Download - Headway (EL099) Pre-Inter

  • Unit 1

    6 Unit 1 . Getting to know you

    SB (P.6)

  • Unit 1 . Getting to know you 7

    Ex. 1 T 1.1 (P.6)

    Ex. 2 (P.7)

    Ex. 3 (P.7)

  • 8 Unit 1 . Getting to know you

    Grammar Spot (P.7)



  • Unit 1 . Getting to know you 9

    Check it (P.8)

    Vocabulary (P.9)

    Ex. 5

    Ex. 2

  • 10 Unit 1 . Getting to know you

    SB (P.9)Ex. 3

  • Unit 1 . Getting to know you 11

    Ex. 3

    Ex. 4 (P.10)

    Ex. 5 (P.10)

    Reading (P.10)

  • 12 Unit 1 . Getting to know you

    Listening And Speaking (P.12)

    Ex. 4

  • Unit 1 . Getting to know you 13

    Everyday English (P.13)

    Ex. 1

  • 14 Unit 2 . The way we live

    Unit 2

    SB (P.14) Starter

  • Unit 2 . The way we live 15

    People And places (SB P.14)

    P.14 Ex. 1

    T 2.1 P.15

  • 16 Unit 2 . The way we live

    Practice (SB P.16) Getting Information Ex.3

  • Unit 2 . The way we live 17

    Check it P.17 Ex. 6

    P.17 Ex. 2

    Vocabulary SB P.17 Ex. 1

  • 18 Unit 2 . The way we live

    Reading and Speaking (SB P.18) Ex. 3

  • Unit 2 . The way we live 19

    SB P.18 Ex. 5

    Listening And Speaking (SB P.20) Ex. 3

    (T 2.5) P.20

  • 20 Unit 2 . The way we live

    Everyday English (SB P.21)

    P.20 Ex. 4

  • Unit 2 . The way we live 21

    T 2.7 P.21

  • 24 Unit 3 . It all went wrong

    Unit 3

    T 3.2 P.23

    The Burglars' Friend (SB P.23) Ex.2

    Starter SB P.22

  • Unit 3 . It all went wrong 25

    Grammar Spot P.23

  • 26 Unit 3 . It all went wrong

    Partners in Crime P.24 Ex.1

    P.24 Ex.2

    P.24 Ex.3

    T 3.5 P.24

  • Unit 3 . It all went wrong 27

    Discussing Grammar P.25 Ex.1

    Grammar And Pronunciation P.24

    P.25 Ex.2

  • 28 Unit 3 . It all went wrong

    Ex.changing Information P.25 Ex.5

    Reading and Listening P.26 Ex.1

    P.25 Ex.6

  • Unit 3 . It all went wrong 29

    P.26 Ex.3

    P.26 Ex.4

    T 3.7 P.27

  • 30 Unit 3 . It all went wrong

    Language Work P.27 Ex.7

    Vocabulary And Pronunciation P.28 Ex.2

    T 3.8 P.28

  • Unit 3 . It all went wrong 31

    T 3.9 P.28

    Ex. 3 P.29

  • Unit 4 . Let's go shopping! 33

    Unit 4

    T 4.1 SB P.30

    The weekend Shop Ex. 2 P.30

    Grammar Spot P.31

  • 34 Unit 4 . Let's go shopping!

    Grammar Spot P.31 Ex. 2

    Grammar Spot P.31 Ex. 3

    Practice (SB P.31) 1 - 3

    T 4.3 P.32

    Questions And Answers P.32 Ex. 4

  • Unit 4 . Let's go shopping! 35

    T 4.4 P.33

    Grammar Spot (SB P.33) Ex. 2

    Practice (SB P.33) Ex. 1

  • 36 Unit 4 . Let's go shopping!

    Practice P.33 Ex. 2

    Reading and Speaking P.34 Ex. 1

    P.34 Ex. 2

    P.34 Ex. 4

  • Unit 4 . Let's go shopping! 37

    Vocabulary And Listening P.36 Ex.1

    T 4.5 P.36

    T 4.5 P.36 Ex. 3

  • 38 Unit 4 . Let's go shopping!

    T 4.6 P.37

  • Unit 5

    40 Unit 5 . What do you want to do?

    T 5.1 P.38

  • Unit 5 . What do you want to do? 41

    Ex. 2 P.38

    Grammar Spot (SB P.39)

    Discussing Grammar Ex. 1 P.39

    Making Questions Ex. 2 P.39

  • 42 Unit 5 . What do you want to do?

    Future Intentions Ex. 1 P.40

    T 5.3 P.40

  • Unit 5 . What do you want to do? 43

    Grammar Spot (SB P.40)

    Discussing Grammar Ex. 3 P.41

    Check It Ex. 5 P.41

    T 5.4 P.41

  • 44 Unit 5 . What do you want to do?

