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Be kind | You have the infinite power to create your own reality

B e w i l l i n g t o s e e t h i n g s d i f f e r e n t l y

Y O U A L W A Y S H A V E A C H O I C EChal lenge you r se l f to be you r bes t se l f

Embrace the present moment. BE GRATEFUL FOR EVERYTHING

Take small steps towards you r dreams every single dayBe a conscious consumer

Be yourself – in al l your imper fectly per fect glor y

Celebrate your un iqueness


B E Y O U R B E S T S E L F , E V E R Y D A YLe t g o o f a n y t h i n g t h a t n o l o n g e r s e r v e s y o u



12 ways to take your life to the next level (and beyond!)













w w w . o n e i n f i n i t e l i f e . c o m

The present moment is where life happens.

Being present helps you to accept and surrender to

whatever it is that you are experiencing in the moment.

This is very useful for helping to reduce stress, anxiety and

overwhelm. I have found that being present makes for a

much more satisfying experience in life. Food tastes better,

beautiful things are more beautiful, and your connections

present moment.

“Realise deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.” - Eckhart Tolle

To live in the present more, you don’t have to meditate –

although kudos to you if you do!


1/ Challenge yourself to acknowledge when you are

not being present, realising that you are not

present is a really good step into becoming more


2/ Bring all your awareness to your breathing. Or

your awareness to your hands or your feet.

3/ You can bring presence into your life by being

awareness to whatever it is that you are doing, at






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w w w . o n e i n f i n i t e l i f e . c o m

Chloe Wigan


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I’d love to hear your thoughts about the latest issue of h+w! You can get in touch with me by emailing [email protected]

O ver the last few months - and years, if I’m perfectly honest -, I have felt the momentum

building for a gathering of kindred and connected souls who are committed to helping each other achieve their dreams.

Personally, I feel that this gathering is symbolic of the changing nature of society, our world and even the universe at large. As humans and as beings, we are growing and transforming. Our world is growing and transforming. And our way of being is growing and transforming.

More and more, we are opening up to the idea that anything we want is ours for the taking. The Law of Manifestation has become as common an utterance as Keeping up with the Kardashians and the idea of chasing our dreams is no longer greeted with a scoff.

Instead, we share green smoothies and kombucha with our loved ones as we conjure up images and visions for the dreams we’d like to manifest and bring to life in the future. We cheer each other on, pick each other up and polish the sparkle in our fellow dream-chaser’s eyes when the going gets tough. In short: we support each other.

And this month, this issue, that is what it’s all about. Acknowledging that you can have anything you want and that while it might not be as easy as dialing the 444 Angel Manifesting Hotline, it will be worth it. Because our journey of dream-chasing is just as exhilarating as the chase itself and at the end of the day ... there is no end, is there? The dreams keep coming, the visions keep growing and the network of kindred spirits keeps supporting. So keep chasing, wild one. Keep dreaming. Because your dreams and your journey can make a difference.

Hello lovely,

cass xx

editor's note


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happy dreams


A guide to setting your intentions

& embracing your

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very year, thousands upon thousands of us make goals for the new year ahead. Many of these often focus on the concept of separateness and ultimately serve only us in their pursuit and achievement. If we each dedicate just one resolution to the greater good and collective community … well, that just about can change the world.

I love this time of year. December’s festivities foster an attitude of gratitude, and leave us feeling so full of love and blessings that your heart chakra might just burst! It’s a time of reflection and appreciation – what has the year brought you? What have you achieved? What deserves to be celebrated? The shift of energy, from Christmas to New Year is, for me at least, electric. Fuelled by the momentum of love and with the utmost gratitude for the years’ experiences, December’s mood soon shifts from humbled happiness to renewed hope, dizzying ambition and raw excitement for the year ahead.

Every year, I commit a few hours over an afternoon or two, to plan my year. I use the term ‘plan’ very loosely as I try to create a sort of vision for the year ahead and always seem to end up a ‘to do list’ of sorts. Resolutions and goals are rife this time of year – people seem to rattle off their ambitions for the year like items on a shopping list – ‘lose weight’, ‘travel’, ‘buy a house’, ‘save money’, ‘join a gym’, ‘hunt down Channing Tatum, find out where he lives and show him the adorable and oh so subtly persuasive power-point of why you two are destined soul mates …’ you know, the usual. Sometimes we smash our goals. Sometimes we don’t. Sometimes those things that we were sure we wanted change and we end up consciously and intentionally abandoning it.

I’m a huge fan of Danielle Laporte’s approach to goal setting. This beauty so passionately advocates for reversing the whole goal setting shebang and flips the system on its head. She writes that we should firstly unpack what drives us – the underlying desire or coveted feeling that we are truly, at heart, trying to achieve. In her incredible book – The Desire Map – Danielle provides readers with an opportunity to dig into their subconscious, their heart and soul, and uncover what they’re truly craving.

