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Magazine of the Mandalay Archdiocesan Higher Education Centre

Summer 2018

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HEC Magazine 2

Message from Fr. Neil

We started our new 8th. academic year on January 8th, with 117 students. Thankfully, we could accept 50 into our first year class.

Time flies and we are already into the Mandalay summer heat with eager mosquitoes trying to suck our blood and make life uncomfortable. However, we are grateful for the blessings we receive daily, especially a good education and formation to face the world after we graduate. Hopefully, the world will be a better place because of the contribution you will make.

Recently, I have been searching for ‘sayings’ on the need for education by people who made a lasting and positive effect on our world. I am happy to share a few of these ‘sayings’ with you in the hope that you can reflect on them.

"There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination and finish with education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of education." - Jiddu Krishnamurti "We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future." - Franklin D. Roosevelt "We will not enjoy security without development, we will not enjoy development without security, and we will not enjoy either without respect for human rights." - Kofi Annan "If we wish to create a lasting peace we must begin with the children." - Mahatma Gandhi "If you have told a child a thousand times and she/he still does not understand, then it is not the child who is the slow learner." -Walter Barbee "Life is divided into three terms- that which was, which is, and which will be. Let us learn from the past to profit by the present, and from the present to live better in the future. -William Wordsworth

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HEC Magazine 3

Ask Yourself

- What are you?

- Who are you?

- What kind of person are you?

- Why do you exist?

- For whom do you exist?

- For what do you exist?

- What are you doing?

- What are you thinking?

- What is your ambition?

- What is your vision & mission?

- Do you love yourself?

- How do you care about yourself?

- Do you care about the poor?

- Do you care about the destruction of our planet earth?

- Do you care about human trafficking?

- Does your wish and intelligence go together?

- Which one comes first?

- Are you honest?

- Are you respectable? Are you mature?

- Are you satisfied with your HEC opportunities?

- Do you usually complain about things and others?

- Are you ready to die?

- Are you afraid to die?

- Why are you afraid?

- Did you do good things or bad in the past?

- Think and try to answer for yourself.

No one invented a lock without a key. As you are human you must have answers to all

these questions.

Mature Moreen

{Third Year}





As the editor, I would like to express my gratitude to the director of HEC and the editor in chief Fr. Neil Magill who also did intensive proof reading for all pieces, HEC student and teacher writers, poets and cartoonists, voluntary typist and graphic design group led by Lawrence, various readers around the globe and to our benefactors who support everything for HEC including this magazine.

Nicole Wong Editor and teacher of Literature

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HEC Magazine 4

Be Patient

Three months ago I read a story. So I like to

share this story with you and also my experience.

In the small village, a little girl lived with her

family. She was very clever. One day she went to the

garden and she saw a lot of flowers in the garden. But

she didn’t like those flowers. So, she wanted a

beautiful flower and a beautiful butterfly. Therefore,

she prayed to God to get this gift.

After two weeks, one morning she saw a

branch and a pupa in her garden. She said, “I don’t

like this, I want a beautiful flower and a beautiful

butterfly, not this”. She felt angry with God because

she prayed every day to get the gift. And then she

cried so her mother came to her. Her mother said,

“Don’t cry baby, God gave you what you want but

you didn’t know these gifts”. Eventually a branch

became a beautiful rose and then a pupa became a

beautiful butterfly.

I want to ask you a question. What do you

think of this story?

When I was in grade-6 my mom got a

disease. At that time we didn’t have enough money in

my family. So my mom couldn’t do anything. But

she didn’t give up and she prayed every day. We also

prayed together for her.

After three weeks my Mom recovered. I

really thank God. I think if we want something, we

have to take time. If we want to do something, we

must take time, God’s time. In the same way, if we

want to get a gift from God, we must be patient. God

gives us not directly. We should be patient for the

gift. We live in an instant environment and want

things quickly. We don’t want to wait. Finally, I got

these messages from this story. I hope you also will

get some messages from my sharing this story.

May God Bless You.

Lovable Lucia

{Third Year}

Don't Compare Yourself

with Others

You can free yourself of unnecessary worry

and trouble simply by not comparing yourself with

others. If you think you are better than others you

may become proud. If you think you are not good

you may lose your own self-confidence. But, in my

own mind I often compared myself with others. At

that time I felt sad. Sometimes, I used to be jealous

of them and that is not good I know but I couldn’t

help it. I told one of my friends. But he and I were

very different because he never compared himself

with others; he often encourages and loves himself.

If you compare yourself with others you won’t

improve, he said to me. At that time, he gave me

some suggestions to improve myself. He told me to

try to realize that we are all equal and have the

same dignity as we studied in Fr Neil’s classes.

As long as you regard others as “superior”

or “inferior” you will have intolerance. And if you

don’t love yourself, no one can love you. If you are

humble, no one may look down on you. If you are

able to sacrifice your pride, then you can find your

inner peace and also you can harmonize yourself

with others, thereby finding happiness. That’s why

we don’t need to compare ourselves with others.

You may be poor now but at another point in time

you may rich. Today you may be ignorant, later

however you can become wise. Today you may be

sick and unhappy but given time you will probably

be healthy again. If you try hard, you may improve

more than others.

“If you are true to yourself, you will be

good and generous to others. If you are good to

others they will be good to you”.

Carmela Mu {Second Year}

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HEC Magazine 5

“Behind Beauty”

Roses - shine like hero sun.

Jasmines - pure like a virgin lass.

