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Happy Home School Secondary Section (Matric)

Homework for Class VII

English Language Topic: Phrasal Verbs

Activity 1:

Q: Rewrite the sentences replacing the words in bold with phrasal verbs given below. You may change the tense

if required.

set out pull down put aside fall upon broke out

i. Corona virus has begun throughout the world.

ii. The school building was demolished.

iii. We started our journey for an expedition.

iv. Indian army assaulted innocent Kashmiris brutally.

v. He should save a little part of his salary for his secure future.

Activity 2

Q: Fill in the blanks with the phrasal verbs given below according to the meaning given in brackets. You may

change the tense if required.

run out of break up fall about set aside set back

i. Examinations were………………… due to uncertain situation of the city.

ii. His father ……………………… all his demands.

iii. She was ……………………….. time to complete her assignment.

iv. The unhappy marriage of Estella ……………………… after some time.

v. My cousin cracked a joke and his friends were ………………………

English Literature

Subject: Novel

Activity 1

Q: Arrange the following important incidents and events in sequence.

i. Pip wanted to challenge Drummle to a duel.

ii. Reappearance of Abel Magwitch, a surprise and shock for Pip.

iii. Introduction of Molly and her strange appearance.

iv. Pip’s confession of love and Estella’s cold response. She rejected his marriage proposal.

v. Herbert’s plan to disguise Abel Magwitch as Uncle Provis to deflect suspicion.

vi. Estella returned to England to be introduced into the best society.

vii. Revelation of Pip’s patron. It hurt Pip’s self-respect.

viii. Mr. Jaggers arranged a dinner for Pip and his friends at his castle like house.

ix. Death of Mrs. Joe and lonely and dejected Mr. Joe.

x. Herbert needs to be established.

xi. Unhappy marriage of Estella and Drummle.

xii. Biddy and Joe named their son Pip.

xiii. Positive side of Jaggers personality:

xiv. Estella’s parents disgraceful past could ruin her future.

xv. Pip is arrested for debt and put behind the bars.

xvi. Abel Magwitch’s miserable fate. He is captured and sentenced to death

xvii. Miss Havisham was moved by Pip’s words and wanted forgiveness.

xviii. Pip and Estella’s friendship.

xix. With Miss. Havisham’s secret support, Herbert was promoted to the position of partner in his firm.

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Happy Home School Secondary Section (Matric)

English Literature Class VII- Worksheet

Character sketch: Pip. Fill in the blanks using the words given in the box:

Bildungsroman matures fortune Philip Pirrip Drummle

generous benefactor protagonist gentleman improve

Estella upper sympathetic narrator snobbishly

Pip badly immature criticizing conscience

As a _____________________, Great Expectations presents the growth and development of a single

character, _______________________________ better known to himself and to the world as

_______________. Pip is both the ______________________ and the _____________________________.

Because Pip is narrating his story many years after the events of the novel take place, there are really two

Pips in Great Expectations: Pip the narrator and Pip the character

As a character, Pip’s two most important traits are his __________________, romantic idealism and his

naturally good ____________________conscience. On the one hand, Pip has a deep desire to

__________________ himself. He longs to marry ________________ and join the ___________________

classes. Once he understands ideas like poverty, ignorance, and immorality, Pip does not want to be poor,

ignorant, or immoral. Pip the narrator judges his own past actions extremely harshly, rarely giving himself

credit for good deeds but angrily ________________________ himself for bad ones. As a character,

however, Pip’s idealism often leads him to perceive the world rather narrowly, and his tendency to

oversimplify situations based on superficial values leads him to behave ____________________ toward the

people who care about him. When Pip becomes a _____________________, for example, he immediately

begins to act as he thinks a gentleman is supposed to act, which leads him to treat Joe and Biddy

________________________ and coldly.

On the other hand, Pip is at heart a very ___________________ and ___________________ young man, a

fact that can be witnessed in his numerous acts of kindness throughout the book (helping Magwitch, secretly

buying Herbert’s way into business, etc.) and his essential love for all those who love him.