EPerhaps ‘wanting to lose 5kg’ is ultimately a desire to ‘feel more sexy’; perhaps your goal of ‘wanting to undertake further study’ translates to a desire to feel ‘intelligent’ and ‘powerful’. Danielle says by acknowledging the emotional drive behind these seemingly surface level or material goals – we create bad ass, supercharged, goals with soul.

I, this year, want to take Danielle’s approach even further. We so often create goals that feed the ego – the concept of separation and individualism. The goals we set often focus on individual gains and typically with the intention to improve or work on the external aspects of ourselves and our world. This year I’m-a dedicate my goals, desires and resolutions to the betterment of myself as a part of the whole. To really unpack how I can use my time, energy and resources to contribute in a big, bad ass way to my world and community. To get out of my own head and to dedicate myself to a year of service, a year of difference. Instead of resolving to ‘get to the gym 5x a week’ – let’s use this underlying drive of ‘activity’ and ‘engagement’ to instead create an intention to find (or create!) local community programs that encourage physical activity in children, elderly or disabled members of the community. Instead of resolving to ‘earn $150K this year’ to achieve financial freedom – let’s use this desire to improve our finances in order to allow us to be more generous. Commiting to giving instead 10% of our monthly earnings instead of the individual desire to earn a higher wage, fuelling us instead to earn more to give more.

My challenges this year are around the desire for a deepened sense of ‘connection’ and ‘community’. To launch a book club that focuses on discovering and sharing words of wisdom, inspiration, spirit and health. To make a commitment to reconnect with nature and get outdoors every single day and pay homage to the beauty that surrounds us. To appreciate and love my body, metaphoric warts (although I did have one on my right knee once) and all, and ‘be the change’ I wish to see in the world. A world of self acceptance, a world of connection and harmonious living, a world of unity and shared, collaborative passion. Join me, won’t you?

your loved-up Guide to happy dreaming

Vision Boarding

We are, by nature, very visual creatures motivated by imagery. Pictures evoke immediate and profound emotional responses that language alone often can’t elicit. Say for instance if you were reading a news headline

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detailing a global catastrophe – you’d probably feel sadness, empathy and perhaps anger. But if we can see the damage, witness the emotion in our fellow earthlings eyes … our emotional reactions are incredibly heightened. Vision boards build on this premise, the images appeal to our visual senses. They serve to capture, visually, what we see for our lives. Images of us surrounded by nature; words like ‘connection’, ‘love’ and ‘alignment’; a yoga pose you want to nail; themes of health, vitality and vibrant living. Put your board somewhere you will see it every day. Be sure that the collaged images get you fired up and set your heart a-flutter. USE that momentum and ROCK IT, gorgeous.

An Interview with yo’self

What do you in your heart of hearts desire for yourself over the year? How do you see it panning out? What are your desires? Inspiration comes from engagement – get yourself out there, get your hands dirty and see where your inspired path takes you. Dream big and uncover what sets you alight and pursue it.


Upon waking every morning, affirm that today you are ‘one step closer to achieving your goals’ and that the day will present you with more opportunities to achieve and live your truth. Repetition is key – repeat your mantras like a woman (or man) possessed (apparently we have 60,000 thoughts a day, make sure at least 50 of these are affirmative ones); keep going and continue with your affirmations until they become a reality and be wary of any subconscious blocks to your success.

This new year will bring us 365 days, 8760 hours and 600 minutes – if we dedicate even the smallest fraction of these to honour our goals of connection, community and compassion – what a magical, world changing year lays ahead.

if not now, when?

if not us, who?

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about emily

Emily Meagher is a multipassionate entrepreneur who is inspired by simple, soulful and healthy living. She is a certified Holistic Health Coach and Speech Pathologist working and living in the beautiful South West of WA. She chronicles, educates, inspires and connects men and women alike via her blog and community hub Bless this Mess

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happy dreams HOW TO



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ou’ve always dreamed of owning your own business. The freedom to be your own boss, and the opportunity to create the life you’ve always wanted. You know you’d be a huge success.

But you don’t have 90 hours a week to spare.

The term “lifestyle business” is one that is created specifically to support the owner’s personal and income requirements. It’s not created with a “profits above everything else” mindset.

George Cloutier, author of Profits Aren’t Everything, They’re the Only Thing, believes profit is the only reason to start a business. On the other hand, Natalie Sisson, author of The Suitcase Entrepreneur, believes you can have a successful business and a life of freedom and adventure.

While there can be no business without profit, the driving force behind a business doesn’t need to be financial. A true lifestyle business isn’t black and white. It’s not huge profit or failure. It’s about finding a balance between living your dreams and being financially secure.

Maybe you have a young family, and want to stay at home with your children. Maybe you want to travel, and don’t want to commit to a long-term job. Maybe you don’t want to live for work, but want to work to live. It doesn’t matter why you want a lifestyle business, only that you can design the perfect job for yourself.