We feel their pleasing features,

Anxiety is not able to come out

at some level of thy psyche.

Oh! my friend, I realize you have to congratulate their pleasing features.

Oh! My friend, they are excellent and beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Yet, they mask their attractive features so we do not recognize them.

L. John {Third Year}

My Ocean

I am flying like a bird across the ocean

Sometimes I feel debilitated and depressed

I am trying and flying with my wings

Fighting the worst weather

I have to cross that ocean to be alive

I still have hope

Though I have difficulties

People think that oceans are infinite

But for me, there is an ending point

And there must be a beginning point

People may laugh at me for saying this

But you know, it is something that energizes me

And I accept it like a harmony

Barriers and envy teach me to do better things

Making me become a better person

As long as I have perseverance

No one can attack me

So, don’t be so hard on yourself

And don’t give up because of obstacles

Remind yourself again and again

You are the only one who can cross that ocean

Let’s arrive at our destination with perseverance

Never give up.

Justice Ju {Third Year}

A Fairy in My Dream I don’t understand what love is. Each person has different ideas. As for me, Loving is a

sacrifice from the heart to someone. A fairy told me in a dream, “I want to spend my life together with

you.” At that time, I was pleased at my dream and I replied, “Really? Thank you.” And she told me,

“You are very ugly and poor but you are honest and sympathetic to people. And I always opened my

heart for you and I have been looking for you’’. My fairy is not only beautiful but also kind to me in

my dream. But she speaks only a little. She is not talkative. We are flying in the sky together and

visiting a lot of beautiful places. That time was the happiest time of my life. Why? Because she always

cheers me up and is beside me when I’m so sad. We stay together until the end. My heart is increasing

in love for you each day .But sometimes I’m feeling lonely. It was just a dream. I want it to come true

and I’m still hoping... A Crazy Dreamer {First Year}

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HEC Magazine 6

A famous motivational speaker was giving a speech to an audience of thousands of people. He said “I

was very pleased at the time when I was in another woman’s bosom who was not my own wife”. When the

audiences heard that they fell silent for a while. They thought he was a flirt. And then he said these words “this

was my mom”. The audience gave a loud applause and were amused.

There was a man called Basil who really liked the speech. So, he considered it and decided to tell his wife

about the way this motivational speaker spoke. But he was very nervous and did not dare to relate the story to his

wife. So, he drank two mugs of beer. Then he came back to his house and found his wife in the kitchen. And he

said “I was very pleased at the time that I was in another woman’s bosom who is not my wife”. He stayed silent

for a while and his wife’s face got red and grew very angry. He tried to say more words. Unfortunately, he forgot

all he had intended to say because he was slightly drunk. He thought again and again, but he couldn’t get it and he

was sweating with fear. He then said “I forget who she was”. After that his world grew dark.

When Basil woke up, he knew that he was on a bed in a hospital with a lot of wounds.

Notice: If you cannot paste, do not copy.

Augustine KyawMyoWai

{Third Year}

Copy and Paste

Friendship and Personality

I was a neurotic for years. I was anxious and depressed and selfish. And everyone kept telling me to

change. They kept pointing out how neurotic I was.

I resented them and though I agreed with them and wanted to change, I just couldn’t bring myself to

change, no matter how hard I tried.

What hurt the most was that my best friend also kept telling how neurotic I was. He too kept insisting

that I must change.

I agreed with him too, though I couldn’t bring myself to respect him. And I felt so powerless and so


Then, one day, he said to me, “Don’t change. Stay as you are. It really doesn’t matter whether you

change or not. I love you just as you are; I cannot help loving you.”

Those words sounded like music to my ears: “Don’t change. Don’t change. Don’t change… I love


And I relaxed. I came alive. And, oh what a wondrous marvel! I changed.

Pacific. S {Third Year}

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HEC Magazine 7

There was a man called Nasio who married

Elizabeth and lived in a small village. They had eight

children. Nasio was skillfully good at hunting, at

handicraft and was also a peasant. He always worked hard

for his family, Nasio and his wife Elizabeth usually got up

at 4:00 am in the morning. Then they prepared morning

meal together for their children including themselves.

After having morning meal together, Nasio

usually prepared to go to his paddy field alone. He always

brought his gun with him to prevent the wild animals such

as monkeys, wild boars and so on from attacking him.

Nasio never let his wife come along with him to his work

but Elizabeth patiently listened to her husband without

saying anything because she knew how much he loved

her. Nasio only wanted her to take care of the children,

send them to school and pick them up form school every


Although she never complained, she obviously

tried her best for the children. By the time Nasio came

back from his work, Elizabeth respectfully gave a cup of

traditional wine to him and she started preparing dinner

for all the family.

One day Nasio got sick so he could not go to

work. At the time he made up his mind to get an injection

from a female doctor to get better quickly but

Happy Family Life Turned into a Living Hell

unfortunately he was given the wrong injection.

Nasio died and left his happy family at an early age.

From that day, Elizabeth faced the

challenges in life and her children were still young

and unable to help her but the eldest son realized his

mother’s situation so he dropped out from school

without finishing grade four exams. He intended to

become the head of his family. However, he could

not do anything. Daily as Elizabeth thought about

her family life she could not be jovial but always

sad. Another son dropped out from school who was

still very young.