Not long after meeting Miss Havisham and Estella, Pip’s desire for advancement largely overshadows his

basic goodness. After receiving his mysterious ________________________, his idealistic wishes seem to

have been justified, and he gives himself over to a gentlemanly life of idleness. But the discovery that the

wretched Magwitch, not the wealthy Miss Havisham, is his secret _______________________ shatters

Pip’s oversimplified sense of his world’s hierarchy. The fact that he comes to admire Magwitch while losing

Estella to the brutish nobleman ___________________ ultimately forces him to realize that one’s social

position is not the most important quality one possesses, and that his behavior as a gentleman has caused

him to hurt the people who care about him most. Once he has learned these lessons,

Pip ____________________ into the man who narrates the novel, completing the bildungsroman.

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Happy Home School Secondary Section (Matric)

English Literature Class VII - Worksheet

Character sketch:Estella

harshly Ironic rely on cunning stronger

emotion love marriage trust Magwitch

“break their hearts” Pip abused “no heart” warns

Miss Havisham mocking miserable interact

Estella is a supremely __________________ creation, one who threateningly damages the belief of

_________________ and serves as a bitter criticism against the class system in which she is overly

involved. Raised from the age of three by __________________________ to torment men and

________________________________________ Estella wins Pip’s deepest love by practicing deliberate

cruelty. Estella is cold, ______________________, and __________________. Though she represents Pip’s

first longed-for ideal of life among the upper classes, Estella is actually even lower-born than Pip; as Pip

learns near the end of the novel, she is the daughter of _________________________.

Ironically, life among the upper classes does not represent escape for Estella. Instead, she is

________________twice by her adopted class. Rather than being raised by Magwitch, a man of great inner

nobility, she is raised by Miss Havisham, who destroys her ability to express _______________ and

______________________ normally with the world. And rather than marrying the kindhearted commoner

Pip, Estella marries the cruel nobleman Drummle, who treats her ____________________ and makes her

life ___________________________ for many years.

Estella does not seem able to stop herself from hurting ____________, but she also seems not to want to

hurt him; she repeatedly _________________him that she has ______________________ and seems to

urge him as strongly as she can to find happiness by leaving her behind. Finally, Estella’s long,

painful_______________________to Drummle causes her to develop along the same lines as Pip—that is,

she learns, through experience, to _____________________ and ____________________ her inner

feelings. In the final scene of the novel, she has become her own woman for the first time in the book. As

she says to Pip, “Suffering has been _________________________ than all other teaching. . . . I have been

bent and broken, but—I hope—into a better shape.”

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Happy Home School Secondary Section (Matric)

English Language Class VII - Worksheet

Q # 1. Identify kinds of sentences:

i. We met rather few people who spoke English. ___________________________

ii. We drove right up to Murree in two days. ___________________________

iii. I don’t care how expensive it is. ___________________________

iv. Few minutes ago the baby was asleep but now he is wide awake. ___________________________

v. I have many cousins and all are different from each other. ___________________________

vi. It is my father who always pays the bill. ___________________________

vii. I established a company last year. ___________________________

viii. I wanted to come to the party but could not manage. ___________________________

ix. The officer organized all the soldiers to attack the enemy. ___________________________

x. He can either go to school or academy. ___________________________

Q # 2. Combine the sentences to make a compound or a complex sentence by using the words given in the bracket.

i. The house was destroyed in the fire. The whole family was saved. ( but)


ii. He did not get this job. He was not highly qualified. (because)


iii. She was very disappointed. She tried again. (although)


iv. He does not like shirt colour. He does not like the design of his shirt. ( neither, nor)


v. Maria has planned to return to Canada. Kelly had planned to return to Canada. (both, and)


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Happy Home School Secondary Section (Matric)

General Science Class VII - Worksheet

Name: _______________________ Section: ___________ Date: ____________

Q # 1. Complete it with as many examples of types of energy that you can think of:

Q # 2. Complete the table below. You should describe the link to the Sun in each case.

S.No Type of food, fuel, or energy source

How does this link to the Sun?

