Download - H M P G A...Lynne Farrell 518.688.7393 Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. Peter Murray 802.651.3050 Griggs – Lang Consulting Geologists Jeff Lang 518.270.5920 H2H Associates Richard

Page 1: H M P G A...Lynne Farrell 518.688.7393 Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. Peter Murray 802.651.3050 Griggs – Lang Consulting Geologists Jeff Lang 518.270.5920 H2H Associates Richard



AHudson – Mohawk

Professional Geologists Association


w w w . h m p g a . w i l d a p r i c o t . o r g

Speaker: Mason Stahl, PhDAssistant Professor, Department of Geology, Union College

November 14, 2018

Abstract: Contamination of groundwater with naturally occurringarsenic is widespread throughout much of South and SoutheastAsia and poses a serious health risk to the millions of individualswho consume this water. However, it is unclear why dissolvedarsenic concentrations have reached the high levels currentlyobserved in aquifers throughout the region. In particular, theinfluence of surface water recharge on arsenic contaminationremains unresolved. To address this issue we studied thehydrogeology and geochemistry of an arsenic contaminated site inVietnam (continued on next page).

Hydrogeologic Factors Influencing High Levels of Groundwater Arsenic in

South and Southeast Asia

Page 2: H M P G A...Lynne Farrell 518.688.7393 Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. Peter Murray 802.651.3050 Griggs – Lang Consulting Geologists Jeff Lang 518.270.5920 H2H Associates Richard

Cont’d: This field site is located adjacent to the Red River,which presently recharges the aquifer as a result of intensivegroundwater pumping. We find that the effect of riverinerecharge on groundwater arsenic concentrations is controlled bythe geomorphic setting of the river-aquifer interface. Aquifersinland of freshly deposited river sediments are highlycontaminated with dissolved arsenic, whereas aquifers inland ofnon-depositional river segments host low arsenic groundwater.We also observe that the generation of high arsenic requires amuch larger input of organic matter (which fuels arsenicmobilization) in areas of the aquifer not recharged by river wateras compared to areas recharged by the river. These findingssuggest that aquifers throughout the region may be susceptibleto further contamination as a result of hydrologic changesinduced by extensive groundwater pumping for water supply.


About the Presenter: Mason Stahl is the James M. KenneyAssistant Professor of Environmental Engineering at UnionCollege. He received his B.S. in Mathematics and QuantitativeEconomics from Tufts University and Ph.D. in EnvironmentalEngineering from MIT. Prior to coming to Union, he worked forseveral years as an environmental engineer in Cambridge, MA.

Dinner Sponsors receive free dinner, a display table set up for the social hour and a 5 minutepresentation to the dinner audience, prior to the presentation. Please contact Jesse Vollick [email protected] for more information.

Reservations are required by MondayNovember 12, 2018Whether attending the dinner

or only the presentation.Register on-line at

Call or email Marie Cole at (518) 724-7254 • [email protected]

Location: Century House997 New Loudon RoadLatham, NY 12110

Time: Social Hour 5:00pmDinner 6:00pmProgram 7:00pm

Cost: $10.00 for student members$20.00 for dormant geologists

$25.00 for members$30.00 for non-members

program only: Free

Page 3: H M P G A...Lynne Farrell 518.688.7393 Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. Peter Murray 802.651.3050 Griggs – Lang Consulting Geologists Jeff Lang 518.270.5920 H2H Associates Richard

9October 2018

Page 4: H M P G A...Lynne Farrell 518.688.7393 Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. Peter Murray 802.651.3050 Griggs – Lang Consulting Geologists Jeff Lang 518.270.5920 H2H Associates Richard

President’s MessageDear Hudson Mohawk Geologists,

We had a great meeting last month where Dr. Dax Soule presented his upcoming field excursion to the Bransfield Strait between the South Shetland Island and the Antarctic Peninsula. His excitement for this work is very contagious and we hope that he can come back and present his findings in a year or so.

This month we have Dr. Mason Stahl from the Union College geology department presenting his hydrogeologic study concerning high levels of arsenic in groundwater in south and southeast Asia. With his background as a consultant in environmental engineering in the northeast U.S. this should be an interesting talk that many of us can relate to.

Let’s not forget that Jesse Vollick is working on filling some other speaking slots for upcoming meetings. If you have some research, or a particular project you would like to present to your colleagues, please let us know and we will look for a meeting date for a presentation. Your help in this aspect is greatly appreciated as we do our best to bring intriguing and relatable projects to each meeting.…. Continues on Next Page.

3October 2018

Page 5: H M P G A...Lynne Farrell 518.688.7393 Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. Peter Murray 802.651.3050 Griggs – Lang Consulting Geologists Jeff Lang 518.270.5920 H2H Associates Richard

November 2018 5

Keep an eye out for volunteer opportunities aswe enter the holiday season and begin to thinkabout the Gem & Mineral Show at the NYSMuseum and then the Howes Cave trips forexample in the second half of our HMPGAseason.