After her husband passed away, the relatives

on her husband’s side stopped keeping in touch with

her because they thought she had poisoned her

husband because of the injection. Even though she

tried to explain to them what happened they never

accepted her explanation. Moreover they forced

Elizabeth to marry a stupid man. If she denied

marrying the stupid man, she would be killed by the

relatives. At the time she cried “what should I do?”

as she sadly and lovingly looked at her children.

Finally, she decided to marry the stupid

man. After she had got married to him, Elizabeth

never had much free time because her second

husband was extremely lazy and he did not have any

ability to provide for the family. He stayed at home

and tortured his wife’s children, and then he forbade

her children from attending school.

Elizabeth and her children’s lives were

getting harder and harder by the day. She had to

fight with her stupid husband to defend her children

and herself. Her happy family life turned into a

living hell.

Alphonse NgeiKyawHtay (3rd Year)

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HEC Magazine 8

How Can I Forget This?

It was not a story. It was reality. There was a

cheerful family who lived so far from town. It was my

family. One day one of my grandmothers came to my house

to ask for help to find one of her daughters who left home

and hadn’t come back home for over three years.

Why she asked for help was because my mom knew

how to go to China and could speak Chinese. Because my

grandmother asked for help my mother went to China. And

as I’m the oldest child my mom told me not to go to the

stream. That was my mother’s parting words to me. But I

did some things and I disobeyed her and I went to the

stream with my brothers. And we were swimming and

taking a bath in the stream. After finishing we returned

home without one of my younger brothers. But I didn’t

notice that he was missing. I just thought he had come home

following me. But when it got dark I couldn’t find him and I

was demented.

So I started looking for him in my environment and

everywhere. But there was no answer for me. I went to the

stream again with my uncle. When we arrived at the stream,

we couldn’t find him in the place where we took a bath. So,

we looked all around the stream. Suddenly, my uncle saw

him on a branch of a tree where he was entangled. Actually,

at first I thought he was still alright but I was wrong. He

was already in the hands of God. I couldn’t help crying but I

could do nothing and my parents were not at home. So, I

was really afraid and worried about my brother but I

believed in God. I prayed for help and God helped me as my

mother unexpectedly arrived home that night. How

wonderful God is!

I’m sure you can understand my feelings at that

time. We don’t know if a person will live or stay with us

forever or when he or she will leave us. The only one who

will live with us and will never leave us is “God”.

Cecilia Htoi Nu {Second Year}

Start today

_Today, a person who is sympathetic to you,

reward him

_Today, try to solve any problems by yourself

_Today, don’t lie to yourself

_Today, think of the happiness in yourself

_Today, pride in yourself in what you can do

_Today, have a good time

_Today, take a lesson from every wrong

_Today, treat everybody with respect

_Today, create gratitude in yourself

_Today, take some advice from someone, you can

look for the new method

_Today, believe in yourself step by step

_Today, have a good relationship with everyone.

_Today, compare yourself to see if you are a

better person than you were yesterday

_Today, cheer a person who succeeds

_Today, help a person who is near to you

_Today, forgive someone and yourself for


_Today, start listening to your own inner voice

_Today, make a small thing that can be beautiful

_Today, keep trying to get your goal

_Today, keep doing good things in your life

_Today, don’t think that you are poorer than other


You need only to think how to improve daily

Be happy! Let’s fly away with the clouds in the sky.

Tan John (first year)

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HEC Magazine 9

“Mercy Never Goes Unrewarded”

One hot summer day, a lion was fast asleep in the cool shade of a big tree. A mouse lived in a nearby hole. Suddenly it came out of its hole and saw the sleeping lion. Unmindful of the lion’s strength, the mouse was tickled by an idea. It thought of waking the lion by running over its body for fun. But to his bad luck, the lion seized it in his strong paw. He was going to kill it when the mouse begged, “Spare me, sir, I may repay your mercy someday”. The lion was amused to hear these words of the mouse and let it go with a smile. But a few days later, the lion was caught in a hunter’s net under that very tree. So, he roared aloud. The mouse came out of its hole to hear the roar. It was time to repay the lion for its mercy. So, it set about nibbling the cords of the net and set the lion free in no time. “Lest we forget” even small things can do a big job for you. “Remember what the story is highlight for you”.

Fr Neil, the mouse can be your friend too!!


{Third Year}

L. John

{Third Year}

Fallen Leaf

As I was drinking English breakfast tea

At noon near my home.

This beautiful yellow leaf

Fell down, for my surprise, alone.

I picked up with cheerful delight

And gazed at it for a moment.

It turned my heart so bright

That I couldn't stop smiling for seconds.

I saved it inside my umbrella

With the purpose to take it home.

To keep with me forever

To befriend it all along.

Now it sits on my piano keys

With its face gazing at me.

For its presence brings the peace

With elation of eternity.

I dance with the golden yellow leaf

Which chose to have fallen upon me.

Teacher Nicole {HEC}

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HEC Magazine 10

I always want to keep moving to do something most of the time. The result is I never finish anything.

When it is time to do something I have no time to accomplish my goal. I simply think it will somehow happen in

the future. Last month, our State counselor DawAung San Su Kyi said most countries are developing and they will

not wait for us. Are you going to leave behind the same county with its armed conflicts for our new generation or

are you going to leave behind a unified and strong country worthy of respect by others? It is true Myanmar is not

developed like neighboring countries. And also we are losing a lot of human resources because of Myanmar’s

young people going to other countries searching for work. It is a brain drain.