1. Plants

2. Meat

3. Hydroelectric power

4. Solar cells

5. Biofuels

6. Solar panels

Q # 3. Distilling inky water. Procedure:

i. Set up the apparatus as in the diagram below.

ii. Pour about 5 cm3 of inky water into boiling tube A.

iii. Light the Bunsen burner and adjust to a warm flame.

iv. Hold the flame under the inky water. Move the flamearound over the bottom of the Boiling tube

v. Continue heating until liquid water drips into boiling tube B.

vi. After about 1 minute turn off the Bunsen burner.

vii. Leave the apparatus to cool.

S.No Type of energy Example

1. Kinetic energy

2. Gravitational potential energy

3. Elastic potential energy

4. Thermal energy

5. Light energy

6. Sound energy

7. Electrical energy

8. Chemical potential energy

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i. What happened in boiling tube A?



ii. In the end, what remains in boiling tube A?



iii. In the end, where is the pure water?



Q # 4. Name the organ system each of these organs belongs to.

i. Lungs __________________

ii. Intestines __________________

iii. Brain __________________

iv. Heart __________________

v. Bones __________________

vi. Muscles __________________

Q # 5. Justify the following statements.

i. Muscles get shorter when they contract.



ii. Most muscles are arranged in antagonistic pairs.



iii. Arthritis makes synovial fluid disappear.



iv. Energy drinks can give you a quick burst of energy.



v. The sun is also the source of energy for meat.



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Q # 6. Define the following terms.

S.No Word Definition

1. Tendons

2. Respiration

3. Evaporation

4. Fractional distillation

5. Solute

6. Solvent

7. Heterogeneous


8. Nuclear Fusion

9. Biofuel

10. Photosynthesis


1. Chapter2: Humans 2. Chapter7: Material Properties 3. Chapter11: Energy

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Happy Home School

Secondary Section (Matric) Mathematics Class VII

Topic: Percentage

Task # 1: a) Solve the following:

i. Express 0.5% as fraction

ii. Express 9 2

3 % as fraction

iii. Express 1 1

8 as percentage

iv. Find the value of 2500% of $4.60.

v. Express 1400gm as a percentage of 2kg.

vi. 30% of the books on a bookshelf are Science books. If there are 210 Science books on the bookshelf, find

the number of books on the bookshelf.

vii. If the cost of an article is raised by 9% to $654, what is the original cost of the article?

Task # 2: Review the following worked examples from Book 1.

i. Worked Example 1, page # 186

ii. Worked Example 2, page # 187

iii. Worked Example 3, page # 188

iv. Worked Example 4, page # 190

v. Worked Example 8, page # 196

vi. Worked Example 9, page # 197

vii. Worked Example 10, page # 198

Topic: Algebraic Expression

Task # 1: Review the following worked examples from Book II.

i. Worked Example 3 page no.099

ii. Worked Example 4 page no.103

iii. Worked Example 5 page no.104

iv. Worked Example 5 page no.117

Task # 2: After reviewing the above worked examples, expand & simplifythe following questions on a

separate sheet.

i. 5(x – 4) – 3(2x + 4)

ii. (x + 4) (x + 5)

iii. 2x(2x + 3) – x(2- 5x)

iv. (2x + 3)(x + 2)

v. (4 – 3x)(5 -2x)

vi. 2x(3x-4y) - (x - y)(x + 3y)

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Happy Home School Secondary Section (Matric)

Mathematics Class VII - Reinforcement Worksheet

Name: _________________________________ Section:__________

Topic: Percentage

Q # 1: Choose the best answer:

i. If 100% of the number is 15. What is 50% of the same number?

a) 7.5 b) 50 c) 5000 d) 100

ii. If 20% of n is equal to 40. What is n?

a) 200 b) 2000 c) 800 d) 80

iii. What % of 1 hour is 15 minutes?

a) 50% b) 15% c) 75% d) 25%

iv. There are 300 pages in a novel. Kashif read 25% of the novel on Friday. How many pages are left


a) 200 b) 150 c) 225 d) 275

v. Evaluate 50% of 450 + 50 + 100.