The first step towards designing your perfect lifestyle business is to make the decision not to be at the mercy of customers or clients. Anyone in a service, repair, or coaching industry may get calls at any hour of the day. Many clients believe once they’ve retained your service, you work according to their timeline. If they have a problem (and they will!) they want you to drop whatever you’re doing to fix it immediately.

YThat doesn’t work for a lifestyle business.

If your potential business is client or customer based, you need to design it in a way that works for you first. You can’t work every weekend, or be on-call 24/7. Your business needs to operate according to your timeframe from day one.

Serena Smith-Williams, owner of Personal Lifestyle Wellness and blogger at Simple Holistic Girl, has ulcerative colitis, and a family with three kids. She founded her business to teach others the importance of living a healthy lifestyle. She offers one-on-one coaching, massage, fitness programs, and workshops.

Serena’s created an extensive client policy that includes details about late arrivals, cancelations, refunds, sickness, and payments. She also clearly explained that she only takes appointments during certain hours. She’s outlined exactly what her services are, and what to expect as a client.

Your time is the most valuable commodity you have – be extremely stingy about it! Create a policy that works for your unique business. Be clear, concise and try to cover any possible issue. Be upfront with clients, and you’ll avoid any misunderstandings in the future.


Part of creating the perfect lifestyle business is to choose where to focus your time, and what you can automate. When designing a business, many new owners create complex systems that need a lot of daily management. You’re only one person, and you can’t possibly juggle everything needed to run your business.

But you can create it with simplicity in mind.

To run your business efficiently, you need a streamlined and automatic sales process. Choosing the right eCommerce platform can be intimidating and overwhelming. Selz is an eCommerce platform that was created with simplicity in mind. Selz allows users to sell digital products or sell their services from their own Selz page or their own website. If you have multiple products to sell, you can use their Store Pro app to create an entire online storefront. It’s quick and easy to use, a simple copy and paste to add it to an existing website. Plus, it has a mobile option so customers can shop from any tablet or smartphone.

One of the best things about Selz is that selling digital products is extremely easy. They have a streamlined checkout process that makes it easy for customers to

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buy, plus they handle the downloading after the sale. You drive customers to your Selz site, and they handle the rest.

Jessica Sepel, a nutritionist, health blogger and wellness coach, sells a variety of products using Selz. Her guide to optimal health, The Clean Life, is a 400 page guide using Jess’s 10 principles to good health. She even has an option for clients to book a consultation on her website. This allows her to spend her time creating valuable information, not processing each appointment or sale.


When you’re starting your new business, you may feel like you’re discovering new, uncharted territory. However, business is not new. There are many business owners who have been right where you are – trying to make their entrepreneurial dreams come true.

Whatever problem or challenge you might face creating your lifestyle business, someone else has likely experienced the exact same thing. You could spend hours, days or weeks trying to create the perfect business plan. Or you could learn from others mistakes.

Regardless of the industry, you can find a guide or mentor that will help you succeed. If you want to start a freelance writing business, try Carol Tice’s The Step-by-Step Guide to Freelance Writing Success: How to Break In and Start Earning – Fast. If you want to sell your own natural holistic products, read Start Your Own Herb and Herbal Products Business from Entrepreneur Press.

Ryan Biddulph, from Blogging from Paradise, teaches others to “Retire to a Life of Island Hopping through Smart Blogging”. He has several books, plus a coaching service. If you wanted to create this type of lifestyle business, Ryan would be a great mentor.

Your goal as a lifestyle business owner is to work smarter, not harder. You don’t have to blaze a new trail or start completely from scratch. Find an expert in your industry, and learn from them. By embracing a mentor, you can avoid common mistakes and create a stronger business from day one. The key is to learn from others – not to reinvent the wheel.

Entrepreneurship Doesn’t Equal Sacrifice!

Your priorities may be your family, traveling, or finding time to volunteer. The concept of a lifestyle business is to create a business that supports your unique goals and dreams. Working 60 hours a week on a business is

stressful and frustrating. Plus it puts a huge strain on your health and wellbeing.

The key to creating a lifestyle business is to develop time-saving strategies and systems so you don’t have to work your fingers to the bone. It’s about making smart choices, and designing a business that supports your personal needs.

If you want to run a successful business, and live a well-balanced life, you can create a business designed to fit your unique situation. With the right strategy, tools, and support, you can truly create a successful business without sacrificing any aspect of your life.

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about liesha

Liesha Petrovich is the creator of Micro Business Essentials, a blog dedicated to helping the smallest businesses make more money. In her free time, she’s working on a Doctorate in Entrepreneurship. You can join her free Plus Ten plan to learn how to make an extra $10K next year.

Photo credit: Crystal Clear Photography, LLC

chasing paradise