We got independence from the British Empire in 1948 and like most of Asian countries everything was

improving in Myanmar. Unfortunately, after 1962 our country started to fall down on everything. Before this there

used to be safety and the best university educational system in Asia. But after 1962 we were cut off from the rest of

the world. We did not know what was happening in the world. We were isolated. Educational standards

plummeted. We became a poor developing country. Now it is time to know what is happening in the world. I

think my country is not trying to get development. We are not thinking for our future generations. We are fighting

with each other for many years. We have destroyed our environment as there are no trees in the forest and few

students in classrooms because of civil war. The officials in government and the leaders of armed groups are living

in luxury. Their children are studying at special schools in other countries.

We have had many experiences in past times and some say experience is the best teacher and we can learn

from these experiences. But our country is not like that. It is not useful or helpful to us.

After independence, civil war started in 1949. The communists party (CUP) fought until 1989. At that

time many ethnic groups fought alongside the military. In Myanmar many of the ethnic groups wanted to get a

federal Democratic Union.

They had already signed an agreement with General Aung San before he was assassinated. I don’t know

much about politics but one thing I know for sure is that our country is not developed. And also our poor country

has to solve a lot of problems.

However, it is not the time to look back. So I think the future situation of our country depends on us. We

have to change ourselves through education and defending the poor. We young people are the future leaders so let’s

prepare ourselves. Steven HlaTu {Second Year}

It is Time to Get


"The feeling of Kachin people facing war" In 2011, civil war broke out again in the Kachin State. Since that time all Kachin people are suffering because we have lost everything, our valuables and also we had to flee our homes. We had to leave behind even our pigs, chickens and pet animals. We are still living in IDP camps. I always cry in my mind because of the civil war. Now many children don’t get an education and some young men and women use drugs to ease their pain but their sufferings and problems increase because of drugs. Some children don't have any living parents. They want to call their mom and dad but they have no chance to call them as they are dead. Their fathers lost in the battle field. When I always think about our situation my tears fall down immediately. By the way, my father was also killed. That is why I am so unhappy but coming to the HEC has changed my sorrow into joy and I know I will be successful now and be able to help my mother and siblings afterwards. We Kachin people do not want to live in IDP camps. We want to go back to our villages and rebuild our homes and lives. We want to go back home. So I pray and hope for peace. Many children living IDP camps need education. Have mercy upon them.

Patrick Seng Du {First Year}

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HEC Magazine 11

“I can teach you how to get the ball from them,”

he said. “But you would need to tame your temper and you had

better listen to the story that I am going to tell you.” I murmured

something and sat by him. After that he changed his voice and

started telling me a story.

Once, the sun and the wind began an argument comparing

who is the strongest. They wanted to know which of them is the

strongest so the wind said to the sun “shall we compete to know

who is the strongest? Over there, you see an old man who is

wearing a thick long coat. Well, the one who can make the man

take off his coat in the shortest time will be the winner, the

strongest. I will do it first.” And the wind started the competition.

The sun hid itself behind the cloud and let the wind go

first. The wind blew strongly and the old man felt cold and held

tightly to his coat. The stronger the wind blew the tighter he held

his coat. Finally, the wind gave up. When the wind calmed down,

the sun came out from the clouds and shone the warmest rays with

all its love. The sunshine fell onto the man’s head and over his

whole body. In a few seconds, the man was getting warm and he

didn’t need his coat anymore. Therefore, he took it off.

Then, the sun said to the wind, “now you see that love and

kindness is much stronger than violence and meanness!”

After telling the story the old man looked at me and

laughed again. He asked me if I understood the story or not. And

he stroked my head and said, “Go and say sorry to them and if you

behave in a polite way you will get the things that you want.”

I bowed and gave respect to him for he had changed my

thinking. Then I walked back to the crowd of boys and said

‘sorry’. They invited me to join them in their football game and

we were all happy. To this day I can still remember the old man’s

story more than the football match of that day.

Now, before going out I always look at a mirror and

remind myself, “Do the same as the sun did.” I prepare myself to

behave well and to show my love and kindness to other people. It

has paid off and was great advice for me. Therefore, I have got

lots of genuine friends now who help me when I am in need. I will

keep going throughout my life by showing my love, smile and joy.

Paul NorNawAung {Third Year}

Wise Words from an Old Man

I am descended from a moderately

well-off family. All of my family’s

members loved me the most as I was the

youngest son. That’s why I developed the

bad habit of being proud. I thought that

everything could and would be done when

I spoke. I shouted at the servants and my

relatives to do as I said. They all had to

obey whatever I said, whether it was right

or wrong.

One day, a crowd of children from

our block were playing football joyfully.

While they were playing, I heard their

joyful sounds. Because I wanted to play

football I approached that place and

decided to join in with them. “Hey! Give

me the ball, give it to me,” I shouted at

them. That was my way of communicating.

Abrupt to say the least!

No one listened or cared for me

and they still kept on playing. I couldn’t

bear this so I ran into the crowd to get the

ball from them. When one of the boys with

the ball was near me he passed the ball to

another one and I ran after the other one

who got it. He threw it to another one

when I was about to reach him. I heard

them laughing at me. When I saw their

laughing faces, I got more angry so I tried

to get the ball with all of my energy.

After some minutes, I stopped

running. I recognized that I could not

compete with them. Even if I kept running

I knew I would not get the ball. Therefore,

I returned to my home by calling them

names. At that moment, I saw an old man

who was sitting on a bench and he was

laughing at me. I got angrier so I walked

up to him in a hurry. “Old man, why are

you laughing at me?” I asked him.