    Reading (SB P.42) Ex. 2

    Ex. 3 P.42

    Vocabulary Ex. 2 P.44

  • Unit 5 . What do you want to do? 45

    Ex. 3 P.44

    T 5.5 P.44

    Everyday English (SB P.45) Ex. 2

  • 46 Unit 5 . What do you want to do?

    T 5.6 P.45

  • Unit 6

    48 Unit 6 . Tell me What's it like?

    T 6.1 P.46

    Grammar Spot (SB P.46)

  • Unit 6 . Tell me What's it like? 49

    Practice (SB P.47)

    P.46 Ex. 4

    T 6.3 P.47

    Grammar Spot (SB P.48) Ex. 1

  • 50 Unit 6 . Tell me What's it like?

    Grammar Spot (SB P.48) Ex. 2

    Practice (SB P.48) Ex. 1

  • Unit 6 . Tell me What's it like? 51

    Check It Ex. 6 P.49

    Conversations Ex. 5 P.49

    Ex. 3 P.48

  • 52 Unit 6 . Tell me What's it like?

    T 6.7 P.49 Reading and Speaking (SB P.50) Ex. 2

  • Unit 6 . Tell me What's it like? 53

    Ex. 3 P.50

    Ex. 4 P.50

    Ex. 5 P.50

    What do you think? P.50

  • 54 Unit 6 . Tell me What's it like?

    Vocabulary And Pronunciation (SB P.52)Antonyms Ex. 3

    Ex. 4 P.52

    Everyday English (SB P.53)

    T 6.10 P.53

  • Unit 7 . Fame 57

    Unit 7

    Famous Writers Ex. 1 P.54

  • 58 Unit 7 . Fame

    Grammar Spot (SB P.54)

    T 7.1 P.55

    T 7.2 P.55

  • 60 Unit 7 . Fame

    T 7.5 P.56 T 7.6 P.57

  • Unit 7 . Fame 61

    Ex. 3 P.57

    Language Work Ex. 4 P.57

    Ex. 5 P.57

  • 62 Unit 7 . Fame

    Ex. 6 P.58

    Ex. 4 P.58

    Reading Ex. 3 P.58

  • Unit 7 . Fame 63

    Vocabulary (SB P.60) Ex. 1

    Word Pairs (SB P.60) Ex. 2

    T 7.7 P.60

    Ex. 3

    Ex. 4

  • 64 Unit 7 . Fame

    T 7.8 P.61

    Everyday English P.61 Ex. 2

  • Unit 8

    66 Unit 8 . Do's and don'ts

    T 8.1 (SB P.62) Ex. 2

    Ex. 3

    Ex. 4

    Grammar Spot (SB P.62)

  • Unit 8 . Do's and don'ts 67

    Practice (SB P.63)

    T 8.3 P.63

    Grammar Spot (SB P.64)

  • 68 Unit 8 . Do's and don'ts

    Practice Ex. 1 (SB P.64) T 8.4 P.65

  • Unit 8 . Do's and don'ts 69

    Speaking Ex. 4 P.65

    Reading and Speaking (SB P.66) Ex. 2

    Ex. 3 P.65

  • 70 Unit 8 . Do's and don'ts

    T 8.5 P.67 Ex. 4 P.67

    Vocabulary (SB P.68) Ex. 1

  • Unit 8 . Do's and don'ts 71

    T 8.6 P.68

    Everyday English (SB P.69) Ex. 1

    Ex. 2

  • 72 Unit 8 . Do's and don'ts

    T 8.7 P.69

  • Unit 9

    74 Unit 9 . Going places

    T 9.1 (SB P.70)

    Grammar Spot (SB P.70)

    T 9.2 P.71

  • Unit 9 . Going places 75

    What if P.71 Ex. 2

    What will you do? P.72 Ex. 3

    Discussing Grammar P.72 Ex.4

    T 9.3 P.72

  • 76 Unit 9 . Going places

    Listening And Speaking (SB P.73)

    T 9.4 P.73

    Ex. 4 P.73

  • Unit 9 . Going places 77

    Ex. 3 P.74Reading and Speaking Ex. 2 P.74

    Ex. 4 P.74

  • 78 Unit 9 . Going places

    What do you think? P.74

    Vocabulary (SB P.76) Ex. 1

    Ex. 3 P.76

    T 9.5 P.76

  • Unit 9 . Going places 79

    T 9.6 P.77

  • Unit 10

    Unit 10 . Scared to death 81

    Starter P.78

    Awork with Death (SB P.78)