I hope to see you all on the 14th (2ndWednesday due to Thanksgiving).

JoshPresident 2018-2019

President’s Message Continued OfficersPresident

Josh Gowan(518) 348-6995

[email protected]

Vice PresidentJesse Vollick

(518) [email protected]

TreasurerBill Kotas

(518) [email protected]

SecretaryBrian Taylor

(518) [email protected]

Past President Kevin Phelan(518) 348-6995

[email protected]

Board MembersJohn Armitage

[email protected]

Curtis Cappellano518-330-7732

[email protected]

Scott Hulseapple(518) 348-6995

[email protected]

Elizabeth Moore(518) 812-6984

[email protected]

George [email protected]

Luanne Whitbeck(518) 475-1008

[email protected]

HMPGA President Josh Gowan presents October'sspeaker, Dr. Dax Soule, with a plaque after his excitingtalk on Wedensday October 17th, 2018.Photo Provided by Jesse Vollick

Page 6: H M P G A...Lynne Farrell 518.688.7393 Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. Peter Murray 802.651.3050 Griggs – Lang Consulting Geologists Jeff Lang 518.270.5920 H2H Associates Richard

November 2018 6

Mineral of the MonthRhodochrosite

Primary used for a minor value gemstone. Can be found in a range of pink to red crystals and has a perfect cleavage on 3 planes. Crystals forms are not commonly found. It is found world wide but has

nearby notable locations in Massachusett: Betts Manganese Mines, Forge Hill Iron Mine. New Hampshire: The famous Palermo No1 Mine, Parker Mountain Mine, and Stony Mountian.

Calcite Group • Formation: Trigonal crystals. • Localities: Worldwide• Chemical Composition: MnCo3• Hardness: 3.5 - 4

This mineral often occurs in moderate to low temperature hydrothermal veins, and with late stages of hydrothermal minerals in pegmatites.

Page 7: H M P G A...Lynne Farrell 518.688.7393 Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. Peter Murray 802.651.3050 Griggs – Lang Consulting Geologists Jeff Lang 518.270.5920 H2H Associates Richard

7November 2018

Mr. Phelan’s



CLUE: P = Y each letter of the expression is substituted by another letter.







Send your solutions to [email protected]

Page 8: H M P G A...Lynne Farrell 518.688.7393 Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. Peter Murray 802.651.3050 Griggs – Lang Consulting Geologists Jeff Lang 518.270.5920 H2H Associates Richard

In 2017, 8.2 Tehuantepec, Mexico quake ruptures both the mantle and the crust! October 25, 2018-

November 2018 8

“Initially, it was believed the earthquake was related to a seismic gap, occurring where the Cocosocean plate is being overridden by a continental plate, in an area that had not had a quake ofsuch magnitude since 1787. Subduction zone megaquakes generally occur near the top of whereplates converge.

The epicenter, however, was 46 kilometers (28 miles) deep in the Cocos plate, well under theoverriding plate and where existing earthquake modeling had said it shouldn't happen, a 13-member research team reported Oct. 1 in the journal Nature Geoscience after an analysis ofdata from multiple sources.

"We don't yet have an explanation on how this was possible," said the study's lead author DiegoMelgar, an earth scientist at the University of Oregon. "We can only say that it contradicts themodels that we have so far and indicates that we have to do more work to understand it."

You can find a link to the full article here:

University of Oregon. "Mexico's 2017 Tehuantepec quake suggests a new worry: The location of the 8.2 earthquake was as a surprise, say researchersafter a comprehensive study of data from multiple sources." ScienceDaily. (accessedNovember 3, 2018)

Page 9: H M P G A...Lynne Farrell 518.688.7393 Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. Peter Murray 802.651.3050 Griggs – Lang Consulting Geologists Jeff Lang 518.270.5920 H2H Associates Richard

9November 2018

HMPGA PROGRAM DIRECTORSBeing active in HMPGA is a fully volunteer activity that often demands a great deal of

attention.The following members chair this year’s committees and we thank them:

Webmaster Scott Hulseapple [email protected]

Newsletter/ Communications Elizabeth Moore [email protected]

Educational Outreach Joe Osso [email protected]

Programs Jesse Vollick [email protected]

Membership Luanne Whitbeck [email protected]

Follow us on Facebook:

Ads in the HMPGA Newsletter range from$100-$200 annually. For more information contactBill Kotas, [email protected]

Page 10: H M P G A...Lynne Farrell 518.688.7393 Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. Peter Murray 802.651.3050 Griggs – Lang Consulting Geologists Jeff Lang 518.270.5920 H2H Associates Richard