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HEC Magazine 12

Page 13: HEC - Homepage | SSC€¦ · able to sacrifice your pride, then you can find your inner peace and also you can harmonize yourself with others, thereby finding happiness. That’s

HEC Magazine 13

Since I was born, my parents have looked after me patiently until now.

They have always tried hard for me to go to school and to get a pleasant life in my future. I had never

seen them sitting on chairs comfortably but they were ever wearing a smile on their faces. They used a

lot of money for my education by not having special meals, special clothes and using expensive things.

Actually I had never said to my parents “I love you” and also when they give me something like pocket

money, new clothes, etc. I did not thank them. That was before I arrived at the HEC.

Presently, I say ‘thank you’ very often because of the HEC, especially to Fr. Neil, the two sisters,

teachers in our HEC and also our benefactors.

Fr. Neil is a Columban priest from Ireland but he lives at Mandalay Higher Education Centre. He

sacrifices for our future so that we get a good education. Sometimes, I reason about him. Why can he

sacrifice for Myanmar’s young people who are attending the HEC while local Myanmar people even

don’t care about educating the poor? Here he lives as part of our big HEC family with different ethnic

groups amidst difficulties. He always works hard for us without any expectation from us. All he wants

from us is to make our lives, church and country better. We can say he is not only our second father but

also our Grandfather and a hero for our lives.

Sister Vincenza and Sister Maddalena are Charity Sisters. They look after us and also guide us

on right ways. For example, they teach us how to build a relationship with God, with others, with

creation and with ourselves. HEC students love each other like brothers and sisters.

Teachers who are teaching at our school ‘HEC’ are always active and good at teaching and they

teach not only subjects but prepare us to face the outside world when we graduate. They are really good


We want to thank all the above and also our unseen benefactors. You all are really worthy of our


I want to encourage all of my friends to say ‘Thanks’ to them.

Margaret DashiHtuSeng {Second Year}

People Who are Worthy to be


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Once upon a time, there were two birds living in the

beautiful and colorful mountain range in the Chin State. One

of them was male and the other was female. Those birds are

called “Hornbills” but unfortunately they are becoming

extinct. Two hornbills keep a vow until they die. For

example, if a female might die suddenly, a male would

commit suicide at the same time. They live happily and

peacefully in the huge mountain for many years. Those birds

are different form other birds as a male has to look after his


One day, the male flew away to get food for his wife

and unfortunately he met another female on the way. Later,

they fell in love and he didn’t come back to his wife. Even

though her husband didn’t come back to her, she fretted about

him. She finally killed herself when she heard that her

husband fell in love with another female hornbill. Three

months later, even though he lived with a new female, he

couldn’t forget his old wife and he wasn’t having a happy life

so he returned to his lovely old wife to renew his vow to be

faithful. When he returned to his old wife he saw her dead

body and he felt so sorry, full of pain and remorse. Therefore,

he flew up into the sky and then he flew like an arrow back

onto the ground to commit suicide. He crushed his chest on

hitting the ground and died instantly. Finally those hornbills

died in a sorrowful and painful way. The two hornbills had

expressed their vow by killing themselves.

Even though we have many kinds of birds in the

world these birds are rare and special for the Chin people and

State. Chin people have them as a symbol on their State flag.

Tony (TPT) {Third Year}

The Vow of the Two Hornbills






















John Paul.Aung

{Third Year}

"Treat With Love"

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Have you ever thought about the importance of our thoughts which are

the works of our mind? Everybody has got a brain which can think and visualize his/her

future. Each of us also has diverse skills to think differently. There would be no peace, justice

and reconciliation in our world if we did not reason with our brains and treat all people, rich

and poor alike, with respect and appreciate our differences. Self-awareness is one of the most

important things we have to work on.

The things that we think are our thoughts. And they belong to the thinker. No one can

see or know our thoughts except God until we speak out or tell someone about them. Our

thoughts are inaudible and invisible for others. They are very salie nt for our future and our

lives. They can even lead us into evil ways or they can also save us from those evils by

thinking critically and having positive thoughts. They stand as very powerful mentors for us.

What and how we think is very important. We sometimes find it hard to control our mind or

thoughts as they can travel thousands of miles away. But I want to remind you that we can

easily call back our mind from anywhere where it is wandering in just a second. This means

we have to stop blaming others, making excuses, judging others, controlling others, reliving

the past in the present and stop resisting change.

Many people say controlling ourselves, especially our minds, is more difficult than controlling

others. Self-control includes controlling our mind and every part of our body. For me,

controlling my mind is much more difficult than controlling my body even though it seems to

be very easy. Even when we think we can give full concentration on what we are doing, we

cannot do this for a long time as our minds go all over the place. We just need to be aware of


As we know, there are many famous and successful people whose success began with

their thoughts. For instance, Sir Isaac Newton PRS who was an English mathematician,

astronomer, theologian, author and physicist and he is widely recognized as one of the most

influential scientists of all time and a key figure in the scientific revolution as he was aware of

what he saw and thought critically about it.

These are some of the reasons why we have to be aware of ourselves as much as it is

possible. Thinking about everything in a critical and reflective way can make us optimistic

and successful.

Lawrence Z H Bik- 7th Batch

{Third Year}

Our Powerful Thoughts

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A Meaningful Story Told By My


When I was young, I used to listen to some night tales from my mom. And there was a story I loved most.