a) 200 b) 250 c) 300 d) 350

vi. A shopkeeper bought 600 oranges and 400 bananas. He found 15% of oranges and 8% of bananas were

rotten. Find the number of fruits in good condition.

a) 122 b) 878 c) 90 d) 32

vii. Express 1 hour 36 minutes as the percent of 2 hours 40 minutes.

a) 60% b) 90% c) 25% d) 65%

viii. Find the decrease value, if 300 decreased by 30%.

a) 110 b) 310 c) 510 d) 210

ix. In a plot of 6000 sq. m., only 4500 sq. m. is allowed for construction. What percent of the plot is to be

left without construction?

a) 25% b) 35% c) 45% d) 20%

x. A number is reduced by 10 %. Its present value is 270. What was its original value?

a) 200 b) 300 c) 250 d) 15

Topic: - Basic Geometry

Task # 1: Find the value of the unknowns in each of the following figure, where AOB and COD are

straight lines.

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Task# 2: Review the page 253 from BK-I. Using the given figure, choose the correct answer from given


i. Which angle is corresponding to angle c?

(i) g (ii) a (iii) f (iv) None

ii. Which angle is alternate to angle d?

(i) g (ii) b (iii) f (iv) None

iii. Which angle is corresponding to angle h?

(i) g (ii) a (iii) e (iv) None

iv. Which angle is vertically opposite to angle a?

(i) c (ii) a (iii) f (iv) None

v. Which angle is alternate to angle e?

(i) g (ii) b (iii) f (iv) c

vi. Which angle is co-interior with angle c?

(i) g (ii) d (iii) f (iv) b

vii. (g) Which angle is vertically opposite to angle h?

(i) g (ii) a (iii) f (iv) None

viii. (h) Which angle is co-interior with angle e?

(i) g (ii) a (iii) f (iv) b

ix. Which angle is corresponding to angle a?

(i) g (ii) e (iii) f (iv) None

Task #3: Find the value of the unknowns in each of the following figure, where AOB and

COD are straight lines.

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Happy Home School Secondary Section (Matric)

Social Studies Class VII - Reinforcement Worksheet

Name: _______________________________ Section: ______ Date: _________________

Task 1: Choose the best answer from the following.

Reference: Thoroughly go through page no.26-32 of course book for class 7.

1. Deserts of Pakistan lie in __________

a. West, north-east

b. East, north-west

c. East, south-west

d. South, north-east

2. Which of the land features of Pakistan is affected by erosion?

a. Plains

b. Mountains

c. Deserts

d. Plateaus

3. The desert which is located east of Indus river is ___________

a. Cholistan

b. Thal

c. Thar

d. Kharan

4. An area of land covered in water in which plants can grow is called ______

a. Field

b. Swamp

c. Marshy

d. Lake

5. Deosai plain is not suitable for agriculture because of _______

a. Less rainfall

b. No labour

c. Eroded soil

d. Insufficient resources

Task 2: Give one word answer to the following statements.

1. A river that flows into a larger river. ______________

2. A mountain pass provides a passage through a mountain range _______________.

3. Lakes and basins that are filled up in rainy season ____________.

4. Plateau between two rivers ___________

5. Tallest mountain range of Hindu Kush ______________.

Task 3: Write the names and contributions of the following personalities of Pakistan.

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Task 4: write the abbreviations of the following.

a. OPP ________________________________

b. NWFP ________________________________

c. APWA ________________________________

d. PWNG_________________________________

Task 5: Thoroughly go through pg no.92-97 and complete the given statements.

a. Nation building encourages______________________________________________

b. A mother have a great influence on the growth and development of society


c. Nation is a community which shares _______________________________________

d. The vision of Quaid of transforming the Muslim league


Task 6: Study the picture carefully and suggest what has happened to this land? Give the causes and

effects of this problem.

Task 7: Write 4 ways to minimize the loss caused by mass wasting.

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Happy Home School

Secondary Section (Matric)

Urdu Class VII