Soil: ALL non-gray squares are unpaved. Here the player rolls 2 dice. He can choose to re-roll one die. If he does so he has to use his second roll even if it is less than his first roll. He also has to make a risk-roll (see further). It is not allowed to move less squares than rolled , except for recuperation (see further). Riding Through The Sand: Yellow squares are sand. Riding through sand requires a fast speed. If a cyclist is to slow he will need to run instead of ride, or he can choose to take some risk (risk-roll). See the table (Sand) to see what's happening. SAND TABLE Die Roll RESULT

    2-4 You have to jump off your bike and run

    5-8 Your speed is to slow and you have to make a risk roll

    9-12 You ride through the sand without any problems

    If a cyclist has to run, he advances 2 squares. It is possible that a player has to take a double risk roll. For example he rolls 6 in the sand and he chooses to make a re-roll so he has to make a first risk-roll. After the re-roll he gets 8, this is not enough to ride without risk through the sand (see table) so he has to make a second risk-roll.


  • Riding Uphill: The dark brown squares are uphill. Subtract the value in the square the cyclist is leaving from the rolled value. If the result is less than 2, the cyclist goes off his bike and starts to run, in this case he advances 2 squares. The Beam: At one spot on the track there is a beam. Again, to jump with the bike over this beam, the cyclist needs to go fast enough. A cyclist who passes (shaded area after the beam) the beam and lands behind the shaded squares can stay on his bike. If the cyclist lands in the shaded area after the beam, he has to jump off is bike, place the cyclist back on the square right behind the beam. Powers: When starting the game, each cyclist has 3 Powers. They can be used everywhere. By recuperating they can be gained back, but a cyclist can never have more than 3. Each game turn, 1 Power can be used, this on every square of the track. By using a Power the cyclist will move 3 squares extra. The player may choose to use a Power after rolling the dice. The use of powers can be useful to pass obstacles (beam, sand, ..) When a cyclist on the asphalt uses a Power he makes an attack, no other cyclist can slipstream that game turn. Recuperation: There are two ways to gain back a Power: by slipstreaming on the asphalt or by moving less squares than rolled. A cyclist who slipstream gains each turn 1 Power. This is not so when sprinting for the finish (so in the last asphalt area). A player can decide to move his cyclist at least 4 squares less than rolled to regain 1 Power. It is not allowed to move less squares than rolled if, by doing so, an obstacle (beam, sand, uphill) is avoided. When a cyclist still has 3 Powers, he can not recuperate and may not move less squares than rolled.

    (3) Risk-Roll:

  • Needed when the player has chosen to re-roll one die, or when the speed in the sand was not enough. Roll 1 die and look at the risk-table below. RISK TABLE: Die Roll RESULT

    1 You have a material breakdown

    2 You go off your bike and lose one turn (stay in space you are)

    3 or 4 Nothing happens, move as normal

    5 You move 3 extra spaces

    6 You move 5 extra spaces

    Material Breakdown: One of the possibilities after a risk-roll is that the cyclist suffers a material breakdown. A cyclist with such a breakdown will advance less squares than rolled. Use the (material breakdown) table to see how many squares the cyclist will advance according to his roll. Material Breakdown Table: Die Roll Movement Die Roll Movement

    2 1 8 4

    3 2 9 5

    4 2 10 6

    5 3 11 7

    6 3 12 8

    7 4

    When the cyclist passes through the material area (dark grey squares near middle of the board) he will get a new bike and will advance from that moment again as normal.

    Finish: The cyclist who passes the finish line FIRST is the winner of the race. You can also play where the furthest past the finish after the round of movement is complete is Victorious.