So, I'd like to share this story in our HEC's newsletter.

Once upon a time, there was a cowboy in the country. And one day, he saw a crow catching a

fish. When the crow got that fish, he didn't eat first. He played with the fish. The crow threw it up and

caught it with its beak. While the cowboy was gazing at them, he suddenly got an idea to do like the

crow. So firstly, he practiced with a bamboo stick. But later, he used a spear instead of the bamboo

stick. When people saw his talent, they were amazed and that news reached to the King's ear.

Therefore, The King invited the talented cowboy to his palace to perform in front of him. The King was

also pleased to see that scene and so he gave a lot of rewards to the cowboy. Then, he asked the

cowboy who his teacher was. Actually, he didn't want to admit that his teacher was an animal in order to

offend the King and said it was one of his soldiers. After telling that lie, he performed again but the

spear pierced his throat and he died at once.

I hope you all will like this story as I do. And I wish no-one from this world will be a cowboy. May

you all be able to give respect to your teachers!

Christina ThiriSoe Moe Oo {Second Year}

A Forgetful Lawyer Tom is a new lawyer who transferred to a tiny office in New York. One day, he saw

a man coming to his office. Then, he hurried to the phone and pretended to talk on the

phone so that the visitor would be impressed by him. He had pretended to talk on the

phone for over 15 minutes as if he was solving a big case. But the man waited for him

patiently. At last, Tom ended up the call and asked, “Oh! Sorry for making you to wait.

You see I’m busy. By the way, how can I help you?” The man answered, “Yeah! I am

from phone service center. I got an email that your phone is out of service. Now, can I

check your phone?” Justina (3rd Year)

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Be Careful

A Long time ago there were

close friends called Neil, Benedict,

Paul and John. One sunny morning,

they made an appointment to meet

together in the evening in a grand

pub. After they drank together they

made another plan to go to KTV.

Benedict, Neil, and Paul were John's

guests. Then, they came out from

the pub and they hired a taxi. When

the taxi arrived, Neil took the seat

beside the driver but Paul, Benedict,

and John sat in the back. The taxi

driver was Augustine. He knew that

the four of them were drunk. So, he

tried to cheat them. He started the

car engine. After a while, he

suddenly stopped the car. As soon as

he stopped the car engine, the four

of them got out of the taxi. Then

Paul paid the taxi fee. John said

thanks but Benedict beat Augustine

on his head. At that time Augustine

was frightened because he thought

that Benedict knew he had cheated

them. Then Benedict said, "Don't

drive too fast. You'll happen with an

accident. You'll die early." The

driver was surprised. Then Neil put

his hand on Benedict's shoulder and

said, "You are still sober!"

Benedict Wai.H.Oo

{Third Year}

Because Of I love you

For your beautiful smile

I love you

For your smooth cheeks

I love you

For your flowing hair

I love you

For your slim fingers

I love you

For your attractive lips

I love you

For your innocent face

I love you

For your honest words

I love you

Because of who are you! Ai Vinn {First Year}

That’s Why A poor boy

He wants to fly in the sky

But he can’t neglect his family

This string ties him to his family

So he cannot fly away

He is the hope of his family

That’s why he is here

Fortunately, someone wants to support him

He can go to other countries

But he has no choice to go because of his family

This family string ties him not to go away

He is the light of his family

That’s why he is here

Around twenty years old, he wants to work

Not for himself, but for his family

But he can’t support his family a lot

But he has to be the savior of his family

That’s why he is still here.

Crazy Christopher (2nd Year)

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- My mother’s affection is sweeter

than honey for me

- Even I sacrifice my life for my

mother’s affection. It can’t be half

of my mother’s affection.

- My mother’s smiles are probably

not looking good for others but for

me she is the most magnificent


- All my friends’ and others’ love

can disappear quickly but my

mother’s love can’t disappear and

her love is like a running stream.

- When I feel depressed and I have

emotional problems, my mother is

a light for my dark life.

- The older I am, the more

understanding I can give to my


- My mother’s unique affection will

never end in my mind.

There is no love like our

mother’s love in the world.

Angela DawtHleiIang

{Second Year}

Pitiful Family

Long long ago, there was a poor family in a

village. They were very happy before their

father passed away. But after he died they

felt that everything was lost. And also they

didn’t have neighbors to help them. So, their

mom had to work hard because of her

children, at that time they were young and

had to go to school.

Suddenly, she got heart disease but

no one helped her and she couldn’t work a

lot so sometimes they were without food.

Then the villagers bullied her and the

children but she didn’t care because she

wanted them to be successful persons so she

ignored their behaviors. In that way they

passed year by year.

Then a few years later all of her

children graduated and they all got their

own jobs in various places and also they

were clever. They had no phones to keep in

contact with their mother and each other.

They wanted to repay their mom’s gratitude.

But they had got only a short happy time

because they couldn’t find their mom at first

and soon afterwards she died. Her children

had got good jobs and they were successful.

They left some messages for readers like:

“Don’t be afraid if someone belittles you

and kicks you around”, and another read:

“Don’t give up your life today, it can still be

brighter tomorrow.”

I hope everybody can get some

messages from this story.

Mature Margaret Seng{Second Year}

My Mother’s Affection

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Our Forever Friends ‘OFF’

In the world, there are many kinds of people who are descended from

diverse families whose ethnic backgrounds are not the same and who speak

different languages. But, everybody comes together and meets according to

circumstances. Then everybody finds partners for life and they stay together

speaking the same language…of love and fidelity. These are ‘Friends’.