    T 10.1 P.78

    Ex. 3 P.78

  • 82 Unit 10 . Scared to death

    Grammar Spot (SB P.79) Ex.1

    Practice (SB P.79) Ex.1

    Ex. 2

    Ex. 2

    Ex. 3

    T 10.2 P.80

  • Unit 10 . Scared to death 83

    Infinitives P.80 Ex.4

    T 10.3 P.80

    Check It Ex. 6 P.80

    Vocabulary Ex. 1 P.81

  • 84 Unit 10 . Scared to death

    Ex. 2 P.81

    Ex. 3 P.81

    Ex. 3 P.82

    Ex. 4 P.82

    Ex. 5 P.82

    Reading and Speaking

    (SB P.82) Ex. 2

  • Unit 10 . Scared to death 85

    T 10.6 P.84

    What do you think? P.82

  • 86 Unit 10 . Scared to death

    Ex. 5 P.84

    Ex. 6 P.84

    Ex. 2 P.85

    T 10.7 P.85

    T 10.8 P.85

  • Unit 11

    Unit 11 . Things that changed the world 87

    Starter (SB P.86)

  • 88 Unit 11 . Things that changed the world

    Grammar Spot (SB P.86)

    A photograph that changed the world

    (SB P.86) Ex. 1Ex. 2 P.87

    T 11.1 P.88

  • Unit 11 . Things that changed the world 89

    Ex. 2 P.88

    T 11.2 P.88

  • 90 Unit 11 . Things that changed the world

    Ex. 3 P.89

    Vocabulary and Speaking (SB P.89) Ex. 1

    Reading and Speaking (SB P.90) Ex. 1

  • Unit 11 . Things that changed the world 91

    Ex. 5 P.90

    Ex. 4 P.90

    Ex. 7 P.90

  • 92 Unit 11 . Things that changed the world

    T 11.5 P.92 T 11.6 P.92

  • Unit 11 . Things that changed the world 93

    T 11.7 P.93

    Everyday English (SB P.93)

  • Unit 12

    Unit 12 . Dreams and reality 95

    Ex. 3 P.95

    Grammar Spot (SB P.95)

    Sweet Dreams (SB P.94) Ex. 1

  • 96 Unit 12 . Dreams and reality

    Practice (SB P.95) Ex.1

    P.95 Ex. 2

    P.95 Ex. 3

    T 12.3 P.96

  • Unit 12 . Dreams and reality 97

    P.96 Ex. 2

    P.96 Ex. 3

    T 12.4 P.96 Ex. 1

    Practice (SB P.97) Ex.1

    Grammar Spot (SB P.97)

  • 98 Unit 12 . Dreams and reality

    Ex. 2 P.97

    Ex. 4 P.97

    Ex. 3 P.98

    Ex. 4 P.98

    Ex. 5 P.98

    Reading and Speaking

    (SB P.98) Ex. 2

  • Unit 12 . Dreams and reality 99

    Vocabulary (SB P.100) Ex. 1

    P.100 Ex. 3

  • 100 Unit 12 . Dreams and reality

    P.100 Ex. 4

    T 12.5 P.101

  • Unit 13

    102 Unit 13 . Earning a living

    T 13.1 P.102

  • Unit 13 . Earning a living 103

    Grammar Spot (SB P.102) Ex.1

    Practice (SB P.103) Ex.1

    Grammar Spot Ex.3

    T 13.2 P.103

    T 13.3 P.103

  • 104 Unit 13 . Earning a living

    P.103 Ex. 2

    P.104 Ex. 3

    P.104 Ex. 4

  • Unit 13 . Earning a living 105

    P.105 Ex. 2

    P.105 Ex. 2

    Adverbs P.105 Ex. 1

    Vocabulary (SB P.105) Ex. 1

    Reading and Speaking

    (SB P.106) Ex. 3

  • 106 Unit 13 . Earning a living

    Ex. 4 P.106

    Ex. 5 P.106

    Language Work P.106

  • Unit 13 . Earning a living 107

    T 13.4 P.108

  • Unit 13 . Earning a living 109

    T 13.8 P.109

    P.109 (Blue Box) Ex. 2

    P.109 (Blue Box) Ex. 3

  • Unit 14

    110 Unit 14 . Family ties

    Starter (SB P.110)

  • Unit 14 . Family ties 111

    Grammar Spot (SB P.111) Ex. 1

    T 14.1 P.111

    P.111 Ex. 4

    Practice (SB P.111) Ex. 1

  • 112 Unit 14 . Family ties

    P.111 Ex. 2

    P.111 Ex. 3

    P.111 Ex. 4

    P.112 Ex. 5

    T 14.3 P.112

    Grammar Spot (SB P.112)

  • Unit 14 . Family ties 113

    T 14.6 P.112

    T 14.7 P.113Check It P.112 Ex. 3

    Language Work P.115

  • 114 Unit 14 . Family ties

    T 14.8 P.116

    Language Work P.115

    What do you think? P.115 Ex. 5

    What do you think? P.114

    Reading and Speaking (SB P.114) Ex. 2

  • Unit 14 . Family ties 115