Corporate Member Contacts2018-2019

As of 9/6/2018

AECOM Walter Howard 518.951.2200 Adirondack Environmental Services Perter Guidarelli 518-434-4546Alpha Analytical Pat Filey 716.392.3932Alpha Geoscience Scott Hulseapple 518.348.6995Aztech Environmental Technologies Mary Passaretti 518.885.5383Bond, Schoeneck & King Kevin Bernstein 315.218.8329 Brown & Caldwell Frank Williams 518.560.5912Cascade Matt Ednie 518.355.2201Cobleskill Stone Products Michael Moore 518.234.0221ConTest Analytical Labortory Scott Basal 518.608.1036Continental Placer Bill Miller 518.458.9203 Corbett Industrial Cleaners Lynne Farrell 518.688.7393Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. Peter Murray 802.651.3050Griggs – Lang Consulting Geologists Jeff Lang 518.270.5920H2H Associates Richard Hisert 518.270.1620Hager – Richter Geoscience, Inc. Jeffrey Reid 603.893.9944Hanson VanVleet, LLC Kirby VanVleet 518.371.7940HDR, Inc. Michael Lehtinen 518.937.9500Hydrogeologic, Inc Eric Evans 518.877.0309Intertek-PSI Bill Kotas 518.377.9841Leggette, Brashears & Graham, Inc. Frank Getchell 201.818.0700Parratt Wolff, Inc. Danylo Kulczycky “DK” 800.782.7260PVE Sheffler Chris Brown 845.454.2544Regenesis Maureen Dooley 781.245.1320SJB Jim Vincent 518.899.7491 Sterling Environmental Engineering, P.C. Mark Williams 518.456.4900

Follow us on Facebook:

Ads in the HMPGA Newsletter range from$100-$200 annually. For more information contactBill Kotas, [email protected]

Page 11: H M P G A...Lynne Farrell 518.688.7393 Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. Peter Murray 802.651.3050 Griggs – Lang Consulting Geologists Jeff Lang 518.270.5920 H2H Associates Richard

Eastern New York (ENY) Chapter of the Air & Waste Management Association (MASS-A&WMA). Theyencompass the greater Capital District and Hudson Valley region of eastern New York State. Aprofessional non-for‐profit association of engineers and scientists working in the environmental field, witha particular focus on issues related to air and waste.

The Geological Society of America (GSA) strives to be a leader in advancing the geosciences, whileenhancing the professional growth of its members, and promoting the geosciences in the service ofhumankind.

The New York State Museum is a major research and educational institution. It is dedicated to promotinginquiry and advancing knowledge in the fields of geology, biology, anthropology, and history, through theinvestigation of material evidence germane to New York State's past, present and

New York State Council of Professional Geologists (NYSCPG) strives to strengthen and advance thegeologic sciences as a profession, promote the protection of public health and welfare and theenvironment through the professional practice of geologic sciences, and create high standards of ethicalconduct among its members and within the profession of geology, as well as the legal standing ofgeologists and their ability to practice geology in New York State by promoting the licensing of geologistsin New York State through statutory regulation.

Page 12: H M P G A...Lynne Farrell 518.688.7393 Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. Peter Murray 802.651.3050 Griggs – Lang Consulting Geologists Jeff Lang 518.270.5920 H2H Associates Richard

The Capital District Environmental Breakfast Club is an informal group of environmental professionalsthat meets monthly to discuss current environmental issues. Each meeting features a speaker on a topicof interest, a regulatory update, and an open forum. Meetings are held on the first Friday of each monthexcept July and August. The Environmental Breakfast Club meets at the Holiday Inn Turf on Wolf Roadin Colonie, New York. Meetings start at 7:30 am. The cost is $15 per person, which includes a fullbreakfast buffet.

Buffalo Association of Professional Geologists (BAPG) conducts regular membership meetings on thethird Wednesday of the month, January through June and September through November. Meetingsfeature distinguished speakers and interesting topics. Field trips and technical seminars sponsored bythe BAPG encourage the exchange of scholarship and expertise.

Central NY Association of Professional Geologists (CNYAPG) conducts regular meetings on the thirdWednesday of each month, unless otherwise posted, from September to May. Meetings feature dinnerand distinguished speakers whose presentations invite comment and discussion.

Long Island Association of Professional Geologists (LIAPG) is a not-for-profit professional organizationdedicated to the professional and business needs of geologists located in the Long Island / Metro NewYork area.

Page 13: H M P G A...Lynne Farrell 518.688.7393 Geotech Environmental Equipment, Inc. Peter Murray 802.651.3050 Griggs – Lang Consulting Geologists Jeff Lang 518.270.5920 H2H Associates Richard

HMPGAP.O. Box 5506Albany, NY 12205-0506

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