Interrelated to

E ach other

Neighbourly and


As I said above, we at the HEC are friends interacting with each other.

We help each other if we are in need. We show our love by caring, helping and

showing the right way. Friends are really good for us. I’ll call them my “Best



{Third Year}

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The 70th CND Celebration, HEC, Mandalay, 2018

Good evening our beloved Father Neil, sisters, all staff, (our honoured guests),

and my brothers and sisters in Christ at HEC,

We are especially proud of your presence here tonight to promote the 70th CND

(Chin National Day) Celebration!

Tonight, on this momentous event of the celebration of the 70th Chin National

Day which falls on February 20, every year, I would like to take advantage of sharing

some interesting stories about the Chin State, the Chin people, and the Chin National


It was in 1974, we got the name “Chin State”.The BSPP regime (Burmese

Socialist Programme Party regime)officially changed the name from the “Chin Hill

Special Division” to “Chin State”.

We, the Chin people left a place called Chinlung in China around AD 225

westwards because of some intolerable situations. Many of us settled in the eastern side

of Ttio and Kaladan Rivers and some of them settled in the western side of the rivers.

The time of the first settlement in Chinlandfrom Chinlung in China is thought to

be around AD 1300. Indeed, the original Chinlandincluded the Chinland, Manipur,

Mizoram, and Nagaland. They ruled themselves for about six hundred years until the

British colonization. Two third of the land is now in India and only one third is in

Myanmar. It was split because of General Aung San’s clever persuasion. On February

12, 1947, Gen. Aung San and ethnic leaders signed the Pinlung (also called ‘Pang

Long’) agreement, in Pang Long town, Shan State. The Pang Long agreement granted

equality of ethnic rights. It is called the “Union Day”.

However, we still suffer until today because of U Nu’s wrong decision, which

makes the Pinlung Federal flower planted on Feb. 12, 1947 unable to bloom.

Originally the Chins have many but tiny different traditions and we are very rich

in language varieties; we have more than 50 different dialects, and we have many

different tribal names as well.

The British fought Chinland from both India and Burma sides. The Chins are

courageous and brave; were known as headhunters and good fighters; are simple minded

and faithful. These are the identities of the Chins. Thus, the British officers wanted the

Chins and Korkha alone to be their personal guards.

The British agreed to let the Chins continue their Hereditary Chieftainship,

(Sawbua:) in Burmese in 1888, and the Chins agreed to pay tax to the British. Politically

we won, but economically we lost. From 1888 until 1948, exactly 60 years, we were

under the control of the British government economically.

Knowing this and dreaming for human rights in Democracy and envisioning a

bright future for the next generations, the first Chin Hill Union Organization was

emerged on February 20, 1928. After many struggling and sufferings of the leaders, the

Chins Public General Meeting for Democracy was successfully held in February, 1948

in Falam, former capital of Chin State.

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On 20 February 1948, a representative of TiddimPuThawngZaKhai submitted a

proposal in the general meeting. Majority of the Chins were in favour of his proposal

and to bring about modern democratic system of administration in the Chin Hills. Thus,

20 February is a historic and meaningful day for the Chins because they were able to

achieve national solidarity and unity on this very day.

On 9 October 1950, the Chin Affairs Council decided officially to honor 20

February as Chin National Day. The first Chin National Day was held in Mindat town

on a grand scale on 20 February 1951. Hence, the door of the long waited Democracy

was open on the 20th of February, 1948, a day which can never be forgotten by the

Chin people.

That is the reason why we celebrate the Chin National Day (not Chin State Day)

joyously. It is the national duty of all the Chin people around the world to safeguard our

national day, to preserve and maintain our culture, tradition, language and literature to

keep Chin identity among the family of nations.

In short, the main idea to hold Chin National Day is that Chin people are a “God

created people” who deserves human rights and national rights neither more nor less

among any other ethnic groups in Myanmar.

Thank you and may God bless all the Chin people around the world.

read by Lawrence, HEC 3rd year student

written by Teacher Ambrose Sui

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Try the best in life

"Don't waste time

Because of love and hate"

"Don't waste and complain

In meaningless moping"

"Change to love

The new while respecting the old"

"Before death,

Repent of your wrongs"

"Be a successful man

Who gives service to others."

"Be happy in your life,

And, May God Bless you always" Breathless Boy J.P(3rd year)

To the new world

What’s peace?

Is it a lie?

I’m famished for Peace……

Tell me the way to heaven,

The atrocities here and throughout the world

Are annihilating peace……

So, my hope is in an ashtray,

I’ve no escape to achieve liberation……

The wars destroy my dreams,

My future has seriously exploded,

I’m losing sleep and have bad dreams….

I’m just a slave of the cartridge,

And the fuel for hate….

Give me peace and the right to get freedom,


Don’t shoot anymore! Stop killing,

Let us younger generation create a New World,

We’ll find peace….

SalaiHornbill(Chin state)

First Year

Beside You

- Are you looking for someone to help?

- Are you looking for someone to console?

- Are you looking for someone to feed?

- Are you looking for someone to clothe?

- Are you looking for someone to give water?

- Are you looking for someone to open your heart?

- Are you looking for someone to ask for help?

- Are you looking for someone to learn from?

- Are you looking for someone to thank?

- Okay, so how far will you try to find them?

- Actually, they all are just beside you.

- There are a lot of people beside you, who are in trouble.

- There are a lot of people beside you, who are despondent.

- There are a lot of people beside you, who are suffering from famine.

- There are a lot of people beside you, who have poor clothes.

- There are a lot of people beside you, who are thirsty.

- There are a lot of people beside you, who are in depression.

- There are a lot of people beside you, who are really helpful to you.

- There are a lot of people beside you, who are really educated and mature.

- There is God, your parents and benefactors beside you so thank them.

- So don’t look any further but look beside you.

Don’t prejudge others by appearances but try to see through to their heart.

Mature Moreen [Third Year]

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“Mother” “Mom” You know”

The most beautiful word in the world is “MOTHER”.

I am really proud of myself because I can call you “Mom”.

“Mom” your love is unique for me.

You protect me with all of your strength and you give me energy.

“Mom” you’re the first teacher for me that you taught me how to start walking.

Your sweet smile makes me pleased and your smile can be perfect for all my days.

Even Monalisa’s smile can’t compare with your smile.

“Mom” you train me to become like a candle for the world.

You cheer me up anytime when I feel upset.

You don’t want me to be crazy with love in young age.

How kind you are to me!

You’re like a lighthouse for my poor life.

Your face is like a twinkling star in the sky.

“Mom” your love is as bright as the sunshine for me.

As you say, “I love you more than my own life”

I also love you very much but I don’t think I’m more than you.

“Mom” I want to apologize to you “Don’t leave me alone in this poor world”

And don’t let me stay away from your side.

“Mom”, you are the best present for me that I get form God.

“Mom” please stay by my side till my last breath.

“Mom” I love you with all of my heart and soul.

Peace be with you “the MOTHER” in this world.

Mary Moe (2nd Year)

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"My mom" who is my favorite vocalist

I think, most people will answer easily when we ask "Who is your favourite vocalist?" But, it

might be strange or not for you when you know who is my favourite vocalist. Firstly, one of my

teachers asked us this question in the class and at that time I didn't know who is my favorite vocalist

but the rest of the students gave many different kinds of answers. Later, I was thinking to myself in my

study time, and I knew I was getting to know who my favorite singer is. Wonderfully, it was my mom.

Actually, she can’t read. She made me an educated person based on her situation. She can sing very

well our traditional songs and she has really a sweet voice. Our traditional songs are difficult to sing

and difficult to understand. She didn't have a teacher, she learned by herself. When I was young, we

used to go to the field and we worked the whole day and at that time my mom sang a song for me

with her own creation when I felt bored and she could compose songs immediately about what is

happening in front of her. Sometimes, my mom composed a song about her feelings and she had big

feelings about my father. I could understand her because her life was hard. Her song is really

meaningful so that's why my mom became my favourite singer. My mom often sang a song for me and

the song’s title is "Think about everything before you make a decision." This song is really meaningful

for me and also she symbolizes me in this song. My mom said to me "Don't hurt other’s feelings. Be

happy with other people and don’t make them sad because of you, give more help. I wish you the


But I couldn't follow all of these. I hurt other people by my mistakes but I didn't mean like that

as I just wanted them to be happy but I have learned from my mistakes. I have given sadness to others.

But now, I'm trying to become like my mom. Another favorite song is "When you are in trouble". In

this song Mom said "Don't be scared when I'm not around you or when I can’t see you. You must take

over in this situation. I will trust you even people lose their faith in you; I will understand you, even

people can’t understand you." This song gives me encouragement. And when I feel depressed I take

some energy from this song by listening to it. And this song gives me more strength, hope, self-

confidence to go on my destination. Actually, most of the days of my life I used to live as a border with

other children. I went back home only in summer and at that time my mom would sing to me. Now

I'm not with her but I feel like she is always beside me as she promised. Now she is getting old. Now it

is 3 years since I last heard her sing. By the way, my father passed away when I was 5 and that's why I

don't know about my dad very much. So, mom told me about my dad by song. I'm thinking while I

write all of these words and my experiences, I'm not sure if you would believe me or not but actually it

is true. My life has changed because of her songs even I'm a fatherless child. That's why she is my

favourite vocalist for all of these reasons. Firstly, I would like to thank God because He gives me this

mother because I can't find anyone who loves me more than my mother. Let me thank mom by this

letter. I know that I couldn’t write enough to thank you but I really show my appreciation to you by

this letter. One day, I hope to thank you face to face. Thanks a billion mom because you mould me as a

good person. Theresar Ngye (Second Year)

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Alumni/ae Association Annual Meeting

A special word of thanks to our HEC graduates who made the long journeys back

after Christmas.

I appreciate the sacrifices they made and this shows an appreciation for what

they received during their three years at the HEC. I am proud of them as they are

making great contributions to their community, Church and Myanmar society. Many

sent apologies that they could not attend because of the short break they got from work

at Christmas time.

They proposed a new initiative to help raise funds for our HEC. They donated

enough money to buy 10 pigs and they got a villager to raise them. When sold the profit

will go to the HEC.

The Alumni/ae held elections for positions within the Alumni Association. They


Jacinta Bawk Mai as President,

Catherine Khun Jar as Vice President,

Felicita Aye Sue Mon Tun as Treasurer,

Elizabeth Ei Mon and Margaret Lu Lu as the contact persons.

I thank you for taking on these responsibilities and hope our Alumni Association

will grow stronger and stronger. I also thank the outgoing office bearers for the good

work they did during the past few years.

Fr Neil